The, MichiganDaily
ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. \VEDNESDAY, ()C"1'O(.,R. 30, 1907. NO. 32.
IN fl.,ACC R1R f
111 ULJl)IUVU1JlEk)I
junior and Senior Lits Play a
Scoreless (lame-Senior Laws
Defeat Dents, 10-0.
Anotier scorees gamt e a playesinl
the iterclass series yesterday b tie
junior and senior lits. The dent fell
before the fast end work of ie eio
its this atter game. whiciet was maedi
by muhonecstonseqnt srangting atd
smre sr ess brtait-, the seitors
trouncsed tiesests tby a soe of to to .I
After hointsg their opotetts foe(dowsi
the aws in thre ritels eoeretix"ity
yards anti 'ered a tuchdowiasn ogan'
was shot trotgihtehe and sered te
sints ont a tirt-ard rn. Two toeh-
dowsts we sree itade one it .eaei haf
msaking the tota see i Telieesti
'edt8 sLas (ta. ents ()
tiled...... . T. es.. radroos
Hillmtat... . . ,.G - . . . ile
WXeler.. .. C ... Fitgerast
Brow. ..... .G _.. .Zeiger
Fidbait ... .R T . . ..ormas'
An derson.. ... it . .. .. .. .L tzt
Dunas.... Q i. ......Sittn
i-ager....L f. . . t ii .Vete
:Msorga.-tt . . I... i i . . . L s e
Schneider.... .B ...... _lsts
RefereePsirks stumpirse Sehut;iheau
inestman, Ksisker;ttitasoitthalves,15
mintaates; tucidown, i \ie'tni''goalfroms
field Dusnan; tncehhak ' aw lss(z)
Tihs'juntitr-seniorslitt 'oatest tsiougi
end~intg iascoeseess tie, tivs anssing
'Te fjuniosrs ecstisualy irtse tirsoug
te '0ltlists'sunti they' rechedthe sto-
ard line, sshtre[ie sesios esussdtibraete
tnd ihetld. Thenissibis'virtuesof 'o's
spierir putin sg, ts' gas'e.swasistdsiori
back to tesmidsle oititheistd. Boil
teamos sterr fair sit ssffese'Tiere swore
sowed fild ust gmentstt t tw sere seak
reeising psnts ( Crsoak played a gods
glints'tsrt end ssforitethe'juiots. 'ie
'tilt]lit". 'toy fits.
Jackson. . .. L.T. .... ... ie s'r
i'almsatt E.L.G ......rsisn
F. G. Stevesonsi.itC . ..... ...roay
iavis. ....R . .....rsanger
libe-......R. F '.,.......Cr'sook
Sevetso...... Q. i....i..Kenne
H arris..... . i .tIsi....Aners
C'ox...,. 1. . . Russel
Monare..... F. i ....... 'esse
Referee, (Giliert; issipire. l Godmsa;
heluinsesmsan, Stples.
The irtst gasser softhesiemifn
taikeiplace tdsay. The seles
'so egieers vs. '09 egneers
to seiss. 'ssiarsoteis.
The Webster antsd Jeff ersosiass lass
societies sill leadsofftomorraiw ight
its the preitminaries for tecessdebtei.
~ These are te first tryoutss fr pttes ott
te teanms wichiell threresest te sar-
iotus clubs ithie iter-soeiety esstests.
The Websers seel Thursdsay night
to Websall Hal aisi begis at 745t
p. s. Membiers hoditg numboters frmss
tine to twsety-fre, icelusive, will tse
alled upo. Insthe seondt prelmnatsry.
Friday' evening at te satme Ihor, tnum-
hers twessy-six to fifty stili resioiss.
All the speeches are limiesi to tleslt-
tes, without reuttals.
The progranm for he Jeffersotitasst
similar to sial of te Wester society.
Twenty-iwo en are estereel for te
first preliminaries on Tusrsday night..
