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October 23, 1907 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1907-10-23

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The Michigan Daily'

Voi.. XVTTI.


\'o. 2 .

Three Contests Occur This After-
noon-Schedule for the Season
7"hr first contet of thr itntrcas'
ootal assoiation take place thi after
noon, thejuniortneiic clahing witin
the senior tetics and1 te jntior engn-
eelsfighting for honors with thrsenors
of that dpar tienl th tignme to ite
ilayed ont Soth Ferry Filui.lihe
tird cnntest, hetreen thte frest an
sopihnedics, till nccr at tie fair
greoundsi. Tlie gamentil strtt 4t,
narly twon weeks 'ndttihavie rotnetinton
faily goodicndnitionn. All tie neni
banetundiergonne a pthyial esanninntitnn
ichniinwnstreqtuirend to tie Atineic ea
soeatnon. Senvea the lnteamsti ti
Ipractieditt'fnrnsardis ini inn scrim-'
nmage tint'nest tinay mhntsnnnrk'niwnen'i
tint contet fnntlonn:
e. sen'tior enginrn r' fre'innnnndic' (5
sopnnendis; jnninnn mei snvssenio
'lTihursdi'y. (lt 24-F reih ngnniner
t. sophtnginees ineshcittis tvs. sop'
lis;feshn ins vs.tnnjuniriLaws
Friday lien 2;--Winn'r o n ic
antl senior tntdict n nit umnmnin' junitort
listvs seniorn if nti nn eno l s e. ent.
i nintas' (lt 'I' hkimtints res
anitsotrun gneter s .innermini'jio
anit seniori enginienrt; witner nf fesin
and od phimeictns vs.tswinnri' ntio
andisenorimeinc,:nwin netiot frehndnnn
soph iittts.ihinterionituniorndnn setnt tiormi
aid smth lIn .winnitrmotttniotn tlaint
tutd idents.
Wnedneaiyt,Ot. ;no-Wiinner f eni
gineerinig ndepartmnt vs.n n n inunet'o
Thuinrsdiai. Octe. 3t 'Winn uier tnt lit dc-
partmient it.,iwinnerio' murtind"tint
Saturay, Nut. 2(finil-;}--\\ mum r tf
engineinigmieicit,'andil ii ntiic depaitrt
ments ss. ni'nnie''nnflit, ntawmint ent
Runles tine nlsteans:
. All chit" gmeic~salltin'playeni
accordiing inn the scieulniesntlithe'd in
-. tOfficiat fine tie antes sall he
apointeibyitheline trcasmanageran
shlaiimeet lt' apirotal fnt' taptaini
of ti' cn~teting taint
'linhe nmtt of t ht elit'laentsshlnl
he giveni ti tintelrlasmannaete noor
days lefoei'theiopiening of tiht'ctint
d. All prtests must te filednitmhmtie
intercass mnanager at least tnton days ic-
fore tineflst gamne.
.. Nonnaninhin i wmitie arit'
sinuatiafter te ln'iat' tifitee tie opening
of the class et'ie sltli ieteliile forn
is clasteanm.
d. No mann haingg.nt ''h" shal in
allowed t layyonuhis class teanni-I
tie sannedepearutmnent nof atleics i1
whichn le iwonnit"M." Exceintin: an
"MI" track -minminay run otthi' ea''
relay teanmn
7. A player shall comnpete twitt in
nrnnnnn f the class in wiichn te is regis
tereed. The LUniecesit1' reciird, sall bei
unftl inn alt ases.
Professionals-shanll nt e loed inn
any inteclass contest. Siecial stentns
shall tiny with tie teaam of the class
nihnwhichnthey eniecolege.
Note:tThins rule is t le consrel
tiy tie c oitee accordiing tin tint cir-
emnstances nil the cse.

8. No class leant shall use the hlockt
"1"or tine colors "yellow anid tiue" or
"yellow annd black' foe class insignia.
Managers of till class teanms shnalntsib-

miii tint'designs for their caps, sweaters
antd jerseys taotine varsity mnanager tof
thir depnartmennt of athletics. His up-
inrovtal nnust tbe ohtined before caps.
swreatern or jerseys are ordered.
9. Clkassens wnose teamns violate these
riles shalilinceetnelletd fromniinterclass
no- Anitpotint of dispute arising n-
tier teemiles shall me tdecidedlmy thne
r. 'Nit class gannme, eithner baseball onr
footbal, shatlt be schnedunled to he playend
uttl aftm'r 4i. in. on intyta' excepit

