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December 13, 1907 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1907-12-13

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The Michiga n Daly
ANN ARBOR, MIlICG X\ 1 RID kY, C l -)l(\ilId 13 Q,07.N.C


. f ti

P leform Committee Thinks That
Success of Movement Depends1
on Number Interested
The political itfoni n nittec' held
at meeting at thne clhose last night.
Senealreforiti lii iirti w etedicustsed.
. I. Peare . VVidC . Pratt,,
J. T Sample J. E.Ole \1.V.hIner-
mant, Hi3.Jonesic iilM.,-). Baldin
aee adeid to t ini ee
Tfhe geteril Sentiment is tht the "c
ee f -this toveenttit l itt en
t'r cit-itaiiiite niterinciteretd.
IT'he er oe tnei witteadied as
theymiake lhemsees ktown.'tIIlii a 111-
tiittie cwilIholl i' next oct hg Su
dit 'afte noot at 2 :o.
Ati theieeitig yesterday WartelBow-
matn sai: I eliee that nicsem tti
find 111u t tiet iii citt1int t iitic lest
comng ticthe ntit dtft r it chael.
'Tey a'te reflaintiie trilcsfor
the in liiid . I Ith le' igitc fc otm c if
M'igaii patriti ioia frterlityultoi
retounaetoustandi uing lti'i lee ciitiefa-
In rgrdto iithe 11111i ort li tica
rfirmitch-hicit en't rete ted ii ito liie
itrittti tie'follotwtu'"cmmicailltion
befoeain itg iui le ititds w61 it i
tileclI iciritcic bilittittt t ato
atycisemn'ut itheiitiltitofi ll 'it 'ee
anid frte'titlitteiiwhoiare'noehincrn
ag tetmseesito etct otiltheiivciii
find thenr aueiciiperectiiia'titiitot
iiinw mitapicturei titcfeitticiganiit
tian-a imanciwtotuwcll le ahaeldtt I
plai'tt the tii l~e r-ci c iticititltic oiir iand
Bieidetitle Icoul 11111 liiiand oti a
edozeni shrewdci iotiic'tlscwihiceouiitillit
a seltnwhelie ritdle a'tilt' em.dii Te
pariceulr'tr cccittiunde r discusseit
iotld, i tly Oiitton, g'tind little mtel,
and thatiwiti mtuiehtcreaig ioi jin.
flownalSeeli tmetiofcipolriecvirtue
heiipikedi ib' ficur 'tthousndwho iret'tc
tttte'rtticitte 'and1ful f thinii'tonithaiitc
te 'cystemticllsne etisl Iitc'ic
poliial sccliii Xiiiwhitstherelinot
rootmtforpolitilgeiusill mkingi'tii
theepetitioelit 110rIccofiatr tc ripetig
the croake r of le hIchionith ii cem-
nmittee,hty i tuiieousc campin of clii
ctiot'? Andhwtt vnmntieClici ' uuftom
cifferettiseior casiee, koweicoits
an eho 1isIriot'lit' rlcwhen ciiin'tandi1
'il hell preiopeci liii cecilwn1cc ii
wh l jiiutile so u eyiii itnliies, ic
the long rnuthe wiciihledemcay
coacied t e lieilibicrte?
'Centiraliiz'atin ccifibraintesthenoul
trait tieImasiccof len. (Centr'iza tini
cif power atr'ttsitetihuntgcr forpowetr.t
It alict eontcetrtes aielle isatce
tin ief le diigrntlteilupnitselcrf itand
presenitly tie great ttt tinas, Ito hslii
ptned ite fit olet101icin pitiger'
andieantimlpoig sytemi mlisi reomi
it anew, For systemsicuteleforedtlti
hae tll een tteti itndtried. Ottit
men-leatn tteti strotg tint-lencwitic
Soni care tlit ciatieamptile if hig
itegrity in her own1 ehoe of offiers

