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December 14, 1907 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1907-12-14

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YT~flu1~t d s ia
N etrPeet iTi'ORY PIONEERS a72D: e i itroli RINI(S.INK
Bete e,§etof theishlair entitncst.
than a SHED L W LIGHT h'itold otit a benre h 'o.LK
1010100 ci three ntins, trench. latg - To load a Conklin Peotntn Pen utdil t 1 ay
I",tish, ad . mferic-to Just r ety we Cink, press tie Cresent-F ier an10(1 it ' P it ow
Ma yIneetig'acsrisn- ecne rcited tiecisand into a tpibic 'The eclege tank like a c.anel si to.its thuust ha'i althr
iark anti do tot garriso te fort any Standard is to it! No dropper-tn i 5-o ott leit l.tt i
ed at Sessions Yesterday--R~..ongr anwhere-any time
(i ThwaitesS~peaks Today. 1Pamto ( nmhci rin peteidet of te
zietutc ftuelie la cieIi is ti al ,titr u ho ae toit9 FElLIN
i~cnc n itorfcat 'sociey yeserday terapieduc ui irdaiy tathe WotuidiIfir "THE PEN WITH THE GRECNT1Ft1-kEH
r E I HP WIND)OW AT fttrcomato inte tltswibuidingwas etar- ciaiti to he here.can be filled instantly . ithotieleatent inonvenmine. You
ctrrc oan tn er iff itereteutg ntl Ptof. Klsey i ll deti vroer a iecitur ati. cnul iii it with wht kidt gioves on wthot c fit m-n er of
ca ii fiit ttiern. PresidinitiAngeli i oeie tismirlio n oscFk oiling. Beides its e iecithe, s r9tin 'spe- oi
Q A R Si~ t. miicn uicr tceiicio te societ. i iis nr tqualities of te Cnkli ili-te lerfect ferm.
Iato gt ts prf sdrmmt.(. MI. iturtoit. of eiii mitei li i rrtt pprLeaiifg e aleit at nd.' itric (emietie. }'t (m 'le no -t.t
Dim ita ll lt ife: imeititres P of - the I m ifairs a e iidiret. Pic '3Y.fiia iiip." ccii cl ot ic r (iii l ,t,,;
_________________________ to rt t tl. mt cci i~ J Tir hle Gsrat A ealnit n eetwiiie i~enThe Conklin Pen Co., '0 Manhattan Bd g., ToletdoOhio
Mo e Lone lira aier liti nreaId iy illcnuiin h iirier rozoti l aft ll have
f: ~ tie inet o lm iiit ell (0 ar 1('liCa ii f (((liltiu to iumoIiras lii iiwith Ii o eeiiit f rnt t' e ibm c-t l . 3..-
tiitiitt meotii ti (ii 0ahis io jiocia i t s citeeetit xooiiii'itli t i i i l' yIIl l x u ir
Wacesad ecir ap mIxuitc(hr mirri-tiemsu ii c Ttm. irti. tmis -fternisnit 2i I U , U I I I ~ l
Bagansi W tces a m c it iir I iritorI mlII i
bar'Wie Ires iaon dsal e l iRtoo ts, i i n mmr i i dithom fiawilitt cii 3 "m l ock i lti liitclud smeii ofimthe o osti
or u te p r o na lh iitop cmiy-. a t ii i nitti - isto r mi t s l i l i it s i tn ae r m if if to -b e 'iii 'i aii om mm if o n l n F
X~leati.resicenso 33IouE. iet .st ii'f rm m ciim I'hwTies mil ci' - m "The t g i n oif
JOSEPH C. WATTS (Illsiitiuilprmclamain a utcestiomled bI n. flit i V Nt mkin .in the County We specie ie in Colee tleoittd
________________________tile oiugtt fii i is agi. - ~ - ~ -___ cater to the tastes of Col ge iien wmho re alwas
a111m -imi frof. l imimsimimt icw's ti?\ II'Lfft U- Pl l I EVE N '?on the alert for te latest prdudcton. ThutW
uesm ii ,f sumhtt1gom-adoitmgiaitys imAC,) fill AtI1,-W~oSERN fi ~ hae mare a fne seectin:f
THE L ATEST 1-FATHiI-R mtiismmihtt colimomthathemre
m:,1 m mmli1mugymst"a m pit i l c riim m r i-uiof liegrn-
itatoadn(time mfortime IWestiemilace-atttlimimI'l-s1film- mmiiastrumIi-tmetimers, Suitiis, Oe rcoats1
dfin I h et f ," tie Miinnest i ly)P choosmues liewhole ~L
cihu tii Print fnii t cc tt t'tm (cs tim "al -smesterni stars
tti emmii ii ii unt ml tmmm ' 'fit Iiirmiot tmmiy a Ii
Prirce 2" Yss nthet t itCeh imiagm ipmiers gavethie Giphers a d 1aie -s
At -.x~l imjeri iii tim a, iliume'in'es:mC. (aprleftrimnci; Cae, lf
d ARalN lMALLst r tint te h is- thnc miiShucrknmchti.right ihalfhack.
221-226 S State S.y ,i Miig'all io, mmI i tt mim c it iititiiIai eotit is only ecessary for iti to tl myou tit wsm-c-,m
-lmo> att h timtmI the l ii mc i situ tswitt thits, forit sase "'lits asole Ageits for L. Adler ros. t*Co'sfnlit e muom
of ui i iitm t m os (nt iif mies eetiione
flchti n h l;rsp iIe it i imermi1 tpt ialtity is te proter- tailor cmade clothing If meu kuowci lething ,imi
Cole je mii~tt l iOf Nlintweotmumetntgranucdilamcros kiiow we are right int la. tagthis elebrat-edlintm
mmmi iii iectmmititamit omumme tie hte m cts tom he undieservedtly at the front.
aQr. t m mt mmii Iri ire for e mall. Itis ft o t tmp tim le perfecty
a: ndcml mmcm atmncotl rr te swest 0 mmii n ilmmi u ugtriuei We carry everything you need for a onpete otit.i
ILIRSc cried ouY tTeRIaSto a iract nu t imy iun cuiaitmeit, wtiioiui refer-
<ItLmu SmEW LRiSTit,"fuS. lmn S.moce to t-lgm- on thrmu ltcem-centiflie- _________________________________
mimi hei _o ci mmm'mmittl i im e Intl tmkm mii cuiy u l iitmntt
CIHRISIMAS _mm iiouidimf
1 mmiiicc anuus fcos litteattin A (cit i aett evenu-mietiioiiedA M A K'
it uttmi. et Sutom s [ : ie v' entrha s-iianrig ii-belt-g rig set hiiieduI l[ M NAlIeS I T I
tIe of ithoy arid co H la I'It cnii off mmmro ia Simm o c tt t
WoodHlir, Clothes andPo. Ciao i osd cd i ead t
dii try lreshes, ri o ot;" "e;inhemIii pim te tmimI i fI 'tiuC miismer i m itIn the Advace Spring Styles, Attarichdanditt i-
ad t ather aod O t Nr m iiii ii .mmciumm n q1ii utti teruriu nc "ttuie miialter ttfflits
flm o,.e - ,d ndun I ii mmmiiitiehe titaeitm ofI llmmc i' tt tntinois.latierim i imttached Cuffs-the Material oan ti e at-ic a- ooi
East tUnversity Pharmacy i ii liii I tl theilimitits the ti trg tii-malin em romitie frteas i Ow lpucuae e tru
III(tOiimrem usual euiut taitiohrc mianmgerie MACK to CO. Mai xSL
Vm O n cc iii' hetIi r P ein s r u latib.which, Nut lie of itaistcuositi rece miid. fc.(i immuun 0i
(ftu h ieu d in umiummue, mhis ailt a \mgmmm'c:& ('.,- Stt St (tp uvmnit O N E Y i ait Cf. e t i amim tmmili
Barber Sb paild Bath Rooms. gs. 34 6LOAN[n
Lar~,at Shep le the Ci +y a li ciiutmmisc mmi' . Tie imand. ini tie Hand tatcnered jewelry at Fosters, ___________________________________________
--J. 'r.'ipOJNOWlI. Prop.

