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November 26, 1907 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1907-11-26

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G. H. Wild Comlpanly
The Largest Stock
in tir City
Exlusive Stylesi
For Gentlemfen's Wear
Everything required for Suits,
Overcoats, Fancy Vestigs, and
Trouserings, and of high class
fabrics and special styles.
Full Dress Suits a1
G. H. Wild Comfpally
311 South State Street
Our New
for i o8 is now ready
and we feel confident
that if you look it over
you will agree with us
that it is far and away
the finet both in print
of design and execution
the finest calendar yet
published. The price
50 cents
Sheehall & Co.
Student Bookstores
Sn, A. G. _an
The oLargest Manufacturers to the World
of Ofcial Athletic Supplies
Base Ball, Foot Ball, Golof, Lawn'
Tennis, Basket Ball, Hockey
Oicial Imspremets or Track ad Field Sports
Uniorms tr alt Sports. Spado'i Hadsomsely
Illustrated Cataloeeoc all sports cotaiss nu-
smerus sggetios. Sed oe it. It's re.
New York, Uhicago, St. Loais, Sac F'ricclso,
Mineapolls, lDever, uffalo, Syracuse, Pits
burg, Philadelphia, Boston, Cicnnati, Balti-
more, Waskiato, IKansas City, Clevelnd,
New Orleas, Detrit, Montreal, Canada.

Macagicg Edior-PAui. SCOTMOWER.
Business Masager-C. E. WINSTEAD.
News............. ....A. F. Ritchie
Athletics.......William F. Gradolph
Spoting ....Clarence E. Eldridge'
Exchange.....H. John Wambold
Music and Drama... Rv D. Welch
Women's Editor.... Louise Van Voorhis
J. W. McCandless Elmer C. Adams
John F. Wurz Robert H. Clancy
David . Stvnson i
Hiram S. Cody George H. Hobart
Chauncey Bocher B. G. R. Williams
Raymond Visscer
L. C. Reid Lee A White
M. I. Mchlugh J. I. Prscoti
A. L. Mainline Robert Mountsier
Loswell J. Carr Donald L. Kinney
WValtcr K. Tow-es Lois Kra'
tLcwis . Kniskcrns 1RoertMfoelandl
Posit Grcr Samue ,clIIMIorris'
Dtto Fngl rd I:. Gooding
John F. Wre Carl H. Adam
Htarold P. Gold
Address: MICHIGAN DAY, Press Bldg.,
Maynard Street.
Manager's Hours: 1- p. i., 7-8 p. m.
daily, except Sunday. Both phones
'lUESIAY, NOVEMBilER 26 907.
11 i. custom~iary, at this nov, for ei-
toirs.to play lthelpart of cer laseit
doiniihonr to a beicenit giecrmenrst.
Ws eaplithil alcriy It, testanld, sic
the-()fieisiiieof idigitiy insdliii dear
rv-spiiisibilit. Pt hiss itcliir wshi ste
sot go bevyonds~ the average ianioiiis ,
pr fessioii in te exellvene f his hu-
lis oii the Thaiksgivinisg sasoi, socwis
of wthat ciap clay and stirit lie sa
poitisil-aiiitsliest--.nohig nsir. ftc
is thy victins of thy uncsosiouissut
fatal i roin isli.otw-isplaiistes. tHe is
litv the hetpless visitor stho isiursisrs,
"What ci dear i i i?"ithisuch'sopers
isaltiss-.tsialter iiiime is strickent friim
te list sit sassy fisti,.anstliv foick.fr-
Nose we ave islessisgs eosgistic
thanillsfr-we ae health, ard wealth
enouighi if sic arcostesi, and safey,
onstpivies is ue earsiiof asldat
peace. 'Ac ave all of life's acessries
-but let that pass. 'ieyhave earnedt
thems for the mtost part, asd haec 55
reasonsifor paying iineiterc oin. Vie
tisisgs which wie. as Miehigassnmicor
inded as Amserians, or rpresentctives
of the rae, may most rightfully te
tankfult for a- those se do ot yet
possess,tosc eahih ie st the cd of
our couse. 'They are the oscwhetieh
se ioot assoucite wit the feeisgs of
gave, pslehoric, dish saisfactcioin. They
cll for he seep lbreathisadilthe long
stride. They drase is on the fut deed
cii hopeful iiptosityio the future.
Tbcse things upon wich our progress