-e ver .lie'e right ' ot atid raise tip fitl-
lowers, who do' not nteedi to lie reformoed.
'Thein condemitiont of wchact is politi-
cally coilc. tid that: oinly, 'tell1 rio thie

wor1111 i-te arn te stem. It itat fFRENCH ut ndwlhr.SOIREE'' 1
tae i eadto this plan.Cite tis COMES TONIGHTt
ttutci( thei liresidetit of the C )tctil
li- ieiiieclti ~m r Two Comedies, a Thirty-Piece
1 tctn'ti ptttc urly't at ttliitttl Orchestra, and Chorus of Four-
'iti cot it reptresentaie eflthe cotrnitt
ini 'til iaThc e proposal eras iterely teen Ladies Are Features.
1ad totC oucil ant d t hlas not re-

Xcvae. i reesc erveid eat tiecet itote
lter I is ilded. 'ioutudetntetticccti
fori lte1111111proagram nace n. Idl'e
t1111t c;c 1li hion sale cat the dooricthis
AnXii tichprteiratitfotrctile:5i a

Athletic Board Appoint. tlroii-
nent Men as Committee 0 Re-
vise Constitution.

cite eedeisciicnitt regularier tetig,
)t tny thter e etinig.cThe Coniis i
sekn ighiciilihe citialtin initecrc
tel eandctempitllates aectnonilyifter
CCCctileit citinic ftroliitile cmittlee
eetl litappitetd4to ciriperaite wciii
Ahc ticliticae cformticomttee
X.C\"- 1"R lDlitC'113};S
A iimoistitetrecstig dieciptioni ofllife
ac :MiadidiwtsIcgicell ittDr t rl ecP.
icigicet Italkicn Tapitt iHall etire
'cciiesterday-iifter110011 The customit
Icndicctadci tontentioletlci apitali
hie rlnict peuiart ities 01 the peole,
andi i fthgretestifaii Spitstiit rtice-
clii lithe tul fight,-eereedesetried.
Ie. XXagnilt lusitctratet isticremairkcs
)y tpasing111abouti photogratphsicofiicenies
'iMacdlidci lindciofithe t prttintetttot-
itt cimany If. i 111111he knticcc ierelcit
,aly. ie kogav a teaticai ldetton-i
ci itticiliofl lie use of tthe csin tsmit
tetmnipresent eciteiandlimitted ithe
'illis ofitccistreetilndrs intlratilrcad
'cndc ii ice
Ill desertibitig til t' ionalct' spurt lic:
ciaid:"AXfter tlhireleise ccl lie itutian
hcite cliclat een it 'andilthe tieaI
toeadhn Ile i ithead trtrc
)rii ccliii ccliadvancsiloltoihiteii aittak'
c itsiarmecuci th atred louith'tidca
.wcoid. lie eefentdts himtselfewith 11c
clutch',cnd ntthele ctter,tunttil the
cinan lel ii tectheuanimail ireda ncouteur-
unitth feeltheogehuer anttu ihechea
icuecri d iTheimtadorch tthuenthactesthe
mllci itit thle dcliih ovcrtIelue tlrea
andi phtlelltng cuiciwrdl beheeneitthe ani-
uicc'ishuldersc.XXWleu lotte proipert',
chere 'ticnittlolituehtes heiceen hue
uccuicuc an'tthue heft ito rntofIhisietne'y.
If theteoure rut ischkitfulticriflute hltuck,
heullfilcli ead atiihiltferut
"The tciphitlphyofthurspcite cncii
itllthur fuel tha t if theihull us hrave
to cultackscethecobjctreltpreselutertcd itt
lueithmtidoramanittefur escapue.
it, ccciiev ericeisrcever anth cowa 'rdly,
cc Wd it hue seceftreatelhue mit hhitte
wcth, thigtublecom 'ecu o 'dtngerous
thit tile're uittumcst 'tuwaye iiciee nt.
":hlmost allcehorihiaicvetititnotil he
mclictsiblieve it their dutyticcthke
tisran chler fur cur agitthem.Iuti
is, cuti I 11tialrutal shurl.IThue tile
uil is tuttle. liii etuist ic s
llV1 ovne.Iishetlonisedrutow-
v c, t ice"ar iii statetmett hut thu
f tu ae ntt sc dangeruseas ihey
seell tic Xu-e thcut edce,'afrietnd cc
1111n,11a tuttadocr, aticohllt'me onthe.i'

