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December 19, 1907 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1907-12-19

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The Michigan rDaily


No. 70-.

Michigan's Prospects for a Suc-
cessful Season Are Good-
Freshmen Show Up Well
A ccardingi to tte prsntt outlook the
fotloswers of Mtictigana track athetic
have eery cause to iheotitmlistic. Of
thehi lavaenots Capttai Rove, Coe
Dual t sd1Hodge are left,tut arond
these as a uctes it is expected that a
tetnO worthy of relreeninlg Miiga
in the easterniatecotlegiate coibe uit
up. Teido uior iworkis p rgresini
daily 5with a cash atva that is etion
ecn at tisstas on of tie seiar. htNei
of aiitil who have not becia out efori
are otttwotrkig tara, ad as for oi
hitioats freshmena,-these arc evrwter.
S tumving trp this }ars varsity mater
iao vindrs a promisingtbunhts. Iili-
strints, f )wiiani. ;tc~regor sat A e
Kea avctareshosra l , he et formi 55
fat. by 111011 stouldat v iie iptioes
woner aiitesice lst ['ea cltbuctis
cxpt-ciaof iii.
The qaurter -milier are sowin ig btc
te, if amtisiiig tlatsa last year, D at-cy
esteciallsettlin1101 fact1 10ce. fliagi
he did nt.show c~llsenougt wa irrnt
hist iing taken catas st 1 iiiis le lert
analvitahisli1equalto any15thigin ii i
Wet. eielis 1)aoct. i'aittaik, tega
anal tic-s ae doinigtfast 111--Ite-
hutasig tha-hiirdlers"-oI e alii i sho-111
li-c;:rit iii ii is aIt lvl beaJaatmemi
(ir si i.,it-1 flat" liiat atte cs-
vii iits-iaaeitt fat yar tei
tiraILarsofasoteailselMelrrillt, Tatalaaadgs-
Snmithta ttersonan d 1111 alske.
lii the- iiis Michigaa iil a1w itwe
a-i-pie-seiits-t a wits atjandtail a uini lihe
brali a tll.iiil terlsonsal '11d11 1 sailliiiilia
Iih.Hath was olalt eave11 to dupiiallat
hi liistyar- sinistoland wial a-tip sii
thsoitsliul, lilils 'ari i I-l ,,ho has ii
cleare-at iifs-st -8 i ices ithel-tigf
um.is del atii nw Iasityric-lr
il 'tis a-a-cia
Off ilta-mt silrs. s ioiiiiua is, ita
Itivigsiaaie -andhI itatak ale the vis
rlualisius. ialsoh sa,'to isa-sr, is the
ick oat has-si-faur. ii- data- IfMttaitdoe-
s ka i -is asteceat f im1 ntsahe
ailet, Coeaa - It) ll alt abtailiit la- tetiti-
fefreal islt le alf.
Tlas-]Deign disanlcs asill h lyitl
looeaftt afei ly aataaia Roeses-oeai
D ull, i!iray, Slafoti, We, eis- ns
Isivarse. Witi this tbunchlatoaaik fronti
slotiteai-tils-ry tsr tta faaur-iaaaa-ria
te ta epeitd
Aitlialthas- eighatut nShulzlandi
Athrilappoitearte eliealslsitic ala pail
iag till shtac1otsisis-naly oe foety fa-ri
V7itt aliasstt Isactic ada a littsaseo
steel, "Gcrimaisan solt doiagcai
tigs. ,\Muchais extectedatfathr itr
le haaammier aitdtdsa-is tiros. Casy
Gratham, Ataffatiausat tastuualsaars-coiii
tng fst aidctshould5 tatak-ioth11 le taoit
this year.
t'rginisuct ,-iiaag. itia tils- aittcr
-rs-Allardice' antas A-arkar. the funae
easilyta -ulttcatvereleivets feet ls yeai
one liea-irig ii r isst". Tttfliea
WVtaot is picitiips ate most icaaai ragi
af alt is the fait tat ss iaea frestine
laiesiriiea t . Nas-r in ter aistr
has :Mictigaia boastedl f sa itucsgoo-
first-yearmasterai.to ibegith il, te
ls-n Ryasn, a quarter-milier from Eace
tcr, retitteat taveao-ccoaereat the disac
i 51 secondts. Ttheii there aee it
geraldanvd Flyinn, bthtt fast quarter
taters, and Blatatctat,swioahalds tit
hicliganin itersctolastic record for tt
iaaf-miiettralers are pletifu. Tot
ry5ad Craig, tbotha letroitbhysy, air
showing sedidaforh, while Hait

amoud, Jr., is coming fast,.Ilorner, th,
Graiad Rapids wceighilman, is doag cot
ists'itt work:

Toavtrwiill murk the first appearansca'
f le freshimsainataskettbal teamn at lBar-
bouraseaamnasini, wseniiiat 4:30 p. M.
