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December 12, 1907 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1907-12-12

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The Michigan Daily

'car.. X'VIII.


Councilman Endorses Sugges-
tion Offered to Council-Thinks'
It Will Relieve Situation.
lIn the folloewing commnic tjation, AI.
V. Ensmernian. a Student Councilman, ex-
pesshis eaplroal of the tpolitial re-
form plan presenitedu to tie Cottncil:
"As a sttdet e taly interested ice
the resenttmtoeen~t towards te alo-
liton of undtesrale politics on te can-
pus I sentur to make a few renarks
regarditng tle new stggstiott that ws
prersetd to te 'otuttil at its cmeetitg
lst ight an pblisheit in the Iily
tis uoring.
'Thew sggestiot, as I understnt it.
provides for tte establihment of a nen'
varsity organizatiotn knoivn as the get-
eanomnitinig conmeie,' ewhlict teoiy
shall thave power to determine the rela-
liee merits f stents ewho petiteoc it
to le cattdidates for the oeffices icluedet
il the Attletic asittatio, Studets'
%oter socsiain. Michigan CUioc,
tend Mictigniensian, ad teedetetrminet
tpoes teoor titreieniees for such
offices. ''heid eaeceeetts te e ii.te le a
giad nen. W'haev'ser stlc anyinova-
tin ini rsintiicend itint.sinsy iae
wouldilie ~ 'its pties ctoiipressetttplitical
meanipuleatiens. No e it seemes isote
that i gientral tuomiting comtnitteee
wo'ulseto atee atcr-exs-te-tt cceitopulit
su i s.
"Sepetessing liat the Stenet 'eunitil
atheiicomtssnite itfsihic dr. linry
icairmaen suicced li e sase ofi cin-
tuecil i 'ciisii to eeestatlishe higher
-tandeards f plitint tittrlit amoteng
the' suenilis'-eeei* i nidditionto tea rult'
eleatis''politic s le eilived ii tieselec-1
eli'to t i xiaing cmtnatitte, i
Sc' e rfee- i ce's -'e'teepropetsy' tiant
tecis oia'ting usieei'wtou li its
compeoese f toerieug'hlyeres'ntiels
tent.andti tetn isorhy vof ties'trust asdet
resteoisiiility isacteds spnte m ii'. 'liat
being se,teseotltpitrtnitieis fee thle'eer
topofelinpreier iedeenceiby anty St
ent see'orgii~atioiin un ithis siri
toewl est rtiail'- islitl imposile
Tlii' totineethat this teety tetoule i-
sent to ile stdet odsewolt eetus
wshicth tierslive-cseecctedlafter careu
coensidesrationiiande bItscempairstitf tes
ieordi s andirlscatiea'etns feicicle tec-
titer. 'li u eslegtve-cto ties'stdent'
andeUivteeriy 1ev est ofiteho seet
ishit des-ir-elshe etfics asiieosl cets
-a standakri(if rieality aneesefficincy a
ties'prie reiiisite teete atitaieteof
p-epublic teltiet. Undelsr this lat,ell
setudentes wouitl Sicee eet ee pon isane cul
baisiw.e-etesr fraernitiy'or iteiedenst
canditallwsute le enetited t e tsudeege'
lIeviis recore iitheseU'tiersity tnt is'
us rst-cit iicisatiiies. Iiseemsto imens'
firtrenr,tthatiinter-fraterniy tpoliticcl
carraneeneitestesou lee ceaboliheifete
sibecrecasontat te terleroeteeel f tin
umifieeiteeeswouldiicisuege esh cceeI
ig e te. -stelinoefrierii u l deester-
miene yecr itsclad cs-epne te Slett-
deit vs stuentsitshallecet ctemtito exirt'
its poliiccal iluenerIt iweoetuldhe iee-
poisile' uter ties'nees.-codtitiotsi to
cleisctipromeiising freshmaenc, til grue-
cittly tesh heimi eforwa-crlymeaenes tof
queestioenleepeoliticcalseals te paca of
tresttacetd coidenicice, aes is possile ade
coectieealel eeesnder te reseteteate
eel affairs9._
"Unedser teseewe-ptlnethe enonieatieg
cusnmmiteceoeldlpblis the nmssof
ele suents issouldsleelect st tie saner
ine, so thact net one coel eeeptpraciel
fr sepport ae a ticte whet le did not
know who all the cnidates ewere. Te
conrary exists -aslpreent. One who
tis beens deteremiced upon s a candi-

