The Mich ga Daily
AINN AR BOR, f\H CX(1 \\ SA\IVI Aik NO V' IE . PR23, 1007.Xx 3
t ast Football Contest of Season'
Will Decide Interclass Cham-
giironi cifntst of teya.thogihin i
hiisxraeexlchiai -thetic re-tilg i
~t t stike. The gmis for the i nix
xiii thei xiitetw titi xire tierepri-etx
ies of te .01)1engineer, lstiyeai
chixxxponshlii eami aind telxrixhlxais
The ame wilxilitegi promptlya 2:3
censxiii iiile chaxrex.
1 eod nliixiPosessed, lit yeirxif fai
xxxi awayxxtiebxt classxi i tamx iof roox-n
earxtthe are furixrsxhriio hear
sxy fiurivxluabxxxixsenxxx \ iixiixxiiAl
playedixxi xi xih xieicoh. Starlii, sta
ixixrti x styar ef oleea
[,rooii, elitedtiicaptxaixx xiiithin year
away a- ndxx iirth a, nulxxs ti-n--titwo o
herxitiixxiiuitaxn levenixiixmii
beexx formedxhichxix s winitheixxxi rt-
metl anainterdepatiextax on ori
ti ixi ic ocostex irxol lie-
Tue ila-- -xxx-eNceexix xxxironi ni
ik~ni-. lOxpposed, x iin xx o spauni
gamesitotiexsupexirxxrit of iii i
i xiior lxxx, whoi xxx xxxxx amongi xxxi
piixyersnthrixiscruxsxthe iiii iii nixxo:xi
Duxiyhxldxspleiiiidxliy, xbxi fri-utiki i
for gooxinsx eneiodol-n'
xii ixtix xxix \ ixti xlftihlfisi i ll('
p xxio i xx he to lwii xixx ixi ex heix lx
intItioi otxdx t hi r -fivxx ix iii forxi
fxx sin thex ifacexxoiistronxg xirfxr exie
duedasaipn erx ixxixritir iii lx gamii
notexietierxixi toiiaxnnxouxcexit-atixni.xxi xx-
mxiionxxifee woulxxbiii argid. Ti
comenxt r-errexrditoxxix xxxxiixmisainfo
iii tickets wxiea e exix txxiix--ix-x-centsii a1
Thei-fxlloingx-xax- me-t-i haxx,-x beexnxxisi-
suedibyxtxeistudxnt govingx hoid,:ii
"TheStuxientxxCouxnxci deirexxxito po
txit agaixnstxa rpeixtxixx xl tie u-hof
xiiiearbx-exxiixxenithlexengiiie-rtsx xxii
lxxxi anxt. s taxit ii i f ax irsxn shllx
xxeexr tomoxxwxx trxithe foliotxitalxl gxxix
ieweexn tix- aboi-i--ll-iesthe ixxaie ibe
1-xtrxicexi xi xxexr iiihii xxxiiisimxmex-
diaite iniyIxi lxx xo cae inhalxlite-rsih-
heiex-iitxer xxt'.1tat teexi xnorthixof
PAWL a11(xii xxiirixhsltliexi hei-ldxxionxx
the , viiiiiorxneaxixny xxxihex iii xxie
xxx xiSxxxiii hxixieii..
N lAN!- Wi-il 'P10kCOPHMoA fii l'si;
Jxxnuxary 6 is x x udt -xxfor hitei
iexixg perirmxancexxaxxliexxxi-w\Whit-
xey-oxiera ?lousxi-iwhenixx"A\Kigtlfix
7t Day"xvi lxegiven. Te samxxe.eicxx-
ilay whihts b ieex ginxg tepiiy
a thlix-Wiitneylxx chixiexgox xii. it i
saixdx, roduce i exre.
Theielxaxxxxgexext xf the xxxix- eaerxxx
has xxenevoredi to xake thxe hxouxse xxi-
toi-iiate i everxpaxrticeulaxr. Phi- stxge
rsid xxiii10 e onie ill the ilrgest axxx
lxeii eqippedtinxx iiheiioxtry.
