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December 20, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 71) • Page Image 1

…_The Michiga nDaily Vol . XVIII. ANN ARBOR, MIICHJGA-, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1907. N.7 No. 7r. MICHIGAN NOT TO GIVE ULTIMIATUM Patterson Talks on Athletic Sit- uation-Will Leave Conference Only as Last Resort. 4. Whtat awill hbeAtichigaiis attitd at te inex fmeeting oftho\Western Con- frence on Jan. 4 io? this i the qilstionh which i at pes- cut beiiig askeotlinily alotithtie n- pus, ut by nearly all le football aiiii other atlletie interest...…

December 19, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 70) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan rDaily ANN ARBOR, MICHIGANI, THURSDAYY, D ECEMB3ER i9; 1907 Vol- XVIII. No. 70-. TRACK TEA SHOWS PROMISE Michigan's Prospects for a Suc- cessful Season Are Good- Freshmen Show Up Well A ccardingi to tte prsntt outlook the fotloswers of Mtictigana track athetic have eery cause to iheotitmlistic. Of thehi lavaenots Capttai Rove, Coe Dual t sd1Hodge are left,tut arond these as a uctes it is expected that a tetnO worthy of relreen...…

December 18, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 69) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XVIII. PENNWVS. MICHIGAN AGAIN, SAYS MURPHY Veteran Quaker Trainer Sees No Reason for Severing Relations -Calls Wolverines Sportsmen. For sotmC tone p~ast various newspa- tiers rare delighted it interviews pur- porting to be fronm learlers in eastern sport andt predicting that Pennsylvania wrill refnse a gridliron contest twitlt Miclh- igan next seasoni. In view of this fact, a direct statement from one in authority is...…

December 17, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 68) • Page Image 1

…e Mchgan Daily ANN ARBOR, [ICIUO. N, TUR.SDAY, D CT -1H)IR 17, 1907. Vol-. XV:lIII c>. 68. YOST DISCUSSE FOOTBALL TR4 Holds -D~estructive" Cc Rulings Responseible iron Weakness in We o h nll thi - inntr ;loit l t li e v tlc w - "Iic~t txix i. ~tisc +>ntl19 x l _1v ii lc t'~t lxO11 fo txxx ] th t l 1k xnde a.sgoo d a nlow ing as it did in IBFRII O YIYITE faceo sch ddsis the realix reniark' 0 UBLE 111ephs fthe ituaion. MAKES ITS REPORT ;onfr...…

December 15, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 67) • Page Image 1

…re Mich-igan Daily ANN ARBOR, MXICHIGAIN, SUNDAY, DECEMBER r , 100 7. VO. XVIII. No. 6r7. MICHIGAN TO HAVE 'QUAKE STATION Geological Department Plants Many improvements --Stu- dents to Do Research Work. GENEr'RAL SM1ITh TELS ;c'InDAIQ DPV STORIES OF TilE ARMY ;1ISORUlINS SPEAK~ I'icAn a-atgaanclb rcet y ON LOCAL TOPICS 1a-n e, 1held tia smoke it the 'Mich An!) i fored byri meniintia tire i'rer- ir " I rare tWerdtat onectime or in- t11re ...…

December 14, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 66) • Page Image 1

…The MihiganDat ANARBOR. -MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, DE~CEMBER 14, 1907.- VOL. XVIII. REGENTS APPROVE ATHLETIC MEMBERS 46l Personnel of Board in Control of Athletics Is Settled-Rules for Board Are Adopted The membelxrs of xthe x n xew tBoard xli Control of Athlletc, a xialxxetx- mter) by te Rgexxts, ar: PrxfAllxr 13. Lloyd, literary; ol, C. BK deNax- crede, mexical, pharmic, loxxxxxx, ani denal; Prof. Henry M. Rates, lax: Prof. (;orge W. lattersonx...…

December 13, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 65) • Page Image 1

…The Michiga n Daly ANN ARBOR, MIlICG X\ 1 RID kY, C l -)l(\ilId 13 Q,07.N.C \'i.XVIJL. . f ti PiRRY -DISCUSSES PROPOSED REFORM P leform Committee Thinks That Success of Movement Depends1 on Number Interested The political itfoni n nittec' held at meeting at thne clhose last night. Senealreforiti lii iirti w etedicustsed. . I. Peare . VVidC . Pratt,, J. T Sample J. E.Ole \1.V.hIner- mant, Hi3.Jonesic iilM.,-). Baldin aee adeid to t ini ee T...…