m2. No atitletic teannnsall schedule
ountnftowsnn gannestnnest sanntioned b
tie Athletic tBoard,.
'lie iquestintf hoiliing tester se-
ices in tie U'niersitiy wsnsbrougtin
a focuis yesterdainthrtotughnant interewes
withnPretsident hAngel tnttie sbject.
He' stit:
mA umer nil yenet ago -M. Sanne'
andince f inautgnrated tie vesper
m cinsiu. iBeforee this se itndlhai cl-ni
leges'raerues fst innte last'builing
an tien i n k i i n nierityHaltl.
'liii'wi reinevmmer natendiei tb' nnoe tn
s olnr st'i'n ty studients.'T'he vepie
sevice wisiatigeeat brdentoinnXir. 'Salnt
icy andmy nsef. iHe nrillet a choir of
sniers fine tie eetings. The audiences
iert'maditit)pchlielty'oflanies freotie
i n lintaennoeto erte liemusi.Evenn
tine miennbers of tie Studeenns' Cristiani
aca~~'tinmtoo:noi' imnnire interest thanin
mhe.rest.T'ii sat continuied for tinoi
othree sinies iii tieretulnt na,tnf
couse, vecry'disctouraging. It cose
iueee ofthismiii tint'expne'nse tof eat
ing lie i ihal, tie vester serices were
lisenntininet. I iae n dontt that tie
esult wondinnitie tn'sanne not. If tne
thotnisatndt studtents sern' to cena regun
talintnwnoulti benwnrti swhie to reumenn
tie services, butt I don'nn think tins wuilt
inc tie caae. I regret very nmnuc that
t is libennouriexptieriennce as 1 soldnn
inn to niave this opponrtnnit nof nmeeting
tint studnttts lerioiclnl. lThe religinnus
ibenefi, wh ii is tie true object of te
venties, inoutud te of istieneietenothe
studelnitsiftet' wounnlnd conne, bninteye
wili not annu, s they say innIeeandt.
abn'tinm' is tt'ciifreason Itir
disconntinu ance. (f tie expressions of
opinionpirintend iiIns; ,DIsins, tienos
pertinnemn wsthiii'oe tsaing, 'theitdei
net' l ight, lit nbodylseteiwent.'
A nw'depttarture inncdub enteritain-
inents wiii incthit' cannpire party givent
imy thei'Foretry cum tonigt. Te
imembenrs sill meet at 7t5 at the D., J.
C. w'asiting oomndii there take a
car fnnr Thirdl Siter Isiandwhlere lie
Foresry farnm is locatei. A great lo
ire siltineIuit oer swhic a cooking
conntest in tinbe.heinl. All those whno
canbil i a snte sithoummt burning or cant
teseat flajack at lie proper monmenti
sill hmeast' asicmte tin 1eytheir skil.
Pees. Ger. A. Duthiei sad: "The
iject of these gatherings is to gel the
menti nteresteiin forestry innit Uni-
ersily acunainted We want to have
tient w ' mnu nenm realize Itnrough contact
withn tie upperclassnmen and gradutae
studnemns what a ast field for develop-
rmcmitihere is in mine ine,'T'his camp-
fire party is only the beginning of a
seeies nil socil gatherings wvhic sill
Inc contilnued.inn different forms throug-
mmmltinhe year. We inuge veybody in-
terestetd inn or work to join s tonight
to share tune fire anti our food."
Mit Niti',OTA 'c ISnesActDENe Otte.
Inn meter to insnre temsneles aganst
tiny danmages wiich night happen as a
resulof tie collapse of the Northrop
Fieldl bleacers, Minneota has taken
'min $o,ooo 'accident insurance

