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October 25, 1907 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1907-10-25

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ANN ARBOR, -MjICHIGA-, CRI)1 () \ii ()L oER 2, 907. No. 28.


FOR, 0. S. U. GAME ,Splding, ro Ypsilanti, riles for us,
saidthe askeballgirl ineffect yes-
____teraIsafernoon. The reasons for the
rhneaethe present wdsra s
Varsity iven Three-Hor Final It nriealding rles, id tespreadue
Practce-O io Tem Arives deans made upon Michigan graduates
This Afternoon, toesoacl acorig to tlemt. The mint
differencte ithle two systens is that in
Gutartled so cloel tiedtiit eeiathtle Salding rtles the ball is not put
ray of sitnlighti cotilpeietrate. Michl- otttoftlay tsr touching the floor, and
igat's foottltli team dried traigli a beoigs to swtov er gets it. Other diff-
stiff three hours' tratiee last ight, it fereites tre iiite guarig scoritg,
awurkoutich pirac tictally eatseI te ttiiitsevertl oler tphitses of the game.
heary hrt of le lrepitrationitfor Gluis TIhe regular gmnasiiit class fot- tp-
State After psetcre its attt iser, Yost perlass 1basketball girls till legit test
hailfotgiottecitevieryitigthat ht ailp-it Mottnta t i5p. i.. titd ll girls intetti-
peueu-tt is sswlentatltfing to nwts in,- to etuer it tmttst report at the direct-
papers, atdiitniforiitioni conucernuig ti the ' fie fr measuremetsubefoe that
soiree ssas scre. timei- fleXWomattnis Athletic associt-
The sripiinttge wiithi the iserutss-.iit iii election lir the fresiisairetresent-
tuiitsiually short. butttat titt the va-rsit tise is still alen, tind will coitinte
suicceedleidit scrfing three tues.s Teii iiitit iitaority oiifs-tes is reeised.
iante abottit houir sf sgna l iprac-_____________
ice. antl it wscts1otgtfter te lilts lutad \MAS SI Ep, tIl G PRACTICES
bieit lightetd that the tired oothallers RIOOITING FOR (. S.U. GAMEL
tisdgeid toithe gyminasiumii. I'oitgts
cretlprtcticse swill sgaiii teissniithe r- Plirestiiossand sitets "httblig
gramnt.but noiiacumismage tiill tic Iel.oei"iwth eitutsisisi aitilMiehigai
A siguiat sorkotitoipiut te iiist ip iiltdea htge success cif this years
toctesiiol tic nwuri maii itioiissti i-ttsitconidtmas-iteeiiig swhiht sas held in
liii Oh~sio Siatu-willttcidtheits iin iiiiay iii s-csits-Hall lat ight. Seiitii
isrk cit Iiii itt wastmiitster f cer-unsies ttid
Thsifr itth ilheralded i - ii,i ly id siijtustice tic his at. A- II.Peat-i-e,
whlich l tltucgstiu wa s toirclivi- 1 ist it siltiifirst seaker ositheliprogrit,
giarid tniil ubuiss ws t if td ti an
tift ciiiihatiefaidto mii aiteisiilie A metetitglie tis is tecliry sig-
Ritusey-. iihoiihas aasli ore ic-lite ii-c aitsnt. Itats iiihes-first plce,
hialfbacek ttuha seiinldoig contsisintl ttiein Sag lcgiufi leads his
good w ssork t li-t sut.d, iiIaidsita o itigutgmiei istitesthe field extStitir-
certin thitthIs isill le atii eiiiltiltsii dait I.iheiiwill Iaic.the bacig of the
refir-is wi lst-etalls theii iut iiitii oiii eges- that 11hc athletic actiiiies
gether iiitoorow.s- 'Whittcrsriinoi the iof le Univusersity- are receiring the sup-
wiltliie toccipin tg tsisaiispostitn riiof lithieiienstire seitouy;furtr
ise liutraticec bigiiis itttxMondayti dc-smtic ,-tht fetethis the Michligaiotisn
iids crtis-honsitI;i is-rk tmro. i ag-ly re-p iiue ioiwlts
Acco~urigly, te vast.ii is gsttiiig ts Uiioiii Yo-u are boisiniiguit uwhiile
tliigswimiiniiigly - ichaetiis i th5etolle-ge -actisitics. aid it is nttloly the
litietpt tssiiig tieiei aninouiiiieditforisit iluty f cs-ry- indcergrauattte to joiiii,
ertil clas. Rtoilsets of lickselshard It iiit s lss toitheir cdisiiict auvsan-
at isork. iiii tltithoghiit siemi prole 0 aieitoi bei uleilei mi-tmbers sf a atr-
tible itiat SWcsmuiuuuu 1sill blit itittairtr, giztutioinutttlhs te -prestige of ilie
.\lsgoffiu. left hatif, IDouglasigitHti-stunion."
