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December 07, 1907 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1907-12-07

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The Michigan Daily
XNNARBOR, \IIC1IIIGX\S\ T I I) 1Y;I)ECEtlfP, 7,1907.


INo. 60i.

-------- - - -

Discussion of Athletic Ass'n
Problem Continues -- Rheins-
child and Pearce Give Opinions.
The -x5lion for a special mieeting to
consider the proposed samtedment to the
constittion of the Athletic assoiatioi
will be presented to P)resident Hill to-
say. The (ate asked for the meeting
is iMonsay. uDe. if, at 4 P. I.,tDiscs-
sion of thesa-itat on contuoes to lbe
aidespread aol feetvi. The general
opinion seems to e that there fs n-
doubtedly roonm for refornm. Any dis-
agreement wtill, therefore e hinged ot
le tiestisst of just whlat reforts it
walsitblst to tmae Atteeing of re-
resentativ e iieit fro frateritites, aid
ndependts i~front allsetartmteits, will
le held today at 2:30 t. is. in the Mich-
gaitUion clbhdose. It is thotgh
that smte iterestisg siseligts will here
Ih- throwta ns ieistiug condliitis.
((it of Ithe- iecliar tihasses of the
statissitis (le fat that stdet ore-
pontissi-,(((se fusel to mtake kowns
tieapreset agit tiont inioustsise pites.
This ipoicy if, tndeed, poly it e-is
directly otraryiso that usually stosci,
whlihs makies "cy"' ofeers scrp tats
miightst lsssibliy be scontstrid s ies.
The followus in cmmicai~itions fess
WalterM.l.hesisnuschislsuggests acouut
poieinthtetprotosedil nnta
"Th slst fouriiistssof ThliilItiI
livetse t ai( sslows:t - it.IDsits
ney CssonsemnstsIolitcal Ssteum: scsnl
s5(tslpsigts Begis v(. Atlsetic Es ils
third,. Reformtt Msove ' WeliIUntier Way
It tecs=il- y stile anstc:-atsthls-eit-
ttrt,5feah sse o ee tha ts r-
fr iso iv ((intI 1 tots- Athleti
ass-ciatt in. N ow lthte sie(tatigu
asid narowne sued to te wholes
iss, hichisste peditsng-it of otes
not smns- in ts ttetis associatio, ht
in es-et- oltialsost srosecs,andin stts
doisntg asethussesuoscetteofsomssuuof uhe
rfsriners siltore eli ta-sto(sitei
tresenoffice bythue sme eer-preset
edle taitnhg otvtese
"Eert- organzatinswheter a frater-
nity, sdeastig scvuietysor sshaeer its
its obiject, asee neary- ll otuilty of tisi
esil, suit so to sdssaw aswistil it, first
lt ev-ees-rositpldehimtsellntsito its
a5 laty (to Iis eistig sotitiouiof
tis;seonsd if wtie(es to amentstd tt-
sostttionssto( styofoutr essllege or
gantiatiosssasits itdue u iust ds it ll
str Athtlsts tsscationcsttsituuuioun, its
so. lIowt eit sdinssg le s eat
jusshisi ar - ned ke (les
chanitges,-tsor ist(ties the Iproose
smndismient to Article IV ectioi 2, a
ltheconsitutiissnsoifthe Athleti asscia
is-i, s-hics a sitl pivtr th le srdttst
sirecusr of ayotis sishiissseser i tis
d sirectorsr' mteetings of the sait srgauia
tisiui I dan'I believe this is just as
sncessary. 1Idot hink sisterc, ts
gradsuate iretor aeshls nathas-c sit
solces-its the quesios of who shalfi
(le poiionsS of sdiretors osr sino ote
political officer of te ssoitin
know, moreover, that te~ grassuste d
rector should e allwses to svoe in a
other bussiness uwhitessies befsre0lb
ssid sdirectors. Wiho lists betiter rig
to voe onuiestiniss whics Ierain I
(le vital interest and policy of the sai
sssociatio? Uless you give the gra
nate director a right to ote, ow ca
ie justly holdI tint its says to cotea
any isse iwhici imigt trow i srespe
antdt discredi ts Iis manasgenit?
"The gsasuate sdiretor is nt blame
hat the differetitutdettmoatagers at

givet suich duties as they nsow have, ft
these are defined by thte hoard of contro
It has beets shouts at this univeruity,o
iwelt. - ~ - - 5>le, Harvardi, Cornsell ar

