TheMlichig tn Daily
ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, S sirRD., Y, O111)11 R 6,1907.N. 9
NO. 29.
Lhacked by 1,500 Rooters, Buck-
eyes Clash With Michigan in I
First Crucial Game.
Cheered on1 hy lifttii 1unre i erri td1
thrrsiasti roters, Ohio State kill ln
tip on Ferry If iti thist afterntoott rte il
annual sttuggt wi itlh isign Wit th
tine ('stfln cac cosevaie th
nmemblers (If tite tea de tterminod, and
tihe rooters coinfident, the got it tih
Onekevs looks likit a hsed ittll lot
tite soonr-opponents (f Vanletbilt 'lilt
Petnrsylvania buhtt t thrst tiiatinl.
plointt tol a Wtoline 1(0vitory by a arar-
gint oif front tort t thity1 p1oints.
Nlichrigtan has riture frtoti(m1 tie tri-
a wlek Ill streitious1111 peaion 11111 li' ii
roet friint (,(lttttti and1 1 wh1ei thier or
iIto itestdrdti sit byts e optmiti
toilowst itIl thii Yoslit elev'en, ittamtust
iti adittedt tit It i t im 0 ig h
atlii tinf it(Ol'r lii nlii in tilot hi
itnat h} aIt be st of Iat h
Woetri nntse ani'in bti tic-
'1v ili yb 1(111 btit i g a'itit tcril, hut ii
ll twilltel
'otitil Iol te ta hil will defond
funr ielii today is unetan Yost 11( (li
annomcedthe 1ine1 las ight wt'ii thi
't leat 1o11 lo'ionti un11111 s a
guard for lil , a e while ill 1111-
1111 I il' t liln Se sin e t of Itar-
rinte risit e ar. T e rr"n i e t 'hera
line toftri Io e will he th11111a Ta
til face rrirtk s 1 t week.iiiiil
rIn ihe backftie~l.i 'ititi'r thillgs fr
rti soi eaiflho deidr Catin Itliii ii
wartts ill iitit and ltherid as lao
sidrta t tlc rl exptrlssit l0 the iii li t
th t lit nil nit hre si'ih toi gl ittl
th game. liii a r. a. i st' fis
hir iasefthe sesoh tiitilde 111 leade
willtttees tics n e n1 t lef t ia ,111 at
a ferth no' , o f a . hi tilt ire
starts r tihe m at qui lii rile ltte li
iltreeat fulak titl ghedltthre
arethreetcniat 1ieis 1ho grpeliriull
stronhgll t dti Coach Iostut an i the coach
wielstrt teeaie at rihtinalf thie
chrice iigs btween iLhr Dougla iandtt
Num 1 n cr t Cthi is giasellofsereiiigtir
it l"as it finh Iere tilto briiestr (ytt
rt letst tioet app t eearelrtei
tillce o settng til er statintret lad
ytie rae Co b thlt tim tttthill gis
itart h no y be1 in 1111 fientirel tietrenti
Glmaedriusy tiraed fl 0111 p Cilioi
Aiget tired ovsers titie Annrbkoruti
drin trshoeir to ith ell atleti firat
NewleBrrrildta gtivlen tiesr tof tie
lnittleretr ga'S ere rtantired t
the tiranesni. Cochli iiirecelr tav
tesa ailigOihitte teigna l ilo atrlt
itemoing tie inks awtic hia ieteno 011
tire whrole tens ready. for a haed fight.
Tile rooting delegationa from Ohio
ftnte will reaeh Ana Arbor ahout noon
ttoday over tire Anln Arhor nailroad,. hy
iansi 01 t special wichil eavsl otull'"LIBER Y Ii Oif i lS(0S fO
utis tmornting. Acoing t to LIER '1IO,/ 1 j(t};ihi 51 F'F FOR flAY
s r11ptese t ltves whio accomnirrie
tiihe teethuiiasm isetacreunnsng higriIMEA LICENSE iiHllt enJaoitiab tiieltGatiith tarnd
desitethetemoray stbak rceiedidori'iie Careylwiii cirosen for the
last Srturdiaiy'wirertWooster tredl Stale, senior_ 1 play1 coimitte atltc tDean Jortdan's
ni lsttiotilile I ittti onetiter Greed, A'varicc, and Lust of Iieitiliili eiosyset'y
it accomp1n11he special soi omitte forflltle ci'ass ens alt-
ilItslit.Gain Are a Treasonable Trin pinteliiias follows: Soarorityromenres,
heflraoctieof the Michrigarn ity,"' Said Gov. lHanly. 111111111ii Hutert Ika(lpaI ksI~a nnon:mm
team111 inr prerng toe tire game tas It tFreil da eyns',uiKappar AiphaiTheta;
11111e formatltit.Fetinrrg posslitle itt- "Greeid, ILute1.and itl.l ust if gain, I Ii ll intorim Sotoisi;FEthei Reoti,
juris thei coc iidii ntot essay a scerrm- a treasal~lle triity. a triaon'i ofii illi'ce.. litChi liii" Or Indetei dnttti membri eres,
itoige. anti 'tter it shet sigl actircee
t' irrnereisentin.IllTe cinrg
iworkout.tlithog, w sltitappy ardilie
teamapperedtle 011 edge foeua ard
;anre. S tittnri ter irstitefigit recessnry
lan alil jobtl u sevral of tirer tewo
ir' after bacieli d ibers ave ieeti
vsiiotrk si t iihrd, ld as aresltitteler'
-orltiioilhasitresltedi tairfreyears.