I We invite your attention Io our Specials in nmens suitings
- - I See them in our show windows and examine them in our
* store-Ness ideas as adopted by tie dress y leaders- Ask
others what kind of clothes' we nuake.
WANER & CO. Importing Tailors. ,State Street..
Rowe's Laundry
The Ann Arbor Bible Chairs THOMAS ROWE, Prop. Gas Study Lamps
444 South State Street 326 N. Fifth Ave.
ess'Pora.nFrHsDsils New Phone 45 Bell Phone 457-1, 1tinsure a steady. soft glow.
A pciail lectnre by G. P. Cciii' SCOTT'S DANCING ACADEMY .
Sunday Dec. 15, 12 to 1I3 u th ostiiaite Siree
____Classes Saturday, 10 A. M. a.."d faloertn pri'e.
s ~~~~7:30 P. M. 1drtinpce
f The Religiou~s Eduzcation of the Assi'miliy ua or!ori,. Cheaper than oil or el~ciricity.
sresdas f 1 Petrsb. M~o.i Chinese Chop-Suey' Restaurant Go th best frorm the lariest assortmoost.
T edy, Chinese t aery Dishes, Amaeric a Luniries ci, r r
Al ,Bi'eChair Courses and Lecttures arhre Suet i cidi, Eseeymin first-class for- si A n Arbor as C.+o.
an d otheics are cordially invited. Chinese and Japancese iteri -bran.'
('i~~e.Up S. t airs, one daer S. Hattoo Broi;, 314 S. Stoie Si.
kVTUDiO--.RENTSCU"LE, 3 19 .East HurOD street

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