The Michigan Daily
No. 34.
Varsity Left Yesterday-Scrubs Monotony of the Trip Broken by
Will Quo Today if [Deficit Is Songs and Rule Quiz-Coach
Made Good. Yost in Stellar Role.
___ _ __...__.,._.___.___ ___._T... _...,.. _
r r -
Nearly $200 is stil neeueu to
make attempt succesul. If you
haven't paid the amount pledged,
do it this morning. Shscriptions
wit1 be received unil 10:3 at the
Atletic association office. Uness
this mo0ne ii raised thtte-scrus~
cannot go toi Nashilite
BY 1",c A 1 tt'lot.
Cereredl ty a smattltand tf oyeiatsup
orters until tetieIriinitearig tleimhai
disappeared romt vie, Miciga's oot
altswarritrs left at ittittiyeseitiy til
Nashvile to -ncI te atmoig Cm-
imotorsinii the histiry-maiig game ofi
\tictigan' s Igoyeeasoin. Thei' lary coii
istedt of te twenty-tnenemiber- ifthe
varsty setai, Coach Yost, Diectrsa
[ait and Fitparick, aiii Stuieit tani
ager Thtornburig. as swell asi a tiaiiiilif
stiudent followers ot the teaii.
Ailthoiughtstilt siiffeig teiomiian it
tmck tf tonsiitis TDiiigas,cienlptitiioi
te ars in a heavse ssate, eegatmel
to the occasion, ad cotrary to a eie
iwhichi ws genersil early yeseratiimoitnu
ing acoipaniedt the team. .Unless the
is ssweaeiedl by te theot at tavc
tat playing hitiiiild noiihedaintlablc-
Douglas will Mart torou's guiiie t
hit, regular positio, right hlfbitaiith
ifeioighi moie kisusiiciethei
srubswis-ittleave at TuI:10 ty toe
Nasville. iMany stiidetst hs-eitot yet
ail their sibscripttiisoitet-fivItae
cents, and whie more tan sihndrtiitede
dololars-$f2; ito le exact-is reuitiree
to defray the exteiises ofthle lienly-
lieu members of the reserscx. ily $42
ad beeni receivet by the commiitee lst
night. The commiititee is aniistiat
the balance sitoiel e palstDiecte
Baird's office befotee 0:30 tis moninitg
A and of vigritusicirkers yeseday
rased te cry, -H etiscott the scubls tt
Nashville,' ut salitughi ioetuitlss,
the appeal idid noitt meet withi the spnu-
taneous responsi' that had beei exete-
ei. The faculty memers ni thIe Aumi
T'le secodtact itf the intecass foioi-
ball game betwseen the senior atitjtnioitr
its ended with a score of o-o iii favor
itf the jumiors. Owing to the absence
itt three of the seioirtplayers, te game
was tot calei until 4:4, wseniu tei
seniors lined titiagais si full tetimitof
o men. A plucky cttes lasting
twenty minutes ensued, whlich sas coi-
edi swhe Dewey of the 'o's wetlo ve
for a touchdowni after a flkte play.
Mbeder kicketd goal as the swhistle blew.
'8 Lits013 Lits.
'ravis.....,L. F ..........Rats
Jackson..... . .'.I.... .Meter
..L. G .0 .. .Grawvu
P. G. Steenson.C............Broudy
Dafvis...R. G.C..Granger
Bartholomew.R.t' .... .Kelley
Hiobart......R. E .F .. .Croish
tevenson.. Q. B....Keniney
Harris......L. 1 .. Andierson
Sherman.....R. It ....Russell
Monroe...F. B.....Desvey
Touchdown~, Dewey; goal from touch-
down, Meder. Referee, Roswe. Te
of half, an minutes.
113'VIl liatitm1.F, Gadltph.
Citicintiati, (lt. 3ru-Special distcahl
t 'a. Itt tCHIGAN Dx ).siY-Sotmeihat
fatigutetd liethe re tfriomiToedt iver
the C. it. & ID., tiitganum iiadt ad
patyeaed hetre t 8 o'clock tonight.