iegar disill the isa- tietealeantes01
'p at kitck-off, itin moethanttr Iloale
hat 111101 Iof theimen1o11theIa rstyo
i;(, uad ii I wil ietich n e ie' sri trt 5iof
he11111 ii-that. 0,dtterritegeitawoni
vill cliiubtiless playislet gtt'rt'inllti '
setniihtlf th iieotes~tsiile NSilr
ttq a tri ll lil it tihlf.iandtles r
ie ; I t tll 1 hkate tosiil iit' '
I t111 1 w luill cm iltyitteti itio-
ill it," itbti aillIii it tit 'our d
I liti tc of the battl 5"Wh11e a
don tvink e lcgiii mes 'te 'ii a
tea aslat yar th Mniae llt i dotti
wt ll i(ilrt a t a glii' ( li i t liil
:)f111IcoursielliintnewaI ttld(li t
; i i cigan ilt ill liicauii. itiwl d ril
yen tol atgood shfir nglitt ot itre.t1
to t r i , tril 11 a1 t ithe tsa istill:
ormi hihmillht possi iItsci
1115w'In'ing i"'tniiadvltaetiree
it , t i il ot i nti''-111 tt1eti t ilitt"
111(1 l i'-1iti as I itch i t i i tic t hanii
il in.- tr id l iii i oaic1 tlis tieht.i
'Theibosiris ll etnieegertoree
xhtihe'iareisit)gaiestrileda tlerday
an atai n'~tlit iititc, ankdo theikcii
wit lir toiwofk(liThesiiti iet hle
ias etii ruintheisli it pasfeortstie
oate alldoies Mrilkonlteicrigsttec-t
sillf olar wer isif the11sa1e1gf tisei
ithtprofthin itend ca, btaillen01
titaatit I ic io.Adi pat reurdsOtaI"
at ally i-se'dale licht a i alist ie
wtils isvet xii t ingo arfinsedu
chaaeii'rIreth tis i' it'noriceberOit-
rote. t hio I Stalte.iris ithrer "Ohritto
lie sarlet and gra tf tie Ohionis.
iii 5o. S.1tuband il cerewit tie
seilethiis rmrrong rd tie sothl
buleaerc -sill eounill oiyndit
entuiatsi eheerinr thisliafternoon
even if-iatis w pers iroale-heir
teamtis 'he111,1 rlfeared
'Ti' gamti sill strI si 2:30.
liherielals wnili rrrtup s folis:
l M~ichiat Ohio Stae.
CRirttatr . I. ?.......... Clnfliu
Cases'..... 1, ......McAllite
tt hms...... , . .......Schnchel I
I Sehlz. .. . .. . C. .. . .. Claggetl
Grahm.... .G .....Thiompsoon
Rieitse inn i..R.T. t Sanerhacler
i'ammornid... i R F.In ....Cart
tWausrtiid. ..Q B ..Barrington
Mttgoffhn (Cat) r.IL ,.....Secreni
Ieli. ,'''''I'll 1. ......Schory
irtell...'I'll''''B ......Gisoon
1 iBOWTitS ''u" AY'i 5 TU'iENT.
M-ioretian one lhuindee tutdets went
refusd:.admirssiont at trown university
clease 915, the fl numer that car
7e be'ottodtd hse rgstered.
are' dingltkmore t'l utui inthis cutry 1
thatn all the itmis o f uti (i tl l nu
couldido."T h ii(lli ii cluhe ueytn sll-i
itece iiatrill whichi Governlri l l tr ll i il 111
opienedllthe Situde nts'Lcer e ' 'uurr 'in io
iriglalirrlioftPeace." i
(n htif tuuoe itho aerr" g
founded a in ti u ibo ilrli inpin.liii li
fbuid n te u 111it of arun lihi
erty' buttri'si'lbyillaw.
