The Michigan Daily
NO. 22.
F OR BIG GAME Suda oenn for he Unvrst DORMITORY SCHEME
______ Koclh placed the matter before the Board-
Wabash Counted as Hard Propo- o eet hssomr o teso Faculty and Students Stats Its
wreigtier affairs prevented considera-
sition--Magoff in Optimistic as ion of the proposed change. Likewise Advantages - Scott Suggests
C to Outcome. telhatgitg of tle paiting, "The Ti- Giift of Common Eating Halals.
-- uttphs of Bachus, asaits the action of
With thte echo f thte resottnding cteers the board. Jont Corbit's adsocatiotn of residet-
of fifty near-enttttsiastic studntts atnd As stated in Toc .ttLY son im tte iat alls for the sttsets of tie Uti-
aieatJaksilrtgn itttererago the anciett Rotanelli canvas, a gift ;ersity of Michigan htas arosed ct-
RalodJc tl ign ntererfront Fatttr O'Briett of Kalamazoo, is ieateiteelas nttctattt
tliltiats fotlal beots lft as sihtintetnded to coer ttc three cetter tpaels 'cuty attt stdents. In his article on
for Indiataptolis for the lerst -imtportatnt in the ceilittg of te raditg roott of \icigats in ttis weks Satr ay Evet-
gase ofsthe season. D~espite the e- [e library. The alteratiots itt the li- tg post, Mr. Ctrbit states that the
[ent of dosdbtswhich persadles cotsider- wary whlichs are bing planted will ne- artlhg a lodging hoses twill ae
till esstale te renmoal of the statuary o give say to resitettial halls, if the
ainof the Wabtash gtne,sotittg btut frotte art gallery. This tmutst be ttfttctces tatt ttake most srotgly ftr
untlittited confitence prevails to the abil- accotplishted by thctus of a trap door haracter atd ctlttre areteeo be del-
ity of Captaitt Magnfltt attd is ttett to 'ocated xactly where te catvs is to sped for the beteit tf the sttdetts.
take te tteastre of thte much-toutedl te placed. For Iis rason it has been Presitdetnt Atgell saiti that those who
tWabasht aggregationt. EighteecntttenTeed inadvisable to go to tc expense telocate the dorttitory systeml for tis
twerc takeoth e trip, sesubstlstitttes )f preparittg tte ceiling atd raising te tiversity ttust take itto accoun~t thle
bteittg pt oth le stttttd as tel1 as te atsas until the other changes are f- act tt a large amtttl o t(ftmoey,
elevett regslars. Cratotactser was un- fectcs. Manwhile the painting hangs vhiht is 111)1asilatll, is necessary ftr
ale t accottpatty thte teatmtowsssng to in the soutth rooti of the art gallery. Iterectont o, tuldings in tshict to
arecentti((jury, anld accorditugly'Malat- lots almost fittestosntd sttttetts.
galn (was siftetd to tesvarsity' sqtttd. IIIGHT FOOK BINDINGS )trng Presdent T tt a's termt of office
'Te teatt will lineupt as ftllows \Miller, ATRACTIV E TO STUDENTS lett tmors dit exist 'ilest nors th ig
Ileft estd;Casey. lft tackle;Etttbs, left >f Univ11erstsIhall tel cnttaiel the
guard;llSchultz, cete;'sGrahlams, right "Well bottttd ooks in the Red Star oots oIthet stutts, btt as tsUti-
gttard;: Rhi ntschldt, right tackle; Ifattt- ;cries early always la# the best cir- ;ersty grwandttttetn.sttttentts istcreased ttl;\atsstd are-'saiot," retmarketd Librariatt Koch yes- ittnuet, itbeamtte aItsilt1fg
ack; Mag'olitt.left Ialf ; Allertice. erday'."For intsance,"Ile cottinued, tg up sth omtor111tcss or erectitgtets
right half:;ILtell, ftllbtsck. Tlest'slickittg tp a book, "lre is a volttme Isi ldttgs. It swas ttecessary to sdn the
are Wiatkints andolaFntagatt, littettesn'.fhrom a snew set of Tisrgeneff's works. neuer, bectsuse te IUniesity' tit not
Wittirc.ctti ; ~ttglas Rines'11th ook-loser enjoys browsing ittstch hess at's the funslwsiths wichs t carry
else. halfbacks ; Sullis'att, (rttrltaek. i eiio.Th iruato of these ss I thie'dtrtiftory systettn in its etirety
Th'e team w((as st'thedult'to 11)r(let in'otttks is alretatdy large, yet last year both \s lDr. Atgell satetd, rcsidensstTappla
Indltisaapolis ti ssmorninsg a(11t555 1 sgeseff andTtt oltsoi were almost ig-ostideresl it est 5to adoptte Gtrtta
o'lcke,,;tsnd (tcrdting to ts'. rogam reh, fote Ilseitiotts weec Inatte- t cotieitieial plttof liing for te sit'
tattelIyC((CI ~I ~t tss~ it's. Thtey' dill stot catch te eye. It isletts. 1st tealy' all Ertpetn stise
cavo'trt arountstthse athletic fieltd ill tet pettliar pheometa of the library. ities there arctntidrsmittries. 'le
afternltot ill trter tot111111otce stiffesn- "Stutdesnt taste itt ficios," said Mr. -ngishs etllege systemlsctttlt nottfindsta
isl efftcts of thets tril. 'lbe (a(ey twill mooch, "is by to meats lo. Last year's laee here becatsef tetiely i-
remsaint ill Indianapoli- tttti Ststda 'ecores shots'Rbert Louis Ste'nson's eressl cottsitos.'
