_heMich iganDa ily
Vol'. XVIII.
Athletic Association Situatfon
Begins to Clear Up--Agitation
of Principles, Not Personalities.
The poliiial a tmtophere oft Ath-
'15 ioabeplial mt ods inC olcam-t~g
figpoitics, acmiItteeCCto cosidr'
Iotmtdingti revCCfising te, cIotittito
'u1ders1and(1gCofot((ltis andpurpole
iitoi n0 the1 so-calle -opposing~ 1 ac
:t 1111101 tttof gsolar I IIt5 I 111(1111 2:1
10(1 held1 stIdI 'aftrnoo 1in te
calle thelmeeing to rder1atabout >
1(100. Na111 ll11 th1isusin th
fron 'vm iII 1 p ints If (11(.Ini -
The i 11 o 1111111 0111111 1111 10 1.11
alo g 11fllo ing lotines: l I 1 11
Iha t h'o grtC rtil diector sould n
hrallow- t111e n s 111110y tu
(lt itia till oa 11 ill 1M1i 11(0111(10 1111111
ll tltlt h o I i ecto 1111
liatthe111est gtatio 11 11nitatois-
ifthoefaoin rfrmt1bin0l0u
1111000'iu Ito K on ,,tilt' -m u
contrail. ((01111111 tti 11 111
princ Ctipl tadtoi t I e,"lt1' a(( l 111ell ill'
fttrd, t~o Ma ttylHallgioittg (Ifotherin-0,il
1i1recen dicrtsins.B(ito-raltrthe 1ta111
tcular bangfo tdetdihnet
if pledgeserarleasoodampus rpllt'it lo111
Thtithett f itiIttonois n1111o11 wotlgo-
peltioltvert matt er-11hanCIin formeirt 0
vate bt thtnteatime b 01110ome Io
iproveit. i eaymaswaee
X11t'.limermtan, 1o1fto'eiStdent; Coutn-
cl.iannotuncti thaitte(,Council 11110 110C
wtorkintg 01n 1a1111antt1accomplishIItis
resttlt, adtat a c111 1omittee ould01(so1on
rCIporIIits tttinittgo in rgart to thlt11-
In 0101Cr 1in 0he Itteoltio andlto eep~ 1
11e0011 111 111line.Cha~lirman Ntt nelo101
apitthe 6tll' Ii('tg coittee:IO -Crl
Parry'.,IHarry oe ,01,W1a rdowmantll(l~. This
1a eorm(('0ommitll' andlistitot 1pushor
(('110a'1r(11(1100 ((0011s100110in~tld all tho
discusiont(('10s bin~tg kp ocaledttI'
a 1n 1 alltattmtia0010fit att11110oI britg1
outI 110.1aitlyto I real stte. 1'Itn tto
11111 r0s(10ve11itselitto ott o tf terigti
00 III 2of 11t. Bird.lon ~lg expelri
I Itte on theathlticItoalrd. Hli' in
it prim10Im110111 1 "htn 101n 011'ther 1111m Ito
rfi batr(ito k1no11 whIt (111'f1111111h1e
In1'' 1't l to (111 It l lint tlto '1(0 1(01
-'I do ott biev((1e(tha t t111.01uall
diretorhas lny ight11to s(IfWhIto lthe10
taile, ofthe tudet boy oi athetic
shold ("(lfttill'teit'odcon- A'I to al'o
xtiiictt rI.i't( i'lthe eoctin lot' pa
I'nio rolto afioe2121il dn tatti l l0
1101 pritI to hlypoltic of 'Itoerot10e11e111
11it. ate -Ill 10 T001i111i 0 11no t oti 1(erson -
t-e.Iti(1( a h ad1tt om11mtakntattto'
l' ilgrI ars'10Cttati:11a15'roprooolltc
coli t ht' r'e, jint a fraternity1111 11, 01d I'le
,rtus 0'd 01 ioi l itot l tltcna
110'' 11 (11 'it~tr ir ttgardofstudenfa
101 . poitca mthos s (otfflinted
11111111 hy gui(10(10f1(1(11 . T ht e lioot' t '-
11(0 10 nniito is that1 n man001(11
t it 1 111(11 111111(1eIto th11,1 1olorol
Unieritya'air'tttto t weto t is tol
ot, and101lieoca(110 10a at agok (110
(((';oil 1 1(11111%I."tdoo t
Ilhgard(1 15'toth daocIkhi th. 1 It-
iionof litreaurer,1(01 odRoweaiodt
tatitofo iniaiu,1 ortrak(ange
almanage1 2111 could1ablreplaresenotodte
212111111r "shoodt ic,"bt 1 oterin fos or
ftoro gladlthat (Clat'k atdlDotwney lost
th eIolootion t lto000'ewtortdof control.
