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December 14, 1907 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1907-12-14

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The MihiganDat


46l Personnel of Board in Control of
Athletics Is Settled-Rules for
Board Are Adopted
The membelxrs of xthe x n xew tBoard xli
Control of Athlletc, a xialxxetx-
mter) by te Rgexxts, ar: PrxfAllxr
13. Lloyd, literary; ol, C. BK deNax-
crede, mexical, pharmic, loxxxxxx, ani
denal; Prof. Henry M. Rates, lax:
Prof. (;orge W. lattersonx, vxgieevr
ixg Keenxe Fitzpatrick, phlyix l hev
tor; H exr NI. Blixxlxxxx, vlasof 'x6:1
Paxl P. Mxagvfu, 'o.,lDxdly ._Kcxx
xxdy, 'x8, atlxetic bxxarx xf diectoa
;'llxx xepartxxexxtal xxxxixxaixn xvrx
xxaxe y the rcsective xdexxxaxlotatx
proved ly Presixlext.Axgell.
Tie loarxl ofhRgcxt, at ycce xx'vav"
mxeeixg, fxrthex sextled uxxnxxxxx l-'ii
lxwixg resoluxtixxxxx
r. Tle Boxard in Cxxxxrxl ofAthlexcs'
as cxxnstiuxtxd by xlxelBxaxdI xf Rxgcxxx
tix e Noxemerlc, xx9x7, xmxvtixg, sxlx
hxxaxe fxll cxxtrxlxofx all xqxxetionxx'per-
tining to ahlxltics.vexcepxx ax xcrixafcx
specifeidxx. Ithall xxake, axxxxpt, 'xxxi en"
lorry theiecesary vxlegoexrxixg l
xxxetionsx pertaining toxilxx ligiblxlxxyox
layrs, intxrcxoxllgiaxe xrlatixn.axx, xx
mxxxmtxlrshlipxixx thxe'asvxiatixxxxofxii
vrxxxes anxxl clegcs xrgxxicxl foxv xlx
regxlatioxxox athlxetics.
2. Te ffx xicrs xfxlxe hxavxixxxxxx
ccl xsall lxx'a clairxxxxxx.hex lect
by theloaxrxlixxcxxxtvxl, axxxxa .x cvtavx
axxxlt tasurxxrxx to be xvelectex byvtlx
hixard. The xxavxd xxay elct thxlgrad
xate dietr xoxf axlxtic a>scretary
The chxaixrmxaxxxshxall iaxe'a 'x x xonxxx
lxxsixxxxxaxxi sox'hall xxxe 'ecrtaxvx'i
he be ixtvcegxlaxr xxxbxxrxox' the boardl -
3.'The fxxllxxxixg axe,'e lxcxvofxxth
llxarxl ixxCxxxxxrxlxf !athlxeticshilxxxxit i
xxxdrstoxodxltlax txe 'saix Ixoxax'xlico
trxxllxaxxfxll atoit axlxxx x xxxxk' txr
xxd fxxrt ele ixxrexarx cxl xxx slx -
ictc of axhlxetic xas ixxxxaxv ixxxixxxcve-
sary .xx xxx(lo,'xxlxjccxto lxx aplxx a
xxi xlc l'lxarxl of Regntxx. Andxx it i
fuxthrv xxxxlrvxxoxxxlthax i shxall h li(
pxxrxxxexxof saixd baxardxinxxis atixxxx xxxx
ixx any rulex tait xnavyxxdxxpt xxoixxsxex
reasoxnablxe paticipaxonxx itxxlexv lxx
bxod geierally ixx pxhyiaxecxxvies.
approvexd by te xxxarx oficxxxxtrlxclxxrx
tey csall lxecxxxxtopxxlxve
l. No teaixirepesextixgxeUnxixe-
siy 'sxall play xixx xxxy xterx xtxxxxox
xrgatiationt witloxt te xxxxntxlofx xhx
lxoarxd ixxcoxxtrol.
c. lTxe hirixg xf xll vxxaxchxes xxaxx
xrainxx'rv xxxxt blxx' xxlxlxxxxvdIy lxxe lxxxxrx
inx cxxxtrol.
