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THllE MICHIGAIN DAILY. clned cornro 1 terio tooiiii.wwillc
rmielr teo iwhie-otioiied i oati li of
G. IH. Wild Collpally latiogslg dtor YttF SC(rT loa01 I~cdediad0oe Id0
BsinesMaiige-C, E, \ ito it o fi itdad ani Tn
\t his hadi grs.spgrentutr, c
11 1 r t1f bs h ee;it 1a stneiti
till agc Sok w ..... A FI uitci
i h i t y 1Athletics..... William F. Cradoh11)1_
of ~Sportiig.t...Carece E. Elridge I 11u.t'11 .1111 i. i l ctts
7xehaiipe. ... I. JohiiWamoldhoh I t i ii iii i to lbe hoped thatlthero
Ex ieStiles illnlttic antoo l ooa. Rot I. Wehelb n sch iiterieariiieit rosh
Y \ht~u1V oiten'sEditor. ... Iloie Vo torhli t uae it itoi3 i' cham p011 i lo i gaiie'
-- EDITOAL 0'AFPi i, )el ine ateii-atli of may at
S JW MCandless Rime C. Adam. stoil o gam ite pat. 'the(- oer
TOL N ont1FWirze Robert 1TI Caceadi s 11 i le tr io tittootto atwell ait
Get1mn'011m , oy reioo itttitut tftlr0om ttimettieintiie, ot t
Fo e hitancey tBoucher 13. GC R.Williatistc v ttgorlatidloani. It alltindicteti
c g requ(11 ied f 1d Suitstt. RMI cet il til ht t11100id111s1110 Ii pltl-I
itd o amnii ingstl~ , 0011 L.C. Rei Lee A White 1111111n 11111 i pt titalikti onducti hi ch 11101
1u of0 t ig141 clatss i t iAti ig J If. 11010011t ice av0 "111 ote11liuto i lcate and11 to
f and0 pecia ia t oA .L. hanline Robert Motttier 110.10100 11111110ol ih e o1011 1110 olsot
Hul D es Sutsa \ icrX, Tow r; c it rat o Ii i it t id ihenit, o nes,1111to111a1c1ontist1
G Spnciltyipa
Paul ( r r e a I t g ttrlaHtAieafiiiplaty11 with
3Catoh lot t e arttil11 1111; oo ing t1sage)-,1 I not1 ith1 or frinds
h~oirItgertlfhooroI to p iii., 7 8op one 1111d 0
O. r N e w o tili B Soe t hit) 5 tlAr R th tot s t 1 W11 h ad I t o lush11 III 111001th e
Haol P G ud ll~w dto rvil.o00111tw othire iioe
S o 11 C South IOS11CRe1.Street1t i 111r1c1iitat ii111ructio. Ifthelul ne
16 . 111,i we 10t e arisans of iltl two. h
ttttt it cii iarc lti lite iiiiht li to tl
Te ~fE irletothe10 011110ht coic1were
t -t- litr lilti i hos dlttliti i r lic
s o t e rv r V1';111\i \ \ ii\i ttf7iitttii I tilt1pa 1t ilthe1brader1 sane
5 Oseet, ofte ffcn rnio re11110liii 01111
dome d~f fhc 'talc >fit\ic"o i -tit oant I tilt
1 11inot11ad Itt, anliii 11111 iothrino ati 11 Dloanre
AT totarchrrcotsaelit t 1ilaing t
sld te 0oftn w ieanw u siuto . sn uh 1-11111id tt 11 a1 cur sei. .hin t et 00
ltt f. t oo tot . ti s m n icilt l inthatt p r-i orh al t 1111co 1t lotin it at S.iL.o1A1.
Suent Book g ee Wth ts store yet: 11a1p a it t l rcto11 te'ittiili t in ii ii o ,theol eneralitempeirt .