'ri1 frincit c llubaiedlbytyhhirt'tutu'-
stoitt tciIcc ivtuccsit' orecestratill1
luresn ichhtue "Sciiie ratccuu uc e t 'hi-i
caeat 8 ou'clckthis evcruhug'ill Sarcah
Cactielii Xtgci ithl
Peupaaices forclue sceicce ace inow
comuuple'e liii' lcct-uof ciii tehearsalshe
wichelthlue tbeen lel1 lmscit di lltudur-
nth pas It si cc elic tik pthee yes-
letda ci afcterinoonut 'Special u cetututecr-
dlereud fromtt troutit rriedinthue tuturit
tug, n 'thuie nuume'rocuc dtaitt c thtus
ethaicncut the 'nake--1tuup hinadjiusitnug
thlt sceecrt-andiscage furnituue, prov id-
tug thue"tops,'tand ecrreetg thu roru-
gramste atdl I tg iiesuucutary oithc
idols, cre ceompleted.
Thcpogramics'ac folloocc:
IiLaAlXitaitse' Uierite onche-
Irautdert huedirectiont if IProf.
Satuuel P1 1ckIood.ii
X Mlogiiiue.c"Iai XlucueeA. X lut c
dei Ilcrdce
3' 1 cce F'temmtesi Sa ii 1111c c et.III,
Scene 1-t
Pilai nti-'-Ilena B. M Sunn.c
Armandtute-MXittiuI..'Wheler. I
I0i ic-hue II?. ynch.
l i tt chi I ieit Bouhton.tit
ITricsotin-FI cli' aiBoencu
chdicl- enry- R. ICarstliii
S1 cute-1 ei C.h Xeier.
4.Seletion, Le h 'title the fic'ttut't,'
5.cPopularccI'renueli gs-
iia)iePure etlsaci Xl
(huh"I;Xtuc ei.'Xarion."
Xissesc ihrdly Ihurey, intutu XMiii
1er raci l k, Siur1airAiuruifray,',
fraueHahllerI Ludinugtunct Rlits-
hell, N"bte, XX ci 'tut c 'cd SiccII i,
ilitpeasanht eccstue
ii. ILcc DeticSouth Is,"a icitdt tc c
tles Xhoiuuu act
iccitti ii-I' ttXWytel c
Anntite-El eatour Snt.uuc
Dit'uucus"'uu cStoidiard S. Xire,
GatdeCithamit tri _h1. IwinAr-
S Jaciieutu . 1F:. Monoe.
i. Selcintuu "Ma'rchue (I diriteu ules
I iThueucco udratmtticelcctitni,itare1arms-
cut"n-intthue extrceme.XNuchire e'scplayI iLs
letuutic Savne,"is a tint satire ott
t'tfet it oti certatitsocietycwoeonu
Scctiucucstue thu ccmunstic ltbs ofthue
t 1thi c enturt, inth11ecthird a'ttel hue.
i et, r i Irssotlitisttrgedl Ic 11he'ladies
lt iteadisomtrelf isi'pctrccut1 doeseco

