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November 20, 1907 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1907-11-20

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No. 9(,.

Prof. Demmon Explains Action
Senate and Regents in Sho
ening and Changing Vacatio
-'lioneceini changes- in lthn o io
peri 0oilo0000ods w r alo tn heo'intor.s0s
noon Moolv " o wr lmot n 0
imtOt opted00 byl oothe lloa ofoool I
g;te lo 000 00 nil onr leadiin.ol
-rio-oexneptoPricto, 0oichg aono
two000lays. olIt astoo ughbot otiatoalow01
studelntsotlt t ooog oeon t liorloonie00
iononn--th fislt iof Otooeronti
tooentienthooil Decembertts 0000 i0,
100 000m 000000 iho arc nnto 00to
tomlltli so000o0000 ime rnw 0 1
Chritmasvacaion il
onristina\,0fall. torl Ott, Itd lO 00
looin to rkit to il00 a, atel a:o;o loMl
oe t .o ,eo d p tdoh o v tdi tl s lo tf alt too to n to t
afte lootch of t It oia st s i
esilatodotht 00000.00 eas0 0000100 100
nolloi canoocoefomor h
tlloest hn it y i- h u shit h
that ost emai exennntotpre
awaylo'o bo r100000 000000 too 1 1 , 1
t ctoo0000 n 0 1)000 t ,ol 000000lo I,, f t
0000s00 s lici n 000titwo00000' 00 00
teon ando ght 0l oI nt~n
'lcio o rts l L o 00 0k tis 1
tirtto.willo 6iicd i to s o ,
th 01010 00000000iOtes t ti 000 . 00'p ct%
'lhobo' on Jiotof itt ottolo i ll 1"
00he 00 lot too t dail te 0 toa,
olItItoin 000000in 0o il t l o lead
10000 0 10101 g t ckto000 t ir tlato
motn. Itnn sumo rs tooth -i~
;lol on tte tri n 0- rti~1
0000he 0100000ancy ito g ttoeac a
theoll obet oftit to toan oof 11ot00
00000 istl O cmtobe llLo. \00101s 0to 0100000
liondenorkingO o oootth000otOtoto to
ot th iro n t r t siotoolno 100ailld 0000
Titsos wolag iod 0100t0a00'oil
o0000 00eik lonogor othan it i toil10s
0year0'it 0000ow oonosh ortr tha ot t o
othe o sch- tloollinour ra-nkoo
l'R11111011 IN SIi?,\
i'0f. S. ltoooooooooo- ilolioto tI
worok 00 on loto 00 whiho' misestoto
leoarup010e toronoy of omooti iress
000001bring oordrou tnlof chost. Iein
lis researchesoeorehothelinCheonicoalC
loqoiiooooo ndaoooy eveniog. Io in
torina lnl oloseth bhihpnonndeol lio
00ou1nfofftisoorkolionook ocasiono
mentoionthelonfanttt n ny of lion
called od ooero nonepionsooof -otto
such for exoampooleoas thoeto01foit

Kaoileooerg of Wisonsino, 00000e0000
rnesateents in almoso evneny 0as0 oil
wnork odoone by Lborootndodtllitens, e
booforen'Pfeffer haod commoened it on-

11 ii l,,Tl-'NI SPEAKS TO)
loot 0001000Jo'itesno 1i. koogoellto-ill hion le
SOet fhoo i o. a tuel too ion'givero
lotight t o ugtitlastlithosein I lotogit-
almn fott h upperlpeniinsulnioreto
ioe prsn. h otoooootern of t-
eveningowill benJudgTV N\1.Maoire, Tot,
l'o orr Or Angll iitll1dlivnerlio.
trinia t address ato the Ito' olo ioi o fto
the It"hghsh on Caooolue. (Ii
F itay ito foAtooll tteil go foro Clumetoooo
1 l~t 0 0Chicago whe ienh owill ione lion'goonnt
totrf.An re0 . ittottot oot' nlof theo'
helrvlillmaiN the inal111-
1 it "olooh'll( 0100-es 0000001s 1f th
sc~cictiS of t 010li 10000 dep t ntonwill
la ' gn a n fo tolces lon 1000
000y 000000)htannu Ott debtithCh000ion
0000 00 0001 toh Ouiivsto'01 o on lo aiono
tilopIpose 00000001 tirolin 0anitd(oinlt
alowng .Ao otyf l on'liiaiNus o ill~i
10o ottceshas Jon It r clto se t hisotl yea001
00000 hbtole to he o comipitNtor00111
:Ine0 a 00.14,1lootpeienc0100onitihe 000'
om a or00000 in h loori c l o t es.
Iadlol l woothavte w o'moohonosini many
'too tttplc. toMlare ttexperioncedooal.
O~ltt eil' "h e eritio o t l 00 11
00 00000eler Il ita t ii n i-t
htoolulit I ii 00001live0

