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November 14, 1907 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1907-11-14

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Before and after the gsn. A R T PC U E f s+j;jtoles 1(5tu
buy SOTIUTHTAMEICAfl The'flt ti pr r slsooet i usd5 sare M7
~II'' ~vi~iascheduled forntSurnaydo \os 3 and LK A E
+ ~L AAAAAL Monday.NOV, a; 55 1 tirsrt cntsI To Ioad a Conklin Fountain Pen, just dip it in any
0_1b____1 will he ieteen the Jeffts-uiin socity ink press the Crescent-Filler and see it fill its osn
anHesre-she Nentgnlcrt r ese nd l~ tih d rti; se ~Staindiiid is to it! No dropper-no mess-no bother. Do it
t'usSy eNgetOrhi Fuller, ('ochran addCa.Teh anywhere-any time.
[ y ~T Neighbors cotest Monday night wsill 1c Istlrts
L o w n yhe Websterscietcsait Altha Nu.n EF
( 1, Souss thosmeita isainutdinirosy 'The forier i xisterpesntd.by liiLI FLIN
CC oates lisisIs-hesliotimJoh iBIrrettsIshistBurss, I ttiictsasnd iW ets ~<,th 1at"HPEWIHTECSENFLER
lcturse ea st eig Tst UnitedS itates teer Uvss.Rstel sandle Irc tse
iiilec i o sesnarrsei oriiiili aiii the estet cllaw b i eding. iiRscssscissls fill it sith white kiti gloves on withost disger of
sci~stsI le sssis nigiisos" as ie ustIsnlduig.soiling. Biesises its eonveiene, is the splensid w itng
QU R Yhsdcaio.1.Bart mhsudtse testisier ifthe Lain-Ameir- FRI(Sl LAW 'iA\I V'I11,, i9FE'ST qua~litie of the Conklin-the peret feet.
Csstt sdssiAs in rtyssilic. ie took hit ausdiesce SOPHI T.-NI1:AS IN FItN ALIS drc.Pie,9310adu.Sn toc adoenwctlg
ja i sisnutas-tipthrosesughs earlscous-- -
ry_________________ siss ues, po.in5g ut list stosg ysde fstisg thscuiossselitsy a scree The Conklin Pen Co., 310 Manhattan Bldd., Toledo, Ohio
t isi st ssbctir oslsy stomitting the seaktsof 6 o io yeiteudayasternoonss, tlifeics
1~i orie~," 41L11'1e1 Iilitsrssture of the Susths Amer- tstissits iii tse tissal itrclsss gme o i
ont ches, tl 5Diamods Lw lo[, s i5n o itrt ies, \ Ir. sa ret sdelared li1sta t-gdassit sc is rais-stoth. b
oohesrpesson at Issuety esqusas. it ntsui tsrpassss'.es siour o ni. gumeS t urdatsy-I'll( spistsengiees
Wathes and Jesery repaired, itvsry county I s isi geatunissvesities sill batte swih iithe fre s i ts forte Ntsril
Bargains nWatces&Diamos .n d stcoltge-..In tslisseidri ext Feb- hos. tIAI R D/
na is t i l duitthe fist eollegiate IWithis the lais tsw iintites usttuty tirY Q i
Office ateesidenco31 E.Lihety -St -
Ann Abhor. wsci essisisof it-e ssnis-ersities of the frtsmt-ssso-ked hestrball frsosstheusetss-
}lours: 8 toin:30anim.,51to a:30ansd tiut -ciso'it.. .\ictigsnis amonssg lthe isiver- er e fi etilditoi tivie-sardl le sit
9 .ALBSNS o~ner~L =dsirici os- n dsii deslegates. isuendsstrusns. 'Vas'isitwsstrus hedsssss
JOS PH . WATTS nits ht yeshisisit-e fiestsnewsa-shlsu-sssghs ightitacls e, ist' selsc ssoi.1
__________________bu_________ i i s sntie ri-ilsd. The pli eu- tnnesttt kickedt g'oal. Stce- (lto i.t
_________________________________________ scessIs sit lt-e stes' as ' established Ter lisessis
itesells ()ibths sitdssy situ ight, fos' Frests Lawii (). Junir Li it )
THEd LATEST IAJATi-ii oo bsi s It isalsos hsss a still of sistil s sl... lt i . .. i aps
icis suitnd f Iwiurs iwhsisgist tutur V tisttty. ... I 1 . l
cmteris'c s cntee li, tepo h e wliioirt rs ... I(t The new falilhne of college goods is now complete with the
w atch F Oy us iittististsigi isi iti Rnsn choicest ad most varied tew things ever shown. Raui, CONs;taN
his gis-at pisisst'caisstsi."Pee..... RG....(anr & Fissisist. drawv your particular atteintion to their supeb sisplay
sith tot hBatt lirsin s The est suotsswhcsrshIc BrretIree..is'sRT....... ed of new designs in Manhattan Shirts.
Price 25 cents ;-n i were isvreiset ettti Th l Itt..tll . QB....Kne Mens New Fall Gloves of all leading makes
- iss sess 1i i i ui Ii i lils Men's New Fall Neckwear Men's New Fall Lnderwear
DARLINGi & MALLEAUIX -f5tic SsullisXsAstricnsrettis s is 1-Sit ,.......~cc
224220 S. Sate St.
is-asertioni. le sokie fttlingly of ls ssthe scissousIV sssitet-'"al,-iennt.si1- A ull variety of news styles of these worldfamous hsts t
isi' iisusiis surge i isoc. ihssIss sss iiis uss isie s slvs -selete front- Stetson. Carlton, Ioards.
