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December 10, 1907 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1907-12-10

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AN15N ARBOR, iITClHi(lAN, tT,O' l '081 lA i )l-N' i ii tO, 007


iiPolitical Standards in Studentt
Body Are Held Responsible forE
Present Conditions.
IThe political reformi comiiittiee ap-
oitdat te atthletic mteeting Satturday
n[tl Itt the clu[house Sanda afternoon t
il fo rtttatee plta tat' tiatevrettiontt
tey mtighit: Ihe empowered t tatla. The
tly diaiot: reaed was i that they ttere
[a consititutte [an[I advsry atdti 10et-
eating tattl, ttic wtol attl offer its sert-
ictte Sttttiett Concatil. 1Trete ew
namtes, aN. it. Illetnr Ff. M. Camttp-
btell. IC., andt i (eee-a Keiiy, awere addiedl
tothe plerstleat a ther prominen
m ttt itlsoo he it alatiti .I-fete re t
It wvas the mlan~~Itu pnino h
meein tat heprsit troub[les aveii
te ao m [ oil it alloting. ESir etive ittell
va~liit, t wasagred. mue ico e ttitci
ciinc of11 each [lih~iga till tei ]liaae
"ititlild t at [[ heil l [tlted it e[[a [im atit
to riaiie [ll' till I s aatti [a ai
ri Co e epaizehd a the h a'y o
[iming ut [Ililar athetilt tiralt Inden
hto i[[wlt n 1 to, rilfaorm C itseli. In itis
ill ttittittititir aing lie fttttattittf
h. palt'li as andttlenatio [ii ireeil
c irre. initthei a Iiala ilititi of r atn Scare
pusitalndelar ttil of pIo lita moite atiar
lii 3 atit fr ilt alie i evedh a tlt eaan[
toru [[taict ethod oii Initmiaatinlii
lila weelad tia-lltie shaauldet
llht lexress\edtailonfisefrethat
r e llm YiI~.1 [[ac l [[[lil If 1110 hel wa
liiad evit, and elatilal tat 1
i ia fatetit. adin liritertititler
Il whalernr Mihigare ptinotitlmersaf
tleit tll lisetiteeleetreahangeit[heat
woyuldadn eImill to at ioa i the seta

ciatl eatr it reqiuesteel Io setnd lisi namie
atid dlestination, ats awell ats mtit colt-
I elijen time for dleparturee, to C. R. 11al11
at tlie Neiw York cliihiouise.

ofat[tC tl ttl t5[t SHUN LANG UAGES
specal 1n~ctnl;y o itethtlti t a a at
tittollal iedir lewtl ,Nlail a stibaIen
tempohtraria lyiaposteid. IteasittIPresident .Schurmann Advises a
givell foth[i a tlisth[Iaittie aatnittttea
ftr lthe retision if[lie cotittion1of1 Thorough Study of English for
the Atletic attattiation taill ain- Long-Course lMechanics.
sutffcienti meu' Itto act iniil[[[a ashort [[[tat ---
leorta ~ ~ ~ ~ llal ifof Cornelltit i r[gu [
Thitila rut tincc te ntla it i [1111f th at od
m k sit time r atithat it so l ae tdnt fta it.liol lclta '

I N NI [[P IN PN I T;I'tl

lit Flr,111,111,In it a I lila-
ri NMt(NI i i11,111 rct
,1 i ctir1 tI lict- i
r to [It t ~i- II t- t

i[li t
at 1

t (t
{ ;
{ ,

Famous Conductor hlissing-
Band Arrives Late After
Wreck at Milan.
Ni Iappearanceiilast;[Ilit [I' adthett
t c tn c tc r . 11 {1 I n
lit a h uait a tI lre p s: it eai
llt-yfi n: tl blts i ii )r s
Ici Itp r~sIllr ltnan ~il
tr itr ll t1 heian lliiih
;r tit- ill-i ~)c)ct s lic
,' ii t I t 1 }ilca.i t
A i t tiha cl -1 I Iwd aill I - ia trIi
Nt -ic l atlct [tpcN I I-tih