icey' wil maeet the senior girls iii the
secondstgme of te seaso. The gain-
aittlhe clasea. The lie-ip is as fo-
Seniaors:- Baskes, Jacobi, Bcs,
Rituani acrters Walker, Heiiiersn,
Starts: guards, Carter, Car, Turner
Frestitirti aPaskets, Edmuisto, Walk-
Il, aisufield; enters, Steens, Amioinl~,
Reitz; aguarats, Cltlilsoli alrris, 1Iagie.
M\embehrsef thisUniviersity vill has-c
at oppatortityia5tosethe srsity las-
saIl teiamin iactioin ever)-week ues
uprig, as games withi the differet class
eanis still suppleient the usual after-
oasi practice. This aiw departure for
hec spring taactici' vas gisciiot at
i meetinugaof tte aseal caididaes
etdithle trophy room lstcevenig.
It is doublt fat if a more eiiiiiastic
lsietso-sa firs colltfar cndialtes la
'seee etheatldat aMihliigain;aabout tfta-
neneeui s rlesnt.
IDirecutr lairdt gas-- aiusaort tll ali
te prospect for te coig ye
vhicht arusedt cosideratble iitrs
mioniug thu canidalits.aa le said, ii part:a
"'Tecantces far a godstetaam adi t
aisfctarvsesonsiarc etter tana ciec
)for." H e also ptrisied the teamr
isatutuen trip, switti \aniderbilt iasliie
a riniaial gain,,, anda iauniucltt ar-
aageiulcs-uuslre tbeig ade for aiteasot-
-rn trillon litc uh the est teams iiia
ast ilia itletulsea. Couinlig, Dr
lBa-stsitda: ''With Iis sci-utle Ia
tla , Cvsce mare si-tathabiitylowes it lit
at ut lasoswork har,ot isotilliiinte
iali, utit ihutclasroomia itsel, an
1 :epaleari'record hat as-ittatlini in ea
to b las igil.'t
Isaac- tic zip'aatisk atsisit l the tmlen
t' "Psilatraininvg at oceus-andtoleay sape
I ill atentionu toth starti-nug atd slritt
pa i C Sllo uivhsau asd>chiefly- restosusi
ae faate stariut osf tuce imetig. AThe
t'inuve' ushis-taIso-becomus kownsuositthu
ilit as '"Sally's peepanaid wschirthtil
stat aito may 'Michiganam clls figting utilt
tie last muani va-tut, is stillicie duics
i s-Captina Wendetll, Aaiager Kecu
icildy, Gaits ad Va teetr of last yacr'
"a--ut, gaas-cbrisf talks..\llofthii e tilt- ru-
iceenva mucla tatesto tavte Ciaci
McAllitr ta-dtuth'eii'teatui.
Neaily all 'of laut yar'tamucuuwsiltitc
' i itls- tnest sring, anduata numbuen0to
I to palyrs fromiau st 0-lea's frshmuaa
y:anaswill blavailale.
Tacre silllbe'aouthier aueetig short
d fer the tholiuays, weatu rrangmnut
ill b at-idlse for tprcice ii the age.
A aetinhg far thelusrtpuos of organu
a-izngaphilosohtica society sas htct
Tuesdiay ight ii Moris smiunay- rial
rhooiaittendace'numbuueredl eightecen. a
scommusiee whtict is to reort Jan. I
v-was apointedl to draiw uptilte euuisit
luau ffain te nisv'ogaiation. Itsa
aecidedilthat teitnbtent-up beliuite
IsatIltase wsohiadctpreiousy iet recoaml
I mendedlcl ly the faculty of the deprmniuii
yas havsingaone good sork ii thilosopthyu
- OJ, aunts sti TO POR cHIuLnDaaa
t bolls of all shates anti sies, dresse
ust alt mananer of costumtes, were es
-hibitead at te Y. W. C. A, yesterda

iafternaoa from 4 to 6 o'clock at an ir
itafrmaal tell. They are itended for ttu
- Anntartbnor poor children,, rypecilalt;
"those in tsrethostpitals, oald have lie
x- dresseid anda donated hy the cartonsso
ierorities aunl individsual Unisversity girl:
c- They still he guve to Mrs . WIt. Wai
fon distrihbutions.

