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November 14, 1907 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1907-11-14

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THE ICHIIGAN DAILY. wlloll-v out ofi harniIy citltite gen-
IT cil scheel of lccor(1(catioftn - n acvir
G" I. V "few s-tincont-eigrilotti parts inci sere
GManagingiEditor-PllL SCOTe MOWRiER. to blot vervy-erotly the kindly -jenife-
Business Manager-C. E. WINSTE:AD. canccec icit ist embodied in the celiole:.
We0«1(1l like to potiote here a gouti
The ILarges tock -entinictentto carry thro ghtout tierwec-k.
in te Civ Leo s. . . A.F. Rithie Y , . -~r3n~rr nt r nc rtc

Exclusive Styles inj
For Gentlemen's Wear
I4eitlzii tkreqirted toe Suits,
tierc mteetiers \ cy estings, and
l'oierir ,2 eied o iiltghclass
Full Dress Stists a
Sp eialty
G, H. Wild Comipally
311 South Stale Street
RU ii
Michigan Flag
o ,utr htue -top the
dity M i chi g a n plays
Pennitsy. We ~are offer-
illte bcst value in ther
toon ill a cainvas bound
litss eeleted flag 3xf
inisite ftor
XVe hlebeut few of
temcis o ott d litter
Sheellall& co.
Student Bookstores
A. G.
,_,. &BR1i ilOS. MR46
DI-The Largest Manufacturers in the World
of Official Athletic Supplies
Base Ball, Foot Ball, Golf, Lawn
Tennis, Basket Ball, Hockey
Oftiil Imiplemernts fur Truck and Firld Sports
Uniformns for all Spurts. Spalding's Handsosmely
Ittetd Catalogue of all spurts contains nus-
merossuggesions. aeod forit. -It's free.
Net Stckl. iliia<o, St.t Loicssaoti-cne-so
itti nuiccl a t i cl lier. Buil'alo. Syracusoe. Pints-
tisrg, Piadiie-piica, BoistCiii n~cciaci t tial-
icier, ,\hit ,itoc.a Icot City, Ctevelanid,
Netrio (Incnsc Dtoit, Montreat, Canado.

Athleticso....... illiam F. Gradolpht
Sporting.-....Clarence E. Fldridge
Exchange.......H. John Wamnbolil
Music and Drania.....Roy D. Wrec
W~omen's Editor....I ,ouise Vaii Voorheis
J. W. McCandless Elmer C. Adams
John F. Wurz Robert I-i. Clancy
tDavidtF. Steveone
NIGtor 'nIToRo
Hiram S. Cody George H. Hobart
Chatiucey Bouchcer B. G. R. Williams,
L. C. Reid Lee A. While
Raymond Visocher M. B. McHugh'
A. L. Mainline Robert Mountsier
LoelT.tCarr D-tioaldt L. Kininev

v1i ccii rehci.ii tic eec tieera soy cii us
gard.,i cith ich « theis re cccprcated cci. ciini
whcheti cii iest c ttiic-. s iiill treY tic
ntcare tic -ee ticmciei c itcct ccc-e ccl
pleas n ct-st ii Iccti eculdt t ie utci
In c°lose. Wt;ic ccit Itit t cmiii-trittest
sympa~icthy intheitallcit by fllt byi -t-i-
cty.%c iitictm; ian tic lic i c t1ciftici
i5 worec ticcihalfanihonor