anditillill. fallbackin th le () S. 1. flTse cllig taidc sitigngws-isablye- ci
gaite toiiiorroiws-.any sie 5f le othe iti n i iisrsitliy I)Duiley-Ku-inndy-snilRalih
iutrtet Lilr Alsedice, Millsr aniiis soni i.
Sullis-ani, itay aplper ini te lieiiti a lrf. jcuss .P.1-rof teengitieer
givenisut tiy the cotieh. i hpr tsrn-t asc aishort tls wi
fotbll cntrai stigthe pi- ress-t g-mie
While Siichiganiis cintfienlfivie- w5i5 isthlitht f "dis gou, Iy-:'
Cory, le parisans sifte IOlhi aggi cgti JudgIt. 11 .u Nesskirk stoke abut a
tioiaratecfiguringti-stgiitg te varsity 'isetsi stiity o ich5sislignsp ~irit,sni
ti mterry- ight. Plus iri-ti ssItistrobi lsoitoisls iitisum er sa stuntes.
with iswhichi I rriit-ilsti hs Iiadititi-iT wIossinest orgiial sngs mae their
teindlis le lk iffublstitutes, s le iltse-sue clst ight one to the tic
hiaidhexatcly- thirtel e nnithi e i ar-ii of SitosuterntGiiI,"iand oe to "Arrth
it)- sqittd lst Saturdaty. Hiowevers, 55 siuu.u IThese seieed to le well re-
seseral stitieits liss-c-restpondued ts leceis-cisantl still idoutles-the used for
call fotritoses-canitelus, aiid lite iarth te 'cutsnsy guituic
of itateritl i ist ow- cuite sitsuice- ______ ___-
abie. The Cioluiwbiss strienst.,ehalI- -WABcSHl lEFEATED IICH-
ing rtllies tlmiost daily, aiid Stusrsay IGAN,- SAYS DIAILY ILLIN
miornig nill srud ti large deletioin to
Anti 'rbto uscheer iinitherthee. thurthecatioti. '"Wabashi Defeats
''lie Ohio Sats traits silt arivini Mic1higsnthle Daily- Illini, thesuieit
Atn Arbor this afternocntushdswill hliiinisialiter cii iheUisersity- of hllinois,
headquasrtsrs at thus CatkcHoluse fillits issue sof Suiuda,Oct. ao, pits
they- get here inimetuu'.they siillbl ienishcit olointg:
the test fieli oe signitlhructiesuisd it "Wablashi cllege upset all the dipe
is likely that Coachi I erruseiuutusill taike5 yesic ruay hoyhtr tncitg Michigan by as
advatasge if the sfferi18-6 core. Coach Cayou's fast teams
- got itost f their poits ou drop-kicking.