Open to Ladies Accompanied by
Members on Sundays and Hioli-
days and on Wednesdays.
'10ile01000it li nloUlion hasioo rmuloon aleio
govered 'fon l 01100 foltloi norulos onav
cloutio0' 10s'e0of omoooobers, nex'cepitosotheor-
2. 01000 clubo use0000.0 ioll bio n 000 romo
7 . I00. tot 02 10. 00, oo oeek l aysn, 0000
fromo 8 a. . i to i t p.00. 00 on tloono.
The c tulimse il oe openo to:
2:0 P Ittl 0000d 100000 5:0.00 I . too. lo 80
00001tootand t o nsay o m Intot p. no.
110000000 these0 op'ritod 000o soktlinog niO0
bealwd ol te'jw eofo o r of00000 the
Club texept i t o n in 1 or
<}. Tootllird an op ol tooles an0000
t litf o olcaods, chess, ichekero n do

other loam(

Ito'll 0001 0000d 0000 on nlot-


t { 1 i't
n j _ I. ,

'00000000 o l scterms ln asto00 at(
toit oo' ooo ooo'o'oo'o'iloo. 0101 c rt
00h'10wIt ibionldndo oter lion oaus-
'00} t ", rto O i cao't't oooooiooiotol otil
)(1111 1), otdw lawt-linogtre so-
Iod t)0k" t l ot'lotok.

lii; tt 1)tCRI 81 11 1 100 lIhiY I . i'
I 000 1 tt-ltt 1 oo'oooI tol o
00 ir )Vtheo l iot t l-tt i rls 1 00ion Oe. 04.
toe ati -I11 o i utnto toake- a spooial
toot' tro'Ih oo'o o 00 to' affairn mutto handooool boo
00000000 00001 toloadd '0ss, lwih tato f t he io
Bo-e000100 '000, too Mit' J ordanio fore.ot'-Nov
IIs1 2 000000S 01 too ii,,' eof'to heoo h10001 a
0 0001 0 Ut< It 0h1s0000 itpassidi by tli o n o-
1, 000000000 c on btol eri'ntly girio
0 oi al h l ol ott othlii-floorto. Howeve'to
-tv aIh 00000an' 0 u0001 t ow n00g0u00esotsoill Ito
bott adit] t edltt to thelot' lrv
t-tti. __- _____
otto 1 1000?111N (t0I~,"1 118 ollol
"' t Io and C1 1N .lyIlaiinl een Cil1
'loog ttstools('notoegard-toooh10c000l000000
of0the1otrynlowhotoich'l tiooollob.srpiig ,
S(1-;0 r hoos10000' 00to Ivoot o t0001 folilowed theI in
goth Ofnoii 70000 ioIIt\etnto'oIstol ion
lot list II toil of oioe, owitho3,343 stoooenot;'
000000 ',tito tio\to niestoV' lparais oo iver-sit-ofI
o Too 00 0osent oder00r0: Cicango,
Co-5079; 0) illooto4000 0;oo Cooiooooohio, 4,643;0
00000 ino,4,1000 Nloototootto, 4,023; College
Ito 00 he oil Intow'1Yorn, 3,0905;1Northo
oI lt t oo western,03, 000 onohesy of Snonnol-
so-0vani. Pratto1 0oilTostitoote of Broook-
000., it 00 1,48101; 0000 loll, 3,30)9; Yalen 3,200;
I b Ne Y(i-I, 1200 Wisonsioo, 3,066;
,rely iot toln I. 'oool l 11. 3,16;;; T ooploe1
lie on lg (oiocttoofPiinlooioo, 3,107; Colifon-
noot 000 0 1.000.0 00t 000003,004; Nebroaskoa,
00010 00,)1; T O 010100 ,2,400.,

