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October 31, 1907 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1907-10-31

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~~~The MichiganDal


No. ' 33.


Michigan Team Leaves for Nash-
ville Today--No Changes in
onu the eve of the departure of te
eant for Nashville. Ctaelt ost iwas
fairly otimtistic as to the outcome.
"There i- little tdottt its my mindm
That tck twill play a cotsiderale part
int te tandelrbilt game, said the coacl,
"but wi-tottncevits brak tic soldiiwi.
Iis ridicutloutttt ttemtpt t t preit t-
score, andelI sitllibe ite-itsfet wits a
v icy. esen i I ttthe agtttisstat atriw
ofthe hel.ie terca-nd at te
,aileti, timcsi.ite mtutethsitngetha
attyet, tioutg-istot'is sttrong a it
soot.OSithn-g I cosidsue pracicall
let lPenntt -sylaia two iiistis later.'
At tIt :3thsis mtrtiithelpasrty uhclll
repreent lt l iig- iiiit te frt s ivsain
of Dixsie isill lave str te Antt Aihot-
ight fat istu suitne liycc-swoull
mafrte ipten ii ttlstitlsbleitstahiti
iwstll s Ithe c-Is-vestregiulari 'Pli-
fillosisgtakes tltup the suiad:Captinus
;Magis lis, itostglas, e,.std u llian,
haslfbaciks; lo- tissis 1assiMiller. qslit
er LollianiiiAlriccc, fllbacs:,h
I lne. ammisoutndlctF-iat site.a
\rup titir, essil ; Grahamis as1yf
C h a n d le r,~ i - c ,n te i. kes id es tC a c ht, Y os et -
Pand irectorisitiuu gicil Stuelttantut
agesirill-cr i trs an irecstor (isiill'ss-
tikthe its ,p PrisinisatCinintili
-is fternoon, theiteanis tilt eveoe
te luitisi ills an-isish vsltill toigt lor'
th enseiie ctadlgitsigal
'siticilbylihe l g Is-is' ls wsill lii- gieni
'['Ile firs- 5g ive t its-essaleissisicuss
arisis $3.8-ifishitws-s--,-indsis siis-
-tidetts liats-csigtilsssl their its-tio
f miakingthe slit-lswsithlithsitam.-iisTlii
DIL wtssill isi sipsieste nt he sis ip
buc W\illia-iisPtGradolphlsl.
ILast ight p risten-Iitu morti hasic isssi
sttischtYosit t was cemps-slaingitwo
scisangs its tielinteup~. Ofists- tos-ithie
effect tsisalI-sthertstsiswushi gin iiat
lift sitn itsinlace iof tmiitt -saindlte
other stssit -llrile ul-tisitarsiatcfulit
1ack sisinstad f Isoic1. Iotst sssss
ti-c-c gcitttlless. 'Fiprocisteisutr
fslsiis f tes itis. Yost sisisiisscii
thast FI-stits-stoittshadiinstsbeIii'sed tss
left ecu t itsll, lits tatuitsprate thsei
fOberlins tasr isas ibeig usesdsat ight
end.lIts case ifitisiec isis t elievitii
becssus Ifissi sric, issill le Whitire
stnd nouutlF-athssrstonesst-io sill iiasehis
place, asitFeaterstsone is st ieett ate-
ig as tundestudty ts IiI. Hammtiodt.
TFle rumosrssregardinig te posssbiliit (f
a Loell-Allerdice sit asscuseasi
equassllys ustr.
lTe liseupsSatulsraycaftsrnooinss sil t-
s follws: 5Rmneisy left ed;Iss mbifsl,
left tackle; Casey, left gasr; Scsol.,
center; (rahtamt, right gutar; Ris-s
child, ight tces'; IHammitodi, ight
endil; Wsmundiits, qtrbassck ; Magoffit,
left ihalfback ; Doglatsicr llerlice,
ight haslfbasck ; ochl, fulbac.
Thle only reasonss that sle right hlfsl-
ack position is left opess is sle fuel
that Douglas is at present laid tpwitih
ass aiscisof oisiitis. twhict may ipossi-
lly prev-ent its fristm naling tetrip
Itn ase he ias recssveredsfitlfcintlyi,le
sill go its at right hlfoitiersise, Al-
lercilce will start in sial position. 'he
injusry received y Casey fits the \aashs
game and reopened in a recesttrm-',
mage has een healing satisfactorily, of-'
though it was cosisdeiret best to lesie