December 12, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 64) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily 'car.. X'VIII. ANN ARBOR, IFHIGAN. 'P IIIRSD k Y, D-ECF2MI3:R 12, 190)7'. ?MERMAI FAVORSt PROPOSED REFORM Councilman Endorses Sugges- tion Offered to Council-Thinks' It Will Relieve Situation. lIn the folloewing commnic tjation, AI. V. Ensmernian. a Student Councilman, ex- pesshis eaplroal of the tpolitial re- form plan presenitedu to tie Cottncil: "As a sttdet e taly interested ice the resenttmtoeen~t towards te alo- li...…

December 11, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 63) • Page Image 1

…Daily inn'. XV'IT.\1\\N kill ()R., int (iI.\ \.\VEI)NkSIDiY. 1)kin'ki1 thinrriiQ0. Ivai m-11- tt)Tr oMVVl lonY1''OIIWt NI i CII (;1iNINVITTED TO CANDIDATES MUST ,_ ein oi'l 111111 141 \I 1(1)1f~ HINE EXE DSC ,1 1701 't'~'Ct r . iit i 1 Ii Au he n ,il N Ic i i lyl; tin ur.riivii . nIiiiteConveii ntion hs e Souit fr Pltca rbeji iidhii i-tN'.1b tcntniil <<p lilic Owner of New Theater Cuts Price niiiiWih t'° n.Jhn Inrt Presented to Student Counci...…

December 10, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 62) • Page Image 1

…AN15N ARBOR, iITClHi(lAN, tT,O' l '081 lA i )l-N' i ii tO, 007 Vot,..XVIIT. REFORM. COMMITTEE WILL AID COUNCIL iiPolitical Standards in Studentt Body Are Held Responsible forE Present Conditions. IThe political reformi comiiittiee ap- oitdat te atthletic mteeting Satturday n[tl Itt the clu[house Sanda afternoon t il fo rtttatee plta tat' tiatevrettiontt tey mtighit: Ihe empowered t tatla. The tly diaiot: reaed was i that they ttere [a consi...…

December 08, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 61) • Page Image 1

…_heMich iganDa ily A\N ARBOR. MICHTGV\:N.SUNDAY,..DECEMBER 8,197. Vol'. XVIII. POLITICAL METHODS MUST BE CHANGED Athletic Association Situatfon Begins to Clear Up--Agitation of Principles, Not Personalities. The poliiial a tmtophere oft Ath- '15 ioabeplial mt ods inC olcam-t~g figpoitics, acmiItteeCCto cosidr' Iotmtdingti revCCfising te, cIotittito 'u1ders1and(1gCofot((ltis andpurpole iitoi n0 the1 so-calle -opposing~ 1 ac :t 1111101 tttof ...…

December 07, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 60) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily XNNARBOR, \IIC1IIIGX\S\ T I I) 1Y;I)ECEtlfP, 7,1907. Vol- XVIII. INo. 60i. -------- - - - STUDENTS HOLD MEETING TODAY Discussion of Athletic Ass'n Problem Continues -- Rheins- child and Pearce Give Opinions. The -x5lion for a special mieeting to consider the proposed samtedment to the constittion of the Athletic assoiatioi will be presented to P)resident Hill to- say. The (ate asked for the meeting is iMonsay. uDe. if, a...…

December 06, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 59) • Page Image 1

…The Miciglan Daily VOL. XVIII. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, DE.CEM-NBE R 6, 190. No 59. PROPOSED AMEND- MENT MAY BE MADE 4Athletic Association May Change Its Constitution-Rowe Says That Politics Are Inevitabie. Ant amtendmitent to the constitutiont of the Athletic associatiotn has beett pro- posed. Today at petitiotn calling for a special mreetintg to consider tiis amend- mettt will he circitlated. If twetnty-five signattures of members...…

December 05, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 58) • Page Image 1

…TheM " NA\ \R~tl'd NlI('ill(; \'n ~ i s.c.+'llIX )( Nl1 0 8 VOL. XVIII. No. 58. REFORM MOVE IS t ELL UNDER WAY' Alleged "Rottenness" to be Elim- inated if Possible-Many Per- tinent Questions Are Put. WXith the proposal of an amendment to th - constitution of the Athletic ass- ciations, and expressions of opinions re- gardting the allegedt"rottenness" in the present ioliticatl situatiott, t- ight for refornmation of Athletic associnationt a...…

