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December 03, 1907 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1907-12-03

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The Ml.c higan Dil


1\. 5.

Big Nine Fails to Act Definitely
Michigan's Status Is Still Un-
tFsllowinig the anntual ctstonm the close
otihe football season has hbcought with
it an altletic crisis wvhose effect on Mich-
igals canlnot he foretold with any hope
of acuraicy. tt hs nosv heent nearly
sen years since the Conference, inlspiredl
he tile desire to puirify atiliteics in the
middle west, allowed itself to he carti
seay hy overelnthitsiasnt and to ipass n-
merons reformt mneasures. Of tihese radi-
cal1 reforits several itayc from the start
provedl ito lie a severe sattdicap to thte
peace and1 quiet sit athletic relatioins he-
sweetn tite colleges of the middle swest.
Michigatn has always contienided thai
ex post facto laws swere uinjust atn ac-
cirdinigly ohjected streituoutsly to the en-
forcemoent of ally rttle whticht swottlt tbar
front hesir last year of cotipletitioni alto
ithtletes who were inllslege iefore list
legislatioin seas ettacted. Tie Wolver-
ies alsti argttedl for tite reteintioni of te
trainig table aini tse lengheniiiigi of te
tootbsall schsesdtle. Thte Contferettce r-
fiusiiig toi comte ariotind tis M'ichigat's
way itf titnkittg, te Wolserittes last
lear inigressed froit thte Cotiferecec reg-
ulaltins ill twit resltects, votig for sevecn
gamieo aisi againist te eitforciemnt ofi
tile retreoactive featutre of the three-year
Sittce then the lireachi biete Mich-
gall aind tile toss set-calledl Big Eight
tas gradually widened utttil reccittle
whieii sigiis of a bireak ill the cloutes ap-
geareil. Oilier tneitbers of tite Conifer-
race have lately decidleni ttit ini the tit-
see of the loniger schieduile Michtigani seas
doitless right, anud wheit a mteetitig of
the Cosmferece was annmouticedi fr last
Satturday it appeliared ptossibile that a
reeinciliatioti miiglht lie effected.
The Coiiferetice tins mtet tutd andjo urn-
eii. huowesver, switotut givinig any indeica-
foils that it snants to coinpreimiise, al-
though ticarly all of the Coiferencec rec-
resenttatives frott oilier schools assumnied
an attititde extreitely friendely to micl-
gait. The sevetn-gamse chatige sas n101
lironight iti for a vote, hut jiteging
trout preseitinutdicationts, it is prohabile
liat the moodificationu will get through at
the Janutary nieeting. This comtpromnise,
howusever, swithtout tiny othie contcessions,
swill, it is thought, he hardly adequate
so satisfy Michigain. Thec Wolverintes dn
tnt feel like askiitg for everythintg, ht
lie twco rules Aganist wvhichs they have
held sill are getterally nakitoswledgeid to
lie nunjust, aiti it is not hecause site is
pronmpted bsy stihhorniiess thiat Michigait
is deitandinig their mtodificationt.
Michtigait wantis to meet Chicago in
fosothall, aind it is certain that the oilier
Conferentce colleges would wrelcotme a
retuni of the relatioits switht the Wol-
erintes. Tue oitly canoe for tuncertainty,
tkens, is regardintg the terms to he made.
An~md lucre lies the stick.
Michtigants futnre athletic attitude sill
ilependf largely uiion the itaketup of the
niew altletic board cit coitirol. Of the
eight mein owto still coistitiite the iesw
controlliitg boidy, hnt three arc yet
known. Keeite Fitzatirick sas of conrse
iiaited hy the regentts in providiitg for
the organizationt of the ntewv hoard, anid
the Ito stiideitt iienthers ave bein
chosen. One alimnits atnd tony faculty
imenthers tave yet to he selected.
Naturally, with the persoitiel of flit
hoard nnknown, it is impossihle to de-
termiine swhethuer the hody swill he pro-
Ciiiferenee or otherwise. By the elec-

lion of Captain Magoff"in of the varsity
foothall learn and Manager Dod Ken-
nedy of the basehall team, lthe antis
scored ite first ran. Both men are vi-
tally interested in athletics, aind swhile

