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October 24, 1907 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1907-10-24

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The Michigan Daily_



No. 27.

Fumbling Largely Eliminated-
Heston Says Practice Was Bet-
ter Than Any Last Year.
tWsith the fumbling largely elininated,
he varsity hati nuch less trotle in
trouncing the scrutbs yestettay tian fit
Tuesdays usatisfactry scrittmatge,'
cottnting ive tines in lbout twetyt mit-
rites. IHeston wa-tteltet the practice and'
was fat oraly imtpresedi Iwith the twork'
tof the teatm.
.Tht lie isgotod etotgiforaty
icittit. sidilthe greatest Ifotltliplaer
the West ever iproduceed, "adt altotgt
he listckfielti is tehaps atifeslight,I
tont seeivhty Micigatn soutli lea
7 to z shot ini the bettintg oit the lettse
atme.'Todtay's practice wii tteter tian
sattthitig I saw tall lst se-st.'
With ut lieuoed-ys of prealratiointleft
fr thte OhtiiStte gatte, Yt wsill te
tothiis attenttion to ithe sie probletm
tofrdeviloingmlanissttsi li-which can gv i
ahruh attlaroutd. hit tleye tIttviei
is stgentuttitiotylteotttthilnniti
utffeisanthtit tth ,'~e. le tci ill
itt ginconittcentains tsei ari
lieditahs hiliint i-titt sutispe e-
iie etter thnlertle, tt ithe-ct iat
offtngutht I civei coreat igctoiryhis.it-
Mohe tu prstir initthe wyrfcthangtii-tsi
isnsuit-od wlit: ati rililt lulfb, iihasiil
citribig tsthe Duinglitertinflie stif
th-,sasntichia il ae atlidoule
iitireatofiis o tunti hl, n Lol
lok ikeairittol rle atliilislil itt c-t
tre- itill ie is follows: l ut-ituttian
Miller, qtert I- l ssultiad Icr
half; Loell andtil lleticis fullbackel
'Tere is little- citel ietwee-.i-ie liii-
diatsifot-the honotir o f suctitg s ('til
laig Mgin's ricitingti -list-,ifdlit i-a
opptuitis totitisvteraiiyi
bilgamltessbfothetistseoftti he t e. 'a-i
C'oacht Yost iwill settilthe teitrttgi
a stiff signal pactiecttttorrwt,.ausatie
patrt of whlichi itill le lheleiticlose-i
gattesti rier that theinewftrttattionts
workedl ii for lt'eesietiIetligten ofHrs teinsbnhmynt-
lit tipped off premtuirely.-
sMeantitme'iitterest in the gtitte is
groswing in Coltttbtus. Utneismtatyd hi
the failureiiiftseir tamtolidiefet Wos-
tee last Saiturditys. (IhiSttte reioters
ar' confiently redictingtt itorny -er
I leretisteiu's fortmer tutor. As pesitie
roof they cite the happenigs ofi sevet
years ageo, whenteiasdefeat sstttinedlbe
Ohio State tat followetdtiitweeks later
iy a scoreless tieswithis Micligtu.
Te seeds before cotinitg to Anti Ar-
bor they played the Ohmot-Medic, ansi
were defeated. They bracet woner-
fully,- however, anti so great -was- the
improvemett whetilot the folosing
- eek they tet Michigan.ilat the Wol-
verines tere uablte to score.
MStRAsCtIPLAS BtY ivg'cgNgaS.