Statement Clearly Sets Forth
Conduct of Affairs of Athletic
Association. -
In hehaf sat thur Studntouci, ath
far the benefitt hesa lrgnral student
tidy,ws-chaiti' aacure frosmtiChanles
Baird, gnaaduate dinecetor of athletics,
nmaterial far thes-fahiasitug satemnt
witha nafernrcec-tat thur.rconduct salthe
affairs f thiar- tis u-sitaf AMihigai
Atthetic assoiatmion a
Syteols f BokkepingUcod-Three
setarate andst iistinc sets of oks ae
kept ifor thurasociationi, olaythelist-
denut treausuuer, otehbt the studet uau-
cat seretaury- adh utie hy a salaried
botokeeper, at thec lies-isilltimuec Wiliam't
hrlat, assistant cashier of the Ani Ar-
tisanSav-iga hanklt. Ettis are miaec i
cacti f thurse sts tat baoks fain ac
buusiess transactionauofthe assoiaioun.
'fle threv sets of htaooks, whnsl antacd,
mus Alie. te et f books eit y
he salaried htiottaheihis-ismucsuhor
acaitcsh ahd sl,aratc thut either of the
tlae wandtuuis thur st whiha is of
busiess cnseqauenilic ii te affairs of
t he aslciltitlii
A uditig sof ftooksa.-tOnc e vey year
S hit- ioral ef eclistral apouait aiexpert
a uacoutanhtitoauduait that haoks rut thur
1taaucial s-ccretary adthos tatthur
treasurer. Ahe Ioo~siftheliaslaied
haabookteerarntuia5tius auitied,i ieig
tildlthattsictestis bookttkeeets an ot
c tuutahayce of this'boarduof stcauvua, atad
his bookats arc iteaded to he a cech
uponauathuc tutrternhisisltof boosms-ru
s tai,suhi aiatintg is unnuecssay
e Prof. Sritgte at this'acommiiecial uc
~~~d-paurtietisatstf i stheAu tArrhi ightshoolo
r uite thel-i lse55'hooaks aa-t tar.
Retprts of fas Tciasurer and patatt-
ea calh ,ccrc'haua--Atathliannualuanosuar
iametig oftttis- asscitiaanithettelasueri
sal in uancial sauna-iay Ipeseat separanlt
relirtat tiltereceipts andiu exsunditure-
sot the asociationau iaes'tar las Jauaray
emetig. The rantsunrs reot, ta ha
istketi frcsualhiisa wuthboosks, shaesastotal
eciptsand eutueIcturtes-.Tliarepont
all liii-eIitaciOalsecreary mtaes a ge-
eralidistributiotinitof thsctotal reeipts-
and expenduriles, soiguamosauts re
stul e anmtt isuarseal fate footall, rack
i bs ueall. et.'This itmiaied rupotunih
tatprsared triima histhe ai'sited ibook-
keetper, umuvaticnab uos, fromuuhts (lihi
c bookkeears) otautset cat hbooks, at
iluathoughathis-otalaus mtust agree swithi ths
sowsbt m ihe books rut the fnancil sc
retary. T he uanc ial 1secretry aoesnito
srawusstuuthis reprct because the timts
us nitlaboraur eesuiedafon sueh a task anc
geaterthounscaa targiesnhytheorech
naysudetandmaubecausae isv hoock
larpt hy tie fiancuiat seetaroy inc no
-siihicivutly eabhorat isofurtisha uuateiaa
frsuch amrepotaun.
S Receiinag attdf Iishbarsinaof .llamty
d tin au-cuh-.Alh umoaneys receisemby hayi
asciatina lre utrneduIoverhas thur tras
tat e,ia-luauecaipts fus temuctadudeposit
S had-n tthis utnas'inathat haak. _N
atmlin-ey ahibisa'shsueed iipayts n os
ail, ttithtuat 'huh has fst sieunuasse
d uponaaufavourably hby thusboarl cafairectora
ar thtir fianucil cmmitttecatastiti
as f he thureasurndmutIgaiduaat adietou
11 andtbte taboadl aoaconto. Th

Loalaf ame, -The ticketi for ich a
gamve are printed by same responsibtle
tickert frum, sch, as the Globe Ticket
coumpany of ".Philaiepia, it acerdacec
witha a hblue parint of thae statds iwhici
-has beenutsent it The ntnaber of tickets
printed is identical swithlthIe numbher oh
seats slav-n in thur blue-print. Ahe
tickets whetsnecale from the printer
are generally accampatnied y a state-
mnt or affidait as to their numbsle.