.Coo'din.thieoo, oloonion- no o ther'ilooo
lame0000- 0000) io' 01001itO ontly IooIliongameto
1oom, excep by permiss oi ofte housoe
0. Papersoooo to pritoodooicals mutot0
ito- roooo'oottoo tobeooturne'o oo hneir
proper,'places.o. No tatliogtoIll beoa'
7. .,iooobol-oo0 tn(IM'oooiotti0o1 oooond oiitidV-
nluooioo or loon ting10010 l0000appliatono
toota ara tthe hol'~t00 o usooe commoil-
too' r oom. 010- ilta0' toom00shito- ot
ion rntto norpl00 mo re000 000''toan tbotof
I 08 1 i'oo 0000000 000 lot ' +)to-to It lt hei,
o. (ootiilio wil00 11 ot t bo 1oo''ooo'itd ioo
to. VTe'Saleor0 ustotf0'00 l ohiolic li-
qu tors teluouseototoot obidionnb
a(noItxctootherhon-iohtel loteoboe
0000I.t 0Dogs ttOi not he lowedtin0' 000000
I M dmaes too olub opropooh-
100000 000yonoeltak01)'otflontotoho niooioo
000s ny0000000 o fonootheto-ilbool oeno
010000001the, o it 000000of bth',lohouse como-
mttee or00110'he 0 immager, 0100011boo' sumO-
01000ily-000100lhid100000t01000cluob, withouto
'h ionoglobt ofOrentt emeooontb. aoodlis onoome
;haoll be odo 00i00lione buoloetionord00f
boo olborOttoe0itodto oftow0oeks.
04. Not utb000001ionopabper0000)'beo cio'-
Coil-tn- t 00000'gnsotiottnoeolost0-
enrayatclot advoertiseditor ex-
100p ose lootr ios 0le ion'eioobouose withot
ltebo permissionoof t'e house o mm oonoitee.
3 ti Ooboo ll ot gino- foot on
gootolion stoo 00)noyoiopooyno of lion cloo
16. Servntnltt : no000 h oo oten touot of
tilu obousooe boyoooooobers too'voiootort.
07. Nto mebero shaoitllrepimandooooo 0
sentoo .
8. oil suogestionst.comooplanot. ojood
requestslo 000s0 obeomaodo to Oboe 1ooooe
commioteooion wro'itinog, signed,anooleifo
ino tiooelot povoioded In or t puose.
09. loony oomoobetr many-introodooceio
Oboe coob 0 oviitor wo aomnoopaooiesint,
bot 00 peron o eoigile fornomeoobersipi
tiool o t 0000 iniotroooeoed ofioenrthain
tonice a soeestr.
20.o .oooon000. 009000ay uonapopication
to Oboe houtoetcomoooittee, boave itsoued to
atoy gelnlanofb notreiodent of Aon
Arboor, a coardl of admittion extndnog
ltoe priilegos of lion coob forno0001more
thn 0onoeko,and noay hao-nthis cord
reonewedI for 0 foorher poritood of oone
wveek; boothlionprivileges of the Oclub soall

