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October 27, 1907 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1907-10-27

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The Michigan Daily

o0l.. XVIII.


No. 30.

Ohio State Falls Victim to Michigan's Stars Before
10,000 Spectators=..Michigan Held in First
Half, Scores 22 to Opponents 0.
Dtpitintg her tperformatnce a gaitt blehers were the parltisants of tihe honte
Wabash last week. Michigant tefeatedt crush . STe rootitg dtuel, frienttly
Ohio State yestertday itt a gatme stitti thotught it was, was onte wtiich hias never
tornly ctottesteti ott httsities, andtIotin ecteen ietualedi ontFerry Field. Both
int wtiich fttmbiling playedi a p rotmient contittgetnts stack lbytiteir teams totthie
tart. Thec visittors play ed fiercely tothte last. Ohio State rootets cheering as last-
irst salf anithtiat sessionttht evarsity iiy owiei leasinig tile ielti as witentthiey
cotttd amsass ott sp tpotts. In tiete ilin tiheirintitial aptpearance of tile
seeondl half, thowever, te varsty's afteroon.tit freqttett intervalts the
tffeinsiv e tactics werre nioticeabuly csaniged chrerig for thte rival teatms was in-
antd three touchtdlowns riestulted. gil ic itermtIptedilong enough-for tihe opptosittg
Mihigan the vitory lie a scoirof 22 1riseersig sectionlls to rise ens smasse and
to n. As game startedi it] steal footialextishatnsge coartcis. Micihigan i ittsgti-
:steatitetteas mtarredi liter ibs rails Whiich ratrd theutie iomisearly its thesaftertnon
started faliing shtl bet f iore tile ciose stills aoesnthusiastic cer of welicomte
of the talf. 'huensst ire sicound tolitwasliitltsirsar('restif theScariet anti Gras.
piayeuinit a coti, sirizzing; rain, sit i lth OistRail l Ohios Rahi
rootes.115n55 t 5the tire, steit;h Railrah ioh!

the weork of botteatns. At lis fea-
ltre of the gameisoweever, Mhligant
,outteiassedri icvictimt, is futmblhesipunts'
hy -Miechigani's sdefetnsive basckfilds were
in evidiete itroutghsost. iBut for tis
shtortcoiming-parily excuisaible as it 51555 I
becattse osf the slippsery condssitiont of the
bsal-'-Mihiiigan wosildsihare dosubliel the'
Straight footbsali, witih use islvers t-
temsptitig to skirt usee nds. use tackies
shosotintg fron thieir ipositionis ini the lisis
for plays arotintd the othter tacikie, cross-
sticks by tile halfbaciks, andsilittettmashsi
hy the fulliback, :Michuiganistriedrin itsn
to effect a thiorousghsfare thsrousghs the cit
ettly's lities till tihrougtghue flest ihalf.
The entire tallfst-as playedin i the terri-
tory nsf tite ettemy, bsitheuse actsetthss
alwsays whient crowtdedi agaitist their totn
gosal the visitoirs traced stubbostrnly, keit
tse Worlveriners fromsti heit pirhspiective'
score, or else a fumbsiledi punt at sa criti-
cail timeneipipied anthter binsg tucsh-
lotsnt. For thsoss' reassos Ohio ihld
Michiigasntsoialotte touschdownsin tsthe
irst half saitelthe sessionis eidedsi til
tihe si-sre h6to, Grahiamisleav-ing iickedi

Seats at Annual Dinner as Well Clip, Save, and Learn Them-
as lItem bership in Michigan Catchy Words to PopularTunes
Union May Be Obtained Now. Should Prove Favorites.

'Te \licisigsiiUhiouis batiqiuet esoti-
sittee sdistriiutedivlie isunsdred tickets
fos e b itg affa ilofNovenmher 15.
sitsg sthgelse ioslas s'hstslers yester-
Isis. (Sie thosandsssi moltte still lie dis-
tributtedi ttloac tutd si vigorosseffort
still lieibeguto isresins everyminti n
ste lit resise.
'ihe tickets sterehisited out at the
seitsng oflthits- iqtitttcsomittee ansd
Uiv esity- 1 tall, Sturidiss-frosn to s12.
Tihe stile itS tickset'siwill tie uindertaskeni
systticallytis. Ecir islssspuresdetthas
tppintid a ticket sellinig ctommiittee, tite
its u-sieman techtwselite-live stsi-

