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November 06, 1907 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1907-11-06

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The Michiga .n IDaily1

No. 38.

General Sale Is On-Michigan-
Chicago Talk Bobs Up Again-
Vanderbilt Post-Mortenms.
The etmbers of the athletic astcat
tin wee all owed tt pttrciase their tik-
es yesterday at the price stiplatel by
he Conference i it reform session-
ity cets-anid totay the geieral sale
f seats for the Pettttgtttte awil iegit.
Anyl stttdentt tf tle uttiversty may pr
chase ote redistedesicse tilket itt tie
tsdest setiot. swlile the sle of re
served seats will le tlrowttoetoitte
-ettral pttilic at tie satme timtte. iDire-
tieriBairti desires ttettphasize tle fact
that atnynse fousis tatditg itt litele-
sre 7:30 will ioeehlis tutetn, s tiere
re pentty of eats,ettttlno ttmatter hI
long tlMine hsapptets tit le, it xwi le
imps~ossile wiltthet persisttaloectls
cis seats to tse ttp netrl tll of tie
-eats tie frst ea of te sse.
Untussual interest wis iseiii shown tte
sharvystale of seats to Atietic Assca-
tisnt memslers yesertay utudteiiggest
crissdltiat ev er at tieedsgttteitt Asi.
Arboer is assured. Cousntisg tie sest-
tathaeeenesatpplieti for li>vumahit r
ters, it is esthmated that alratymetae
tant7.00) seats hIsestenlit"ioulds. N ris
tmsnt tre bttty essisiletig tlic cistils--
tiots f entilbleacerts wichs w sill srlos
li amptitheaitrie.
A. shryemantatinlg IfrstsCiiiasges
after discssitg te potitstitioi f si
gamelesecens Chicaigoiad sitsI nlnsestai
scxt syer, teisives te tlk f a resp
titos of stsle tic e ltiossseitswitssitscih-t
gaitansi Chiclago. le Ch('is e nd sii
sMitehin ee pritIoabtestsppesns-tesisori
deleight by the rooters, iso have lsoniige'
for a resumpsltioni of footal reltios
witht the mnei0f Ystictersice te
breaktutun s-isis al s iat iseitoslit-
tependenton sltNliignssidecitsin to
conforns t the cofesresce rues. uit
lern nte tusrn te sllsgiate sits irs sre.
tking, aistis ni of toth shos esi lii
predict thatilthe iwisleres iill stind
sitnte saegroundsiI siths te iter
eigt cntfieresce scshoosltsilethesis-sta
mseetinsg f tie reresetatti es ises
siace iss Chicango te sitstiiofithistmsonit.
There ailltsli estis-50ostale ito t
signsing of te cotractslbses-sn Cicatieg
Cioaches sait facuslt ss-ssmembes f le
miajority- (f the sholtos isie e t
Michiganl still blierftelcty isilligtis
abide ly se "trec ee" rule ithie
futulre, sihe i is regardedt as pracicaly
cerainlthatse-cita-noes tiill b lshtses
nienstiear lie the '"iirisx -irep~resentae-
As far as Miihigsan is cnicere, te
ailer of a ganewithi te Maroos is
' beinggisentlittle tiisugs t reset,
sslthoughsisswosls occasiusislittle-str
rite if Michigan aeec fssly boosikel
to meet te self-acliedin es etess
cian-pions. At pretests Directore lBsiri
is -lead over heels inl sork, oigito
tile proxmity of tit- Pennssgmlse, situ
testork of arranging es scedisle fr
lie 1908 footbanl sesols is ieig sir
"I hat-c heard nohinginews-abouset ca
game with Chicago," said Direcor Balesd
wehen told of te sory to te effect tit
a5 gamte wssprisssbablle "Wte havecgires
littleilotghts Itsolsle1to8sceulsse, adi
nothing will lecone its that diretioni

until after tse Pennsylvisalsigoose is osit
of the way" -
Judge Victor ff. Lane also deiedleansy
iknowledlge of negotiationis tendinig to asi