s unless wenompn~romnisoewithtoe foruty
(Continued on Page Two.)
FINANCIAL SYSTEM Dr.r.J atms. Moore, poesro
wtll Ite a vsitor itt the modioal dopart-
E~x-Baseball Captain Shows Effi- mt ltitg the neoxt foxw lays. lie
cieny o Atletc Asocati n's ill condutlct Prof. de >'anorcde's Moti-
cieny ofAthltic ssocatio'sday afterttoon clinio, antd will giveo
Business Management. lecturoeI toteical stuidonts and local
phtysicianstomtorrow 'night, itn ttoe new
MSany qutlions.hateo (f latehoottumedilulditg.
1(ked( '1(11(u11 Sth ittoial .sy101(m (f ttto 1rot.211(11(00 ontat' t hetho rstotien
Atletooassocoiti.litow tre its ookstt west(lotf te Alleghenstio gixvetullgoet-
10011? Wh1'at:0110011 istereon11 toe tttott l tpr1actice fttortsrgery. Thtis Itoedid
wo hahnleo ttheo tltt 5? in S18l tie t agraduteoftitheBPleo-
1nthe Itofllowngommtiction, 211(10 . nt~llhoCllegeAfbor sponding
005' We2rttili lgiv'e'oa bief explanat 1((1ion thrto years Ili po-gratlill work inl
of 1t(e sy'stemt 11111 prl-tovdes1((('00wers to Grmanybn d (IpIranoo, ite'btgan activeol
t'e 11(1(10' sti ons1 :1 'ptractic.lo iet cc' t edl(I t ht' chair ttfs5110
"The biness sys temoflthel tt' h.lticI cryIat :innstota in 1904. lHe 10 aothlor
asit(llion111(11f1111' 'niIersity' of :Mioht-of a loxt inttrlthopo'dics, ottexltnsive
lion iI n \tm ritor.'ITo hettent t ihods membehothip in so's-ral largt' itet-
latrgeo i to undelrotantdI howo this 1s ioalsocieties. lDttoingisostay inl Annt
condu~tedC~, a 1nd ihtIao explaitit. Arbor,Ito will hea(gutost of Prof, do:
"ltohro 1r(01 11(,0setootf 1111110s wticht N.tttcrode.
Sept tor t Sthltic-sociatoion, gratd- C'IV'RRPSITY ORfES~pTRAxTO
irtte, nnttt~tt(gr ;Itt thoeitoard ofcontl tti PlAY IN l402PN('I SOIE' ,P
ill 21William W 21aiasso~itant oashieo'r(f -
the, x01. Ar-Ir... C -.. bank also' ' r1e0-10(,''h1011 mtttttro of the Uivesity~l
World Famous Band Leader Will
Appear Tomorrow Night on S.
L. A. Course.
m(0(00lforalio ti i 110 1 widelyt ktiio t
ant' more o pulrt llths cunry Coo
introd -M r.S saorottlintO Il
wor0 wuld bexv000 ig m . Io't i
Cne Coot e to ck ivritv 1.1 (50
Ctlt~l tg i Lt o crowd
Set1ae111 000 1lolit o(onethreie.o. M. (1 .
