The Michiga .n IDaily1 ANN ARBOR, MICHi-IGAN, WE DGFSDAY, NOV'EMBER 6, 1907. No. 38. PENNSY SEAT SALE WILL BEGIN TODAY General Sale Is On-Michigan- Chicago Talk Bobs Up Again- Vanderbilt Post-Mortenms. The etmbers of the athletic astcat tin wee all owed tt pttrciase their tik- es yesterday at the price stiplatel by he Conference i it reform session- ity cets-anid totay the geieral sale f seats for the Pettttgtttte awil iegit. Anyl stttdentt tf tle uttiversty may pr chase ote redistedesicse tilket itt tie tsdest setiot. swlile the sle of re served seats will le tlrowttoetoitte -ettral pttilic at tie satme timtte. iDire- tieriBairti desires ttettphasize tle fact that atnynse fousis tatditg itt litele- sre 7:30 will ioeehlis tutetn, s tiere re pentty of eats,ettttlno ttmatter hI long tlMine hsapptets tit le, it xwi le imps~ossile wiltthet persisttaloectls cis seats to tse ttp netrl tll of tie -eats tie frst ea of te sse. Untussual interest wis iseiii shown tte sharvystale of seats to Atietic Assca- tisnt memslers yesertay utudteiiggest crissdltiat ev er at tieedsgttteitt Asi. Arboer is assured. Cousntisg tie sest- tathaeeenesatpplieti for li>vumahit r ters, it is esthmated that alratymetae tant7.00) seats hIsestenlit"ioulds. N ris tmsnt tre bttty essisiletig tlic cistils-- tiots f entilbleacerts wichs w sill srlos li amptitheaitrie. A. shryemantatinlg IfrstsCiiiasges after discssitg te potitstitioi f si gamelesecens Chicaigoiad sitsI nlnsestai scxt syer, teisives te tlk f a resp titos of stsle tic e ltiossseitswitssitscih-t gaitansi Chiclago. le Ch('is e nd sii sMitehin ee pritIoabtestsppesns-tesisori deleight by the rooters, iso have lsoniige' for a resumpsltioni of footal reltios witht the mnei0f Ystictersice te breaktutun s-isis al s iat iseitoslit- reainted. tependenton sltNliignssidecitsin to conforns t the cofesresce rues. uit lern nte tusrn te sllsgiate sits irs sre. tking, aistis ni of toth shos esi lii predict thatilthe iwisleres iill stind sitnte saegroundsiI siths te iter eigt cntfieresce scshoosltsilethesis-sta mseetinsg f tie reresetatti es ises siace iss Chicango te sitstiiofithistmsonit. There ailltsli estis-50ostale ito t signsing of te cotractslbses-sn Cicatieg Cioaches sait facuslt ss-ssmembes f le miajority- (f the sholtos isie e t Michiganl still blierftelcty isilligtis abide ly se "trec ee" rule ithie futulre, sihe i is regardedt as pracicaly cerainlthatse-cita-noes tiill b lshtses nienstiear lie the '"iirisx -irep~resentae- As far as Miihigsan is cnicere, te ailer of a ganewithi te Maroos is ' beinggisentlittle tiisugs t reset, sslthoughsisswosls occasiusislittle-str rite if Michigan aeec fssly boosikel to meet te self-acliedin es etess cian-pions. At pretests Directore lBsiri is -lead over heels inl sork, oigito tile proxmity of tit- Pennssgmlse, situ testork of arranging es scedisle fr lie 1908 footbanl sesols is ieig sir lered, "I hat-c heard nohinginews-abouset ca game with Chicago," said Direcor Balesd wehen told of te sory to te effect tit a5 gamte wssprisssbablle "Wte havecgires littleilotghts Itsolsle1to8sceulsse, adi nothing will lecone its that diretioni until after tse Pennsylvisalsigoose is osit of the way" - Judge Victor ff. Lane also deiedleansy iknowledlge of negotiationis tendinig to asi resumpit~tionsitof eatletierelatioslit st-iiie Nlidsitscsi hoosssshuitt~s. isesed fistoraly inclinediistswassrd teiset. "WhisiTae Il hs-'ierdl notig uf it. 1se'nosts resoiniis'hy wet-solsisnsts ren'tiet ioniiss iwithiisCicsgo, adinii l thatsicase i is mstpriobsialesetht-ce wouid ii iets-eltheist is footbaltl. NW'eteri sr iso t-cplit- Chicatgoset year si- pond.ils mo st etirey upon te caenge in athlicp-olay sliet sill te effectsd b: slit-eseognizaeetiniof te bosari of consstrol.NWhaet sialcsasige stillte, noi site scaitsforecsit'' If, asee Cheicao satoirties sti- to thinksi, Ni iciigansist-ll sdeciss'toiiadopt tConferenceuenhs stts'let Ismetig of te ilg Nise'ste ini Deceisbeir, it tril mi ieansisliet