Record Crowd Expected for the
South's Great Game-Commo-
dores Are Ready.
BYt (CsatttitttfRise,
Nasslfle, 'Fensit,,Oet. 30.-Siseeal-
Jsssgisg iby te italic-repsirts depicted
its iTnnessese andusosuthserns papers, te
greatest sarmss if lhumsanssouls ltsat
ev ccr as-elesd to see Ia fiooitbllgamse
still accis-e its Nashvsille Sssturtday.
irintgham l, Ala., ss-i paper ini that
ltstnsiters, still disptchs two earloas
if peiessss,ishile Atlanta is pislaig in
shipup oe..Chattassooiga isldopling sits
as jiobsliii if tswiscates loadedlto the p110
it sis, andti\i situ sit still saiso sends lier
eosti tacitlt

Ol, South is Southil, atSdPPesti so hst-sti tsoots tise lt-aitshall nets-
sAndionse shlsl siteels tier sloe pa~lisadeis andc te oilier shall teat retreat-
lust there is nssithsecSothtnosr Wst-bs~iordesr, nortreed ntor birth,
Whienstwoits- iu cutss tasuSfaceeto face--tsssssgithey coenls-fromsthue rntsof
\Ve- foutghs tir stay ostthesitsoteern Wasdh '-hellishkoftihe Nsavy's bIotoll---
PWe spikhoetr gius s sh sit odsissalt basy-i- teesriled itsriflag islthue msudt-
PWc liftesd site scalp if te Indiians PBrtve.- but suiw sicshahllsseet thse lest,
Wshesnis-eclsisshthtdaslo t-h le itter fr-yithilste Prisie of ste Golsden eset.
'Tect-es of te Sossths lre tuirnediusr 555waysan ste eyes of ste Souths shall see
Fhsssassteaistsof te Sioutsisosowisi-tis tight, ihsates-er tile store misghst he-
'Shiss a leasm of te Southcaiiihosld iiits li-ln stande to the filial test,
If te fight his- sate icl i ieastiern fielid si tissghs twills thseGolsheinWest.
Stis n~ot frisis tee soethast teissurelcolles-is is tot fromsithe strength of
Slitste listelbeloingstsote broof ish ll whso putsis the gamoest fight-
Sit, hards litfsir.wsiaillp55105theim Sslire -aidsthtein, wtiev-er the score-
Pie shlldrinkealtk a st toihi sts-as-mlof 'Yoit--andt ele iti the Cossmnodore!I
Ohi, ste Soussh is Southi, sand ths West is West-aonhdiso the twa'sin shall meet-
PAsdi ise ssallmoti:i tsthe flsg-woti(.siitgi its--a usoe sshlsisk its uefeatS--
list tiles-etisneithersosusit Issues~t-boissdlii litsril-s'sli nor-birthh-
Vshei stwtsissucs lelnsitandsufscl foss ltfice-tih thueys-oetitfriisssIlls-ends of
te ierts.-.---yGcssathassd Rice.

Vish -anyt-ingis likse fair ietshsrit its BRANQUIET . ILL NOT
'tile toi setsloe Ssstursdayisoark fishy 'LA Ui