00111in 1010ith es i s " ini~
'((nin tli w s,' lll II I', c !
i l t otf il 0 tttthe 1 non CoMttttil of .Xttt
secrtar. Te bardoflcontrlol 1a11
1 (111a(man0to audit the(Ito otfirttmen-
tine ocea ea. 1nItthetopoolt1111
bo1ok Ae er mdtill' nuaott-by1(
SIchnis hank,1(0 111attt Prof. 2Springer,0of
till Aoim o oo A to ilt scoo l.(11
arI po1(lc t ( tIthe C an ae isoburseditt
as 111 tolws : Whenit-ttaobill 10 preseontedl
it lois pased upn bythe illhordIofodiroot-
trol; bttheforethe(o it'asurer (can(draw
a chec it ootit te lan lothe hasto toot
a1 written (((ioI'rder 0(1Il'sigebyto' gradte~a
tooltor t'ditai rmantttof (t'eiboalrdof
con trol.(f11(1e 01(11u10(1(11itectkwihes
urer nd cairmn Iftho' boattdof con1-
t rol.
"so Itit(,t'oeooipto frotitgametso.et1..
afoort' e Ia- lthe tgl' aduat1e1 oirecoror
toe oltctic ti( 111.,1020 meCetsthe manager
of te(opposin team01111for (tototutoose o1
seittmet. ''Ito' iloligato mantageme~nt
ipooduttoo etllticke~tsremainingfrot et
sale,' althe affiait of t te ootpalt
issor1101 to loeforea ntary-I'pulicI, tttnd
value(of theotiots'tprofibo'ted and de ol
ered. 1o010very toi(ktlIwichist1'not
prsete(t'1la toO lneitllote itO10at
ox oil. 'I'ito't (te.21Miohig'att managemtet
0oittetrit, 1(1(00er Iotedershiptof Soot- iol
tool P. ILocktw-ootdxwiltplay to11111010
foor te 'soireeo tl0'ttlu tto mtusictale"
whollichtoe CeroleDratntibniar tranoal-t
tviii give 1Fiday evettitgI lec.13.I'hreo
seletioons txillbtoolaoed. 1110 itrst xxill
1, "l~a Slaooillot' t te natottal air of
Frabnbce. Sp~il orchttra musictt hato
beeotatitned frotttNe0w forak. 'tIho
second1(1selection wtxill bitt'"la Callsed
Blagdaod," boy' Boieldiott. This m010010i1
1typioal of (toe early part of the 111110
Iteetho etr.Ate hSoey LsDu -ottool." tteorchoetstra n-ill laby
U'niversiotot rcl0str 10i011111 byotanty to
Ito bterothis0 11.1tttatnIev10 befo.t
"We21 o ItroCIIIOO.ttttlatlt ottrselteson
thltittg thto assistatce of Mir. Lockxxod
and( hi s tticiatts," sold Dr. Boziat,
ditoo of toe Cerole, yestertday. "h
aphpearancetof ttfhte orohestra a1t te soireo
woill tmark its debtut for this year. Fexw
indteed aroe(tthe rantatic porfortmaneos
whtict 01110boast of ott orchostra of
thirty tralitoed tttticianx." t
Reohoarsals for theto -ocomedies(0111011 5
0111 mtako tip a partofthe 501000 p00' t
grtmitaxvt'beotttold almost daily' tltt-w
1110 thto pastmtothi. 'The 0c1000tax-ct(
teir partsloarned antI 1100 devotintga
hhirtimeto tostoottittgtoe action. .Sr- t
rantgenitets for spocial costtmes, "props" t
andtI g 0100effectots axvebeenttmaodo.A
capabtile tttk'e':-up1(n tx-i'll booetngaged. C
'lTetttnutber of young latdies wxho, int(
(100'11111 ClosttttO, oxill 'ing poptular I
Pooect ontgst tas inteasetd considerably f
(w00 that otf last year. Rohearsals ore 21
:1vIt It t 11110 1 11it 1 it I. I r-o izo . It
pat1so' e tma'ager of doe ttttititt eint'tgbolod tacihafternootn.