Governor of Indiana to Speak on
"Patriotism of Peace" Next
Govro tuu Jmmm . IcrenuiiManiily f Indinan.
whio atreently guminml nantiomnlp nni-
nence ms'ant 'xthusentmolfmuet'gotern
mnent, will oipen ie S. L. A. runmur'
next Fridevt'eening. II mariii sat,
Governor Hapnly resembliues Seuntr La.
Ftolette of Wiiscotnsinnswlon it miii in
remtembere, crenatedi nisensnationmlan'
yearn' wheni incspokuie in [n('iinei'tit Iinni-
Like LaFotlette inc beliees in tie sine.
enfortcememt of tie lascnd 'ut is nmbittuec
anttagonintst of nthenrairoandnlpmssecl.
Whtile not so aggressiv e anita Follett,
be is a speaker of unusuanl lutst c, forem
Inl swith ic npi' mipiatriotti;ssenimnent.
ide is otne of tie leaduing figures in tin
mmcw ponliticanl awanncmm ing ii rumep
mg oen' tie ntinma nIis na stresnnomt
expn ment of s l icinl' mralit
Gum' nce latt isain ti imeexai',tmulti
ouf tthe se'lf-madeunm'nmmn ikiet'brXhmnn
Limu'mnol l e was binuimmni.tlug cabi
nidnuconduitions notextremeum ins'ensy.lt
nan tile to atiendtischoolnifoult ri'
periods whtenthecli d e miticsluied lfromn
tine fanmnnumtmntutiliend mmerut sparuente
nment fume slimy. 'An tie tige nf itns
helilft homu ts' mmisoughtpini mum intn
inn Indiiamna, wmmnigtnmst nof tie us
inn thattasnte. Helre le ug diten
sanwedlmuoou, mamltaughpit schootunitit in
gainedint oppmotnuittoInatten tin
StatieNornmalmCollege funrna fewneuseels'
A naturnal ins'intiontomasduenourtor
caussd hinm tin suden' I'misma n n n188,)
Inc wans annimtitedi inntie in umItint mumitt-
cal careerm'beptum sonatir ndmiiirisen
rapidy, hlinnimg 'ucss mively tie posi
tOtin fstteti utsen t int 1n1.Uitedni nt i
cengrpessmntt untilinn t1904 in susi
electedl puner uinuro n mmiammibyinstn
largest mplunliiyt%'gtt a nubr
natorital candiante.
A . natural Ihoinotolnneinhins nnm
a brilint:reccordmas a uliniesieen
annulhis lecturemn thtie"ai'imsmunonu
Pieacc" is repmutedl tot bet"asturrngm int''
tape mihatm nus attraceltnine mntint m
hit coumntetymueumevert'whesre."
Aftertint'lecturee aireceptninndmmian-i
mmmc ll beitiendcterdi Gumvener itnunt
y thlIindianaumchu ln 'uttle Cok ous.
'T'he oficialts oftinhie cum expect'tntlensts
ni buttncti dmembnuers mtonetrset
A c onmnmies' fromnttt' cumwiliimes'
tine goseenoreitnTo'ledo.iin, einin , an
uwil stcort intint ichuis'gian.
Olwingtotinelimnmret'nsedi numbmne tnt
stutdents in tienucitecturee dep'rtnment.
ann arhitecturealisocit'hsatbteenm organ-
tzeet. The ptrpotsenf thins socicty is inn
further the inerest in thins ine of workn
ammiisinst inthmm impuiirovemneiinilfthe
cmtuse. 'The soetyithonpes innafiltiate
wium tins'Ntinatmml Soncie't mu1fArcittsi.
'hins affiiation will mting tie loali
mnemiers mst relainu wint tiebest
architectural wsoris oftiecouintyndmmi
place tihemoinna ieldi offeingpseeral
excellent scholarships.
Tie following tofficers were eectedI
foe the ensuing yetar: Presiden, F A.
Hlorner; s icemrsinenu, 'i. it.IHas;
seretary, RX. Koch ; rensurer, i.
T.' Witessingper;tserean nt :tenns, I,. C.

