The Michigan Da ily
No. 55.
(1 T~PTWith toda-Y's issue The Da7ily ; owed. The fact that the play was tin-
I1U - C O E AIPTIAINI; ssesd ttlettotuilatrtesutccessful, however~ was dae in no way
UTTI7 to hiagoff-in nor to his coaci, hat to an
'l'lsaoksgh'ttgrecess. '1/ic test error of judgment by thc official. Itcncc
WX. E S T SPtaper will17 appear ot 1itesdty, the injustice of barring ime fromt Al-
LEADSI Dececmber -;.\'Westers honotrs onthtotse groundss.
1V1~~ ____________ Of the cntire tcanm thc selections of
afullback is most diffiut. Aecosinezly
%Star Center is Unanimous Choice Schulz is Only Western Man
to Lead 1908 Eleven-Twelve Considered for All-American-t
M's Awarded.
With te tsts'nittoss slectioss of "Ger-
matny" Shlt to th Ileder'stt of tle
98 eee, Michigsnts footalti seasonc
sirne ttt a sittitg closeI Tse fact ofl
Slisl's selectiotn hs hott all log s-
arei, utiltere is tbeesome dobt
asIts the big statssittotiosn to retttrn
o college. tHoweerly Iis 'tcceptancee
i te <positiot, Ie.hIsispractically
letlgesimisself tos notet yr sof ser-
ice ont te Micigsitvatt ity Little ctt
l sad of Srhls selevctnto thle
Hotttor, except tat the cosice is crtt-
sideredt by memblers ofth le tam andI
ay ttetttbers of the stttdent body at
'trge as a hppyton ie, sti ttat te tontor
goes to ts' gretest player Michigan
has tutrtet ot itt yers. As to the te-
srvedness of te lae, tiee is o
'T.'svarsiy teastst Ren istscler's
eslettty afterntoon ttfor te annutal Pi-
tu'esand elctisst of ext year's estder.
At te smtse titme te "ti's'' sere asar-
eI. 'Tseisve ltters iwere givestott, to
lisv followitg ten: Cattains Magofini.
Se~nlsle llleissclilslIlammosssssd,Emshs
C'ey. In,ls atkns, Alertice.b'Was-
ststtd. Gahimand t tts Rsssy. (f ts's
ssentt (ralsats sandli-ammond'tt t see give
uiheir "N" for t' fosrtht timte, attt ar
therefoe itligbl' for fsrttr conpeti'
tiont, s is Risitney, whio a particiatet
itt footall three y'ars and(1itt trak otis
\With these excetiots, htoetcer, Mih-
gn ist t s'e srnotte'of the preeil teatt
by iteligibility. Cptaitt Masgtfftn atd
Ca'tpti-elct Sclzt e. tseach wntthieir
letter three timses, wh'lil'Reinshild att
Loeli are te ontly' others w'htshave sort
ie "M" prir to this seasot. There i
'omtie qutestiont as to swheter Rtitscils
sill returtttex fall, ltut itt all pro-
atbilityle till e on liandsiat the tpsf
the gong.
As was the case last yer, swhen te
"tnew" footall sas itt the exerimtetsal
stage, te setsoss jnst closed has been
sie(f tuncertaiities, cntrdictions, att
to a certains extest, disapontmtetts.
Especially is this trie itsweterit college
circles. Lacking the fornerly gretl
gamtes ibetween'sMichigans aitdiChicago
Michigsan sini Wisconsin, ad Michigan
asd Mitnesota, te westert worlti is
witiott a real chatmpo. While Mic-
gan's sedseitle was affectesi to sose
extentt by the ibreak its relations, it wouiri
seent fromthie comtplaits goig tp at
the othler swesterin tstittios, that Ci-
cago, M~intesota an Wisconsina imissed
Michigans worse tias di Michigan msilo
asy of te others. At any rate, they
are all crying for a resmspions of rela
ltins, ands whets they comie to see sial
te stands Michigans took was the emi-
fjittly iroier one-which they are be'
ssisg to see-Michtigans wiltsobtless
listens to oerttres for peace.
The west has o chasmpion. For Cii-
cago to clamstie westerts catpionships
is as ahsirs, if sot even more so, tat
it woulds be for M!ichigan to lay clait
t the title. It will be adsitted tiat
ofte eight colleges in the so-called
conference, Chicago ad the greatest
team. Bt tie fact that Michigan ansi
Chicago did not meet, nor sid they eves
tiy commno' oppotetts, elimiates the
iossibiiy of the west having an undis-
pited champiosship dleei.