- J, . It rescottit i ccii cc ic itc ccii Ii tic cii
BUSINESS STAFF Ve city toc see ticit tii cg annuacclibanii
John F. Wore Carl t. Adamgticti ra cci ciictciitccemotis-t
ilaroldl P. lGoutlcdccctict-cletycctclcleuccc
Address: MICHntAN DAILY, Press Bldg., Itis truec c thcct scccc (ccin iitencctiinly
Maynard Street. iput ofti cainici eir..ticket-s tililIciti-
Manager's Hours: I-2 p. nm., 7-S p. to. ttii l cis occlecccec c coocicicictccel
daily, except Sunday. Both phonesc!cc tiscl ciuc snapp-incg 111) uthe tticicctc
no rmiingccicoT1criehiigtic doiiis lice
ccci c icc-icc oi realizectiecnt c esicity occ
c ,oos court tericccilcut ccctimcir iciccici i iiimakccit e
'I U - cccilIlt, 4, lta oa tictc( I c tcti c tihe Wr-ien itrccnd yccic
itII~otGc have tll(. (0 tccidcci cc.cIfiivocn( haize(not.ciand
arec not- tic cwccatcitic icirctuict-itt l timean
ci T--c s-e tV 1 DEORATION. Iticyuccii icc cc cc-cic-tha tWl e<
In twoiior thre lalccecsi it i( cin n rrr1Cei cnuctocy cciinthc-wccii oficocllege-
thedie toicdeccce forlie lice visit cci ccc ciiicandithiiiit cwilipoe(((ic-cc
Pccmiitttlcitici excpreig it-c lin cthioceuoccsio((sti iccicccoin iill he fliii
cat eltccitino tmiattec- ys.ica c-cfthe -e1" rtc c-I '110tic to ic aivcc cii cocci I Doc't
citiiov Il_,ctwi- (itrliccrosiit e tic ric( ci etthcncyt question istaditie icie
tio c ise Whtiitran(11gieiecs Itihiey ctin. of dcccicccyourcdiii ciii heibicc et. i ti
I'lc h v dmy tct ,tiii tialeauic in Mll eih rememibuerc I itha tic cth111iliioiitcc c-icie
Mbicinisepesteac-ll 15 - t ,ool (c cci whcnccic c(iithecdraistiii(c'nouipckt
andii cceii iy ci iiserabclc, inr- 1mtboki aricic ght. c andi cici iii itii i llcc hacvi
cicance-cidiiget. 'fhirgiaitistaimp: cco pleticy of tccc ccitimet c ccte XWitic icc
frwn.-icesiciheiicequivia.lenic tcii t i-ic tc .cec t cii besti ilito paesee rw c>-
ini icciticciIti erm .-a dtieI iittici iki gitltic a ( i veni ttme , and ii pla lce or i
Withe-cc awcaefromitslit-r-frigli c-iccimciar ices ccscin Acii Accocccitch en-
lo pic ttcii-i. Now, li-efr any icc-c ticcriti uuuucicccc high'iiis bound ic t o
preci(( tiilrc c eoustintim nt iotmine ciivcrted dciii t-i ccoce tic-.ibc; cciii 3si c rc--

1111 8' It T\EAtPA IS
I-iScech .-itwelt bineli IaIcilaIcit
ntihtcci chapter of thc PhiiBet NKacpacc
itocicec-vc-rateinifyts cforcocc i- ic
ciccilc c(ic he ii c cii i cS Te ic--
-iit,t iic-iioI ii c crici was iciaie it
Profc. tF. Xrsvc er i ificimhesticoit
irgi-.preienct iof tihe uiitedchaplitcec(f
thert-lecrnit yIt isas acrepeudiy 1r.
ci. tiPec-icciiu cc 1cc eigciii dcciii-ed
ih ce ic-c , -cliechap-ccer to icth u.ti
Procf. uGrtsveior thnieadataptc cceccci
th iiisttory- of liPhideIaKppteaecct
acte-caer.iTi dayIthcciii demic
standardcitof aniinsii tiutiiii ion icciitcicg
itcc-crminedicbyc wetherii icorccnt it haci
tccls of ticecfraccirit illiiheccoptiniiitiei
to thosei-iwhoipccsscss naivetalen ctico.ic
toi tioccehcdicscrve-tieihonoricy indut
Whl i aill. atIthe Xireliii XVt
Fcrestcly clfeecee P irof . Rot ar-
ranigedctichaiverofci t. I. . Pecow
ih t cc .\ an al cc cdt iccll for
Mr. ttiiiiic cc i (tic If(tic- ct ic
tug fort-st;i- iin teic t iedciStat. ie
((asc at teieadiiofitecitedmuta.-teics
FccictSeiec- lecit ticgitticig ii
epic till tit.
Ilitenic-c i titisicid theICornt cce
cccit. ii,,l tw C ars hei d haiscpeeni
eitral ublshr f icccFret Ini
cilitc coccid atie ltice foristrii en
ar yr,"Ic i citt0 tictioficitic t i
ccii proesnlihe iic ticthei t cictciy of
Torotot-c cihit .0aiccretcsol cc
ticeiccitic ciccciia it c cic
todlin luhid mseut m ((i( eri oomi All
aci inccitt--c
\ normalci cssii tcicccrini
itt-hetc formedhichtis open to aicccii
womenicitofi te seniorccnd juiclasseiitcs.
Its ojcitc ci iti t p toe wosind eeiit
ieesr ocomb((ie helieaIcciniigiof
gy-eeasctics-cwith thri ihicho
Oiehouicic etek twil ibe gieictIcic-
tares ilt-e th eeeycclgymnacciticonil
anatolyiend cicctcgy. adctn(itcholci
personial 1andititisocil hyigine . Thesecti-c
tirersespecicilly tlie orccii hygiei-, ishould(
ie ofciniees-t to acii tecchc-rs.
XAnoterhr illsi-tteigintopac- cc
ticliniesructiuuneiitiecdcictig cf
gymnealstic e-ocici. Theclacic itill ie
helituiesdaiy and iii fittcs fromcit 1
h p it.no.Instucticcn w-i be ic cci icc
XisStuacrett issutPeiot,
'fle- Cildrenc-it~ss i daccigit
(;rcange'.etactrtt ticiy aftretosn, VoNit
icetai 33 oc. c 3 e itr f -



