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December 18, 1907 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1907-12-18

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The Michigan Daily

Veteran Quaker Trainer Sees No
Reason for Severing Relations
-Calls Wolverines Sportsmen.
For sotmC tone p~ast various newspa-
tiers rare delighted it interviews pur-
porting to be fronm learlers in eastern
sport andt predicting that Pennsylvania
wrill refnse a gridliron contest twitlt Miclh-
igan next seasoni. In view of this fact,
a direct statement from one in authority
is. of interest, and The Daily forthwith
publlislhes ant interview- with Coach Mur-
laiy of thre reud and tlite football arid
track icarus.
"The Utiversity of Pennrsylvania rill
retaint ite -Mfichigant gamie ott ter schte-
durle jtist as lortg as the Wtolverines care
to meet is. Michigant deserted the
Western Cotnferettce to cotte cast They
itade a wonderful showirng int last sea-
sit's track ansi field chtamtpioiishtips aitd
tire Penrnsylvainia teamt which brat thent
ott Ferry field wouilsd rave beateni arty
foitliall teani it thte couttry that day
toc on Thtanksgivinrg (lay. lTes~e sest-
enters arc giood sportsmnen. Vori do ntt
hear their iitdergradutates growlintg
unter a dlefeat nor do they protest their
hard football anid art- going to give ius
agreat battle sot Franklin fold net
"Wile tere is alrsays a possibiflity
o~f P'ennisylvaniia playinig souse otlier of
her fores, it xwitl tot he at the es-
cnsc osf droppinrg tise Michigani gamei.
Why, this game ini a fewc yars, wilt'
grow t0 lie thre biggest gamte of thte lot.
1 wish sre cif tirs easterners could have
seeni Ihe still sri liat Michigan and of
giat. T[his mass '(.eritaii Scelde is
oue-half is1 a teatis alonie.
.\fin peitle aerwonderitng ivty
tenets Yost is stilt sdiseassirig that for-
ward pass whlichi lie claitms tes legal
anid issiiil liarve giie Mciiiidgan -i touch-
dowin. Yost ls a lusver of footblat. lHe
w ill talk if thc garre all ight 'jist le-
entire Itich likes it. Yost is all ighs ard
ii, a goisd Csiachi.
"'It wosuldt he icer io addl anotheir
hard gamre to itie schedule, tiut we are
loitig to stick oicihlltigan and I snw
they are goiing to stand by is.
Thse wr orsf the veterain coach at the
Uiisersity of Penntsylvania carries stict
weighrt that a eraternt fromi hint set-
ties sarty diiiitfiil mtters. Muirrphiy
Haists te :Michigani gamre anti te nuder-
graduates-demtandr it. The rerd aind blute
tiny play Priticetonir or Yale. bit o'te
thinig is certain, they trill lay ;Mlichigan.
Prrof. Fredl N. Scostt, tpresideint of the
.Moiderrn Language A5ssociationr of An-
eica, trill deiver ari adrdress cii "Thre
eniesis irf Spreechi," at tire twrcnty-fifiti
anrualr mieetitng orf te association at
Ohio Starte univiersity, Urduttrs, Dec.
z6h, 27 andr 28. Prof. W. W. Florrr wil
read a paperr ertitlerd "'Notes sir Iruther's
Lanuarnge." Panrpers willI be tresented lit
D~r. W~illiamrti . Bohni, sn ittre "lDeclinte
if the English Heroic Dramtan," and ty
Prioi. AM. Levi, eintitlecd "Siletnce andti
Solittire in te Pocemrs of Leoparrdi."
lTe contfercence wiltl attract college
tent from all trts of the inatiron, the
rest bseinig especially troll representterd.
lirurray Wendell and Waler Rheins-

chrild weere -presenttedi withr stemns last
etteing lby the scrubls ini appreciationi
oit their, assistance -as coaches this fall.
At a nieetinig of the reserves held at
the clubhtouse, Crattpton presetnted the
steints in behalf of lilt teanm mates.


Nso. (io.

