The Miciglan Daily
No 59.
4Athletic Association May Change
Its Constitution-Rowe Says
That Politics Are Inevitabie.
Ant amtendmitent to the constitutiont of
the Athletic associatiotn has beett pro-
posed. Today at petitiotn calling for a
special mreetintg to consider tiis amend-
mettt will he circitlated. If twetnty-five
signattures of members are obtaitted, thte
meeting, tattler the present constitutiot,
must he called. 'Te date for the pro-
tpnsel tteetittg has ttot yet lieett set.
Floyd A. Rowe, in te following eont-
mttnicatiott, gives attswers to questiotis
printed itt yesterday's I).v, attd pre-
-entts a side of tlte sitttation which has
not yet had paublicity:
"Cenrtletmen: Jndgittg frott the thtree
preceding issutes of Tar DAsILY, it is
clearly eviudentt thtat ttere are sotte fewe
students itt the University who are dis-
satisfied with tlte political conditions that
exist in the Athtletic asociation. That
polities do exist itt the Athletic associa-
tion, tn one can detty, tbnt titless soite
plan eani he formtalated whierebty Ipolitics
ttay tsr elimtiitated, tiolities swill have to
rentain, tindesirahle thoughi they tiay e
in the eyes if the would-be refortttrs.
Thtey are iniherent in all orgatizations;
they exist everywhere, ini society, itt the
echureti, anitii e c in thlii faculty itself.
Noi substituite fur the preset systemt
tins as yet lieet siubmtitted; wheit it is,
I ta-clies-c that the Athletie associationi
will lie glaid to tahe oiattage if it.
IHossesver, it applears toi te that sutu' of
tre woiul-tw refuorniers are actitig ini
rallier tiaii taste, as siite of itiemt, as is
well htiowti, aeqiuireid their offiees by-
making us of thre svcry meni-l
tiotahle tierhaps, it anty rate puolitisa -
wishi arc n osw heinug sii striongly cs-i
sareid. That somne if thir political
schemes wentt wrong is haridly to he
attribtuteid iito -ystemn in voigue in the
affairs if the Athleice association.
As to the mttier if the right of then
graduiate dires-toe tii east a vile, lie has
exerciseid thes right, giveti to hm as it
a-as by the stdenits temrslves, attd
there is tto room fur qiiestiotiing te
honesty andi siticerity of lis ivole int the
matter at issue. Six years _ago at hoard
mtatde ip sit stutenetts atnd altutnii sia
consvetied for the purpose of revisitng
the constitituti of the Atletie assoca-
tion. rte tiresent eotstitttiotn is the
result of that revisiont. The graditate
sirector under Article V, Sectiost 2, is
girets poer-c ts s-ste as follows: 'Ite
shall lie a tmermber switti esquals rights, oi
tie hoard of diretors.' Its Section 3 of
the samte article, the election to 1111 va-
cancies is ciosered is followes ' Shoutsd
the offie of treasare or flinncial secre-
tary biecomte sacatnt, thre hoard (f sret-
ors shall fill such vaecatcy.' Why, thters
should lie trot exercise the right? As ts
the justice sot his lion-er to vote, thters
is, it seetms so toe, no questiotn. The
graduate director, in this case Mr. Baird
is more vitally interested itt thre swork-
S igs of the Athletic associationt than i
any tither persotn or group of persotns
attd utpott tins dependis almrost entrirely
the cotndut of its affairs.
"It atnswer to thre qutestiotns ini yester-
itndifferent to this respotnsibility. They-
are an advisory board of the graduate
director, anrd I atn sure lie has listened
to atnd given tdne consideratiotn to all of
their suggestions. 'Thit sotne of threnm
rave shrownethtetmselves uable to give
atty reasoinable suggestions, is no argut-
merit agaittst the sincerity of Mr. Bairdl.
or the present systemt of their electiotn.
Upott cotisurltirig the files of thre studett
prbiatinssot, atnd upon talktttgswith sev-
eral of the alurimni, I has-c leartned thrat
brefosre the adoptiont of thre preset con-
stiturtiont, the tmansagers svere elected by
tiotprlar votte. Ittnmarry cases there swas
agreat steal of frictiotr bets-euthre
mitiragers antt h le capitaitis of thre varioius
teamrrs. 'This frictiotn ins resulteid, oft
times, in thre weakettintg of the varioues
learns. NWith the ett inits-ess of elitmi-
rainirg this trost unidesiraible slate if
affaires, threIrresenrt systetri sess evolved.
