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November 05, 1907 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1907-11-05

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The MNichigan Dail y


NO. 37.

Increase in Freshman Host Ne-
cessitates Addition Sessions-
New Assistant Appointed.
P'hysical exatmer.1Dr. Maty states
that 8o sttents are aretty enrollel
for gym work, and tiis ntumtber Will
probably e iterast(i to g00 hefore te
close of the term. tNute ros, changes
are een nade atltse grm. IDespite
teittreaseti f001'acotttttoatots. t
freshman clas sedre will itt extend
ed, classes sing forsmed for Wl\ednesta
anti Frisdy ftrnoons at 31.1
A spacios roottt fo te tsof Direc-
tor itzpatrick atd D)r..Mais ratpidly
approachittgetttspletiot. Te roht is
excellently ligtedl and till In fitted wtril
ttodertt apparatus. It sill nowtte lepoessi
ble to carry the sork tt a comntilete ex
arnisnatiottof ees, ar. ose, tra,
stgs etc. A coestertreorlislbeig
kept of all studests iwlto are hy sialiiy
deiciett atte speial teattttett astdtCs-
erctes art' rseoststsesstetl
Mr Myari, ftlmettIro ,assstatltoI
Direcor fit, Itltriell. whso twas caleto 1
Nore lDatmte ttil esits' to takte Itiargi
of ahltics. is sccccdodtt ity'Al r('lot-
Ile sill sdiret smeotthet lasl s
Tte fresh andtl junsio r is fougtist,
0oInoIt ie yettrdaty fttrnoolt onttrert
field. Onsy one itens-minus te halfste
played, the scondtal tf being cledil
acotitotf ltrksssss. 'Te junior lit i
ntlarrivetothettfilt tntil 41..3
On tant xeasge tof ptttts dutrigthe
fitsI t t itttt tes slit fresh lit ucee
int pacitg thet'ball onlthelir 1o1tonet';
tssenty-yard lite. After tto lllicsi -
fil cetfrs Isogaits truhllttelieith-
fr'eshmetiedsistforasro kics kbt.ttt
ball etsstt witle. 1)artingthe re- C
mtainduer o f tlt'gamie seitter goat sa,
its satger. 'Te ti' tsill itt 11115el f
'ilettcontest sel estda111111is fresh
iTaws v . sniotatiwBs. ~The twinsersIo
thtese tss cttesests wtill tmeet TIuresdy
"rile spli egieet andtlp1 t'lt'tgait
tar Ietnpstpoed't unttil W\Ysltl'lal
'is lits (101 011 lits o).
Ittu!.... . ...........astn
Richlartls .... C.l.... romlyi
Tayltr..... . ......_lagr
Lawtont. Id... . '1'. . .c e
E. \Vatclt.. ..R. .....ra
Feldmatt.....Q. B......esult
J. Walelt.... L. IH. \t... ltenrslls
Craig...R. II....Pks,,i'
Allsardi.....F. 1 It ...IDesre
Referee Martint;tempisre, I agermsslis
head litesmaat,Lyot.
The annultovsico ee elce of tle r~s
Country Clbawill be rttsSatiriks.
nmornisng at 0:30. Frisay aftertsot
Nov. 15, te tatnnual Fall Haicsiap rae
till take place.
Six CCC's will het twartetl ithles
races. ose to tc snnisertf tettmoie
race, atil to tetei'sentlwo pilace set, att
te first three inttuenitoile hltatsls
Cups for winters in boht classes set1
le presented by te Atlletic Asslcatio
wrDetsilAY I5s MTONsxDAY.

