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October 22, 1907 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1907-10-22

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TheMichIgan Daily
ANN .ARBOR, IMICHIG'AN, WESDA ).Y CTIy)Ii]"R 22, 1q07.N.25

VOr.. XVI..

r0. 2 5.

Board Votes Unanimously to Reorganize Present
Board of Control and Create New Governing
Body With Two Student Members Chosen
by Faculty and Alumni Representatives.
ei aut o t ttlnifabot i ml ri lieit nih 'ilo ll t ii s l rng a Ian
Chanttge ill the personelft he f Athletic t rack teamn was tformet to compettes'itt
Boardi of Control o f thr1 imtrift of iii'cast; it tias also }tern tacitly nil-


.licligan, iandlwichulutimtely ill ii
proablyaleald iito 'is 515r1'innaihai
in thr oad" noId ltiln cetae
last Fiday If t isitlieia htl ti-'
aiomd'ingabut a tptc re t
tsityof icins at ticlt' ttitudetot
manyisqestion.,lof i Iteirii ii"Jutelins'
board wills f1 tifi toiti iii ta il
U nitercsitys aheiItrss
these cacts trellardiint l a111io o
presed lekedoutlat nt throutghi
a ariety f sorces 1Theboar's f
cialnrsnillolsCoud ot e htllu if
lat Igiti:r ibu t tey I werit i lr
soda Iniici' f ititimtii as' i ltu sit ii ;ti
finb at erri tihei 5 sc'.iill f te fo '
taf ph11111l11111isnit 1111Keenelitzp111t-i
lick, :11111 l i '111 i t,- to i' s' en byi' tihtll
toardis. irecors'i'f't'hrisl 111ii 'o
cr iats:citIt rs iso11111mtheillilsrfill
tInI. calsitdistit in i it pat
bi e c i ill byi t he facills, til t he i piat-
stittii s t ll a iii iii iii i till it
ditioni of the new board, lit it Istti teniteit
sod ssost eda p ti
crisn cid thatithecoisatill tii lla Xiii' ;
iis fits iX t 'tilti lticats' l al ofii "
ilet i ii's's f C ntrl tol ucimi
tile'stinadta tiii hletits -suhl liii liii
as itt'fcssiantia i l, sc'itil ii sitlip ts.
Fintal5say 'is toi ii't cleges sitll com
sire ith tli Xlstigaiii will proalyltbe
left toi ' iiie 'thlet issoitio.-w
the tmtetuhohavt a ii talitetiini
athlctisacs' liithielieniwhoisitll did,
is thle slgani ifithoiseswotilt rth
aidopcition if iitthe aoy shiemit
aniiilcriticisni'thit aisiin cnet]() sl
Wit thiei bsstnfereicsits liistil last pin
the Boiacdo eet aebe o
siceriig svitiou ltns i to obia tesom
cif tse dissatisfacltitnii sthasse
expressed. The Rcgentils'i s tiiil isi
stisi ills felt'tha thiicsolutiotn if tli
probiletmawtulitproetoa beiit higlytsatits-
fasctory. ITicy sislied it expresslyt'iii
desrstoodil lowevsssihltthiractiniras
it ti t o ayIcli expiressiont of iltsaft
tiatitio witilithe prstl embrsnsc fi
ts Boardl cf Cotrol, cit ofidisbaslief
intiis ahlitysIt ti c ithlttheites-
collegiate atltsiss situtation.
At the samte tmei has been untdser-
atoodtat te presents Boarid of Con-
irol wouldl appose the citttintatian oa
celationats witsuse tEasiernti iticccollc-