I)} \ }IL"CJ I1 \S _G I S'Taredeclredontlawsandcon ined to
xxli inlxxoiin xxxif ix tatx gix e r xe teii
Yetrdy IealIlth s euCse (Hi est ix urxiens ftaxxix inix lre plce(
iiixi x x xixx xxxiiii xxixi xiixiiChicago Rabbi Conmpares Condi- ixxi imii iliixxi i ixiarti
iii iiii.xixnx iiifxixxx i ix xlixoitixex feelix lxxx ixde eor e ech s t e r
tions Past and Present---e
saih :Light on Existing Conditions.xxwoxii aditiihlxxixto iizenixx;xxhey
11 xd oti nk thxati i amx - inesxxxhiuixlxdi-- - xx xxiii fornx a xxxxtxi xixal exemxext ithai
he xmiii xxxi xxiii xx thex departxntx sii 'ixl r isxixnoxw isuci'i xi ixg as -in siaixnx ks.
ofi the i L'iixirii x Certaxxi-ly x xixexstrife X xxxexx ofx thex Jxewx asn a xxxirchaxnx
}1c~v en ti(-der~rtm nt tat folo ed J i xtsl iir i iii -rxa Joi ii ixii xiii xxiii~
lxxii lii xii liiiiriixi xix iii t tiiixxixi Iax i xxxxx xioi makexr xi Ierixterilexi ix
the gam xlast isrxxx xiixg xxxas carxetix t -rei- s axxJe-x i xis xa." - is asix hexiii i xxii I x li (xxxi the xnuxmirousxn -tories
onto the ixii x xxiip tixx and iieveniint ixtxe xi i - iiiiiiicxntr i) x ixxixixiix belif, asrnix lxxi ox 111xxxx helix-xchinxg pxxix XiA
xxx-xx-soud evr a ix-e epeat- madeii yi Rabi-i Iiix iii ;- i rsc lastii i t ade- - - xisby xoxeansxxaxt tlii lxai
eel. Le ixwh it xxx xiuxig thii isxx tak ni gh Iiii x h xis iii xxiii xTcts xdx icili- xf xihe l der, litexcxxxtx ixix arti in xx ilx
plac ox the ahleti ixi i edixion C nxiii heJews.x riesxiect to ixe dowxx nat xxnkee, liii
-i - ---- -ii-i ()nexiwr itci ald te Jewsl'n hexix miaxix oxrliii Clxxinaxiiixx Byi ixiix
( I MN A SI U NI S-1(i it'llFR TII I xiii xfx thexiii i--in ii x il ixixiit(i Sphxx x xxag iuturalxxistn xis x-ly xis
S 1) Si I~ iiit \ i iI T f:IPR(xiiil1-xiii hve ixe xx .eon x iiiiin w w-nixi -xx torexx andxitexx xrure xxxnhow xth is. lxxe lxi
- -iofth wold orfi ii touandhi t rxxiis xiiiii connixxt iued mxxxixersitoxx hthx i xrxd (ritiix
A xsiht.i xxxxix h s ben n - l. a i hnxxxxi ii ii ixxi ii i xixii xxx uiix t ixiix: ciexituryx-,.en - xxxxxo pioxnxx txheiii-{
tiiii In the ciii i ixixix xxx the V i tii m \t-e-was-rxsentxwhen theixatheoni iixiias i 1iiiiiiix x ix--x xxexerhixts. Sixi iixI. isn otxi
xxxiii ix xxish xwer ibaths. xx-x-n-x-x xiixbuil, andisaw the pyramidsx ui lt.xx These truexx typenq ofxltlxeliiirxxw.x Six kx iixexarc
in xaid thatliii i s tillnx uichi toxi bex arei memoi i e tit xii hieii heii Jeiii ill hadxxx never xx -xiii a Jewxx wix nixi elxx txit
desixi li xxxiixx x iixnxxx x x Ix x iire ecn iin o h h w r s ieteS IMIN he i xitokens l iix irindxlix tliiipxxy:txis xxisa iyixxlxxgi
ha iln- - iai mattierx (of xxiitiiiiiilw 1ini sei due l ookediii uiponxxix 1111xii sni- xal creationx faisxly=xidrxxxi axd ixaiiedi o
to al \Iii iuse i them. liTh lxxipe roxxxiil m lxxmiiiyi hel hasiiix vv-hox l oveu-i fictxxin
the ir io tn ueg cloged-illxxi itxxxiii andxix xiii I ho appeari toi'slateiihim.i"TheiitrialiofCChrist xxix t1imexxx ioi-
dit xnii i xi ii i iii i liey en i al- mosxxxii mxi-
fit for so-vicc. "Xa rulenit ier ofxxivxi
onei ix- ixxi-ixilxiii xcanxhexxhadx ati xxi xxi l.