they are not1 so radical as to opposea
returi tot the Confereic un~der any colt-
ditioins, they are by cii itias itt favor
of giving 1115the light for te upritiples
for sihiichtMichiganihisisben cotnsint'
diritig the last twti years. Although lii
defiite statemtentthisisbeei itade iy hit,
it is thought that Keie Fitpatricke wilt
assumte a cotnsersative atttitde, favriig
a swesterin allianite if by 00 doiig Mic-
igail is nt forced to sacrifice her bon
fdde athletes tutu her hpriciles.
It is practicaliy certainth iat Prof.
Henry 1\I. ates swill le the law depart-
nments rpresentaive oi the inews atheti
hoard. Prof. Bates hasisnot eeti tori-
allysained asi the aispoitie, hul s lie
representled Michtiganm st the meeting of
the conufeeniceil Cisiasgo lst Sau-
day, it is livitngtakeit for graitet that
alien tie oard is finally orgaiizedl he
iwiliie a membiuer. Prof. Bateis positiot
is to sel knowtuotieied disissioin.
lie hislethe sme opiions illthe tre-
year rue tatu he footbial schieiule as
do the rmicles. ut le lays te cimphasis
at m ssoth epoit.
'ie shouisrejints the Coifercse at
wrhiatever cost. If se calm idice ten
to inake thte catges sesant, so mucih
tile etter. tIfttt, let is go ack t te
folsanywsay tutu ight fore a gradual re-
tirmn t the lit ordereoittthings. ho
these wsi-tcabesilesuimistcittip te tti
tudeittPof. ates sit the sitationi,
andthtis titsitioni is pobtably mlii ty a
majortity osit Metigas's faculty mtem.
WVheter the regeitsiswsilt enter iito
te struggle-if there is a struggle-is
a quetstioni. Judsging frtomosit ocurrencc
.estertay. it is thonght thins the regetts
are sdetermisisedi ts tedush anin histhetis
entuanglinig of affairs. It Itadsibeems
olannmmedh t shld a meetimg yesterday'
noonisat sshichstie sappointmsetsuotn fasc
Ity epiresentatives bhte sdessis of thee.
arious.departmsents ssolde teannouncsseds
andh referresi(uto PresidetlcitAngell on
ratificastion, At te lst momet, oss-
ever, ther-estas stmme hitch its the r-
ceednisgs, anisd the fiasl organtizationm of
thte oardi siltleedeferred nmiti tiercc
gemts mieet ahssst lDec. r5. The1 it will
be the regents whstswiltesatify the sp-
Itters-eirs allegend tos le fasehveit-
giv-ensrise t the geieraly miaintaited
opintions tt thte studtentstre sattempmtig
to geu the gosvernmmiett of Mihigan's at-
leics awayfrotm te fscty smit to set
til studehnmt rutle. It is asl ottitiubttelyp
true thtn ther belief that this is treite
eld tie somsecosftthe membhesitfthin.
iaculy. tOf is falsity, hosever, there
-ams e little doubth.
White its Chiago its attendance itltst
mseetingnut the Conferec, Prof. Bates
usas creditedh withs statemsemnts to that
effect, tutu thee itieriewso--r. Bats 1e
flatly denis intouto.
,Is is a rule nof the Conference thins
mis statemients le giein out to the press
hy the iuindtiial emsbers," std Prof.'
Bates Ilast ight, "andththis muing wta
mideunithc- sthe express intetions of
avisnitg just sushilnd stories asi these. l
Moreover, I1itas very caretul sut tnt sn
amnytig to nesspaer msei while ii
Chicasgo, aun1nd tismst aim ttter loss to
undsnerstaumnd the norigisnutf the alleged in-1
terviets .
One ChicaigoIpaper htmlan initersiew
wits Prof. Bastes, to tie effect tast the
studsents tan regents swer aliedh agaist
thue facuuly O in astruggle for satletic
suremacssy, nsti that there was little
probailifity onuth1emosethrows of fscuty-
rule. lt santer lie was usoedisome-
thing luke this: Tihe ew hori of
control is a false aarms, tutud sill e
short-lived.'The faclty at Michigai
till conmtinue to rtun that sho'sathnt-
Saidn me isaer : Peti. Bates wotuln
nittuakelnysuptatemeunut. It wsnslered,
however, that tie regeits ann the st-
teit bnody at Annt Arbor are figinumg the

faculty andtn e lsastter is strnsgly its
favor of rejosinuing the Conference. The,
faulmty of list Ann Arhor college is ntos
(Continued onPage" Two.)