The preliminaries for the two lirry
societies the Adephi and the Alpha Ni,
will not b began until Satrday.
Bansisi's shissing of mae itean
cr'i'sonss 'antut twottshsadtsti's tblueisewiil
lte AsitsArbostr's ipr'ncisaltough
fsreisits No. it, wheiststhe tPensylv-
vanit i tihslitn itrsote' s isasti ch-ts
testis Stcls isto sring tiis ssou stia e
beens5tslest tie (ity Cl'erksGrsngr tush
itb st the isBetasittottComms-re. The ess
tipeatit itf isecanssti o ust sia ss
msetsliss tress a se,atu ntun yslts'sese
is alresady iroiseldt. A strenuousis efotr
wiltthit'maideito d rs'5 istth town iitsi
liestt'tttt' is i t sit's'11C w loeiefittie
maiett 'lst'ndisvissitr lstsw h ire est-t
mitec m ts to igt to s'ormu ltsits
Alhiss'e'-fi-s'rist' hoing ue'
sit si o egit f 'ilm nt eis'st s
(Tietusling ateilfit, are re'ist
Alpha iDe tgt'll. igts } P itsi U psi
lt, i P ih i spaI ill I I ltta Pian
Z tat . (i s l-. silss ti
Xiii. i'll .Ph v D lt K pp
Oct'. 2 hiKpp 1sivtaThetau
Ot30 Pipilii Iliv s. Zeta Psi.
Ot3-Alistai tutut Pi s- BuhifuPs
si litlon.i is 1t
'o . -Al'ha Deit]'Iis s . Sg a P i.
Pelt'7-s l il >PhKap.Pi
lie.412 Chitusots Pi usi lit i
Pee. 14ApaDlaPi vs. ta si,
, I S Phii'ep P ists lp a DI t
iots o--Ze"tasi v5.i ChitPsi
Nov's. i--s I i s is i I s. itm s it .
pa I"'e. - till i
its's. 3--D it's K sappa iiEps i s. les at
tDe.4-si L'igitalita v:. iti thEtttits.
Des.i -Chst i Ptt t esisPis hsha itsa lisi t
tun Oeit t i igsSigPit's Ph~is itg
Dcce lii s-Phsisispp uefevsetaePsis
'Dtes. i tr- s'Delta tssg toss sito s , it Phre
Dis'ctt t titt sill. er t aise psy sit
sit. 1iii' Csit trsP isisvY ts. T'fta is'sis. tt
Dccis . ('eigtPhiust. Phsssti trya sits
In11tiege iis sstsittgsrle odythe tDslst
tre fssrsthigmp is Ls ih
'tlansfori'i~ssst, esardoincliul
itarsnwfwlueidtsr waysisiearlytsstlie
ofsesth teroldm i rstck. tetclusthi'ise
CehnrTll Iiy nBaitsManoli tryob ute
tol lait htselthistegiaheTesatijafterohi
ai s'sstsslisaddsieioniet'.thefts'v'arsiy' eleen
SE'T FOR TON{IGHT tett> 'C[1C3 1"site d metn y
th o i 'l commttee's, owing' tos f thue
Newv Songs for Pennsy Game samounis t o otoesdoeisI'i i. 'The first
Will Be Tried -Teamt- W~ill Be Ieletreds 51'ttiers si thue commtiittee are
to set its c'ha'irmen 'll sit sepsarate susb-
Given Send-Off. commsss ies, liuts sibrs sit tIiit sire
si-i' yet 'tt ss'cho n sisto sts'etslass. :Hist
'lie-7I Psss ~i . +
"8 iPse-Unieittssts'allt. +"
Nl sc--' of. i li. isisis.