Co- 'lhlege 1 II til i conussions ini Pnma to ussuusts Men's Fall Caps, prices fron ot' tp
- Th ue s sise rionclusedl Iis lituret y
- Steiit toiiht'i uh777CLI santitvon '"2ie? rlxv tRr4., Conlin i-tFiege
Stens I tii oifioath us-crit-isis iicout- This hi 55Cicshis's I he iseo iu e c lll 4DAr
HALUER'S JEWELRtY STORE, 216 S.NMan SI 5I is s it ihrsanduus nobltrsacieve-s 5 this yeatsr itheiisuits rorm o
eat. I t its tIhin s u nd ssieteminsedsthe list- hiigsuu-Ptrnstsvaiasu otbaiuill -
heter to followists oirus Furuitis.'' g mosit-si Saturdai.sils i e oo il cn
con o tnsle_-____ Litirty-two pagsfin e- -c5 sofAt MA K'
Clenross Nus12is1'ststamis.s uits is c) 'n bts
Ok.A' OIL(C.I PO:\RIL'atsts. ecssirhes, iruics t in o
MOOR'S NON - L[AKABL[ .Atithtt'S NFW PtAN o i lsihs eush'gsisutL ~ o ~ ~ o
FOUJNTAIN P[N -sithue essususesuitohi ___amp_______________w___________
The Bst ltoitstatsi tuuseVs he' usus-sissositthu r a(ssutoricl t hls lssc s ssisussnd hMichiganus. Thus
Ever msatest Ansy Price. I oardithehdit tun ighs is t atudeidedscowrust-csi is isspostereofshatatinsihiss The sew, msost attractive anticleseretains of the iiy
For sa y.tI usthiss yessc l mestristg sushIfist gofin d ei n fouus-ii isrs-uslorc. 'hies'ooki i is twosise
East University Pharmacy tilt usatoisicalconCisstest sulduhsbhisprtbingtpritel isvslue Anns ltri-iriPres, $1.25 ekmd .28zz
cam55 un. vrsi i n uCs cii I 5tedou l tilts the sis-sspehes Fr 'in ia p itr.
Bel one 411;5555 i ussus louu use in is heuii-u slsumitei tussirortins - Iin accunssIfshheisueniestuer> MA~CK CA CO. Maid ~St.
N ih weriu st-ct' di s lely onu t ougs sht us thu rr ameu ussit adduitins histhu scr
c shai usssompositi . ii- 'lis s at',thowsee, tcard, rusties still 1)e plced onussilt'Stuss--
V . f . o 5si-i uissgos tsthis'lb usr uf prearige itas- morningiu'. 'he i ce s i ll u ehi e1
Shp-n p D . o ill sushiv uiens st least ossioptethuiisi. MONEY LOA E tn iwacues.Dimonsnsls.sry. ndusall
_____ UUtiiE E gh lsClasse itatteil aen Iulsuaatnei as--
Barber Shop and Bath Rooms 1rnnI o acthi dlOAyN[wel - -- -_
suusut sssi ue shisty sueI -3J iy-iisct srcl soui esitsml
slFrt- l s I' tis- hususgit assd tuom hpostion.s Bist s rssta'sohidancs a bn - 14iFhis htiell' ursss- "s-'i s-to .3 0 . 7t 8:5u.
;edgedyAn aditioal a-Btntage ofthiusIutiusurt.1),slte.,eManage. Bel 1'w doo"doorssusuitiahooetspWsitecourthouse
Lar'gest Shop is-athie.City is e1As.stttsssu ohaiugffti hes.I i ise issis' (lsusdssstsulit Cs Y . M. C. A.W.J 0V1
J R. TROJANOWSKi. Prop. 5ri1o111ouistatit ises titho sissinuit-phinte.IS1
'ri 74 shoswn its cuts uI196f. Made of black Everybody is takiig about our Shrewbury oil
6 Fresnchi calf viscolized double sole tan Blucher. It is eather lined, viscoized, rawhide
5isxoaswithi rawhide between stoles and
runsning fui lengths of shoe, usakisg it damp proof. Ibtendul oe.P ie$ .0
No rubbers required to keep ot the water. Has aesl nya u tr n
flange heel. No. i igg oxford in bothi black and tan "fleggrersCl a are fully guaranteed by us to
is evade up thue sinie as thin shoe described above. I SHOE give satisfactory wear.
WAGNER. (8. CO. State Street WAGNER (Q. CO. State Street
Si-n ot ue ig swh"sil sn."Sino th bgwiesh .

I Rowe's Laundry
The Ann Arbor Bible Chairs THOMAS ROWE, Prop. Gas Study Lamps
444 South State Street 326 N. Fith Asie.P
New Phone 457 Bell Phone 4,57-L. lesure a steady, soft glow.
The Miracles of the Gospels
Sunday Nov. 17, 12 to 1 336i Soth Sate Sreet
Ciasse Satur~day, 10 A. M. ad Easy on the eyes.
7:50 P. M. floderate in price.
The Religiouxs Education of the Assembly 9 olock. Cheaper than oil or electricity.
AsreofChild_ _ --- ---
Asreoflectures by G. P. CoLeIe WAi KING Loo
Tuesdays, 7:10 P. M. beginning Nov. 5 CfUJese Chop-Suet' Restaurant Get the bet froerk the arget aeesortnort.
Chinese Fay IDishoss. Amerin Luishis isi
All Bible Chair Courses and Lecures are free. Students all kids.Esveythtig frstclass fuss the Ann .qA.~ror.G as Co
and others are cordially invited. ahies and apos slrc-a-irau .
Chns n aaeep Stairs, sir dor S. Hstes Bros, 34 S. Stair SI.
Will Soon Op en MICHIG8AN UNION- CAFE, Watch For It

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