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December 14, 1907 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1907-12-14

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i ,,

G. H. Wild Coipanly
ithe City
Exclusive Stylesi
For Gentlemen's Wear
1, erything rqired for Suits,
Oeteoat, ancy \Vetings and
Trotuserings, ansd of high cfass
fahries ad s(ti pelfstyfes.
Ful Dress Suits a
G. H. Wild Comfpany
311f Soth State Street
Wholesale Price List
Magazines and Newspapers
towRates ad Popt Srvie
M f~t. te' . itt oma' it ttiitt topa-
io itay Cl-..A
N5itt :\ ieici i i t i . .____ $2.65
Our ie o, $165
Oltc( ttir-'. «ie'o-.ttpoitati.Wonsan'-,i
Wti th rit at 1'ige tt' $2.6
0-..."price,. $1.65
'OlCtliii h.C-totitalitto ttoo
Cli tli :1 S ottitt '1a~itoto'to-' -- $3.30
Our prie., $2.65
tit ci c otttolk-, ie i tt'a.,o
N t1.ii i t' , t g~tt' $3.65
Our eprie..$3.00
Ourpeice, $3.00
The Largest Manufacturers
of Official Athletic Supp.
Base Ball, Foot Ball, (Gol,
Tennis, Basket Ball, Hockey
Offiiattopemotsot for Tack ad Field Sport
Unifom orto tSpot. Saldin', Hadoneey
ttlostrated Ctloe of all spot cotais nu-
mereossugeestons. Sd foeit. Itsfre.
Nw York.('tit aeti. St. totis. Sn t teoists,
Sit iteat iit. titter. ttitial. yrare, f'ttss
11., t't iit 1'p17iiiit, t, t.Citciati, Bati-
mtoiri,. tsiiii-ttitKanasnCity, Ceveant,
Now tlcuit'tttttrot, Mtottrat, Canada.

Manoging Editor-PAUL SCOTTcMOWFR.
Busirtes Manager-C. E. WttSsFAr.o
Aihi rifts. ..- Darit P. Steveson
F.thatge.. . 1I. John Wombtd.
Music aitt Drama~.....Roy D. \Weth
Womnrit. iitor. . .Loiise Tort Voori
J. W. MCandless FEler C. Adors
Jtohnt F. \Vtre
Hiram S. Cody George H. Hobart
Chauncey Boucher B. G. R. Williams
Ravmort Vissher
L. C. Reid Lee A White
Mi. B. Mltugh J . H, Presot
A. L. Hailine Robert Montoer
Lowsel J. Carr Donald L. Kinney
WalttirrK lustwer. Louis Kraft
teit s T. Kniskerni Robert Moreani
Pautl Gree Stiiet f. Morris
Ot t u gef t rtil E, Goodng
John F. Wur Crl H. Adam
Hatrod P. Gottld
Address: MCHIGAN DALY, PressBldg.,
Maynard StreeL.
Manager's Hours : t2 P. in., 7-8 P. i.
daily, except Sunday. Both phones
S.\'fRf)AY. tECIt'ctlItBhLC14, 107.
'flh it v tesiy istrimultof fhitmor.
t loioi to jo'tke. Is fa'ceiitus itfeas
chek; r imiises,'id iti, t'ttfi tiser
ifta i'ifs pit ifeitt eetrtit' ifets iifp la ,
a +httnvri tuir esd iie itt
inTIM ojicti. Te igfiearted,. :happfy'
tmperet tihooti ill s fofreerbe thife utt
fiftiaui ofiis gooiitdtititre, swiffleconde
scito trook their wotrti toilhg-
tititi y pirotriftedtiio eprtititi
ot t samethi fig,It ths respect it
t't'-.tiue> _Nicatiwhetr wotoncatinutatlfy
extedf sofetgithintuntip' atni
~it' tHeapt. hu 'as 'las a tmle.
''Ifs nun tiwieure fittile eearly to the
liitMttturtnivItiersity ettideniafly
c.ttf. ithem. ii tftifit egages len gro-
itqesest eet iiitht effectsof
fefititind istt orett ton.t ft 'plaes augreti.
uigy sigbottardin itts frontteyard. 'fli
itisutl siet'of teifthigatditfs igi
re tht grotesque featires. For
tutuswe at moie boarifa
the firt-oneetwoithfre,
mtore, -it whlolt yre
sie. adt they are
Rltithfles tove it0
fhelutdicrouts elements
! At e it hus notofsuppress it.