lbs lonsg sitsl1 std criedri hirresist-
live ieams'o2sitoitsgrester clftoris. Andt
te ti-su'notto lie toutdonseibyitheits
rooters, rceiss'iiespond ydn itsytot'e lsshas d I
fought fiercely for the s-,ect pifskin. At
itatthe Nvestiher li-its a diel~isapintmient.
C'oldi enoutghiiiit-hestart is to alicthes
tetItti-si-isik.tusnd i lte samse ltlie' it
sigsiratingf tsots-esois i, sve-s-sis netsof
the greast throntg is1 ti-n tosansss ws
keyedts highest pitcs,
'Teibleach'iersfittsted l itsmi pressive
siseetiscie as rusts aits- roetw- o1cfenhsis-
ic rootsersbitngth isuecolos ose
absoss' tile skylot nssr, The lOtistStstet
delegationitofil 1o1o testspasckedtiits the
sotitiblseachiers wstiists-e till it-its sf
sixty-tight ies's'giroupiedinitheli-critter
-every vsisite ibe-aerig 5Isrilet miefa-
phionet. Oppoissite' themistnii tsr list

th underedts fisoms tiiethousssndthrisats
si th t ntorthils lesslcis ascrsoss thilds
ath iiitutl-essaisd liotisColumbuihssre-
spondedtie ar trily-s-tan-dtswithamst as
-icitigstui'Rathi iciiigstitRats!
Rahtiruth! IMichigsan!
j )Opposed s si itits stetest rooinitg
evricexhsibitedh it a riv-al crsiwedon
'F'err} Fieldi, hiiriiigai's ceecrinag was,
it' iti i tad its-b, far aalaisss-ty belter
thn ssul. l it y-the lissnsiofscho-eni
cheess leadler , the setstasssstiembldhi
te chsserinug sectisotiknit Isaiths nosbly
sitd gasve the (Suiosvisitotrssa slight taste
is tisit ressl \ichtigainreotinsg is.
S~ihillWea-sthsercoitioss-as they sterr,
is %vasnasturaislithsaltsmblinsg shouldt
cha-ra~ctserie" toaigrester oreless degree