\Ni ixioxor lhxis, he xis a srxi e'
"ili un the'ixpastxiithreeixdecaixii the
so-xi-call xxied ilxxxxxishc."ilxxhasixexexi ri-
c'ltFcthr hixxxxxxxxoxxxitihe xxiii- xxiii xxalcx id xxi
xxiitc ()x IIi gixxxxxx s ;II(]x iii iiiiilix. CO iiii iii I ld -; II
lio -hexi-xxiixiix lxxhe xruish iofiitiigii liiv tix xi -xxix xii
IC tc 5;t01 lxxxix
r111. lit Rilsi a theyxxx
iii x(Iticxxiuxix byi
whm telastl meting\if - Is hldii andi
the petiioniiiii ii x ifitliexn lshxein of
1:a ix iiwas m idt i m. R gens Ifil
itit ixixixix ecessariy.xI(ii avl the atte
ttn e toix iixi iaelxxxii Ini ali rb
SI;Niiii 1 I i ff1 X I I XX iii
tiii R XII Xi -iElii p NI uITu
N1 xi xxi i seio xxiate i l lihe lch ilfifca
tuc aiie oI s okr xoxexiii veni
had iitl i xiW e xxiinxih xto prxciceitiie
li e xected thatxx x the iiiial xall xxxix i
thatx thel epertoire will iinclde la hug
if a xpopularx xx xxxii
AlX l x ir lix ar x pxectixdxi toxxmeei
ofi stxxor xies i libe oxxiii cxludhiig -a rex-
taixxni byxi .l''lxxx"x Claniii. lixoxi Stxn-
Ai larxxei crowd x isi xetd t ti
firt ocalevet f heseiorsxi and x theii
whih xae im ilicints eachxxmay lei rti
iSTOi~iSiiiNixNiXliiiVII iSiIT
duriing - te mo t lf ce r.- thexi gal-
Wei ai n ini iadxdit iii V)ithi twoxixnx
the iafternoxin. liii the yx e-i nxxxinxg
edix. 9i7 bingOthe aii erageiitxnnix antceix
colcin x housed ii xnithe xlix-ilersi
'Mefrshlit clasiatximet Oiing yes-i
terdai aftnoii nii adopxi ted i itix 6%
tin. ilhe ixmeitinig xxaiii,-fairl l atxi x-
tene di thoughi txheren-,inixii ahigirl
memberxxix reent-ii.
ier an- has nestx soiii to xxixi i oii-lence..
Je- citizenship iilil xxhe in xf iiielnd.
xxxii ixiililiO iniiixn liii i xiiid fra-
te-nityix le- Jeis hootedx ati andx called
ai iii xi iiilcr in meic iteiue--
timlihas takn txxxii r~ clx-an-
ixV rpesns < distincxx rIack.:xx that
from ith iecru x1c' i-- ill tfili lhi to I*
lie iiain--il lii tent i-i-i- )IIi- e pr i
bloo fii reex fromixiihxxro:; x Xxli xiii xxiihw-
tlle theory' that thex ix oxi -dxixstin-
t ios of ithexxiiiolx mall, xli xlii ii -
lxx- ihav lixoxil-l b instatinicl iii iii
xxxi thatl tex Jews arenot xlix in-
1' iii x xxi mlxxknow thxti thliii ws
riaxcx;mliii ixtuii ithohrico
Mosiexi - himselfimaieda mianwh
have stoodnixixi ii xxiiintermarriage un lxxx
otheir i xxiracesi, iixiinttIxt na - f umibe-
nliethai-lcre herisixkicmixup ixnlle
ofG d- tic x nixxii xii x xxi x
while thiniiO niix ii ixi trging isxihtack
xxel x fewxxx NYcix lix-fxii f wold i- nd aoiii
flx xish if u lix Jiin-dalericarlnixixixixf xxi
liixxm xixrxxxxx xx ixxxo Citxii
xxiiXoxxday ix i xiths x llr adinxFrancxex
lainiof Jeish ixlaw. Hhis crucifixioix
was xxbiroughbunt lbyxaiconpircyxiofr
nipr ii adaccomishednix byixax hire(x
baid.xi eisNvas a 1Jxewlxxlovd y heii
..Ix eJewisixxxxxxid xistnctxn immoe ex--
spet-th formula x ht xionxoi is relxxigionx
He homlixithatitheinxlsion ofxreligio
is n aeniiI d i r lec-tlx-. Inxthixsiwe igree
Ihorsanxiehld lxisiaxxiencexto iix lastlii
11ffi- :tl-.R IJ Xii ii\CK ixFOM
ox an numberxixixxifix- theix-R.xx -iw . Ia
zcix tit inedxxxmxtxxgfoxl oin:mxi" Cix-.,
Ixiuxn oif elxe-il xengineexrilg ati xii
University ofi XI xii xxxi--mJeix ixx
fli eltit xxicioxxixfxithe -Nihex g tunil
under ihe x rilemxAlps.ix \ir xxixiali
hasx lxiiinappintedixconstinixg xexgineexri
tote utiiinstte rmxixin v Pi
wort:x doneixinderxi hisxsuperv niionixlxxi
probabinlyx xii thexlonget stritcxh(}f stoamx
railixayx lextiiixxi xinihexr Europx~e ox
tlxhe xi x ximx litd tte, t-ee ibein i i lesix
excluivex of tlhei tunne xlxwhihis xonitli
xxmiin lxiefrmPixto iii nna and xxis
xeviiilesi lxonxg.