The students of the University of
California recently presented three old
English miracle plays ini the3 Greek

The first rotitti of te prelitinaries
touleplace yesterdasy afternoot; two
cttitests were pydt off. Tie sopit
tmeedics tritmiteed the fresh medics iby' a
scttre oftt2 ts o, attdithe seuior-juiorI
etigitser cntest riesutlted itt a o to o
tic. 'Thic trtass till ticessiate a second'
cotsttc't el yetuciioftriday asfter-
'ThecAthletic assiaetitoit ateetiun
tile to secure liii'fair grottitds for the
tirid cnttests as scheulted. Two
gamntis sill le ptaye each day iere-
titse. 'Te gamtes scheduled this tfter-
tootnt tre the fresh etgiteers as. soth
etigitnt'er, titndfreshis %'s. sph tit.
Cat. Betgitt isas easily- the star of
te ams. 11laytg at left half iewst
sactills iiiays tle to tnegotiate
tst-cssrsti s ithec'ttgiettthe bal.
lntes.Iitiiet i tiae broke tirougt
le siotri itine and ltcked iBergi'c
atemt to kikgoal, asti stcceeditg
ini gteit i i te pigskii. te geic
tmt of tabtitt three yards atd tore
conthfild-hiaotftlyyards iefore
iBergini!git imtith-llta fly-lg tackle.
lecgae cloedit-lithtie all ittite
juirs Ial ineeiisllItsitehvittgii
thatepasrtmtenttblyti score of a to 0
Iesetdaytuernitoiotni onttSoutsFerry
Cl:RldtIl,'i RECiuRI
Al5:its tillciteteimteetitg of the cx-
cutivis-cmitttie cif tie ittercolegiate
Associaltin oif Amuateur Athletics of
Aisteriesslhithws''sk six et recorts
imatdei'at l'amtbricge lattspritg wsere
sceepus-ulAnuue rejectesd. 'T'recrs
wich aiel iedltiissas tat tae ib
Michigantis sita, jointsGarrels, ithie
highthuleic. 'Tite oardirue tttslie
had s'e'tthl'pe'di by'a strontg windittwhentt
lih dettl'te sritt iniT -secntds.
'hssestprouit frottt euet tes
$.248-49, wihst iie ighestamonttt
ittuilsat tt et of te associatiot.
hL'l'Iif AlCY CI>Ci''iS
'tAN FOR iEtA'i'EF
'fle cup iduebatte etwe-en th e lasw'atit
litertary scieties wil ttke place oots
tter ts'ehbegitninstg tuf ext semieser.
lii'ere shiwi', first, te preitinary' se-
btae eitette Apha Ntt ansi ue
Aephi listcities, this'team nvinttg tis
:oet titet tewsneirs ofithisspe-
liustiusryus-ate betweette Wetser
andul fsffsrceutist soscieis. Etchttettm
wsill ctsist f ithtees'tmett chosen hby'te
msemttbers f te societies.
ligreat udef i tierest is beig mai-
testedulrseettdy' as ote costes. Pres-
teit Stephiensont iiithe Apha Nt's
staidlyeserdauy t "The Webster society
ias htus this cup mot of the time, and
iwe expect toi sake a sretntoss effort to
britng iisose hisosie Alpha N society
Cass funtctions fr the season wil
be opetnedi by the spht its at Grangr's
ext Motndaty- niglt. Conflicitig enter-
lsissssets ecessitated changing the
sate, it hasvig bien first 'chedletfor
Fridaty' nigst.
Follosinigte tlanstsof ash year's so-
cliicommttssee, the management extends
invsitationt to alltpperlasmen wishing
in atetid.
:iT:iN RCOMMTt's'cgo xxOtiNCgu cTOAY.
Senior cass cssnitittees for the tmm
intg year sil e announcedat a meet-

tug of tse uujo8 lits tis afternoon, 4':1',
its Roout at, University Hall. Plant
fur social events. with also he "disetused:.