December 04, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 57) • Page Image 1

…_The Mc .."il VOL. XVIII. ANN . R , MIii fIG '\\. \VFI')\I'"S):\Y. I)I;CI'VMIIhJLR 4, zSf07. .ss o. . CAMPAIGN BEGUN VS. ATHLETIC EVILS Several Students Thing That the Graduate Director Should Not Vote for Treasurer. An organized catopaign agaist al- leged evils io te Athletic association lots resuttedi fronm the dleadlock in te election for thte office of treasurer. The thsree msemhers of tihe boarti of direcors whott suipptortetd George Ke...…

December 03, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 56) • Page Image 1

…The Ml.c higan Dil ANN 'kRB,OR MICHIGN, TUESDAYl)ECI MIR 3, 1907. _ VkOL. XVIII. 1\. 5. CONFERENCE HOLDS FUTILE MEETING Big Nine Fails to Act Definitely Michigan's Status Is Still Un- certain. tFsllowinig the anntual ctstonm the close otihe football season has hbcought with it an altletic crisis wvhose effect on Mich- igals canlnot he foretold with any hope of acuraicy. tt hs nosv heent nearly sen years since the Conference, inlspiredl he ...…

November 26, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 55) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Da ily ANN ARBOR, MIIChIIGAN, TUE2SDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1907. VOL. XVIII. No. 55. (1 T~PTWith toda-Y's issue The Da7ily ; owed. The fact that the play was tin- I1U - C O E AIPTIAINI; ssesd ttlettotuilatrtesutccessful, however~ was dae in no way UTTI7 to hiagoff-in nor to his coaci, hat to an 'l'lsaoksgh'ttgrecess. '1/ic test error of judgment by thc official. Itcncc WX. E S T SPtaper will17 appear ot 1itesdty, the injustice of ba...…

November 24, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 54) • Page Image 1

…The Michgan Dil ANN ARBOR, 1IICI [IIOA. 81I>? N\'EI;MBERZ 24, 1907. o5. NO. 54. flflUA~flDattemptsT cred the reqtirel ditnctee.j S UUIU VRJ~ [ht t titrtenv alt th r thre OUT VITORYWih lit to i itaitt to eat-e OUTA VC 1 mJIY lst till m1l n evetsard'he ls itun tttone Mal iite icefene at Plucky Fresh Laws Fall Before the irst-ear liii 1ffandwerefred E Last Year's Champions in Long lieea'- Battle for intercass Title. l t e >ier it tt ecitearmt...…

November 23, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 53) • Page Image 1

…The Mich ga Daily AINN AR BOR, f\H CX(1 \\ SA\IVI Aik NO V' IE . PR23, 1007.Xx 3 Vol. XVIII. ENGINEERS MEET ' LAWYERS TODAY t ast Football Contest of Season' Will Decide Interclass Cham- Vionship giironi cifntst of teya.thogihin i hiisxraeexlchiai -thetic re-tilg i ~t t stike. The gmis for the i nix xiii thei xiitetw titi xire tierepri-etx ies of te .01)1engineer, lstiyeai chixxxponshlii eami aind telxrixhlxais The ame wilxilitegi promptlya...…

November 22, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 52) • Page Image 1

…_Th __ htgan Daily ANNARBOR,\II C1II[GA \\ I LM)Y\ NOVEMBIER 22, 1907. v-oL. XVIII. No. S. NATIONAL COLLEGE SEEMS PROBABLE Congress will be Asked for Funds to Establish Institution as Planned by Washington. The National Association of State univ ersities. at anteeting hel last aCtes ay in Washingoi, adopted a ee rttnendatioii mate by a joittcemmit- tee of the association anti of the Na tion at'dncational associaioni that a n- tionauniversi...…

November 21, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 51) • Page Image 1

…The MichiganDaily ANN AIRBOR, 'illCTIIGAN. TOJLRSD AYNOVEMBER 21, 1907. N o . VOL. XVIII. No. 5 ! . ... . ....... . EDUCATE BODY AND MIND TOGETHER Brig. Gen. J. H. Smith Thinks That the Interest in Athletics at Michigan Is a Fine Thing. Prominet nmen bare from time to time criticized thte present-day activity of colleges itn athletics. Criticism, bow- cever, is far fromt bring the attitiude of 'it least one of Michigan's promnitent support...…