that1it1istoilauri 1w111. o[td ithe niii t 0 ot m ig t iitmelb1110 tlyti
~Ah NwSALhipLoGf newlNideal1s.in oartI ttiilii Ilt tollt iila toot ttio
thefi e BRh O S. ill Pritil i i ii ii it 1110ttittttrdott0
.1 I 1' c11 1 ;Ind i t lit l i t1. 7i tt ctl tltl ttl t m tl t ii o o tl . io to ii
The Lar glM andfa cus in te~ o t i lteiitt fart i ll(,Itrutuofti ne1wlorp;oti te i--lt
t Ofi iettAtleic u ptivest it a it lwi t 1101 os htl t 1 1 iltit! t11:\ Siltt 't titit Ilt DIet ottoto
tllta tilopd~ islil aiTiatl e plirt tcit t(' t ttiotloot lit iii terlie t tu e t lit 11 ttt tittt Oo trt ue
eiolio o olOol oldov Soommts Ichaise taoit i h satot ; n 1\m 1 imt illtto ttt is l ei ngi C O .tatyf7
ttatat aatcea l cii aio at 00 it oteto a e r=llIe~l frte tn .aenw o ae
A . ......i iI .- G._11011 tiiitiiithe 0 ii 1 tnoftii tit, t ilrt- jI arit ari t il t t la geii mitt roptia i-t
lit title 01100i ti!'Illitoth.initil fuetion.ThCanada.e
Vttrir: soiphootrts, C. ?i. Lantingt, W.
N. Bratey;I freolhmten, Stent. aroins.
Prof. Petertois tatrranigaptseore
of Ietur11000to Il ivptntl beor promiette
Decemeiihr ilTheetlkslt 111oter his
ltet Ioperalttio. Te frt wi1l e gie
in1 SagintaiiandttKaltttootimmtetiaely
ater ThitnksogiovigtDr. F. .illitg
tas mtaie ltaite of te operatito., ot
that telecem ay be lsttrttted withii
s1teriopticoiti v iets. t itirco
lith iterst is cito. tstiole site
1111110atotheiniig C rrid ititr ito tr. trtink
. hitter.
Albetthe1 01 i 1111tirpoftheitnew Mit d11c1l
cltito n tilltl iettiitakn fti s blu r
Noetnt MondPiyiafto ttion. tii
Piolorrwod 11 iis lt'oi RK.iIil
Pr nterLcuslegiaterNotes.uho
subj17 et it sddn5111.30. oeea
111 bittork iitrastotuda.iPof.i
ttndrwotiii asithetraosuttrtofthe 00
nainna organs izatitio o itm itsto l
litititieotoss iiitithletcfrothto
oTh irhl at ittot o itit tdemand-
ti li oIiiitii$iio ttlt.ii .1 l
Ifot167.,Iott .to otttu itts, tho e etl
oitm ioteiollegtt tasftet, J iuie mm ti of
eigthel moteir ot ofeh ittiCrtecket
TnieUniviruisi.y thKassist to ltiilotit5
Wahtur thip eot tath.tro Ctmtpi
Th cttltto ttictudeit: ofiethe U rill,
sittI oftWiscohesi aettottoli u ildiet ai
tcrh tiope o of tt Axeown. o
boo.ttionr otothoretioe oa.13n's
whcha ut o $0St.is l 511.avil
Every otte ites soe
vialiting cards. Why not
get the bestitsas cheap
as time ordinary printed
cards. We engrave new
plate and ioo cards for
$1.25. If you htave your
own plate, 75c por itoo
We di t Sationiery
Stampingi, Wedding An-
nootncetemutsandI Motto-
;ramn Work. (G e t o uttr
est imiates.
cG. [. BARINLi
Law and Medical
Trevet Attalomoy. 'New
Edition, jmtt teceived.
Stimutotto FIiractitret attd
Di ltcations. Newt I+lit-
too. Mortris Amtoiuo
314Ed. ilaf ieathtet.
$2.50, hltf itttitookI
These are new books andi only
a few left.
Coathot exchtangetyoutr Law.
iMedical anidDetaliBotoks.
Tel 761. 326 S. State St.
CbaIif Mnared P ishesn
ove atp.' lo. $600.
Pyrographty goods at Foster's. tf
WM. ARNOLD, Jewlerj
rs~} L~ U
Every day omne hearso
people say "If I ware in
college again, I would do
miore il time line of cum-
tune. I would learmn some-
thing about music so as to
appreciate good m u s i c
wchen I hear it."
Students of today cer-
tainly have splendid facil-
ities for such study.
Courses ins all branches
of music are giveu by the
best prepared instructors,
at very reasonable rates
at the
University School of MUSIC
Mtaynard Siret
Che tubents lecture t1sociatiou
Facts and Fictions Concerns~
the Jews
Friday Eventt.g, Nov. 22, 1907. at 8 13
Unliversity Hall
Tickets for Entire Course - -
Tickets Reserved for Entire Course-
Single Admission Tickets - -
1WashIngton F. The Randall Studio, Randall & Pack, Props.
Phone 5981