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December 05, 1907 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1907-12-05

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TheM "
NA\ \R~tl'd NlI('ill(; \'n ~ i s.c.+'llIX )( Nl1 0 8


No. 58.

Alleged "Rottenness" to be Elim-
inated if Possible-Many Per-
tinent Questions Are Put.
WXith the proposal of an amendment
to th - constitution of the Athletic ass-
ciations, and expressions of opinions re-
gardting the allegedt"rottenness" in the
present ioliticatl situatiott, t- ight for
refornmation of Athletic associnationt a(1
ttitistrats'e ntethodls is wsell unettlr twart
T'it genseral reticeetce otf the active par-
ticitpants in tse strutggle is itoticeale.
Seseratlnm elto at firsItldectared thtiy
swotuldt sake ipuitlic the otanite r intshicih
ttteysnerer apptroachtetdswitht variotts poth-
ticatlnsthemes hsave sincee decitiedtott keel:
sitentce, for thtetireseint at teatst. It is
fett genseratty thtat ttte.reftrmt, if tiossi-
tie, will tte generallyitetteficial. It is,
toto, wnell kttosnthaUnt great liressusre ttt
ittue'sitence otttte tart stf several
actise Iparticipmants hsbn bs'tirotigiht inttt
It is thttughtthtittt ittetiisstsill Ibs
stadeticottcati a spsecialtItiestttsotse
associaitiottttttbte telti before' the re'gula
Jantuary tneetittg fttr thte cossiderations
otf refttrmitsteastrsc.''lise refttrtms, it
is said, will restult, if btroutght abisst at
all, frotitsatequtate answ5ers totthitsolt
loi i queSttstin~s:
XX'ttat is ts' Athletic associtio
Whiat, dlefinitely, is its osijec't?
Wlliat,defiitely, ssshldbeits' site sies
Of te gradusate dirct or, foty tcr cet
ofi whotse sakla'yis paidi by' te board of
regensts, andslsixty' by ts' Athltic sso5-
ciaton,-ttsat is, iby itestudent555s?
Whk~at Iat'sitn te adiis'tra'tiontt of
thte assocxations's affissshtouthstit-
dettmansstager's take?
Shitsldi te s Captaitsof ayahei
seamtSbe allowed tolict ate swhios iati its
t' maattge'r stfthast tests
Siodstudenitsssssl's tatages- ts apot
edt be conssidereds as reptresetatiive' of
te studtets, ands sempowse're'ditosset fosr
thse goodsi sf tseassocitionii onss thes boait
osf sdirectors?
Is it asdsisaisle toseliite polssitics
fros thes soncationt-tsuchspelitics, thastl
is, as inter-fraternsity soes pledgintg, andtt
thse tradling of political favors amtonsg a
snmall cliquse of stusdensclaimsinsgto ins

snttativ e of tsi et bodss1 syisbuittmore
thans tihat, Sissy titear titi e ndeits in
abhsoitet cosstroi of te graduasteinritector
and isis fsines. A'disito sts its thefc
tht therie:sis smixed upsin allstse is
the wors'it st O am u pltis af
sits b'in t ge t alie f e )
'iiT'en listreforlto sabgts
andt m55555nst a good i tealior its ~z
yet beent dinstitely stats n n f ie
it se555e st se ststha t i th e st is tha
so l bis er te d tithsis tm s to5'
Anss amendmenss t sits' e co nstt' titt'sitnit
thi s itt sis sit iecitusesitetlys'sp
poss 'ofntt a l ith asesits r i hirdv
slits f'ornt siiref i'orm ". it"st
X's. XW . Ni its. 't: \'')8; s a sits is i
cstst ill thset'liscsioli n tsss' ltl l
Of TH its sirs'swithsrefrncits'scon
Jifi 'Is f sts isai ss lgdTo i sti h
deep-roted an peristestiltrig'-1-
has C~isted in the insio mny i
s'sth ' student side5of thci aserto
mgnut t 's e as titisiasspociii
im ei n situ t ' o ' 5 ' i ts is Nit
reflet serousl uponllle bom s i m
r sitda ns tcn c i isared iii
sltdn f its. ievtitu iis (n 5 ls
iftests 'islss ss t ttttt 1est -
le it bod al tllrg sitouare soi tiaci
i-siato fthesechsit's''' Iad'
isis ii 'mpe 5 l toi ct
"1s o l lk iicllry to r frt
i ttmn fM .lcigrh m r
Chage an e sbstntitedtifit au
sell a drsits fc lc etlecs
rm i sthat tsee it a ii ynubi
A sstdetss itits th Unvi t y. ie l
Of tseA hltc socainbt io ai
s etvet'asp55nsi i ird ts y s itic n th
iatttit asitu nests ex ectto 'Od55h
st'e ts'se ief itttn t Ioienit is e clrr