Iomorrow is atotion slay intshle Prace
lice Cout, whetn prelimitnary nmotislns it
the svariotts ttses still 1st arged.


tellons tfIre te cst of te -Micigin
Unsillsn's poecedel mussiaicoedtty.
-\Ij1eligesisl"a.rs' t(olhe'itel nt fStsse
tat fromsto Glpi Islls. Wherth ~erswilt
taklaceisis' nolit et ]Cllctsiedrs, biss
it istproblale tsat llnssitt's hall111 silt
ile cen~s. 'lissansostcemett wsa
madeveiiti' ythl55'il l le commttittee o05
aiitt'r snitdstso icompslete fr sists
Iof Illh s sevetty-lite. pices tat are otiet.
A 1goo1siing tttl Ilie is teftst requiss-
its. r\ Iisaik tilt stge dancitteis a
uxn ulil 11itinichtl ll alit1111oli 5
canidt's chances 1115 111rsmaig go001.
\is anumrissifitmtet sill le askedi t
listswill a luob osisdelred.
'''ilss Iwillle soiey no faori-
ts shils1 iin sI tryoutss, tei'sist-
ssitls's'annosiisce. ''Fgel'r1itlman ill h
give al . fis lts iirsadi uligllsolelyoss
tiast, Ilomil 11ut iitnttte. Atn alittstaisee
ofi 11m1atrial ifor till'cast is neeed, if h
:Acivlit'wotrkllit rehea'lrsalissill besgiii
assoon a1 a'cat nl.Its'gototigetet.
I, . 'AR N 'TRlYet"t'S
wih lush eito resenss t thies fiiur sietiesl'
si t 1e5l ie c 155icydatlstweeldt
15tlill 111The1qlstiotn51.debated Islfstsii
aersaesi- ss A. ha.lleisr'equ eslgm
Inti'ter.Si'. oIt. Ilawtesity Or. FC(
N1' is clilil'Proni. L. ID. WSises,ad tDr
F,. C'.WStler.
Ths hsnintheIt Sieltits oies.
1 0 1F' 1.5UI~ 1 IN Cochran, am'
W,5'. ClrkssiIt I.. Klleyloas ltler
1111Novemb155r1155 this'JtIfirseitiossan
r.5 ittihiiteats itsiltsdebat, tlestJefe
'115559haingthe is'rimi'atie'stillthis
SillisstIllneati e.551'Itttadilof act
slettchs hit silbaltowedihitw tele ands
five I'inui sisoht isithissork sit
lhe stne em al in ies butitit sssemsbers
liust si
Geirg e I' i'is'idwa'rsI Preittid H. L
Ratzl i irIep1111snt~t e lha NuiSo50
Ii SA. innsse,55'.:A. i'lcatgl-
its'iadR :.Hwe cei litjudige.
liiThe 1t1am choiisnto rill'resenit thrt
Y S\'i'ilso ietsin i it sebalte'iiths sht
Alhai Nu itclitilt ill bhis'mosedhli oif
r M Li. IBIuitrilighis15.f . ''tricl, astdl55
. I' srik itsloSephent Dowsntey'a
alttrnIs. I1Te i ehtser teaism isil st-
hillel this'ffirmti and ilte Alhla Nn~
The tiimtslis gretesd Snttdly ih
lnisttretlessfrilsINashssile b lay' rgleg
erowdestof halpy rooters.Yells ati
i sngsseealy etigittiere by "Spider
kite, moustntelus a stirar. Firewsesl
e ipaydia proiet parlt itste'cera
tits. Miembsher, f tetaissweresiem
,c sy'te rooters, as titty' lligttdlfroti
ethe htrin an(ili a''Isskesdassce''ilit
t rocssiontt wendedesits say itip'Wilian
1streele to the law busilintg, wh~ere stnss
tane yells sere given.
1. A..sIF. RTsI'cssxIt.
'Tle casinsset, costsistttngtf the officer
atid clsirit et of cmtnmittes, of te Y
-W. C. A., entertained te caiet of t
n Y.5M.(C. .A., st a chafig edihipaltty, asevininNw ryTul

