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November 14, 1907 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1907-11-14

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The Michigan Daily

Vol-. XVIII.


No. 4;.

Varsity Defense Looks Good-
Open Scrimmage Today-Dope
on Big Game.
9 1itelitig luckt' the 'scrtis fotr reeatedl
I-s n alwrays imprttegnable, te var-
,itV last night caoitletedl its tletettit'e
arratngetmets fot' the gianit s tuggle ot
te year. lotday, ini te presenett of the
'lctaoter' the tetit trill lhe giveit
ailk wvili com tieoi atmendi waith tt light
timtis teeth Fetry fiel atas ite conttt-
ii fori scritage atork last ight,
'itt aeeorditagly the sctrtils, tftll rested
bytheir- wet.ki scomtipttttti itdletness,
WIee sit igtttist thti varsiit. The seec-
tid teat twtas gitent thes Itatl on tilt ta'-
t''s l(-ard 0elinan for itwinty miet
,;ue: sioachtti smtltt' prtgits weiraser
tiltitt i nt t e it'sity 'teasvin t - l
iiip tos tr . hMlt.h it plat. ---sraigiee
?itt 'm ashtu itnit. sitt plays. ow r
hai s i< and fakesit iit ith tari sm
iutrhtilt irth it tt tarity ilt in ta
whenii tie ftssle stated, Cotahi Yt'
sm.'is a ismtiile. tof itatiactin an i e-t
lit' great sthire Miiga stefetnse itas
taile for thei thih game1ietti i
Tl eir'i ue scittgeei eu ugh fareeb
a~liat lirk hey theitait leat Q T hie
flite has ertii tas fir i lastlnighti
tadiul Ca e andiSchu r e ve'iiel I rywheel
lieudiet' li ethi scu la1iy s l igiaili
itter beindarte eel' theiow lineolm
mtia tilt rhatl pi le' rsita dashii atd
detrition 'hat hia I tistent' lly
tiaaei~ rlk t wettist; srgince hit irts
lirote taamn iasi ta geslt he tlie
unk ofi lthae i etaee rits site litter-b
tug fel titl s na t usrtli ht' 'le s t i
'''"ifI,ttets' wai tf yofeset lire
,it the dfe 1sh' sayttwei Ial'
tiliea is a i ittt.re ateiii n eetiorasi
atigtat siepist itaoi tareell tf iack
nilieinelir lieck reueii tjy ite
ctitselo' lte prge if aauaethisla
wvik fhetdotesith titrei aeoeg fiire-i
postio aret eilg chtagedili~t so y greutay
fallbag otrt ttt the enieltisigerre
presi'lse int R Teie est IONy thAN-
QEt'an a l r C REg aful ackt
55'te partg' ol STOR prcie TOAY.Wit


