he Michigan Daily
Lehr Returns to Practice-Scrub
Game Today Causes Anxiety-
18,000 Seats Sold.
The fear that Michigan's football team
-immune this late in the season from
serious injuries-was to be handicapped
just before the big game of the season
by strife in the ranks, was partially al-
layed yesterday afternoon by the re-
appearance in practice of halfback Lehr.
Apparently Lehr had misunderstood a
criticism which Yost made on his work
during scrim'mage a few days ago and,
acting overhastily, left the field. How-
ever, the matter, which is said to have
been a slight one, has been patched up
and harmony is again supreme in the
Wolverine camp.
"There was at no time danger of seri-
ous trouble,"' said Captain Magoffin when
discussing the case. "Of course it is
unfortunate that it gave rise to the im-'
pression that we were fighting among
ourselves, which is not the case. Lchr
iade'a mistake the other day in scrim-
nage and Coach Yost criticized him.
The older men on the team have learned
that we have a coach to tell us what we
do not know and what we do not do
right-not what we can do-and accept
the 'callings' which are coming our way
as a matter of course. To Lehr, it ap
peared that he was being singled out,
which was not the case, and on the spur
of the moment lie quit the team. He
sever turned in his suit, however, and
now that he understands it everything
is lovely."
The return of Lehr to the fold has
No. 4r.
this week most of the varsity have been
kept tied to the sidelines, but yesterday.
they became frisky and Director Fitz-
patrick humored them to the extent of
letting them fight the scrubs for about
ten minutes. Signal practice was again
fast and snappy.
Today occurs the last game of the
varsity-reserve series. Incidentally it
will be the last chance for the rooters
to see the varsity in action until one
week from today, when the big show
will bring an end to the season's frivoli-
ties. Although unimportant from most
points of view, today's game is awaited
with more or less superstitious misgiv-
ings on the part of the football men.
Fifty-two weeks ago today occurred the
accident to Joe Curtis which sent glim-
mering what little chance of a Michigan
victory over Penn there had been up to
that time.
Today the circumstances are largely.
similar. As a year ago, Coach Yost is
away, watching Penn play, and too the
varsity is hooking up with the reserves.
However, any of the regulars who are
not in the best condition will not be al-
lowed to get into the game, as Director
Fitzpatrick is determined to prevent a
repetition of the Curtis incident.
Of the 22,000 seats in the Ferry Field
bleachers, o8,ono have already been sold,
and it is hardly probable that any of the
4,ooo remaining will be left by Monday.
night. Director Baird -stated last night
that in order to attempt to handle the
mammoth crowd expected, more box;
seats will be installed and -standing room
bleachers will be erected at the end of
the field. In that way there is no possi-
bility of anyone being turned away at
the gate, even though a crowd of 30,000
should -demand admission.
caused much rejoicing, even among the TENR _IES _IK HEKS
Bien with whom Lehr is contesting for TENOR VOICES, FINK CHEKS,"
chance to go in at right salf during T
part of the Penn game. The Escanaba ~-
ad has the qualifications for a great 'Iryouts for the comic opera 'Michi-
layer, and even if he fails to get his enda" were held yesterday from 4 to
M" this year-and it looks as though in Room C, University hall, and from
ie would lasd the letter a week front 7 to so at the School of Music.
today-he will be a valuable man next A large amssnt of good material scas
year. Moreover, by his returs to work, liscovered, men suited to girl parts be-
Yost's schemsse for sing tsv sets f ing especially numerous.. There were;
backs in the Penn game is kept intact. "many with the essential tenor voices,
pink cheeks and good features.
In Coach Yost's-J absence, Director It should be understood that the pro-
Fitzpatrick took charge of the varsity duction is not to be a minstrel show
Ipractice yesterday and sent the men or vaudeville performance. There will
through a short scrimmage. Although be no 'burnt cork" or other "jamboree"
lasting but twelve minutes, the clash re- f.atures. It is to be a musical comedy
stlted in three touchdowns and a field with the usual near-plot, etc. The dia-
goal for the first eleven, while as usssal logue contains many funny and lively
the scrubs went scoreless to the <yn. situations arising from the men's as-'
At that, the varsity was gives a big sumption of the roles of chorus girls.
scare early in the scrimmage. The Men who consider themselves able to
scrubs had the ball in their own terri- take either male or female roles in a
tory, and the regulars .were content- cshorus are desired. Good bass voices
plating taking the ball away from their for tie men's parts are just as important
opponents and walking over the goal line a tesors, andsanl ses who sing bass are
for a touchdown. But the scrubs were trged to turn out.
contrary-minded. Cunningham called a Another tryout will be held Tuesday
signal new to the varsity players, and at 4 in Room C, for the benefit of those,
Captain Humphrey was shortly after- unable to be on hand yesterday. As
ward discerned emerging from the mass to as te cast is telected rehearsals
with the ball tucked under his wing and will begin and the work will be pushed;
hiking for the far end of the field. He ahead fast.