These tickets, i satuueahout $3,oo,
wenitrececivecd arc turnedi ser tamoau
experieceud ticket seler. te is heldut
persoaaly- responsihhe tat the assacia-
hti fiGenerly he tisises his iwourk,I
gusvtg to other experenced ticet selersi
undr hauntdffernt lots of tckets to
sel1.At thus close of a ig gatta these
ticket sillerssmutst showsour ticket far
uaclasat itucaucted eatnte offcialhblueiu-
prit of the-si tas, cc thur monuey thre
far each one beietug ed pesntalyre-
stpotnstlefar any osses
Geneal adnmissiots tickets are sceureu
ini nals of ,oo or ,aaa.The ticeti
seller atl the close at a gaule atusttuna
ini thur umoney salu of acit tickt ml-
tactical front the rolls ii his possessioun.
Espiueedcantd tried tiket sellers
ateiedtua, because tutu skihled iithis
yarticular vaun,leu a ttimraeliail-
' ty, admuchariwaha caudeote all their
timte tat this swork for acseek prcedig
tic gamtus, are uecessary.
Patvcs-eaof Gadiaha- Dae trcOttill"li
Boaad of Diru'tas.--Seciotn s, of Ati-
Is s 5,of the'Athletic asociationtcou-
alautireds: 'tic (lihy gauat
directtle) sitaltIse'a umembuse, withieua
- rightas, o1thai boari of drcors, xcpti
tha thetarty 1not1 Laseletred tairmnnuo f
luiit anutd Pi.csof fradufattemPine-
h ora d thu iudenti Mhaagevs V'afctia'v.
hWe refe r tose itueresed lto atic
-Sectuatut,'and Article h, Sectiont
f thi s atutoanuof the atlti 5asn-
tutuncof Artucel-., Sctioni a, a it al-
ears out ages 31oust 37mof teprne
r tasuti'rcae useSasaugT os Ci -a
-The matder larthaemiotu me s timbe usel
tb he ilaV tusedy cub ii its presentlatiion
am "The Recrtuing Officre" has meenu
Siven toha'hiter & Co, of Ph~ilaelphtia,
r ir wnashichi has thin repautaiithe
eat f hbeing tiii'best thuarictl cot-
tuaners 111 thleecuty.
'feucast is leter-erfectiniitwosacaids
ml he play- After vacationmthliartrs
uit ll hae beh ea rnedand ulseiu
stunts willhat doe itscaraingiut ot he
It "'fle eighteetinte bes o tecas,"
CsaldIDiector 'Trasis yesterday, "ave
eemntriatedl their ailiy- to act andu it
- 's sufetsasy that the Comedy cliaill
insprsentthits hisst tperformncaer-iia
gtis-cinut years"
DEAm-slatQUe TugON Ia viti;ci-r.
rs Theusebhiung coamtittee after sui-
eatatioul asith the fouur societies has
'titsduail(,holtowuing fhietiout "for thur
aututshcup itchate:a Resolved, that pri-
° at, propery ny the high sas shoutth
-f Itsexetnufruatmtcapture inu tim cof sar.
dAlal studetts intereted ii theaumumta r-
,tortaca tetlitshoul ake ustice cutte
lusfat thia -ll oratins that arcthanded
r, in to thucdepatmet of oratory-bafore

First Issue of Magazire Edited
by Henry F. Schulte Features
"Ina thei- cii alelami of t- - gidiron,
hist isoursitu of. I s wih ths
opeingt-wiorgstuthiat Ii atk hs Sltett
prns tos asthei stuent at l Ihi ne
mnsthy magazine. a hiuuaauut athi s-a
>au, lyothhillt the is su al mas tise lis
Idtaut hi tseinlmts f Ilshc aethe Ai-imi
lti's per~solity i Ied mot laily.