mird tht when,(It theilii'ficst of tie at
January.ciol'tiati on of WeXssiternC(ntfic-
enci: rieyt'e Univ'et'sity ioifiMich-'
ign o ld cs'ase', tillatins withi that
-rn fuirsitisioudi b riii ed
conolile hropose'~d pilanito toperats
alindpndn 'itiii i i inii 5i111'1tab lto l,
1: he Xait i tdos to tl st m afthe aoi-o
mtll I 'liaIeorgantitia t iitn thechtaslst
lorists ci 11111 iimr sat isactryteste
appova of' the Itudents illit s
lii cs' i'1111AllthemIt mbercse of the recyti -
: iiih siltae poplatrtt withthe'5lt'site ts.
.an th prsiteny iwichitihboarii
lias lue, o theskirtof ie onference
lit itser beensittotetiingofa
ii , till1 it it liito aersli. iitstiertaliat'
hne o i iiisilimitai ttil et t
costtuio nwithis t its beidawin
np.u heitmotivetbindi tegs'holettagit
matter tei ot Iciiiefuftasii atiP
and ated onscentiol lier watithe'
lit tis lst iiliintrstseftittstet
l'tITesensitimemberis 5fithetlsBoasdsisf
Ai tttis otr liirsi:ls udie sriscsoesle.
\1a t .lii ii ss tti gto heii aultsytt ;c
I nut v E ill Itsr t\ s s.Coeatty bis fal
I itythiltrsityiSehit',iawhile stdent
member i s ristit Selcticnit ftheAthir
aleic ass1 cft itn itseltcs tio tt w ii
all membert ts t otet.tsotiasrlsetletelb
toiitheiboaillsecnlytoithe plegei
t noiritsis toteUisrsity thicefalc.
affir tiastw iste tvittichthtslfsdcts havs
tbenIcr tfrtsepesks.lust prtalt
"th t acstn tias nt intclbdedtth fhea
oter pr t ilsfitlepot of5to liettle
11111 thre atnyutresasolhatrtefoatd
scflihitsdotita ttcinluddcnih
reporteof the Regnttssitmeestere
lititar aesat kedinactigt.s
"Sti prasititi wasit.nothutof"e
Irecpled Tette rftis ofittodiclsstle
imtanc. .dintthinkcthnewesen
-inary to ive iit ci, sit thgleie, n iteo
nwl ttn texsntiwiDticem uasebear
S One o thteitRecitsFstadpaiieurn
f ig inexetutu ativsssolaa hetm

bos' associtinwil'speaitk lio iilisto c
Wedstdsiat veingit 73 iiiapa
Itll 'iIis tls, wic uh is one ofi
series lt iche g'inthis erbyteS
iolotgy sut, ill beii openstoiitheiigeii-
For he astfewscars fir fantis
lis' beeti c tor itti oraniztilosi' ititi
te newsysit ofi hisii iii ncbe
gatissistti rkiiinT l edot i titndiiwas il
sm litr s iiIsork tii ther lrge t its '
the' uituedl Slitrs's ii'attcits li"
audientss ot onilyy hei 5cto
hitts ltres, ut alsitby i ; pit s ona'stlt
ingei n tregha noao
Lack of Beef Is Responsible for
Shift of Detroit Star from Left
l't'gimiiii tii his'prepairtatiniftilt')I lii
Sate with thes relae'r bi-weeklyccl'ilt i
in inup.Coch os iset its reu''su a k
Iga i ls t tiltporm yctra.d
sitro sit si ra rdti r hetrein oI.,
tilt itt i tilut scrit Ii ie, bu tilts
signaltis ractics anitsilt sif tliii it )irthu ici
il ctc i hi til et h e iiails iii
until after daris
tIlt wisthisyfttittU se ifomthe iii illfu
ssoach idiretd athi ist ,NN 1 lt ion
up ii th iiigame iiwith t ittue ti ts i
tirseq utrfeecs to fm ln, c
Xinded te lil titus sfs'iiir a ilu s ' ht
scoretutn ise earthi pal t- f til elilt m,
with Xiauash.l Ctch Yosi tiuhas detehrs
Htiuisi ti ls u is crowdul of l''th :-
eyeissitt i berryhut iel-ad wlsti
frifatheifumingtuuwhich mirres'u'u
wot:cithei Vaoutiti hSaturay i.co
isne thktt "istweek, h iresu lt may ut1"
Vithudhit ve t sore atleastXXight
Cei poi i s iithe list alf,"said Cap-iii
ti liagf bu o tefu bin1e
mischif litou supam isA lofiftsaut eret
affcte hibitcsit nut cprovedis'i'cstl
Outriupas e ut fnt tutu si ntus l.i
liesaggeXssui anyiitof theisnsea sptutetin
hatou l t iit ill ear. hu e Waba'iu' st
ta ,w it tts t higs greisi tly sohiert
frted. h yvrhist adtt a ichay sato i hi
ites' isituthepoition afecedby th
lstihifttig sh et lineu uilef tt usd. tJo
ilertu lctk sr th nela u i tus I toss
gaitewhitsuic fu neet venils tguhis 1ggresit
tsivnesoaclingu toii tisk sieu iuforsstie
hacpe tplacsdnniimthuy'theslackit ofm
suhi f 'N] hrsi iia scl bsin ith uten ssame, i s k
denoegtdlyiOfto tebcatlsefttnoh
Runeytuhas Ealways patinrthe55 bak
feld, ut iisiua s anufailyituheady.Igu e is
hticok :tinselie thislcto dehierini asist
newcc tufo aiteututio w be, asct iilliimioe
trcling sitit rbal..m s wl