Whrear m" inill'' ti'ii' 00I
fIt irtyioftthe ungeiti ass
It wisIcti mn ifaiiihilllack menii T
ift pIliuiiim nt andIri iii ii lu ll n ini
l'it' 'Song edaIlendertsortKaithteritne
lihi fouthieviterlgitven. tPrejuitce"teas
the, fotur Il th ve illn.Iast ytarstwren
Prdeai reicetu tas ipresented tin-
derith iirnctrollof hits. Wniliarr Hfb-
muimultihe inn"lt dep'arttmettt gsve onae
i lt'11111 1 555V'S inRtiClFSli
I iie uior egin leers dtefeattedth le
setnirs of#thelnir eptietyesterday
1 l IIrn I l b asoe'Of I6 to 01.fThe
conestas te a-onffiof tint oato 0
55 111111 ill 'cdn ,dy.Ts hiii fresh
lii li ( la"s utI= ov r the tirn itt's, 5
byth jnirs 1u)im tttthinaetsthet
itrenc-ocefetrirlnecta'trl. No attre
Otior uli111u ('l -hre streinglth-!
habtinr off'uuse'thnnin tte'
"'tulef'Iliii 55'eiilesii'it'Shotytil'after
thIln ling ftefitrst hslf, Schenk,
15 'he ii. '1 itlflt i un rppedi bask tin
pI liOnii eiignal fo1(tn'rte kick,
l -ke the ic,1ictdunteanllfnd
ral lv~ite fitny yardls l fo lrea
I (IhmN1. S n~t olng.10).
1'.e tcr ... ... . l. 1 .. ... , M iller
C~us ,I.n .. .... 1,, , .. .... ..P rks
Jhxhns . .... I- (J. ...Gray
IN \'m ra....i i, V ......Keptaer
ru"in o....m _ tnknerger
L n ... ....1.IL . D vey
('1mintut I'.. . I I. . .. . .Schenk
55 s . .. . . . .1t It . .. . . ollatnd
(TICIt .). 11 I........ -Haynes
ti efre. ldidge':.rnrae. iuMartno
tut' l iia , ln iit1l: uti'euof raises,
l ii lrit haInlfI if lire fresh-juniorr late
One Hundred liten Sell Tickets
For Union Dinner - Limited
Number to be Sold.
Micheligan Uniion memrereship atar
btanqulet tickets twill ibe distiuted
to thorse weho are to mnage tae
sale1 this rorrng ferom 0to clok
tintil noun, at fthe Alumitinus roomn.
Thre presidents of all classes must
mieet tite finance commiaitee during
this time atd are reqested to fur-
iishrtheir class sis.
LUniorrntembaersiptaninthbanquet tickets
wihincleltutn sale toay trouarghthe
agencey of aburinit onirhundred nnia. The
Unihnn itends t get all tie tickets out
at the same time artd hae every stir
dent solicited at once. As there will
ie tauly' tine hunrdetbianqet tikes
avariahle on acun olf tie litited sea-
itng capacity Of -aermantrgymtnasium,
those ttho desire them mustl purchase
at tnce. As stonai n ine hunrdi tikets
are sold, ll thes sill be witideosn.
Thte Uniointembesiptichikets wn'hl
he solswithout limitatintut. It is he"
lieed flit at least tso thouusand metro
bership tckes shoe~tinidle dispotsdof
amnitlg the studtents. Tie l b eilnl bhie
ready for ocnupancey xithm i (tenr' short
tirne ataritire larges possiblte nenhr
ship shounrldlrteteoli iin o'etrluinn
sitetiesit pible start.In
'Thoso enho take sitdvan telofthtnrno
ducetd rate of $350 for tie combinet
Uninman betrhsipu tnI banqtlt iket
muttpresecntfthirn iorm em be r'ti'ship
tickets atntt the ndoorunf an hI tnn gyn-
tasinitienglt (f thiibanqIt ii'.. flhe
effect tof this is tinpreist Ione frtamr
hbnying a mnembenhip tnic nket utittimore
that oe anus hlhtnet tcitInt hae edeureey
Haitrry IHilchamnnmfrthi ie unont
fintance commraitee atd ames 1110W.nM-
Canidless, chaimnt usaof lte bannquet fi-
tance commitrtee specially tige thai
all class ipreidents meetat the Alum-
rus room this mrning inn tiner that a
conmpeho Ist of the classe ay he oh'
Thetelectinof fie fresi nogiees
yesterday resulteniir tie ciche of L.
J. fewis foe pesidernt. 1T11 feis
ticket, rehicht tes oiaposed iy anoher
heatedi ty D. i-. Torrey, wasrielected
with hut two exceptions. Tlie rulti
Presitdent-L. J. Lewsh.
