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December 06, 1907 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1907-12-06

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fN2 R IIUAff19 A?

IG. H. Wild Cofiny nogarng editor-PAUL.So'~ovEZ
I _______________________ Business Manager-C. E. WINSTEA.

The Largest Stock
in the CityJ
Exclusive Styles in
For Gentlemien's Wear
Everytthing reqirefoiir l Suits,
Overcoas ts, Fey \Vestings, and
'Tiouserin,acd of high class
fabrics~ and secia~l style.
Full Dress Suits al
Go H. Wild Comupany
3t11 South State Street
titmaybe o smciots books
for Christmas Gifts bitt
now is a good time to be-
gin to select them whtile
lities are iubroketnatnd
}you'll finid a floe assort-
mnent of the newest atid
popular oties
Sheehall & Co..
Student Bookstores
~o A. G.
The Largest Manufacturers in the World
of Official Athletic Supplies
Base Ball, Foot Ball, (Golt, Lawn
Tennis, Basket Ball, Hockey
Official tImpeoments for Track and Field Sports
Uniformsoore alt Sports. Spalding's Handsomelty
Illustratod Catalogue of alt sports contains nu-
merousnsucgestions. Send for it.-It'srfree.
New York, Chiicago, Si..osl..Sans1?r nicioco.
Minroeapol- ieseve. tBuifali.Syracusei-. '(ti-
bur-, Phiiladelphia, ttostoni, Ciccimiiic, Halti-
nccr, iashi ion.ansa s City, Cleeland,
News Orleans, tietroit, Mtontreal, Canada.

News................... A. F. Ritchic
Athletics.......David F.- Stevenson
Excacnige...... II. John Wambiolid
Muisic sod Drama...Roy D. Welch
Womencrs Editor. . .Louisce\VaniVoorhisi
J. W. McCandless Elmer C. Adams
JohniiiF. Wucrz-
Hiranm S. Cody George H. Hohart
Chauncey Boucher B. G. R. Williams
Roymond Visoctier
L. C. Reid Lee A White
M. B. McHugh J. If. Prescott
A. L. Hainline Rohert Mountsier
Lowell J. Carr Donoald L. Kinney
\Walter K. Towcrs Louis Kraft
Lewsis, T1. Kniskern Robert Morclandl
Paul Greer Saniuel If. Morris
011o Engel FreilF;. Gooding
John F. Wurz Carl H. Adam
Harold P. Gould
Address: MICHIGAN DAILY, Press Bldg.,
Maynard Street.
Managers Hours: I-2 p. in., 7-8 p. m,
daily, except Sunday. Both phones
tiicPOIiTIN OF TtilIi Ali,.
lice camipu ind iiitis, wettliteve, dili-i
geintlv seeking light on steAtiletic as-
socialiom situationi. The primacryquies-
lion to) teavtrage iimidist ". s ts
after all inerely ca tempiest ia tea-pt,~i
ai poilitians.'itiarrel for tiolitical pur-
poesto is there a recaltprincitite ini-
volveid shose canviassiing scitt men tlie
hegininig if littler thiiigs for the asso-
ciationi" No u btciillthe commniisiipoliti-
cal Itpcif than wsill take antI is taking
trirentidelightiinccthe 1presenit sitiiatiion.
It is such ainiiiie as alsways attracts that
tyeacid alwrays still. But is there
soimith inig eyoicdi the activity if this
sort sihicct isill mcake idisciissiioriandc x-
pioiuiie, if necessary, wotiihl while ? Tii F
DAciv oitiion is that iif anxiety io
leairii the factes. Those wttii attack the
tirtescnt oridcr cave iiaide some charges
wh-lichi seeii toireseat aii udesirale
slate of affairs. Sitiilar charges have
bieccnimadle before, arid have riot biei
ancsereid. Nows is lthe time for chose
to attack, 1o make tieir charges specific
aiiiitol suitstarntiate them Iby evidenice:
and for the beseiged to come forth stll
thiritdefenise or jcistificatiorn such *as it
macy tie. Dire such communciniccationi has
alitd t appciieacreid to lenid its ait to the
We believe in piublicity as thre first
macinstay to any sdemiocratic represenita-
ti\"c institution. tf tlier are mrethiods
orc mceasures iin thei cuhleticor any otlier
cieg-ciiacticiuc acciiitticcamoptus whichc
ccclcuad citae had, rio mactter if thfey
he scinctionreid ty tradtition of the mrost
apparicenrty sacred kind, wre shall be in