Since the change in rles of the game,
cmparative scores in football are worse
than teless. For example Pen State
son from Cortel, Cortell front Prince-
(Continue on Page Three.)
The Daily's All-Western.
.ALLt-tvtST'tttSC st,eCT't IOR ela907.
(Chiosenrithilonsie sr swo exceptons,l
it te bssisisositaseragisgva:ros seo-
Left esisi-Caiprons, hinnssesotas.
left tckle-Case, Nhtisssesssa.
Left guasrs-Vanti-tooklinoisis.
CgNTPeR-Scii i'v, iItCtItc..
Righti gatr-hessiser. \Wiscosisit.
RIT Tttt' i'.e~i--RHtnrcxi -scnslss, i'ssi-
i'tvttr )?Ns--- NI].ss isis, icss'.
Quttnerbasck- Steffes, Chicgo.I
Futlack- --Weller, Nebirtask'a.
Wiittir'csose ssfIthe fsuotball sesoos
has comsse the ssstu sua vtscle of seicc
tionis (of .All-Weserntelesestsby s'arioss
newspapetirswrtsrs. Itsssoe isstnces
te 'electiosit oft.'All-WVesternssmessbers
Ihis yer is excepionaly esy, shile
forsoter lpoisitions th tsks offerisissay
For center there is ut isse posssiiity.
Its Schuil,-iMicigatsn ihd thy' greats
inemaints t h ie twest adsiprbhably te
perr of any'forwardlits Amtericas durii
the past ssot. A msesiscre cesster in
isis freshmani ye ar, te ext sesoi is
lev'eloiped rapidsly tutu wstthis'amsist
tnanimous cosiceof tll critics for All-
Westerns Ihonors.e This yasr, hoswever,
le tswesresd eadantushouildisers taboes
-1 sitfte spsposeits whro its' sascles
uponti ts face, ands is this'ote swesterts
plyer beig, seriouisly consirevd for
Al-Amicansihoirosrs. Ie is quallty
sronig sitsofeise asisisefeise,anitac-
ratec snapptierback, atdush iars ad sre
tacklser. Somne esternt scribes ar iti
thatu lite'was playesd to a stndsstitl by
Fetu's cesster, Dwyver, but Yost's ery
sesosispredictionith ia Schulz woulds
sake stltsitfte tackles nmasde y Mich-
igans's tests is orte out by'te movisg
pictres of te Micigan-Pciitsy gamie
swhichssshowte Grmnasits all iis glory,
nilinitgPenntuniiners sie titer tisse.
No Al-Westerit selecioiss ae yet it-
pearesd which tush not namie Scutle as
eisig in as class by'himiisel.
With the excepuionss of Vsni Hook. of
hIlisoi, frt-class guards were scrce.
Fosr thast rasosn ,Messiter. sf i'scosin.
athousttgh a sragertste tposiiot, is
ri ite secstissigasrdi positonby' mosos
wstsern criics. Vats iHohk is a ighter
intl is faststnd strotg, iesisehetig us
gsosdtmanist aidvalsntcig the stll. hMess-
iser, playing a tackle ad endt for Wis-
consin, pitt up~ a cosiseisly goosd gane
all yer astd is dobtless entitledl to a
luce si the imattgiary eestn. Besises
being crnsistnt, le is tggressie, anud
wills these tworsqsalities le soltdshsae
us s'alable runsig-matae for Vant 1Hoks.
For a secot etams, 5n0 eler selections
couldsh be madise tant Embs antd Graatm.
At tckle, as st center, Michigans sat
the player who toodssiiout i lains relief
abovie oler weserns tackles. That sats
is Rheiscil. TIhe ibig Caifsrtiansut
wons unstined praie tlrogot the
semson for his great work. Like Scutl
he is a hard taker atd a consistently
aggressive player. lHe also took asvas-
age sof the opportinity offered by
Yost's sysemstOf atack toiecone s
salutable sanin t receiig forward
passes. EetsitIis work all sesn hail
ot cichtedi a plasce for in,le could
urdly go usistlaceaftter htsmanifnicet
exhibitlti tssitte ganewills Pentsyl-
vaniat. Less poswerfus ad irillianit tsait
Rhinischid, Cas, of Minnusesoa, is get-
rally cinseedetoliihue'the ssi mn ssfor1
te Californtian's ruinisg-matse. A( goodu
defensise lyer, this' big Gp~hr lackei
fesw requisiesofitausgoud tackle. Casey.
of Michitgautnesres metntionu, fr rt-1
thotught le was sneer ite micbeigh,
le sisy-elcuussiseuntly'througonutl tie
seasniut, shoinsvig up esecialy oel its
the Peuuusgtme. Willsaother year's
exper'iece, ther is lithle doubut tsait le
sill dematnsd Al-Wetsernt recognision.