depiensiimay st-cit ticregarded swit
tauailnsess, if they re of tec proper
Here as;Mihigans the pries ahead are
imany ansiasqate. Among thcm con-
spicenously is a football tam seich wilt
tring downes the tride of thc ast. That
"blessing" alonse awaiting us at the end
(f asoher searsili he of sor signifi-
cace ini sour developmiet than coldria
richsendoivwmsenttsettled ipo saitshs
week. 'There is a comspete andciefetive
systemsiof sussdcnt sef-governmttse to te
perfeced:i such ai governmsset as wilt
le able tcae te iterelass rssts. ii-
tressive sithoutssovserwrinig the ve-
mncts whichtasic brtaliing;suh a
goisernmensit as silittbecomsie sosour for
stisdent lstir is eamintisons; such ai
oeas siltaicke ationi agist the irr-
lpiisie reourer of Sareealinews
frui thse camipsusie wichitswill fiid
te fittisgimiarlie for every just seal
the sudienti sissy sial'coceie. Tiers
is ue great trject ii chsit the cssim-
situniity is iterestedi as sne mia-te
Michteigasn Unioni. Tis is to teic ior-
porein iithe lifeiof te' Uiersiy, iv
thoirouugly assimtiatedsini it as it onice
a mosuldinisg suit a msovig foce. 'T'he
coing isyear prsnts tat acheieeent
ito isas teuliiar irie, seisiehwilt ot
ear reservinig fr aiiy later geertions,
isis smssst le cakens at oiec sr peras
lust fireer. Besiues these tisings ee
have the standiacrdlf ulture to adcut-ser
ini te Universiy;.'smansy wciuld scy we
hicave acu slturetc- i recite. Anywasy, there
is ansisimmesse tcsk iefore asyhinisg
weortliv silt the catciel itat lut.
Finaluly there is fr es-ry mns the tro-
grcinssofiiself-develenie t witiehscollege
smens clwacys set fr temsiselses, ost in
drecrinisg sout sudinu strvig for which
they reachs the ecelecee sehict iscu-
tinguishies theistfrcmsithe commssoi en.
Whies en e thisisiof teblessisgs,
see re ideiel tankful. For they
prophslesy lously iiouse ars that before
'T'hcnkssgiving say. tgo, we wilt have
advaecedsisturdily asuithIlrousgs ailosg
distace; thact this cay ot which ee
isrite swill cappeasr ocd-fasioed, qiaist,
aust (let us..htpt)enue. Ss se e1ci-
tithese ii the seisssero;we hitk
serioussly ciiiithemi sitsaiii tir fitful,
anst cisctrly devousit.
Athosusghthuelusbshosse sdoes st ater
tio te hambutirger tcde it has gaise
the popuislrity oiiiny a y i cvdg Isis
thie casstsacis ch inesrg jiuist.
'l'hankisgiing vacations wiiitbc ci-
liveet osigt by the efforts of the
Womanc'us League, wehics is o guye ci
dancinig carty fr uniuisersity girls ads
thir m iesi friendss, at Baror gymna-
siou. Soene prety favor cancses are be-
iug asrrangecduamong thesisaciflagidasee
is weictehsthedacsers isill te paced isi
ecsie uf aliege flag oser witieh the
favor illsuteispssesd. 'lThe decoratiots
sil et tnicrspsy Japcnese lanters.
iselers crelesrci is to furirisish music.
Refreshninis will tbe seed sfter the
twelfth idatie. fThe pary wiiiegis at
830 sikets its ott sae at M\rs. jor
cliiis dsk Mss Hletn Parry is the
sitairmans of thss commnitte in charge of
tr affair