others, that the studentmsasagers are
rit to e relied spots to any great ex-
tent, for they foutd they ad to emloy
someone else to do the sork, ad that
is ivhy se have our grauate director.
Whly, take sonic of the memers of sisr
present bosard of diretors-they havet'
perfsrtmesdesssihat sduties sre tipse
uptisn them, its relatiots to keepitg up
cersaits reports, etc. This issue was triesi
atid fousid svsmtig, btv the policy- of te
ireseit graisusate director is to allys
tle slitudent smaager tt sts ll le is
caalhe of, asd alssied o dii ustder the
present consditions of tinigs. or it-
stassce, st. Chiadler, ishlistast ier-
scoslastic manasger, wa gietscmessspri
controlioft'this bsansh of athletics, for
tie sas found ttewivllisg atd slso
capatle of the trat.
I iwould like to suggest tIhis as ssn
-smiensdmsetlts Article IV:
"Se. 2 That te graduate diceessi
;hasll lists- to voin t fillisg niy vacacy
-at the hoard of direcsors.
"Alsoi that tes'tboard5f sdirecor- lis
ti-cit only-te poser of nomtinatiois,
ands nost the toser of appointmetts
siseb vacancy, le electionto thue sose ts
')e hedtin the general Athletic assoiss-
ioss tseetings. A speidl ssmeetiug for
Iis purtoisesh-ssll be calsdsi silissi
'Soeewsouldsa sy, Is-t is-isive- sigets
-esittsnomuunatintndsoil islnes-sithire tes
sisardl ssaoiats sus caidasites; u
eis litlisvets- iadmstsit tatstthis sgges
(st icnorayme isr Ism itod awy -sish tse
)resent evil of trading suort or iss-
illitig anypoliititcalitobligais isats-
set msit blie srdiaedi, ntCbts sisy
sissasg, so insaessistsituttionasl rssiin
f oussior-'astuatitsbut ather itslii
eating telprseniteliaisiswshicisis-
srbintg (sitssld \-Michigats srtns I-ssi
sll, assssid altrue :Mticigsan iteni, fits
h tsr tetrmti ofsi te tUiversiy.
Pa-rtitesnt(questios, nait iusttlauutsl
renteulby A.\nI)Pearcetinthle flisttsss lo
-I his e re-ets-sthlettcussntoerstit
- sisy- le amittied (lit socus-lits stt at
(lif te acie Isartis ot bt hs sides aes
anitedstt spIrincitpally bl i isicti ites
r lust oft petsnatl paser sr dsisre for
self-jutstfiction.Tt hitsoitly sties tinsis
e is these-assyhutng it"g-rcissteir pit:
T sthere a sgnsufcan issue -tat (usoivess
I the ralintuserests ot :Micigaus Tis
-hussges ,are promnunut: (lst, tpoliti-,
- second too ostiricoutrol Isy the gea-
utte sitctor'
5 Saing that politis annot lar elisi
t, nsstes' brings te issue. Is there auvy
e thintg ihihs an hr.relimiaed?'ts(
f stecific charge is, that tere is trdins-
eof suponrtwsihntties silthlie ime-mber
- of the boari;itat this is basdt tat i
a casts le stopped. 'rie reidence ists
o h ill andilKenniedy atd te gdesisdoii
e rerior oteid for IHeiger fr treasre
,e that these tio stuents are sustectel e
1 hsavinlg idoneuo simsutply to ap isstilir
I trias, ansdtthat the sdireor isistedt ue
I- duly upni his right 1tosiote; thast] Ill
:e anss Ketnnedly nake us nalsiius. Ii
e prtinetlintp quirud i-isp-aiy-gasuat
- direcor shoulihe sitesrrstdsin its
)r electiosn of a studentwsotto h (re ii
e sof ire suet tmemsiers id rot wail
ty Was hetpolically bigaud? Thus
.11 sihat bausitess hadh tsritsbsigsu? Des
r this 1l(k like te real extressiono
I stuen sentimsent' Is he doig te tel
i-of 11111 anthKenediy, or ae (luy ltist
It Iis wilit?
is, "Seconda, te graduasie- irscr ous
t hairetsr chatceteo giell posssilehurts
ii fit f Iis kowsiledge andus experiencr'1
id the itudsents, but thley smust maske t
- resal hoie if the coutro is to le thir
it (Continued on Pae Three)
dints Anusalsa

ir Y. Al. C. A. B ANlQUET
iTickets 75c.

