The Michigan Daily VOL. XVIII. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER z, 1907. No. 34. VARSITY AT. NASHVILLE; SCRUBS MAY GO TODAY Varsity Left Yesterday-Scrubs Monotony of the Trip Broken by Will Quo Today if [Deficit Is Songs and Rule Quiz-Coach Made Good. Yost in Stellar Role. ___ _ __...__.,._.___.___ ___._T... _...,.. _ r r - tIN sE:N) TIE SCRUS T Nearly $200 is stil neeueu to make attempt succesul. If you haven't paid the amount pledged, do it this morning. Shscriptions wit1 be received unil 10:3 at the Atletic association office. Uness this mo0ne ii raised thtte-scrus~ cannot go toi Nashilite BY 1",c A 1 tt'lot. Cereredl ty a smattltand tf oyeiatsup orters until tetieIriinitearig tleimhai disappeared romt vie, Miciga's oot altswarritrs left at ittittiyeseitiy til Nashvile to -ncI te atmoig Cm- imotorsinii the histiry-maiig game ofi \tictigan' s Igoyeeasoin. Thei' lary coii istedt of te twenty-tnenemiber- ifthe varsty setai, Coach Yost, Diectrsa [ait and Fitparick, aiii Stuieit tani ager Thtornburig. as swell asi a tiaiiiilif stiudent followers ot the teaii. Ailthoiughtstilt siiffeig teiomiian it tmck tf tonsiitis TDiiigas,cienlptitiioi te ars in a heavse ssate, eegatmel to the occasion, ad cotrary to a eie iwhichi ws genersil early yeseratiimoitnu ing acoipaniedt the team. .Unless the is ssweaeiedl by te theot at tavc tat playing hitiiiild noiihedaintlablc- Douglas will Mart torou's guiiie t hit, regular positio, right hlfbitaiith ifeioighi moie kisusiiciethei srubswis-ittleave at TuI:10 ty toe Nasville. iMany stiidetst hs-eitot yet ail their sibscripttiisoitet-fivItae cents, and whie more tan sihndrtiitede dololars-$f2; ito le exact-is reuitiree to defray the exteiises ofthle lienly- lieu members of the reserscx. ily $42 ad beeni receivet by the commiitee lst night. The commiititee is aniistiat the balance sitoiel e palstDiecte Baird's office befotee 0:30 tis moninitg A and of vigritusicirkers yeseday rased te cry, -H etiscott the scubls tt Nashville,' ut salitughi ioetuitlss, the appeal idid noitt meet withi the spnu- taneous responsi' that had beei exete- ei. The faculty memers ni thIe Aumi JUNIOR LITS WIN FROMI SENIORS ON FLKITPLAY T'le secodtact itf the intecass foioi- ball game betwseen the senior atitjtnioitr its ended with a score of o-o iii favor itf the jumiors. Owing to the absence itt three of the seioirtplayers, te game was tot calei until 4:4, wseniu tei seniors lined titiagais si full tetimitof o men. A plucky cttes lasting twenty minutes ensued, whlich sas coi- edi swhe Dewey of the 'o's wetlo ve for a touchdowni after a flkte play. Mbeder kicketd goal as the swhistle blew. '8 Lits013 Lits. 'ravis.....,L. F ..........Rats Jackson..... . .'.I.... .Meter ..L. G .0 .. .Grawvu P. G. Steenson.C............Broudy Dafvis...R. G.C..Granger Bartholomew.R.t' .... .Kelley Hiobart......R. E .F .. .Croish tevenson.. Q. B....Keniney Harris......L. 1 .. Andierson Sherman.....R. It ....Russell Monroe...F. B.....Desvey Touchdown~, Dewey; goal from touch- down, Meder. Referee, Roswe. Te of half, an minutes. 113'VIl liatitm1.F, Gadltph. Citicintiati, (lt. 3ru-Special distcahl t 'a. Itt tCHIGAN Dx ).siY-Sotmeihat fatigutetd liethe re tfriomiToedt iver the C. it. & ID., tiitganum iiadt ad patyeaed hetre t 8 o'clock tonight. We iotiteilitlely sttgt refuge in the traini swhichi sill caret the pary t Nas- title, antitmottt othle laerstrnei in earl. Accorintg t sedtuile, is-c silt reschiNashixlle st 8 o'lok ttmoiross illtimumtil thle ti, andttil mosst of tiii tiveevaionis Citacht XYost was the moing 'pri.The feeling ittsemti-eptressiot wiich terviaided the arty' erote fromi Annti erboriiitoTleidoi waso rlievedtb%' sng sheletis adthti ultlmiiant horter sas liadtti netrwhite lipthe etus- ititii esgtrets itt te '-Itt try-Up"' per- Mortie'srittisus rks conifrotietthemOeni itfte letvi'iTol'tledoe. The caci toh digtin springitg rule comptiicatonss nni the mttlltes ittthe iituad, itdtiter th imprompt tltt rule-tui,diagatms of itewi plt