CatasinilR-oss-, Cie, Dusl sid thoses sill be ieligiblse lioi tresck - tiselissnteat s pring; T'aft, IKelley. Gid- 'r sitund Nedseliitill lessrree frois suital: ndliselsill le lsts tolens -sr's footbleliteesis. Ifist cier, te pol- icy oftewscshoariestoficntsrutlitilliie-- I e aree toingitoti litse ags itsof 11sowagi 5t55m, i-isisfelisimunsst - -eilee-tliet youtcanttilof aninistat.t e aeless heetwis-swseekseeleft. T'ti sn'tiilone sit set-%issiesstae teloots fis Viihstilt ibeomties tnecesary to Est,te sill 'ue 'ieout, isijsititas Io'sit sts'eissistligspelil is edede is hiott gisintheitre'ansiturrtsey Slitteur-ysll te tii'c. Speesd giger :Idigoto-hea ist-alis1ishts we'stihalst ',r he emiintiig ight iles -fi srear- Sgnal psaticetreently liatse siown o uhicliationnthti ie seart ii sisse te- ase s5\pslay-rs tthuso sp te siay, issd (Captaini Nisgfittsge test enssriocusssleesreiesre st t isewok Egnii las ighs. ,lie'alsilo itimtedli ia - loaferisire iio twated sisnte am 'is, test eisiv-sni thssughs1t'esitl)ws-t L- srilianti sie- placess f loaefes istssls 11 fledib} menitu pesnt 'iigrain'gthii ic'liii 5' 1s a s es tlt ositheii- tl, tle sessit:- fillsdIthroughsanl mitn'enitl satitsftieesise orises1 isisIsis Iennsi bieieit sere tech sime adte 5vil-it shoedlmere isi1s'IeslThe i si museits ifse li' isi irik ste riiigeissith'ie-majoritces- ut-terug upwi lihe strus.itsGut- -sitatseta'idisi thlietitte tstack-ess'noe i-tithsof t it liiit who erin t Ii eua iiones tllls'the' lst Its'i stum wsmsasisiu ittftus. At ttaeastsyssitakigusie f tesue - - -isedsisserltimst's thits-se- Cates ansus i sbs wrstushifteilbacsto t le posit ios te eslist piethue' rcr patrsitithis ccsiasin, .'ess' ginsg :Ittackles acstsh Islts paitg ell ar.It is pousslehsositouste, tat te ift is sitsistite faisthat Emttieis sisesispesh tstemporrilty hby a twstedes nee, and5thasiet letil he t tckle in 'l' P-stil gamsse. iHotierser,usluiessis tes' mendits rapidlyii it is pobabule slies 'etwoitmientilsethoccupy the sme rea- ii positisith ie Pen getsial hey heldlu lsts ights sliting te sign al racicte. Right halfbackiescotinues o give saseis uts cnssierablse troishle. Doug- iSs lssrecovteredsfrun is t tassck f ussilis sufficintlsy his saltloehist gel slt fusepracic, btshelidusnsot get ito :Ic varsityleupi~. It is epectel that it ill hetle thisar in t itIis reglar psitiosn todaey.- Yeterday Alerdice ansi Stitlis5, stillsi'edilonoris' at liii-jots ash sugisig russmiit -y Ssllivaes iebeen -comtib"lately, it loks like ai safe bet lut te litle bauseal captains till Ibc st rights haluf i tihest fifteesnminiutes f sisy its thu s'hle th tissthe ist-tiing 15akrs uNfter cs-tiduerablsc delibseratioss Coachs Ysitud irieuctor iBird decikledl sial it (Conitinuedi on Page Three.) THINK HONOR SYSTEM IS FAR FROM IDEAL Many Students Object to 'it- Expose of Dishonesty Made in One Instance. N. strosng ssients agint tie dem- itsstestie stecoeusso1f tie te n Oi its eturnsfrtrusts ihvi le Snday ights is 'teisig expressedi by mansiy-f te faculty msesi antdconsevtilte tuindergrdtes Aests. Prof. 'Thomias, CoctYost atd h. Ptton.uus stf te Cogregational - -lust s nitestit con emnulosing wst-lssto a resl ts t sui ueeed tsits a desecation it te Sabluthisi "The stuttenstouturstss of Sutndsay ights is, in iltltuus opiion, aeds sgrace to the Lrivsisuslt"saidi Ass. Prof Thonas. 'hrfestso s oe -soulTruebhlod, wills elomItihavlutssokenssaouotithe affair, grees usthismue situ thoeughs I ave 'hoistis sNit itbutaIfess uhers, I feel tet lt-maoitsyussuo f faculty mntsare f hitsameSuits ion.555 "fi stiere ieesry- flute ueteamsito ztr SUits davs s ichstltculsd hae bent isis suvidedlis th e pre set isstance y thuesing ov11"uter inTloedo sunti luuussi5 moluistgl" scotiiuedlProf tie as it isas erhtaiy ass act of '-witt o tu iltthus past of thi stueti sui to wtelcomisse thes iteiisgunsisand ellirstotshyii srsegardinsg this' wishes tel o5pinionuis of itait twseplnse, fac- Ity msulembs ntl righs-minded st- cuts. I sli strtblamesse stuttdesi .