Examinations Without Faculty"
Supervision Give Satisfaction
-Origin of Plan at Michigan.n
Thet' hstsser sssem is a stccess-this i
is this'osnsus o f opinioni, ntsonily'g
sionit' studsents of te mieialidepeart-t
ssessiof lthe isisversity,lists frotms oter
schosisisislire iisisitig'folsisetd. Afierev
a iitiatof lteayears at "Mihigatn, tei
ssystum ihis ellnirmloy estssblishedetl 1
th lessthsisetic clasises
Noi ine ]mosisswsIherelthe sshsnor ye'
tehetasd its irsh. It probaly has exist
Ced iias sIO n sii inom lty'fo Inssssy yearst
il sevra smalslter'istitutionss, ut as
ass esstity i riginastesh inthlisoutther'
college's immeds'sistey folswiglt'ewsr.
lTe Uiviersity f Sirgisiamsinaisst
thantisit a.seissedhby' Judige IHery St.i
G~eorgs Tucer , profssor of lwis t t I
tuttuin adshsiadlotelter licby it
sautllsT1111eIsentslstsis1this iprimitie.
plani see, ttshse.11'sdenst sttcs tk
folloingcrti5ct iseainto
l,- dheecertify osihoosr tan
Ihiss deitsets itoillsssisistedring this
sxaitussiisnoms anyus ssurcsistsisatec,
urhisther l i i srits is or iin ittt, iigin-
tg te'hore' anisiers.,
Irfs sor tiStevensiof lte tWashigtoni
- sn ~ civersits says: "It is easy'tI
usI ncstn whsi sluthssternscolessges shsousl
livetbee h els il'autusal homoss1f the osos
syte.Educastisonttils Inot sdeemetee
nesessity for all, lists rster a risiegs
either aituasslly' suepospetively' ttii
of genstlemanss. T'l snuisof usgesuetussa
watal iughtl toi destisel'dieitit."
'Ele Ihsonosr sy serius 15itroducssed at
Princton sin iii Nt ihere.swith t x-
tetptiit ohs everal Ictses, it ihs gin
sierfaustitus ILtrist iwua s',tkusp b y
Amheru'us i lii u, lBrwnandsiu Wtil-
It swas ir sitised itsthie'Uietrsiy
iou thei 'c)8 i meis beisig'isitrotducedi it
L hsltus byiW.'iS.Iinthstius, F. 1'.
h Wrusghu it I P.Boransd. Withs it
sitgusauatsnsifthsis csss tlesystesms sa
i oppled, tush ceasedl o exist for sit
s thu sent st systemuwas isstisted ht
lsthe 115; susdeshe sotts phomiors,uots
rciigpes 5sionitfromitilthurfautlty
thu rtnvives'it.Sits' hestit listsbelets-
iiixt's' i ~litthe eprtent, tatu listsalto
beuse d ins1yiiseleralitdentalsasnd tush osuun
palthitclasss it sutre sue lessuccess.
Thel'essntisio f slutsysismsaisit no,
f Machi studuents plegs himisitf nesithe
t gistetuor receivetusia i aty regular
examssinatsions, andsal~so reptrtth tit,
riser stdentOcmtssiteenasyone sects
rtot give use reeive sae. 'lis conmitee
conists f fourss studentiss elected front
te class, whlo haveipoweretIlliventigae
stillseiesrepotulsedto theis, btshniyttyh
ti makse retommendashhtionustslthe faculty
cernseesing themit. It is eite statedl 05
itinderstood, tat tir isstrctor after
gisingtuhe ustionsstsote chuss, eaves
d ht"esuosm, adtuhaIst tie examinsations is
thessits the hans otsuf thin sudetts. It is
salsoi undseestoods thast the insrtictor has
tthe ighthtohisussignsseats to te sdeni
I s lie twills. ''his hastseentsshows his
utitsincaryisig utthe sysen. Any-
e mian si-io doeus sut care to sign the
npesdge mtay tke a separasteexatmiaations
,sso that suscritions to the system is
Pecuiaisr moduuificationss of the original
"'Tucker H osor Systen" ave beess made
its vaiouts institutionss. Is the aademic
s deptartmsent of the Usniverity of ee'
titwont, snIosor system athbeesdeised
e whichs fixes as a pesnaty, foe tose fosnl
4 guilty of chetitg itsass examination, a
deprivaititnuof class honors. According

