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October 30, 1907 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1907-10-30

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G. He. Wild Companly
The Larget Stock
in the City
Exclusive Styles i
For Geltlemen's Wear
Everything requireeu for Suits,
Overcoats, any Vestings, an(d
Trouserings, and of high Class
fabrics and special style.
Full Dress Suits a
G. 1. Wild Comfpally
311 South State Street
Our Stock
of Basket Ball
and Indoor
Base Ball
is the mot complete one
you'll fiid in town and it
wilt surely pay you to
look it over before by
leg. Track Sits ansi
Shoes too in all the le d-
lng tles.
Sheehan & Co.
Student Bookstores
r, u A. G. a
The Largest Manufacturers in the World
of Ollcil Athletic Supplies
Base Bal, Foot Bal, (olf, Lswn
Tennis, Basket Ball, Hockey
Official Implenteshtr Trak ad Field Sporti
Uniformsfor al Spor. Spadines Hasdomely
Illsraed Caalge ot al spors conaians no-
mernussuggeestons. Snd or it.-Istfre.
New York, Chicago. St. Loos. Sn Faneiso.
Minespois,Denoer. Bflois. Syracuse, tlitt-
bas, A:'hadephia, Rostoi. Ciciiissti, ati
more, Washngton. Kansas City, Cleveand,
New Oreans, Dtrntoit, Mntrea, Canada.

Mafsnagng IEdtor--tAUt SToicMowotti.
Business Manager--C. V,. WixucEAO.
News............A. F. Ricie
Atlhletics. ..... Williaim F. Gradoph
ilporitg... 17 slencue E. Elditge
Exschanget....... f. John Wamoldl
Mtusic atd Dranma......io D. Welch
Womn' inro>ditor....losise Van Vooris
J, W. Mc~aitdless rlmer C. Adams
JohnssF Wre Roette11I-Clatcy
NitiTT i FTOiS
hliram S. Cody George H. Hobart
Chattncey Bocer 1B. G. R. Williams
L. C. Reid fee A White
Rayisond Visscher M. B. Mlugt
A. L. ilainline Roert Mottsier
Lolo stJ. (oFr Doald L. Kitiev
J. if. Prescott
joist F. %\Vurz Carl H Adam
Itarsolit R.Gosul
Address: MCHIGNtt DIY, Press Bldg.,
Maynard Street
Manager's H-otrs: - pi., 7-S p. m
daily, except Sntay. Both phones
\WEDNExtSDAY, OTlt-tFtl- 305, J907.
atas sT nt sl * .it.-siss- ' 1T tt. s
lin aalitte sstitstoriof aiban
qut forsa mss m. seeting sittesaessofi
te insyisi ni sa gmsse icluels someiii
poituch rse sceettulselitli tken.
Th lamor sssof asI s ssasssseeiig astta
tie- touldIiiperas s mris n iskepig
tih ite itcilsiits iof felitng swhish hil
srvi, thsastswosslditheisqusiets' i cmr ises
rsr inedsutterance-wsf a banqueiti. A
Is 1stochtlu-peiflssour sill is oot-
iug ss isldistslie amsts.An ite ee-
tiisestais s-sioflit sirsit seoitses fi
t guariagins defat tibilidigtits-
ci-stititssll ofsitlisritic freenzy. if
s-i'~e iok f t- timtoii hoildtltai
ielsIl seariilits sin t-civeting.Ibsef -
lte banueIt, e fe is-ue tlist-rsssl-s
sill -sltais its lldIrtputattonilatii t55 ng
ofi is-ands"iteItsysits A.\sleidtlsc'stlp
d' ciiiatipnisitern tllregiardfourots-sles
la-stbe efetd, ito. Let- ts-sse-ting
b its l iii Ittli t heii sl t ro ssstam,--ansitsits-s-
Let teres hei godssstes-stes.stnd Qaske
isisndImtis-x-. antisge of sus
ioreis slest- switsindebilt list
dines-sitsre ts ceentisithifriresipisso
list- iis uitserities than could ts-
alterslit sst iots its ite-s.clstsies
lOin lt-e Ote'hassis, sits-isfitletus ti
not be llowsedsitierfere ii ayiswy
ws it ilthelssanquet. FThe sitter festial
sit-eri-illisvetsoifit-e eesisgad
'Sonia"'st-s-stoitsveimisaiit.~preh see
its msening. Susrsl it ti-issit-ier i-
iede s .atpre-paratiionssfor a footasll
guise;surly it iasno relaltin i-ht-
siteser ts foostblsligamtes sr ue hie of
lt-its. isis t -inatusie fsscelelsbita-
tss issiissitn siunon ndalists-If-ast.siot for