eluded the frantic efforts of Wasmnttd Those who are-successful will be no-
in the backfield and a touchdown seesesl tified after the next series of tryouts
irmminent. About that time the massive has taken place.
hulk of "Germany" Schulz appeared ot
e scene and by a monster (live he suc- Y. W. c. A. To ENTERTAIN TONIHT.
ceeded in flooring his diminutive-speak- Tse Yoang Women's Christian Attn5
tg in comparativo terms-opponent. ciation will be at hone to its menbers
The play,wbich resulted in the near- this evening from eight to ten. Per-
score was one which W. Heston dis- sonal invitations have been sent out,,buI
covered among the mass of Penn's of- as it has been very difficult to get all
fensive tactics and had been given the the correct addresses it should be under-
scrubs in order to give the varsity train stood that every iember is invited to he
ing in stopping it. The surprising part present.
of it is not that it worked for a long
gain, but that it went through right
tackle, supposed to be the strongest point Students desiring to wait on
in the varsity defense. But -it's a good table at the Michigan Union Ban-
bet that it won't work again. quet call at Doom C from i to
Yesterday's scrimmage saw the entire
varsity in action for the first time since on Saturday; Nov. 9, and leave
last Saturday. In the earlier workouts nasne.
Principal Objection Is to Report-E
ing Offenders-Idea in Use atc
Other Colleges. -
Agitation concerning the honor sys-
test is spreading to all departments ofI
the University. It seems to be the gets-
eral impression that the system wouii
be of great benefits and ought to be in-t
troduced in some form. Nearly every
student who was approached on the sub-
ject yesterday expressed himself favor_-
Robert Clancy expressed the opinion
that if the method is a proved success1
in the east, there is little doubt but that
it will spread westward and eventually
be installed at Michigan.
W. 1). Freyberger expressed himselfI
as follows: "There is no doubt that the
honor system would be a great benefit
to Michigan.. The spying system whichI
generally accompanies it, hswever, is a
serious drawback If that could be done
away with, it5 ses to me it would ie
ass ideal scheme. Whatever its result.
it would not do any harm to give it a
Lo Weiler said: "Though the sys-
tet nseems to be a good thing in many
sways it will have the effect, if broken,,
of being unfair to the more conscien-
tious students. The hardest point, set-
ting aside the spying system, is the ob-
ligation not to help a fellow student.
I do not think Michigan is ready for
the honor system yet though it may
come in time."
The following opinions show how
sonse of the leading men of the engin-
eering department feel on the subject:
Dean Cooley: "I should be pleased
to see it adopted as I think it is a
mighty good thing. I ant in favor of
all things which put the student on his
Le. F. Ayres, 'o8e, Student Counci-
man : "I think it is a good thing but it
tsould not be acceptable at present. I
think that examinations should be con-
ducted honorably in any case, but any-
thing is better than having the instruc-
tors exercise a system of police patrol.
I am opposed to that form of the sys-
tem which requires students to report
.W. Baldwin, 'oe: " like the sys-
test except as regards reporting cheat-
ing. So far as a main is responsible for
himself alone, I am in favor of it."
From the law department come hearty
recomnendations for the honor system.
The following opinions of prominent
students in the department show the
general attitude.
Floyd Olds: "I am in favor of the
honor system which requires that a man
should ont cheat, himself, but does not
requre him to tell ot slanother when he
sees him cheat.'
Stephen Downey: "I have always ob-
served that in examinations when fel-
lows are put on their lionor there is
sno cheating, but when the professor is
in the room they try to get around him.
I think the honor system would make
the fellows feel setter, and it wold re-
dduce cheating."
Franki Helsell: "I think the honor
system a great improvesnent over the
present system. Its success depends, on
whether or not the movement cones
spontaneously from the students. If
Iimposed on them it will not work.' It
would be- a -fine thing to have such a
B. A. Macdonald: "I think a ma-
jority of the students would like the
system. It might fail in a few individ-
ual cases, but it would be of great value
in .the law department as a whole."
A prominent university . official says:
"It would be a great aid in the develop-
j ment of manly character. Though there
is 'little cheating, in the University, the
amount would be greatly reduced by the
rule. Such responsibility serves to up-
build character, which is the primary
and greatest object of the University."
The method has long been used at
Princeton and has become a tradition.
A student there never thinks of cribbing
and each man who sees -any signs of
cheating feels in honor bound to report
it to the instructor.
At Cornell, where the system pre-
vails, a jury or court consisting of the
President, four seniors, three juniors,
two sophomores, and one freshman,
tries all cases reported to it. During
the first year eleven students were tried
and the guilty parties suspended for
from one to two semesters. The intro-
dluction of student control at Cornell
was the means of establishing a self-
governing body much like our Student
Council and having jurisdiction over all
cases of college discipline.
At Vermont university the accused
has the privilege of being affronted by
his accusers. If the accused is found
guilty, his name is published in the col-
lege daily and posted on the bulletin
board. He is deprived of the right tos
vote in class or public meetings and is
forbidden to hold any office in the con-
trol of the student body.
