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December 05, 1907 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1907-12-05

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rill wycwitf.A* ioAftlf

G.IH. 'WildCompally
in teity
Excusive Styles in
For Gentlemle' s Wea
x eQithiyr .icedforSits
Overcoats antsy Vc iiinsand
Full Dress Suits a
G. H. Wild Comfpaly
311 Suth StteSteei
for Chlristmtias Gifts ii
nois a goo0(1tuntL e-I
liinrctuibrokent intl
you'll fint alicle asort
Studet IBookstores
A. G.
The Larget Manfactrers i the Wrl
of Official Athletic Supplie
Base Bal, Foot Ball, Golf, Law
Tennis, Basket Ball, Hockey
Official Impents nfoinTck and Field Sot
Unionmsnfotalnl Sinit. Spd igi Handsel
Ilnstated Caalgentottllprttcnaini n
meronsisugetionns. Sndnor i. -tsfrie.
Niw So e (Incti. :'c. it 1 , i,.'all tint
Min ci. itilil Ic Iii.tcalcns lily. ~~u,I ceeinn
New On oIens, 1(:i ic1 nte ,alInad a.

THE MICHIGAN DAILY.lt ' i li--' ic-("t, wecry,'c I ii cn
rt1t ci- iitic'.. candI is to e lde tic bias
of'(tasili.Tieheticwen chopc' io
tcnning ]i ditnr-.-Ci i., Score 7Iitcnct. Ii'doisit 1xieonapriiiciptec i iicti scenic
1 yni canniagc 1._I;. ViW'ii iNS .1icsi lifitl iticth s tiolc U.nivcrsity,
it iii c eitlinianid recoinmend this
7 . 1neverywereC. inititii'titiiby peopte or
A parfticli tiries. It iionulbe a mere sophistry
hititi li's . I totsatyF.thattithis is not inking sides.
E; change. t ......I. JiitiiiNIWaiitiiit tic i scitete arettosidts, iiiis pot-
I I sic suit Dccit.....idiRoyID. NIlt'hi iicyi 11tciiiinittly lt.us ithionub iC c
EniTRALSTsRTncalcdit it ithoin'sty'. aiiittheit icles w5ill
JNW.McCandles Choir C. Adanim i 11 li sctitiinionly icia t pas fur the het
NIGHsT VitRs cx" vthabll iiiiilitii.
Iiirim S. Cody Georget1t. tHobat IN iii iiith is oc ci. i t mayicily he
Citauincey Boticher B. C. R. Williams 'tilt it priicslnt tht ticecpaityiwhict
(ii iioi ut Vsschi ' is in t i ghti" it ll tt mc iio 'icilent
L. C. Reid ILee A White aiiiitsiie111m111illtetic e eitliItace,
t i i t ii tictft ruii th llci dscctn-
-Il. tt. iltd In mu . 1 . Prcot
A. L.. tlainline Robert Mountsier itit.i
tows'cttJ. Carr Donalc L . Kinney i I I'.'tIC ,('Al
BUSINESS STAFF ii~ti-l of iiIIthei cl. Ali invilitationmiof
John F. Wnce Carl H. Adam II ii II ittH.Ii Otis.catorney gcntral
I IccoldT' .oultd I of (io,0 tospeak in bethatf iiithecoii-
Taft iiicampatiign,. swis iccitte. Thie
Address: MtICINDAILY, Press Bldg.,sptic t ill te ihertcFritay eveciing,
Mcaynard Street. tec.rantdswill prubauly pety at the tl
Manatgers Honrs: 1-2 p. in., 7-8 p. M.tarmoryl
daiy, cxceptStuntiny. Both phones S'ii i itcoimmitits itercc appited ~ito
960. i iaic tt uisis ci ccitnittihitTaft
iii lpicit it icbe it cet snletit' eutu inii 'tic
ii its til i tich. to . NIittiaimiFL .Taft



'll RS AY Ilit l)l'i'i I IEaI.;, 407.1
Thd la i st.inswsichthe oicic;o
th atilicassotciaioin is ioltcdlat
prsclpo ie oiii ticilit crelief lii
us ecut (itis ids ' at newitl t ran itt
,iim inicunteraccstiitsuspiioin
iit.it ic Itew ol itoasn re utc
excpa;it asspkiii itthe capactity
or a repoter Itsn i s icl tsitopen
tt)rcl-od cc ent asther c 't 'illy ii-
en i tini thei dit ri al Iii w er
' in ." git-s overt deitisitionan
to Ave thetum \ s ii illtccn--n
as lielc o deauch tesit tilt i asi th
frm ir pth o ti'tousn1 ii
Irt INhcl psd di c e t isefItti e- i
ion of itMorciel ii sle i lcth nit . i int
poit in ill affisio th lits t.ill .slu

_ __ __V __,r
..._ ......-.-..-.. ....w.- F

iN tititiT' Vltiuss n CltuetiI I.iDcii'itt
()tylititr. J. N I. 'tuu cvierpestided.
A om iteetwas aitnctI 'ttio-
lutco u it s if tI;latt nditiliteial-}
-Cities ol t . di I ilitts iii i nig
',li t ii t uil ii ni veit is t y.t