'Lhe op nin nu'mbmnner mf tine S. I,.A. M N BA
course iFridayntghtnecessniit tesuoldmM-BAAt NQ ET
hnm'5; mnthe imug llet n un at7jP. ti. 'mmmii's-____
d y. hecuu iittss'tn ti t s the tu't
itt imtcharge:iprotinies it hto e tie ofUnion Directors NametHim Gen-
me est yst.Secvenirnprminn'mnm htiu eral Chairman-Tickets for the
trom outitheml cmiteehave mmiimisedto mu Union Members to Cost $1.00.
tnt prnu't'm 'amind middress lit'e meeting.
Prmn ntmiet'-r'i'tutmns uilltaltso l~h ont'nmunmiuee mu inlt wiiilihnv chargues
Ipa. mml,1>tiiiimaihtsii' ntitnl 'loinf11thetnici'nn .iinhaluummurt have
tipar ncat'mss ttumetpsetint Ind lenut teem chousen thum FemIfhi.tBusby as
tfmic it s een pmmmroumised't. Thts'cunnu n teral chimnThu.'ie directoursmmat
ulite s also ttrimngt' nn arramnge aes'insdmeetsiung tutu hIndayuima'de uniu'uanugsntmn its
tiht'gPteuselimitpresentn. lin'rtt'estilt' nuttickswhsiich ilcciii -
"It is mrseporisedtunt I(). S. UCis cons thnes'ths'lmst of minis mcrik nnth r
titg unitwmuthoiusnsron g iti,'' snaidi IR. ). thntrng''up, whiichnsililinc sumper inteid-
Btisb'e'.'-'Theythavmutt' mini it eeduncuted rlst u''l. ' ..Kiitt lnett uu
fo hi otn naeup's giointlie cs'ttiicee ns v e ietnuapnte
stnadtis (-. tinotut'usunitotnt Xi'itiieuemt snCumittets' Rober
e'ery'o'yiotn urn moiutit tnt tine tteetuip il utn. ch'irmantii' R.t - )1,Ittibee, X
int' hlpmunuh lt icihiign 's hunttige.."n 1it Pearme, Dludileynt teu' i, I'.Ji itttl,
N 1,X'i SOIFt'I'll l? \I l lit i nane 'counmmit tuee-m int's hieC 'mum-
it ls t hi mn;mn RalphutniCh'urchn, Geortin
Mhigatintnt~s thus' inst mitlutschooeutti tintutInuis'item's, BIl riumis, Franuk
in tint' tnitedi Matess tt u'reqiretn'a' fosur stntselil 'at 'mnu.
yer nncuresuh teuiment havinIgPm iii ino"uu'xinitynti F I 1 u,itte
sit immoa-s t sulso utf bing tint' fmist tin' 'iamb ld
intr uc antli' mmt ionhittum i terary a ,'ndth mitt i m nmntrim t u)ttummisin 'html G Ii :tt
ca cnmmm' hirmm ut 'J.I. Ctr'eightmon, RnmSuner-
lenscutscaem e t ipinstalledti ait nti km
oftine:hospital ildhinngs mum' tin ttis nil Commiiitte'e'otut stispakers- -trl'hParry,
pieisnts. nhir miimn I 'iot. JonninRi. inger, ' W.
Promfesseu s Petetson tutu'nunouncedl It Snamu

thant "minicaeutns t'onr'time postitionttootttint'
nneenmhmmogicani staff nvacatiedhey =him. Greg-
urn' tuauins hnde itn. in li sucrcessfulh
candmidte: Nt miii ibe,'tmtittu'cdltr
Presstre tof t'ockhins madteitt int-
line c orteniu'nianth seiorn' utudie
fotbaltetl''nn nnn s'ipacice ttme tIni
once forc tins'gintaynn n F mierry iteld.
ts' 'ieitsn-y hitaulnnclinicmalno
ceyhuns eleted time ftlloittnegeoficers
ino tunieulhis yenar:tl'ninhcnu, t)e. Framnis
W.i Smttities:t s'rt'ary illtrea mtsurter',
tin Johimn lheating; tnprgram 'otmmtuitte,
Dr.C 1.Cmpui. it. 1 Walk'n ers'''mnm
Plamuttreme' tittgt mutt it' n iems'chiri
nun minie faciity. Intinasintentpropedncc
appounim nnte tivespiaitnstrioun sht
seniomr stummit ts ttinsenrtl)f tiig tat'-
lietSeniornessearchm societytuhiseluct
ednth Inc ltwitnsmg muflcers tt ser'e, tlis
vice-pmusitcii IIn'. N,'i. it. Pillsbur't
senrtarhuntdmm 'teasurer. tin'. Wi. 3. litle.
At ihn lust nie's'inigretireinp Vis's"1ties'
ninunit PIommmi /msmt igave'uashortm alk nulstt
lTe Sitit Innrt'Researchimlnuntine Um-
tt sitS
Ih jt uunioru mmedlic cmisset etiotn n remmn-
i'us tom Inchitltis yeamutt heitsrsttinkent
ilth Fe ih s hh b~ieadmedi Inv t. it. tFox.
tile ethent o nminantiinnarte's'tXi'e'-pres-
uicentisR, ]I. t insemt :'scrtay,i''-Miss A.
hi. Flood:mintreaurter, i. ,I ixotn; foot-h
null umamnuag'r',J3 It) I tunis;imnaseballi
manat'r, 3. W vizI tak managee,
Hi. F. I'<tt'is u;smthincalureipresentatniv'es,
'11 1. I( mri munnth t.IRi, tutinr; hnorum
sy'stecun 'mmnumn 'i C~x, . A.Pent.
nttint. . Dvis R. 1G.' Lelannt, t. 1.
'h hit' emi icta l Comlli nmuum hums binu
re'org'nnizednd inhwniltuholdithemr-regmhula
meeinug nt Xlondaymlemveuning
si;ntrl, esumumuIn sin rus XERt suceuusseu'sps.
11 humtit'Curuse' int tinweekithensnt
ts' tutu tine :hemmonimiibuildinug mw itluhave
thirti'lanns Conmplmetedufr hnumint'inmg nil
thin t'neri'si t'ntuwit npprortnuiate'xtrim
ist-s. 'ithephvmmcc' eunoi' utduefinitte tin
rmenun'ut s tet.T'lmecavainius mnowi
narly' compnnl'ed andthemint'inng ointhtnt
tttiiniintiitit sill cumnnce 'smunnu.