turnaed ot,ahen he egan to emit wsolfj
stores. Ouch!l
The Pennltylsauili footall party, in
cludinitg coacihes, trainers atd players to
thte tnutmber itf thirty, arrivet yesterday'
afterntoont at Ltikeside Intt near Mt.
Clemtetns, whiere tey will sped te re-
miaiter f the week utitil Satrday,
stent theaysill comte to Ann Aror.
Theii squad inuedii Trainer Mike Mr-
phty; Bead Coach Dr. Torrey, adi
Citathe Wtillamst, Smitih, Wharto,
Hediges,Mitchel and Morie; M\anage
IDisslti I Catainlttwell, Green, aux-
tis, I lollettieek, Snomer, Toswnsenat,
D~yer, Draper Gallgie, iDwyer, Zieg-
ler. aston, .hakiii, Sarlet, Miller,
Keintali Reaga, Crooks, Kreiner, Die
rich, antdl Braddocki.
SalCoaht Torrey, we asked his
oipiioniotheli'proale otclome of te
"This is goingtoiibe otrihardest gane
itf thte er aid I ant frank in saying
that I fear te otctotme. I have sees
Mihhiigantpliay, ardif Ittsay that te
inis very poweftl ad taoeamnat
get throuight it a ientsylaia did last
year. I ihliganiterenot abaott sea-
etit-ieteireneett sroger tata year
I couli preduit a victory,lit I cantt
Pennttisttmaking tnt seetr of te fat
that her tdefetse is beitg bhit to sto'a
"Geriaty' Scelzte, ie is te player
moatst fearedlant Mihigan's team. Last
veer iPenn's defense was designed io
stopliIGarrels, ild becatsestiet ioF sar
th ta o sppoinitltg cast.te Quakers
suceedeiyiiaod teir expetations.
It is sette that Dswy'erill aippoe
Sehlzl. Shlztawaeigstot tirtity-fie
pouniids itmtre tant Dwaer, but thelt'latr
is a srontg swiry'atlee wvho a avrest-
ledl fr y'rars. Every ountce of tDwyer's
80p sotds is hone attdlmuttcle atd the
Pi'tintcoachles alet'lietimitt te belief lthat
het till stcceedtilittstoppig Sthul.
lAltoutghthte seat ale at een e-
eeediitgly' large,tere are slilltnsld
abou ttt00 ea thte $2.00 sats itt tesite
hleaichers. as well as 2,000 seas t tie
indl it thi'eld t $ anattlartge
qt~t~tlit ofexcelett ix seats. IBesides
wsorkenut are tutily' engaged itt con-
strucetig standintgeraottt hlechers at te
east endiofithie fielt, whiht will acon-
lundte aboutat 5.000stueetaos.
There is stte dotut s to wthor will
tupin'ete big gatta. Te officials as
chousent aert': AlM. Murpy, of lBrwsn,
referee: Mri. MCartty, of Browvt, tttt-
.inM. Lantgtodoe.tf Tritity, fieli
juduge:I atdttirM \cCortak, of Dart-
uttmouult headuliteant.iHoweer, Mr.
MclCarthuyswiredl Direetor Baird yeste-
day' that a suddet htsness egagenttt
itreventedl ila tulfilirg is engagemenett,
andul Direcor Bairdi andl Dr. Torrey will
tavetohacotufe tay ian itreardi tthile
Nutchidretn, venuthtough witit par-
ellts orurs uesr, sill le admitted to the
gronuautds, unuless poviditdi thii reserved
Annt Arbor iigh shool twill tmcet
Sagintaw osaterryfield-he felt for-
moerly devotedl to tie varsity gates-
tttomorow aftertnoon a 2:o ithie e-
ciditug'gatte flute ttehighashool catt-
titunuluh ittofthe losertpeitstla.Both
teamts ae gne througt the sesoti
tawithoaut taudefeat laing sutfered, atd te
sAnnt Arbior tean, oached by red New-
tout at last year's varsity, has yet to le
seored against. rh itsninuer of tomor-
rus's ganae will dubothtless aeet scat-
abha, the champiuons of tetpper peit-
sula, inte titentals for the state chan-

1' IntTC oPI'RtI;R to OIISglt'it.
Tie sweek of leayer is heing observed
at Newbterry I:ta11froiti 4 : t0o'cloc
every dlay this week. Thttrsday even-
intg the tmeetittgtrill he led hy Mrs.
Frencheitdt Friday hy tMiss Hodge.

