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October 29, 1907 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1907-10-29

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Th Mc hignDal


No. 3r.

Athletic Director, Backed by a
Stringent Law, Confident of
Ability to Suppress Evil.
itvery tpossible preeatn 01ais been
tak&en by the managemtett of the Ath-
letic association ts preenst ticketslces'
lationt it contection witi the Pensyl
alia gme, and Diretor Baird has ex-
pressed his cottftettce istihe ailits of
the mnagemtett to frstrate any1 pro-
eedst operations by scalpers. lie re
glctests tie earnest support of the st-
stiichs its its eil effects ot ott the
Wtiletie asscitiot, butttonlttiepll'P~i.
it was ieswito tdrftedi the ill-in se
ctritg tietpassae11y te stte legs'
mIncue of asswswitthltpoides for tie
ttutnislttett of iersonls covictedelif sell-
tg seats for atiltitt gane, or a111 s-
ttents tf stttlaIt ciaracttn.p rices 1n
adratteeo(atheitr priteidin1111
tikets. Moiover.11sfel~t sc111 ts'IIarI
tvailaitle forlte ti i 1111 it1 1(0(111l
to precldes'1tilepossblitillty f Cc "
FeryFirids I (bleas 'i 11111120,011
andwsisle att (Ittlceetelllllvti' (cc
crowd1 is expeted, 6 it is hardclii> (tc'
these figtres-.Accrditgiy calperstii
findttituntttitablle ateii mpl (l ((it to pi
eotet'fied. Tst'recentt iaso Itiec
rit dring tie sae(f sels forc (il
wor'tstitaspionlittsipiiseries sholdshoti
tile atuse of 1ableI' tlitlngemetlle and1111i
tie sreltttuslteffort (f.IDiretrlBirdcl
are gien tie sptttl o'i(f till stdetli
brekitgecrwds'illnthelhanilelid witioIt
a htitchs.andi thuti 1111tl ighteslpoli-i
bilit of lly f tille11pa trsbeig i-.
Thutrelt'tiiyle ofa tratillforill,
lig gatte sriil egilt 1( s da1y'51, 'and
emtties of tile'Aleticiassoclitiiona till
the noth rlahes.Th nie mIIot
letic ssoit5ltlitsnI:
Pil' of saCts is aolos
h'ot ;et etwIseell te 2-etrtitln'
Bloxa. s ro e h ((yrli tnet
usae edls lottiIldi 11eats l~'ill act'
Latstihlfofenrth seleachtrttatsto
stdent n mesif11 of( l thli etUnier-s
sity, 5(o censtselci.
Tickets silttbe soltitheitsftll'sowtig
OnTuitestdny . s;s. at 8ia.t. tier
twil be slti lat te(ffice(f te Ahletiec
lSSOtCiati~lttt.42 81111111 S~sle street, is-
msemober of te sslliltielltatttuylblt'111
tase seat inth is tion ndltl1(11 101ust to-
dtte hits tmettbieslipt ticet to ln-hs
his set.
Ott Wedntesday, XIIv,66, t8 i .,it
there twilIe It geeal seatsthtie attvet
ofiee of retitted price tices to mett
iers of tie Universiy astt also a s1(11
of aliotttier tickets itote geerl publd
lie. Only one redttced price ticket wil
he sod to asy mtetbe of tie Lativer
ity and no reduced price tickets wlli
be sold itt the satse secittna with till
general public -sets sttt vice versa. NI

person causptrchtase more 1than11s515tic-
On Friday, Nov. 8, at 8 at.na., there
will he a sale tolallies and muembters If

tile facltyts n11111 Anttsofliteallotesoot [ IAJ M T
< -iill'be tillthelrshof ite firt 51PLtsAYeSsrllsatnaMtaUS11~IC, TRIPS
ch~ase titseithis tttl(ay.IF01 tis sale IN CERCLESERIES
s 111011 sat wllb rescrvedlins tteL
reduced prli c1111 sctsonlIslelatiseso01the-
I (lrity nd m15511 15ebrs of ilthfacutye French Club Program for 1907-8
fi lthe111(( lalites1 ((51ile, pdaseliIncludes Four Conmedies and
There are plenty of1goo5 s115sto lostThree Illustrated Lectures..