siate hy some political or fraternity comn-
bination imimediately makes efforts to
enlist support in his hehalf acid etsually
ohtins a great neuteer of pledges hefore

the one tledgedi kntenwof acns opptosisng z
sideratione dot's ciscexist unertse ticses-.
ccii staete of cffairs, WITH FA INESS
""Tis generacl ceeeecetee wouilethalee
thepoesr of dterining whesctdetiss
ii i' e('neevrste qrs-iiedito repro- Comedly ClubastInauurte
sent it s man gegr o ii l(s! e-ef1its atletic a
tecacms, ciesiesewsuld therebtyrvsotest he System 'l'ryouts (lininrag to
powr if stecaptaneof the ceceess 'o flveryone an lEqual Chance.
naee whsIichosette-of isisieersiecicl frieneds
shall ceeecsage the teamsc. 'iti'e power' 5' - -tn fti 'tneltcub
sce ne is'iiiiiifii'g e is icle ties es-ilhte''es
catptansof ills-ictaies steems to its'tiebe'
isiropterly iiccla c itesand shldti rest ithseiiii itii it
ai gense-reel tim-ersse- orgcitiniueeis, o th ci' tol 4 lf cat o Te
it isw i sil ticb e etused. 'l'he suggestionse ' rlieett'' ( i ic(v" ''lr oe
se-is elsie ceace thatusi aistud(lsit 'shlelc-I tf lte alplie eets ttels ry) o i
cclii te'noemsinateieneisi- li slit etCtmit
tee woeetld tendier'hins ionly upn te ti~ 1 ar::in i iMi.ihemteere'of
con itiot hatslice 'sicaendlfees'elections aeend 15 i e ii i tiitir ie
doite e csigni its faevoer eefhis eelsonen. t heei. si~ve dlllut e i -it'
If vervemutsttroe'zetie- V'lusi-sifItii s tee 5 ti ile' iiberc Or e tie hr .A1r
secgge.stioll, aendel its adeopitietns eseeiin- ''s iii<icf it i l<a1c O tt
iiisetd ssetire a i, ne eaparet -siv i'l 'h
ises futhers'of lpreveentings acni daee tieti
cities usitng lie-i'steel'ipelitical carsa d
tie s iisof 'itsggers' eseeetldindt-eed ssee n <t>.501 tee- goIeit n e w y Iy tie
ele .isissee'sssesiiy feet' ee' test-eeel eewasothat
mete eetho s tadi es elit ate e n te'a'l-tonel.uti
tint) tti,01-iis-eu te- uutisee'eflits els heelMset ravis s5 s
tirtisn tests tut'. essib uttseuet irenee
sri sti ss~-iui i rcutie e.uss s itt te see t itsi tnline s o o
Tlei rsh ~i ti rties at555itl ge tic s titer'ree
tignie c ute' e- lel i teits ~is sietiet'ttHaessll, ~ 5 c
"NN'etie tie- etc-eu ieee if us testseremintest
io-i eee iaitioe' te-ittl tse, ld celyitltts is i 5-i 5eesi
snee tilete e:se i s ste rnets si i reel
Irst t ie se e e "ts
setetialitic ''I tSi siidinedra atics

' I

sets tis ems-trtedelottsts'eicist celbo-
rate sioicilteenit if te'yeair, te Juiosr
isle. Tie'%aekiees chaeirenes ia-elreeesy
see eceeessssccetisin ewith smotfelste lest'
it-iusis i in ts'e iiiitt'e feet' bidi sen the
deoato ,inita itione msi ,ii'antes cites'-
tug conitrees.
AnisineI iisli. ;is cha i-ieirman so thtie-i
cepit' 'uton iomitteei', tetiis-cudthesits-
ee'1terssee'chasirs ip tisiearthi
rprseetieillsecec fte Feday
i'Ii'e oit eertes Careisifolos:u
hiGsen1 era chirmn--i. ce"1onhr
Reetin-oittete'.\ 'tmihe'Rickel.
Si.m'ae-Ch'i, Isairmain; K . W.lBashi,
igimaetNtis: Nilliamti \ueeest tees.etat
Araniegsemeie entssisee-lneses-u-
-it. icainnansicsLawtece Clak(!,Sigesa
Pi : .\iuehin Niatel.ist Pi ie I ticPsi;
iV. R. it la-rite' /Alpha T'all. IOmsega.
ieeevitatieti ssue intes--I-- . C Shills.
NlihisiIRhuS Piislsuisha ir seRaymon
cuter, iDet T iiD lt:u) C :'iller.
lis ot-it-uei couu itu tice -3J. ' hitintug.
Dilie ta Kippai pihtuc chaeirmauitn; Ihe. 3
'iiisesuer Kappa SIM;teeIthI}. NIlsonse.
Det Upisilonc itts's' -It'- F. Ie isei.
tisCitperonIesicmite---u. nliges
l'esee iiiu--N. C. Bae tieis- lIs-et