2(000 aitil lu taststendaclse a5tilhe lT-,

tlsihau atlsesast hiss mesilss -hich iseasss
li-is eer- fist-halspsots sill his visibile
art- lDudileyStFidfeiutir t tsssto gol
whenussthis- itle souuds this-onset,
fse u- ogui Issbit-e-i nippedi,ssand te
brllsf thu s'eds-i eatssctionss-his
thise isrsi-cstill iuslssaeessosndirsomu
enus o altosgs-ther a lilt sasof
tieuople onithleslevsstesi, tslisng platformi
lesod s ouit itsh goals. All ini asl, itis
issicetalutillyitihast atflesst So sisec-
tas wuc ill1 bet on handuhetn hlts' is
ssalledh at 2 ;o p5.,rn., ua jsssspuasote 2,000
-ieee sitsplst record assDulsheyFielth.
usId usa] sseater this safternoon gavepsitc i-
Guigins Isgutood luich -ci-uoshotiuihIis leo-
iia e utlo us stuafi-stivlip 1. Sptecial st-
iuillianingus us ion ts~ttt iler usald
thesi-woiaisn((t; iwillhiseiwo(rie os-i auufsits-
sit tuip th thudayif thus-gauss-. 'Tlusay
tusnd -iiisii us usd ill hie-follosswed bhipardit
ciuitiusssi-issiseis tnshthis-itcormss a let-
i ll arounduu Iitnidt-ihast civery iman
mayuires-suit fromsuits sitr ain suit- ilse'
, -isisnte lt-e Sattirduays bastule at top~
sirius 'TIhusee.is rus iuestilnhts ithts
te t ill his-able btls-hsth risugh htws
stng haslveinusthispgaine, -phoidedsunonti
if thusem s isets-il ousth tby ijucies sir
muishas-and 'iniss-u sle lestsules sucshi
-stcienut ire te exceptionlis. Eiers
Psandierbilit isisfiised te Nosy gamne
is fresh situ juusssty as at the siastsinu,
selsthres-echoes' aditiiowoss-ris addued
us that ift-itt, thers-u'hiosuldtbe I0swisorry
io-sr Sstuuulss's ecosndition.,
the biuglustsan-isutisof te scrinmnage hash
sighs, at this' esosch idhunsutiwaint histaske
ntu chasnceus of lousitng ant-if te reps-
larsonlie eu-c of te big gamse.lHow--
ever, Ca sepysiill hue in ishapse fur a ha~rd
'sitemsiusently-satisfatsiory scrisumage
brouugishi stu ciienduse actise preiparations
fur til netiriuilgame. Several of
tie uses'laysushuichs iwilheuesedSasttur-
that ieree suncosetedi, althsouighswith
ushast success lie colachiswouldl sot say.
Is tin-s-iect, the vasrsity romp~edi past
thu crb tesItwiith considerablhe freqtiesscy,
cussng lie touchdsowistisiihuecuse
of thue struggle.
Isn trdthatist hue undserstuidysmighst
havses'hadusithe ssdvssntasge of a. fssll scrism-
masg e, "Coasch Yost test Miller in at
quatrc, sansi \ssuts's revl rainisthe
is-sllsthsrsoughsout tie practice.
STlucre sill hue ass inmportant mseeting
ouf theUsnuin B tantquet Finsance Ccsnsmit-
Ice, andsu of oil thsose ti-io are telling
tickoets, usat Roossi f, *Citersity Hll, to-
tdsy atP5t is m.Everyone wilhe ex-
pecedtos sats-sduandsod sbe prepared to
repotousthuesi-cri onuie to tdate.

Committee Chairmen Express
Themselves ais Heartily in Fa-
vor of fleeting Before Game.
Tuefe f tuifheiss'huhiigss Unuion.tt s-
(flit' interuferinsgsiillstie tmlssmeetinug
us b hue uldlbesore tie elltcsssss i-tusfsoot-
sult gamses tias cdisc-usssies'onsisdsrsibly
itrustsighosutItle sainp-ssertdsy.
Aeomuinicastions is 7'sis1-)ass sV,,-
is-dusy-soiced, wht'i wa ssclaimeds-utoiibh
ss genesrsal feelinug, tatusithsoutsasmss
mesetinug hisfurs'thu Plis'-uylvsuii<t glsos'
tic psropesrcmans of s-eoitlp lihe AiIs-
luig semassnutSthus'inlushracutice for
rooutinug swosuuld eits' .,Ii ts sargused
this-cesuwosubolyhisaisii i fsch if thue
stunt bodsyieresett u thus'hi iuset.
A ii us-co t o flic(ler's sotthus' Pih-
sgsssu tUhotnuwhuici his chaurgeif ti-c