toittntg ((1(11will a'tien isAstst 'rw ttts'ohs tihe msetost poptlar. Rutdyard "An English college," (ill lresident
aboul~t 7 t'cltck Sutnday' ight. 'iping's works were secotnd ill circula-'tgelh1, "nightt ite called a famuily' wit
A\lthsough reports loe ts'stihsat \W'tass lt t,asid.'Ithackeray's third. Of course s nmasers sprvisitgte stdets ad
msettnIninaoi art'ofelittve loe ptplaslr writers Iae a tige pat- sving with thettinist th seosmitoritsI
motsney thatlteLittlc Giants swill wil, ((sige . oanDol i afvot a s Iossile foratetrnt cslleges twhich
thsee ave een no lsuchs protpositions itht masny. You twill see tat few of teeeail estndows't, tt aottis sys
sprunsg arountiAtm Asbor. Several is oks arc ever inthle ase. They emi as tset in te collegestf Oxford.
sttallhbthavel 't'bIenttmadet'relative to irculat' constantsly. Problernatic litera- \t presests Siehigan switits small e-
ti' size'file sore stle'of thtt more Ores' to, tatdtranslsations of such writ- lowenetssnd (tapprptriattisissnotastlte
optsimistic of te tarsity' admssirsof-rssas Isgo, aupassast, ad Fogaz- o houose sisdensts sitter it cnstcassrel
isleenestosney' tst Michigasn twil store us tI have mniy readers. stai thut' necessary s'qulimt~ettwith
sixteen poits Olinte Ilototsier ctowdt. I arty'its the year the Retd Star books vhichu tt eitcate themstpsopery'"
Coach Yost stas store conisetve ito1st tcirtlale tttteh," Mr. Koch west "DeattHutchits sitd estersayts "In
tatlkittg of lt'hesomingsgame ita Cap- ss"b tby'the tmitle of te yearse n judsgmuesut sdssmitoi~ries, if ltrophel
((in 'Magohiss. 'Sauldlie: it ate behweets fotr huttdret atd -egulatetd. smay'beeit'trabiestt, bttisI cass
"'Afterthe gansewithisis Ni. C.C lst tthudretd books itsonstauseno At rtntsee htw, with t hit'messt(It
Satsurday I was feelinsg httptsfulas teessit titst of the ooks arc its the 'stsstsasttiad te ltrge numbeisr (f su
tamt tels w-orkinsg welsl.NotwtIt'm sot -tsk sronsasaiing icreased sdemasds. l[tts ere, we cnssptssiltyeintroduict
ssturs. 'To'e gamelwithill(Ilsereserves "~Tlarger prtioni of te botksaseeliesystessi sow."
Wsednesday' tas far frtomu satisfactory, retlaced by'eswones twice each year. *"I asitstls," Peti. Sotts statesd, "thut
((ld uless she teamsitakes a race I Or set atditions will conic about the Qh. Cobins is misisaken ittsyigta
sould no4 tbe surpttised it ses'werescttettofthe present term.' he lUiersity osce ad dtries'sandt
becaten.The VWabassIteasis islight buti- osssioss. It hattdornitories ist.