November 20, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 50) • Page Image 1

…]ichiganDal VN\, RBORMIICHIG\ N. W.lDYPFSI)\Y, OVFM!BER. 20s,1907. Vor. XVIII, No. 9(,. VACATION CIHANGES ARE BENEFICLA Prof. Demmon Explains Action Senate and Regents in Sho ening and Changing Vacatio -'lioneceini changes- in lthn o io peri 0oilo0000ods w r alo tn heo'intor.s0s noon Moolv " o wr lmot n 0 imtOt opted00 byl oothe lloa ofoool I g;te lo 000 00 nil onr leadiin.ol -rio-oexneptoPricto, 0oichg aono two000lays. olIt astoo ughbot o...…

November 19, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 49) • Page Image 1

…The MiL Vr.. XVIII. AN-N \Rll()R. 51 l'I 1IliA , t, i1-I' 5A ,-,\c NEW CHEMISTRY BUILDING VOTED Board of Regents Decides to Be- gin Work Soon--Money Not Yet Appropriated. -X new emteistry building il the ne Itttire i assured by actin taken by the Bloardl of Reget at last Frida'simee- tug. It was then tdecitet to goah d with plans firsthte poipsediilbuilig The architect hus not yet been coeni-. Wito this will le or low-e will hi ettoset, is ...…

November 17, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 48) • Page Image 1


November 16, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 47) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XVIII. ANN ARBOR, N ICd [lOAN, SATVURDA Y, NOVEMBNll ER 16, 1907. No c. 47. GIANTS CLASH TODAY IN INTERSECTIONAL BATTLE Penn is Here For Season's Final I ~t 101FF C. F CopeCat(I>Foclock noo. and Most Important ('xe-- (enraladmisoin tickes will be old Coaches Are 1Reticent. onlyat atesF ItrctIntranes. CC C..svi~cC ; :. ('(Cici?(. (101(1 CCC0w11ho(1t ('Ce CCrvedIsas will The lo 01 O~li' lira 1he .CadmittedCIt10 he'gr...…

November 15, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 46) • Page Image 1

…T Ichigan Daily Vor.. XVIII. \2N \lB R, NIIC'i11MAN, I'Rii)AY. >'i)VElI i,'ER 13.1907. 10. 46'. TEAMS FINISH WORK FRCRUCIAL CONTET Ti Varsity. Lineup Is Still Uncertain-Coach T'orrey Holds Secret " Practice at Mt. Clemens-Pennsy Team and Rooters Will Arrive in Ann Arbor Saturday Morning. i~~xtixti~~itli',! Niixx. N x. 14 It I:x N I :. 1'1.Dx It II G1'i. i I ikeitdi' Mih .,Noti I tlxi t eas a'i ii ttlex 1 1 t xis ,celxil, h 11111 ui lnt i ...…

November 14, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 45) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Vol-. XVIII. ANN ARBOR, 2NTWH-IGANi, THU RSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1907. No. 4;. MICHIGAN ENDS ' HARD WORK TODAY, Varsity Defense Looks Good- Open Scrimmage Today-Dope on Big Game. 9 1itelitig luckt' the 'scrtis fotr reeatedl I-s n alwrays imprttegnable, te var- ,itV last night caoitletedl its tletettit'e arratngetmets fot' the gianit s tuggle ot te year. lotday, ini te presenett of the 'lctaoter' the tetit trill lhe giveit ...…

November 13, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 44) • Page Image 1

…1"TheMichigan Dail c ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN , -WEDINESI) AY,\ O V EM ER 13, 1907. fi Vol,. XVIII. Nor. 44. STUDENT SCALPERS TO BE PROSECUTED Plans For Mass Meeting at Field Complete-Lineup Practically Settled. 'the Athletic Toard of Control last -ght passed the following resolntion re- garding sudnts whoc ausse the privi- ilege of reduced price tickets: "I has ubenreportedl ticthsboard tat certain suseits hase seriously -bused the privilege...…

November 12, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 43) • Page Image 1