Ticket Sale Falls Short-Two
Hundred and Fifty Tickets
Must be Sold Today.
In slte at this fact that it.e 5tMiigan
Union ill present ualbette prougramtuat
this year's -diter thautas ever hes-u
givetn efore. tilt'stuetstthiae nuttuyet
turcased is large a nutmttber of tickets
asis tstecessary t itsure te baqtet's
success. Itetmaits foe Mlihigaitu eti
to guaratteecthe fianattetuurus ittthin
euterprise bhaby'i igte liarcikets still tl-
sold. Preparatiouns aere henutumae for
g00 at thee hg feast; 6(Io tikets ae
betn sold:1 250 are still itlth atds itt
Atuteting tuf thur dinier comtmittee
hlcdit inte Uniontu houltttse lastuiht
plans were maduie tr a catvass of the
studenttbodty' duritg ther et to udays.
Ahout fifty' tueta sill ush thur tiet'sale
out he ciaups atadlitt that- stuentts'
roomus tosdaiy-andtutitatrrous.
"Biatty'aeople wait for thn laat: clae
before purchasintg tickets," saian tf
he coltttatttel'u. 'he,byhuy'htyig
tita, thtey cotultaker a great biurdenloft
the laitds of tie trratgemetnts commaai-
ire." ' ITse inacarge uge sutudts
acting onthis pii tlato10purchase lit the
'Te Irogramuureeied th tie 1bootst
yesterday'weavituteegrat asatseceiedt
frmeotu tis hFiie, '0, sayng that Ian
uwould he atthe atqut toulailthe
sitngittg. Sr. heho els is at preseut
director at thi ncasevatory at Notre
Damte, aswiot 'iTt. Victrss" the "Tot'ta
to Michiganittantuthouer sonugs whiute a
stutdenthlustsHis tresetnce at the liats
(ut te titght efore te Wiscosi
ganetw io ya ors ago addtedlgrety'tat
thur ettthautsiasmotathe siging
Otte oathte geatest oraos ttn thus
coutrnistd a forerecandiadteiorst he
prestdentcyes-Sentohr Townsithusre
fusstthateteuoffetrs ftot te tu sdtts
Lecture ssoiationttouthtapear efore
their auiutces. Ils lappeuaane as
totsttttashr at tie' htoqet is therefore
noteworthty. 'lia presettce of the go-
erntor f Miehigani is also asimpuhortatt
feature f thur ocasiot atd taay'bhuexna-
peeled hoa ldS great political sigiiance.
Witihi Townett., Warner, Htarritnt, the
autaluoriuf "AnntiArborut-Tales,' adut hel
to say nothitng'of alan estitt tie all-
star cast, out the at. mlite prougamtithe
Untiv'ersity Baqet oft 1110 is stre t~
prove thur greatest eer eldtititt Annu
Arbor. As tutu' tf the cmmuittee said
last night, "'Thitswil hit.'sitoccasiona
whichtnottloyal Michigan a naasaoul
he swilitg to taiss. 'l irhiti of Mic-
ganlatiy' sill runa higherthatt eer
before. Thur caeritgtill le rigat, sor
thte mtentu is all that caute tdestred atd
Stewarsd Ktnuithias idemntat~uedihis
ality', 'Therbanuet awil he worith all
of 4,P1.50 auttan moe. ti utp tothe
mtea of tache 'tivesity, especialliy thur
freshttaentwhot havie ot yet respondtuedh
largely, to catte out, get thae benfit tat
the banaquet, andtinidientaly hut their
dutuayhy sigpportlig it awel. 'Te fresh-
mana are latitloesawho ned this very'
biatisminitto M'icigat spirit awhicthe
hg featstwill prvide. Neithhe is the
banutteut tol he a dress affair, as smeas
freshmtaentseetmttohuser eared. 'Tel all
lith oento gitout ath halpnhte diiner
Banquet tickets sill he stu sale all ay'
today at Wahrsok sore aad frain
4 to 6 ai the box office iivettrseity
iHall anti in theAlumhtniiiroomu.
'The ope-ai-nMass meaetitg panuaed

foar today itas Fern called off bty thte
comnaitteeott accotunt afthtie iincleenat
weather. Biut thur aleting Friday ttight
will hr hald as atnunctaed.