Ilustrae tLecturePrt
lug Cordl of ["rench

FL T 1DT Peint. en Hairris stsderedsiIs
rfl l I nat'o s ste'Cossnssil asitIs mseeltig
latli lt eause if exessive wsork,
ws Draw=Ani t s'acjttite'bste couinil. 'The
ClubhSeries foloink; retso5ntltin555 15passed:
XXI us-si ts. i'rsnide'nt Ni r. lents I rris
Next., #it''sen fit i i tenderis hIis t'ssigiittittti as
prc s sit sitof ts' C's nisdlihestiss of cx-
vit 'is'th Reoledbt hIStin' t ou ciiha
sits' ii ititti'sItin'vo tes't'an s s'ihreysn dsutbly'this
t'til i ilie r s liissexrs s ednti to XIr. I sents, fosr
ti~ rl c1ll i,' 'stlmittiniii iiandeiiiessi effosst its
-clt1 ead llo t ''ii s' 'h e stsuncitl tdurinigIsis tast iii-
IN! of it s1i 'sill
e~cllin -ice j N"INt'II. lutCItE
iss; tusire bo e ot 5 ilthe''t chapite' rot)
nltlv isins s)A tad Isvn lst 'crs lock. ir. tern
rt csccalV is it rsy tis't'ws alts andu t hetii
'55 sleeltl ith d e ad iisto teis ttflooun its lots
If lti I . i iis ini ts "itchettk s i t tinost'snt
is in iii li°, o wo th iiofi nalugt sit e is enson
Itli sts' stititjsto) 'te hts 'indsiit s fu is'sii si'5Tsis
cI sc it 5 <'is o e ed fy isu'ranIcuis'e. ti iiesi
[tImr in- O sv n situent, slitheiitS lia ts
}1<pl~c il t~c wer in the ho sits sits th is rei ned sss
1),tie or' a aarm itsedwy n'rit asssd' s-s'
tnc;t tc> <l I tide i is., tand tfloortwas es'tti i n
l t~ ,lt larn 'Ihc Iii's hadbim'ess'sdeisnsera
..sc r wt l iths ans ttlls k.ii ofr uitu s055
c. 01c ittind i' i he Asito, 'hallitit i s's t i oedo~vrs
tectt e Til ri ncip5ledamages watsslcof ined te-,
I' rutitisitis 'situg"ciater ro indstee r osis iis
c 55 tiproe-i te'situborwhrethe f55iemen'ttw' retIt
Mi ~ t woi. cs'sd o ut tin's'a I ithellitsis'
mciii i Ud n 1'lllct ting . S ite111dte' rsts' iiiy 555
,oo. in; fth w l s on bot ''fso sitsatdsissi
1l ,te ,ei icrn sits damaget stt dtitnsiie to 'torsits'e
'fret 'ti'tulc tstand sits C i brsiiss e stCot'
I l° el i s-i to1the hu ' s stnd itsi urntu ret'w'oulit
tll allw il n hapene at ightN sthe fStenlit ltil'