. - _ ____._.......,._....v... ___.._ _ __ ._

TPhe and rdance, whiich was to ae
been hield last Monday, will be held on
Mondray, Jai. 13, the first Monday after
tire Cristrmas vacation. The postpone-
,ret sas necessitated by the large ntri-
her of requets made by parties who had
nmade treviorts ergagement for ome of
the other functions wicih were sce-
lued for that evening. This postpone-
mnentr will give the band an exellent
opportunrity to acqiire.trougi added
rehearsals, at greater degree of prof-
rieircy so that 'They will e enabled Ic
rescrt a etter program of dance rmuisir
:)ite tie lr date.
hrof. George W. Patterson, repre
sentaitive of the ergineeritig department
rat elected chairman of the Board ir
Contrl" of Athletics at its first meeting
erd in President Angells offices yester
lay afternoso. Prof. Lloyd of the iter
ry' rdpartrmentt till act as treascrer, arts
DiriietorrBaird, althoughinot na membrtic
if lire oarrd roter. has eeni chosen rs
Pirof. Hetry .Bates sas elce
"conference delegate," rwiitie chairnaiir
of tie ionrd as alternate. The business
sessiotn of ctie nesw board at occupie
iithr artliformal discrssion, but nc
leirirs' action swas takent nor did tre
ucitrlers cornmrit thenrseve to any pro
',critier corrsowithr relatont to tie core
ferenc re uzzl.
1Henrry . Bodmanrth ie representtie
-hziosest y tire auni, is the only-on
-residenit miemtbr of the athletic board
nle isnratmemrbr of the Angell-Bioyntonrt
McNilsrtr-Itrsltantlawsirmntof Det'roi
ratd is ore of the exectie boarri oi
ire I.tiversity 'cl. Bodmasnirgraduater
ifom thlitefrar eatmn ihth"ls uo ~ ) nd also remained ith eatet froeya.Ieiii
ar sicriber rf the si U.psiosnrfrterit
arid was honrredi with tie poisitno
ii shball manrager rdrring rie year of hi=
-siltera ate resietce.
ThcZtsr Psi team won first placs
rn tire siler ecp in the Paladirn
Binrg ieagure contest last night, at
hoirghr the series is rot yet fiished, b
lcetritg tie Deta Kappa Epsilon tearr
in treer'straight naes. TieZeta
wonirghuteert gare and lost three it
he series, holisnrhg so far tie hight teart
si ore of ,oti3 arid the ight irdiirira
scosre of 232, mtue by Stkey.
et gamre ini the series is e
swceet the Chi Psi ard Beta Theta P
esras, ott Dec. 18.
Theicocmptilete' scoer last night tas a
follows :
Zeta Psi--
Arthur. . . .57 177 t5;
Nrorrirngton......... r16r- t5t5r
Carkeo..........ty156 t168i13
Surkey........t46 232 9
Wierenigo.........t175 177 1r9