We iotiteilitlely sttgt refuge in the
traini swhichi sill caret the pary t Nas-
title, antitmottt othle laerstrnei in
earl. Accorintg t sedtuile, is-c silt
reschiNashixlle st 8 o'lok ttmoiross
illtimumtil thle ti, andttil mosst of tiii
tiveevaionis Citacht XYost was the moing
'pri.The feeling ittsemti-eptressiot
wiich terviaided the arty' erote fromi
Annti erboriiitoTleidoi waso rlievedtb%'
sng sheletis adthti ultlmiiant horter sas
liadtti netrwhite lipthe etus-
ititii esgtrets itt te '-Itt try-Up"' per-
Mortie'srittisus rks conifrotietthemOeni
itfte letvi'iTol'tledoe. The caci toh
digtin springitg rule comptiicatonss
nni the mttlltes ittthe iituad, itdtiter
th imprompt tltt rule-tui,diagatms of
itewi plt<r-ci eepttidtcest aditthe form-
atitn devi iisei toer\Vantderittandit(
QJuksmi ii'thotroueighluyiisutsei.
Atnot t vi trekitteulnt" gofut'e ii
tipt turrid i ti licmleio.-Al nwlytlit
iitilha itit t ipin, itiftiiedito gthe day-i
isi: si beatif tirset-rted t itea-gties
wltheit is ih aiit e iiist reosnedin-
avie-olconvnintutu ort(tavlingit purli
Ioset--itei rlpsadwhseidcn
lirenvistttiitissh tusitntast hne"to e-t
'thetirstytehttmee ittt learsltsients
lerctntsccissfutlcr, ltheliegs-ls
i the Ihotg. AJompetaetistill tale
subsiers 'toetha fnge anodistessarun
paid it efactlitsditn Sat'uondat-
ire ttirdliectiuti re otighStdents'-
dlayeo. ,WenedaJtNov.Graiauteroks
tfreridatofthe 1tnerii ocal Scienc
Aioci Theti angstill -itteak nitcassarect
oethalito theftilg tt 'teion iiBan-
'IettandPtnlt anira cass staMeeting
aeretayth t cciued o tidaey etnignht, o-
Tier tityecntd ismteannll classve dues.
Joesietofte preinoctealtSiscap
AciaIteetio, iltseak onsairsii bjRctar
prblyto alinghijthsoBerialre Cst
Titsih etimm1itery t clasigtna eechir-
pinti t;l. .oAserig, VcFmisonSC.
'[tVie L'iioii Banquet Finance Commit-
tee uitt meinte Roitn C, University
Ihall, osay sit s p. in. Only ote-third
itt the ticket selicitors reporteud to the
committmee yestereday, but the amount of
ticket stles wats especially favorale. It
is imptorttantm that all agents, whlo have
101 retorted, mmmct todty and e pre-
haredt to ceckhtp onotesork done o
Remasrks mutite hisWtalter Rheins-
chili t tmthe utass meeing Wednesday
night,. tllegedth avhuue een derogatory
tit thle M\ichigani Uniion, ae aroused
sousue sadersecoelummeanit amoning Union
enthusiastss. The followssing con miunii '
tin, fritm n 1.Uptpe Cassman." ex-
hitor, Mciiuttix D)AsLt:
I is itieopinion- ant that also of a
laiesnmumbieritt stuents iittiwhon I
have tlked-that lte reumarks made by
Vi tltsrtt heinuschutid inu theinmsmeetng
tut Wedsdume-tay- tight, mmtsit far as they
refevredu to the 'Michigani Union, were
nt onunmclleedfurrsiut alo omt of
plcadtuhaltian tilttiolgy is due thu
Utioutatiuteprtecceding speakers Iby
'hr. Khehtimitclith lipi mpying that te
L'iinagiutatin fr membership swas he
usosrkimg of a gaft, thhe seaker imputed
hiadt tfia ttt ith mno Its'lyto ithe in,butttto
this fac'ihii nult ber wshotistoke in it'
I realizerahthis is a tree country
amd tha isi .h igsumti siidemotcratic in
stitutin, bt it se-cml t muir that in a
mss meting umudr the auspices of the
Unin and ui tesotetd principly o LUnionm
itmeresmt,,wenurutsptaaker,ha'ing beeni
grantetd a privilege stiltownt request
to adidress thlt assembliee body, so ar
foregets htimsltasitt ablus-teptire-
li-ge, stih nt hi u ust-unitihr sucht utcm-
stiwsicirtinmly a -eross reacttof
ettitrlc andstltworvtrhy-oittenplanataion.I, t
s q~utepohsistibl h ah'ht te gentemain,
with possily ai ti-isthers i thisaudi-
s-mce. carcs uothing fr etllege spirit
beyoeth~e ra-ruhismu" itt the tmass
mies'tingsr ittfte thiettc held, lit he
shiouldthas-c takeni aiditferenttme ati
lace tise venititoisuchi dissatsfac-
(us .lAN i'i';u Ct,sssJItAN.