this s tet ttritteplt'wichilicatfidt s
is thi Siuda schtttol hotsacnswerti toi
te'ettta flit kUtieritytitakiet-tit
sltitstof flis stratagemt.and ilte eof-.
feet i onsvulsing. Foir example, iI
nakes ts sigboars--lie numnerosi.r
grotesticti stghoards-saty ottDecembferr
it fihat '-os o s bant willle it towi
ot Dtecember If Whatftcold het noret
carnitval?. Intanothr placeltyi 1rttite,
that Wiflians lDawtsntillhf 'e ttire-I
c ett ar f. Int;tit ot o thi le itat ore tit,
il ordr t intiglthle ratot'etifent
lttttne and eticeoarseess .ifthelitheltr
jokfet ithlift litwse all "qit Itgo_
to signbliord deltres (oittl~eembit'r i
temiembefr) tht the lsot itetrltss fot-ti
all gatmeit ofit'epear witlfltt' lyedtitt
stshre, schtlaltsintg ittityet ui grit
tte wittas thist Nt flit'vetitrityfu
it firlcbatalles i t i t oit it Ifgltt..At
atis'rift' it tuake it efftrtttdilso-
tiitt'e fle sottlugable rcitl.
Somet' tWoutl sy ttlitsue. tat th
afiolt stiw 'is a fk ititiofiselfmockeltry
fith tt tiltili ititt lnds m igit hol t t
fte itsemly exhibitiontustio f lnnsits.
Fut to thatt weitobljttf . It i titit .
Antdtas wett' othe lfarg'.sts ttcat
tniversify iin America.et
Toti.sheeptacnitiuto fol'.lwitt't i
dotrinsltstt lie igHl.,Ptrt pst w
tir'' olk i'sti thart sseleii rtit'ti tr fit
ttft riltupetifte tttde tnlt', ilf t
attatch'ertutn c iugd fitttsigns o-t he i
fso'ifthietflitote whtetfthundfitdit'are
pasing friitto ind foilassfitegl. Thet'tiigi
hsle rac thit-heartt e litletetu
arilik tro nrf sdI orebe h
tldtrgleabut beingitt'to t etiuirif
wayg.itiantdistfayCo ttseqsen ill we tid
sameti. isaegeorddfe'alrofiftig lilf
tcore, foof le'thappenttioff hr'. inila
itigrfia-otfisnt fhrolot trecnstltti tuf
slirti f bttr lretiguthfetfiltrtougthlt
fit 11ralt w uli11f ro f rb
ff( sot Il 'tivxtio.ifertt rytodp
otiilrtt tott'treteright hlititiWone Si.

1'Pent Agl tterglrme-itleof te .W.C. A.finNewsbery E A n l a f
I fall. .spolir to Unisersity sotoen on ete .
modtuern view of the. Bible fie totethed G I.ft
uoititcle patrft wtich woent play en rr-
!iiotto utark atnd incidentalts menttoteed f out are in t(l1401
ii'alo iflietttnies li~sitin i~ about what to give yidl r
"If' ultd,fliterail twaycof eitrptreting friend for Christmas buly
the.' Bilechas ftssedl," saiud fr.lie ll, a copy of otur Michigani
'andu eudot uctditpelplt e.o a tho r- ltt Calendar. ft Cotntains
outglye iilfotie tietrs abut it, ifittitig originals drawings Atae
itis teachtiings fuitoteir datily' eeetds. lilieiaspritig. Its the
men' itt gout itottt'e otrld as teach'- Ol ptg
ers, miissinaries,.o ith t iers. shioetld best ever ptublished in
nutc ttyotengsmintds whliheute' AnntaArbor.
wttihin iteir reacin'f itthis preac'ticaf tl d P eol 5
ututitmetuodtuf re'gardhing thte bible, tak- rc ol 5
inthe ifietuctssarp tattilvitailteatchittgs a heSuetiso n
guidels fto utuctt; atndlusig thiemtsintt uei o n
'terv-au ltuife.,udisrtgaruditig thet' eesArbor antI the Utniversit y
tititfti it ad tte' sotitt e fnttot recenetly published by s
roinfluug utht butotuooiIt'.beutifutl tienu is now on sale.
diite feurus.
hi takitgugpil li tihetujtctt t ofNttttPrice. 50c
ulttthut'hethailmtinithIis ftriiveIs itt W fAHJR
Ch ttuland ftokt'' if heif t' r e mett sefulf -
tess if . atitui frlege of msedicinee amtoung Bookstores
ths oc"state. Street .MatetiSteet