las-ir iof insuetigtitsg thirtm, anil takiig'
stets tic imrovteii temic.Nbodcy cvhtiiis
ini ancy wacy cccnricteci stn the sseia-
icic ur invile stigioniiii i* any right
to witthold information from their con-
stituets. If it is wiheli it will have
princa facie a bas appearance. Let the
student body knosw the facts, ard it canc
frm its opinion on them sanely. As fors
Tort DILY, i too is sekitg ight, adit
toes rot intend to take its lositionichialt-h
iy- on ither siec of te Athletic cso-I
iciioi fnccct.
11cc \'Wandcerigs f Diamoiinds is tic
subjeeti of ciiicaddrss swhic Prf. Itobbitis
wilt deliver toitheCli ollgcat Alimnie.7
Cciii iitiethat soi imaiy of their iccuimerI
isoe sbei ciricle to lcicte seciiess
f this commoditiiythtcci hcccextreh
iici-csirec asebedemIcti tednesi cessar.?
i-s cORicu cs-iccsends ccc iccicicraicil.
Thecjuioici rginueessill todithirt
inst smcikr at tctUninubhoctictto -
mcorowic-night at 8 oclotcck. Seciatmusicc
citt Ie gus cii by aiclass quartet copset
f Meker Kenaci.Wst cici'T'rect.
Tickts silt ticoon sae at the ctibhouis. I
Anc ccci sicly largiatediniccis ex- c
peti. 1
ecIiiDsrcicogOc ciCLAccrSS' siVEtriN.1
The sothit icclass has vstdccloccpst-t
ponei their scioiker until ifter th toi-
lays. 11Mis onCikii cas aipoitets-
sisiantitrasirer, ii orlerito issist iii
collctciig class iduec frimcltgirls. N c
girls siretprsent cii lhe imeetig. t
DrTRtiOITIAiu O ADDRSucSs. M. . A.
The regular ienc's meeting of tteCii-
versity Y. M. C. A. will tcike pace att
McMilan hatt net Sntay igt, shent
RabiiLeo N.PFrkiu sill Ilk dio t
~Cllege riuni.
Dr. Clcrnce Niraguer, cif Tleioc.for-
inely ai memeriif te surgical staff
at thlii veitrsithspitl. has beeriaala-
poiintei director of the laoatry of the
Phipps Intilitt, Denvecr Coo.
tDr. Josephinie Kingsley, '73, ied re-tya e oei a noiTx
She casc one oftic foirnisers of tie
Womain's iospitalt candl Fondilings iomre
of Detroit.
LOSI- OiiTuesday Iefore Taniks-t
giving ulys glditwstci iwitf-r-d-i
is chatelauiine. Nitify i io -akai t
Ar. IRewacrd.y9fz
LOSt -Psi t fraterity pi. Findera
pleasi return toi 702 S. Univiersity, aui
receie rewad. 50i
LOfST--Onr AnniS., ci necklace set
sith amiethyssttigsiRecirciusoaon
North StaecRwaI.S;-i
Thocrougbtredt hlT Ierer NPccis-
two moi nts ild. hIquirie 7ItoS Sevnt
St.. or Sauers,,plaingml. 5-59
We are the selinug ageiits lfor cc-
char Witoi ard Ipera Smyra
Rugs. "Te aie of these gods has
been so ws-ll estbihled tct nic further
commrient is ecessr.ir t Binll tter's
Furiuire Stre, tii 1i4and iii tffEast
Libiety St. 5-fib