….Th h*i,:c man o 4, VOL. XVIII. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDA\Y. \OVE bluER 2, 1(107. PREXY ONTHE UNION Departmental Deans Also Ex- press Opinions. TIieattitude of Pre sAn gell an(1 the vaiousudens' of (deartientstetoadthe ichiegan 1Uni011 ish'Jowniibythe follow- in, opinion-,(lobtaiedt for Tilo !I ii.Y yeterdy. Pesiiet Angells statemenet1 s oaken from his o ert t( the Board of Regents. Presitent Aigel:"The ogaiaionlil if(le stdntkn ownitas. t...…

November 10, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 42) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VtOL.XVIII. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, N OVE MBER IQ 197. No. 42. VARSITY WALLOPS SC3RUBS AND IIOODOO Long Runs by Rumney and Mil- ler Feature Last Scrimmage- Players Escape injury. Rompig over the scrtbs at wii, the varsity cded the practice season yes- terday with a 40 to 5 victory over the secosd eleven. The varsity's gahs were consistnt througihott the forty mhtttes of play, asd fumbles sere itfrecuet. 'Te one sco...…

November 09, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 41) • Page Image 1

…he Michigan Daily VOL. XVIII. PEACE IS. RESTORED IN WOLVERINE CAMYP Lehr Returns to Practice-Scrub Game Today Causes Anxiety- 18,000 Seats Sold. The fear that Michigan's football team -immune this late in the season from serious injuries-was to be handicapped just before the big game of the season by strife in the ranks, was partially al- layed yesterday afternoon by the re- appearance in practice of halfback Lehr. Apparently Lehr had misunde...…

November 08, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 40) • Page Image 1

…heMichigan Dail o. XVIII. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1907. No. 40. LE R, SUB HALF, 0UIT&?'HE ELEYRN Cause for Action Is Not Known- Yost Leaves for Philadelphia- Paulty Seat Sale Today, At least one of Coach Yost's plans was given a staggering blow when Lehr, the Escanaba lad who has been playing sub left half, quit the squad and turned in his suit. It had been the intention of the coach to make use of two con- plete sets of bac...…

November 07, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 39) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XVIII. ANN ARBOR, M[CHIGAN, THURSDAY, ?NOVE~MUR..R; 10 No. 3q. ------ - - -- PE K Y SE T S LE soin hor, all persons hodig tickts ronm oo o 75inclusive shonld e at GOES ON WITH RUSH sad oti mornin.At% tandr an tis thogthat swhen the stock Over 11,000 Tickets Sold Yester- of nusismbers i''nestat s o'clock is x- ,day-IlnterClass Championshiphaseteblofheaewilav Game As Curtain-Raiser.__ -- ~In ordeIr that te tisie ie...…

November 06, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 38) • Page Image 1

…The Michiga .n IDaily1 ANN ARBOR, MICHi-IGAN, WE DGFSDAY, NOV'EMBER 6, 1907. No. 38. PENNSY SEAT SALE WILL BEGIN TODAY General Sale Is On-Michigan- Chicago Talk Bobs Up Again- Vanderbilt Post-Mortenms. The etmbers of the athletic astcat tin wee all owed tt pttrciase their tik- es yesterday at the price stiplatel by he Conference i it reform session- ity cets-anid totay the geieral sale f seats for the Pettttgtttte awil iegit. Anyl stttdentt...…

November 05, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 37) • Page Image 1

…The MNichigan Dail y A\NN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1907. VOL. XVIII. NO. 37. NINE HUNDRED TO ENTER GYM CLASSES Increase in Freshman Host Ne- cessitates Addition Sessions- New Assistant Appointed. P'hysical exatmer.1Dr. Maty states that 8o sttents are aretty enrollel for gym work, and tiis ntumtber Will probably e iterast(i to g00 hefore te close of the term. tNute ros, changes are een nade atltse grm. IDespite teittreaseti f00...…

November 03, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 36) • Page Image 1

…The McignDal ANN ARBOR, MICHI(:c\N.SU NDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1907.NO36 VOL. XVIII. NO. 36. MICHIGAN TEAM TRIUMPHS-, OVER SPEEDY COMMODORES AT NASHVILLE C f j i i i i 'Michigans 1)all at bhe center of the field. ",Octy" Graham Kicks Two Field Goals; Neither Eleven I~ogas. negtite 4 urds5 ad ILoell Crosses Opponents' Line: Wolverines on Vanderbilt's add 2 iioe lammndtput out of One-Yard Line at Close of Game; Score 8 to 0. ter 3J-art le. Blat...…