DO NE C ND MN Istectss usnithe Atleti ssocistioms it
DOWNEY CONDEMNS misattcsrs witchmouught ts cntcerthie stu-
POLT ICALT SYSTEu M dentutodisasni-ue. Tie charge has re-
POII CAL beerm mcututytnismade hahut tec studentcbod
hisnotshinmg tho sits the counuct tof
tt ssoiaeiit;thast their rcreeitttises,
Tells of Deadlock in the Athletic te respectirenutsagers tutu msemsers
Election - Criticizes Plurality nf theurduorfisidirectrs, hateue ectsd-
of ffct.riediosithtieir tiershby fr.lBairn.
of Offices. (Ought Mr. Btunt or te stdntmbotniy to
s'psyiwto shouitil e treasunrer ef teun so-
For sore thanus iumotthiisthinAthletic ciation? IShouudelNlr. Baird thavce assy
associatins ioffiticially hadl tutureatss t eittrst'thast conucersltestdiett
ster. Harry illi, tedsck uttatager, tits hlty saloneu The studuet mestbessit
penrfotrmuedn te(iluiecsf Ihis office utsil thelutardl sit directorssre thin-represents-
atresure rtsostlnthe cenuiIspthu rdsttetsitucc itt thin stdnmt body. 'luy hat
of directosrs. Thurvotettof tis lusile, indtictetdithemrtctoiecfusetresuorer, ut
twcice- takenesenrtsuts a suit uttte sded-t'Mr. Baird sulitssotedi i ttoptsitiotim t
stol. Neither side seemsuwsiltusg o gie their wcishes.
int, Te canidaittesfsrthe odiscettc P Let itslustsaveaicomtlete ivestigtion'
treasurer are c-urgc hotllipantdtJltephilofstthltictuesustcitions umetittds. f it-
Hetger. lite tote aficittcalt eoddplcehrt jsifea nvsiai
annouuuced yesternday,usis sfolows ~s uit nwlsists tusharm. Ithnseyscannotseli
tHeitger-iHarrt- IHilt, Clhaties Bilts justifiedu, echitstudnmtssshuildutowsi=i
graduatste' dire-tortofsthlstte tic sttndtDud-thItt-ittntsshamettn-. aiisp~iritsitfsai play
un-p Ktiend-:foss-Ke-tic Citartes fluorn-thlistio~n ciii stiubmitteto sthin-stuetu
flir eu ltsupport tteeso Slycli talesuiests Ifrutsm stnuues'rcof telssboard
-hut nt sitsritate politicali situtiotn s tf direttor-s-tiolig politicalI chruge-
beingtcal titusnt tlts tt Itngtabotltstthe'htave bsectstinuet, stund still le- sittetI
-lect mttsttf IHeitg'er .Ctr"es tof a grase in utorrwc's issue.
nasutrse itre tmasebits cetet iwusll-knotnsAtt .Ohs. lliilastotnights sltedshauts lis
ste-ti lc ute ustion stsIOhs I . Bitit s rit hdhiti ad itiuitasuiitttsy- svo Itino ten
tosvit iffait allegto't btle-pusetsy te-problcmnofsitthinesdttck tste-twot
beteenetulens i wied.It s toug tit itidates temselesn, t see iia.u onus
thaststiuorecomptileltt5tttItelxos f tetiutta mihts nsit le worktekut suitisi
prescentcotionuttsuwsilt iatoIuaeutco stesuts
peteretorganizaus.tionofthets h ttletaso
Tarm tysithe fishlof this ye-su.;IHrry vacat titus tsthisecsitssof tipretty
Hillsuet Clarencte Ehdriugecwere'nun-i(lsiig ptrty-gisensby- te W n'ust
fatedufortsracm anaetitugee1by t esaptitteaue. T h~u-'le affair ws-icdiretedbyul h~is'
at te tradkeatrst, Floydi Rutte. At te I ilnsPary.
tisse itt nomiuaustions, it wsisasgeneraluthei'rogirtamttt ss reirangdtitsiter
impr~tesionittamtong lt-studentts thusattinbltc roup ist ea.csuc h chi gays
thenre wosuldstits-its scatmpaignsletwsenitasfitsorslitscee.Thuts.fitst oithlese was5
fil. I}till tutudfMi. tluridge 1ust, into'utiuttwhtichtieltmestansmith wr