ses, siu x e h..t.s-..is te

tie C h

vie's I'. \\'~i('tie-C ii iii

u-t- PEN c. ' tttS iitt iteittii[ t s be sst ii d t') i s, teel hue' tillhue givest s'clockt this siftsiier oninsithslt- j
'hss-I. of NI. Rl-uee 5est epubi hutlu itse a chmcc to rIdsr larsi. o b d'- ro m t ITappan u I fcult, son ''iae Vii ci
its-cu s-lite 'sis lhest v sereg witth sue suet icvssier u e s or m t iai ndteth'tstesincu NIj Aadits ' T hts-talk is this sixth n umbot-lre
stirrn tit olueitical dsuit tutu tie 'rf.Sra ss ald ;11ol issue tee on the e ' l t ru cais fecustic ce-iss-
liseetsit 'utef this'trusses icesthes-I inert'. 'siso afuscsis utwilte'Charuge-d.
if this''eviiteyet tltu-r iis uaddrs - s- itt°> i it ply it ll bte givent abu ieii ttNr. 5eairr spsuen tc i e-crs usen ici[
sut'-tere ht- e r lheu'e is a ee se nd W iner.us ih nc tr -n w at I le ' ehe eist tutpur ung lhi sestue s it) Spanuish'
'hss-objecst euf the-csut is to tucV HWohvcntlen .S, - at eatr. NItiletee -'-hue fi-ies-uttle
isceuss "ttudtfamsiliaie poistihcalissues Iin I'h i mi dr. rhavesesistei'it tses seth the 'natuionaluu llsusig t an
-o"tie' tie- me ing mpignv.sheuu'ee s w ill sheutces ilsttete- il e g s ' tc aie heista'iee's st thus' oieee-ibl -ravti, le cciii
us' uopen fromes iteeto o 7 its., undse g s-ulher t s e ssel ieee arttiey nase eu s i I T is dthessribthisee xspleruit-inces a'dseu l l n
hebaes anttu discuss. ls i ll Iesu a o ro iv crcit ue ie ssolu sttion and hdote -setfthe Spansishi sit iona I capuital its
evrests'Seteintleie rsnl<w'estidc loou es., iutillthtis afternuoonus