Every thetises solor
visiitig cards. Why not
got the best, it is as cheap
as thme ordinary printed
cards. We eitgrave newv
plate and i on cards for
$1.25. If. y-cut Iave your
oss-n plate, 75c per io
We do Stationery
Stanmping, Wedding An.
nounucementls ansd Mono-
grani Work. G et ouiir



c t fulu Cii iiue
New and Second~hand
Largest Stock in Michigan
Quiz Cornpends


itoicie sicmic of i utels ts tu_t-t
saeIccaksic-i cout lietleste.io c
tic wictacmicicl e l liiiby1)is761sic ii
eeroi ccpar iii- ieny tibicltigns
Ie c(.)Icar cithiccfiegueis-arecoumeiccal
lucy cre noem n toclcoebic cliion.tue
lilly are-a ldnegro~ltus iideamoe tic i
tile-iy comiical. fiey Imtlyitheti is~t
cnc of a ieelng sicIwitrt isno
pecentt alliitcin i teAeoe. Aniiiif
1it iieeeesenlt, a coe boteeie ccivil
tied itmr epolititcetotuilli e to keepii
udrcover.irI icy seeimit101 ctggcstithtt
ouri atituide totsarid thei-casirte-ctrsis
onei cit hostility;eic t -ce e-tirstiteg
lic e i ef eloutecictimt, tied teitil liii
ap intediimeit of slaugteetriescuse-
11ce ieur ti-elimng icy rctttgiieg lini
inc effigy, Or, if tier diparity ini size
cctinsttheiimcrcil iof thie ilay, it 0ieee
eunstaobly iouiededi tn face. .Noioneuti-e
lsed e t emot execlusive circle tee blatnt
clie-rcapcswoueldi eryv timaiftacie thleat a
eisy cvictolrycit to lee otiufr ilte-
icy rc-eesemttione like these-i

twin o cc icacanqutic farLd (ii-tsii (Catie
of itsipececcc-tccc. Iit i u ictoyvolt
wimreadchishuticcsc-c tccce it'i- te--
enteicteupporeted.1ci nt iiit n()tic oc
icw cipprced bceliy- ticecellirslt. bnvecy
ctoniuce aci bbldn-s (cctheb(((5fide ice
Uniiversity I-cital iii-c-cit4 andii 6ctodacye.
tie. I ccccio itciTidmctwiittdelivert li
licd umer icellithe icic I) ittiuec
Iee..cci Ifcility e rcces ill icc ti Hall
letue coo ia I o'clccic I- cfternoon.c
fThe-sucectccic-- XA icececla e race.-
lDe. 1i 111c cwiii tell anecdoicces caidirer
lte vcciiicc-cinitcintcltoIcclife tutud
tiriiavel i race. AN iareinied toic
att Ienedl
ict Ru,\'t---Cry t uite.,y3o ilitt
phone tutu sgehoti watier:c$3i25. liv in- ec
Itl- Ito cticiet.
Pyrography goods at Footer's. tf

Tel 761.

326 S. Stale St.

Chafing Dishes
A aetee-piint dfshith
spcial enmeed foodishdltd
t-leiimuupocetlfilTe hit;
r--i t Valie$56.00.
WM. ARNOLD, Jewler

o ON

Every day one hears
people say "If I were in
college again, I wonld do
omore in the line of cnl-
tore. I wonld learn some-
thing shoot music so as to
appreciate good m u s i c
when I hear it."
Students of today cer-
tainly have splendid facil-
ities for sucs study.
Coursees in all branches
of music are given by the
best prepared instructors,
at very reasonable rates
at the
University School of Music
Maiynsrd Ste-e

Ube !5tubeuts' 7lecture association
Season 19107-1908
Ditofrn ilsofst Iaesulatin luri tea-ui odAmierica Repubictis
Wed. Even~ing, Nov. 13, 1907, at 8:15

Tickets for Entire Course - -
Tickets Reserved for Entire Course =
Single Admission Tickets - -


11S. L. A. Office, Main Corridor, University Hall
I1 Treasurer's Hours, 4 to 6 daily, Saturday excepted.
I I Michigan State Telephone- Office, U. of M.-Exchange, 68.

~ I,

121 Washington C. The Randall Studio, Ranal&PcProps.

Phone 598

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