fast, andsomuse ef te slispidh tefessie u((515.5 CASiA NNO'NCI,,COU55t1 oths witg ofU'tiv'e'rsiy HIlt, btenit
torktelcahitieth We'dntesday is likely' o The "Anns Arbor Bible Chairs" re- -mious. Yet, as betteensthetiwIo,
provte fatal wh est otitose tt the shifty censty issused their fifteentutiannual as- ommnos eaisg hotuse wouldttbe, its my
style of ply'tihichs caracterizecste soitscetseu. Prof. George P. Coer adhopisins, omsict iuteepracicale andistess
tw-trk of teIHtosiers. f ste its 1y Rev. A. C. Gray are the itstructor, and rill lasia ttmontl ogig hottuse. W
a margiss of ItwostouichutowssfIshall le lt'efoloswisugcourses are announced! see last thus'ortotrys sl systemi, sw'ethe
p~efectly satisfieth" I. Introducion. to Nets Testament ;oegotd sor it, lits see migt all ea
Magofflis was lss pssimisici. te Studty. Mr. ('oler, Stndays, 12 nitolin, ogehe. A cetrlshailsewere a gret
said: "Not attempstinig to take ass' r- I. Secial Lessonsistt Womsen. Mr. art of the stdsests cttulds get togethe
ltisasway frostsCoachi Cayotusfstehaincg ' te, 4.10 p.Il. iThret imues a day asdheat, esecilly' i
agood.tenti, I1 nit cofideni te etill Il. The Life of Christ. M. Csler, ;here werea large, pleasanteroomsuat
twis. The lentil haseess gttingsatong eshsesdays, 4:10 p. in. owinsg it, where the eaters cttuldl pas
aell lately, witlthelerxceptions of a feir IVY The Life and Wsritigs of Paul. ,tfew minutes its free adh easy cstnvers
msinstes Wedniestay, ands if wes fail to "ile Coler, 'Thursdays, 4:10 p. mi., be- 'ions auth after meals, twouldsblinedi
come homue wininses y at lest twelve 'iusussg Oct. 17. hisg for ossr students, ols for tiei
poit, I olall he grealy sdisappoited"YV The Religiosts Edcation of the Stomachs' and their sols' sak. Sooe
'ild.Mr. Coler, Tuesdays, 7:10 . M.,sne shosultde foiusdtssake a gift o
NEW FREShH LAW egisusisg Oct. 22. Request ftr that prose.
'TICKET IN FIElLD I The Beginnings of Chistiatity. "I ae spent a good manyttleasan
est semester, te Rook of Acts; se- ,days at Oxfnrd atd Camblridg, btt us
The 'so laws annuntscecdthe follow- sod senmester, Cuch History from 70 _pleasattest recollectioss ar, after al
ing represessaire ticket yesreday, whichb1.. to the Council of Nica, 325 AD.:of the eating togeher. Nouhisgtis ye
combilnes fousr other tickets: President, Ar. Coe, Thursdays, 7t0 p. i., be- been discovered to takr its plcerits ini
F. B. Kufe; vice-presidest, J. IT. Pri- in;su c. o ersitv life."
teal; scretarny, C. E. Lewis; treasurer, YVII. The Book of Genesis. Mr. Coler. Prof. Claudse anu Tynec liarty cii
George W. Langfortd; baseball muasager, VIl. History of the English Bible. dorset the residetleil sysen, butt realize
A. P. E~ntesuza; footbuall malnger, Tom :Ve. Garay. Itat it cats tit Is adopted by the Usni
Riley; basketball nmnager, W. TI. Hibibs; IX. Stutdies ini the Gospel of John. 'vensity for sonic tinue to cosoe. Prof
track matuager, C. R. Moon ; sergeant NMr. Cohen. JVan Tyne has teen a great deal of lb(
at arms, E. M. Carver. X. Old Testament History. Mn. Cohen. (Continued on Page Three.)
"} ,
'Thse srange repiles of twenty-five
sillitti years ago were vividly described
ty Prof. Case ini a lectune givent before
:e Geology cub yesterday. The ad-
hess swas ilustraed with steefpticon
-iewrs of thur specimnts gathered by the
peakereduing his recent trip to the
,;ecat Partuian dells of Arkansas. Ao-
stats sit sails, quadrupeds twice as
ighi as they arc loug, and many other
srasnge creatures of prehistoic days
vere turtrayedh foe the benefit of the
Isn], whlicetcst weekly itt the Russell
uultsslof uthe museunt for the discussion
f tsesurreunt lieratnrecof geology.
Petit. Umesabaro Ogawa, a distin-
uisluesh Japianese, yesterday visited the
'sgisuerisugtdepartmenut of the Unive-
ity s asrepesentuiative of te govern-
met otf Japtan. He is sa meutube of the
'seulty of lbse engiseering college of
lc Imuperial University' of Kyoto, Japan.
\lie. Ogawats tas favorably impressed
sills our engieering depatuent. Te
'ship-tank," us e called the naal tank,
smotnishuedlimu greatly. lie told Dean
'toley, whoconducdeeh insthrough the
stittings auth laboaories,tat e sid
ot undelrestaha oiw the University could
sane stichsani extensive equipment in a
isces sisated so fan fron the sea.
th. fOgawsa has been investigating
ehniical schools ansI manufacuring
)]antls in the Utnited Stales and Europe,
eisig maintsly iterestedl in hydraulics
tush hysdraulic laboratories, that hie may
stter equip himstel to teach hydraulics.
e Ins beent a studtent in Gemany for
twos yeses. Al present lie is in Detroit
nakisng a slushy' of the tunuel which i
wing constsructed stsder tteDetroit
Dursintg his visit Prof. Ogawa met ad
i a loug talk itt his tative tongue
vith Ksanaye Fujita. anu engineensg st-
lect tfrt Tok Ilyo.