X.Whethtertor nst. thre mnragers, elecit-it
is thseysis'risiss, shotiiuli e cottsisderedl
as represetatives of the stutdets, again
dlepernis uponii itetmanragers itiemselv-es.
Shousrld they act for thre best interests srf
the sturdenits, iii all cases leasing out
airy per-sorislidesire, they tire relseesensa-
live-,siofthIlemi,butsrIhtoutldthey ace ini
tail faiths-ith themu-ss is siomretimies thre
easc-anid tic their influence to* defeat
rte very einds that tire stusdents hasvc
sworkedi to gain, threy are neither fair is
thremisels-es tier to tire studiens.
"Tire sluestiorn,'Cart qtestionrabrletroti-
tics tic entirety eliinated?' is not1 harsd
to aswsser. Electionsine itire Stunrt
Ciuirril -s bsody yet youniig ini years----
sass' seen of si querstioniable character.
fIr elections ts this bosdy, abosve all
otthers, potlitics should nut cnter. A-
cissssisctionrwithr totiitics sioutldhbe like-
a class -snoker' swithouri'eats' anti
A Inyisie sdesiirig further infosrmationr
regssrdiing tire poswers iftthie grssdutste
t irector, car find such informasition anti
miieuch teuseful iniformoationiconicernr-
ignthe-qurestionitat tiandsin iasicsspy if
tie curtstiturtinrof tire uthletic associst
ussio, swhiichi ctearly idefinres tire tpowers of
ail th offsi'cers of tireasssociationr."
C. A. D~eWitt, presideti of the senioir
sitsclasos, mrahes te folin-tg staite-
1rterti:'"ire sit the chief faints to lie
foundtilswitht the Iresenit rmanagemrent 'if
tie :atiletic association is tire mrysrery
1ansi secrecy wiihis-Inch its affairs are
condultcted. 'T'huere is stotinitg set sureto
irisite suspsicionr and criiicisrm, atid to
hilt loyalty antd ethurrsissn among the
studen-rts generally, as to isithshosld freom
-temirthoese- facts regarsdirig the eeto
of officers, tireexperrdiitures of funrdts,
-atid the getreral policy of ite association
tha theluy ire entitleid to know. Perfect
puibicity ini all nmatters relating to tire
assocssiationr sourlshdo tricretoin disarmi
funrfosuded criticism ni rd siuspicion stnd
fnoruld furntish a corrective for inmty- of
liii'esits that sundoubttedlty do exist."
Noted Preacher Speaks on "SirI
Walter Raleigh and His
Times" in S. L. A. Course.
liesv.XWiliarrrJ. hDawssn, essangelist,1
irresscher, sausthourstud oratour, siill li-ctie-
sisn Si WalteRaleigh sandsh I is 'turres,"
thut ev-enitngsit 8f, inor('Us-ersity hasll.
This lecture is tire' fifths ruirber our this'
Sturdernts' Lecture assocuiationicoutrse.
"Sir Waler Rsaleigrih tdHis'Timirss"
is trie of hDr. DIsssu su tut p oiulasr
lectures. Ittinasbeeniresiviseredi befsre
thronutgedl audiienice-,susoh in iii trlasr ans
use Un'titedl States. XXhliresvei itshits
hiss-i hearth, hishlectrecs hissecbrenurfavosr-
ably- receivesd.Ile is equahsll nusowerfurl
as si lecturer strut ireachuer, posessinge
strounig voice sindl ipeuso nal -agnestism.