tad for this g'amel 1and11ill 11rde110odis-
11115 tiles any ersonfound itolittec
blefore '7:3,105. inI. 1("n 10ntints' (f sal'
thil We>1 his turnll and(1gol to tile stot of1
1)11lie 10(111wile~lishave(1formedi be-
twee 7:3 and8 R.Ionthliltlaterofi
chase111ticke1ts (let>ni 'lgodma so
ill, M, ih. ' 111 tula~il' ppiaio ns will
reirnI. bt etnosorlers willse fille
parte tbt 1r11' N r1money(Nil e wti no
lw (o nid I dI to> 1tIta s's' mu1s1 t 15be'l
IN 1t 1 (1I1111(1(1GA'M11111
frollhe rslu'1511by11(1sore'((Ills't1(1,
whie te ' t is isr d Phillto1115
Senior tits1vs 111111crtttf

t... Ill'1
1'11 ~1 ... .G
I cf'cc'', West :.-'il


I i 1 ((t"ills'l'1'
... i l.1iggs
. hnisi lt
lipire', XMadison;
(t1111e (f halves

'i 7lte Cercle rassntueFratleis 1tas
complet~ed ltaIlnls for its 1907-5Iprogran.t.
Thel series it omplttosedl of fortrets (f-
ferenl tttoles antttaimtto (cver asfield1
wthihiclutdes'sFrenchtconey, trvele.
subj1ec'1s omlprises for Frenchcoe- ttl
1)15 7-"Soire1 lites'rsiree I muslisie
La I ilsills i fstt. i i 111
_.olosgue "Le' ttjittt11psr t.
I. Dsust 11e1 i oCI Itt 1
1hoositne 's (1 tc-letP.not.
Bcisti-;Marv i.\iss'ss
I ttico Ien )r.tte --Me rton st.lte lacl ltgs
PIsti Irelgstr Bowet'n.ureli is
'Oreslool, Iftie:(o"Lers'aiire tie ~ t
t.'lto 'iilrec(a)tite otsic ttt reher
t:AnnP ett etrSto. 'laFtote
Sa tts s -ft Oto ti clt otte el e aet
15 0 in-Prtts yon-lir gatsitt
Un JaroiierenRobert tEe J M eonroe,
Th lsmuitttsictoftesireeils ettint
afth ito rhestraforntheofcilgeeottsrlast
til. e lstcherttcisl e md po
foik oresi otgeteftraeThramuicy
fothted was1arraigedsbrss.ed liareot
wh ill irecs t teiusialircnes"ra
seritespaersrmasefL oueBour-
geotis etlon st hihte Ceslea bteny
imitd oie irtPris.rlb hre it
Savates" frmtwiehte cas lttitakeonis
ye ar, toad ititret olireastintothe
atttlusagiog.oItsllhe g"venbynt's
caus ofisilt t iseiettal rsn
Flebsame inlyis Pari l olstpisnoer"
a etreitolucsCraedisellrameto
tewsttvM.nuies.MaFoloing thoessore
of teSerticketansofwilrlmturefiftycet
ofe tliteroran int ocicraedcs
cof'pleted frectttsrest eohehip tkt
"frostemrisothe Frenchfacultyf
anderomasa uanraer oretuetosran
bMoiroued obyPaarTwo) n