Players Hiold Enthusiastic Meet-
ing and Determine upon Mre
Unified Work.
''to egeher'' wsnsthis'crysofltiost'
varsity l-eae'ssiho stoeldueriseg thus
fouetwitll meeeing itsnNa rteman yni a
ssie ste ve v nuing testsll 'gtetogete",
euitt lee thee u euc- evilof ties-placyrs
frn owolut ii vitohrsios -llie'litu'"tt
elein tneshs es-a'usonotiif eesSaigloer'-
teeterecridtti uneehrok lensncsuts s h
suet-etinug w si i ec gnuificanut firts' ite lire''
'tittedance' andelfist'theeii it's-stesie
minaectioneeoeelthee'fooetall teeeshiteeslke
athe'ti sut l-cu. 'u ee- eretl ise e
('ouccteYost tits lre-ssee anceied
earei-stlyin iblehlff csutsn5t i 5isiceg
daing the is' ntertsi'ausedisie tg Ie'cm-
sheeciseltis- truth. "Onse-seer sgts mr
ouse ofasuinterse-ss t teetihetis wilinh toi
put i," a'teehli'e sutg t t tie u'o tri et ie
teki t lessnts f rimtehoeese l l-ures uites
stee wn-ieegoryl firt titn vi us .'cidteti
(' i suite thru ghu Isue',I.cetssiset s-f
sot heet-' llu-'ch stoo les nd lee
i titieqitiiils'hauesd iwill Ikeepe initouch
wit il e-teern usiesg thee' cu sse bchetween u
sute andl etheteas.
lute Cititssutaptiofthee tilt tievu
slpIke' hrhis teeitheiroued ht p ve
to lee'thee itma ti in ins i t 'it of i t' el-
ing, elicit this tutuisatite ciaest tie cue
porstanee s' i s tut heetie , titus isco suit
icratuin i thcis eir i Ntl - D iletort 'sit:-i
pick Chrlssirdessetln Shuz
krtereeght otetheiti poreeutantefthi ie
aieed ugs- oel c ccii fic uudii i tisu
eamo'tg lie men.i
heteuas a..d l ui hteilh, p hue
si's ick a rg lr'etr ofo- li
this gymnaiumsuiteiithuspeiles petuu se
see lres'tcesinispitiee Nets utreeslpet
diaule'yee-usteaizce'tineuetcce s-,telfrc
hue' traininteg andthofthee'ptopersphystcal
he' 'ieoputt u
heIttis-iopedtalt cllthiose' intueisgto
play feooeteall seill a ec'iae i'thee=ifi
ceulties if tie es-eiis n--ttsitu' isiec tush she
ter lece u- hisst to ee sees's''ee e n[Ive he
'itpresl sive''ndviduat et
centear5ts s is(steiN5Nluuig'eucedar
tst its est bi WNhlii & C". 'te'
illusrateigusiusc ie'y I..11 h -e e els'o
diconesidesrable weorik i intu-e 5 iiisteel
ionei7 Nhigetuesse'eesMr.e'loie isstan
Anuniearbor by iandis noeuit atend-i'si
'utei-tethe (liiice,:rt sre ituteTt
nisnitteed tikuingsetuete s fth
Set aen arh s listite'ih t ihee l
ingc ofi asutench ler ed itiothan i
uistualth.iechmaktes'sthe pe- m'uessclowisr
it uteethdwithintetheeacsuhe of cl.
houc tmorow sigthua.t toelc. e
siTe' rguset lee ist taeleve'ing oftel
'seseeee'se-. Te-teetsa'useakr
'thee asefollowsue;le"Whas' tfthdietWichg-i
a D stnc ," C. . cig; " ceil ti t-
Pitues:"Prs.Y GiSevnoni-l
Tiienes; ThIle Stuhulitessof ltleiieicc,'
WN. h). LIn:cTes171 tus," Gerge

iThe, Ya~le umeusical chutes cwileumake
their Christmats triptehiroueghe tie s seeehe,
insteaed tf thee s as itt thus list seeral
years. Thee clutte will gteitsfaer se uui
as New Orleaens ahnd csill trtiee- e -i
escrtd to Dllais tand iHo~utn.

C'er'l',e'Duseu itic' 15riuiis. ftIiisit(;i
'TheDrenuchecliche eill ipre'sven tlierecs
isvs-acescouuvey. t''sAvcrv tutuMaNty .
This edecisions secs reachcedlheit yessed-
slay'. and* euilledsubthles he tef meuchits--
ternest toe the canyesy htuetsceandlothers
interested initeeCercle' ted itcstunts.
it wets it inst planedltee rteeat this
peerfoermcue o f "I_,e Bourgeois(Gsetil-
huommtte," sect thix idea ices heen drouppedu
andce anenitirely teen' iroducthioin usill hue
gienu. 'Tle saccess of ihs pietyhest year
hens gien he.s'Cercle ttan aded icentheive

icue sd r II esuessise' f. e-int, seed II/l lescut huh l'?'t .' '1. ioi-c''' 117ter
forgisies g ate aeuaitee v hre-se eestieee l f j etioof lDr. WnNcer, usill lee unotfar lee-
ihsis lsuseuecet'of lhe' gu'vse M'oliee hienud iin ueiopularity Amonseg tienumtue
ltvueeur ciissforecthe "Sosenue' rant-turnssoiltehle proigramte iwill hbe'-twos uueeceet
ai u-ie ytNIceulec arse'plredctieculltycitie- tiegie-c. itu'eby Prof. ihiviectatutue
I Iuls-e-. lheis expectheldtshutthe'thuirty-ter-ubty'MNiss Hhelene Biouchtonu. IRe-
pieee U'iversitye Ortestee-iretccill ediciseheasersls feet'the coeieis trybesing his-hu
honosuvsitilethuhelers inteslhestocuern- eteacsfternne u. Specialcdostumeisatnth
s-sies its thee'fe-ctesur elftie-ueesteug It staeveffects luste bseeobtained.
is sidhowsseverts' heeltte-e-chnorus of 4 'icesfeet'hetier cci's coutltee ries
youneg teethes awlis cuill slng popeeur'itarevonsaet tWaehir's. ThIsyeny-ay vis
tFrenchtustutgigs luspeacsaeu istisints-. ael he obtiedcuact ts- dier theseven-cing of
isl etspse- actsicingeit lt'iyerth le direr- tu' soiree,.

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