November 02, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 35) • Page Image 1

…The MAichiga n Daily ANNARBOR, MNICH IIGA N .SAXTURDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 19907.N. x VOL. XVIII. No. 3 . TJA 1I~p~~ )01111Ier maxn asopose to16 ;- VA SIY ii ~ pIru I fo tie southerners. ur ac k- IN SOU H 1ld 0111g g 91-2 and \anderbilt's . WELCOME I 01 H lo iittd. l Vanderbilt Rm I . .. . . 1. 1F; . . . . .B a e The Team Arrives at Nashville- ftl L. T. ...Mfait Douglas Is Not Able to Play - I 1) . . .. . C ... Sherrel Schulz.......C. .....Ston...…

November 01, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 34) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XVIII. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER z, 1907. No. 34. VARSITY AT. NASHVILLE; SCRUBS MAY GO TODAY Varsity Left Yesterday-Scrubs Monotony of the Trip Broken by Will Quo Today if [Deficit Is Songs and Rule Quiz-Coach Made Good. Yost in Stellar Role. ___ _ __...__.,._.___.___ ___._T... _...,.. _ r r - tIN sE:N) TIE SCRUS T Nearly $200 is stil neeueu to make attempt succesul. If you haven't paid the amount pled...…

October 31, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 33) • Page Image 1

…~~~The MichiganDal ANN ARBOR, MIICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1907.N 3 VOt. XVIII. No. ' 33. RIVAL TEAMS FINISH PRACTICE FOR' GAME Michigan Team Leaves for Nash- ville Today--No Changes in Lineup. onu the eve of the departure of te eant for Nashville. Ctaelt ost iwas fairly otimtistic as to the outcome. "There i- little tdottt its my mindm That tck twill play a cotsiderale part int te tandelrbilt game, said the coacl, "but wi-tottncevits...…

October 30, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 32) • Page Image 1

…The, MichiganDaily ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. \VEDNESDAY, ()C"1'O(.,R. 30, 1907. NO. 32. VOL. XVIII. SEM-FNAS BGI -CITY To BEDECORAT~E oRz IN fl.,ACC R1R f 111 ULJl)IUVU1JlEk)I junior and Senior Lits Play a Scoreless (lame-Senior Laws Defeat Dents, 10-0. Anotier scorees gamt e a playesinl the iterclass series yesterday b tie junior and senior lits. The dent fell before the fast end work of ie eio aws. its this atter game. whiciet was maedi by ...…

October 29, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 31) • Page Image 1

…Th Mc hignDal YN A RBOR, _MICHIGAN. TUERSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1907.N. 1 VOL. XVIII. No. 3r. BAIRD ARMED FOR WAR ON SCALPERS Athletic Director, Backed by a Stringent Law, Confident of Ability to Suppress Evil. itvery tpossible preeatn 01ais been tak&en by the managemtett of the Ath- letic association ts preenst ticketslces' lationt it contection witi the Pensyl alia gme, and Diretor Baird has ex- pressed his cottftettce istihe ailits of the mna...…

October 27, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 30) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily o0l.. XVIII. ANN -ARBOR, MICHIGAN. SUNDAY, OCTOBER.i 27, 1907. No. 30. MIn2rCHIGAN C ONQIJERS OHIO IN GREAT GAME Ohio State Falls Victim to Michigan's Stars Before 10,000 Spectators=..Michigan Held in First Half, Scores 22 to Opponents 0. Dtpitintg her tperformatnce a gaitt blehers were the parltisants of tihe honte Wabash last week. Michigant tefeatedt crush . STe rootitg dtuel, frienttly Ohio State yestertday itt a g...…

October 26, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 29) • Page Image 1

…TheMlichig tn Daily ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, S sirRD., Y, O111)11 R 6,1907.N. 9 VOL. X VI II. NO. 29. D. S. U. INVADES WOLVERINE CAMP Lhacked by 1,500 Rooters, Buck- eyes Clash With Michigan in I First Crucial Game. Cheered on1 hy lifttii 1unre i erri td1 thrrsiasti roters, Ohio State kill ln tip on Ferry If iti thist afterntoott rte il annual sttuggt wi itlh isign Wit th tine ('stfln cac cosevaie th nmemblers (If tite tea de tterminod, and ti...…