fact, itt'campassign wsc- inttteded, a-suchatut'tsartdho- alarge tsag usc-r swhihs lis
fI. Eleiinhgn- utto uhsitdrawss tuh leave girls tssee'small blslt- Isnhtthe seeondst
aclar'fietl ftrM.Hitlli.The studtets sotth tesrttniadgirls faoredt.thugirls
wsee notistakenotlu. -I. Eldidge udidh. Witsmauslstik-initcaoes,andsste- sems
ins fuse, withdrawsc'ari 'I. Hilliwstdte- switht Japanues' fans. Ithlithirdismisall
-lamen totble this uuttiuuout-.cltticeu'ofsilk tuagostee givencby hiplitmes. As-
huie Athletie assciatlionusfor muscle stnts ther selly-danel aseec-ucligtedol oty y
ge. te Japtanese hlanterns, wihsscemeusdl
'A extIltisse of Iis electiontstac tesufkrIecthereatitns. Choucilate adsasnd ts-
ssuussge, :Oh. Bill wsistreasurerousthsie tceius wcere s-eelfor rrethmets.
Atihetiec sttiations. Sinu-ita5man5is nttt las uiitytTas iig vacationtt wot'piusr-
isissisrel ts hlttw ttostociattionusttffie-.ties sc-ret-gisens Iy suhesgue , usrdancen
4te site ssrtimte, it wsc uersy futr stnd t goup sparty- for girls. Tits ear
thurd ofssei tduirecosto Iselect titusn itoteve-r, iRobert Ee su it Clasusae"
n-hutsuhosulsucceredlMr. Hilaiaes- tt Detruit semstto hstve rawnuucsthe at-
trer. For sthis possitin JoosphHeitgemru t ts iofthslurgirls way frmth ligs stf
scas norminatedlcuanushMrm. I-ilt Ihas usc-A AbruN et, b~ut tis rie stcil eent
is stongestsffrsto he. hce inmeetedelluing poularlyusm attetded.
M.Hi tiger isafettlerustyc-rthoelrof-
Flonyd Rowe,tutu Feyd Rowec is the ANNUIAL Y. M. C. A. BANQUET'
sinscchoitsminaisstedNl r. ilt fertct: OP( ENED) TO STUDENT IBOY
maasgr. (teorge Kelly wstsotienomi-__
nateI toe treausrser.-sandshoutlteraui The eeenstsanuausl baunquet of thur
ate's thus notmuinastdthur vote of theUnttiersity Y. I. C . cwiii tke slac
tusuesusmemtruseo f thte Isoards sooduluss ftcfliln Hall, Sutsrdasy cc-cing at
folos: Fonr IHeitger--Bllasm itNes-f7:30. Th'is~ is on.utirssie most ismportantl
tenhy- fus ellriy-Thornbthurg, lDrum- ecvruts of the asociations year amd a
mnulauth Chandsler. If te reesta- large attenanuce is epiected. Re. C.
tices of thin studuents haduhadhtlhe 5p0ccer, Pttont will act as tastmstecsr. Somse
thserefuore, Mr. Kelly wcouldhuiaesehienof te other spenkers are Dr. 'Angel,
elecedrs. Blut '.i. Basird, thur grauauste Prf. ffige, Jamuues Mcadlties, Bert
director, is estitlet a sute. This oe Carkh, NWardntF. iBowmtan, andtusl t. NWar-
he cast fewriHilf omusine stith asseat- restL. Rogers, 'of, a ormser prsidenet of
loce its thurelectiotn proceeintgs resultedu. thit asstciationt. feMusic iii e furencised
Pi. Bairsias thast deados tuhsou thslubIspamstorchestrautatu mae qurte.
hboardisomestrimues conmtinuse form aiyear. 'Theurlimier sittickets cill e seventy-
In tiemeanucstimse, Ml. Hiill is tiesidents ieceneuts. 'Thiis bauet ic etiely pus-
of te hoardi otfdirectos, tracksmaager, lie authrot omeretfr assuciations mo-
andu treasurer of te Athletic associa- es.
tion. Inthe meanuttittime oals, qeihonu-
aile political msehodsontiumse tutu Ar. o07 AMEIiC WeINS HIGIST
Bairdlis(nixuig intsmuters whiichsought IHtONORS IN fMONTANAk NXAM
to conucernste studuents aone.