IProf.NMxuralsxhas n oixxil leave initlx
lxxl iii- XxxAutiiaxixgovernxmxexnt
sxiceltheibeginnxingxof- the Cotexxgex vexl
andxirexurndin lyxixxiilxxitmxxxikxxx txxe ip
lxiclxsitxappxilixi lctrica l xnginxeer-
ing.- 'li-plans xfoxixthe ilbiox ptuxnnexl
arexxxiiibeinxg xxxiiidxxitxiii xtilieXxix
Yorikioff xiofMmxxali & Co.
XAithoxughiborinx olnxxx ixi Proifxinx.
tund in-ixnxxxxtox Niixixeix Ion *isunxxiv-er-
sin wxoxk. Aiter eriduixlx theen i
284Ile took ai -xpot-gramdxxate tourse at
thei IedeletxiPixytechicIx tittetinxx
/Zurixh. VihlenihexreturmnexsxioxAmXicax
lie xi ent tildtheeoxxy of- iithe Goennal
I lxxti mcomxpanxy xxix ixsnsoonxafter
sentlxiyimxxxx xxtoxcGxrxanyi axxxii tzein
lanxiii xnakex a mix themstuxnxdyiofxltelri
naxtinxgcurrnts.ix r.Xix ixmmcxihas n main-
tixnxdxihisn o fflhiein NxxNYirk (iy
isincm I90i3, xixder tlexnmeiofii xkii li
& Coxx11Cixsinatprexntcosulinxxixg eli
gixix-im lxxx thi I xx xaixiroxaxx
Ilan to Counteract Evils of 1311c-
tive System Proposed - Faculty
to Aid in Selecting Courses.
Ai lla n iinfootiltoxx lxxiii ixfixculty
advice axdiul xxnel fixi cantlxixili ii l
-ixxxet -
The planif madopted,- ixwill aply eli -
-ially toitheliteraryi in lxii ii lxix xx ix xxix
le xe le ie y~tnii i ii, ifullest ri-
vmixxmxxnxx. lxx all thelIx lxxxdepart-
ments xl-tixcourss -iexxoe oruiu.xi -
Mxi 1; ixh x ix- exxdiiof sxii i tl xx i i i s i
noti felt. Inx theli teraryixxxid x xar iii xx
h(mxxi- thx- freshmen arc alliatxsea
anix if te tntixui- xx xi ixiui-xix ith :xxix xxxi
fien l muuihixi- ixuxuxicanxi I i
iexri, itheyientxiiili~rl intilix xxii
courxsexthlix, plea,.,ix ein h
situidentx i fxxxi l~rara d m ixn
his j uxior ei or. ha i--i xl ,-
miis xfor himtoryxteacheri- while- h
hasi beenxreparxing imslfxfox wox k i
ax i c e, xxo lxle v rs. I l(, xhad i -
OciVxxii0iilmpiixiiit xxiinel erir-l l
coxuxe, lxxe could iii in xi - i accord-
ixgly-andhaxiii e prearxed uixxoixIxxllxlie
vxacxntl posxxito,
To xhiixi thx x i i tlt x it ii lau xii(1
to assign eachxiifreshmaiiii sonic pro
fesrt teixi txi intsiuofxux-is -xio T
frtshnxxmuuxxxxxx conull m l his
advisorxx beforein-heicanii-lciis- ii iiiii
andxie lxis alsxi to fe-ifre" ox x illi
hintxxonxxnymxxxientiixt)hichh e!