illiim Jamies IDIsonsrrs iiiis swsrit
at 'Towecester, ugh irishrtn 824, us i
esducastedsit Kiigwsooushschoolu , situnti
isburty cllege, ins(Mahst ertic Obtee-
hin collegcelissconsterreu onr luist icthee
gree sit docitor sitdslinsriity. usltig en-
ecildte s\esleysart ururtstes tsrjif57
Dre. IDawsount heldl satiusrsppintmurents,
sit X\esley's Chapatu ndrutCuts RutadsLon-
'hue reprtsthastcerti Anti Arbour
snks aseitn isfinancisal dificlties is se-
nisdin ith ie fonts-mg csrriuurnicniorr
tEdhtor 'sicittssss l.s,s'y
I is reptortedlthut a vicious ssory is
in circulautiounrashunt hecampurs that the
XAnn Xrohii'Iarks atc intinaciatliff-
culties. Nuos it i s-ell koto hurl the
banthinsAnXu rbrehasve ntir es- e cnr
affectedi hisaspani, ansi luy- wereteserc
us a sisunduer finasncial csondiitioni thrtst sii
prescuh. T'i-r deiosits have sent i-a
creassinug during tie lfincistriungency,
suit anty report thte centary is viiousti
ansi uttesrly unfouindedcih
Jitis I. XX'si.s. -
.InC XXAI-t)ii)'T'ONIGHTtt'
'Ihis yvesu's easoit for te ('esss Cesu-ti-
trv clutbi sill comte ht fsrsalclsse hu-
night, isMien a metnlg of tiememer=ct
wiill be helsd ithe troshty roiosmrofthe
eshurtiasiuit hI7o'clsoct. 'heisesso
csinduuicteds by ''Stpie"'Cise, isill bhis t
expiionists as possblhe. s iner thatut
thosseswhoitso5 sicsirs' masy satenudlthis-S.t
1,. A.Xlec-ture.
Te mnuotbsject of this mueeting isI
ihti sasarsinrg iof isiiassamustcuust
tie win nrdss tfrie ihandiiciiiantilnoiiice
eruces. Fie- f ie coetedi('CC's isill
tsr iresee, ssell as ihr-eihainssomeu
cups,-gifts f thi ts- hXtleiceasscitisn-
IDirescluer Bairdhansi Keeneui tizpatrstici
wiill his- presentl snitinnalluprobailitih
soth lmesnilit ane s hsusrntiddrsses
relautisve t5netis-lyestr's tprospets ads
It is imple-rtiv e tuatuasuithetiCros
C'o unry n tu-ustenduton iught, andtust
alougdthast nmenmbers sallsiwthe metre-
lugteoh hhis calls ed rmti tittehi'ousr.
1,11' IRISIEN USh'
tl'T'i,1NENTI'IRti. CUR'tS
A 'siampasignt on'edhucstiu ion iuregsardit
thits electis' systemr is bssing surriedh sit
in the'literary edepartmrent. 'hie fresh-
mncilatsses inn rhetoric titus-sbeenutre--
qiuestedui ts ill isutibsanks sowsig tuc
coursesswhlichi te-y itend htoprsue
throsughosut teireortieaysrs ofc eige
isori. They sre salsonuso hrteanunessas
esxplininugsilty these sibjet iae mei
seleced. It is hoedisstuatua unuier iof
beefu-is isill resuliterot this exercise
In -ppainug it the sudienithusht fn-
diaisrize thimnself isilhthe cntient-,sitfthur
annuinthcemnt anus h lithe esourses si-
terses. It siill shoiiilhu) howsmalslusita
pueat iteiwos offeresd he'can probab~lny
ute andlhunts-necessary-it s his isas
siahdin orderto i d i-iltconticts tandi
mueethetireqeuiremntrus. hro. 'h'iomras.
wit is cosusiucting te esperirunil tfoe
DtesantReed., expec, to derernie whet-
r fre-thmtentare capabltie sit cossosiug
coiurses situii t hes knowi hatstheluy
Ahbout thiity-live mtusebs of the For-
eut ry- club isercipresentl suttie regular
mueting heled last esening ii Xes IHall.
Retports sitftevariusdeletgaes othe
Mihciigsani Forestry- associaion, hel it
Sauginawi, Not. n3 andu'13, tieecthiee-
turet ifthe literary- part of the meeting.
It wsitdecided to atemrpt to organize
a departmnrstal ssketrl lteant to entie-
thin interclsass series. Rauts-eumtwsss elect-
cit basketbsall nanage.
A census of lie siudents enolel inn
the sreties detartmenrt swil be taken.
A recentr article, emnating from Ysle,
claimus tat htsunriesity-hati he larg-
est forestury- shsool of aniy nnvesity- ins
tire cisunulry. It i-s pobasbtle, lonever,
thau tunofficisal censis siill tuoid tro.
Roth'-,ssatemen t he correct.