'Ielfr tst reprt of the progress of the
rschaeohsgieah expediion sent to the
irirstt last March by Corntell university
'sis just est receivetd. The members of
Ieats setae sceuredh over 3,000 pieces
)f pottery swiths saluable inscriptions,
noret hanstshousand hancient coins, and
stui cunueiformu tablets, itt Asia Minor
nds thur site of te tol Persia empire.
The Ultversity of Peunsylvania this
teekI sellt D. Rautdall Mlver to con-
ninle Iis extlorations at the buried city
tticlishe ueathed its lower Nubia last
-tusisir. IDr. George U. Gordon of the
(ar uiersity' is at huesett cotducting
sor amuong the tIndiat tribes iti
lie. -. L. Wilson of Johns Hopkins
as returedshfroettuialy with a largel
tcombler of tancientu bronzes and a lot of
lottery earing staluable inscriptions.
tiwICeRS nuF;ICTrtt as '09 NINEPR.
The junsir engiuees held their eec-
isis of class officers yesterday. The
President-Jos. Kelly.
ice-pesident-Wm. Wasmusd.
Secretary-H. M. Buswell.
Treasurner-M~orrie Quinn.
Footbuall mnaage-Herb Campbell.
Baseball manager-A. R. MLeod.
Basketball mtanager-F. S. Tyler.
Track nanage-S. F. Marker.
Sergeant at arms-G. W. Espass.
Contrary to previous announcement,
"Railroad Jack" wirl not speak before
the Webster society Saturday night. His
subject oas to have been "Co-educa-
lion," but later developments have mode
it imspossible fon him fli address the
Webchster membuers.
Student Sentime~nt Sems to
Favor Rvivra-Opportunity to
Hear Hood Music Wanted.
'The interest of the studeuts in the
proposed revival of the vesper services
is daily increasing. The sentiment for
tte most pat seens to be favorable.
A few, however, while they think vesper
services would be for the best interests
of the student body, yet fear that the
scheme is too impracticable to he carried
'The following opinions froms promi-
nent students see otained by Toe
DAILY yesterday:
A. D. Pearce: "The plan of reviving
vesper services will be an excellent
thisng if it can hueesariedh tit. If thue
tinte for the services is set at a con-
venient hour antI they are worth while
from tautusical standpoint, I thisnk they
trill be well attended. They ought, how-
ever, to be exclusively for students
There ought to be tome regular gather-
ing, together of the student body. The
services would take the place of chapel
exercises and in fact be an improve-
ment over them. Besides this it would
give those an opportunity to hear gootd
music who either for lack of tine on
money cannot attend the concerts given
its the evening. The main ting will be
to get good taleunt."
May L. Baker : "It seemts to me that
the vesper services wil do much to
strengthen that invisible ie which binds
the students to their alma mater ad
the result will be beneficial on bots
she students and the University."
J. Fred Woodruff. 'We ae been
a long time deveoping unified Michigan
spirit, which, however, has only found
an opportunity of expressing itself i
loyalty to Ue University's athletic pres-
tige. Vesper services wonld tend to
supplement this spirit in a direcioti
probably highen than athletic interests
in so far as the students would have
ass oppotunity to assemble under inlu-
ences which would lead toward comons
spiritual inspiration. The effect uposi
she individual woult, morally speaking,
he beneficial, tending to make thenm
pause and question what is ealy high-
est and best in life and in themselves.
Students lend too mnuchs to cynicism.
Perhaps vesper services might in a
measutre offset this."
Harry Hill: "The re-establishment
of vesper services would furnish an at-
tractive meeting place for the stdent
body. But as attendance would e vol-
untary, they might not prove a success
from a standpoint of student interest.'
Ronald Sb Crane: 'Nothing cold be
better for all of us than a weekly gal-
ering where we could meet our friends
and hear good music. But I would have
it placed on a rather more informal
basis thast is indicated in the phrase
vesper service.' In other wods, why
frighten us away with visions of a sol-
emn and rectangular assembly'_ proper
only to the Memorial buildisg?"
E. A. Macdonald: "As I understand
it, the vesper services would be nearly
ike the chapl exercises at Minnesota
These are to the highest degree success-
ful. I do sn see why vesper services
should not be a success as well. It would
give the students the best of opportun-
ities for bearing good msi."
President Angell will address the
opening meeting of the Woman's League
in Sarah Cawell Angel all on Sat-
>day at 4 :15 p. m. This is practically
the only time during the year that the
president speaks for the benefit of the
girls alone. Tue entertainment wilt in-
clude dancing and refreshments.