~l. No persxxxn xx'ho i coxxtitneloxxtxx
pased, or otlrxxbaixxt,valtlxxe allxxx'ex
cx play' oxx alextic tx'xxxxrx'prx'vx'xxixg
le U'xiversiy,
e. Ratiicatioxxx xxf ixe livtxof tlyers
ott axyathlextic leaxxxrepx'v'sextixg txx
U nixerxity' axcixlperxmivioxx fxxr xxx'axh-
letic teaxmxto cxxv txxxxuxtxbelxoxb-
t aied frontx the bxaxd ittcxxxtrxl.
F. IBefxre axy pcsox caxx lay xxxan
atletic xtxxm rprextxixg te 'ier-
s iy, hevmuxxxiignvit certifixxxe xf ligi-
biliy countxersignexdlby te chaxirmn xxof
the exxtmmxitee xf the bxxarx xnxtlxveligi
biltyxf player, thxx'paxxticulxr formxxtlx
lxe precribed by' lxvlxxxarx ittxxrxl,
g. It shall lxv le duxt of the mxatt
ager axnd te cptxitxof ay'atleic
eant to report to the board aty vola
tion of thee rle.
..Itt cae xf a tie vote litt aix bordc
in cottrol ott atyquextixn, vxcx quetixox
shall xe referrexl txxtlxv preixentxtof the
u'niveriy xxi the deatacoxxfhelxsevexral
departmtents,sitiitg txgter, axndxlteir
iecisixnaithle mttler shall xe fixal.

5. The board ittcorolxsh~all have
the poxeer to avk thxe advice oxf te Utti-
versity Sentate ott ainymttler pertaixxixxg

to athltcs, aitd sall ax all time>s v PPreL' ! O ESKrNXON LIMITS POSTER
eive xnd consider recommnidatlions UDIULE SCORESCONTEST FOR MICHIEEINI)A
frxxxmxthxe Seiate axd petition> froixithxi-_
student body.BRILLIANT SUCCE Anlx plntovfh ue oenn
a fxll repxxrt itt xritixxg'of is work to -p Irintexd ittTxurdayx Daily, tax xaxl
tle hoxarxd vf Regextsx andI to te Uini Performance Characterized by b Director Ketyon ixx Unierity Hall
xviy Seiate ct the endx of eachx ava mohesU uulfrAla- at 5 oclxck yeterxday' afternoon. Aloxx
xdxxxivcxxvaxxvoxvwxeneer callexl fxxxr S otnesU usaborA a
eiter od yen propectie coitetants were prey
eixxv >xxd teurs. eix. The posters are dte Jaxuary S
_______- -~_______ -"Ax tere are many stixetsxth xi ariti
DLX N COyOLE IS ON I'l'Ix Crcle Fraxxcxis rse'nted lastx ,xlility' ixxthe Uiniveriy, it is exlctcex
IiORTAXNT COMMISSION fighxx a "xoieexx'dxxxmatixtxxerItttusialx' xtat acatchylpoter iwill xc txred vxxx
whlicht itt exerxxway'sxstxxxind te excel AII thoe' x'hxx xere ot lreiint axtlxh
ea lCoxx olxxxx'oxx thxe'xexgnxeerixngdx-lentIv'xx x'xxaixxxxixt axexrxed. Thexx'-ti'xmeting, and deire 1o vter the cxxitet
xarxmtxxwxhvoxis cal preseixt in Miitixapo- lxvewxxxk ofxthelxxCrcle lxasvlxven, eavhlxholxxxxxcvoixmunicae xihl I arxxlxlP.