rors--andutfans. ht fr isissi of the
hltetsigsssiontii. Iif tistsutltimast cdi
ofi tsesfiir is list s igils iii.it idieel
becmesa tfilre; for sther esiatre
siris fter snt at all. sr oslyic-
denstls- ansi feehly, As a saler of
flit 5 istsaso curldibeyondiitself. Stc-
cecsstior te banquet swih all that in-
cuties o ssccess for he Uio, is
entoughsl. Mass iseeisgs are sa art (f
o tr regslar weeikly rouinsse For jstl
ontce te (jiltsistslte Uiersity feel
tie siesd1f ifuntionseil iswh-Iics so-
-emnsistyredoinatsssses sitestilariossssess.
Bendii isenv fctet t-o te ais of this.
titdaums simes-ting if i aiss.ots does
nits (indelr Ohewisels. io withiosut i.
sit; ts sit Disisrts srteFnix.
"Whastlis this-reatl1jois ofte Stdteit
Councsil Y iisi tquestionuthatlissilitsbees
ther sousres-olfa godideslso f steeulaions
ils ii.tiste. iTo tagiotdsmany- ihas
seme-sd tatissmigs tnSssosli ae
a1 ste ir-ttual ssndsdignifie-sfunssietois tist
list ifi smerely laing lutrse-maid to
st- fretsihmaniclsisswih asu bsts orbsesdsi
titlst osit bs s-nergie- ssiin telst Its
laest stepthalitsof attempstsigsscc it tss-
plish smesttsig iwortshtle ii the reg-
ilatin ioifte r-lat is1 of ue stdest
bodshto hislii-ton sauthries, si-cmt
Iti is 55rue -. 5as sists-. listse-,saidhttut
a stdetsti ssiistenale-tite livici-i-lass
lus sitsch s rsiatry ciienit
si tsha t b sitfmsuits lis 5rights
to tcit i iist iih iimf ha trspniiitlty.
Nevrtheles s thr cii auhofties shass-
tse rigit tushetitty s t intanusedsc
if a itdit iuetsosexsrcse ts ito suspendi
th sditsaryt titnst sf jhii)stiCtiti0si whilr
trin thetr- it-itf tsil tes.ri-ch, for
itnstisces is hdtne itsstir isivestiltcoorsri
an tint 110itit tisrst ingitsade oss
tithse iho itsediisuchieuaion, mssiigt
vetysptolil yle tdtlis,'grntingtheir
-eicie'ncsy inthlecas f i sdeintIath
tse StidetusiC .onitiA9sudnt as a
sti elt t s hmseslf ssin ipicsr sitsisses
ousileothlistviu gii'rmtt un-d5isrer
wihssehs resitdes. Ile is lorkedh upon
andtft-lsishimitef as atstsrageitsa
srn;lad is-hlstinssg o thi
walsisth Imakigststs- as isisletslie is
govensduitdfesioftin tuatuthis-i-hass
lienci isitiwithsita viwtotshis unjst
restrainsut nd rtadiiisterelwis t sit-
tush re ndrtstsful hashnutess.Iilt
iass- is thus asitnsuail ue atdsoatue
isc sscstss-ist-meilres -forthe shar oioss
adisjustmetie osf slit r-lationis eisisgle-
twetenltie ss stidet st-s-cisitgusen-
siu iet stow udgown,-ssiosssl e ston-
flrit-us-lsos at ties a tnhdfor the
regtlationsfs-tittasisilise ii mat-
srs its s ish ich t- facsltyta'esalt-ihad.
Maissssdiusionssfrostsabloe arouses
dist itsat inthtitswoldshalite-ibei it-
santly acqiescaed itshsid it been ut
isish its Is. retresesstaiscstuset boh-y
adins.saitacesthe~uslittic secisiost
itusushveitu ensus15sfforth bhastuintti-i
couni cosientsis slii-bhs-tt uiposdils-
cove-ring ansituactisgupo le truth.
Studen-ittil-fsltsenmisens.t is iswor,.
hush ini relatuontoit oss-sinint itsvessr-
s-sityatorities is the iseasl. Is i at-
taisiales Thiss s i s ort- seriosiquites-
ioatt tush isait i ieter to at-u
tid andttusfailuid thansneer to ae triesd
atal cilsa oeiiisigns tast the Coii-
cilh stemsiat last usilling to atenpt to

atsse cport if tse respotisibsiliti thai.
was itntendiedtto lit tlaicedilstptontit: s:itsI
osrganiza'estiont. Perhsaps iit-will ntsble
fosndslescIt toeasure usit its isrespont-
sibilities. Perhaps if iftldoes it trill sot
Isaac the general support of public opin-
loss that trill lbe necessarv to estoablishs
its rdecisions. These questions can oniy
he aswsseresd by expterimetit atnd cx-
periessee. At otty rate, it still be wiorth
rhsile to iry to settle theti. 'T-e Coust-
cit ought assutresdliyto ftils these fusnc-
tiosirn if it cannssot it reminus to ise
sects whiere is ts istifiesh its right to
Ontthlii-otier handi,swhile the islea of
hue Couitncil is si sort of sftudentt supreme
ctourt, to wusetdsecisiottalaltsaill sow-,