enpited.iclA chtiutury f thec'plht,E
ic E'nlish, cilie dncesetc
111SCUSS OLD) 'SlRI iiX'hS'r
Thlis toryntth ciii nordthwect ci cl
l he thetmn elfthX'MichgcutI listori-'
ca societdyustciticthuird atiualc mueetig,
hulld ticay and Saturday. TIhe esin
awill tbc Ieldiiit R om 3oftit c itie cute'
buidig. 1 h frsltessc itccwill b ld
tid-c t ':311p.it'.i I The lpr eegrmt is
Addres of Wcoe~an .Ai
Xucu e i Xehtto uuc I u
icc ihuc eC hlucente 'Mi urtiucuu iccs-
iuent ofillMicehiga' i n t c I and Iist r
ceal Soceteroui
IPtier IHiltrcalbi glue Iom chit-
; I cc'eciions"--Judug' h uhccecci Cilil,
Iaper, lie (cltuchfGrmit Xcncui
Papr hidhetto iutaief theitedluhi
ute ascDeinediby thu Treaty ofi 1 Y''
-C. Xl Butnetrolcct
ITi c'venig tug' 0 th olo if
paperccilhe etdul
"T hoIGatieay ofli the dNictvst
I- r f nil Ih Ia 'etc.
lic Gescis itoflthe Inroclin t
r763 1Prof. hirelic e MXi Xtc ,Uh i
ersiy outIllinis
"L tuecl IGcuernent ai t lalinc"i
Ion LaIton Tutu i I rut clue sXli
Prof. Tihwcatescf is trcitiwhock
: ttcatt'e-el to e otu ftu' h lie lremtu c islt-
toriansc ccltheitiImetand'' asu I lii' iii
irecl retealedlyibohtt hoeii I
ehruicu, tillle'thet prtncialspeakuler ito-
ci moro . ''hte' seriesco itl iiun-c oit l .
Jesuits intt mi ca. wehili elt ehu t edlu , e-
uedtforlimi' a crecehtionu huttheupo'
'tul i i'tc' Ithu rsofuthee cis
eries of Europe tehi.t ytuic ir
'ttttsatuuee i'uThai tes lienalee
tomkc mnd alal researuicut'c.Hils
workiun loical hitrt i cnsieed'
sutandardndtuuiimnhetwi tilthetileas
igipersonalit' of tliiieter. X Amoutg
his books re: I " ItheifeliD'del
Bie, "ucT heIit Frnt itAtmerteic; lian
ITruvesl iXAmeica." IThelictemut
urce cs lie hcstry ef tie Ifrontierc Itrom
1l780 lto XX Wth iltenhwlcedgit o
naioa an01 i cd lcl hsoy rf
Thateupae n eTcIhut ieono
LocealHisteoury"cnntutftail tic hecofithie
;reatuest iteltret totheii stuets oth
hUicescut. Ile wil peakohat p- m
out Sutrda y
MIHliIcAN e~cs XI
ITle 1,o i ct heiitecueist't wiii mI e
ccanr o uucf photographsfcol eulegecenecli
"ci ci hots ccl amusuviues, lprminet
t tic eolact tacl'tylhmueimbecauscitt
t c'c'el; c0 cepectily deieduc
1suentsiu hothec pheti loograptkentrl
hit temctvesccrireueted itoiicll t
ttic, iitiignittac n offic or tou ,eitc
hitir amttice hueilhipitArmtrongi'tu n
XX uciuenate acenu. Xiisots o calcc
cclcecittheb e uen:fotbaui l ims
csntsmoere, enteelass gmuestech i
lieu anthuing of itudericit t Xici ii"c
Photograpcths till he 'lerunuf"th
'uuciiteeeful elicarneeeuand cc'e ccl o
dcliiona'i ntl i. cult :. c t fc-liii i
s leri.XAny ice anhe uell' lii eecli
sipictret hosuec ef oicndtih re-itht
o lottead e- ttrfourthito ifou lby iii
t icesecare uparitulalyt ce cci.
Th le Hyde lettres it'Harvard,twhiehl
remainttaindIiy' a funttuofni$30,000ciii
ice heeee hie year iy M-h.Andre Tuin-
edicit foeigni editor of te Paris
tc"Temipe." Thenujeet of he letures,
twhiteht will comne duing Februay;ewil
1 e "Modern Ind oregi 'Poitisof
Frncte and Erop.'

JSn)it(l a rpii 111 1 d lic
!)f thu cmIhill it tic tod rduled I
duti i t I'lie dcdilnli t ccc'''.
lii Xtlli i t ci Ic rc-cuc lc icI cIiias
1ccci , c ita11c r ctci II' I c iccI
ta e c m i ec c i s ci ti f I ll(cc
iii an il o sie ala
Iln it cii )th~ . h r si
, '<rk il IC p-c iric'"Il wf cc
ai nvt {if11 t i Icc tic i
;vi cii l ih l t W s (
ciii acs l p yii tl(cc ili
) llc Ic, an ac imtle
hci t. ll l'. 1 . , 'r '
IltitiniIlle dwr. M c ' i'l
)all' tuni ccducil cucla cer et cli
tilde XX citic l cl ih c ir
silty cuc cc cl u t le is o
'iti t ,c 11111 c cu , c cc c ' cclll i
uTi I lltci X cn l cl l ccii a
!l e edl I Ic i llva iot
XXcled "Iiciy<tictc ~
IC inji ff i . ]w t w