RALEIGH S GENIISStntst serinous, pathetic, thrillinig, and
cmclwerr performed b tejunior
- - girls as thisu party held last nighut ini
London Preacher and Lecturer Bharhsoue gymnasiuma. All sorts of ens-
DepctsRemrkbleAdwtnes inuses appearrd, inceludinug that of the
Depics Re arkale A witnss hiji islanuder, the college sport, anai thur
of the Elizabethan Courtier. ehhrtu tpigr oit rts
itsolaitg smutelopemsentiwas the first
hutiIis treasure last eteninsg out"Sir musuher isis thue programu. The players
Wsalter Ralseighs antusst l isses," Retv. wi-ccMisses 'Margaret McLachlans, Eiithc
'WilithamssJ.liDawtson tsaic thur statemsenst Leonuardulohrence Baker, andshLusurac
sisal amonsgs alt thusfamussmenmcusof theu IniliMud.Oherfeattureisierr dancing by- r
Eiizahmetllusperiod, neon-sed as it stas .Miss Traueblood auth juisWeber, a "
sit ilsrisillsiaut stud picturesque usins, lamus ' e taisnsat Barbara Fritchsie, and ses--I
luusstansous(ut as-mises Sir 'Walee ral Isosg iven sut i iss RMchachlat itn
Rleuigh. the cosstaums of *a fair emihern Cider, f
"Th vIlesatuii it whihui e ias m-ssr-hsusamushaptples were served, and
eodoss em1 sal Dr.IDaivsons, .markedsi musts grtenddthe evening's entertains-
sits assong' suchnts taurs usassonm, Sipen-nent. Muss IDorothea hBrothertons stasE
ccih'msu eight Siney, intuitShaskespearc.thusinui tumosvsr of thme affair. ;
Raleighisisis a superbs courtier, brs'ksnew______law_____
etter thuan5musninst ofthursuityers of his NES WL
las, coutsi prasctice nlus-icinsr hatier thsan 'I itR(
aous th ls izhuahetluanssdoctsirs, comrn- 1H LD SMiOKhiR T'ONIGHIT
saspo seestsy sshellus SpeIsas ansd
isrotcprseas-fisne as thuat nf Sidnesy. The junior5cnginerrs muill holst their
hlis thusesun il chambler hue- originatemh usstsmoker st thur year at theisosni
tpssiceesthIts 5thme iunssus o 5f to siller elubhutsusetoniught. As isusua mussthese
sttse eethis-usbstirto foursum suat soccain s tparelor s wi his'eplaced at
it wa s bSr's misser saleigh' hue esan-thusir (dispostl, aswillthesur maini ditning
suid."t orckseditime cradlhesof thue romswhe irea uMinhs isill be sere-d.
o es--suus- fAs mriuscans Thast is thus-great IThue LUnisnsas masitsmany engage-
clsimthIts slieu Is onit use. Alhusght Iis mussits tsar smookers anud batiquets during
prish eat, a mussem still bueomse si gre-sithe s- tso weeks rremaiuning before thin
l.iuglush ai uois, hums mut serum fulfilledsh Ihristsmma svacatiotn. Among them amar
in wo sird, as and n uitne swosulst-sis it so, IItheisnsdianasuclsub smsoknr, Wesdnesday,
ut Iss bhuenisfulfilled-inusspirit. hDs-. imu, mushthin alpha Nauhanquet, Dec.
(5 (eusof lie geatsts okseverusuc usd5 .T 'hur hoinourary enugineeritng society,
teless t ha 'IlistosrumsoI isae'Worhld,'ushuich 'latss teta h'i, alsonilltthold its initiation
Rleighi (rustse ashits cninedjinu isthur mmii bsnqutsitsthurcluhomuse on Satar-
Isswer huy fastse 1I ByhipIis title Ralei-gh sdsy-, Diec, t4.
ss seait mhe history sof f"ush ands Hissi-mrsh Addihtionus isafurniture amid other is-
us iithnse mlut tLuskjin witli all Iis ec-l mess unioits are beitug made almost daily,
inens e uvappu tlroachesto thtl whusicihi Shuelves mavn beets put ltit nthis'reading
_1Rleg eahsini lahurbst pasags ofrcisait for ibosoks ansi magazines, atnd
usth usewr . A 1f5 is jislns y ivhast it nriesaper racks sellarren i a stuart
5 usu hcsisisl aith he life of Rasleigli, I tisse. 'Thes rountdt scadaul gamet ables
ursl hioiistuste, isma sgniificntsucrcess. uswhichs lau-i tben delayedt so lonig are
t h 'lienIis hieistfull jesitom a o of thue slso estpected to arrise ini a few day-u.
II-euiirs axe, thie nry of auspsmet~ar, Thisy still tsr pushin thin roasmswhich is
e'lTere s snsumsuch I -uanther hdiuess u hg- maims uinuguss-sIas thse "annse" to thin
s siiand tobh ut fi:iusthush,' usa-sthae u-r-- dininug roasom.
ret hnsof all Fn slsand.i he dint for the A ptortrait of Jiudge Colrystnd snv-
itsIts-stuahitusetysof Iis tsltand mandtimeru-rusthnsgs wiil soosne mhutig ini thure
as No.' tlunmginug racitsm..S. Lyndsonshas do-
S r. sit sumts chuaracte-rizatiamio of usumuus a liege phiotographiofathsuecanmpus.
a Quee siiu E.lnis setus smell trautwsii. His Thu rmatrait of hPresident Angell, by
eloqauesne.upesoaitymsansutle lsssmmasse VsithiamtsChses, salthuough the propnrty
l- stpaulesd isthe us osieuuce 5sf tihelUnion, cannsot he ktinsg isathr
- ~~-- - ulushlmusue advsantageously bessause of its
a-S1'hth)I2XTs NMII, PRESIN si/c. IUntil tisuee spacious quarters arc
hI FE1'CHI'sNi' OFa EN Ili ()blsamuedlistsiill hivts- osmremuajin etsr-