At gtocloack toaly ther tdoors f liar
Uninulu bh itlioutse'will he ftualliy openaed
t the Uioni, memabhers, and uter that
hou thediiig,biliaitrd, lounigitg, retd-
tug atnd vititg roomus uwiili eadylii'fun
Oftalllthe mtaty tature oathe cut-
houus, hby'ftrlthe motstinterestitg t
thae stutenthseetmasthedititg'etom. Cu'
ereri Illnut pititagnouncettatily, blin-I
cartehearvicee sill hut.'cnttiiuetucill 11:30
p. at..sdaiy.'Thes' diig ro'om oputiens
every' dly' it the week a 7 a. ta.Onu
Saturdeua a tableit-d' hotae uuichucauu sill
he sere asa at notot. (hutSuna t alls
id' hteunc uaheona sill hut'seined ltcro
andt a udiunt'ratuigit.
'Pie dininiig 'rusomtilthine uhouiuitsis
beaeutiulliyfitisedi ad eey uprovisiol
hils beiet nmade tou sreand iilacommouua-
dteulthu emubules sitthe Unionau.
last ight M. Kniuthgeans'infdr-
mal uholuuse' aaruiug tthe incalersndu
directors onuthle Unitnuwho, asfltte a silt
uulhuutial dilin, hel a'ti nhlg' illtilt
'Thentsht o atetht'series itf tryouts tfar
ilaces inithits'cast o ittethan "hierioua"
coicilopiherat 151s hel yesraeity liter
noonauin iv ilersity hal. A a result
afthe tryoustit the eatittelae wuotit ull
staige le topiea has sdiscvered 5some
eighty m tent wut are caluhetett tat take
while yesteeday tils tiel ash trytut
throw naa ottpentoutthin genel istdnt
houut , stillanlyoatn whot hinkls hlis tle
toat ahi) p art intt he pounichtion ilulhihie
given a privetriyouuity'seentg ay'
alub ft hit'edlllnntltle. Fraomutthese
eight}ylunita houus at fory' 'oices ad
ten soulots willi he seeeda. ud thus'
fiallcastinigfer tie arts aill1notahbei
utaude until tacitcanidahth'ashbeei
earetutlly' consideed.
'Pie cmmtlitteenrealizies th the tsk
tat sagnag a ectumic opuera is a giganti
oneand11threhearasals wil'lh ine menuucei
soontafuterute 'T'hanksgiving hoialy s.
The play t w i i" e hpesenutd abiioit till
middlle tat iebruary.
li,. Ke.h'nlyont.diretor f thinro
dutionitu, spo~ke as folowintt rleference
tat thus'tryouts "Wuhie Ita 'acomi'uoperal
givenubyitue studtetsa is etiey' ue.
thets silesthattthass greeted tine workl
sit tan issteouragig.'Wilie thheeis
alys roomtitfar geoadmeni, otithy-
sutsthsesihow q stsffcietittaet to
troiperly' ast tiepiee.:Nohitg awil
be conuusidieedh initune itua1choice hatithe
pesonlablility itt the stdeit towantds
strenugtheniniug tie cat.
Workin tthe decoaionts shihiare ho
trlansfourmuaalluAnAnbrion toaafairy-
lantdl a as begutiyestetday. .A deter'
minedu effutrt tot liake a shotintgawothy'
ofth hi mpiortaineonuthie scasion i s
everywhlere manifest, situaetf tie hbusi
essboutses hating' clledini IDetoit
Stale shreenespecially' sill hhblossmu
forthinitbrihllatlites;s may'ofsthlit
mierehtlnlts luare areadty eguntiswork.
Mauly those1 features hate ben udsisedi
tou atddva'riety tat the mtalss of stelaers,
bannilers snd buhtiig of ]lie andtrei.
A life-sized figre of W hiiim lPnni,
eovered wit h loody bandal~ges, anal su-
poruted bya5creutch, appheredI tn State
street yesterdauy lie haldIforth t ptic
tturcs foothall, above awhicha sas i-
seribaed, "Sic emper yrsinis."
A umimaic tootbal gime plydl llt a
tin gridiront by Tleddy ears, atdla

gigatic "M1"itt snhich life-sizeSfigttres
of Michigan, and Pennasylvanuia platyes
stand swith hands clasped in frietatshxip,
are among the novelties promnisetd.