"'c dlletc
will workil

T' !!\ XII, 1r'\1

.Xy'eIA I

(lIithe l)

tco thinedelighut oI hisiadmtuirers. ,:Asee-
e utatd iedlant, XVadiis, is amtunieu. lTce
elucirtuitug Phuilaiinten, t eaucring that
lie hte'os Greek, rewards it weeith a.
l' erchvidtiss romtwhicdhule infersthaut

ee ~f ci fight,dccct thue huhl hael'iltcpirc' 1 1lie'is privilegedto ickiss them all'atnd
thin feor ofCeci' inihis iheart. ide cels cuirenus to uctuthe inferncteeinttunie-
cafraidu, and hueaditited it. lie nuts ctrn eret eua osbi
rightn. Oce unever-cknows befrlecicadtouie dvneicne wt-hewrs
cuhatc thechullciii do. The fightlers rick h I icuie'me I edo te niit h reok."
theiir litvec ciery time thee enter liiie "Le lence 1Sourds"cdeicutsthe suttic-
rhtug.Cuene o fi ndtthlotughtoncahi ot1oflaudeauf fathertwcc lieu schecIn
twcenty-four yetarsiof cgeunhad tscar lltmirrtytc hit ugiter ho a yunug matitwho
icier hlutedy.ii Tw1cee lie hadAjist e15 staffercstnuro' u 'ikflietion. Theyotutug
capced iuthli lute.t~ I have ittsell eecil an inilove wtth hecliiihtierfeigns
severa1 of ttecdecereeltinatadors thronouc d eafnees idtchhut ls tu hte fither's up-
tic thin roeudtutu piereedh by the hull'c treaii HoeerIwenutthe latter's
hornuc. 'lie ce~t es so0 dcangeroeuscfon heaingigsccreestonediuy thueimanevelu
thue actors t Ihere is 'tlwayc a hoscpital Ireathmtentof a celehrated phtysicianhill
adujointungthue renaut a eliprieesti hueattiutuiceha nges ianid ie scernnsthe yountg
hostuc. tutu.-X cumical scene folleows itich
Theueiixl ttltnetini the Cerceedries ethbeieintg inthitdea'tfues of the
cwilhue gteven Jan. 16,echen XWiliam A. otlieritidutlges itt thetosct uncomtpli-
MX'cIautghin ill siipeak on "UntiLItee e netary Iremarks.
Prnucaic." esutsutil the puhblicheisi- Single admisnuto 1 ~tesoree ic it
iteel. cetsic buti eh uentl in ttalentdane
ciii reeceewtihoutlera ncoet, a tieket
Kansas is to have a new general en-admtuintg t the Cercle's entire progran'
ginteering hbuidingceork heing already Ion the year, includingtgweo illutrtaed
unduer cca. letures itud the fave-act eomtedhy, I,

ciir, cl iih uh cplns 1111 Il {ic I l fc
11,11 li rtll' gynli~tn. rt l;
11111il l11 ',. l 171
,lr a t eliln s dt i ccii y cci c Ac I c
iai (_cci h nd trcivci ciI"<l
iiinr p1111cc . Itha hc,1 tc i'
kclatccin the sLcli idetiit l ilep
eci liteA ll } lotd( ~i l
c u ll h c d i i l c c - l l i ,d' I'd''' 1 111 111
t«'i111 cc l' i C 'lii 'he ' cciidccci d cc11i l
so] coi f ccucln'11.1 )
lic ceansccfiallclcIdttiIlcl" lc
N~esdaik', Valghala, I c idIT lc
Sirl: Cl u titly R edIanIlull t clil c
Genra Cain~atI jwQdl Xll
He.e I cuer 'tcs11l' 1cc
iddlic r ;ref'Xli i
hid m A c-I id t;i ii e i n,
cluec S~e; h ic cut dli ci icn SulAcN
Iaen. iaori c~t lle 1,ly 0
pefo mace ofturt th thcei111 ". c ii vI
in.e T e u ndc i uea itng cis u l

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