Michigan Historical Society Plans
Elaborate Program for Third
Mid-Winter Meeting.
With at program extetditng uer twoa
days, the Michigan Pioneer aid Histiri-
at society tis planned its titld0(1(1
winter menetimng, o he held us Asius Aror
ama Dcc. t3 anth 14. T'hec sesionsuwsill his
held in Room B of ltar lassvbuilding,
commtencing Friday at 2:3ol. in. adi
ending Saturday afternoon. Aunxten-
sire progratmthtisbtentsaranged for ecah
sesiaoiaid will incudcIresidernt A-
gell, Peti.Hudson, Pent. Psxso, Prof.
Sadler, anut Prof. Van Tyne,sof slur Ui-
versity, and Prof. Avord mit thur Uni
versity of Illinois.
Its a letter to the editor of 'lher Diy,
bleary R Pattengill, of Lansingsee-
tarp' of the sociey, lamntsth le gro-
lug neghet mitMichigani citizenss tinttre
serve historic rccrds ad relics," sindm
urges thula and eery other paper in the
state o "assist itt making Micigat hurt
icr knownt and appreciated."
The program for the sssions ot the
society next wenk has tben pinted as
Fridhay, 2:30 phnt
Addtress of Wecomc-JastnuB I. Ass
gell, President Unisversity of Micligaut
Response-Clarence Al.Burtonu, Pres-
ident Michigan Pioneer sn itihIhstrical
Society, Detroit.
Patper, Ihistorical ights fromsu iuucis
Decisions-Jsudte Edward Chill. Lusts
Paper, The Roe of tGreat Mcii mu
-H-istory-Prof. Rchasrd hI udsnis.Uni-
venrsity of Michigan.
Papter, Theurnmtdaris of he Uitedl
States as Defintedh ty thu reatuty f 72
-C. Mi. Bhurton, Detroit.
Friday Evening, 7 :30.
Paper, Th Gateway of thinOldstNsrth-
wet-Ptrof. 1F. ,. Pixson tuivursasll al
Paper, Genesis ositheucam-usstioniuof
173~-Prof- Caren. Alvod., tnie-
sity of Illiois, Urbana.
Paper, Locsal Governmenctit sitsili-
nmackmac-thon. Lawusnui .'I'.thusas.
Ssaturdsy, 9 a. n.
Boatd meeting aut visiting Utnisersiy.
Paper, Thur Great Nsav amk-Prof.
tHerbert C. Stuter. University ofuf shnt
a p. 0m.
Ptaper, LUnexpored Finld in Michigsn
History--Ptrof. Claude I. Vats Tynes,
University of Michigan.
Asddres--Barlow Cutmbesrlands, Pres-
demnt Ontaio Historica SoitybDunaiin,
Port IHope, Ot.
Paper, Thur Missions of Locsal History
-Renben G Thwaites, LLD, Pessidnt
Wvhisconsitn IHistorical Socity Madson.
Discussions aand remarks swt ibe insult
by Profttsavis, lHon. H. W. Newirk,
Hon. Josneph Gresel, Jusge tHarrismamn,
antI others
t ICt, WsIS., :N .N, 'AND)KNOX
The univrsites whiose retres uatinra
still speak its tie bHamiito testa r
' as folhows:a Univ erity osi iehigsmt
Un.'ivsersity- satWisconsitn, Norhwsestrnt
uiviersity, sanih Ktnoxcolege. 'T'heUni-
versities of Cicago, MitnesotaI oiai
Illinois, and Indiana also cotestdl toe
the ight to speak, but only the four
orations judged highest in thounght are
- pernmitted to hag usesisa the fial eat-
t test before the H-anitont chub:, of Chi-
- cago, Jatn. mu
k The cestets are usaly- held i Music
- Htahl antd are atendd otly by gttests ot