Editor' of 'iTapsto hlcisnINDIsLY:'
Several peorttentremai~rks sswhiclo pro-
hily express tueseniomtoents ofthoc ioa
jorily of 111e stittenttblad, regarditg
the pootlr playitg of te rooting songs,
oaks- neessary an(expeanl~ation wtsiy 'the
att i 5(o ineficeittitis deartoent
f titeir duties.
Thills'erittg wsill lhatve no~ticeth lat
th adis swittoutttmtttsc, hseit plays
hess' selectilos iipoublic, hotithe iteaen
is g'sneral tiltts'e tusi'is at Ieidis'
posallit a'sals adth latthoc batdI
stendts t gttitl teal of itte learning
temt. 'Te itusic 1totese sotgs ios1
oeverteeti st'i by atyo(f te toembers,I
0111 they' ars'depenetettntttirely ott theiri
ttttsca ear to fill in theiroter har-
itlopy.'Tere s ptrblaly tollbiatnt, pro-i
fhessional (It othewiss, whicho is comt-
posed oiif 1111usins so tttttttghly'tt-
Ittksi od dt'al of totttgt atd
1wor1 on(( tie tart (f tolse xterietced
haei tcre t mnsItucript. -11t.is true
thata tit mlfisoncerimettritget
i ittaoes(lie a tt ls liieasinto otha
tjot fo ttsithil iertoh itrulienftt iot
con iiirtitg olit' itc wh(ire aill post
ersptn ibiyitioe nto ct too srialgy
isg (tepeirllywe tocoteal throtisd
a retemblnceuto>whtta t lop'fitisedtt
ifeplai liet'ttt'tuecoetsll has"
it neesry tod ac~cpnytelsriig
ihe' wouldi be' no 'causeottr aoso-
as thcornet sectt'ion i cotldtprorbltem-
thi' w' itout injry;.bttythe avnetec
itithes eminst'"iiItsii ecreeft tov
in h irI sand icoeuItly reqiriar-
ton>greaisotacuacy, Sitcsh>'hiristrg'it
rnnsilstesiistilac Ibotlefo iotseof
ilooCstnd 513_ t itI hlt'>.osoenc
'I'IC hs bassesinft Iatthiccoos itonti
n t andts alto11.int'Essfl ab rele fitrtio
monyisiplinin itliert ristoogeatn
iiharsy orfa'canssitiogsoleitisoo
siptris nt lonei' tim"rtale o tey
songharmi ny.pT ere isteotreea tas
dvrsyofrotith sonieigs.Its progb-11(
ab 00111ttimistscto 'siyht ev's ryi(001 plar
cuhgbfromtltthe slimif"till' oley"1'ttn
tplayt old( andcneatites withthe
samue tdegree of ccurscy, esecially whenot
till biald itsoent sre (tit iv eotimetot
rileet oer ttygontes. Such ws tatthe
Ian wssreuesed to tlay' "Arra
XX'inms" atti "Sothlerni Girl," etc.sith
otltprevitos notice.
Let its are a fetw giod rotingsonsgs
antotilesrnttettiwelt, Let somoc iti
tius mutsician wtithtaslts of tinoe and
talett relect glory ots imltslf, and in-
ciidentaslly' otthe bsstnt, y nakinga
iatndi arrng'ement of the sontgs;taniotiif
thististnt possible, at lesst gie tie!
bansonistiehlo atotlet themtokow ie-
fiorehtsndsltwhat they sre expected to play.
ECLNs'oc FtISCts, , enlr.
NUTRTONtiix et ATitcs claRn im TSpc
'Thle effect of nmeat cured y,lit' con-
itaming slperie, othie health of te
eontsumter titl e the first thitg deter-
totm i pedtbytheNutritioso club f Illinlois,
of whioch recent ienttiono sas made.'
The Ameoriano Meat Psckers' associa-
tionl is gient $300 towarl the project
and tie univerity nit eusal stint
Annu rbrt Alutouti cli meting iis
eveninhg satNickels hal, :30 Music,
refreshmontts aid getera good time, All