lis, wxill gox iromxxthere lxxoXWashinxgxton xnxvmxi lxxas xxpaedx, mxarkdl by' th xxxtxi x1137
lxx axixttend xx'eregxxlaxrxmxxxxxhly meting samexvcaxxfxl traixixganxxtexrxetabil
of lxx' xxxxxxitc xxppoxtxeixxd lxy'the iter- ity a at xwxhxx icxxmxxe lstnixgt's xoirex 0 h:-IRNX B AND C(ONCERT'lS
xttecxtvvxxxxxevvx'cxxxxmxissxxx i xnto ivvi >soxdeixdxdlyxentvxrtaixixg andixesxvrxixxt. Xl XX . Ifi; I N.'I A'KX'l
gate xloc sigxxals axxxiohersafety ap- of grvtat p>xiv. e iterst xxnLtxv
xixxxxx'x xxvrxxailwxays. ITis conmittxex, Ftichxxxlxxn g lxexhas vv'xx deetxexxexIaxdlT'llxSuxxess of te exeii da'xxc'' n
of xxIictxhixf. Cooxley is chairimxxx, hxsxv thev sxalxu xxxfxcxlv'ge ldrxxxaicsvraived. lxx gvxx in thte nexrfxtxre xlatBarbxoxx
.oxxxx'thxrxoxghxall tlerecxrdv of thxv 1hlxcxx xxxv x> i lxv ability'boftalci gy mitiuxxxnwvill largely'dxtermxxixxc txv
xxxxvxxx ofic xxxnxllxxxvsiftexlte ixxfteen cx torsxx vin the dratmatic xsetchxx's irohibxitfxtxriaciv iyofte Uniiiverity' lxxndx
xxxxxxdlva rioxix evifey tbere xn vse- .selctg easilx telximitied fet' lo 10a'yXXekly open-air conert>xpoxxxtlecaxx
ord xdowxnxxtox a xdxxexnapplianxce xwhixchx lxv xxrxxxxxxxexl xx epecially' txlixtxd.Ih lxxxs are aixong te fexxxxrvsplanxxx'x.
xwill lxe tetd. The xvcomxmissioxx ax xe- rxls takenxxby xdgar IBowxexxaxd DMix No fixxnavl vsupxxxrtl xaxs bex'nxgx'xec
lexcte'xthexxrli'nxgtoxxnaxdl ricrailwaxys HelexxaxR. Munxxixxx thlxx xc fr'omxx"Lv'x lxe banxclti yxa,xxxxxllxxe xccxxvx xxxxx'
lxn th west an rtexxxl t>0rx'xlxxtitelx' foxrPFxxxxxsvSav'xnxte'" Ibxxxxgxt thxexmxix ixx pr xxiththeiv eaxxx xxai>fxxregoxxe. IDe
thee tst. Ptxincxx> w'hix' theyt'filled v'xcllntly. vlite tee fxxcts, lxixitndicnreaxsv'xli
Miss Lynxch xxx "Belise" xxwasx vry' axnxxx ie aixlxxnqxetionabxll' imxxprxxxe'xli
'tINNSX'IX' XNIt. MlEN '10 ing. lxx 'Lves IDexxxSoxrxs," xtxepar -qality.
laXX'E SPECILI I' X(IIE xivxxular oioc>sxnxxsx hi'divixed bexeret At presentx the baixxli cnsidixerablyt
Mlxx Sxxooxx xxxxlS. S. ]'[oxre. Bothlx.. iixebt. Ren fxr practic rxoxxxxi
'x'eKey'stxxxx clxx illtthxave xa peil prxxnuxnciatxixnxand xxcting tey were vdeXMcMilan IHall ivotverdue, and tlxviex
lxv p,'xxxxd clxxiv x'r o txakxle liit exxcixdexdly' vxxvevfxl The ohxer parts xerx tixsic i uxipa id for. I ixlhopvxdsxx-
lexs xandxiathPexxxxylvxxxixxaxxnd Ohixx xxexxwel take'xx by Miss XX'clgxl axxxlMr port of thxe dance ill lxx'gexxx
lxxxlxxho d xstre xxxgo xhom ly' xxy) ofthe Scxxi. exoxxghtto efray' tbesvepensexs.