"It is cleareonth~e faicts us above upre- hDm. Williatm H. Burmesstter, sa useus-
stented thast isoliticalh umethosds s iteAthi-Itemrnut last pear's grauastinug msedicnl
ltie associatsionms tre eufair. 1I smake clauss, tooik first honosnrs its thie Monutasn
chsarges augainst tnso uarticumlar personsc. staste msedical examninations held several
The facts are don in bilacks andth ite dayis aratutsi leneua. 'Twensty-tive men
anid tacitcsltuet is at liberty to dentin tunkte test, representuing, a numbser of
Isis owni consclusiosc. It is also clear differenutnmedical schosols: Oust of these,
that Pie. Bairtd is stanng hbetwceen the fourteen tfulled.

S. L. A. Presents Two Numers
Within a Week-Englishman
Speaks Friday.
'listtrtionts iscll lhe stagedI Ispthe
manaisgemesnut o heS tt_ orse itt-
fotre thte- Ciirismsoltidtays. i r. Nti'l-
55555J.iDawctsntil 11pearthrdiday'thnihti
if this week ndSe s's] seo il gtve
its anutalu pot ularsictneto l ttt ndtitay
itt. Dasonsthis fm sf Lttt o',htu,tEtg
ususel scher usa ss 'eN rlcut tr~itist u ihe
hurt ifts-cutyedrss iIiscaer d-
sut-tietirelyi- gtn ,l t uetp itch
)litt n ctuslsiudiantdth tt landt istilt
tic advsent ini thin- sutttnts its r04tasto
"hisiutiit cu rer.His sjc fuss
15idhsy ights Situtu NNastsr ,igi' t ani
Hiim Ilues.' Tis ccas>hit s ujet ftr
tic lst titlistc curie-atltt I ie 'tice utn
utich is nowmuicsterat ionalutt reputa-1tion
is fttiudedt.
I, 1t Dec. 8sus mii 'ii'' t it t
usitMotdarevein rfuetl h
sclluoccuuy thebad.A 1i a
poua oce-urt iltt'egivttantsot
stls- sutusvts -ae -xpct No Asit-
ed Iya triof igh tclas Ott t I Nto
tsittleti spran.,i I ett
cttre 'itemackigadIihn
iiiliegins hsarply at N It it
'Te ittittignucut fss t anounuttcc
thttckt ior te eutiitt-ruofthli
ons,itcungis srvd ea,.eusnotw
ticeti ciill liet sl it huitt't i ng e-
'Ihle-osfire- httousofthett teasuser ha
beren tcihangdtl lie tce 1 msay- Itt
'rees t her btt'sotficei ittEvuuersity IBtll
cut fitMottday, I Tsrsda y sunti I iy frtom
to it6 p.Iu.,tushdtuoilys on5cswhicta
Ietutter is giveru, frostsoIafnttIfrosi
fits 8:i,. 'h'iinatine the'IcStus titus
rense-rt he will ibe- inithe "'fileu-frttuts4
itI mt h d fotut t o 8 st5p. I.
'list lrtshi miics Itake adoptceelthe
hor ityt. EllAi cu he adthice
offeredtithree- cieric agtt by seoient
°or tite ityihavce sagredupotnita5cotut
pact amuost idntsicas lititoe u sedI li
_tic upsper classes. flilehes tat the
htenor ce-somsitteuof tirsnittr css t
treded thurumeting of the frsmensuand-te
tiged te adotionofuthuettsiesystem. NNhen
te quuestioncaetueto si sVnie it ccatoctie
sisi almoisst uimou'iislsy. 'lThisuakes
auior titesy sterutsocitcosseltctig uexnmi -
nastiotns its the' departmentetall th cldasss
haintg itauuguiated lthe mottotedi tltn
FERhNCI ighR"' 15 SI JLC'
Anlustitraitedi lectureeons Ees tei tn
isiie gies by- Protf. oiius es v ci utn
Vedersthsy, 1ec. 4 tg , S . si..itt- Srahs
Casccell tuingell uhl. Thur sidstiohubts
shinciwiere otahintedlroststhec Nllinuce
Vrsuscuise. 'hissp swi e-ldet ststhe
greatt masstepieces of tFrnchlpaining.so
'The lecture is tie fifthtuimbsle r utsmte
Cercle's facumty series Nut sttsmissiumu
fee will he chargetd.
Tie Peenchmclubs otiresill lte gien
oni hriday, tDe. 3, at 85. mu.Tickts,
which adimit ts thurseiree, t tso st
tratedt lectures, mmdiioIthie- Fmte-li tiy

suare sum sale sit N hins. 'They maup mst)
be. sOutasinedlstltshiltntt- emening
of trust. icc-us lecture. 'tmositdsits
they' sre putcents, to motems ti.oo.

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