Ve' 'seli arderi-"tut" Keneid
an s"tPsit" ele. +4"
Wisththe ter isofithue Psrisnatists
p55151 sitnly'abotift eets tiays illy, t
mastls ice't'inig isia, irben ssalled for to-i
nigt tinisr'e tts''e i iis tudenits my le is
stiltseito erin theitilsosssgs oust elt'
wih suit itseen antdu estintoit se ftst-
tit (titus essticommittse.r Inienetalp'
thei tissssmituits'e gt'iven 'tarousig setis-
sft fotue'soursels'toisN'sish'tv fi tar -
']ItenWS ' mg15s lieeisargel'y-prisses'
anlom fthetast sre celiser sitnitesiy
learnd.'Te ottitittt'i'fisselsitlsto
ft-s stnsrs' kniownsbsstle' istudssit
an stskigtis opptsuntsasi t s e-s
lit g tis'hir1repstire. TeIsotr'ssisis,
ti' sots some5new5slis dsses fiathis
ocasionstss. A( lg-itaeig sut wisilit'e
tirelispes tisistimea. Otsarof ue
isssmemesifthe l lsuits will least i
thei singiing,swhile "Dud"i' Kenntedy- anti
P'I'1 Kills's'will act s seli mastes-
tie i'ssittlsi'i src' srgtng esepy Stu-
icts stolstrni il tissnd lsarnthese' sisi g-
at .11hissasitheste iiomsshietis twhstih,
till follow.sIf - thlit's sre sitffietlytp'el-
veloped, thest le s''lush witll sit it this
chseisng setiniasithue ienstegameli
an editssigig tar shstgs. .A cop
ofthits sngftsa-h swaeill is t I)sDAtLs
coiltmstisan'dstsstesintsr urge-itto '515
shtusst ndlernithle' wsesrss.
Tie hsiasnidii iswiae' its s'ssicn la-
leti'sllde' at lmussis isis''tsig tonsight.
ketieeCt-rk.,ipresidet'sossf te'iehigssi
stilt, ,'idiJamsiiMc.tCsandless twits-
thei speakles. Isis expetedilut flirt
sitt toischiupons msebelrshipts ithsti
.ittitganUn 'sionsanspeak shespecu'iallytstpo5f
titstsvantages tslfrshme.u'
Chltist 'ilitnotiisse tsdmiituitd toi' ts
lilt' (' (St'Y 'liNN IS TTLhiE
Cuaspts "a tushd. H.lrie will-tthuu-
te ior rillsvarsits tennsis hsapionsushits
his afitiltnilliltFereey-Fieldt courts.
suhi conts ilisendsuitasstalthe al vitina
gts a luting" sitsFinas itirslt' doublles
usill asoe detieed.
Thi semsusi-ials sterr splaedtoff e-
terdayupmorningsss" ftier edefeainsg Sisf
suitandBroadlihiurs, f-, 6-, Ayes
suit Wiery hoouukeutisp swihPrices'ansd
seipy its a lisslytusslei itttitetu
Iltter Iri umphe, z-,t 6Is7t. he
last set us-ss espeialssly itelirstng. 'sWit
lbs settee 1- agaist thlessPie ash
Lidy 'rcsds ronglyt and p y. brsluintth15
tlain toos"ltisstright"'taes soil lha
This-toutsrnaent hissseselstet sonar
closss comptetitti.Seisescsl se pavers
tilershtowie upfs aey stronsg espcially
Ayrerswtso dfeatslbo l s1stans
silt at last ets's eans.Frechacnde
Wallace' alsosslk thie tprmsinstsg' ia-
Wtlliams J. Morgan, 'olt, is coaching
Ypsilanti high scioo's football team.
Morgasn is vice-president of the Unin-
versity Stutdent Council.