University Senate Makes Recom-
mendation to Board of Regents
to Lengthen Second Semester.
It it hti i tatBoardtof tReg is sees it t
ttake favorable ctis ionit onuaututu' suet'
rcnu'mutueauai'by theUt.n.iuteurity setelit
al: a lmeuetiing IiTestayitttt schoo
year ofitt qiP ailhral tay cona~in alt
hehst lanie more dys thys hati tututn
year1s, houiighuthi sessioaunetssthelt
bel'hingi losedl doors umsa t aa as tlt'e
aciontlt tken e rti''''eur'renutt uonu thin
c'ampuuus yeshuerday. Rpt asys liet thie
It is sai ht idthin senalteimtae'thin
tolingiutslul, ssuuutuu'uuatio1tthealt'olard
ef Rtegents:
1. Thiatt itthus'ture. t'the at'tionilai tt
Thtnktisgivingtiehuh' altlconthsis itf
Ti hsguivigsay' tiths
.ThtitC.hristuas acatiotntshall ha-
gi t he 231th- tu1'datyIf .'De.'ember' at
;. Thit si n uug 'acation uhe oneiae aa''
4. Tha t siiumt' uhtatian urle' itt ie
wveselter ill Junte.
g. 'hathulthe 11111 termtbegn one: w e
Fur stvea'lhyiearsa.umbterht''ofilt.'
titnuttis os f t t faculty'aetcmptin'
that theyihavettuen t''ugreatu)icnc~r
iecdin arraniuging nt iauses ilt
ac'counutt atthinfat tt thi etiactnd st
hiter conhsists tat ttnly'ses'neuettwtint
tfatutal sauithi lllsthin fis o an
ighteeut.This is uespeciallhs it'eow
ithtut the' saiuuv'osis ivent'othtil
snumueste'rs. Theiur tu'se itttheuscon
semesttern lutst tutu'sslrii ha constaut
eblabrigetd. t lust it it.zaed
alil tr wseele tatthe'seonsti ieii tr
still patillyhobvtalus ti li~nl.
'he Chrtistma~s va'tionuu s It
longttithe ehueni co'tiderd to'1,e'lonha
than utalueissline' hi)soi its- 4 Iinl
andthby ti fuss'oitthitsstudetsuIt
jutastaufre.'thueutul ofthe fist a '1tau. a
iintr 'f'r's ctttsidlt.'niuh withi thei' e a
tat thean lr' Thankgiving lteaois
thouaught tot legitenuntueahuts' tutu' 'ut
Sleu ltionaishrift.asIto lit the i
avttutle atfthus'Boardt of ?itt S "'e has ll.
lit.' tilts proin'attentifacutythi it a'
propheissiessthiattut non tatfte'recent''' a-
i1tihlisgis iug i'eicetionu, its is sue, tutu
ii' tedsldownsu. It i is tuindstautha
many faItcuthy memberisnas tal1'is st!at
cnuas resentadhtilehngtheiuui oat thus
sehool y'er. 'hiey feel thatitali, usteh
steele ini Jinte houesatsdart e4Ithet
sehua-;I y'ear, willsworkea greaiet hi,'e
uponutaall econceredsu. At hily wentlhowI
'en, tuts th h e rer tat thitgs wsill litd
go fa1oeffet untili nextS fll.
litrcy. Mackaty, thanplaywrsight ahotis
wrinig thane ea for whitichi tro. Sta
lea is avriting thus' ttusie, is tat has'the
guesttat honteunat a hauet toatbis'givent
by thie IHarvrdhCli f uihiga. 'lius
afftiri'tll behueadusuat the .uiA'nt'rbor
Golf clubiSaurdanui ight. Sxyy iar
vaIenie, oitwhothi iirty hit're tntmemb -r
sit tha nUtiversity faculty,sill ite pres
cut.lProf. . IH. Llouydu sill ofae ai hs

SV, iR'S BOOK STOIRE 'l'Oh.-'i.

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