Ittass (its's hugs andithe'hs tiut', tite
Stesn custs-silsis bhue su t'5tuiststis-e of
'Fuse h~i us tushall exprcos-il thss-
tiSltv'ss (Itths subhject,
iff Ih.iussis ssuleuch sirma iiof the muss-
unsdtg cosrfts' his-c, s''.r'e hise- so
soc uisit of f-sills5, ioshld i us-slus
s iite? toerstuh ilt seusus- Ohe \v;:1 -I hi t
TShsssit surs ev uig,-saccorinsg tiosiur
treset arrangpementuus. lhttgluupit P hll
gaulu shelltshot u 'uld essevselop f lues
s wich, sills list iiseuhsuitsi-thoe luau-
(Isltet Frisaosugllht ousrry usitrough
tutu') the game.'.
hi).Ps-sre-, of thet-gsss ti asecg
t neussmmittees-foerstehbanut, t#stilt,
sthe haustseltun utmsssuit3e' ip 'osth
stshube hs-hu th samsue esveniunge 'hil
iis uisossiblhe.to couusitder'I it ctifo
1ints e di ars-if thue ssssuit huontci-,t In-u
s-es us: seioh ushbjectionsto his lsuii sotlh
eventits ste es-ensunguric--sith
pugaic.'hessre is nou eusiutris i in uthei
fcnthuusismssthas lt hu e ilw!tIktis' sta
msass mesetsing of 4,ooo tiushutis -isthu
s huat it ste bauocuet siht ItIt coo0
guestsss siege numbtuher beiung; ssivisu,"
'Isswo if lit echasirenuof lte bauest
comtutlees -saedhthast it wsin nousu issu
in'tenduedito maksie toe hbantquet aisuslt-
stituho foeruseesussual insstoedtiut. lisp
tadvsisedi use hinisg of the mseehinugits
dheselopithe roostisngon 'Fiussiss-, siusu
tthe banquetls oun sthe snighut folohiitug
wossuldusoly addt to the si i-. Othser
oiniossstatedlhy svarious suficers of thoe
tisioss iere simuilar to thue tabove. ft is
the rusts sools feehinog ttusatnot","nt;pshiould
bse tdonse to nierfere utith iteitbianquet
arrahngemientts, andut yet the suee] sf the
mass omeetinug use sigist uerourets' Pgaime
is feli.'The situsaionu will commuuanud tse
sits' rtionsof , hue nuo:smeetin- eututitstut,
swits sill iitet ivith ihe promossters of
the basnqumet Its the us e-irfuuiss't so s'°tii
She rnatter.

Siste hhlhuigau fuicuule-ocuseupies nearly
sit paiges of 'Phto", Pissits Asissca"
this yets-. Presidenti Ansgell, Reprint
WPhsit e, utn susoe fifty-otdd of thme pro-
fessors fiundlthesirsanmes asd pedhigrees
- utwi sthsue cusvers of the little reud hook.
Somsse if theti are ireoted exhsaustiv-ely
situ sree sllossedlasnmuchis utwurnor
three itsclues sun its seampetd colusmns.
OPthsers get less, hums nciue smentionetd
gets lessthaun one studs
irf. Wilguts is shoe moust fuortunate
in thil t ster if spsace. H e is pit-ems
uuesarly three inuches, silie Profesiors
W ~esliepCoohey, Scoll, WParthin, Hut--
sep, PaiuTyFteus auudhibraesrian Kochiare
uts s-cisudsplaseby hi seir-allostsmenti
ilaeisasinustsler furssuate betweens
Isrofe ssorts VPuusghan andtuuthuNasncrede.
S(-(tutuing thu dts uuhlrs'e--eighuths
incshds his hiss credhit.-
P~rofiessors suss B ,husloydsuandFlorer
sitw ustiso andu sa euarteruisches, and
thtsb bea shtisrtfofessor Kelsep hy ass
'ugilo SuReentus PPhite fhosshlimself
asumoungte ts -iusdhtre'swith Profes-
sors ( suit etCraig, Paynue, Kiefer, Roth,
mush tso ad oseland fete Iis cost-
PresidentohAnugell justmisses joining
liii swoitusch clss.l
Thei usher umsemubers if ltefaculhtp
'snuit ndiier Shiftshallths-siaythow-soto
oss snshi Tlite lit whsi-isetsishlengthyv, is
madesiupsof theu folhloing: Pr'ofessors
hfOge hiu e mns-situ a v is, Adanms, Stats--
ley Jouhnson, Disck, Ifeighuard, True--
huho and MscsulPfhturrich;bleats Htutchins,
his-autu Reesd, sandu Professors Bogle,
BrnewiserWinklhe, Nosy,Itubher,''up-
lorc WViliasus (ouhieg, Fairhanks,
Rod R Iuul eviFisti, Chiars Coohey, Pilhs-
uury, StesessFairir, Goulding, Cross,
Pa'xsonuu undi iobhs.
Inu"Phsos Whlo" each page has two
ciiolutns.If Michoigas's six pages, then,
iso-ccstretedo-h u t i uaussinugle column,
luey wouldishcorer sutrife more thun
eighit feet.
snthier of Postsspoupils, ''Joe" Ciur-
tifs, is sakinig giosduss a foothall couch.
iturTulne uiversitpy elevres won its fPest
gasreinu twoyeprss, last Satnrday, when
Itiisissesicollrge nut heaten, 13 10o0a
thus is the Perst tine that Tulane hat
scored inisuoter a yrar.
Prof. J. C. Knowlton will deliver an
adduress ho the engineering society, on
''The tRniineers Contract of Employ-
menu, Slit Rights and Liabilities," on
Fridhay ricning at 8 o'clock, in Room