California and Leland Stanford aan-
doned the method after a short trial.
Student sentiment held it dishonorable
to tell on a man, and before this feeling
the honor system is powerless. It is
scarcely to be expected that all dishon-
esty will disappear the moment the sys-
tem is adopted. In the short tine it was
tried it greatly reduced the amount of
cribbing, and in Princeton and Cornell
it wrought a great moral change in stu-
dent life.
John Graham Brooks was tendered a
reception by the Uiversity Sociology
club in Newberry hall last night, im-
mediately following his lecture. Nearly
all of the members of the club and a
large number of other students were
present. An attempt was made to form
a line and have Mr. Brooks meet those
present, but this was defeated when the
first few in line asked him some ques-
tions concerning his and their work.
After this the students preferred to lis-
ten to a continuation, as it were, of hisc
lecture and the few minutes he had be-
fore train time were quickly passed.
Mr. Brooks repeated that he was not
a socialist, but said, "I wish I might
be one for I think it would be great
To the members of the Sociology club
lie spoke particularly, commending their
work and urging them to stick to it and
accomplish something in the social prob-
lems which, he believes, lie before us.
He was obliged to break off in the midst
of an interesting discussion of the phases
of German socialism, to be rushed off
to the train which was to take him to
Chicago. There lie will meet Lincoln
Steffens and accompany him to Califor-
The annual novice race of the Cross
Country club will take place this morn-
ing, starting from Waterman gymna-
sium at 10:30 sharp. The men will runi
over the regular novice course of about
four miles, finishing at the gymnasium.
Although but comparatively few entries
have been received, the quality of the
runners is good, and fast time is pre-
dicted. Keene Fitzpatrick has charge of
the race.
The following entries have been re-
ceived: Balhatchet, '11; L. P. Hall, Jr.,
'ate; B. T. March, 'toe; W. H. Skin-
ner, 'toe; D. F. Cole, 'oge; W. 0. Coch-
rane, 'to; J. W. Fletcher, 'toe; J. B.
Saxton, '0N; J. Stanley Lee, 'toe; Mor-
gan, 'ise; Stahl, 'ire; L. H. Phelps,
'oge; Pierce, 'toe.
"Evil of Over-Capitalization Is
Doing the Damage"-Discusses
Government Ownership.
"Draw an immense circle. Call it in-
clustrial life. In the circle is a central
portion which represents the industries
regulated by our government. Almost
the whole country is pitted against this
part." So said Mr. John Graham Brooks
in Iis address last night in University
Hall, on "The Socialist's Challenge to
Modern Society."
Mlr .Brooks, as president of the Am-
erican Social Science Association, ad-
dressed himself to the students of the
present, for he believes that from them
smst conme the solution of the problem
presented by our monopohies. While not
a socialist himself, me stated admirably
and with all fairness the contention of
that party to the effect that all industries
to be justly administered must be owned
and operated exclusively by the govern-
ment, without any idea of profits. Then
he proceeded to show that there is an-
other solution. He said
'It would show the blindness of a bat
to ignore the fact that we will not take
the course other nations have. Social-
ism is the only thing that satisfies the
ideal of the soul and the mind." He
showed that already it has affected the
leaders of thought i most of the Euro-
pean countries and is a factor to be
reckoned with in our country. It is this
which makes for the elimination of war-
fare, not Hague Peace Conferences,
where they decide that certais kinds of
ammunition shall not be used, but do
not dare consider seriously the abolition
of all armaments.
"The Socialists have made the dis-
covery that our politics are not some-
thing apart from our business. They
have oily to read the capitalist sheets
or our presidents' messages tobelieve
that our country is in very desperate
straits due to the monopoly of a few
men. A conversation with the late
Colis P. Huntington, the great railroad
magnate, reveals our present situation.
'We are not competent,' he said, 'to run
the railroads in the United States with-
out great casualties.' 'Why not?' I
asked. 'Because, somehow we have got-
ten into the position that our thirteen
hundred thousand employees feel that
they need not do their best, they feel
that they are already worked toohard.'
'What are we going to do about it
then?' And the answer came, 'The ov-
ernment has got to take them.'"
The speaker went on to show that
this state of affairs is due to ourpolicy
of putting a premium on those who do
things without investigating the means.
"The man who can 'deliver the goods'
is asked no questions."
"The reaction of the monopolies is on
our politics. I meet the challenge of
the socialists to all society. The muck-
raker has not yet done all his work.
The railroads yet remain. The evil of
over-capitalization is what is doing the
damage; the socialist comes seeing these
Mr. Brooks considers Pres. Roose-
velt's policies laid -down in his message
to Congress as the solution of the so-
cialists' motto to "give every man a
square deal." "It makes no difference
whether the city or country owns ;all
industries, so long as each one is given
a fair and equal chance. The socialists
say that you can't regulate the railroads,
the gvernment must own them. When
the American people wakes from its
drugged sleep and helps the president
and his successor in the policy they
have mapped out, competitive culture
will be helped on its way."