I It

tilt(' (

;:ai edthe aeconitelSatturdaty in Jtt
S[[[ usta tthe [aCliriatiuas rat-usa.
NI [IC ,'1 N~lIalCS I INV[- TN
['.t ttonlyt ttine t1I'' m hlaf1 iic I
"Itelil rak tleicst t'asum~esl 0it- t
d iteestto th n werst lit illtctihl-
itile tiil ciatt en [ tlitn[[i l [ e pt-
:ole l le n oll ll -s o ih
i a-ll Ia te 11 tthetit e ltwor-a laise
'or 11111tf[I t his' [ a nit [1ne1xtt var t oAi s.
I~tr Unersty ~ schoIlhs alread
.writtentfar a laltt et t h 111 tiIaareh
me til ndtil th i illtarlaa atif [Ia'oN'mNi
twill1hath it ea I to hiigt's m eio
Twoi Noi ' lcuesv lille hati
ii a tttiail t i [[tilt[tlt 30iitill aNewberry
'itt l. niet hea [ ats[pices tteat Yt' Ahit
iii [[[a' n[it led "iifea iiill t l la m -
in itietita [tug Ilat l l atk il l. [ dtatl[a
hithgheCcitalN itisiti tilts inteto
haneai ctri[[aits attdeatithitelifi-e
c lies t la-li [tll itt [ha- btathlu t a ttli tall
Ire. lti \tt[ htit it 'ihea
.j 'itni hil1i hhtig ls) ofnetlt aitga
tae m s l it' alaa }a'- liltettle t t-i spe a a
LaHtis Aalt utiega.oNithetuOsiet.' au-ia
has tilleftevealearsta in tahe-ar te at
weelit-itts ade'tanie[hiatthit' eor
ininlcaatingth taaern iide litt fiCle
Sig la still ii an ireai ttaihe ira-l
(1hit- ji t t -m stsucesfu bnqet
Ter 1f iiititiS ii tiNthe t l'Catautofile
[in Mclrat11x11atue-rda iht, ab ot
onite hniedland'tilen-fie stuaets l
and [0 f hi-Ilaluitaimembersb ingrestiee
Irsien h A ng titel sti- ilg"C $ooge
Friendstthuipsf.rittll ~in ofte al gatitatta-
fllows e ats oalle a-l"lt tossih a ssoctiha -tl
in tihea-lnspirati-air-hat lie imiyt derit-
tiret livati li

I -II h (k ( t c a - a
al-i-it ~ ilet chir' a t-1\ouli c
scil Ari t ttt m --c at' imrc th
[~ i llt uae ith1iti 'M twi
t . iC' I islleit' Clti l it sa i t ?'
t i 1c~t tlF;'ilk-u~~iu l

tl , ills

litt" fr

[[[ til ti
for a ii i

a t l li uci-a ltc
\V< d t i t t itt
"t M, 'mda \ (it 1 h(

a -laic cta11 CC
it t1] i t 1at- Ii1
N-l t tilt-l


'I IRIt"

The class moo Itof.aProftrelo
[[[tail tail ld iatra ei il
whic prItsanteda [I 'lic lrl to e
hi& 1 slit a thea lal o saea
ifeneryithita I lta til[itwasltenerat


?) <t

V I I I N II_ , I i,
<Z t c , it t 1 -ccic
Cle c i)h , 'iwt'dit ('
z te<> i t it c

it'aeit it atr el ~
-' al [N.~ti t ll St21 g
I I>- whi' ii - ea /lit
A A ll;tittttA n"tc
letS isitig mit ias mt.
wa 'lailt [alound[is b utueffect
Jlit i i Sop a'aisto ill'- Saratia
. h(I -cludItict-ail itit i ii-


[[mesIQtta t it i was a pit l i tec
cirma ofi tiat h classuip ni tat a
atiathtat ttta'alit tgeafl iii ast~l y iafter-ii
noon.at Maf ager i-itip i [ht tam tlof th balit--
Iml tthtaal tea sudahicalltfo[[ ania I t es
liiiur hialit tttalra dy eit aranId fo
eAnotetaitiiit i iti hcatssiras alit
falldn o Friid'ayfh hiiNekatwhc

lI tt

lit a)c1t w l 1c i c lt
r - l Y tf o~ i t tos.
N t i Ieta.
r~il : it 1ill N ttEct <ar'l
I31t F attlo d oL r1

N- 'dieac
to- [th

'i C7tilt Pt tiI tlli t' ll el--t
lEta W it ltn ithe liT' sc t:-
[ts ell s demanddi illautiu

Ii N(mti-inty ittWistcon[silt in its
1111e t [lu-utall fteshanItaltmuaileosutdenuts
tat11( W~-t-edsoksutandatro-tlltteir-
tiuer 11 lt I I'(ale

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