'The followeing somiatsteestituse been
sinomunmc-d lby I. I. Frost, tpresident
itt thie senitor enugineering cas
Recerption : H . Vi. Colemni, chair-
mu-n-; V hs--ttusC. N. Rakestraw,
J. Ht.(Gunthier , G.CWiliins.
Exesuitive:tL. It Johnlsonm, chairman;
A SIKurku, Ci . (G. Vorrisonu, J. R.
Genueral arsnti '''s : Wu. . Gra-
hchairmanel ;t i C.ii C(.CCo, F. Bonde,
B.F.I Reynick.
Capti andthgosw-u: O.IJ. 'Toddi, chair-
man;ui, -. . iarihi .-I. Wiof, H. Du
Memoiial : . hD. Baluwsin, chair-
ma;Jimies Sherer, W. t1. Pratt, J.
I. Simmers.
Invitation: Winiettled S. Bowman,
chairmsanm ; G. I. Wheler, P. . Sam-
biaugh, I. . Ayres.
Banquet: C. C. Nissler, chatrman;
It. K. Hhollandu, . Gutkenerger, . H.
McAlister, F. G. Whittingon.
Social:. I. J. Bhus, chairman; C. M.
Davis, C. M. Bergin, A. B. Modlie.
Picture: J, I.1'I' Coliman, chairman;
C. E. tLthey, ,A._.lemderink,
Class say:t J. A. White, chairman;
If. A. Muishatm.mI, R. Grosvenor, J
Auduiting: A. P Ball, chairman; E.
K. Ioltey, P. '1. Mitchell.
Senisr sing: A. Wi. 1eete, chairman;
C. 1. Paulson, C. A. Thornburgh.
Souvetir: ' C C. Atwood, chairman;
B. C. Weaver, G. W. C. Lighttner.,
Pipe and 'stein: C. W. Nelson, chair-
nan ;' A. H. Chmaitdler, D. J, McCormack.
'The central states as the probable field
of a literary renaissance is the subject
of an artice by Prof. Louis A Strauss
entiled 'The Geographica Distribution
of Literature in America," in the cur-
rent number of "Midland." Prof.
Stratiss ays, is part:
"There sill e in literature, as thee
has been and will be in life, an ebb and
flow, rise and fal, that will exalt nose
one and now another sectiotn. But there
will also le the eternal flux, fusion, and
disparting that renders futile anti profit-
less the attempt to identify at this i-
sant the last moment's cap of the wave.
In short and to repeat, it is in national,
not sectional, literature that our hope
must rest.
'The coming of such a literature the
Middle West can await with confidence
is to its owin part. The standard of its
Americanisnm and its manhood, the pur-
iy atnd force of its life, are felt bene-
fecntly over all the country. It has
ithe vigor without the crudieness anti
bluser of the Far West, the stabiity
and culture without the snobbery and
affectations of the East, thur open-heat-
ci, genial hospitality of the Sout with-
outh its itdolence, albeit without its grace
atnd delicacy. Tie Miidand counttry was
horn too late to become hide-bounmi in
local prejudices and radiioii; its it-
fancy received benefit of railroad adu
telegraph. Topographically it is te
ideal Midland, country-syithouts gold
-fields or fountains of youth, its cief
call to the immigrant svas a fertile soil
amd loitering forests. This is the call
that attracts substantial men who tre
willimngt work for what they woulu
"That the stuff of which the Midanud
country is made hsa already becomew
manifest ini literaure few would deiy.
It is several ears since Mr. Howells
pointed null that of tie rising geteratioms
itt tellers the most promisitng met have
come frotn this section. There is goodh
reason to believe that this is a growing
tendency. No longer, as in Mr. Howeells'
youth, mst the hopeful youtg writer
seek tutelage and audience iii the east-
ern states. The development of its cdumi-
cational system, front district school to
state university, is the most substantial
proof the (est hs given of the quality
of its Americanism, the most substantial
assuransce of its future participations in
the naion's literary life. It is uponis
obsersation of the rich, pulsing life of
today, rather than study of the respect-
able literary achieement of yesterday,'
that swe nmust base the belief that the
coiing splendor is to be of the whole
nation, and the heart of the nation,
physically, morally, and spiritually, is
the Midland cotuntry"
The Senst tryouts of the Jeffersonian
law society were heldl Thursday night in
Room B. The following mien were
chosen to compete Saturday evening
with the team to be chosen tonigt:
Bemis, Hoffman, Baes ; alternate,
The winners of Saturday night's con-
test will conmpee with the Adephi eans
Nov. 23.