:o precedents there, this is a very severe
iA morn original ysem thass thin Te'
cnoit plait ansbeen fried its the Unti-
versity of Southerns California. The
nesdical class of t9oof, diritg its sopo-
sore year, asdopteudats arrangetenetiby
which all cases were settled withot the
towlesdge of the faulstty. There wre
so comtstitee. Bach ase tas decided
y a ciass vote at theimite of te exatst
auin. It cae the party was adjudigedh
tguilty, thiss petnaly' for the offetse test
tht hit piper e thrownt out, thin result
eittg thin sante an if thhat persost were
sent fros thuexamtisnaiotn. Inthiler
wordlste sttident ecanme conditiotned
i thse course, antdtas cottpelled to ap
'ear foe atoher examnisation. This
y stmtiseirkedi teth its usfeteistances,
sit tutu to lbe dropped owing huh the
fat that a coupe f the pmost populase
msembsiert of te clastee caught "ri-
bing,' ansh tersotalf1usose'gvetrnethefi
Btrowsa studeits hate asiesleth s'lod
of dealinsgswilthiose twhos actuftiry'
its examnisatiosis. ihie esslirit isitnorsd
by' iis cassmisates. iesoonuisgowsa
wenary' of this treatmseit, andh sfter a
fete days. goes o som th oler scolol.
Such a islans perhap wold nto t:r
no sicely'itt a larger insitiustiot.
'Ele phyial, messiah athsmoral life
of thinssdent wanudisusses y IDean
Yatsust sn f the tmedical departmesnt, at
McMillans hal, Sunday evesing.
A soaud ody. udelared tDr.aghsass,
should he or fthiss first ojets strivess
for, adrelaet iniithin connection, slut
results sof his shady' ofIsue huntdredh ef
the intelectsually great uess of the cost-
try. lHe found their average agn o e
seventy-ight, sowing that hsu eneta
labsor kills iohody' sihi a fit oty
The udtantscriticizendue reedomswhich
stueits exercise in election of csuurse
"Masty of thesi get itto the swrotgse-
partment,"le sa, "and sany msori
choose tie line of least resstance, anti
come ost inthie endl sorse off that
whets they started."
Drinking, he said, is too prevaet in
the student ody. It is to e deplored
hecause te hai leads o others farr
'Tetdeans remarknswee esslienedh
wills recitals of hsinoseratots its
Frattce atid Germtnty
The first Setior Sitg will e held y
thin se,0lfits Thutrsdhay-ighti at 7 o'clock
arossnss the snsior ench. A tmeeitg
of list consmitee tatheld last ight
atnd it ws ldIecidedl defisitely' to start thin
eustotm of seekly sings efore coldl
weather sets it. It is expected tha
large tnmer of senior its will tn ost.
The conmmsitee wilt arrange for a half'
sour prograns and Tel Reed, chairmat,
will lead the singinsg.
titiusATFe Ox wEawsTE POAM.
The program of the Weser society
for Nov. 8 is as follows :
Citrretnt Evests-Wsl. A. Herbructk.
Dehate, Resolved, that the youngnan
should hoose his profession efore en-
tering college. Affirmative, H4. E. Nese-
mat, H. Helenthol; negative, Roet
Cattcy, MS. H. Crawford.
Inadvertently, the name of R. E.
Jolly, who generously contriuted $o,
was omitted from the puhlished lit of
subsrihers to the Senits' Find.

The university at Bisenos Ayres is to
have a V. M. C. A. huilding valued at
$sz,o OO. Chavles J. Elwald, 'o, is ;gen-
eral secretary of the association.