imemboer, are turgeid to attend,. Abbott,

Pres. Angell to Attend Confer-
ence of Presidents of Fourteen
State Educational Institutions.
Presidlent Aitgel leants tonight to
atetid a meeting of theientds of four-
itn mitdle sest state untiversities to
he heli in Iowa City Thursday, Oct 31.
The assemblage iaIte fotrtht to e
ihl wihintteis years, thocfirst hskig
place at Madiston, Wis., ill 3897Leni-
tg etdttationassandtunsierstprolems
paricularly are dsussedl at te meet-
ings. Srssions are informaoonod io re-
ututs sre putblished, sor are auyofistal
recortis oftroceetigs kept.
"Thley' art' simp~ly faimtily gthlerigs,"
says' PresienttAtgll, "stndt consequt-
py ioreporters re admitted (We il-
csss nalproiltts tat are of iterest
to u. We huve tor organiestionanidi
therelre io officers exeptingte tcfact
that soneose insst presite."
Nit regulasr te is set for these gth-
erings, iutst hey are hell eery three or
fotr yearnssltsneer it is thought ad>
visalie. "It wsould behrdssi to say how
the imov~ement started," Dr. Angtell says.
"A sggestonwass t adetyist oe ~ ,
oilher uresidentsatool. upte list, ad
these toecinogs have resulte."
'T'he first cetlleges t e lepIeresetted
were tsMichigan, XWiscontsit,Illinoi'ssith
Nebraska. BOter tweserna tlotvrsitict
thenibscante interestid. fer te first
meeing at Madisons i I897, (le presi-
dents assemtbled itat ampaisign, Il., in
1900, tand agains 1t'olumiaus, iMo., in
'hue ftolloittg tiesidents re epeced
to attendtti e I ess15o15 at Iwa City this
pearl J. iK./Angel, Mihtign; SC. R,
Vantuilisi' XWisconin;O Cyrus XNorthrtp,
Minntua;oE. II. sndurwsts, Nebrasks;
R. II. Jesse, Missouri ; EdtmundttJ
Jamtes,Illistois;t XW . .T'homptson, Oiout
FrsanksSrousg, Kaitsas; Weser Merri-
field, NorthltDakotsa;:DOavi I.IGult,
SouthiDakoa;1 Jamoes if. Basker, Cls-s
rado;S Pres. Boyd, Olsahomos;and XX.
I..Brpat, Itdiana.
IosessCiptis comptedeftplans for
the entertainment of the viitors. Vis-
iting edscstor twill proably give short
atdiresses to thocstdents of the saste
uiersity theore
litolerclassmieti of Idiasssauiersit
will lie obligedto hiptiy adtmisionlttoo their
autioual class "scrato." 'the folosing is
frolskthe lDailp Student:
"At tetuetinigof tie freshmanotissnd
sothoniore committees wilth oc faculty
committee, theiunoderlassmsen were an-
fortmetd that it was the trustees' order
thatnt hescrapswoud 11r iobe.alowdl o
take tlace anywhere on the cas tisit
year. The scrap will, conseituteuntly, te
heldi onoJordano, Field. Psartcipntssill
he admitedl for tenty-ive rels."
tlASttA,t, MONACE O to cotiogsN010?
President Tucker of Dartmutuh col-
lege iss issuetd a nanifeso against
baseball, ideclaring that it 'lint proved
demniralizing to Dartmouth culege on
accout of the commercial element thut
acomspansies i; and unless some ver
radical reform cats be affected, it must
ben forbiddenThis munifeto, as tint
beeto noteud, was folosed lop the tdear-
ring from participation in fiutre col-
lege athletics of nine members f lst
pear's aseal team.s

Miss Anina V. Rice, of Detroit, will
atddre'ss unsiversity women today at 5
p . m. sit Newberry Hall. Miss Rice is
one of the secretaries of the Detroit
1 . W. C. A. and swill talk on the needs
of the local and extensiona sork of the

\1Xth 30 sciiitds left iito pyisathue
fresh-still lit gamue, (i' ''tthe is'm n u nt-1(
edi it rinth'sopds pgosit. ''hue hiali
sisas fiumbtleid 'antdWaslshi, of 1101 first-
seair Iriam. felt nth(le IPigskhin( onut'otit
i)t he lit' r '-md Iscorieditl t uolip' titui-
ait 1 sit tie contest. Nit' ogoatlseas
kce.i t ht' first hal1f the sistlus sc-
cueith tll«naumbosn otthu rfeshi-
imun'ts -yrdsitnte.sut fatied in three
thaysto shos' iit er thii'lithe.Thte
tois it .'r it
11ecl, X ~ o . , " ..... elts
Lt:, . . . . . .1.'.. . . . ..Lyons
1 eish..... I.G, .Payne
lietu a ..... 1. Ricliardson
Sctt..... R T ...Lawlonl
JoneNl'S i iou itR. E, I. Walsh
Paille...... .) . ....Pellioan
1Ruts Anes on... B. . ... .....Brry.
tIttsennr ..) .........J._Walsh_
Dasiley.. ICF. IB. Aliss'rdt
Rdefe ree. Lantu; utnouire, Parks (inter-
clitutgitug) ; ihestiliutesmnsCitnitsngs.-

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