wriuuisi or surtsie rztstti asesiSC. '1'iue gmie took place at Crawfordsvile,
Siiigiisg classes are beiig fsrimecd at taiii the towsnis sett sild oser theun-
itse School f :M-usi iceortis-ptirtpose huloeifr victory
tf teachiiig studseiits hiows ts siig Mich- The Iiidianai Dail Stusdent, itt criti-
iguit sotgs. The avseage stsls'iit. it is ciig the arice, says : "Eery Esqi-
claimed, kniowssowity- te wss s ofs ithur tuiiscshsoolboy kewemosotshssago that
soing atnd iiit thue utune, and tul is to thur Michigant-Wuabas gtme was to e
raise the santiard hthiat this-csltsss an-etplyed,.t:it ttCraiwfordsvssile, but a
htsitng foutises. Indiainapoulis.'

Committees Announced Last
Night-M'erritt to e General
Thle com tssiieorganization fuse thue
Michigant Unionu oupert.f"Michignd.
wsihl soons he perfesicsch dte huusiucss
arrtangements sill hbegin aucutse. Ne-
gositi ut re undelsr wii-tohsec-trs- sui
f the uis-sp-raihost uses iiwih itoi
presenti the pec. Plusiswuorksciiithus
boouuk is prgressinsg raplill- antd it is
expuectedulthatusthu r syoutssiillbehelu-Id
tet monS~th. 'heytsswill Its'ostns it ll
unitversitsyumunutliktle. Teni en risls
leadiigpats adaou t ch fortyIcilefusethus
chorus sill his selectes. Thur try-ut
commtuuits-is suttoscul entirelyofuIe
ofh extericeandiunon-ttudenthsis. A date
foruite th rca has nut s ytbenh eu
!V. W. Mheritt a-i ight atnuncesitru
the followusingucomtteeuhrs fus te su-oera:
Executive stallf: Gnralctha.-imanuu
W. W.Mercitt:sdiectour.IHrert A.
Kenvo uit muisical dirs-ctor,.ROcy I.
Weulch;t property lua,Irushhisty This
dirs-ctocu-osfIths-orucsta-is -notuchii
Finanutce counuith cc II ircmS. uII susi
treasurer; SitienuA.5 Itou ic 1 .
Arrantg-eents cmmiuttiie:Louis l;.
Ayrers, chacirmuan : GeresA Keley
JamtuesK. Watinhs.
Piulicity: P'auul Sctt. hsiii-es-chr-
man: utChuntcy' Bouucherari h ciau i.
Katie. HIarold Pa.sGoul.
Cottmsittee Inc thurCnt eu-triii-
Thaomuas uCauldt. hairmantusGorge- h1I
Knuuut. MI. S 15.iiucriii- hyotits
Hesrbert A e nyonsisiRluy ID. \ li is
Eaure Kileeti. SlbetEokod
Protpervcrommtite r heduh isb, ).1
Furi-ut5WooduruffCharlees I. 55c-ck
'The uprogramuis r thus litraury-scities
int e 11class-epatmenut utitit rsi th-is irk
are aus folos:huc
uciccesuto.sea. c
Cutrrent Eventis--Sh e icfrr
Deate--Relvsed,. thact tathlestis i.
thur Amsericanuniuvsersity hvie ccciiex
cessively develuspedl. ifieuuutise. 5. ,.
Counuttry-mtani, E. K. oste;unegtic- l
SI. V.Weatherford,. II. 1. haes.
ictusiiisooIA, OcurT.6
Cutrrett Escihta-- erue.
lImprompitu-G. K. llahissiy.
cAdress-Prouf. S. L.SS'olff.
Debate--Resolve-d thast thur Ameicn'
negro's coindihtionsbsnre thus Citil is-cr
wias eter thanut ctthe tpreentut ie.
Affirmative, \Y C. Curtss, G. Nes-
beg; unegaive, W.55' Alssa, .hIDii
uiiNCr o i ts' 51.1 uos t'isuu'ssusti
'Plussatce (f the cambhiueds-tauts cus
wshichswis-.tic he helNio. assbruit
postpoanedl. Clirepresentattivs ctiok
this actious last ight iiircer thact a
better "scial feeitg'nmigtheeec-
oped lefore the dac occurs.