Student in Communication De-
clares That Council Should
Take Action.
Complantutsasginst gteeting athletic
easwissth soie andhfireworks on Sn-
tday is voicedi inthlstfolltowsing comuni-
cationu. Thlere is sal o fun a general
setimsent against this forts of Sahbath
breaking. It hils lbeeuoredl that fac-
ulty asctiounontsthelut'iestion omay he taken
itsn s tisuerfuturet.
h~dtirseof ICIGAit, N f).nss
Ditl' us tis' facushatItwsicis'withinst .vs
weeks, ssuuey oits5t. 20 atnd Nov. 3,
a siege posriossnf thin suduent fbody hsa,
its welcoutmisng \eihigass"ever vitor-
ous"t eamu,hbrnkens sansy'of flit commnot
ruses fus e sltobseves sseof thn Sa-
bahtst, ansi furterus se o hemaasy ex-
pressioso f suhies-e iticism heard on
thus camussssie Ith'eetistenstioned
he wrier ugs leavei'te iquhien mf ter"
tits suuthorsity- nt-fchs ats ftrfendelsire
sue eueths. Thlis qluesstion is formuat.
as the reusst f carefuslought and of
hetauritng sutch utteurne s "It i
stranige sous e uit't otIpenly'condemn
it," fromiaIiusesfessore spesakingto9his
class; "W1s- hy dont thempoice sop it ?"
biy a resideestl "Is noise, college spirit?"
bsy si fretshma; asmithSly sdon't the
Counctil scht?" by a sudsenst of longer
'hissui it seemss evidrent that no less
thsansit different upowsers ave ignored
that sihuationsu, sasnd, tjusiy thinstate-
tuest I sill ssssumeratutetheim.
'Tere- is a.iteyssordinaceegovernisng
lie tuneessary dschsausrge f firearmss
-ash firsnworks, which hasisbeen transcensd-
edt. 'sTsisfpen ste tray for actiosn y
lt'e viilntlochssal tpoice force. Its agility
its puttinig ustshll to smsaler atd less on-
certedh actionssby' then sudents eads one
t wondmeer asits insactoits theinisstanes
Thse Shtuent Cosuncil, as, since its
assumtitn sit poltceepts-e, ecannot e
omusittedifrom ts lis. How cousld thai
bodythyaivse stwtnte respect itt the stu-
densstsleore esasily thsansby' taking its
standuintuhsie right siteeof sone moral
qusestionu. Its somnsoenceuttay eele
'Telhurhes, especially those whose
seesitees suit eem surbsseduby the yells
of a mith at their sery douss, arc open
to sadmisrationsolute stClristias-ikeqtral-
thy si the ierhpatisce, mamdiforgiveness.
shots-s fy he factstal hiy evidently
centercd prosets neihse tosthe police nor
us thinesollege autorities.
So fumeisi is cmsmonly kowvs the
unsiversity' atianiten have taken no steps
its thinmatuter.
'lug MIkCHuIGAN DAILnY,vhitoy surprise,
usfgedi "pistols and hlanks carhridges."
Perhasps I shottltinot ssyurged, for no
threet, tsisi to say editorial, appeal
wsassnmatde fuse their use. -
Sixths atnd last, there is tustice sesti-
ment, nehich, itn Annu Arbor, tmeans am-
puss opisios. Instesad of passive resist-
ansec by thouli sewho dtinot eieve in
"shootuisngup thin towvn," there could e
sum aptpealstoIth~e iuiversity, 10o strng
his hetdisegardted.
'lhe writer himsef is proudu of Mich-
igan's teisamuh gladly sumsbers himself
amng thsose whos gather at the depot to
grent tie team on its return from either
victory tr defeat. lie is prone to doubt,
however, that any sech ocasoin de-
sanssfireworeks, firearms, parades or
sonsgs on the Sabsbath, and hopes that

self respect and thse vesiges of early
taughat reverence will lie susfficient deter-
ressnits itefustusre.
P. P. UNussi.

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