,semative is Stephenm Doswneysit last
year's dtebating team.


Purof. hIrunhtuuasis class its Shsakspar-



if Preims this eaveninag 1im Iootis2., UTTh 'INS EITRSCbIAFh
tusis-esiu IHall. thus-erutirerlayuwil CT- -IS t I1
be gis ess fromusthur plastforms, thur ncas - tiurcmf'la akTsi ta
liaiing selectedi frustmte nuemnes of thur - -rchf, b ar win a
class. Nos audmmissions sill hue chasrgedi taresrsntdtsp- thur senior girls of thin
stud alIt iterestedi sitt hu e i-lcoauedsiat etnmsehuer 'serenim before thin Womans
theperormnce Thse rodctinsLeague grosup yesteerday afternoon in
SasrahtsCaswuell Anstgell hialt.
aruse agegusnsial nt.es t iaundtact 'Thnplot of thur play- deals wills two
a lage gtherng, o Itis iportnt myug Amearican girls who are sent ho
shas ui m Iss s si (u i snlss hu pr-Germuiany hu forget sunmdry- love affairs
jun55 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ whc aue1ei IssulsasuttsO731 slslsarceiistastefuhlttheir parents.
in sirsder 5tos-clues seats.'Their progress its learninug the German
SLATsS tON S'sLEh\tODIhV lsanguage' isntstacked umntil thin two
FOR IOI=mNNG O(F M.'JES''IC yonineit--mappear assthurscetic. Such
asstotnishuing strides are shenasade in
''ll(- sale of seats fur hBelasco's'Girl i heir language study that the parenutal
of slur (GoldhenaWest'"thur opensingag 1blessiis readily secsuredt.
(us ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h huphe I s hrmc-S ~ e layers were :MsestHensrietta
tbegiventu . ,inte e ajestc Sasmsinker, Eva Shumft, Ottitic Grauser,
thseatersellt begin osums Munassumporoningf. 'leu hsurseCntsc lct
'Tlshetenoratoars are erapidtly sudduinagthus- - t umeseCosaceFth
finsishing touhsht o thur sit-M ayntardi Neva Dierdorf, anditNellie tlis.
strens theaster. 'turk is heing pus-sied -____________
stay mmiiinight itsn er thuat alt may be j CROSS CtOUN'T'RY CLUBI MEN
is reaudiness for tim enhuinig. T'eIlsece- I tOST'PO'E FINAL -MEETINE
uriciasumarse insallinug shin slantlights amid
dinnssers saldshunlatest lighstinugnffects thur last meertimng at thin Crosu Coumn-
arc preomuised.nh e unscnery ishbetng push try clubs, hichu was scheduled for last
into planeestud the stifle propterties raisn-emeing, hitsheen postpomned until Tues-
pltued.iWisest thur caeriage canopy is , tiny of macsm week. A call to the track
comsplret a large electric signt will be asei wilt be issued for the same oena-
uinstaledl abomve it. A Iearaoom huts been sin, and at this meeting the combines
trovidedrandsss lighut refreshsments will be biuiness mwil1 be teansacted. A largen
servedtbsfore and afiteperformances. attendnce is urged.

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