E~xceptional Ability Shawn in
Cast-Will Appear in -lie New
Whitney Theater Jan, 24.
htis tisonet'shy luts sill nIsis' its f5's1
t t ie s' se(its te evn' ntf s 1 Ii 2.1,
as ts t ie ntsw X tWhitntheante r,IIthits' aI
luotSttullay, ' 'Iieecrutill-". O1fStr"
Sos sissUy ststudets iof s's'tit itsabiit
have sip ndedssi'h tsosts' sill Isir tievosi
list it issafne lt saty i lst i ceii, Ifos
tec: s I o f fourteni eole1,ci>- mates
if ts- tbest tStun-ittosit itscal):s. u
isi s iss inivltnti Iair' tw,
sitl -it t'sd-epe i's-se lit 'sib Stse ii
prun in- equiisite S iri titilit ic i s Lt'i In
of? the'i'st
's it5isiousli e' impoussilstpropsterly tis
s5,c' etpo t- i onti siii ssa y other i ndlt
if sauiditosriumss Sie e 1llists Is ti itti ll
lain tg sC2esseiite ineis XX ttetetit
al-e'e every'den'tilitslst isway oflit'lit
nest-it. sitd ttlis thcSlitiea ii C,
'tilt lie'avsm alt
It C. XX ittneySt ii l n( it 15401
Iger, hIss it e ir< dlc:l ts-le ItC
-risis (ler -st Ilutist th11is t csi t iss tslc
Is s'is idncednh by the s (siltsi s it''
satitak t omStunts te
Jstiitts24tCi'5eitttit - ii ii i Syialdw
havs- stisrkeds lti dt Otth-saisis
XWhtiiy theaerni 'sitnXiiiiless sir vtr
, isniy sclis.Tshlis e tiny siu po
tinny' statge veyac o ou >- is:h
-ts it isill sits doutt ble the: i I i
is' sur'scestesy t i e I-\XI sits- l ittt- 's-
its 'sits ar'silts c et'',o h Sallie t-
t pusslics' n i s'vol S p e oiris'ts'
"till lie ls-uthes'eis i ifyuladspca
scenter'y drecisi tu husd tit ryur Sfir
auc-ition. VXX remain, -iascx-
irsisuny tv rnp ielstv ew )f5 ik
suet list te S isistly shut is a I1 ier
ihv 'Si'ssit itus an wo w nt1 5 5 t o
lt'e 'ivesressit 11 su)' "It i ve. isis' 0i 1