StFIN ES LEVIED FOR oarid only by theadisttve
LATE NROLL ENT l"e rules relating to tie removal of
LATE E ROLLME T ansndiruons are as follows.
1 Astrdent reported "passedl condition-
-- -~ ally" ira a course is allowed but one
Drastic Rules Laid Down in Lit opportunity for the removal of such
Department -- Cons Must be condition, as folow:
1 A. Conditions received in February
f Removed Early. try be removed oly at the supple-
'-- rrcutary examinatons held for the pur-
Radical chaunges iavurerecrnade itt pose on the first Friday and Saturday
tirhe rules regulatitng entrance, the eec- after the spring rcss rimmedialey fur-
Ithon of stnier sht e remuoal of con- inuing.
ditons in the lierary deartmnnt. 'T'he I. Condiions received in Jnrre may
electidnot stuidries. cart ro hnger Ieie removedl ony at the supplementary
cpostpronedi until Ssaturcday- of tieshe- examninations held for the 'purpose, on
rng weeck if tire secosndu semester. All tie first Friday and Saturday after the
election thlasns mtri he itt sri the Satur- Cristmas vacation.
dasy preeding the Februuary' exatntrha- If a student fails to remove a codi-
h tou, rwhichithiis yeanr swil be ran Jan. tirnaurht te supplementary' examination,
PresFreshcen andu specialt studnrts till the course nt which he was reported
haindrn their dlectionus to the communittee uos conditionedi will be regardled ard treatedi
elecctionsas s heretsofcre,luri all others as rut passed.
rInmust presenutirsis inn ipersoni to tie Ira caes of unavoidable absence fromu
registrar. bnate ohr"tiois sill e re- tnc supplementary examinations, tie ad
ceived only'uton paymette of ar fee. Stu-sinistrative oard may, at its risre-
-dents cant ns longer cuter ate withi litio, authorize a specal examinaion.
Iruniti XAli mnusregiser situor before .A strdent desiring isos us'eam tiedr
rtine seconrdi cay or this first semester ror fr the removal of aconutditintutrust
tena a Iheasy-fne.nostify'tie intructor sir easthre rnys
Tine rusiun regardi ntie remnoval prisor hdothe tine st fsr thec xaminaion.
sr ofssondiioshrve uscossbeen rmnerially' AXstudent reporesdsabsnt fromurthe
n atered . ondiutis nsst herenoveidfinalriexamintionurin a csurse can re-
swithin ixsumronths ntilburt raie examina- ceie cridintr succoure suly' hu
:Iton usil be allowdurel. Absenc from accrance wtihr thin rues aplytintrg t
ofinal e'xamnrationrs till naomnecesitate tie renmoval of condritions.
etiretakin, of thus "con" exams. This
-ul ilnit rshie retroacivo, btrnwiill -i- AXRkI ITI CT POND 'llHINKS
ply tsr esondiioins incurreeulthi'estoming t.ONCRET'F FR.X ('M1INE
n'tsrncry' std thereater.
'lhe rules s issued frosnt tiecean's ihastr rie rdeeoptrrrctof renfsorcedh
t filer'foslowe concreteicwtithin tie past fews'yar,, has
A. llrrnrlrgi'cuhtar' tuulcrt it treopeneuprt a field as yet scarcely resliedr
1 A.iAllrundrrgraduate urt nteinn its possibilities, as this'themenof sr,
deatetof literatue, scece:,ani tie Pusuul's andreuss to hro lt'rigly'hi ihtls tus
it s are required,. nt tins' beginning Ofnigt. xising'netorsinhrmasonsury'
f achr year ccf resisdence, hr. enrolli withr tunicrechedl tielimtit irssiblc trest-
Ie recretary,.to tay'their fes rrGsto n o issi aitiiheg uaersl
e reasrcru, addto tiie iitthudsofficersrunless it niny' he inn muere sie. 'ire
enfuctshi'tcsgutdunecrstoneis' buiings of today'are btrns esic
hanuk propnely' illed ulut, shoring teti dcsnhisioi cforrsid'upcis
vscourses they exirctto irs ue dsuring thiseururc at Bn c~ccdhrint
r'. rcentucrresI'ascs.'Bhteeotningseiprethents
semstr. 'h~c hre hinsin heacinreriuniwhichr Ianevr re sfor'rye
f ruer stater, stratlIe conrsidered sh sronru-coedht'ttttir atgutncsi'vs
stiturliuugregistratisnriu hutIis rdepacrtmetn't. rrneqn tostilse rirs
All students entering thins despartmentthinks nrentsiirty' 'is' style sf essn-
for the first ltte muusti prsent their ere- trrnctionrr deseloped'u rwit cncretelsas a
dneticls either It. thue'dhanrsrhisthusbasi whicurh rillievern becoeuepoh-e
*registrar andlrecurs' froun hint situda narkng for teilb trmsso 'r efr erlingwt h rtsial nhrlretlimte
ecrtar'.iriteno reinforcedl cncrete, btrsit
Y.r Studetssmaucy'register rt cury timerisnruut be traerd honestly' and snnly upon
'irstoanti Iinclusdinig thessesndsi day'fruts muritus. s concrs t ntot asuan itnis
t 4re semrestesr.' After tie secosndul yha ton or snort or anuty other tunrsken-
';tridents mray' iregister'ronly' wts perurid ',ralys'rco'gnzed buldhing mteria.
s,out of the ear, astouupsn y'utttof Iollowing the mai nrddress, Prof.
nun nuladitiosmnlfre of $ .nxi Thins fee torch andl Prof. 'ildenu elargdd upon
n na', muinstaeial ctse,acue ucessary' ir thue possibilities of concrete as viewed
lscreilness, etc..Inc reumitediutrsin 1i 'by their respective professions, arcli-
tuiatirrurtusthu 'een. teture'and engineering.
,i C h lcinbak falfrtyear sudens must of all steciali students . u. C. A.s.1e, XHIBITrronot..
numust ie presentedl ira ierson to the coo- Tlhe. W. C. A. will hae a doll how
miter sri elcctionss. 'ihe lection blnks nrnyfo 4 to , exhibiting the dolls
nf arlruner sudnrts miasite resentedi iwhichn linerbeen donated to 'the poor
ini pers~ on tnt-e registrar children of Ann Arbor and especially
7 ir uuhrtisrsuielh iethonse in the hospitals. Tea will e
9 D.Ei ve hre steuersreuntiredtofie n evn n nifra oilatro
4wtthsaeofcrinobeoetesreananifrasoilatronoSurdayney ttxt precedinng tie finacl x- wiltInc held at the same time.
barunnans nutlhFebruary' nf actiy'ar, an WISmCOSIN RAuCHEtS 4,000 MARK.
-electionm blank sorinig tie, studierlie A freshman class of 831 and a total
6expects icr ipursue during the second 'atendance of 2,977 are shown by the
semneser. Electionu hbls prresented nest' directory of the University of Wis-
0atecr thant sdate' wille accepted iony cosin. This is an increase Of 30. per
6ntnn paymnitst of X1us.Tis fee may, cent in the freshaman class, anti of nearly
tnt excetionaln cares,he remaited upon tent per cent in the whole -university.
o \pplicatinirsto the (]cal. With the addition of students in te
F 1, Necessary chianuges in elections agricsnltural and dairy courses, ard those
- a n bcy-he tianeuicrng tie first week of in tie summer session, the total erol-
5tire semnester, by' filing withr lie registrar mert for the year wilt be between 4,000
arevisedi electioana blankrot later tian and 4,100.
J6 p. mn. on Saturday of that treek. In __________