"XYsle," he- sidu, "is sadmnitedly secnd
1ssuly iii hhichigaur. I annpositive that
tire officialh registeuura is-ill prove that
us-ce have the largest assemtblsage of yosung
mien stundyitig forestry sit any runiversity
inr the country.'
lames O'Donnell Bennett in Lec-
ture to Chicago Students Tells
"Bow to See a Play"
Jamies O'Dtueih tBennertt, slsdramatic
cetle fthe Record-herald, licusig
i Chicasgo latsheeck osuit oItut hS ee'
tamPsay,' stated haust if the stgositousday
hs o be utliftied,te est umesfrus uso-si
tug sou lies inn te colleges asund unisr -
tilessit tire couuntry. "Niothinug" his
stys, "is his he expectsted ssrn thc stgs'
mianasger's, sihun siill resondshonyto- h
udollar ill.'Thueir excuse is voitcesI sn
tue cry, 'Vie pit-c 'cr ttsiheyli' asisi,'
hut a way tidy stesk
thies avseagestasundasrdt of sihast 'a h-hit
sshuldsh ie is solowiithasst wus' ospItire
ti etter'thhingsuhusist in-rk fisthio-si
diiitgu'utly'. All]thus juy asuinsterest ins
thue disrma, all this hisautiful ntus'itiasim
mnustl not rentsa'itu nttitii'tstsiisi sun
rathiue utuderraesde.
"It it snlyhby'the creatiosntofasit'ses ses
play-geingrbodsuy-thaustte sage musy his
imrtu ed'n-t. aisduemoscrsacy, reformsertr
comics ferrom long-organuizedshittinlis,
bilh oust usriginate ir sm sall, rustsly-
herumue grouhpr, sandsoiste theater isill
lie refsormedithrughespre snttionts, siters
fasulty, alwuay s wornthy, it smasuit sit nd
on sushi of thus wa y platormtutu'I'hc ritic
its cosmliuntilositthue uctird usiness
man, t'roublesenosugit'nstreshlii,' musts
gs' wa-sy tsthis'itssirs- fori'gsootdousel,
hiunrsons outlookt tuhd phr'st swisdomi
which is icedin useiicsy ctit,, learnu
mis to thuehi
"'The collegiaun u uis apt ihsitdot a siucr-e
ciliusttitudeiut owardmod huernuprouc-lss
issit. - It issitnl y y 5areuli, lingi~,
diplomaustic wo'in'lthast the lasyhsouse' usit
he' ri-tsredi. it yonitreusaltsgter
his ss'mpthtizeewusthu tu-esssowd, thie crowds
till tie n risptiziewit yosu. hr
is itt the cosmuedies of (G-eoe k'sshsssa
certtti nrisustit i hauablie se
thitng, wih istnit tush si ii'ne gluctes-s
Msucehi satyosur tlts)-gouing wiill o(usrii se
he disppiniting:hin hIe worsinoss si stnt
Broussgthamu's sdisry, 'tXacslsohdra'anic
lnnsay'inl liie its.'
'hit seeintg-ar slay, uwhes veryost sli
;ite he'iTe itesdl sholay-gur-nis
thus sboit natios~sniofsitrwitagsi Io'lItswit-
us-smug this cassic playisoesito ssthis
sins-tter si tutuatrichi site cit tnt- trtdi-
huos osithe lay.uhusK-noistthe stgelo,
tine early- isis ofhre hutaus te' actotrs mmhti
a1 vasriesus tunies producit. KnICout.
isi, wettthis' plywrsit meatesusKnowuss
thet hiisricealastsociatisossitthurly.
''n its ne'tussing a'mornlasfist
strumids to arni tie iideassitthus'ptiy, nti
now ii evel-opied. 'hult-utiy'attetionii
ro euacsor's usporrayali mitthecusr. Sem'
lutit sielI he irnteetsuit,nticelin's run -tu'
ticular' hi-,ssadinug, thus-ris siofvisle,
nrrubes, tfeaures. Nostice howss ss' eut-a
sembuhlan cc' sifinsturedlits' gets. hiaultih's
adviice htnt-etplayesis tdl ii'euicasimout
eat the crtill.
"'Those mit rout iwIo isill tahe -ssoiuli
take greatcaetee10encouratge slsig
forc the stage ini youreyounup uils.Thits
enuthussiastc hcetildi is thisfatmhte siof lii
tuie play-going tian.'
hDsnusctee VereinItalent ti-litfurnsis
th ntenretainmenuutf the hextngrunp
prtny of russ Xornn's Ltesto sbes
gieens today at 430 1p.ihIatir is('tins
n-eli.ngell IMtl. 'T'he gop s -s om-
posed sithtie senirs gils of linVe 'ii,
whro isill Mark Twisi" "leisesclift,'
rthe niuhsitug story ositw Ess ngslish stu-
henrishey-lag trum arster thre Germnt lasmu
gurage and to carry mit conuversaion bhum
tire phrauses si the seat language systemu.