resumpit~tionsitof eatletierelatioslit st-iiie
Nlidsitscsi hoosssshuitt~s. isesed fistoraly
inclinediistswassrd teiset.
"WhisiTae Il hs-'ierdl notig uf it.
1se'nosts resoiniis'hy wet-solsisnsts
ren'tiet ioniiss iwithiisCicsgo, adinii l
thatsicase i is mstpriobsialesetht-ce
wouid ii iets-eltheist is footbaltl. NW'eteri
sr iso t-cplit- Chicatgoset year si-
pond.ils mo st etirey upon te caenge
in athlicp-olay sliet sill te effectsd
b: slit-eseognizaeetiniof te bosari of
consstrol.NWhaet sialcsasige stillte, noi
site scaitsforecsit''
If, asee Cheicao satoirties sti- to
thinksi, Ni iciigansist-ll sdeciss'toiiadopt
tConferenceuenhs stts'let Ismetig
of te ilg Nise'ste ini Deceisbeir, it
tril mi ieansisliet CatasinilR-oss-, Cie, Dusl
sid thoses sill be ieligiblse lioi tresck
- tiselissnteat s pring; T'aft, IKelley. Gid-
'r sitund Nedseliitill lessrree frois
suital: ndliselsill le lsts tolens
-sr's footbleliteesis. Ifist cier, te pol-
icy oftewscshoariestoficntsrutlitilliie--
I e aree toingitoti litse ags itsof
11sowagi 5t55m, i-isisfelisimunsst
- -eilee-tliet youtcanttilof aninistat.t
e aeless heetwis-swseekseeleft. T'ti
sn'tiilone sit set-%issiesstae teloots
fis Viihstilt ibeomties tnecesary to
Est,te sill 'ue 'ieout, isijsititas
Io'sit sts'eissistligspelil is edede
is hiott gisintheitre'ansiturrtsey
Slitteur-ysll te tii'c. Speesd giger
:Idigoto-hea ist-alis1ishts we'stihalst
',r he emiintiig ight iles -fi srear-
Sgnal psaticetreently liatse siown
o uhicliationnthti ie seart ii sisse
te- ase s5\pslay-rs tthuso sp te
siay, issd (Captaini Nisgfittsge test
enssriocusssleesreiesre st t isewok
Egnii las ighs. ,lie'alsilo itimtedli
ia - loaferisire iio twated sisnte
am 'is, test eisiv-sni thssughs1t'esitl)ws-t
L- srilianti sie- placess f loaefes istssls
11 fledib} menitu pesnt 'iigrain'gthii
ic'liii 5'
1s a s es tlt ositheii- tl, tle sessit:-
fillsdIthroughsanl mitn'enitl satitsftieesise
orises1 isisIsis Iennsi bieieit sere tech
sime adte 5vil-it shoedlmere
isi1s'IeslThe i si museits ifse li' isi
irik ste riiigeissith'ie-majoritces-
ut-terug upwi lihe strus.itsGut-
-sitatseta'idisi thlietitte tstack-ess'noe
i-tithsof t it liiit who erin t
Ii eua iiones tllls'the' lst
Its'i stum wsmsasisiu ittftus. At
ttaeastsyssitakigusie f tesue
- - -isedsisserltimst's thits-se-
Cates ansus i sbs wrstushifteilbacsto t
le posit ios te eslist piethue'
rcr patrsitithis ccsiasin, .'ess' ginsg
:Ittackles acstsh Islts paitg ell
ar.It is pousslehsositouste, tat te
ift is sitsistite faisthat Emttieis
sisesispesh tstemporrilty hby a twstedes
nee, and5thasiet letil he t tckle in
'l' P-stil gamsse. iHotierser,usluiessis
tes' mendits rapidlyii it is pobabule slies
'etwoitmientilsethoccupy the sme rea-
ii positisith ie Pen getsial
hey heldlu lsts ights sliting te sign al
Right halfbackiescotinues o give
saseis uts cnssierablse troishle. Doug-
iSs lssrecovteredsfrun is t tassck f
ussilis sufficintlsy his saltloehist gel
slt fusepracic, btshelidusnsot get ito
:Ic varsityleupi~. It is epectel that
it ill hetle thisar in t itIis reglar
psitiosn todaey.- Yeterday Alerdice ansi
Stitlis5, stillsi'edilonoris' at liii-jots ash
sugisig russmiit -y Ssllivaes iebeen
-comtib"lately, it loks like ai safe bet
lut te litle bauseal captains till Ibc
st rights haluf i tihest fifteesnminiutes
f sisy its thu s'hle th tissthe ist-tiing

uNfter cs-tiduerablsc delibseratioss Coachs
Ysitud irieuctor iBird decikledl sial it
(Conitinuedi on Page Three.)