The first contest for selection of de-
baters o compete in the Webster finals
Saturday, resulted in places being award-
ed to Downey, Foote, Harlan atd
Meyers. Tie Webster, team will meet
the Alpha Nuns, Nov. 25.
W. D. Lane, 'm, secretary of the
Chess and Checkers club and preseint.
checker champion of the University, has
become a contributor to the checker
colutmn of the Chicago Inter-Ocean.
The departmental editor of that paper
styles binm checker expert. Lane will
probably reperuent Michigan in the an-
nual tournament with the Detroit club.
Explains Attitude of Women at
Mass Meeting-Tells Why the
Girls Don't Contribute.
Thle questioms of tie attitude towardl
wnomenm stuidnts at mass. meetings in
cotnsidereu frnmutie standpoint of ''A
Senior Girt" ini the folowitg communi-
cation :
Euditor, MmctmCAN DAIY:
There has heen, it sens, some mis-
undserstanding among Michigan men as
to sily it is that tie girls do not con-
tribute more freely to lie various de-
mands set forthsby the mseti at the mass
meeings. It is clainsed that because it
-is teMlic ihigan FUnionin mwhich the
girls haire110 art, Itey,.,have in in-
terest anmul sill not comtribute; and bae-
cauuse it is the muenuandnt tegirt,
they refuse tim helpu ay the expenses oif
seninmg eour scrubs o Nashville. I wish
to rectify this misuderstanding. It wl
he renmembereud that in former years
girls certainy haeeheem as generous
owadthlime n's interests as the men
lau-cbeenm owardl anything iiiwhich
tile girls aloneu'hae eeti interesed
Ptrobabluhy one-haf tlii'0'o lit cas, which
contributie si cock to tie Michigan
(Union,sas girls. Further, te girls
ito sill comsier anyhing, ike the Mich-
ganL mmui oe mrur athleics, which con-
tributies toutie honor of Michigan, un-
wnorthyi of thersuppot. They would
proealuy havue contribiutedi as geterously
this year as last, hum sendiing the scrubs,
intuiit mttbentfor the eunfotunate
mannuuer minushuts the;' iere approached,
hum tiefirsthaee. the Michigan- yells
seerm alumotsstu he superseuded by the
Ypisi yell, summi if, as the seaker said,
these meetings are to improve the rot-
mg, limt o entertainuhtie glry, might
it tot te a good iea o udo a little
more yelinmg fr Miichigan as was the
cuistommiwsen the seiiors were fresh-
mueumAt hllie present time the men,
ihenmthe;ycall fr a standitg vote
atmong tie girls, cannmot expect much of
a responmse when, ini doing this, the
girls umake thlemsees liable to ridictuie
It merely from te student body, but
es-ru froumi thursteaker. We don't enjoy
tueing treaheud s outsiders and intruders
except wens they nant our money,
The Quarter IDeck club has been
organizedl by thur senior marine engin-
errs. The organizationt is a revival of
inlie old Indolor Yacht clib atd aims to
offer htoinstusembers techtnica ansieli
as social advlantages. Duiring t e yea'
papers uipon professiotnal subjects will
be read etfore the society by Prufessor
Sadtlr, othermenmcusmf the faculty, and by
tmembmleroitthlie cu.
A cluheubotm wilt be fitteudtuin tie
tn-w engineering builditg where all tie
professionamssh againes wil be ept on
There are atuepesent en 'members:
R. L. Boughton, R. A. Burns, L. H
Johunson, A. W. Kretshmar, H. A.
Muishaim, H. A. Noble, F. A.+ Rowe,
E. V. ID. Wallace, I. L. Walton, C. S.
Wiley. On the first of Feruary a num-
tier tof jummins sill become eligible. The
next meeting swill be held Tuesday,
Nov. i
Deans Vaughan of the medical depart-
mcentnill address university men in
McMillan hal Sunday at 6:30 p. M.
This will be tie secotnd of a series of
monthly meetings it whuichtime yotung
people's societies its the various churches
of time city unite with the members of
the Y. M. C. A.