goal.ictket. sellers appitedtitbiefore use
Its the seconid haslf, Michtigsaittacksed. tmtsntt'S-st tsi it es- gist-istheir tick-
Instesasdof sattenmpting to isisrchis bus s ai t tosce. lis thlei-s wilt iesupptliedi
this fielfor touschdeown-ts by meaiof ci1tstitF iithe imbesip atsh banqtuet finasnce
straight iines-hotinoredi mthtiods, thincottittee its Itstillii is to itu dlfomtos5n
Wuolveritnes hrisughtiiitoploy a sarietsy t osi sdy iatste hlumniti r sss Abiot
of fakse kinks, invotlving forwsardhpaus us tsssese hdrsiant itully tutustiltlhoe'sell-
ands ot-side inks, whlicht, besidslbe- ie lg"itikets anitu ditsttioin tot isstiill
wilerinig the deft-nse-of the svisititn siso hsii tstionsmtembeirsips.
asggregations, iettedi three tuurisshutsis 55isis usles thue syi-tste swrkced ut
anth clinuhed tegame eytind siiay doittsubut hu sit- esal commstsithee'stei-sry nman
in the executuionotef thut'fosrwsasdsh ss instheyt t~liesiuy stilllie reached stion,
pltays Captain _VhagohStit, Rtueiitsehiidst ilusinte c-tse iif te banuuset tickets it
1hatnond andh Xastistunilstoodni outwill ntbe its5ihrely sato twailit lort'hie
piromnently, each nensber of the quasr- tatu hhits sstiu lii iis list. The coin-
let conttributing t hut liehiganituotalsbyis utitees urgiimmednuuuisate upurcbhuse from
brillianst work us this lhue iof attck. he itsits matnu whossshows aihsbunh of
Yiesterdasy's gamse- hrtsveilthtst tutu ics.ls If you idotni'ttnow iho tytour
thu 'MSichtigan offensse muay sot hue tuptuot class cussmltitles' is" still Chasirmians Mh-
use statidartd ef theldsunhchamutpionshuipkstilles ss sitthi nqsuuueti financse noun-
higia-scoirinageleenus repsresentitng Mth n itlit usestersily, 'seey-ur clss lres-1
gant.thin variety- oflthe Wolve irinue at- u idet tusucs. 'sWeii-ill try ts-avea
toncindtlhue nmarv-elous strenighiolflie lull list ofl sll ticket sellers fl ute bthlicai-
defetuse are goitug to nmake Yostsise levens Ltuuionil Tuetsay's 15)st'"
this seuasonisuitaggregahtti st-hinthtitlst IOwuingctisthureact ttsitvneal stseak-
use fearendtu re issec'uted.hAlthuughtfrs'e- es listseunstyst acceputnedIthur uinvuiats
qhuentily forced iby (huoto hutttSuch to esndusto htoaissts. thu-enufograhiflusthe
igasu enssfllhy pullestiof1ft'nought new sinus uti slsht ttompltete. Ili a genh-
1110ys ts coutfurssetines and ciiususiveteutlwLhwee, it isprentty well set-
vasrsity ussubhssttsi uictry. A hi iiedilc thatituher e sehatllits-eutie spt-eerit
tuttle timetuhle sisitors stund Ithu r- runtsresentthe oinldier geadtelsonssie ts
:city dese ass-ats a nt asss lii Casethu .'isc upuesuthe vc5 uusie, suts- fue thin fan-
hi, A. C. h d ' a shsinircolidsh sits- us s ultyted oe sfo t tudsegradtuattes.
stout, Lihse all oft hu e'ssitiofStose ihe icec ul iu I nd the umndiniutclb
schooliss,(Ohuiuo State Stailed tsus-gushiuts st lttilltuisthis-gaps lbetsinutoasts
asitngleflest dosssnanthistse hush tittidstill closethi e-ueitug, is latsheat,
iganut iss ai record-lprobblyti po sseses itilTheii uctores. Songs itill beu'sunug
by- tutuothsert-eamutuIusis uheiountrty.-sut-she 1 a uartit cteconssistinug of Richsardi
hsas uneithserlienusecred agtainst ithis su s it ora-si hn I techIl-tare-- teeker,
suit, stir tits tutuy-opponhenut suu'ee'uls antush ili 1 1sou T hlii Stll prohgrtami
ini msakitng tent yaeths inithree cults suutit sil i t ipoalybeitueadyiifhirspubtlicatliton
dowsnus. lhut situ
yestert -u. 'Thc' t-trk if Catin iuh hs (C111 TR'Ill I tug11O11DUtCtE
giuffut, Schlzh, Itteli tutu huiuusnld lui 51 F ht I \( 1111N h St h hERI151,
stoouuit uiourse prsuomintenttly- itsthe s tull
than ds idithau tlt-e ithelieu'it-itherus oI I tut foittuleic-ust osithue Circle
the ur Buus, iitaluSotnofthts'plasnyer tts iumtius e sucas weretiesi ldi sestur-
lailnul ts o d till lith us its execteduiofitayi 'Hitning inSr hCasellAhegrl
huts, Hhadian ttsiler plasyercutlrus hull. SA umberuluc f cand uidtsswsere ont
thin footbllhi showns-i by Schulz ynetstIay, itndIasitheit isiusuuuits uslofujudges ex-
cotslumni5s-iwouhlhas-n it-eeni nesisareto liesscdiits "c'uuiisscuiuuuu iovicethu showi-
desribe iu. hs itis, it is' sutffcint to uuIs Iu sl, uuusu'e sttre
say thaat hue playedh uptuou Iis stuaditd, us still e xcellenimmatsneriauIl wic-hhas1not
There has iteenalutile leaur couunerning asin'yetutppeaeand uhiinier tsosobtaitn
tvspositionus.'tutfetur was p rs t htshistsica setlpossile,antuuuhuer tryout
proeunfotuuuudd.lrc mbstt ashoweds-rimhut isill itsrobatbly be tiuld.Th'~etimse ound
sell hthune a giattast guarut.hsaundiRusts place sill busanntuncusedhtext stuck.
usry' is-uek o ruie st-a ~ 'thshiesen u miIbsuuueerhiltthe ('serie uro-
slielillte-ienieseThrsais swoers inigettinug losswn tl tlt1sieu ex ltseuty au
thse finishutunepunts wusittuls' shorut ofthlon at Ii4'cluchksin thise''iTpanhllh
unarselosus,; andelthrlouughouut thetgam Inslitcttusesroom. It wtill his' talsuk 01n
playitngseas a revelatiion.his plauce a- Victr Ingo aus a51Satiric Poet.i" No
pears to hue'citnhed.l TIher sthereis-whatse dmision wutiill hue-charedt. IDSnails of
salue' std ulreaudy bitt-rut ovssehd-livedhup thin i seels ill-sta unssua rgeramh ftr thur
to tbeir repuitautionsu,wis-hntisti siufficint year i iiilite ubttislis st'ejit sari of
eulogy. sexi tweek.
Thue unior mediucs forfeitedl their
'his"Cataoiun thugnffiui, tush rightly, gamtousth hus- tiuieuissSaturdasy umornitug.
moutgut the honor fore ling tesel-n lie pIs is ssswill Slsy in-.the semii-finlsi
hoer rohe in teefeature accomlsishmnent Isi nutomrwagist uthu s ssittmeedics. 'Tue
of thae contiest. hAbouth he midle of =u fresh nits sues will platy off thin tin with
(Contined on Page Two,) thi s ipius at thin samte titian