not be thuos extendedi to the sane per-
0000 more thlan twice in one semeser
2. The names omf every viior and
of te member iotrodocinghiomnoshal be
registeredi in tloe book provided for tot
22Moembners shall ion rsponible for
theo contdoct of, andlaol)'xnetin-
cuored by titeir guets.
23 No credit siall ho given for ills
iToe first social evenot 1o be ginon in
lio noeow MicigoonoUoion cbooose was
givn-laotto eveningby'the nanagemoenti
of loogI{ Isoon 00 n emnbers of the Board
of Cootrol of StutcobPobication, ot
fnew otemooert of te faculty, several-
repren0otatives- of 0o10r stooenot publi-
catos, 00001 tto staff of Toii DAIoo. In
ol, fory-twoopersoots oere evnd.i'It
ws noheb general opinOioni ~anoong bose
presntthot thoo dioonn otootof iner
qultilotoondboter tort-n-idtnato ngo-en
boy' loI) soorrt' ioformooer yeaorn, dooeper-
hapsotto oo ngr Kotooliotcatoering d-
iTeooeoobersof te facultywolowoere
present we re 1DeaooneodoaoooiProfessoor
Scott. Wonley, Whitneoty, aod Lloyd.
Spionlog baosetblbool roois n-r sol-
cessfuoloy trieti for tho first timne atlBar
boor gy itomsinno yesterday-ito a sont-
wto--tt equl tibui tnone tion icss interest
tog strogglebetencthObe sophbonoore and
jooioom girl. Tie resutooiwoatesocialy
saotifatory to the 'oo girls wo oolo
by' a soroom 15 to .
lio Jn itorsoousedf Obe bouotnetowitnx-
oellento oesools oany' timeos ito giniong
grondto. aond shoowodbfin'eotm oork.
lin'he uoooosoopho osrostrogst iooter
goornrhog, bon made onuomeros owild
t1hrows whicho oere in atmost ever) caae
coaught by joniors. Iis seeosnsobe
lion pinrciplabcanon of Otoir coomopara-
timely own sor.
inthle first hoolf obe junior osorne of
otneloontsbwaoomadee notirely by Miss
Sleator anooAMitt Fearoo, and the sopho-
nore 501000 of tao pointsoby Miss Miske.
Miso Sioator threw' three field baskets
anootisls Fearon three fouls. In the
seondohol af Miss Seootor adeo o10
tomoefilmbsktes to lion score, tool Mss
Peatrononett. I Oo thoesophomooor sie
threeo-fotl askets onegaonol,,0tw0by
Mhiss Higgins andoo one by Miss Cocran.
Mil-tot Trooebood Ifodmg 00001 iog
weoreamnooog the bst of ttojuonoior play
0000,onhilo Mise Whlitoooan nad Woes
nooo000heo sophomore tnamodid sooie
fioo paoonog. Theloineops wero as fob-
Juoors-Guoarods, Clara Troebloood
(Cootot), Lilliaon Iodge. Rebecca Ran-
kioo; centers, Catherine Kiog, Josepinen
Rankion, Leah7Maoon; baskets, Nina
H-enderson,Mor)- Sleator, Dora IFearon
Sopomooores-Goard, AntnXWoesner
(Capot.), Eloise Whitimnan, Myrtle White;
ceonters, GraceXWells, Qoeeny Goodrich,
Sophie Strohmoeynr; biaskets, ,ooise
Miok. Locile Hliggions, Rtth Cociran.
Attraocine favor dance, Fiscer's or-
chostra, otoom refreshonts Eviii be fen-
tres of a 'Thanoksgiving daoce whlich
will bo. given by the Wonan's Leagoe
000 tbe evenioog of Nov -o. This prty
s ano annooal affair of the league for
unliersity girls andthieir 00000 frieods.
Ticketooay be obtainedl fromtt Mr. Jor
danoo oloring her office houors
Thon grotop party of thoio week, wich
aill toke place Friday from 4 to 6 p. i,

owill conosist of a shtort omoosical program
foibooiveti tyoancioog. It owillbte oonder
lion odirection of :MistsLeooa Sorg nod
his Grace Hippel.