Kasthes'rust-eIDouugaussitnd 'Mis lBarbara
.\'.(t up' userr madtietsh saireniat rein-
sitters ts get tp a'site eritg paty foe
giels f te' siass, wt-ti'isses Charlotte
wliureupasute ihe lpsuers. 'hetsdsate std
pissesrt irut it'thiprt ilhile left to
LI SiT F 'lICKIt'S Ei' i II RS
Alitofithe la hs sssmituutfeueenwho
b~rsip nd anqet ickests aseeqeuuest-
sit t seure'it'h iem fruositsthe' geera
commusuittee a1 ts' Auis u ootsto day
from ; tos 6 p. Il. (lass lresients
istittutse lthatsll sit theitr'msuitsases-
- ,fulloitngis sai nearprly comletee
ltutisftus-men sintse ht'luas tikes
tituse alreuadyp'besnt platedu
ites8its: (Meritt, Bowmstan, eltes,
Ricshasrdlsonu, IHsot.Daitss, trsskatp,
Jakoh~ et aiisusPte'rei, tc-
I udlsi 'nKlesws:u' tDe(titt'rais,
Silts titus ft. p iisscele,tissn,
IBooze,. tDownetil, I itsustsasi solt en-
gneers : Knustson, F rst Colemtatn,
iall sit I si 'rsut visagleyttsrWil-
ills. 10o8lldshts: thrstnsKesnas,
usuraullits : ssiss us Patrk ('Cody,
Testose (gnsce (eVedde, (lthegh, Me-
'sill (llls u 'op esgieers. Kelly,
0 ntutu, Smtush, 'ussi utms, Btite, Wig
gthns, O D,1 l I-str, Blinu t, IKoeler.
'451 tlaws: hi i'niuiet, (ChurchelsCraw-
furSes arpsni, u'lkon, (Gukle, iBaer.
1susss imeiss: iFox, EGordon 1909
teits tiFsuler, Biekwith. oss phar-
hoo its :iJones, Cochran, Matin,
Hlull,(( lits (tCerlke, iBrysos, Steit,
Adit.lii i1o e'ngineerus s tsnhicits,.
Tasuite I issahern. (\etgr, tBigges,
Ioar s 1t s i it usi' Coroiiumei: Ic-
tg tts: I hunter, l'Sthutu'ehtut, Craig,
'sierid Lutte 'us 5 sengieers:
luwss ((luts Bouchali-rd.
Tselisss ittheu nier'ltsss eseilly
srebilt eas cmeutt, suitit is
hope uss ut s mpt-i' tus' orgnsiationssof
in theiss- 'thi'ssiti tisse isse sin -estn
ihneto secrss''aItietuantutu sues ut
ttVlNB's Yi'sCLA-SS OF '67
rituclss sit sf67 hats sadduedlits ests
1riats thuretampus. Yesterdasy an old
isissetuboulensewhih asublrought sown
fromLak Ise Supuerior by fle class of '67
tus plsced-uponu .rulsrge ganite tedesta
its russntositvisitsly hasll(Utans one
slts it ifuthegranite'founduauaton is en-
grausedI "IHIsisni Isht," tutu assthe oler
sile, "Classasio ff86." IHasetaElmasis
illse nameus'givens-us his lrgeueg' chinreer
under i'h tht lemor'sussiais uplsce.
Ille namets'tgives hn orust osseuf ti.
iiHars, h, le scond Plrs'sidlent of laressni-
veresityphot asiat itItsuh triestthur
risss sit 1k67 entiered.
Thus result ohle cmpsietitve exami-
naltios sGor(erisndsitu in s ortthfuePliaPlai-
ltps schoularshsips sit $o wasu anuttced
yesierday. - The suswsrduwsssmade to
Xtis staryJesse WoodtuansutousArthur
G. Bfarnasrd. Mis(Woodu is from the
Dsetroit Centrsal high school and M.
B tarnaurdt troma Detroit Western. The
ussasiuusstiostwseseeldssiOct. T19 ad 26.
"Senior" Writes That Only Lim-
ited (Number May Attend Din-
ner-Argues for Usual Ileeting.