J Cirowdied otihof Iis jb tulft: liend
joty M1i11crswill doabless return to bip
job of aictinag an a backfieldl sustitutet

piossibles tha t hller iilltheht usedlat thu
rig"hthil sittsitini cisingstisu DOWN CORBIN PLAN
Xi S o'clochitchtitstuorningt'thesrus
Iee a. stu'ensfr te hisou
Sts' ,ame.Tue eflu st1hialf ofithusnothc iiBoard of Trustees Requests Pres-
blhets talsislut hi scived foIriiia cee- ident Wilson to Withdraw Plan
tutg sctiosntanutuotutu's wiscll he 'allowred for Residential Quad System.
in tha t philft Ihieastndus Thestueuain- _____
in sctonofth nrt sans'illhuche 'Ths res'ienutial quadsychstems'u, aivo-
lulls ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ sae byiiiiisie5nute' atc ,iit ho uhnu Ccrbitifor this uitier-
ii scats )ttilhit south idthathus btent st
syitr i ulecenctt articcion iMichigat,
tideshiifort tu' Oio taut'u'ctsnenty uasretjcteid lasi weets by 'thu riusees
whch acodig o eterreeiedbyofictoniuivesit'diy. The'. boardci, titu
liii~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~o usli ti uuu iisiu X ug fthe uueutulecucof whliht is cls'iresi'.
at olubus wil h o th gae ao lsdeti Clevelantd, asked Pesidetuilisonu,
Alul sits ibefitycets ad o fater f thur "uua" planutat:Pictonu,
exra shagte 1us'il'be m ad eA hu tuswtidrai t IeIcompluutidu uits its
lit a ssoiastti tilt'forureservinttg thurseas'. requt.
lii'he a tt tsal ecnutedat theiii ii 'I'lli!11qucranguarssteshillas plitnnetdu
itsicssiatton 01o1fficefr'ihtia ndutPr itucetn w hu ll'e
essitat itsthe iisting, i andutudysingt'
stictrutigetos theitaut sut hi teamut, a togther'uofismual groupsiofsii tcuts tt
litt for sight - Ipoite nameitill mithits italls i tut dorm idtis. 'XiMr. iC tutio
ais usosr blidluch-wareaponusihleiiirpsdtilhis °utuaul ssemubehisn hei
thefor oitscre b Galm itinksthtit iiuldurtnlisuth fr Michi-
mukintnuust fromusithus fiseld XVWiiiash igaitstuentsithelithuncies that tmask
vas uhltg sitn dthiiitthirtyyardci ost stgly fr character and ca-
tutu In X 'suuuuuuu 1sgnau lldforauc1ue itus pby opeatng wihouut iutccnission
lush ht iiik hit slitit thus tomalsandtineviutaleoeccap-
I e tdropped baIktots tiltIhitskhshand tins-eating and sitl'sepingswot antI
'ho XXd smuuauu iceupc tue nutthe ptay
lou t -ridline.huts'.hilutshis lookd atiithus Pintictnhsbe oplldto hpotst'
tush ii t hs 1 sI mug tay" pisnhits idotioinitofiiithus sy stm, uecautc
istbu" i tistnd 5requestdlXX'asmututo t staish t in eitt ie at at outs
ucc frwa 'rsdIabouta asdsiTu1 1he cquar tttlenoul cst $2000000o. If i is
terh akscsepioratrus aboiult i to fet itu utlllsuch uoutldticthurst for
adsignat'lledifhiltthis lall 'IThe le a unvesiycavt'ing ii'somewhat'ls tahnt
Itsd huhll andsu ty"isibosed thurlether 2,100 studensuuit crtainlty w'oul int
it sallisitiu sit tis c ttu t beksI phshsiliiirheits erstiit sy ofMiXchr-
ht is as ifit tuwtuuouhld cr thebar gait with its 0too hsuetstadopuhilt
sal- u sit approched stci te oatit suhi asyscem linou, sitnsit ha sia Iyearly
rapidly'isdescendedit autdthuoppedulentdlitcotmicof onluy $gou,taso
dwon the cross'.[)itt tioundup-I a hut tehrt'to thisPrintonrli"Aly~iutui
wasrd a'ntd uagi aig"htsintheuccross- XXesly,"hi rh)Istic Vnuti keit hosu
usr,uwhie' this'WXXah layer s d s cesoccupiesstie XlMuray professrsht tipu of
sianicing k ii'lit hoing" tuatuit wud I tgihai oppuotsesthur "uadt" sstemuubti-
fll unn thus isidi iT'heirtpaer a~ssnsaus hr sas it is u-Ameiciantianit a
denl I iedhouth Ifo tutu Itsh ituttii 111,l' i 5tingthtencutthedmorcyof51 inceu'ton.ii