'hhe uttusical sudehnts srouttds thur cons
pus have writen a lrge uumbr, of
footbalsol songs to hreusud at thur mss
maeetingsagi dl lPenunsy gae hhe fol-
loseitngterre pickelotnt beause of the
famsiliarity of thartnes atd their
catchy swing It is hopend that teir
publuicatuionu sill simuluate liar produc-
tiont of sothers,ohll sotgs should be
scit ustoliar Athletic associatiotn offie
'ruincomunuttuee swishtthatutaonyourewho
tat atuy suggstionus foe yells swoul
seud theuta intt hSe sareplce. Than
readers of Tilte DTLY vaeraevised o
cut these ostltndtulearts thins Other
sonigs swilhe pubuilised as reeivee].
'Tuue--"huh Rater 'hTso-Stp 'Tha
Weurer goitng to eowsns sout or hut, Penual,
Seine cgingct uhdownutyos todaiuy;
Out Past you'ire gootd, Pneu,
Butseer outS for hbloo,Pentuit
We're out o eat sout (suit!ys!)wenl
situaply-rat you,
Fori sell oauways reennse lst yar,
Now uwe rout see yousu for dulst
Fosrswtrds,ue cry--SisiesathBlhii, o
1or si,
Foerseer going thisloenuue iuor lutst]
'Tunue- :Shy Annt".
Pennsy! 'Penntsy!hYoturn ol yosur trol-
Wue'llhbeat:ut tl-wuell et 55o1,
AnsI after Slur gtame, hby gslly,
osull gus sck, ack, ak to ol Pensy,
While see yell Isor tush swin-i-gn-
Rah! 1Rah!u Rah!t
(Rehfpnatuwithhout s aas'I
'h'un-"hrrahiu Sntiut,''( sw yell,
Ra, rahi, nu.) :
Mtaizeandh lne,west-n-Irue ts'syousu,
We'rewstllsyouu tlitnuis,
D~ears oldlhiichigan!
We'll sing yoturupuite throughl slee
Andt 'l eh rinuksa tast to thur Meltof
'he mn wei ihutsstod this'test
(Y'ell) -Raht! tah!I Rals!iRah! i ch-
ilth! l ihitgtui
Champinistso hi t hest!
ihtiiganu hoorah fluteyosu!
Michtiganu, lug scornfoe y out!
SWecstant ytouu ts shots'Pensyus
Thast yuroutanrip'rt, rt ' ult
uR~ip hemip; ne hustletoay,
Welh shuts uPenntsyhs-huwtpity;
junhst ogain luat goatl of suits,
We sill use titlrIsotbsll shos -
sck sentflut yours, Penunsy!
Unietlsssiy of SIMihigant Finish Sontg
('ho bing t othe uln f "Marylandu,
My Marylatns.")
(S Michigan, our Michigai,.
thuw nobly floatuthy colors,
'Pity yellow ight will sitsthit tigt,
Ahndhswitt we' tmus, by tmigha tad right.,
Thhy suts-so trite swihlull usitthurouugh.
Om-terital wilh this dhay sons ruen
I) 'Michigan, isue Michigan,
Hiuw nobly fotliy colos
E IThis verse wstitentespecially bitethe
Pennsylvaoniai gme. (Toihe suntg to
the sanme tutte as than U' ofikt. iiel
Fullh, many it-yar, sernv hestto un
Anth nee otan muual lastselanfo Iundu
Who couldthduio outr lieso tre.u
Outr Yellow bright will sanqish you,
So, btrnusy Der, we htv no ea,
'Shis is yourtitoe to shedh a tar,
0 - Michigan, our Michigan,
Hots- nobly Ifloatthy coos.

FvuuuTxc , 'isisT-c i'fusoc 1907 Tint'gcostv 'tlt.lBe Scored lUponsu

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