Profii. If,()iittrus o'fti th
;1cpastmesuiinttiwho lisseised-s

Its ''is
ii s- iii,

represessiative? itittl-slit i n wo,.s1aesit. so
Csatisucs politicslie entirml-is slush coulscini"s itisharmonyte ithitsl cli s it
stated ? amusa-eenun stsuae ley Msis II sits -
If sot, is is hester to ltemis-stflots-inTt hse n'sitsnstsiiohts those csi-s nus of
fullt force, r is it lieits-c tsonderese-misindcti b ld i, anttit
thsese s'sitsts issy tussiluls smanneur'? ihe-ishov wh5r Bidsih''ldti 5-
'The'follossisig stateess fromSui vtse osn uthsie Ibioisditsit tirccst
theists promssisnentsissthin'litesrr,sungi- .'. P t 'Id: Te urnsallis -
esrnsg asdtenalsdiiepiar'ttmntsnexpress feeling;ic l titsudepatme i tatSh
oipinsiontss'eetin ithisne Iporitions 551 gradute dnsitrnutorsholS haeoi
ts' U'siv'ersity': u int'e-iaeniusofuStes toisa-hIard suit sc
Lois E'. sAy'res, 'ots 5 'X"ithithis last meibrss arelit-i'dto Srsiejtlt flit
ltoisst'sof 'Iii.DAsILYit lbecusmse's silt tudtesn st hi I -. liee iits al
paruenti that there is undierssisy its su ts' unt. tlts s snite o s sesses th
idsst at sore or less gesseraulioseenit -sp"'rtS 'fS'a serti'tiny'ru ofs s oi t isl
towsar'd aet ninissg tiltohfcisitusationtin ie is'stans ittlif Sasy hni sit f sitet in
te 'sthltihc associationisthat mnsy con-ts assith'sti lie ii'su ite 11111a
servtaive sstensssts'svefor us lonttmUsuthe is'g'ch cu tres potfr t ad
thisliitishtse ossmsosrd 'rottien.' 'This shts'e u s h r sit'- stu nsupprtutuj-i
ssssss's'ss semstrm lt hias- btrelyy starttsutheus-cinswtS n itl e s irted.
suit stnshlueitetetsalreadty iqutedslini AtNi meuitsnoclasit nic'ht o a-
lies couslttssasesallisig this'accsatssioss of'51rn-tinsse-us'isse isle it us iolsd
niedss-slingintg. W~htiis mudse-sintging" S sun sssts if St'theUiltersitiwad-
If te things tubslitshedsbelieIns- hyayrits'cid turopomse as'i stitet t tto Xi
they allow-el Iost haadtiutanswse'retd'?Anth mis INV. Seiont2,'usftse'stihletie:iss-
if tht'y tbetruss, itis inhigh lntsim etts esslaionu cstisttions. NiA tsrsettilt st
heistaagood delmoire list like thesis. ctiosuitrn-suis, "thle' (thingradiuatie dircct-
"let anyonu e tlk witts sttudenssonathts' sun)l'hiesiaIt memberss' silswitheuli htsl
cmusssabouisithle Athletic assosciathiosn if this 1boaerdsof irecsli s excepsht ita
aned its aftairs andsel amsill soons ieesskemuliheesy notibhuelsectedhirmt anssi iofittha t
tsotervery pertisnent iquestionis swhichssillt boaer." ANnendedmtuiithesetintiuwsilt
he listd to atnsswer. A great nmaority readn,''His titse cradsuatess slut nushasi ll
sit studenstsidon't knosis'es-ry mush atbou eaebrwtshSsiequalssaltsrlll'' l it 5s iof lihe
this sitsuations, listmaniy'ofsliest-isee Iboiardi ofi siretohus.t-Nn'tthaiet his-mati
esitiughito trail thetis to souse stronsg cct- suit be en'titlto as Vsuse'son is'bhis' it
eltsions. Foe itnstansce, thur captaissof chaeirman sisf5thaethor.
athletic teants practically' choose this The piropos"stuuusussuintet in is' usWai
mtantagers; thelu smanagers, with others, intrieresusits thusprlutist s-tirsseri' isi
makestp tir hoard of directors.'The a 'sresttteiiilrectir.'liii'gradutei- i
hoards in the first place are it repre- l Cntiued ontPage Three.)

. i 11 klt s't~
isi f1 - c i
it - - li'c iii
,c 1ic i 5 5c
c Z lIc ii
n Il its' 'its
it5 l 'o8 ( 1'
E 'i1 tires ils
ic t AIsarch

Atithis misint illothanuuitubsunss n t
igoth.eathe is-Xlchigeanenstianu hboeard
s ihhit lthin isrgerucotrctisus for
thi .asssue. 'hssahissuitltuihingit
m'tt'Iss , Xoienshase, NM,..thin'lsisgust
iir i,, hewes mkin aspsciaslty of
c0s1tutu ists -naepsuishedsithin
hoot; Ifolitheius st ltso y'ears, hiss' ihe
us Ira t auusais rsthisishyear, isiu etii
S N~yt of ithes s', sill slithsesngmav-
it'- sui itgu-hut t, ay & us. still iehade
the fraiternuitysectlistn, lustsing dshetsou
f io sit sanunas. T'henI lasunsitu
iiii i s tcmpsedi if WNX'nsinu greuui-
atc 1;" theinagusue sr tisi04'o tsman.
iturescif thesC(ambidsge trec: iectssm
silt conitstitute sitn attativess- addhiititin hit
tis ers ok

