_ __ _ '. lA LY- __ THllE MICHIGAIN DAILY. clned cornro 1 terio tooiiii.wwillc rmielr teo iwhie-otioiied i oati li of G. IH. Wild Collpally latiogslg dtor YttF SC(rT loa01 I~cdediad0oe Id0 BsinesMaiige-C, E, \ ito it o fi itdad ani Tn \t his hadi grs.spgrentutr, c 11 1 r t1f bs h ee;it 1a stneiti till agc Sok w ..... A FI uitci i h i t y 1Athletics..... William F. Cradoh11)1_ of ~Sportiig.t...Carece E. Elridge I 11u.t'11 .1111 i. i l ctts 7xehaiipe. ... I. JohiiWamoldhoh I t i ii iii i to lbe hoped thatlthero Ex ieStiles illnlttic antoo l ooa. Rot I. Wehelb n sch iiterieariiieit rosh Y \ht~u1V oiten'sEditor. ... Iloie Vo torhli t uae it itoi3 i' cham p011 i lo i gaiie' -- EDITOAL 0'AFPi i, )el ine ateii-atli of may at S JW MCandless Rime C. Adam. stoil o gam ite pat. 'the(- oer TOL N ont1FWirze Robert 1TI Caceadi s 11 i le tr io tittootto atwell ait Get1mn'011m , oy reioo itttitut tftlr0om ttimettieintiie, ot t Fo e hitancey tBoucher 13. GC R.Williatistc v ttgorlatidloani. It alltindicteti c g requ(11 ied f 1d Suitstt. RMI cet il til ht t11100id111s1110 Ii pltl-I itd o amnii ingstl~ , 0011 L.C. Rei Lee A White 1111111n 11111 i pt titalikti onducti hi ch 11101 1u of0 t ig141 clatss i t iAti ig J If. 11010011t ice av0 "111 ote11liuto i lcate and11 to f and0 pecia ia t oA .L. hanline Robert Motttier 110.10100 11111110ol ih e o1011 1110 olsot Hul D es Sutsa \ icrX, Tow r; c it rat o Ii i it t id ihenit, o nes,1111to111a1c1ontist1 G Spnciltyipa Paul ( r r e a I t g ttrlaHtAieafiiiplaty11 with 3Catoh lot t e arttil11 1111; oo ing t1sage)-,1 I not1 ith1 or frinds h~oirItgertlfhooroI to p iii., 7 8op one 1111d 0 O. r N e w o tili B Soe t hit) 5 tlAr R th tot s t 1 W11 h ad I t o lush11 III 111001th e Haol P G ud ll~w dto rvil.o00111tw othire iioe S o 11 C South IOS11CRe1.Street1t i 111r1c1iitat ii111ructio. Ifthelul ne 16 . 111,i we 10t e arisans of iltl two. h ttttt it cii iarc lti lite iiiiht li to tl Te ~fE irletothe10 011110ht coic1were t -t- litr lilti i hos dlttliti i r lic s o t e rv r V1';111\i \ \ ii\i ttf7iitttii I tilt1pa 1t ilthe1brader1 sane 5 Oseet, ofte ffcn rnio re11110liii 01111 dome d~f fhc 'talc >fit\ic"o i -tit oant I tilt 1 11inot11ad Itt, anliii 11111 iothrino ati 11 Dloanre AT totarchrrcotsaelit t 1ilaing t sld te 0oftn w ieanw u siuto . sn uh 1-11111id tt 11 a1 cur sei. .hin t et 00 ltt f. t oo tot . ti s m n icilt l inthatt p r-i orh al t 1111co 1t lotin it at S.iL.o1A1. Suent Book g ee Wth ts store yet: 11a1p a it t l rcto11 te'ittiili t in ii ii o ,theol eneralitempeirt . that1it1istoilauri 1w111. o[td ithe niii t 0 ot m ig t iitmelb1110 tlyti ~Ah NwSALhipLoGf newlNideal1s.in oartI ttiilii Ilt tollt iila toot ttio thefi e BRh O S. ill Pritil i i ii ii it 1110ttittttrdott0 .1 I 1' c11 1 ;Ind i t lit l i t1. 7i tt ctl tltl ttl t m tl t ii o o tl . io to ii The Lar glM andfa cus in te~ o t i lteiitt fart i ll(,Itrutuofti ne1wlorp;oti te i--lt t Ofi iettAtleic u ptivest it a it lwi t 1101 os htl t 1 1 iltit! t11:\ Siltt 't titit Ilt DIet ottoto tllta tilopd~ islil aiTiatl e plirt tcit t(' t ttiotloot lit iii terlie t tu e t lit 11 ttt tittt Oo trt ue eiolio o olOol oldov Soommts Ichaise taoit i h satot ; n 1\m 1 imt illtto ttt is l ei ngi C O .tatyf7 ttatat aatcea l cii aio at 00 it oteto a e r=llIe~l frte tn .aenw o ae A . ......i iI .