"Facts and Fictions Concerning
the Jews" is Subject of Net
S. L. A. Lecture.
Fats nd 0001Ficinots Coton-noiigtiotglbe
Jnoo o ithleotitlls'of to'lectre vvniolol
tRaobi olItoolt G. Hirsioch toill delnieon Fi-
oay'evnonioog i erosoitynbhaltas thoe
foutoobototot bon tootIto' nt'ooo itr
asocatoion rogoo amto.
Rabbi EloiG1. I mOc,.D.1., L1,1,I.,
is 00,figureoro Oubtotloomiet ot; tione0s
aotd wvorkerso of todayonto tontly tobloc
unqutiol000bone ithim tt ohleaderionf0th
Ilo-loos nto Ameri0000000but as00s 0 oo
gist intbohoort trtttkoofoutern0 sOtintsho
Ocoupyitg a Ihetoesbootohresentouh ii
toobtulnot(, o uth Sli~go go t oit
Chicago, odthe ha0irt ofIu--b buinl lit-
erature ato ohiootohyin tth im 0 oo'
105y of Chicago, atolbintg itoo iio
'0 prooliotcontrtibutorto,,lto intg bot' ho
journalsoob, bD. 1-ilooh o Otlto nodeon d o-
sog 'log lueooone ltot-to'dotonbotbr'lt'wi
tiltatned thoutght inou itc010 s
Illustroiveoi of I lislibeim,ioo eion a
to-mmoatooIsoate mof teionI huootit tool
Stoliy'as-thm JewssiooSoouiu,-tohiouh,.
reconoizing telionifiinotio0 000 ol 0 out
Satoorday. Hisi-tpoactical orkustwa,
tilnotl andochaitaooiohlen, amongio Te 100
ID. Iki-til's stdy tonl ot~tt teo 'of
cotto' totl-al o btomog oooiss
Ie aho ld b lo toni' to oittotot into -
noo,; ohootlobuind toolc i oootoO'11Ottuuuo
oo'gheoooliteaure ofth ino too toll-I boi
rarooly ongagiong acoh'ion pit i,, o Ir
I loon- to tong a'oiut o tiooui o
lit-otto i l tahtb.
oontn'th tthitotuscohtools o tofT l toor
anoothioothoUntiesimots ofl 1 000000 10 ut
fromnwhicie tngrauaootin17.lazr
bie studiedl 't0tboo' ioiotiof oh rlnolu
101.14. frothlaot-u' toIS h sen
_too o dietOemple Sinatoo t to mtot, iltt
log his toonitato0 ont- ote p'set
ho uts 05forol uoiu ot I ouiaoooo., '0
00a00bool. 'ue lootha hlthe
chir of ru-oiil ooIloone'attoe 'tdopilfuos-u
oohy at t heUniv0ity1ofI ''ohitoo t
se-venrautltioe n outitocaree-he It s bit edt o
Jottiohoperodicalsoto ootntoitooay ditlort
of thou-RIsorm0000 ocatototo, iih u-to boo-
comooe totos o-fIl iztoh o'',n000'i0s 1hom
It. looirc t boboore~t toucootbnnnooic
ftrom tto st 01iulto boto Rus toin w ilh 0
attem~lptelo invesmohtinat'e tw odtttoot
lof teJein thaoitnooh -boot co -tb. rpae
iooioooooy usit Joeoosh 0conditionsto-u bo
000minnly ttoto otisctot is ottb 0 oO
Forioayooit.b , is sailto he to lots
bog peronalotyootntola0m00000001'otoinotirn
est too ll.
iToeeior eno ougineerso heldoebb bofit
class meeto-iog of heo'ye000'esterdayoterOti'-
buton, at twthii ttoasodeciodeod to ol
ta clastsootmoker' IFridaoyo nightot: bho
Milchigano Moioo cuobhoouset. A class tot
of ilty conts amo-bov-ed toodefrany hio
texpensees of obe 01000sfor titn 0000
ter. fThoseowo pl oayedoo t00 eiclashi
baosball teaoon bast springoot onmo too-oi
tioreeodoolars eachnoopaylon teir too
REPUB0'LCA.NS noon-u T OtoltoS.
liTneIlebtbictotcloto of t t kol -
sity' hedb a moeeing Nicholskallabot

inighot. iToe foiboonyOug ffcer'o:noon elet n:PeidnonV ir;vcepei-
t edt B rue.seotry. 1J. ri nico-
jlook ; oot ooas rerJ. ttirpoiy.

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