co-br twieuttumbtihldcareeslyu Although Ithus cotdiltuiaiofhlifeit i t'nc-
over andui foutpoitis ad besen soreIdttun se isfuculetuiomthouse st Ibict-
If sct" hdnt coltit aituiuttolu gilt smeui ofthusobjetionsiutacisd to
nuethisballup- thu sstmiibyii'Dlrt'Tutu iyks sousiuh wel
applyistohuiXhstigas cs sitts'stthin
_a5 scmei opse d issfist list
IN I I li I SS FI tt .It XIIIhumris lettr Di Xciii Dye aks,
XIL EI1111N ITOMO)RROW "Wo~uld ah sgrupu of otag msnt who, it-
s~tueadiofimurey ntting togete, sent
I Isa lst inttrclass fotbauh ll gimessallItheirfusse1ti1m1 togterc.atdulied
w i he'plyeI WXXs'uuusl'u-v'aftenoonsut enshtrly udersI one5 11111 sitinthetillrs
c i5 o'clocsiTwo ame sswtill ite playeth f Ithe s 'trucstuics' hikehuh toi es-
't youuthiFerry icld,''h ilullsthisthuird capecfromutheiit ht ofciueh andit ex-
wiill Itile lace1 'at tl firi groi di.115 siveness?'
Thise s mut sinsf tnhutthus interclass I susmlsontens thuat thi schemesitswoulud
fotbll i 11115 unitillst ungtuit thu s iprat dcelutstil honfust 'iltInd hes
thlstitsassit uiudintuug htodcidsosils mtatruiictimu "Ths,'atutur- all
c uponulesitogvern allu'ininttg Cliil- cotue"si thtialarmnug tinutg
iet.II aliup intercasum'anagr, aboutntheirwSceme'utuu' is tfull of
us auts ii thus luist ofplayerasas racanultgruforIlhs utityfircthits'fellowhiptl
e and itr Bliumdi Ipasduth onitt hemlltsof thi ndergrad'titutettnbodtuy Xitht ll
Thitls iss m'agarsuwer 'alsot notfustd its itndefinteness oas aimiictalioints, iha
toi sendmmievery umemberusuof tetea s tisnaiada s uudmocrtic, sci tar
trine Fititzpatltist fr phys51icaex hutsexclusive. Iis distntlyn i'sm un-
smmuuinatusuuu No pla ysr iscll his llowed ALutictais' lani h t tthatenl s mtt'ohlt y
fto ent'r'a contest utlulsus examiina Is nltilkpt hessciassutt aaso t ut
ttu hihis ettak. sa c h ittana'geris this Pricton sirit ut lof udate, by
ruiedtoprsesntithe itsItaitl ltf tacitformsingupermaneuuntatrifciitgroupus of
Ii tothisrefisreehofitheiiicontest.l fr slitnum sphonorsajunios,anai
- -uuumseios ssteml out me u uuneie
XI MAN XCI1111S jL S TCRAZY TO prin11c ils, andlgvingtohut i of ttean
I i'RVASRSITY5sfsGILS SINE grusua smastr' as 'inell asa 'loical
si- habtaltinilantua naiteit
c this frls feecclt has reciedl "Itlprotises rialries jaluisis, sitid
iltvititis toiappeartinitisiicar151politiaitcomihctinus wbict till effect-
tutu Lubliritaiiipsats tforits sicial ullyextnguishu all tat uelhaue si
easuts tduringtihitsysar icc becomsing commonuusuafeeligutmiotg theu ttthcgcsd
ilmredeite. ut iLtes afromit Iroit andsuatdes hutrlperilospsibilttiis', thus li-
, uTlsdo, asking fr engagemntus, hbittlenfhger f itue uquas-Oxfordlscemue
smutn rceivuedlbutt wheter or uno thiy lothukiucet tanttheos tof the pes
stwill busaccspeishlmastill a questions1Thr et ushshtsystem.s
ruthcuthllgie trees eventitg parte il- StploseIte nmetmubers uof thse rali
o ing te ya',trhlbsfittsitsne, roablyl euti I suads ar assgua nedtotecdif1r-
t-sarly itu Nutsmbettand intl iopen perlift satsollges nittheir osnutaplicaions

ornmancestay take place in Maircb. or out the appulication ofthe iir Itarents,
7Thur girls null be gladl ho offer thseir accoruditngto ihe scaule of thun room-
sncvices tounauy other girls' orgusnua' rents intsh~e idiffereni buildings, or thue
1, t iout oni thur campus. Suehtrequeussdales m o ' boaIdat the udifferet itables.
ishould be nas' to Miss Shuiey, the The res'tlt will inevitably be thue crea-
presidnut of the clib. (Continued on Page Two.)

_ .... _ ._ ._ _. _ . _.. e .___-_

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