- G._11011 tiiitiiithe 0 ii 1 tnoftii tit, t ilrt- jI arit ari t il t t la geii mitt roptia i-t lit title 01100i ti!'Illitoth.initil fuetion.ThCanada.e Vttrir: soiphootrts, C. ?i. Lantingt, W. N. Bratey;I freolhmten, Stent. aroins. Prof. Petertois tatrranigaptseore of Ietur11000to Il ivptntl beor promiette Decemeiihr ilTheetlkslt 111oter his ltet Ioperalttio. Te frt wi1l e gie in1 SagintaiiandttKaltttootimmtetiaely ater ThitnksogiovigtDr. F. .illitg tas mtaie ltaite of te operatito., ot that telecem ay be lsttrttted withii s1teriopticoiti v iets. t itirco lith iterst is cito. tstiole site 1111110atotheiniig C rrid ititr ito tr. trtink . hitter. Albetthe1 01 i 1111tirpoftheitnew Mit d11c1l cltito n tilltl iettiitakn fti s blu r Noetnt MondPiyiafto ttion. tii Piolorrwod 11 iis lt'oi RK.iIil Pr nterLcuslegiaterNotes.uho subj17 et it sddn5111.30. oeea 111 bittork iitrastotuda.iPof.i ttndrwotiii asithetraosuttrtofthe 00 nainna organs izatitio o itm itsto l litititieotoss iiitithletcfrothto oTh irhl at ittot o itit tdemand- ti li oIiiitii$iio ttlt.ii .1 l Ifot167.,Iott .to otttu itts, tho e etl oitm ioteiollegtt tasftet, J iuie mm ti of eigthel moteir ot ofeh ittiCrtecket TnieUniviruisi.y thKassist to ltiilotit5 Wahtur thip eot tath.tro Ctmtpi Th cttltto ttictudeit: ofiethe U rill, sittI oftWiscohesi aettottoli u ildiet ai tcrh tiope o of tt Axeown. o boo.ttionr otothoretioe oa.13n's whcha ut o $0St.is l 511.avil visiting Cards Every otte ites soe vialiting cards. Why not get the bestitsas cheap as time ordinary printed cards. We engrave new plate and ioo cards for $1.25. If you htave your own plate, 75c por itoo cards. We di t Sationiery Stampingi, Wedding An- nootncetemutsandI Motto- ;ramn Work. (G e t o uttr est imiates. tV WAHR'SI Bookstores cG. [. BARINLi Law and Medical Books Trevet Attalomoy. 'New Edition, jmtt teceived. Stimutotto FIiractitret attd Di ltcations. Newt I+lit- too. Mortris Amtoiuo 314Ed. ilaf ieathtet. $2.50, hltf itttitookI $3.00. These are new books andi only a few left. Coathot exchtangetyoutr Law. iMedical anidDetaliBotoks. C. C. 1BARTHL Tel 761. 326 S. State St. CbaIif Mnared P ishesn ove atp.' lo. $600. -11 i Pyrographty goods at Foster's. tf WM. ARNOLD, Jewlerj I1 flTUUDD~i4 rs~} L~ U _______________________________t Flusic Every day omne hearso people say "If I ware in college again, I would do miore il time line of cum- tune. I would learmn some- thing about music so as to appreciate good m u s i c wchen I hear it." Students of today cer- tainly have splendid facil- ities for such study. Courses ins all branches of music are giveu by the best prepared instructors, at very reasonable rates at the University School of MUSIC Mtaynard Siret i Che tubents lecture t1sociatiou Facts and Fictions Concerns~ the Jews 11\Y EMIL 0G. HIRSCH, D.D., L.L.D. Friday Eventt.g, Nov. 22, 1907. at 8 13 Unliversity Hall Tickets for Entire Course - - Tickets Reserved for Entire Course- Single Admission Tickets - - $2.00 .50 .50 ! m i 1WashIngton F. The Randall Studio, Randall & Pack, Props. Phone 5981