for this'preisetproutinssiii s s
tissus-sithus'ilil'sofit he iss n iS 5 -",y
'itisoshi lestatthiscnulS sill g ti ' is trol
iTolndotJacksniii isitittiIsusimi-
Arrngemesists hv n utiale uswith
hiller- & Coofsit lus iaclt tu, sit I
,tin Officer55 'I is Ithe sevnetu i 5 'its
uury, atuthis unitforssn ofnitthis i'asui
tegusoit theiiis tnts stilt inS es sy
ein-ttl liretispnd tiiitelsityle'osithist
itrtie ue-pou-larhts'nesitoftthe1st 515'
plays onl ti t'e tissueofithelibopI.i i
sluh re',litisug utat Stsl sis' li tespt-
sonancasecondaitrv costideatio Silii
dicideto inaugurat~itte a're5 l's t -,()' Illt'(It
clubl ni ttmaking cs 5it asoltieyit m tutu
vesitiyamffair.'Thinstwill insnuswaisisit
tersiere uwish this'regular lists I''I unit
sites , mush "Thus Rnecruitig Oi wmill
Its usisy-isaginu as s aSet sit's is it i~e
sit tiss timse.
'1(1 Y Nii' fIN U: hU'S 'T(1
t'tNN XVWIO N' 151\ O '
hceis wtiiltg suitslthis' gisSuthug uf
ins-th illthie haslssuifthSlUnCivsuity sit
tPei)sssy'issisies. 'I'othusvitor55s hue-lists'this
spoiuls, lut they lusts's' nIts'su r it 'utis -i
Shourtly lefore'sths' Ni isigansss le
'hottesy,this'college ibarbier, stltso uncedu
thiet tie lutist$2,000oouf -Nicinigiss ut-ns'y.
't'his wsptromtly-covseredl atlthus hre-
vailinig sddss. Bust si-uststhe us b nilatt
thus reseult s-esiwa s sw, Thuuu hais si i-
apeaered. Neither Its usr st ne suuy
habenss ur-sfundsus.nmusaelsrge 1i55 iof
Slum Pennis ltdents are luatiy brokens.

tI t ili 5 5 l tIi Isi cat it it by'
"it HM-5 5 s. Olyone 5insition 5
ca ui sr uis u -:ithe int lees ts 1MICE HMIUNII's1REHElARSA'sLS
uto i - 5h -utausiAuh thhst~ adbrad ii(Mt'sNI'SI N i'i l'i'
isis-i t he chiefis rt ii it of i et
- - - - - 'insun tin ftr this operas -'Nisisig'uuhs"
' . 1ti-NllR111 SXS hIlsegu t stanest-slhast asight.Thus entire
I-1 t-i sN'15()Il'SSORifS eu{S't ad horhusInetint stthis Schoolsi of
XMusic for the is'Slstheasaltofuthss'lay,
1 1 eioi l s ill i s tilt alithe h ic h sits to' 'lestosmue tuinii Veht-
I. 'ulls senuith W5 5iii sut I -> suarctking russry Oilg sumthssnounsst 5sf swork
us' e's. tushays-stt'n c is it Blm urto'bedoneit sls.li heiretorCttsit-smit nsecers-
yntuadni 5 C i us i" IstinGsit. -un. 's hems's' lstsO rs-hss'rseshs a eek c onit~ l r.eo h f& m h r otk ilps ihe the
co sissitf Xi Issic tl hi nly,, ' ltu t- (Awis s iltlists's'tis ms t-ithur'-u'tissues a
sn°its- l andiS us inerits tugs muswe's

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