Dr. George . SWilson assistant ii
surgery. hsatresignuedhhis uosiionuttut
ltce msesical faclty. IHe eft ysterdayi
for Alleghueny, shere a mostns uesirchch-
positousin ihes'city hositatlshisisbhint

Thurvoyaieiifi5 ifthe '"Discovery" lint
Aniitrctic regions was the subhject of a
pp rureadsby iy r. Scott before the
Geology cli yesterday. I e first di-
cuistedhthe cmtiparaie idifficulties sf
ArincseuitAuntarctic exploration, ad
teun thur trip of the "Discovery" was
taklens ups ini detail wiihhspecial refer-
serehis thur scentific datua secred. The
xis foirmatsions of glacier arrier's
and packsiceirswsre-thesm iints dealt
lih btte pesonatl eperietces of
the ien ir urss--calsio uesribedu. 'The reac-
ing issiillustratued h s-htsereopticont
viets ancciihums f thus'vsoyge
SPNO 11111.1 COM.HThI'l'ECS
Commsiiittes fsr tsc senir it class
sirs-nnunssscr] by Gisorge Iobart,
presientt taetitg ell ysterdauy
'fc-rr he apotmentuuus are ccas
hi ii issi:
Sunorits ct uiusu Rllhinu P. Iise,
tutu s si h ssd-ardul.1I. Piunkett, C. I-.
isittihs I I Thomatits White,'Olivie ucks,
Adlides B. 'Carue, SarahisI. hDethick.
Ca atnduitgown:i 'homausu Catcy,,
charmn;J FreduWo5dcussful, Sttnley
(.CuxIMiryILSWhite, fla Shrray.l
(ias (hiy:JohnTuiI. (Creighton, chasir-
man;CaulP. sgolli, 5W. Edwit
hish, Catheisn ue . Douiglaus, is s,. .
hiss nde Becariclimn
Arthurssi I'ihtlt''k SiWear, Otar-
ritt.Situlhisy,1Mabel CU Glbraith
Meis ali : Ward5 uitS Bossmtsit, chair-
ma;I.thus thin IT-fiDaid-lF Seven-
scs, Suit-icofla'd, las dy1ts S itreiert.
hMisu isus Wasls 5'.'Merrit, chair-.
maut;Lews A.sEs ties rak Ayres,
AnsisaiIuthisritus, 'rancestrBen.
Thissas ,'. vas.t IHtnry SI Cmtpell,
Jr.,i Bs si(suCit Plieu Eh Atkis.
Asuiting; 1.5A 1 tll chirman;
heItIs I1). IDourney, Water ID. Frey-
burger, uBrbara NiuAvav,. Persis
SoiciliiiarnJ. Serinig chairman;
itracue hBraskamtpti. HarsryE. se Nan-
crecit e len . Ssinutn, Kahenite J.
hi' us in" Jamets Wi. iMcCandess
Chasirman:u Ronusald S. CruielElmer C.
AdasissBilanuche I. iliin-ai, Isabella
Banuet:uc GlutsVi'. Jacksonu, chair-
Its; Roertls iE. Montrsoe,'. L.. O'Letary,
h. Sipencer BishpGorge .A. Dthie.
KSemminiosig: Jay 'T. Reedechairmuan;
PhiliSAnmstroug. E. IG. Frnk, H. S.
ip an stueuin: AllansI. Richardsou,
chirasDnuu utal P P.trutmcond, F
W.s-uswusrii Satuel F. Bck, Santley
flitsesissis will saurt ticr social
usvsuts withu a smokr fsr the meut and
ac "smokuheless sutoler for the girls, both
to tic huelii theac rurfuture. Jut addi-
lin the clis- expects to buld a tattee
atl Grangr's ini Decembiher.