October 25, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 28) • Page Image 1

…TheMichiganDail ANN ARBOR, -MjICHIGA-, CRI)1 () \ii ()L oER 2, 907. No. 28. VOL,. XVI II. IN SECRE'TP WOREDV IRI S TO USE SADN I L~.Ui~t~iItIU~lA ULESFORBASKETBALL. FOR, 0. S. U. GAME ,Splding, ro Ypsilanti, riles for us, saidthe askeballgirl ineffect yes- ____teraIsafernoon. The reasons for the rhneaethe present wdsra s Varsity iven Three-Hor Final It nriealding rles, id tespreadue Practce-O io Tem Arives deans made upon Michigan graduates...…

October 24, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 27) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily_ VOL. XVIII. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TI-IL RSD Y, OCTOBER 24, 1907. No. 27. VARSITY SHOWS BETTER FORM Fumbling Largely Eliminated- Heston Says Practice Was Bet- ter Than Any Last Year. tWsith the fumbling largely elininated, he varsity hati nuch less trotle in trouncing the scrutbs yestettay tian fit Tuesdays usatisfactry scrittmatge,' cottnting ive tines in lbout twetyt mit- rites. IHeston wa-tteltet the practice and' was...…

October 23, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 26) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily' Voi.. XVTTI. ANN ARBOR MICHIGAN, WEDNETISDA4Y. OCTOE,R 23, 1907. \'o. 2 . INTERCLASS GAMES WILL BEGIN TODAY' Three Contests Occur This After- noon-Schedule for the Season Completed. 7"hr first contet of thr itntrcas' ootal assoiation take place thi after noon, thejuniortneiic clahing witin the senior tetics and1 te jntior engn- eelsfighting for honors with thrsenors of that dpar tienl th tignme to ite ilayed ont Soth F...…

October 22, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 25) • Page Image 1

…TheMichIgan Daily ANN .ARBOR, IMICHIG'AN, WESDA ).Y CTIy)Ii]"R 22, 1q07.N.25 VOr.. XVI.. r0. 2 5. BOARD OF REGENTS MAKES A SWEEPING CHANGE IN ATHLETICS Board Votes Unanimously to Reorganize Present Board of Control and Create New Governing Body With Two Student Members Chosen by Faculty and Alumni Representatives. ei aut o t ttlnifabot i ml ri lieit nih 'ilo ll t ii s l rng a Ian Chanttge ill the personelft he f Athletic t rack teamn was ...…

October 20, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 24) • Page Image 1

…The MNichigan Daily Vol-. XVIII. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SLI Y, Y. CTOBE R 20. 1907, No. 24. WABASH TROUNCED IN POORLY PLAYED GAME SATURDAY'S FOO'TBALLt SCORES. 'Contest Marred by Frequent Fumbling, Michigan Chief Offender; Forward Passes Fail Completely. ('pedai ro TceIicicr ily.)it tIndianapolis, Oct. i.- n agame marked by freqett ftiiblescan(1 faiur of foriard pass pythe tM 1ichiga foottall temi dfeted tot 'it ii oh220trO Tie Hoseir rr'...…

October 19, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 23) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Vol. XVIII. ANN ARBOR, MICHIG-_\', SATLEdIWk.O(CTOBE"R 19, 1907. N'o. 23. WABASH EXPECTS TO HOLD VARSITY Indianapolis Rooters, However, look to See Michigan Win by a Small Score. (Secialt to 'T'te ietgaot il.) Idiainat)olis, lIn., Oct. S-Tet~ r- riveil at 2Otis aternoon. TIeimeic writatken dilretis to tielieitstot hotel ad from there to\WaslingtoniiPark for a short prctice. Alt the ptayers are feeig iwell after the hat...…

October 18, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 22) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRII)AY, OCTOBER 18, 1907. NO. 22. VOc. XVIII. VARSITY LEVES SUNDAYOPENING QUESTIONOFCRI VARSITY LEAVES FOR LIBRARY UNSETTLED)APOV=Fuuti F OR BIG GAME Suda oenn for he Unvrst DORMITORY SCHEME ______ Koclh placed the matter before the Board- Wabash Counted as Hard Propo- o eet hssomr o teso Faculty and Students Stats Its wreigtier affairs prevented considera- sition--Magoff in Optimistic as ion of the...…

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