Vice-preidet-G. Dunlap.
Sereary-O. Blutmerg.
T1reaurer--W. f. Geriatser.
Footbnall manage-G. F. Pushaw.
Bfasebtalrmanage-C. In. Shuites.
Basketal manager-i. F. fowel.
Track nanage-P1W. Knisk er.
Social life antinhe Unaversiy twill e
rconsidered y tie Adephi tnigt. Fol-
lowing is the progam:
Parliamentary lDril.
Special Address.
Impromptus-Subhjects:I () Cove-
-nor 1Hghes; (z) La olete for Pres-
Discusion-Social Life at tie Uni-
f versity tnt Michigan-Mar.hal.
Deate-Resolved, thaultinhe telegraph
tlines in the UnitedI States shourld h;,
-owned anrd operated hy the governament.
:t Affirmalive, Schaffrothand Kramna eg-
'~alive, Lightner and Brunmrosen.
JCritics Report.
GVROJ.FAKit alliotlbhe llag untitihlblack munIill
kill usit uinn i outpnrocesii s ofilaliiv
ITisnt libtenrsti ttliense. lot'n
this ei stlier tyil ]lot. Ilit'' be.
"A ttimthue o rsiulnt Slci itiu
aseasniautin lw uh throe til m n 5t(
haebrta rm ms epnsc y huetproceiss oflaw tI eer i
is hell sacrnured inR lieiWlea; declha111
its forfirt"
lolt. tin iten ortraiii Cute in
inse teorn these spanes f rumitrmy t(
recumnht tire cost o ian ehrcty inpresitve
aud buttres'eidb'yia' v;t ota c
youitt nsit ion 11(1 caniI all patrIioiiitim
tint p'hssboun thurtimpelsme tio oe the i
last oftientdntithstauntilfor pelie
tin passitn thaimp11011m(n ntto d(1 i(
for thenur counrytint tol lime finrit; thu
'Patrhioimr lftPIeaceii it eiq tilts
g'reaten couttagetomettheliii irel
tnts or out freitiznenshiprnitha n t
daeso- dmtciii teruntoliiadvan-
tan . lithesecndhul htne freshmnrn
WOi'l iili the ll thouwntill field raidtly'
cnarcxhi n f utnuts. liv short,
''"un g-itasttusovaluwas brounght to
tn stu -ar itreii untilstthins pmintiBen-
hull circ ledileft endrio ra toucheidowen.
olwskniked. line gamae seas
isa lll tetintesiearl ni cc(unti ht tof
'i Iat >} opLawst(is).
1. I ss<1.. ... ... . . ... ...Stokes
liii1.......... . 1......... Pfeffer
Pren usti........ . lr........ in1ger
I Ittsii........... C(I ....Cramer
E Bartis... t. i..........eonard
ruth elbsowss uiw intioraudes ina. I it .. . . if . ....t. .1'unnoen
W~as hingtonraanti huninsarmih 1111itohotes-hBenntt.......1.. L . .........Chuirch
tahisin tis gi erhnnt it r nemiainedior n i Moo.... ... . ........... Rogers
the patrmiotismaoit ieace tuto wliii tire -isiliey F. 1... ......Hnter
scattireud thrniadsis ntuotine SIa11111Chrtao 'uS uto . . . . T........Emiterson
of 0111litbetth iie ostrmrrtbor I eficit I iHumphirey';' umpire, S Wil-
"God lass beetiindrlto tiy eunhry{Tams; h henodilirnnosmana, Knowstltoantilme
Men hrave ilways hteinnOttndnt leIadiofilveiiis, 15 mrinmmtes.
us aright. Johin r ltshall ihnrreted -I
thae constitution;r Daniel SX'ehster gave' ('ilivInLyt 115 I 51 tn"s itht5K MONDAY.
it a place m inteliearts if thue.'Snrorieuurr I n I 14.SL. Wiguns' hto Instheera
people; Lincolntrildins of thte senurg~e Irhuruit 1athins ilietine pastwnek
of slavery. Whie neresidentt M-cKileyithtin se'oreocolii unitin attackt of
was assastinatled it seneed so tucetil ohtniitn ,insnaunchir~proiied ndtnSwili re-
for; hot lolting taci t Ise that titer e snow thsswork ins the lasw departmerni
were times coolingivhern M~r. McKinleyi Si untily muornnag. Prof.'SWiguts ex-
could not have toot the esigenucies of plou to mest mh islsses yesterday, hut
the hour. A man whro could meet i'very'sinslilht sillback maecessiated his remain-
(Continumeud on Page Twm.) .in irndootrs.