cte .-S'i'a ..tC f-r J*iicu o/'. ihi
Cestsary Dictin~simityr atid ('y cdv da
aitd Atascnd iiit il''icn Scte't iLei
hain Wldf Price
This ithe ea of conbiiations of
atl kindis, caldiscostAnti Arbor is t.
tate ti chamce cat iargaiii combimnaiomn
It tctmes aouti through the itncies
entiirprise iof te sill kntwinComooli-
tnt magaieii whiicti of late hs bei
restltiely forgiig cleand ~tis ilcis
iiikiing thii'sronmgs sort tit iaii for
ai lairgiinumiber ofnIitsuscriibers.
Theeii' odcltici has soiitin~glik .1o,-
000 at ipesciit on is lis, ibiii[as set tic
staks fiii'rod aI'iiil af iillitn.cd lint
tecctite t additi'etra 5ciooo biy uof-
ferig aninduiemittntttsciwell cithir
whiiiliat tiie dsird itw rtiders wouili
tqiicikly conit. I terefore'seciredcotn-
troctii tt ti roiuIstit for 907 tf te
greatCetnincy iDictionary cud Cycoe-
satlul siiigic'rcfei'eiic oitn theius
ltiigtitge. ,a iarge numinber oftheiists
heretistriited ibirocasitthrotghiocit
lie coutrcy'.iiitte Cosmooitiafitalit
decidedtic o rsrict whatc reiaiiied tic
tosescioinisolit hitcuntrcswhee
jimagziiiecirclaioii is iiosi desiraile.
scas araigei fofr AiiiiArbior cnd the
Sheechlanm boockicsore scs seieccted as thit
It is tiiiiet unnietetsary t say tint this
eitrprisecmintis iiiuciito tuts public;
tic oesuspemeluiysetitl getral rferc
etice swori-tiiic /aCentryit oinlmy'
$3io0,poupitiledthl'ii a yiar's sbsrip
Of ctcse' iiost pleiknoiwis'Thit
Ceuntury," ihitimia~y not haveisnstisii'
suebci.it il ofniii7.It culsuutitlgtdc
It i te Iiilyi cditionm isiticdby' Tit
dr' Is silcille giarnte.
Un'ib e b ooiik iofers ot te tpas ltsw
yciaistiayticsve madi'nly skeuit.bti
tic in iii eeitt IiaivI a diuitreigarding Tie
Cctury'soin'aboutii tic gi'iiiiiss ciic
valu itt t hint'presntllIipllirtttiit_It.iis
onlyisntce ssrcito alatte Setthiai
ifferentiint~gs, ad sit' forsyotrslf
'amnd edcaiticaltfferig is ptetmnted.
andi ,i sih'i aimexcetiosna argaim.
'Tic e ae npsiivec eosridaynmigti
Se-c tltei' cs"tand test aiticeThe-
LOST-I. umarin fur, iii University
Hfall on itit night aS Nov. i5. Finder
pecse return tci ho East Ann.
NWe are tie sellitg ageits Str hn-
'(bar W~itnitatd Imperiai Snyria
Rugs. Tbe mnat of tiese godis has
hettntiiioIweli cstablished itat ill furter
commmenmt is nuttssay. Mariins Hiier's
Fiurniuri'Sort,12 it4 aimdl21i6icast
Liberty S. 57-0
Hand hammered jewelry at osters.,

Everione mies: some.,
vsmiting cards Why not
get the best i is as cheap
as the ordinary printed'
cards. We eigr ave new
plat and lito cards for
$1.25. If -you have your
own plate, 75c per itt
We do Stationiery
Stamping Wedding An-
iiounceinitscd Mono-
gramtiWok . Get tosuiir
Law and Medical
Ireveis Ainacini, New
Edition, (utit received. )
Stimsni's Fracturesaind
Di; loations, New Edit'
ion. Morris Aitctomuy,
3rd Ed. halt lealher
$2.50, h al fiimoioc'co
These are new ooks and only
a ew left.
Cas or exchange your Law,
Medical cud Dental Books
Tel 761. 326 S. State S.
Largest collection tof ordinary
sod the oily collctin of fine
Michigan Pins
Qitaliy Best - Prices Right
Michigaiiaiid Fiat Stimes
WM. ARNOLD, Jewler
2201 S.Ali t.S

j T l( I ii t.ilt il i s5i''D() i'iiiii
sill e lin usfull Itsviv iatcrasitur gyim-
I asumtighit, for thue juuuiiu'<imts cr
st'suniti'' paciy. I'lic mrater
ii(csi' 1lull io huh thelii' II 'i iir't a
fil desripi t'l insofri' tsiifetures .iiii:
Ih 'maidniylul'reistounto tpt'pear-ll
Just dhiss 55 5you1wilt,
Slow 5 iil iusltndumsh i ill' sii
Mou talts d'isip1115itot er
tAtiuJ tuios will hcomintosit hutgym.ti~i
7:30ut iWheri dtitigtmttis dimiii cr'
Decmbe lis the tif Ithi is5tii5
: en til i nomict. cirth'cei
ill'sin wiill0'flittfthcmgnttainur
mnanrerimts ill mbecisiirved.t
(smi-t liit t adismmmii.Saturdmaymieven-
=iris wrti mitdtomebrsi



oFU 1W



A 7 1D

Every day one hears
people say "If I were in
college again, I would do
more in the line of cul-
ture. I weould learn some-
thing about music so as So
appreciate good in u s i c
when I hear it.'
j Students of today cer-
tainly have splendid facil-
itiles for snch stndy.
Cotirses in all branches
of muusic are given by the
best prepared instructors,
at very reasonable rates
at tlhe


Dr. Willilam. J. Dawison
London, Eng.
Frilday Everziizg, Dec. 6, 1907, at 8:15

Che !Btubent8' lcture association

Mounday Evenii~ December 9, 1907
University Hail

Course Tickets Including Reservation
Single Admission Tickets for Dec. 6-
Single Admission Tickets for SOUSA


University School of Music
Mdayinard Street


121 WasM1, qton F. The Randall Studio, Randall & Pack, Props.

Phone 598

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