Foxxti X xxxxxx'rouxxevto lilllxirg. ''xxe 'lTxx' pxvformxaxc sxoxxd cxacxpalxc Spvxaxig xxf he plaits of the baxxx-
tars> xwill lxe atxtcxd tothe regxlar xiii sxprxvisixoxxaxxclxxraxgmxent, foxxv xvlxMaager Ncolon aix:xIf oxxraix>
Ari- tramxxxixwvlichx lexavesxxxct Frixday'tilxccxdit i lxxv lrof. tBeiat. Th~e tecvtxbixions',arereliexd, a ladtaxnxlwilx
cn x ax t 7 :27. XIIltxxoxx'dxsiingu xx xiv',l stage buxxixxv'sxraix smxoothly' aind bheevvctxexl ipoixthe cxxunxpx ext xxixxg
lake eixher lthechaircav x r xxv eperctxo x'hlv xctoxrs werev Woxrkedvlixxtxxsatifactorx anxrgulr Friday' xighxt concrxs wil
[eto clubi, x3_SxxxxutxFixxhxxx'xnxx, xxxxg , xxxxxlxe' xxcetorx, x'hichxadxlvdIittxclx xxprvex."
bylepon oxr'xlxx v xcxrd. xxxxcxhxtolxhe xjxy'entxxloxthe eexing_____-- ____
- -__ - .___----- lie manxagxxenxt, xxhxoxe xxork does noxx
XX cN x OlKxN XIC I IIINNSIAN appxxarxcxirectyixefxre the pxubic ixeris vx~~'x xxx>xx x xcx
IS lxEO(;EESSING RAPIxDLYX'xmentxixxx. 'hxe ifclxties agaixxt whlic Thxe coxfereice qetio will] lxx
thxv('xrlv lxhas xxworkevd lxx xccxxnmplishxtlrshexd xxtitanexw al the ieetixg xxf txx
Wo'xrkxxxxlis yexr's-XMichigaxxexnsiaxx xxhxxt ihasvx>e dx'xnxdedclxxxh exrn- Axelpi tonight. The prxgramxxisv "xecx
is xxxxx' proxgrexssixxgapidly. Alreaxdy the extxwxort, anxtholxxxxo'hxvelxxiaen xgixered blw
'xxatic' ratrityxxix ctixoxxxhxax>bex'xxentxthlxvevuxxxxivtxaixg, as xxvii svthxe'ators hParlixxentxxary Dlrill -lly, Ipreidixg
tox the pres. Tlis xxater hasxvto lbe'whxxxlxxvev prfxxrxxxdxtxexmxxxrcvto xc officer; Lightner, majxriy ledxer:;Bxxi
xxx xexxly, as clxvexg'vxixg firnxs reqxiivv'cxxngrxxtxlaexd. terield, omioriy' leader.
'xxxxdexx lvxlxltimxxx lxxcoxxplxete their xwxxrk. -Current Elventxs-Naylxxr.
X xxxxexxlxv' evi pixcxx urxs xxf the hoxxes DECEM LED XL'.XNLS HAS "Seiaor hLaFollctte"-Sxxderxxxxx.
will revilcetxxse ofiforxxer editioxxx. MAXNX' ErxX''LIIE .XTlChLh' lxproimpxx Debate-.ffirmative, Xi
'lis sectionxisxxaboxxt teix daxxsvearlier - 'tvxbrink anxxlGtkieclt: niegatv,Lrvvo-
thxaxxxllxxprxvixus year. Wht m xighxt vell be xterxxedlthe at anixiCraie.
T~h I agmet nnunestht llleicnube o te lunu apers Debate:x Reolved, tat .iclicxxx
ituesv.ofxclxxvses, cass teamsvaxd cxxix-'todaxy.XA coxmxlete d'esecriptioxxoftex hollsxv'isreato oxxxpltl
lxx orgxxxiz'xtixxxx mustxxllxe ixby' Feb .x.Pennxsxy'lv'xxnia gic i xwpv-tnel x itIxte WetriConferince ..Xixxxa-
'lxve ixritersaxxxlv'ngraxers recixre fronttwo fxll-ipxg dixgraxsxanaixuplemaedicxure oxx irxis-vJone, Mccixrit ; negaivPeck.
six toe 'gixhtxweek to cxxxvcmetethebok' Ferry' fielx xxxiithliock Al ithle northl ecx r
adit lt evsextial thxxatlxthixtaater lxv" bleaciers.Manxiy'staixitics xxf the mnet Criic'v Reiort.
rivvven xxlox'attxtlvxixxx. xxinxplay>iave beencompxiled.XAmnig 'Allmember> are xrgdllxxbylreeit.
thexedciorialsxr ixtervting discxxssions xasIbi'eacts'coxsixutioix xi lxve sxxixxted
DEROTsrc~o vnas vsituoxxrxx. cxi lxv gamexx, lts resxls, xandxthe coach' itvt
Ir. Stx'pxhx'xx1I. Kiight, a proixxent ingquetx'.iox. Th~e Vaxxxxxirlxt game and- -
xxxrgexoxxxfIDetrxit, axxxlpresident of the the intercass series arc alsxx cxverexd. ° ccilt' I~ x; etoxcextFOR on cocl.