Mass Meeting Tonight to Cheer
Team and Perfect Rooting for
.5S. U. Game.
Flutes-Ultversiy lhushl
Timte-7 P. i. sap
Yell iheader-Dutsliy lKennuedy.
Mutsic-U. ocii Phahndu
Yoiistidtche thu e ut wiuses iiysthlei
usualluce its te f rsstIrtws't te se-
ouch lug mtass msitss'hg iofthus -earits
Uniersity I]fall tonight. (Ciues on
thsemti by-all loyasMihigan"' ot siess wili-
he in orser, asute .S.U.te s
reported o he austsrngs'aggregatitoni tus
the tamiitill eedltheii isusppi~ort wiich
the studsent bodsy ca gus-c. Tw-tiyi-rs
agos te Olit scoitocsinttiltialuband o
rooters 2tonestrongtni i supt h
Michigans criwtic s ec htther y l
are iseli answerei.
The .o P. bnlutueelbyIts hiI sher
siill st-itt-htlinsgo ing ttthe mel'siueltg.
i~y'uic, httt ie i'ampus555phoetgrpers sill
hitsc i'sisoe555w5sldshticuh nevrsuitss ltm
to mk usuha it ith thiscroits "Dyi
RKiemtc siill at , cicsi ed n
w il ht' thus-ewsets
'fal-.sill he give yA .Pac,
whoswillirpsent ciitheu-itdtegrauate
lustiy, rof. Bidi ofits-e s'ngieerig
dlepartentandulJuge en int. tewho
will speaki for te aumnuui. Thle j uge is
well knowtio isthi sudetiibodtssy-tutuhisi
appearanuce ittU'ivsienity fllt ill le
euslilsts-asticuuly iselcosmuedu.
Tihie doostofitthe uhllnill his- opee
at 6:45 han. The program illi iicosts
mesnesast 7 charyny-.astintg ocuss- r
"Mly' lork sAmocnsg hinNessboshuy."
was the subijettasledi cii by John sC.
Guuiel, sho tstlke iTa''panusuBtll last
ightsbefore te scioogy cliiiifCle
U~niersty. A large ndautpt~peiativ
auienuce lisened he, ir. Cusiel tell uf
iis witrk for this Newvsboys' association.
"Sixteens yeurs ago he seaeus,
its part, "I strtedlwis-issasut orgunition
f toe ofl the touugetoyt s i oedo.
'Todlay' is- lutst' ttu organizas tiif nn
muetuhurs andans associations thaut resices
esery counettry whlere' niwspapi.~es sie
sol." 'Te speker thuns-upsokhe itlegt
out isw uh hu be- cu ucmptlised'l sitc
iwhat could yet he atcomp~tlished.
This is notisMli. Giunkel'-. fist p
iearance itsAttn Arbor. He caie eee
fiour years uagitoutnussimsiarusmission
understhe auspiues'sof i sa isiariorgani-
This is this first nf a series ofi mothl
lecture-. that te Sociology-clish is gisg
his huve this year. Ait effuses is beig
made ts aesomes ofut' e ii ltt sei
reformuers appiear.
Out the first sf Noveiehr, hePMich-
gait Lawv Reviciw-sil tusse it iitial
appearanice for this y er. 'fle nee
fact thaut Prof,. Jamues Breisster til1
head this year' publication is assurncee
enuoghs that Cle peridical sill msaitain
the flue standsasrd of formernearyuanduut
upholed its repiuttion throiughotuut te
coutrtty. 'he first issue iwill csntauin
three maisurtics, wi-uh are as fis-
low's: "The Case iof the Moopolies:
Soesif Its Reuls andtu ggesiions,
by Sidney F Piller, of IDeroit; "Fei-
eral Treaties andt StaetLawse," by Dani
Chales Noble Gregory, of the owa
College of Lw; "Roman Law ansi Mo-

IsamuueulansJuripruidence,' by Prof. host,
of thus Boston University Law School.
The other departmnents of te Review
will cool.aits a discuussions of recenst de-
cisions of imuportance andsu also took