mineetimng mm Ianl th'enunmnittccn is
carafi- th I iis nt t1is gumt 7:3 iii
lit'e Mhi'ignituuin roms. m Sinus i t'ein-
minte is mtoihe melt i'mm Nnw.i;,tine
comtte millibiiimn their worii at
uet mwilIbc li tino1mstudnt n meunnmens
of ths'Uintit uttttt1(1mm ll mtmhers.
ien tlin \ e uyestott mmer-s
$iaput. '[']mose sutiis muthm titotnotibe-
cinte uncutluessontlthn' Michiin (miium
S uit ayjinpo forthem.
\iitin ith nu ftis wemkicetis itill
ibe. stilt1 tn stnude'nts muml ull tite eat -
ntal claisses. Sitnenlnits oersm-onns
('tutbei-seautediin i'nm~ten'numninnn-mm,
whelust'-eimmdinnerinsillins' senrsedm, itisi
teiuecmldlimit allthnie ticktes usill Inc noth
immedatel. Thefa miniattime hum-
quet s-tnics omi ltime might binmnu1'1thin
.11icmgip-c-mutt istn'mnin'(ln'"unshowumuns tutu
int'(,io ticthes cumn esmvinn besctld-iat
once. ,N namum mum mufthe. 41.,oomumm'mmin
tine 'mnimums'tnswillimsi It tutittndt hm
n, wilii uomeaInuss nmmst
hum mu mrust initlntism sun ittmmu mt'
suppnortern s ofnun hii mum 'umunimml
innigs'e unuunm m iniof lii n i n mmhuts viii in)'
in 'mum iurbortmliiinugint, hunsa-ve m tc
mt-ein- intentn iti 'st tpr , m i*tint' nun-
'ITeecaterer still hue J3 t' Kl',ni,
stsewsardl tnthlime n(nntimn bhouseiniunm e
tiniy fort'iumnate inn sn'uruing hit'.iKutth,
stun tuns htmdtn an-uetmis-nhmm1estuetrincue
tin hurt-laurminbnunets fmmc Iarge'tt -
teinentionionm akut' ingit 'lcnun' s
sucecessfluu bhamutmu tunvergin-emn imy lie
hiMichigan Unin.
PR1 tt'SCOt l' WXILhu XIIDttttSS
fEIII'T'.X''hhNl, SStt'IX'IhON
Pirnofessourhe. N. Scsmiottichuereent
the'(University nut thsmtinstng nofthnt
tUpper PenisulatmEiiticmumih nua suiaimu
at Escanabma,(Octm. 1 Nun. ?. At line


Moahreettiinew eanius ccu,.ssnuon'mnmdns.

-ae 'utu wuc caucuuuuatcn etiereu the Piuu ununy mnintig sessint he seilgivean
finlh for political hnunors inn lhe freshn addremss mmmi mie subiject, "A t?,miushimut
lawe class today. 'lhney areRobnert 'l.d . it, LO t V,itnt Sins Iut "X . liar tine Classics." Fridanit niteru n mum hum
Tunis for presidlent, Chuester OHara fume }freshimen atil bliniimcolegeinave tie- miii mlk mmmithe teachinngs slofuV11-1s,1
treansurer, and Washbuern fine basebluul ciuhedi tmmwe-tim"tin"tstinuctin" counsistinug coumpomstion before the ihighm schoolumicc'
numanager. These new canditues are nil aushnite ham nith amredulbandu, whlite ini, tutdI rinny esvcuting Incwillhum' onue
runnning inuhependenmly and prmunnise inn swneater vcst mittsredu edges, reth neck- in thie speaklers nut time Miechiganauimni
Ad interest hooItne coming electionn. ties annt redl antI n-ite stockitngs. ibanqujnem.

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