"Sug-.s" roundttulthe seuior encehs will
sonhi stsurted Iythe cmmtittee its
'hue stle of thcets for the Studetus'
Lecture asusociationscose has aready
res-achedilneasrly twoc thousandi, andi thoutghu
thue hust seats sre beitg tpisly disposed
of,. yet there tre plenty of desirable
scatis left. 'he numbsler of tickets sod'
comparutes-s favorably with ltast year's sale.

Membership and Banquet ees
to be Solicited Together-Class
Committees in Charge.
-MichigautUttionc tembership atnd bat-
quiet ticketiswill he put on sale this
Saturday ini every udepartmsettal class
of thets-Utnivesity
Thec memttbership tikes, wsibiscest
$2.5o uill entitle the hodeso all the
privileges of the cutholuuse ansI o buy
bauhuet tikets t $.oo. 'o all thosse
whuo are tot mensbers of the Union, the
batquet tickets wilhe slu fr $.50.
Tomuorrow muemstbers of thin cotnmsit-
tees itt all the classes if each depart-
utuent will he gventickets tos ell to
their classmiates. 'he meuts of these
mtent isill bus anntiumuuceil byeach ilass
presidentt whou will le rspontsibles for
11cc sale sit tickets iihIsisdiepartment.
In tider that all ie taent sho wish
tickets utay e suppliedthsih them at
once, there wil he wiseecnvatsser to
esery tiventy-five stuiseunts.
Situce only qoo persots canu be satedl
rits Waermns gymnasitun, where the
- sinnesrsill hesesredth hat unuer of
tickets alonte sill e solt. 'hesirectors
of the Uniont state thast it is necsary
fon all those swhoswish toI attend to ged
their uetmabership attulbaqueit tikets
at onuce, for swhet the tomttees reort
thle sale mofqoo, no mtore tiesuscant he
pricturesd.'The fat that there are aoaut
3,500 uten inte 'Unuierstyaudtah hat
mnty alumittiw sill he here to atttd
both thte banquet anud thin Mihign-
Pennsylvania football gamie, shows that
there will e no troublue to the itmeudiate
dispousal of banquet tickets. Hoiever,
there wiillhe enought Uniwn uuembership
tickets to suppy' any- numbther f those
whoimshubto join.
Tineudirecors atnsd encommtteet of the
MichuigantsUtion, who are hanecarge of
the banuquet, expet to nae this the
most successful banquet given by the
Unisun. Besitdes being a banquet to
brinug together fautlty, -altuni and st-
dents, it will seve as a nass meeting
to arouse etthtutsiasmithle foloweers
of Michigani football, Several promsi-
nett ahumni, is-hose names hae ot yet
Iseeni made putlic, iill respond ha toasts.
yJ UNsR auI5 tnie trFOui
'The Fox ticket swept all before it itt
the junuior nmedi elections held yesterday
umortninugits the uewttmeiica uiding.
The fillowitug were elecede:h
Presidett-Es. 11FOX.
Vice-presiden-R. B. ake.
Secretary-A. M.. Flootd.
Treasurer-K. . Dixot.
Football' manager-J. D. Leiis
Baseball manager-J. Ovitz.
Track uanager-If. Es Patrick
Metdical representatives-C. E. Varier,
T. D. Gordon.
Hotnor cotmnittee-F. Enx, C A. Pen-
oat, J. R. Davis, RE. Leland, G. Es
01nn ouCgt ax eIxeITorIOs.
On exhibition in the Law 'library is
an old commission mit churh uotary
granted its the year 1758 by Ctrdinal
Johnu Schraz o John George Wenle
'The insrutment is written itUuinu pon
parchument, tand withs the seal, whichs is
etnelosed its a smsall iron muoutlandu at-
taehed o the paper, umakes ans iterest-
ing curio. 'The relic was presented to
thte department by Davit E. Beineman





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