"A SBenior's"proests, in tie tllow-
tag commutssneatioin, agaist ie acions
of te PMicigan Utnionits attemapisg to
subsitue te Usionssanquet tsarrltar
openss155mieetings ustaray lbeforee
itshe igfootbal gamses. Hec argues that
whsile everyotte cats get itside Univer-
sip' hat, osnly a limitesdtnutbr can be
sacstmtmodatesd at the batnquet', oast ar-
gues that a mass mtetig shoulssd be
helst onthte eening sif Nu. tp ust
as ustusal.
"Edsitior, Siftetits x tAtue
1 wsotullis'ets cie-ta protest againsst
the cussnsakensibsp-the is ch iigans (Uio
it stituttinig this'annuiial Eliotisis-
stut ferte s ueal maass mseetng hire -
teuore iheld in Univiersity'altbetore ao
lug games. I aoatol to quesohieii
wisdoum of tihe offiilshofa the Miehigat
Unsin in doing this-yet after a earetut
consideration of the mattes f cat infou
tn legitimate reasont for i, except ta
by taoling it te eeetnig beore the
bislennisy gamse, it till tar a uge
sucss-s-as si banquset. flush will it be
asuccess Irsisthue sstadottss of work
tng tp enthiusiasmsfotrhe FPs'ssisy gassir?
(Vetrasnt towsork sp enstusieasms-
aind also pacices some oigisal rooing
-in hreparationafoeor nsta( itpopants
gaumse-so thtwie san usw he tPesus
teass-ws'henthiy get n'sts erry' ield-
what Michigant spirit really isasa welt
as beitg better psetaredstouc'eser or
atn fesitonsuto ictory To, sdnthis
sou lut eers ylur-Iei heigai satscuss
get its) thueswssmsanth 1ed his voice
far si t rhy a purpntose, a 555055meet-
tag held thur evening beforen'Ite game,
its UnTiversity Ilall, seems isa ae udt-
penssible' Alt the students cant assemblae
in U'nivsesity Hlal antI help the gnash
srork aontg Can they all be acam-
ssshuskses at Ibe Utniosa banquet? fLay-
ing asiule the wrell-knownt-tftact that this
ms~ajriy'osathue stdlents canntesaffords
ho satenid bot the batquet ondsthef
gamss, bitt boitsnie hundred isa all ats
teascomnmosdate at the ater. A great
lanty oathilese siltatfineessitp' be visit-
tugaluitt landutholer otsiderseaitg
acctommtsodatiionss fete nu totians'luit g
houdredt studetnts at the nonti-hludy a
fifths of the tiussisru's'stsuduetts ensrlledu
int e stirvsesity.
Psi anifestty-fromssthin stdoitseint of
wsorkinsg tip entthtusiastmsits the suets
bosdy.for the gasae-the bonquet wilt be
a failure. The MchganUnions-the
ssae as tther eorgaizatins-is liale
In mistakes; anth I thisk thur ations it
is notto takiing is a miistake. fHoseve,
it is a maistake that ats easily lbe reti-
fled. Why ot hold a mass mreeting
also? It cosled be hest us Uniersity
halt earlier its the eertsing-say tentm
7 untilt8So'cock-and it awouldshnot it-
terfere with the batiquet is the least
Iy writing thht f nuotsly vietemiy
own'isntimetnts, bitt alsos lharsentisets
atfti large porioti of thur stdsent busy.
A StsuoR."
Thur lMiehhgeuda comic raueeswilt be
salgedl lha latter part of Februsary in
ouresif the new theaters.-'Ths ws de-
cided by the Michigan Utliln cttasit-
tees swhich held their first meteisg Sat-
urday ight in tsr Mihigama eotms.
'fryonts of all persons desiring places
in the cast will begin within a week or
ten days. The cast till le seletedi
solely on indiridual merit. Abtaiy to
sing atid dance will be chiefly conisidl-
ered. Seventy-fire persons trill be
needed foe the rail.