Fsollowing the examptlte ittWaltehtr
Lcisersli. Hammosunduuf,:sithicgans, atus
C'aprons, ositnintsesusa, rs giectnte
pocsiiosatnilhits'ex reumiies sotfte le.
EntdintgIis coleginate footbllu career by
bri'llianstuswrks it hte'Pe'nnigametu, I mist-
mond 1lous uts p niastasily this'geaties
endun itthe-uwct. ilssiues bis'ng a godu
sutuer, heits ianharshmansto Isbox, a god
taclehr'andtutuossg'heur a srustsg vdefen-
sve hlyer. hhresvr, le shoswsesgreit
ffnsitsv nsabiiy this year for ts it l
isse,Ihis swrk annucig this'hsllott
fke ikicks si he enigasmecbeigtoesut
of te feathures cut this'ovsierineuattah.i
hurts' altithts,lisv ut uits vrsy usr
of is sasoiuss oppioentts 'tush if f~r sit
ruflirt''reasonuhi..-kiicking atitni'y stwou
cutileshins tunailice At he:ivrnets
us Captrons, thiv' wond erful ithilly urr-
.siack oftntstlic:innstelvenu. Aliiisut'uit
nt uquarer he was osiushouuue'by Steffen,
iv twas le ntre oifesti'inn'
sissryov's-sit Iv'bimtieots'-siinn u stn
he recosgiizeds.hDurig'the stsonstss
civse ts'escures all ut (eniositie poit'ts
conredsbythe(chit' r>slur r~- has
IHis gusts1kicisi s on: sr te'sa
sres ositie w'vs etstl isms i'sv
ncitni a ictnsstniu'l ril i-e a
god ud 'etud sailillial'l ' srius'
satir teshiv ondsitnd usphosio.
Hlewitt, itt Chicago,. tushR orssit Ws
consiun.are picedilfits liv usssitsthus
secondttul ers
.t1quausrer, Steffen, I'ckrsll's su-
ceor ilthlii'Cicavgolteas. hutsitruti.
D~oubluess teshur usus it til e orstit
opetn teirdudodging, Steffets russ teMhi
roons througou the seasonswitillsecu
cellent jsugments, ast itch 5thur s s-
slonotsitte Crise gamse, huwedlti-u
he ws n ot rusy us guodsts1 itr anud a
gotd uari~trbaritck, utsorv I sps
sibl h at d sirts' tacticsbytthelInhhdis
i !hi amnitete re res uust I""fortsr is
fci lbsthe rysho 'ua eids ususts -ut
sur sit hbussuss rther t'ausasow 11 . s . I
to isv tacklned. Wiih Cp~rn othrswie
plaiccd, 'sasuittuit, of Mhue '.s, is nitx
ts Seffen.Ilie sackes x 55rinttc, u
wihls1hertunteteamsu oel,tutu ese-
ciallyiusthe lg gauumeoitthsie seasnudids
resmasrktable suworsi hissulis 'kiks it
the tcs' itf ss-sotderfutl tplayingt bythiss
ofps nugens.l
'Te oet itailediuo rouceyanuty- relt
sars ustiafbasck, ut Ofthe bunchu'
Scishucct, st hiinnesita,tushdhMagof-
Sit.,ittf hiicigan, hlookhbest. Schsstel-
uecht wsouul heceasilytetessi hatbacks
us tetressutdeite shutstyle of piay,
as iis ltesmassinig' is ill ut irresisi-
ile lie ir gooduuinusforming iterferecs
anuto usgeher huks ie the bstsIhal-
stck its the tes. Close tohins are
Magoffin, iDeliray, sit Chicago,sans
Kirk, of Iiwas. 'he lchigaus catai
Sso giventhsie place, honwever, hecause of
Iis great mrk its handlhing tsc forwr
pasis atti of is dseesive ailiy. A sure
opens fel tacker,ie snevermsijudges
the rusnsier andilfrequtently- sopped wa
lookedh to his' prospcctiv scres for the
'opponsets. lie is us goodi dogr adus
S fet runner, andulrnd sake sn ideal
Iback for sisy teams. Whie Ie is nasedi
lfor te secondushteamus by msot critics iis
Iosasons, there is almnost sit doututhsial
tMagutfussrwouldhav-c ecnthit' unai-
nous choice iha. te playiby wics he
rscoreid against Pesnylvania sects al-
hckerstuii's selections it Weller, of Ne-
brskats.istfollowredi siths Iis reasout-
'Of the ur slbacks tic palm goes hun
Weilcer, wtrhsthtoff, of Wiscoinsinu,tutu
Cartwsrightt, ofItt diamnau, iusthtisuosrider.