Six hsundsredl hamsbugers are sold is
lust Arbotr es-ry sdsy Thlat i the ec-
crs If 'te('illege Ists tututie "hatm-
urgenjuoit," wihichs are practically the
only chaes supiilying thi sthuet tade.
Chicenespies, "Dleivsers," "Cicago,"
si ohr thinigs f us ike' character tre
lutistopular si-iishtestuduuentsbody
Buti hamulrgers seem tohasse'slurfirst
cusl. Is-cutring to testatistics of te
hamursug stanssi, mseal timue is ai paricu-
tunis- fatial tisse for muemssbers of this
uusuuricus fanntiy. 'lessits thureening
is anit her sithling ousefraughtsiit
unoleril toithe virtuous hamburge.
Stiudents ainula squick utch or com-
tug homuue fruitstLarry's use Joe's after
csinug tisse' etns sausie' uslut:iofgrief its
thes hamurgertuiu-famusil.
Inienttlliy tiewts-siler tinigs are
likusy uoutit thin stusent stun. For
isitet thes'Colee's1isis alog ais
sulis,300hiambhurgers ooDiOI ssers ad
Chicss to ch)0eiesti ticsduts of
scl, sugps f cosfue-nsC o sieak
cii 0olutis stitiscies ll disa. pper out
anut 'usesraie thua fus O iysslhat sre't
stun's" at'alu , ike u~sthu Sat~iurda y- beore
tiihie ii iu bein i titftisisser, 400 ham-
turcr rclklyuto gus te iway eofthe
goodii his'si ITlit Sturdai y was this'ree
tush day ticrthus' Cols's flusts
Alsthe"hambuget jot" onuitStae'
street-ulthe'ut'srags' (lt's sle' of hatu-
hungers lues itunsy titu 70 poundstthof
mea-tt. oit aboutst300 isthambugs.."Ci-
eicags"such "l Sesisrs" useup fifens
doztenu eggs. a sisy, andu three bushels of
'usna eee. T'irtuy galons of milk
sre used aithe "joist" eery clay. along
ust ill 2tpis andue ho doens uis A
ueil's ttldeuses isis4,000 nuakis ath
'Ils(e"joint's" lg dasy this yearsas
thus' say ofithe rush. Is recordlduy was
he daty ofithe Michigan-Wiconsini
gamute ltso y'ears ago, iwhens thur rae
sine' tit soubledshetlcavserge. The
necsecips totalsedh $17.
Studssu-sbauilingfrostsIndiaa teho
uis Iitsuattendui te lusanquet o be'glvens
at the ('tok IHouse Fridauy ight in
hoo oftssr Gov tiernotr J. F. Hianl' iray-se-
suns tcessinthe hLtwsslirary toigtl.
A hotinformasul recepltiotsnill precede
use hatnquiuet its srier toiasots thursu-
cents t eet this-guie'rner.
Tshe htntueut sill he se iidusC0:30.
hFiseir's (,ocrecstras isill furnishs Cle tos-
si. 'fle toastmastser fuserte eening is
. -. 'uCchranu. Thhe upresient of the
hustlel uiuus unscluuuiul, tiillnmake
te introdcuucy speech. fDean uJoistsO.
Ried swill resptondi to hi se toast, "A.
1Hoossien Boy."' trofThos sssC'hrue-
buslo iswill respond th o "Somuie Products
of the Stil." Jut e itgee ad several
cuher msens of te'club wivllialso speak.
(Gt'serutsr Milhywi-ll ends the baquet by
Iis addriless.
Au least sutsneuenedl membes are
exisecede t he presets A comtmittee
fros thie dishub ill omeetthe governor
st Toledos sitsFriday uandlescosrtits ito
P~relimuinasr itlansifuse thur ourht
Uiosnibanqssuestwerre' discusedhat the
first mueeting of thur general committee
heldst tuhnight The sub-committes
will stasrt wosrkng at onuce sunh the tickets
will he ueist out sale'asitsooun as is pa-
The enthusisas attensdautt upon the
Penni gamue it expetedi o insure the
success of the banqut as well ai to
fiuijshi the orcasiont foe the most stir-

ring mueeting ever held on the campuus.
Thfle nrxt meting of the committee
will hut held PMondlay, Oct. 28, at 7:30.