thei needii xii ixiiii Thixx- meiad
vi-sors xxilxxe cih ii(xI frxx hasx
yeaxrs.'thenxwhenxxxiii lxx xliii ht
lix mlxxjorxin xxmyxx nximix wllx h0 putxx
tider thin nstpriion xxif a prc1 xxxx n i
tlxxx dexpxrment.Inx thlii iis anner lh(, ixill
gxainxssteixxmiti liii lliii (f -issu
tie xmuitifx umix n oxunnsi xxxix i( d i
thix lierarxy xixix riuuixixi xxxiwill xli i
is tooi lxiii.
ThisisystemuI, inviieixxiix vrr
xxxiidx atiiiscniithi, iord txhi o
gret xbnit tths iitnio ;m
it isxblxieedxultliiatxii xx xili
provihtless hlxpiful axi Xiixhiu 11
is poieotht Jxiiux t- irtixnhig e1-
rone t:x- eachxxxi x- arxc,- increasxi nixg lth
inued tf sucihx ax xni lxx.
Xxu ope uixx xuin xof thexux i-fg cu
fix xlxhiexui benei f hosiiixu ixuuuxunu lt
tiis litammciiofi npor iliilxx hldin xxhli
troxphxynroomxofuthe glix-xxxii x xxiiest x
kiumumuax exntig xat7:3.- ccrdngt
whohave l exi teredu ii thsfalin tend tit
take up theiworkx nix xxx nxxnl upperi
xl~te ax whoisxlxnxe slcncsx cche
liglxtmxxx1 i lxxiii sonix lx t x i s xl i n i mxxi
Iln fo im co in laxi il 1(
dsussedtin atithe mlix i an thii ii o
of tiiie xixxxiei . p uxuuxuux xx
Thin Webster n Iaxnusocitygimotxex li-I-
lowi-ig mi-irn mxxlastxightxibeifio lr
xttendancixie ofitieisoniety exixximexrs:
Currint hem -N. I Rsllixl
Debaite."eolved, thati xianoxthexr mohli-
udf reeieng sx eats-for tho S. I.A.
coouure xshxxuiid ie audopedi.'" firnxxxiixx -
I. Ti. iixxiXd 3- J.mBayonix; negxtivno
G,.Iiaxmd ani xd A. -pluxiger.
Detail Cooley xl tie eineueig d--
partin sbexilxi liiuontfinetoil ilxislheel
fmr thn lxxxiitext tixysowihaxxsenvere- x
texkxii lax grippe. le xwxixale to 1t
upi yxeterxay fur the linst time anud ixuxtu
tox lxix ackxo h lixsxmwokxearly mext x-iek.
ihemsexlves the i i ) t oyalif nubiject
andi citizexns. IThexn lxiiiathinvely re-I XXX SOC(IALCLUB WILL
spode toI icalls to n xxiuhe mexxxiii lIV;F IR1111 DANiCEhMNDiAY
txin Reblxl xinanidltheilateiwar ith
xSpain. i Ix in x anxlxIih rxxxxuii liiTh I antSoiaxxiclium, wixchwaxxiire-
iiittw u wxi erxxxxi Jeish xisnoldiers, n oxtliy or-anizedwill xxiihoxiili e firstxl
l"iii mpresextxioxxnitixixn tuxixixi iof xxxxits1is fsxx( lancesi N-hxxxximievenxing,
lxiiin Jewsii n itns to reacuireuPxles-mien c. x ,xat ngrs.
txixe uxxnde helax xxxx mxxof xi liii powexrn Thex membxershiip of ihec clubxisxim iiited
tliai lhiii Jewsniwhoiare unabltho Baxxiiniti sti-tits fromxuxthe threelxxxixclxxxiii'
or who x xi mxxnotiih itxizexnip xmaxxi be ltexnpurposeof tlix-clxx isixoxxafford the
estishxiiedh-mxxi lxx IllxRunsialiiexiil utiuxrilawxyerxnii iipxportunity- to ixmxet
lion Jewsxxxxhiosei cetorihve ieensoily-iadtox associatoutidehhxof thxe
inx Rlusns t ia o earlhynix ixuhunrediyeariclassouxmi