I su itsiedtes o gie the firs placc od
Wcher fr iis geeral work, adsisehic
iallyhIis pertortmancc itm'he iinstaol
gamise. Ahughs us halfback, he umuststbhue
givset recogitiointtforhis ll roaundwork,a
tush udutedlhus'iy woulds makeus lue msast
bueteentsosgoodii hafbascks. Ie is fast i
situ headuy. usgoiod iker-.-.-,std assf
excellentioust handlingthiss'forws-sth has
and its thuritsrferene:"
Eves, Burroughs and Wettrick
Win Places in Final Inter-
department Debate.t
'hue fnl ite irdecpartmentuebs ihaie for
the seecctions othe variy deaers r-
suiledinu te coice of Gecorge Eves of
shiv AlpihatNut for firs lauice, wsihe Mn.
L. Busroughs andI Samuelu J. Wetrick
nu th Wsc stuer scity stonutsecontdiatd
thirdiplce respects-ely. H. IL. R-tzl
si thIis AlphatiNu i s osao atiler-
'hue cnsutest tsht: ight seemsedto ltble
chasrceriedi by suitesennuess thast is sel-
test. Further than thast there was ap~ar-
dut a system of teamn work on each side
tut rarely occurs at one of these indi-
vidiual cintstes.
'hue qetion of te ial vrsiy de-
litte is te saue as war deated its the
twosrel tiinaiitrics. I reads as folows's
"Resolved, thast all corporationsusengagei
ini intersae cmtmesurce souldI he re-
quiredl to take sutsu federal charter out
such termss as Consgrs utmay by law
presc rue, granting such legislationu is
The idea of haisng te itercolegae
quiestionu deiatedI itsthe preliinris has
muanty grea avattages. 'fle quesion
is discussedi so oftenu auns so toroughly
by so msany mten ini so tasy cntets
thutntushe crucial contest there is lite
possiiliyi of the enemsy bringing ot a
sew or utooked for argumet. Thio
thioroiugh rehearsal of te subject laves
cverytinig readsy and at the disposal of
hiv twinners anunfurther ureparaionscaut
almoistslbhe entirey sdevoced 10 perfection
sit appeatranc iussitentilswork.
'fle muen cosen ithie two ial pr--
limuiaries arc: Earl G. Futler adm
George Eves itt the limirary departmeeut.
auth Samuuel J. Wetrick, M. I,. Br-
rosughs, i-. L. Kueler ansi J. E. hWiner
of the into departmuent. I. h. Cochran
anun i. L. Rtl of the lierary depart-
inent arc the alternateo chosen in the
wo conutcsts. 'he places of the winners
out the twiu teams to conmpte witt Norhi-
westerns ansi Chicago ons the uighof
Janu. its are left 1st the dscinreiontof Prof.
TFrtueblood, intoihose hads is left tmis
tsk iftt sling on tceSfinisig touches.
NEsv exc,vsxssS To DORtMtsA Cut-u.
Tw'enty-eight New Eugastnutnset
its Mcillhaun Hal lsigt for the pur-
oepose of sorganizing a secional cls. A
commtittiee conssiting of the following
muetn was appointemi to mdraft a cnsti-
tioun : Phil Glesoon, Harlots Leavens.
and Wendll P. Noron. This coni-
lee will reportimmhsuediaely afer
Thuankgivitg recess. There are a pres-
cii ify-six men in the Uiversity who
tre registered from New England.
Baseball and Football Instill
More Good Citizenship Than
Books on Civil Government."