t''tttttiell'titoero's shaoeand itt retturn -
receiveslaototl oooecipt.'IToe.graduteP1RO1)1.JHOBBS SPR;AKS ON
diroeco itotnmaksCIa orittn. iteizledi "WA2NDEPRINGS OIL DIAMONDyS"
0retort (If tCereceipts atothexpoonses of
the dame1. tohich, withbthetobills andtte-00 Sbinitrs of thc Collegiate Alumni
0011110, is presenlted to11 he(bC oartd of assoctiation wahichl totyesterday after-
diretor Ito be passed upon.Iftte re-tnton Ialt thottitoIf DeantJordani xsere
lport is accepted th.s110ive(011too tte hoardthentertaitned hy'Prof.I Ho xx'wbo gave
of o btoor ratification,.111antdtenileod. a talk otit""ltie2Nadrinogs of Dia-
Sllichi G.1Co oltart- ottte rce~iptsis ttent itoitts," Prof. Hohhs hail an interest-
dlepooiteobandthe itobook 1accoun1 tirnetd 1(ng colletion of fac-simtiles of the most
((('erlt o tt'OroOre of 11h1'Allhlic famt~~tou iamonrds in thtewooltd, stichtat
assoctli.ltltI (te orowon joovels of line of te gret-
"'1w- ao~sof o Si~toto 551010 00timonarchs of ite Oltd Xorld, tant
tion1 a10e' a11all tintsope0n11 to the inspe00 alsto sometaspecime-nsof lte (uncut1 ilt-
tion1 (If teoffoicers(of teassoclitttin ittt'aotl.
and1( Sb. habib(011101elcomoel thsee- t -_______________
tinof (t bok yapo1(((1it IOperly ap' P11' PfNGI.AN IRS PIFPCT
toiteommo' itttteeO ot ally ltn."fI1PICPI0S; GI.PXSON', PRPS.
S I.21.PR NI)E'OC~i'I' Twonty-five mtemhers tf the Non-
Plglani cltth nero presott ha mceting
IfItoheldint ht tion cltubhtottse at 7 o'clock
last t -eii~g Thefolloxwing officers
S 0 IT 5A wee elctedforthe otnsning year:
President, Gleason ; ;rice-presidlent, Cox ;
'o'tstootoo OxIt~ol , oeretary, Loca-cos ; exeeutive coammittee,
Skeler and Baldwin. The club is plan-
8OCLOeK, lung to rent oots in the near ftttre.
otoC : hot I ((''lo\' l
tor tforb- ooletoll1((dot SII 1 1f rck o
her~ly: ott ((w5 1111sIc 11.150is 01n
1 itt 11(5righ talilo ttondit 'itt tI-t
o ht~cpmy p0' grnt rght ott
''1dXresen allthean I o. ' (10h
mtil nohate( watpat a lt orld
t-ol d' the . lot at ou iittltTs lP
.ttalltlour 1 11111 2121' Thisi o:t O It 1 lII
Snct'o. T$11110 (old dtits Ihat
byr ttOithttii t ot. 1WC hay '00
111011teo (Ib lot tt pole111(0 toole
Mor o usa says1b th(toot (11 i - br 1111-- o
1-1(1(1 aood hihero g1ra St I t.o 't ttltc~
tto'tassii ltlat byi 1 ri' t au(1 tO'Iti: h
bobAh r w11 iton't tometi tim11111 ic i s 1111 ,
when tIt tthep oet st e (1( l1lII ( .1 1 oil C
abv theoband---ittstotsIto ( g
oft Stilln itstoi l-p It ottitsioo o it
110-a11r1 tgo rtottics(('0sed to' ol'ke((' 0(1 11
1102 of--(Io rtoher1((1ido 0-(11n 111 ooe-
ltotltotiltond11u(c(to'nttttob'?11("ev1 (prohe-
1110 thto 1111these Cbl t'to f nloe ig otoo
<t ft hey to r <Ibotooloco'. slf o
Sipvi Nt ttttttI1,11t-b oboco lti
B:30 alfthemnr that l (((ongo o