Stat xHomlxxeopathxic vxcty, addrssexd 'lThe Unxionixxxxl is axnxxal banxquext The fxlloxing willle te prograxtxoxf
the xxSxxmvil A. Jonesv aletical >scity' hxav reevedl cxxxierabe ateton.the Allpha Nuxociety tonigt:
lxxxel'Txxrsdaxv'xxxglxt. IDr. Knightspa- 'lhe tasofixxlmianyofxxithe seakers ott VxocxalSolo -E. FP Tieiti.
per, oft''Caxxcer xxi thetBreast," dealt thxatlxccaioxnx xre lpxxblihxxed ifxll. lIx Reating- J. T Kexny.
xxthxlis ixxtx'estixxg antI bafflingvxb- cxxnexctivxnx xiix tlvev'xrk cxi thyLUnion, Tlk-Frank Li'a
icxx inaxx etinexillyvscientific tinxlex- tixe neexdofca UxiversiyCxmnmons i Papevr, "Our Neglect of E . .XPo xxs
lxstv mx xx xaxxxer. 'The latesItlxheories exmphasizedt xxxd tliv'evtaxblihmntilof xa Poet"--t,vxv R. Saresky.
x> to its cxxxe anxd dev'olpxnent were iixig all, lby' the Sxdexxtv aid for the Speech, "Thxe Recent Panic-XlI.IR.
lxxixxly' explaixxed axxcthe reultv of op- stuxxent, is strxoxgy' xrgx'd. IXlclxgh.
cave meth xxioxds thoroxxghly' xiscussex'd. 'The hi hBea Kaipax, Alpha of Mi- Eay-J. XW. anptmni.
Foloin Otx the lxpaper Dr. Knight denmon- igan, its itoy, lts caravxr and hts Parliamentary' Drill-C. IL. Kitt.
Istrxaxd sxoxme very' interestxg ecioxns aimxs, re discxussed by Prof. Lloyd, te Cxrreit Topics-A. G. Ky'selkxa.
xxxxder thxe xxicrxxscope. Thlivsas the Iresixdenxt xxithe cxapter. The frontis- Debate : Reolvexd, that a eoxxsixx
Ithxxx of xi a sxerie'vof ivectresgivexi uiider pic i ax portraixit f examin xF. tional aiendmtexntshould lxxexaxdoptd'
cilxx maxagemxextxofxxissoxivoetey' o hxoxxr (rxocker,irxfeor xxi philosxphty, t6g-proviting tat vUnited Sate> setoxr
xvxpxilic stxxveits. 1P3. Ohexr illuxsirationsv re "The Di- lxv eletexd by xdirect voe of thex' pexxpxiv
-' -. ~~ig oottaoifte Michigan Ution," anti Affirmative, . S. Shanafel, IE. I. 'l'ay-
OLDaNEWSPERS'-v'OxNxx rXILIxITION. "A Snowxy Evexnixng on theCaixptis." lor; negative, X. R. Oberli, lII P.
r.Finnexy xf lxe general library haixxx Laddx.
placcdsevveral flev of early Ann itArbor ixxxv 1,cr .nc'c xigwvxx:xT r LxecGcAx'. Msic-Everybody.
xncwxspapxersdxx exhtiition ithtle periox- Johtn K. B'rexntxnwxxvunaniimosly' - -____
cal rooxtiThese papers are of interest electexd inxdepexdenxt delegae for the j AlliiUtion membrshipxticke sellr
t presvext becaxuse of their conietion IHop at a meeting eld by the jumior arcturgedl lxxsetle all acxouns tii

xwith thxe xxpics unxder xdiscussioin by te lily yesterday afternoon. 'Three amend- I nmorning between to and 12. Thtis is
historicat socxiety. The periodical> shovnnen xxxts tox the conxstitxitioin were discussed implerative. The comymittee will bxe ini
are thxe AMichigaix Emigrant for if82o, the anxv xxxoptexd. _A davy pipe will be Mr. Knuni'x offcc, second floor, Unionx
Michxigan 'rgixs aixx'Stale Jounal fxxr cxosen froixithxoxe "exhibitexd by' the pipe clxubhtouse, instead- of at the Allimmni
T95 contittiexe. room .5as ottujcedyesterday.