"Yotu canu expec lmost5551anyhiug frotm
t husy," sauduom vter 'I. Lane, sttlerii'hu't-
cunt of the Boys' Homue at Faruinus ott
hnissbheginning hisisaddriless ou Th-'ie
Bouy Probhlem"nilthe Unistr ttt c -ci
LuSunay ight. Yes,5yosu uctnuexet
lmsost aunythitg. I ksnowu asyoutung unte-
'ul whuoeupriecis us nicel for swanllowus-
tg it grasshoppesu r1 thllsitalow a Sl'
for usccit.
"Noithe trotublehv itsn-hs erly e'ery-
odly is thatuthseuy nuns'tryiung t o shshuu
te husy inteadlonutryingIns hclp I ins.
Thss hus s'out tui ussuchd srate httuint
as heis suseimesvmadeunus nttshe
Nearly' slo-tys hiv impulus niwhichs maknehs
husy shut higs ltStgit miot rouusr-
sir' treipefechlyrnaussral.
"Bonys sumust stunecplay. I's tlbsaonety
cvalve. 'fhvy- muust hunts- it. Rnuughy
speaktiintgthus sty' patsssthrughsthre-
stages oftplily-nhiv firoisty-he call
thy dramttoic sage, tsc seconduthe self-
assertivv stage, atutusclast hisS of loy-
al. Loveufcott urol canraceries he
fist. The husy tiys wstillsouucs, ouuds
msa.I te self-ast'riv-c sage hu eli-
lus ts ttkehisbip5rsenci'fyltd sand.
lie plyso vngiuss, plagues tu' cu,pulls
litleicsiser's hair. Iis abutstlhis ltnme
thut thye.c scolIteacher hegius to wish
site were ai seunographieur.'ihe boy's hut"
sit tehrrunyoicawakets. Ilivwasyu oti
fight. IHe beginssstrealiecthatutsomeu
say hell hue toltndsuamotngmnsfor
himssef, atutueisv stho ttlet eve-rybodsuy
knuowuthant Ivis eereaduuy' for usituvs.
"Boy w hisshanve tosslay us the srevts
ham sympasuthy. \Asegnmues trn'
oftens broken upthluy gruwn sithil
broklen, sdisctnnetctedi umotdes oftthouugt,.
tush it hinss bectsfound ..htnbousys whou
so lay inthe sredtssre really almsost
uable ts cocntcrate their mids out
anything fr auny- lenghhosittisse.
"hut Se stage otfiloyaltythe lusy begis
ts realieclinuSmorsec canusb accmplsheds
by uionuswith t ulsh ussy-nsthau by dinig
stunusuaslote. Gangs exist duritg te
self-assertive period, ut as I ay, msorc
foretacitisse lithnfuse nll.Is thuc priodu
sit loyally-the bosy htkes to hbtselai
fotbat l nu td soter gtamues thant rqire
cut-operaian d uu sisI thiksbecustheuy'
sit req~uire conopertion bansballundhtt
fotblbuhwtil insi more gtoucitizuenu-
ship Iliun all thetext-hooks out civil
goverunenti ever nwritten."
hut conclussiotnslie stun n "I dc ost thiuk
lth oeven he badulboy is soumucs o
hblame. No boy cast dcvlop helthiy
mherc lie ar550 room o pnay. 'iheure
his beenstoo sudshsuuig tutunot
enoughs helping. My advicv o Auto
Airbour is o msake rvadynhsle he isrc is
ime situ tablish paygronsus
organizeeboiys' cus, sn issy alusly, let sie
urgcsmoure tnoetancecinthe home. Do .
ot exueSt your boy to hu e urtect.Ile
isnot us whitle downu l sht.Let iso
tavo-mire tolerance mu he ]iontic.'
'T'esjunuir liisarved nuumserassto
fiteen msuent ofthecduss ootballsu adsut
anttydthelucisthrec dololar echs lut
caps insweaer vests, ystrdaty after-
non at their meting itt Roomir C, U'ni-
versity Halnul. ''he folowingasee tic
muest who receivedh nueras:t u'. h.
Russcll, Ben Dewey, P. C. Auerson,
W. R. Ransonm, B. J. rotadsy Cnsrd
Raps, . D. Keley, L. F. hiser, C. .
Grasem, R. W. Granger, I). E. Rysai,
C. P. Cronk, Paul ILeidy, A. E Meter.
It teas decided tohoatuve us clssmasnce
on Dec. 17 at Harbtour gymonaium.
?Abuoust fStees juniors noere givens tickets
to octl.