Action of Regents Is Thought to
Tend Toward Estrangement of
Plichigan From Conference.
Theu reent actions of the Board of
Regentis providing ion tin reorganiza-
tun of Cle Board in Control of Ath
runic raises the question: "Wht will
he PMichigan's attitude toiard tie Big
Nina" after theunes boardl be'omtum ef-
fecflveis" Of course noie o heCluemri-
sees of the present board tere able o
answsii 'vthurquetion, and s-sthe ew
toat sat tot yet been choescn, no dfin-
se sysw etthe quesioiss poIsosible.
Iloweseer, by a proes :ss of1sdeducion
it is quithe posibtoi i set' suw tie acto
wiii timid towardltClueucsuaesdm:o
Plielsuguan frosm thur Couencuss a alliance.
'The Rsgensushave awa-ys seen opposedt
ho slurhitheirto effective upoliscy suton-
mg eight oilier school-,t diateIlih-
gauss atletc affairs, titudI is it it the
Regentus teho are resotsi'lo foe Mich-
gauss lutest sove, i:she. 'snit seem unu-
naurual to conne'ct thur Iwo conditions.
AIccorduing to lie plai teslinruet by
te IBoardl of Regents for btr nswBoard
ofi Control but one of lie future mem-
tiers is definitfely- chosen at lhimi timue,
sithlat is Kenie Fizpaurick As uual
PMe. Fizpatrick ihpuruing a policy of
conservaisu anth is expeessing o opin-
is conucerning thur probablse atitude
the stems'board wiill hsuitowusari the
lig Nine. I huseeer, it is ]moni that
Director tFitzpatrick wtas paussivey in
favor of the nmotement started last
sprinug.which hash foe its utimauiute oh-
ject mte comple' severancee by Mich-
igant of all athtletic relationussiiihoiler
instiutions of thet Big Nine,us sem-
sees oflie Big Ninec. tRelation with
thosse schools individually, of coics,
would ave tess acceptable histhose
chouols wished to muaintuaint such ahletir
As lhemnatter noistands-hat is,
undser lie regimse of ue presenth Board
of Countro-Micihiganu it sill a menber
of hic lig Nine.iDespite the numerous
threats that tere madc by that intit-
11imm last sprng shen Michigan's Board
of Conrol decidhed to vioae to a slight
extent several Conferrence rulings, the
Big Ninsehsatslincesmaintiained'ihvigor-
ousluy thast Michgan' ations ist ot
result inthlst'Wolverines iforfeitingtheir
muembesip init thur Big Nine The sands
time direcctors ofi thur Confeee'nce took out
tie mtteisas a pusrly selfish one, ands
nuts doubtess aedoptfetdater conslierable
conssideration. 'T'hey' see ledl to thir
secisioun ith io maier swhat aton
PMichilgan might take, sietwouldstsill he
a me'mbuer, y the knowedge that Mic-
gau'ss withdrawal-ini ame as well as
its deed-weould prove a dangrouss if
sot fatal blow to the prestige enjoyed
hy thur Big Nine Conference associa-
hion Hhence the ruling that evetn though
sot actite on in good sansding, Mihs-
igan seas nevertheless, and would always
he, its sptr of any actionshsie might
take, a member of the Big Nine.
Thur attitude asumedh by the Michigani
Board of Control was little less coi-
promising It will be remembered that
Iwo rulins of the Conference--namely,
the our which limited the fooiball he-
dule to fle gamnes, and the releoacive
feature of the three-year rule-were al-
ways considered onoxious o IMiichigan.
After rutless discusion andsulong
fight, the Michigan t Aheti Board of
Control niet last winter anud ook radi-
cal action, as follows:
"Michigan will not conform to the
flee-game limitation, except that nt
niore than flee games till e played
wih Conference colleges,

"Michigan will not enforce 'thin three-
year rule in as to affect the men who
(Continued on Page Twoj)

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