Pledges flade at Mass Meeting to
be Collected This Morning
Clark Talks in Behalf of Union,
TFwo thousand Michigasunenspledgec.
t the mats neting hst nigt, to sub--
scribe to a ftnd to defray the expense
of sendisng the scruh tain to Nashville,
Saturday This action folloted Rheins--
child's tribute to thur squad which has
heens buffeted about old Ferry Field bsp
he regulars The suhcriptions will e
rerceived in Director Baird's ofien all
this morning by cononittes appointed
for thse purpose
'Fle sums required to send thur scrubs
toi see thin Commodres is asbot $50,
ansd subsrittions ust-bfe hproectedh e--
yonud those already ptonised t is ex--
pected that the frateniis will suhscie
T'he enthusiasmn aroused by "Rheisny's"
suggestion wsa so intense that it was
urred unnsecesary tsrerquierwritten
Rheinscild's fnal appeal was, "If
eery man sonot subscribe a quarue,
I sou't waint anyoneuom" Every man
in he audiene pledgedl Iis support to
the project
Thu meeting wsotoprind ith a series
of popular parodies to e tmsd by thu
rooting setions. Tie hbant occupied a
place on the platform ansI its muisic was
quite ass improseenest ost-r its last ap-
pearance "Jap" Hlelsell,,ecairman of
the evening, introucedl President Bert
Clark of the Msichigani Union as the
first speaker Clark spoke entienly on
the Unioin. He exptssinued its wirkings
andt pusrposrs-
"Thbe UCioin sandsus fuse three things,"
sal Mr Cark "First, emusancipation-
a freensg from depasrfiucttoh life, see--
sod, censtralzatins-a pae ts get lb--
gether;h third, elevation of the tor of
he University-a chance to get the si--
partetnts to unite as oesod uy"
Tihe nrx spakr was J Ph:lleCand--
less, who told of our going south forty--
seveu years ago. and of tse invasion
ste user goisng to mak this wek He
closed witubn appeal for the Union
"'Fle student body is heart and soul
with our athletic teams-le's put te
sante visit into the Unio," spoke Mc-
Canudless We have a gootd start in
our temporary cubhouse.irIf ie can
make a success of this, a big, permanent
clubhusseis titer tfolows"
Prof. Van Tyne was thur last speaker
of the evening e spoke of the lir
in the Pennsylvania clubhouse amd said
that at Michiganm it iould e quite simi--
Regular drill witht broadsorsds will
be a pruominent feature mu the work of
the Fencing club this year. 'Fle cub
has recently purchased new equipment,
including a pair of broadwords A new
chest in which to keep their prapher--
nalia has also been secureth,
Immsediately afer the Pennsylvania
game the regular work for the year
will begin. There will be a tournament
tome tne durisng the Pll This will
not be for the ptrpose of choosing a
teasm, as the team is already complete
Last year a great many who weer not
members of the club made usie of is
privileges This will not be allowed
this year Onlookers, however, will al--
ways be welcome, The prospects for

thur year teem to be unusually bright,
as a great deal of new material bus
shown itself and there is a large na-
cleat of old men. The club desires that
all those who have had any experience
in fencing should make themselves

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