Dr. F. C. Witter it the folowing con-
muanication, coreacts a statement made
in Tn3t DAILY with "regard to micro-
coccns neoformans:
I stisi to correct a statemnut wehieh
appearedt itsTHc DILsY voitSatulnda,
NOss. 23. Vie article referred to some
research storbeuitg shne wsithsthe oi-
ersceecuss utoforisauts, the gemnotiebe-
lies-cutoni hethe cause (f acer.'
-It shoutitliehe dititly uderstood
thact se dosstousier theov soe gersm
tos he hivecause iii cnucer. The workc
thact is beig souts is aonoug the hineuf
accie teicatmencth sih tthis gros us
te hope iii succecs-sfutlly copig witste
seeondacry ifectionsss al t cemnsy thur
smtore-csauaceudscages f hiv isecse
'hue enggemsent of 'ililianu F. Gra-
ulpihi, to 'liss 'tlay Curis of D~ude,
Mih.,ha.ics tbeens cnnouncsed.tAir.sG-
dolphs shssbec thalseic eitor f Vis:
hDsssy sincee Aptri cas. This-isedisg
wiittak pce isbutsDe lc. 2.. ct tDunde.
ssuss ueO ol Is' ci: sCus-eg ,CNTACTsc.
Rcandll & Pcacksteecgil-cittheuco-
tract for thec snior ithpituresacuthiv
o8 clcass mueeing esterdauy. Vie chair-
mancut of te icure cummusitec siges
cuerrh membuher to shie hisipotougrph
tcaken s usearty s possible, its orer to
avoidiuithe usua deay iusteuseatiscrcnce
ofi hiv iciigcutettsiut. Sititgs sily
hegins immuuedictey. 'lure is ci fecsof
$200o, swhichtr uust be tpai cuthue timse
f sititug. Ott scoteeuu of the econtrct
withthte phtgrathirs, ster still he
aredhuction o f rons tetitoifort-her
cenitosithis stork. VTe pholtogrcphers
wsiciscifurniish the icarge ccss hpiture
fr te Alsumnuti resi, ns, smaullstcer cpites
f Ihis tayue hsa ct $.ooecc.
Y. M.e.. C, . fNufusu'uiNSetUIWNSc
Studuenuts r-maining iitowut sduriug
'tsoishsgus ig svcationt will ot he al-
lowsesdltis becoumeclsnssomse if the Lii-
versity Y. N. C. A. las its way. Vie
cssucictinupals otensighitstsfor ots
Thhursday ansI Friday eveuitgs. VTe
roosswtill i thrsuss-uesuutalt stu-
'fle Micligaiuua gve a venisos dii-
naer t the Mihigans Uuo hus citosuse
lasi eveing. Prof. Leigtot f oapt
college wsita guest of te usetie trihe.
is adsditionu to the atie msetuersa
numbisher of formaer msetmsber still iutec
Unuiv-ersity- andthSie houorcry usembhers,
Professrs 'ienley tush Alleu,serer pres-
LADIES-Has-c yostsects the utest-
us fotear-Auto -Boots-int he a-
-est brost-nshcde, aasouubtlcck-ct Put-
fisit', uuuhS. 7tait Si., 54-6
i1S otsi iciuigau Caeudar-33pages-
'[3 halftounesof hssihhigs-c, tpestpid
hlo. For sale at Miss Lovell's, 332 .
Stale St. 5-56

Vi sifng
01 Everyone tuses some
visiting cards. Why not
get thue best, it is as cheap
as the ordinary printed
cards. We engrave new
plate and too cards for
$1.25. If yost have your
ownl plate, 75c por 100
We do Stationuery
Stamping, Wedding An.-
isouncemesuts and hVono-
gram Work. G et o ur
State Street MuaiunSit-eeu
Law and Medical
Treves Anatonmy, New
Edition, (just received'.)
Stimson's Fracttsresaud
Dielocations, New Edit-n orsAooy
3rd Ed. half leatluer, f
$2.50, liall utmorocco
These are new books and only
a few loft.
Ca h or exchange yottr Law,
Medical -and Dental Books.

Tel 761.

326 S. Stale St.

Largest collection of ordinary
and th onily collection of fine
Michigan Pins
Quality Best - Prices Rightt
Michtigasn and Farat. Stisues.
WM. ARNOLD, Jewler
t20 S. Malts St.

_ .. "" '

L2\ \ 0A1F WOFFH



Every day one bears
people say "If I were in
college again, I would do
more in the line of cul-
ture. I would learn some-
thing about music so as to
appreciate good m u s i c
when I hear it."
Students of today cer-
tainly have splendid facil-
ities for such study.
Courses in all branches
of msusic are given by the
best prepared instructors,
at very reasonable rates
at the
-University School of Music
Maynard Street



C be !Btubent8' 9lecture EtsoCtation

Dr. Wllam j. Dawson.
London, Eng.,
Fri-day Evexriivg Dec. 6. 1907, at" 8:15
Momzday Evenig December 9, 1907
University Hall


Tickets for Entire Course - -
Tickets Reserved for- Entire Course
Single: Admission Tickets for.Dee., 6 -.
Single Admission Tickets for SUSA



121 Washngton . The Randall Studio, Randall & Pack, Props.,

Phone '598

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