Many Students Object to 'it-
Expose of Dishonesty Made in
One Instance.
N. strosng ssients agint tie dem-
itsstestie stecoeusso1f tie te n Oi its
eturnsfrtrusts ihvi le Snday ights is
'teisig expressedi by mansiy-f te faculty
msesi antdconsevtilte tuindergrdtes
Aests. Prof. 'Thomias, CoctYost atd
h. Ptton.uus stf te Cogregational
- -lust s nitestit con emnulosing wst-lssto a
resl ts t sui ueeed tsits a desecation
it te Sabluthisi
"The stuttenstouturstss of Sutndsay
ights is, in iltltuus opiion, aeds sgrace to the
Lrivsisuslt"saidi Ass. Prof Thonas.
'hrfestso s oe -soulTruebhlod, wills
elomItihavlutssokenssaouotithe affair,
grees usthismue situ thoeughs I ave
'hoistis sNit itbutaIfess uhers, I feel
tet lt-maoitsyussuo f faculty mntsare
f hitsameSuits ion.555
"fi stiere ieesry- flute ueteamsito
ztr SUits davs s ichstltculsd hae bent
isis suvidedlis th e pre set isstance
y thuesing ov11"uter inTloedo sunti
luuussi5 moluistgl" scotiiuedlProf
tie as it isas erhtaiy ass act of
'-witt o tu iltthus past of thi stueti
sui to wtelcomisse thes iteiisgunsisand
ellirstotshyii srsegardinsg this' wishes
tel o5pinionuis of itait twseplnse, fac-
Ity msulembs ntl righs-minded st-
cuts. I sli strtblamesse stuttdesi
.<ecisuhy te ussdserelassmene, who swere
- int siste saffair fuste stospart by
dhu enitu. [itifact terealiMaine soy
z latu id t te tdoour f te ichigan
'psn,-hiehs sent so feteas his ap-
oi uesassutnnittcu' hisbusy atodlattentdlto
se sisseihutui suitoftfiresorks, ansi'lTtn
suit,)-itwhichs tia'ete ls putblicity
usuursedsithis'studs to u trnsstsots If
oi suie else luts it, t shahl certainly
chg he mstehtr beore te faculty. It
timue thastthsie suduentse learnsthatet ruh-
hismis nsut ecullege' spirit, anti decsie
hiionby he proer uth ssoities titust
-ae seistols tehs themisthins fact"
('issue ist t es ssualy strnsg so his
isssntthi e mstste. "Nothinisg conhue
;ittieshbtosucsh'a denonstrationssecept
testsusrary entusiass s u nhlastng
el) its harmony wir ssthisthus' twnspeople
iiithue studiensts ndsh tins lg isste
its-stntutur lus helsre sidnsigtonSuSn-
55 lista baditay' tsget it'
Ier. Pttun itthus t'ontgregtioinl
"u- aid t It il otutesti- ht this
,stmc isditis comeusback scsiSsudy ees-
lg lustsusthus di hape, a stitchwec-
suitsbithlistftussr studsenshscousl
aruli 1e etsosrediitHosseser, sial is
far sthissfftais itshul haesgose,
udIii can itte5 1o5 possilte excuse for
itsitulsexhiitionustsit nie anfire-
.orsi hs usdidactuasly htke sice. Te
tsuessts oughtis relize thattmasy pe-
'ehe stogiesitsregardl to the
roerstobshservanstes ofiSunsday, sd their
)intiosti ar e enitiiedi to respect."
+IiCti~iBBRi)A NEVUiS 111EN-
Ca'tosu sitle eaecomtic song, or et ong
bout earsirl is, swhirs, atd what nt?
Cats youurecite' atfunnsy dilogte?
Bestsyosusdosit u ettillehi'stunst, either
l o yosus thisnk yous cossulearst a few
aucy sels reatiliy?
If youcaststhisasy f teseecthigs,
i-ll sree aslikeely cssndiate foe he cast
ii "MN~icigendaie," ts itNchigans Unon
Musical comsiedy, ishihs is to ie given
et Febtruarsy 18, t9, adul2. Each
stats wist reports at Room C, Univer-
ity IHalsl, Satrdayp at a p. s., for the
snensite for the cstst will e ssked to