tFoouhahtba -preominualctes itae r t astat
he Mihia-e g am, i eIso
ini thus Westenls- rnctesouthia-a
situamihon, byaynI) iii ist a ndii it(, liuw'
ruthes, arc ataa'ong t iic liithis. Shorea
;ketches ofthiCi 7'an
tasa reial u ofa footb aaill a talo, iand
siteo te a tat biasmdt alit .aa
ilt . he f--a-t-all nii-"
Presidenat Thitngtut-auI l'sa-liiitteaaa-aa
aaulitss'siis- contitesls ledidual 1arial
on "T'iecV'sat oa Wec.latn"
filue Ihow ilfight at ha-tut lasia i (It I
semihuamiinia ko1, biCi-Ja 7 J mslili
Tahe iutuu ttoiiii tlo aII ithsilt ubsI
at 1Princaetonin to u~tiaIa ul-iutn 1 t s- " a
systemi iicdescribel ] Itiianiataticle
"Refmst ta atPrcton," T1- i, a
parta f ails- 11,111r coast : ;ia ta
Istale, 'liiiAs'sabT a II ii ," 1,
R. Gl ra.
Of t steial i ot lleas 1,- itt -it I s -
dws,ihoswm everi n itt-to r it
LUniona as amSocial I Sea. i ii ar I
sat alan imsa aieltiga tail1 ame-ll
late some ita its ii a ll. a ii: IDort -
ma tie st' ca--il luins a t a a -
taennasylai a , a tiicagoa. I lai
G~lausgowmai tut ;lam rl the iis I
ofi hul i-hti hla iii ill '' l i I
hItti 'ulufIL H ,sOlt itI
Ii'A- Il;ff10t1 N I-Is 1 a \
lla ibliscusolIt a iitpi
ai l l ao gtestet aud dptt-,
meuattisf eucaion.1111 is a al 1111111
hat isulfscullstab a- am It! a lana
staudia'.t s e en iau'- alil i i
sen-thepelims o hiti ulioandag ak
vc liaititl avaesiit lm - tshi Io ieii s
is in directalhue uswit l lae ct-tuaa I tit
decvyofthi tiaimt' attachsmoue 11111
liestuilc usto u hicativuuandt.dubcatorle
I, C.tI 11,, SPEtAS
hirctty C'ondtitins i 'libtautn a i
liha sibiecetoil wsch a1. C1'HII ttlIsd
hisfars-tile lFliestry- cum Ii I a aglaira
Wsest IHal. th. IHilt gadted111I romi
tilt Uivsersity ili 115)and lia '
rhatge f the germnfoetywrtiAlb a iclstittlitold a tayfatmh,
_optian sentimnut ntaic hremiiae> ii tc
south fr forest resevaioluaniid m0ba
llegislation being e ruted'aa t ututhai
l After -Atr. ills ttl, am gasciissu
Siontosflcurrentsevenuts inifauestrsYc>atla
teld. J. F.' Cobbsis ah . I.B, i
bothiread auhtlpes outthis-tuet,s-'
d! IRtS i'mtau1 '.sumt la c-as Ns lacs- 1
Little Miss AMuffetjacskslarane, Situ
tlc Sitmn, liii-eeph, ad lt tal he otlas-a
AMoster (Gaose tpeopletsisill aaim iiifRa-
lactategymaasiuisuua Jant. as at tbaa aaa
fancmes iscsparts of thei II uutul

League. lit> lienurietblt 'a .rm is ill
-chuarge of the affamir, alum sscsaaggss
1i that till girls gaeithis-ir cti vsitli- fuse thus
feIstive aoccausioalarute thai trill. a atiahon.

coucher cheekswhichietaIreasuarer drawvis ansI retained to thmewsitlen far carre -
upamm the banuk masmst hue signed' by the tion.Thte oratoricaul hoard has derided
graaduaute directoar andiiauhcehairnian of thatIaoh v-ho lwrite for the constest this h or fcnrl
timeisoaal o coanol iyear shalt he allowed to speak ini the
must gise hbondilthamthur atnusant of $u,ooo 0111tnierely' outthe thought amid euama ai~
T'hm expense of this hamad aisoruse by liion of their prouctionms, as has blen
thur Athltic associationm. AThebanal is done hueretofare. Ty-peiwrimten copies ofl
sot larger cieufly beccause thur systen alal onatiaous are duein t thurhsands of thur
ofchisecks opcrautinag mamathe treaisrr oI ite Fb.m
snakcs this unneacessarya, and because it ______________
is desiredl to keep flue expensse of the Presidenit Remsen is agitating the ei-
buondi as smnall as posaihle. tahlistuu of a department. of educationm
'h> isHtdliumg of Tickets fur a ;Bigi at Johns IHup -duts utniversity.

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