mIIusic ali trarnA
The veterain frequenter of Faculty
concerts can citic difficly recall a iiore
satisfactory -or -enertaiiing coicert ic
this series thou hi. or last nigtt in the
high school aiditriii. Mrs. Saiuceil
P. Lockwod uiciapptecrel for tie firstthue
ini tm A r.Xho witi ter husaiccit c
'Serenccde' fis twoliiiolins hi)-Siniding.
Mrs.Lockewooid grccatly -eased ircci-
ciencue. Irti-cliit is warmandcmiiseiir.
Thecreco-cs genciine sontineiy- iilie
terlformacnce ccl te due, and at lie
Scanne timie clinos inbcirkten sympacivc
betwenct hei-ptiaers.
iche Sinciticg Serenade is i beatifulii
wocrk. 'Thur litercitiiee ocfumusic forctworc
voisis limit-d, andiiyet theie rei-maicncc
i thiiings niot lheainchfrquetilitti-,
whiichcpottcr i he it rentihlaitiltr. cccii
irts. truckwoodcucilslitgaii appear ito-
'it. iRcschwla ccws iouidiin cccelehint
s-icierancins on-mgs prci nut cii sitdtIc
his Idchi nd cciipinsocccily. It-scngc a
gircuipiof lyiritc c m song s t lie "ioi
ticiceiti lfromiiFauist \ Itcicst)lo iland'
voice is suihte ito iiic c ndh ie ties se
himsucef sceli iccthccintcclheieser falii
tic show.dis lii tt cincdrattr-uitce andi
liii- programitc u-ih-c dccso setecs-
for piano .con hicosi ancient Grek
rhiythmucs by uAiensky.AlethuLohckwoodcc c
iplcyedithelieu igupcciisoticancii dccl
ccf ArenskyandcmiiLIiLuciciotlt" f- cclic-
ehetic-h. Tte rhythmcus were idictcd
inc hprtticlihetprcgrainu, acinhcg,'iteret
toc cmcpsitiouciccntainig, iesies ticir
diiddcudcl ccnstruction,batciulmloici
lii do dum-cans cumuescrtcv wscitlie
accccpain~~ cg iy iHiss .\icucic Dccc .
She performs micist sctisfactorcciiiythic
icihic ccciandctiii nucg dpart cf thecipr-
graim~. Sie wc ot mdtheleaics cassistantc
icc maukingthis recitluoncei-ocl tiie ccs
nct-sfuliof t hic ciies.
lche ccss inc dncinccg at Grneirs
accademy wsill cmedes-cvry Tueccdcy ccii
'Thursdcaceveinig, 7 oclocck,up to timeci
schoicclicits fr ihoiay-accioin. Ic-
tenincg pcuils canc jicnuicany ecuug ht-
iug the seasonucthiccthyt ciett-,Ic.thcc
ermu sartingswithtirstchlessicn. TSech
lescicns cnstiute ocne termu. Tuitioin
pacableinc cdvanciie-,t. No etuchiccrcs
unit, as visitorics re ntmcicchitedt sur-
dg class hours. Thocse jcimicesnows
finuishtheliitermucafer thur hoidacos. io.Fio
Election cards and all kinds of print-
ig at lowest prices. Special price given
for ticket orders. Michigan and frate-
nity stationery a specialy. I-eadquar-
ies for typewriting. Jotiffe-& Kil-1
mller, over C-op. od
AlaresshiplmenItccf sins ithc cani
tus mioctos. Specil rice. oc eccc, at
icc Co-cup Sire. 57, 6o
If youccwactc:t'acChritmuashprsnt, cli
at Cuihicgs Phacrmcav 336c S. Stcte. f

Ever} one ues soue
viitting crds Why not
ge tSt h bsitt a cleap_
as :the ordinry pritnted
cartds We engrae tnes
plate anud ioo cards for
$1.25.If yoin hae your
ossli hilate; 75 pr oo
We do Stationery
Stanmpitg Weddng An
tiuciiiitcs and Mono
gramtu Wok. G et ott1r
S-dciiiSirid Siccinc Stret
A New 'Michigani
Scrap Book
Larger amd eter, 40
leaves guaranteed nt
to come loose
Withiccii8Sx to picture -
ot Pres Angel, alsis a
secil Pietr r at ti
with Boots
If sout ail to keepa
Scrapc Book tf College
Dayss youiscll regret it
ll youtelift.
College Pictures, Kodako and
Photo Supplies
Amateur Eiusing etc
sporting Goods0
Largest collection of ordinary
and the otly colectionu of fine
Michigan Pins
Qhuaiy Best - Prices Right
Mielhigant untilFrat. Stines.
WM. ARNOLD, Jewler
2°30 S.lcaiOSG.


_ . i i

B~U~~ flr2w

Every day one hears
peopie say "If I were in
college again, I would do
more itt the line of cul-
ture. I would learn some-
thing about nmnsic so0as to
appreciate good m u s i c
when I hear it."
Students of today cer-
tainly have splendid facil-
ities for such study.
Courses in all branches
of music are given by the
best prepared instructors,
at very reasonable rates
at the
University School of Music
Maynard Ors-ri


the ztubent8' 9lecture kassociation
Dr. William J. Dawson'
London, Eng.
F'riday Everilivg. Dec. 6, 1907, at 8:15
Moniday Even Ing December 9, 1907
University Hall
Course Tickets Including Reservation $2.00
Single Admission Tickets for Dec. 6 - .50
Single Admission Tickets for SOUSA $1.00


121 Washington E. The Randall Studio, Randall &f: Pack, Props.

Phone 598

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