Assumes Duties Feb1--Bxoard
Defines Status and Duties of
University Senate.
axctioxnxtakenxxinx x'x"axx'ctoxthexviixoaxxl' in
xxx'xt o eogxSx1a(i ' rauc
The, athleti cbar of cntrlxslnx w
lxx I xxx' fxll cxxxoixxx llxx l x txx xx per-
xxx x. 'oa''eics.T e " % oad ilxx
xxtxx' vxvx' 'll xx l x v .xx xl cand ill
lx sdi c S. Rk r xc xx x l ,;id cxl_
to xajw x arisxx wae. c .xaypo ix
xa x t -axxx x l fx ilxxx Ixxxix xxxx xxxx c cclx x
ii:e Savig lcxk i 1cxl x '. Ix
roslve, i vh tln ,fo h oiin t
lxxx 1rto a dio . Ilarp i ttel
tv'h xx'L , xxivs cy c l" '. nid li t
lxxx xc'x . lx' ir cx'x.o nt xt c -adxc I ,
clxx rs anxxxvt'x'.x p ccl ii> Icc x x. a i }
clxcixrxxi .cl e rn l x aIx x 'x
'toicxoxns ir cxxxx )cxc c-,x i~t:
xxlxix' ofai othe l ot ccxoix cxc xl d to th
The co xi xxitt icxxxiixx
xxx ccP A xSm th x 'o. 'l lxts
of D troi, vcre clecccl ix 'j, xi
pa s for he w vl'xxx al c "xxl ig
whci s tol bxex' i lt.' con x I>xcxhe cc
Ofc the detlxxx; lxx ''cli cxx cx'
Ixxxxv ' c . x xxi, ccxc ts gra t~l s
I')-f Jox-illxxFailixxcxc't .It cxxx"rv-
orxd 'xer lxixho xxxltxxx'x w i nl ' zl
ateix n xxx> co oixxtel ax
L11ou i tRx x' o lxv e osr~o'o
xx\lxii lxrc' 1.,cx . xxiscc 'xx lx 1'ox
1. N. Cocx'anwxs' ppxxx edxx xxxut
to Prof. I'rcxx' asl arcxx.xx xxicy of x (
Asxt. Prof . J. iNE l'hxmxxx iscx cx "x
lea>' ofabscelxcx foicr lxhe xvscnxxsine-ierx
tox take ctil advanxxce'x'x tuie in hJ
Albxextx D. Peace'is apxintedxxctxl .xx-
axxt inxstx'xu cx'r xi isxtoxy toxPlxx, Ii cc-
so . IleI' is thi plx'>hr xixe
hlxtc biy Harr'xy Bill, r

.Xxx xxsistacxxxil (_:cxxx cxx a cx. ds
axxiixxciccl atxa cx 'cdxc xlr75xy 1S cx>
asx xxxxxvx'xxxx ilxthex' cxxtxx ic x i ''x offclixcs,
ati xcxarie. xxtctolx vexcedI $xxx
Sx'txxkxexixxc Manxvook clxrI Hagopiax n xw'..;
axxxax'xex'xi lev xlxgcxx'xi xixx'xxof x
'lhe'entirexord'I x Was l x'xpxrxesent xt cv cl
.xxxxx xxi, i l xWxitht ciix xxoi lxfxx;''01
TIhe senxiorcxetxcsx'x xxx 'cxxx'' x xx icch
hospvlital y'x'terdalxydcide'vixa'i ofcx icilx
pahoxtograxipxx'rxxxand xxlet vx' cxmtrc'ito

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