auppueals to uis as embthodyinmg thte protier
stphere of actiotn for itat organtifont,
st-c ito sot thinktil hatsitis isjustilfietdits
asusinttg allthfle funtiotis of asuiiser-
sity Govecrinmg body-. It oughst sot, fur
itnstnee, to site tanoa great iiniumer
cii excsstire sant legislastire powseri
whiichs at onssee sivert ifs essergies frost
ts- Judicialfheist snduitiniishis ts prs-
'thie Michuigans footbalhl test isllittbe
giv cuas sty-o al ecoe wht e nrtif t outteys
is Nashvsille- this week. VTseswhsolescty
alone; w uits Vaniderl tuiersify is gus-
isgato eceive- the fttusm unitthe sf0-
deunts thsttalccomttanyittwith otpetsartms.
Preceedinig the game the etire Mieh-
igatn delegations sill hue takens aroutdt
thus city- in austomobshiltes asnd shots-i the
sighuts. Intshieteeing ofter thu gamue,
us lugstance trill hue givesn by- theUPiser-
sity- chubits tshonor if ste yictuigostvii-
Thisi till hue the first visif of the foots-
shi team s ts Vatnderbsilt.
Flue greatest erowdt in thse hitory of
tier fosotbasll career is expecedsbhis-Vots-
dterbilti fi attend this gatme, atnd the
athleticasusouciatiot s Iaplannting accordl-
ingh'. ,e-ry availalise space-outite
gridiroe is beitng utiledt. Nt-us bseach-
ers suite sects built smut at latgeustninitg
roomsus ltuifourmiwstilet stittaccommteodaste
3.00ooopsfle us toss ttider cotnstruetions.
lT-erailrotadsasre goinug tsrussn ex-
eursirots fromtusalt sorts sof she sateteo
flue gamest. A getneralt tholidauy hisasett
teclaredthitt alt thur preparatory schools
stud colleges thsroughosut Tenntessee sandt
they' are going his turns out its Stilt fore.
A spitl blsock, ofonte thosusand tseals
tias beent reserved for hreparatory stu-
dents attd toaruding school girls. A cer-
talus sectisoss of te bleachers, simsilaur to
this Michigansm rootisng sectionu, hiss beets
resersvednfr hufle Cosmosodores,schuss sre
saitd to hue seeonsd to unosse its the lute
ofi rootitng. The rest of the seats sitt
be tichrowutsopetn to flue ptthlicitsgesneral.
See our cosuplete line of Michigan
pits, fobs asnd sosuvesnirs. f-atters
Jewselry Store, 2i6 S. Main street. rod
LOCST-rown-s Dachushundusputp.Fitnd-
e plesesnsituify-faun Cosrnwsell Plae, his-i
phioneus396. ,3i-3'
LOfST-A plaiun goutdhbantu rinug, extras
uwite. Flister please reurnes ts 711 E.
Annu street, andi recds's- reus-ard. 31-2

Tis us the tints of this year t
think ouf
Foot Balls--
For years we bate sold
thue hest makes is Sweaters,
Gymnasium supplies, Foot
Halls and Sporlinig Goods.
Everybsody knows our
prices are eight.-
Foot Balls $1.0:to $5.00
LCoeieretty lBookstore


uSRINSI (.A-SytiClAiT'
portin~ o oobs
A tlssge ilium uupint fisthwish
sueetat ensasmelust fooduidistssod
thus-smutprisms d T eibie tg-
gust uralst $6.00.
WM. ARNOLD, Jewler

- i ..._._ .,


No student can afford
to neglect the culture side
of his education. To sing,
or at least to hi able to
appreciate good music, is
a very desirable accomp-
lishment and to well
worth the effort of every
University man.
Classes in sight and en-
semble tinging havehbeen
organized at the Univer-
sity School of Music,
under the direction of
Fured Killeen, especially
designed for University
students. Special stress
will be laid on the sing-
ing of "Michigan" songs.
Evening class Mondays
at 7 o'clock. Day classes
Tuesdays and Fridays at
4 o'clock and 5 ocock.
Tuition $5.00 per semester

the Students' lecture tssociatiou
Season 1907-1905
Premier Lecture Course of the Weft
SOUSA' S BAND Emil G. Hirsch, D. D., LL. D.
John Temple Graves Dr. Wms. J. Dawsoni (London)
Dr. Brander Matthews Leland T. Powers
Hon. John Barrett Opie ReAd
John Graham Brooks Oratorical Contest
- Open Number
See -"Prospectus" for Dates and Explanation of Open Number


Tickets for Entire Course . -
Tickets Reserved for Entire Course -


S. L. A. Office, Main Corridor, University Hall
T'reasurer's Hours, 41to 6 daily, Saturday excepted.
Michigan State Telephone-Office, U. of M. Exchange, 68.

dir -


Phone ,590

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