'he sast isill mceCMisses hi cnuriets Sttua-
sleeker, 1Cma Stunnft, Ottilie Grantee, Xl-
buertialBurmieister, Constanrce Fitch, Nees'
Dierdoerf, strutNelie'RElis.
', I he varsity sand sill toots be sen
mui a tess lightr. Iesides furenishiung tine
nitrite foe a sdasnce M-oniday, Dec. n0, the
ieumembers of rte bandi-ll ire the huosts
iof tire evenring. In tplace of the popurlar
-subscriptisons of forer years, the board
isof control into deemted it best thnat the
ssbad secure money it souse oter sway.
yArraingemnents tasecthrefoe beets comi-
pleted for au slance ho be givenr in lBar-
b outr gymnaussirum, under theaunsupices of
1t. Wst-nut ussr . i-siWt)its
iliu, trust in Sosuthpohrt unti lalsgow.
Btecasuse of iris successfult is-rkc hue-\vis
called, int ifiqa, to time I-tigtutsury Quadim-
rasnt ('onrgatioalrchurcshl,st iunrondut.-
'husissitorn lie fiets1 till iooeOf, si-hen hue
resignredtanus umovsedhto 'Tauntoun, itius.,
bsectause of thts enuthusiastsic wselcomue hum
receivedt wuies-toureingi-In thtis country
nn tM04. Is' fint visiredl.Xrnerics ini
Suit, as a lulegate his tmehieethodist
F ctuts-nic',l Cosuucilhuhhl i t waXsinig-
Inn hutscivangelisuicumethosDri~. Iris-
sour earec t tle forecreeds,tforhue is
dheeplty convusincediof tee d ofis1a lie-
sonsal religiosr numong thme comumnumn tpeoplhe
iris also arimong the sos-calledt tustier
dclasses. Is'erecogizses thme fasct thats, ins
ordeuer his resuh ltiltins his meuetinigs must
l ectures, hue rust apupeal ussr only' to tire
emoionsus, muir the intellect ot hut isaects
as iselI.
Tir e wci'l E snad miagazine stssies
that 'he. Daissonr "has stieredh greer
Botton rind Ncii-Englaundhto sri unususual
extenut tiy' iis lecturecs them mernsesansd
syumathetic auientircesosithlieipeoiple sit
Ai arm ruthor lDr. hDssssorr's retputa-
tionsi isworhl-wside. hBesides eing si
writer of religiours subjecs untilsee-
moms,Inc is thre auhoeof setveralst stl-
nues of poemis, novels andh dramans. One
of Isis mnost imnportant ivorks is "TIhe
Makers of Engsh nPetrly,tProse intl
Fiction"'Ithrais buen peronuncch one
of the test booudks of liteersey criticisim
in mnodernr literaturee. Somse of his best
knotsn storks nrc "lTre-Quest* of thre
Sinmple Life,' "Table Talk wi-th Younrg
Mlen," "The Ilounse of Deasmis,'";"Judsith
Boldero," "Savonaeola," "Thurouighi Lat-
thee Windowsi," tnrd others.
days DAILv, I tony say that thne first the band.
questioun is so absurd ass to requiire no 'he bandl has a smsal etheist urred
anss-er. 'Thc seconudduesionr, ike thc y tse retal ofmitcuheilta aIlulifor re-
first, rethuirees no answser, as it is shefin- heasals, arid by time purchase of item
rtely ansswered instire constitutiont of the nuitrt.Anuy' surpluisill hue ursedlho swipe
association. As ho tine squesions relating oust tis dciii andl no provide for esekly
to thne pots of the managers, I nmry rehernsals foe the bsalance of tine schosol
say that witinsthre short rine that I year. The mansragemnenttmates runt if
have been consnectedh withn athletics tit ai hundrehrd couples sree preseunt, it ill
Mdichigan, tire stundenstnmanagers have enabmi lseuhem na carry out itheie plnsi.
bseen givens all the pswreand rseponssi- A frill btsnd ot thirty- pieces wi-ll tprov-ide
bility that they Inns- shown themselv-es the mnusic. pickets at rite melee of sc
run be conipetent in exercising. Some dollar a courple and fifty' cents single
Inve h Iad unquestionable msanagershipadmnisions misy hue obtinueshfrom nsary
over their respective teams while travel- msembehsr of the band and isill be on sate
lng, wshile others have shuntsn themselves I today.