lisplay lilt skill its one of te ahove
formsss. 'These fascts scene hroughst out
ait aoseest it1 ofiht'general committee

for the production ats night ithe
Micligan Union clubhouse.
"The candidate," said a mnessser of
te comssittee, "seed not e a s-nal
star, If he cast sing any song of te
lightsvariety fairly telletswsil do. lie
seed ot even be able to play Iis mwnt
aecomplanimnent. 'There till e sosme-
one presenl o do iis for him; or, if he
refer, he smsy bring a frient. Mess
awIo cannsot sng may- try ottwst-ilsa
diaoge or a vaudevile at. Is is not
necessary to knowvanything aout stage
:lainesg, althsosughs suds kiowledge sotsis
telps cossiderably. If a mast an keep
'is feet itt a fairly gracefuli masner lie
till do."
The commnitee on tryouts consists of
Cannie. Killeei, Herbert A Kenyon,
toy- D. Weld, ansI Albert A Lock-
'Te committee tibis tas appointed
'u' the directors of te Athletic Asso-
c:ation inoudevise a color seeo for te
'ennssyvasia game have decided upos a
nique plan A large block "i" has
cem laid outs in the cheernug sections,
hichs tvill e secions , H, anti I of te
serth icaleaths The tickets core-
pondinag to the sealits inle "M" are l
.aekeul with a eter M upon he reverse
ide. Its this way each san will ksowv
hether or nt he is incuded its the
Banntes, yellow on one side and hlue
'te other, aill e on ale Friday. Ct-ry
an its the "M" is expected hooIold sp
is bannser yeliots side out, swhen the
zlsasier calls for te "M" The rest
I those it the cheensg sections, those
ot included in the "M,'swill hold p
heir batnners, blue itle ot Iis Is
ay a large yellow "H" ott a blteack-
rosunsd cast be flashed over as eusussl-
ancinas the still of the yellmsteer.
After consiuerale time hatt been spest
iut seectinsg a suitable banner, ue pro-
osed by Lyndlons sis adoped. 'They-
il he told at fifteen cens fill1 the Tues-
ay' sight preceding the game, after
ids the price wtill e tweny-five cents.
'at order to sake the scheme a success
he committee desire tat every rooter
rovidehismsef ivit a banier Ordies
-m e placed with Lyndons at once
An unfinished gaseesecesste fresh
d senior late teamss, asd a victory on
', jiusninr its over ue freshsmensof te
sine depatmnt bylhe snaros smagis
f urn poisnts, were the ostcone of yes-
_'edety's isteclass contests, Thin late
ani wneaas declared unfinished on account
fdarkness and the resaining eights
hushtes ti-ll be played this aftersooss at
sty,. As pesent the freshsmen arc in
11e leas, it to ;,
On use kck-off the seniors got the
vantage, workinig the ball itto frest
erriory and soon scoring heintoud-
'-urn.Ott the 3-yardl ise the seniors
'umble, lut te ball si-ct oven and a
icior fell oni itlDunasn failed to kick
A few sinutes later a short kick by the
pperclastnen gave White, the freshmass
'iptain, the ball, and he toe through
lie field for a un of fin yards for touc-
lows. I-I mised goal
Thse second half began in darkness
and in the first two minutes Bennet, the
freshs quarter, scored a touchdown on a
'ske play White kicked goal The
ase was called because of dakness
ad Manager Gallup announced that the
remsaining eight sinutes will be played
at 4:15 today If either team it not
ready to play at that time the game will
b^ -forfeited.
The fres and junior its decided their
tip game of Monday when the third-
year men succeeded in scoring a safety
ini tieats minute of a ten minute game

The scone was nsade on a fluke. This
victory pus the juniors in the semi-
f puals.