Thle iunnagetutt'tfi thefir'o5(Gophrr,
tlsetuior souvis''ir puiifcaftiet at Mtihnne-
to ti is roituleci'autsetof a dethhof
$t1,(of6.tu tufhich tus iicturred. J titg-
il tt'.sluieti sersvedhagainst isretty'
s.tu uuttmtetbrs o'f t t'etasis whomnthte
ri tittcoul 'ueach. andthaswrit tuf stint
tuns asIbitt issuedto tteathi. T.hese
eerefueto fityip.alleig thtat itis
fijl~ttlafol teltittabite tor the entire
deubt.' Ther tlamtitlis ti partnership
arr f ~el tuale-. eathimtetober af flue
cla sfspi le o rt ttu'huetntire utebft.
'1 or sntfstisfiidIby' tthis cx'
utuil ifuuand tetaens ftcotnfisce
frtoperfty oflhist'mttmnbers tothIe felt
its it,10ituto ric'out fur te e dinteg
if lla 'pta Cu ifu'os'u.li titlthaPi, 'tt7,
aif Edward'it I iutroe Biensont, Dleta
KappffauEfpslonuu. t'o~u7, sWhicht sifltatie
;)lae on theeetnitg tf Set'. 31.
Portrait frames at Foster's. tf
tukeuher homttat' uliiigateItthatpinfor
Chlristmaso.froitu IHetutineg- & Koch'.,
Jurefti StMor, rt13 R .ftutris. utoh
Aill coedy'tf ilff1 at 'lhlealoritim todayc.
Pyrography goods at Posters. tf
liuva.'nc e'stilt' fur 3eluuseu's CGirl
of ft'e Golden \liesit, e. ur9, is
_inow onit liteOnhser & litters
officett'20oi)East I14uratt St. Pricest
tfu e t, $3.00;c trchest$raoo t ta
luets tiat ily0 trcirrl,$2.X) a. ptr
eeity',r$.oo: got enc', $r.oo tutedt75c.

. R h .Law and Medical
Treves Anatonmy. New .
Edition, (just received.)
Stinmsone's Fracturesatnd
Diplocations, New Edit ..' .
ion. MorrisAnotoeny,
3rd Ed. Italf leathser,
$2.50 he a l fs'morborn
These are new books andh only.
a few left.
Cali or exechanage yottr Lawt
Medical anid Dental Books.
Tel 761. 326 S. State St~
Largest collection of ordintary
and the onely collection of :finet
Michigan Pins
Qtiality Best - Prices Rigbt
Micleigan anad Fran. Stitnes.
WM. ARNOLD, Jewler
f2t0 R. Mi t.S


Bfuti fle tineg grosws funentter out
funntiler. At febhithumorouso effect moy
ufuttup' he gailsed fit hasinog a reeniart


0~fljEVER tiLIJUCE NL tW ~ ~iE

Every day one hears
people say "If I were in
college again, I would do
more in thse line of cul'.
tore. I would learn some'.
thing about music so as to
appreciate good m u s i c
when I hear it.'
Students of today cer-
tainly have splendid facil-
ities for such study.
Courses in all branches
of music are given by the
best prepared instructors,.
at very reasonable rates
at the
University School of Music
Maytard Street



the Ztubcnts' ecture Resociattn.
Season of 1907-8


John Temeple Gravns
Dr. Braneder Mattews
Leland T. Powrers
Opie Read
Oratorical Contest
Opene Ntinmber
The open number will probably be filled by
lion. Wmi. H. Taft
DUCED TO - - $2.00
Treasurer's Hours 5 to 6 P. M. Mondays and Thursdays] 3.

121 Washingotn[. The Randall Studio, Randall'& Pack, Props.

Phour 598

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