Faculty Members Deplore Use of
(funs and Fireworks LastSun-
day Night.
Recents repors t the effect that the
"Honorus Systemuis nsotws operated iss the
Mtle' hdepsutmnsist, is successful were
stidelyudeniesd yesterday. Opinion as to
lte appliccy'is udiided. Various di-
closures of examiatonsude this sys-
testsits wvhich chetnisg occurred, have
sects sade.c
Cousequenisly the movment which has
ects agitated to test the hoor systeso
shroghouste Usniersity has aroused
contsierablse unfasvorablec comment, e-
pecially stuntng thse students wo have
had nctual expeienuce' ue it in ote
schools. 'ITe consessus of opinion
amsiong thsemi seems to e that ue sys-
temo is nt a complete suscess. Tey
bseievi' that i s smserey an usfai shil-
tg of thinrespotnsibiity. No ose wishes
to ledgehismel to"peacs' No one
a-imhes to lbe unsder obligatiosns to waths
iis fellowa stues.us Ie isishes to de-
sutsietisie timne and energies to Iis
ceamuination.s He wishes to tend to his
'fle honorus system as is s used with
reels'es of pledges pnmises and vow
inu, it s said, a true honor syses.
"'There cast be n such slng as honor
unsder sureillansce" said a stdent who
lihuasadexlpereulce with ue system "If
a profestsr cats inspire complete confi-
dence int Iis pupils, soul if his pupils are
honousrsble, lits cast safely give them the
quesions anti leave tie room without
exaucting pledges or making appeals
'This systems is te trie honor systemo
smdits sofutenuedsithsiscomplete success
it the L.itrery utud Engineering D-
patenssts ftiltUniversity. If an in-
structore cannomt gain sthitl confidece and
re'spect ands if Iis pupils tins- no honor
te ssteutmusst as. If a man has no
hnr he sil not develop it sddenly
uster aesysts'isosi iseges.Ile may be
deterredl iy' fersof his cassmates, but
this simsptuy makes themhsis watchers ad
shosuldhes tututhem te responstiiliy io
thte detrimntothueir sork."
its this connumetiotn, too, the following
eon usssicaionlusufroits si"ieuic," speaks
lute itself:
"EduitnrsfIeHIGAsNeD tiss'
I xwas osuchin sterestesd itelfavorale
report hut yesterdasy's DALin t regard to
siItussleoorsysset.' As I am a sedic
smyse, I shoulsd ike to conect ome
mistakes shichisthuselrienrf that article
Thse onue fauit nitie sysesm is tat
tse feloswsithlmush report ott one who
is weakherthanste est Let ome illus-
trate lhisebiy a fet exasmpes Last yar,
its the exanatissiont itsbaceislogy, ose
of te fellowss git the questions, tok
thenshnme andsrote thesm out in Iis
roomt, retursitg tn te class is time to
turns in hilt papers with the rest. No oe
mestsioneud this fact to shehim osor coi-
mittee, limt alien te man mate this
methodlknouwn to Iis friensds, someone
wrote n ansoymouss letter inoiDrNovy
tus hte maulwest exipeled.,
Again, itt on anatosmy exasminaton, in
sunhie hut oneosuldisnot hlteh ie other,
te entire citis segan to think out loud,
using this mseanus tot get arossun their
Musty of lie feloss have tolu me of
(Continuted on Page Two.)
HONoto so TacUttaON GEstCANg IE
Me. George Hlorton, United States
consul genserato he Bec, will lecture
on 'Life ini Modern Greece," at 8 pnm.
Saturday, Nov 9, in Sarah Catwel
Anugell hal, The lecture will e illus-
hated iithit sereopticon views ad will

tue free to the public. Me, Horton is
the attthor of a numnber of hooks sdeal-
inig wiils sie Greeks.

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