linte case of first year studnents and of A CHINAMAN tN THR BOrT.
;all special studentls' such changer can The crew of Syracurse university witl
,fbe made unrly after consutantion itithi be guided by a Chinaman whena it rows
:tine ciommnittee ont elections, in the big Poughkeepsie regatta mext
Ft . After the first tweek changes may sunamer. P. N. Henry Sze, a stndent
ho b made only by permission of thre ad- in tire engineering department, is to ire
minisirative hoard and upon the pay- ccnxsrwain for the varsity crew. the is
moos of a fee of $iaoo. This-fee may an all-round athlete.

Representative Professors Ex-
press Belief in Ulitimiate Neces-
sity of Establishing Conmmons.
Ann editosrial in the Alrsriiesus c;rsr I
rug a collegne cesnnunsat rc lielsrt as
arousedh conrsierabile sitcs ' !i
comntnosiistiree crsnus. '1e e 'er
otpinionr of pt'rmnnt:nse'sr s's
acunity is favsorablle tos sonic.sis euser.
trise' Severcal statsemesncs re a'rdig this
plnu wecre secusresd lass tssynip
Piresidents Angell: 'A p11ri f s
natiurre is twellwostih csnisidleriig. 'IIe
arc, of conurseusmany dusfis 5' s Isi tse
ay. It wosuldi rcslssrce.irs , c -
sible financeialisuppr trs uns i w l w,''i -
sity is n t turn pres s t irsii'soii-cm5 t
undsertcake i.
Diearn Rics sai l Ii:drt aly
scarsio.us car silttsitCltid Vw
isbe n a n r s'sss sr s(I1n 1'3 h' t - -
tn Is s th1e5 ch ussr. hic 55 is e5
h's tI o AicI As1 sssss1tthss
nitre ostil oprs rne
PrfII5Irv \1 b te
tnisl dfcu lties ussr t)s thessl v'.ss "a
pran. I sol, ( evr ise1
einn ln ur sifisui sci Ici lsshearII
is tei lae ussr rtths is Ar .
surecly tbe' issi i 1pol t 5 .1 5 5 5 x
ein sung piis thattheIs "it,
to 'prmoIse. Isis In 55 1 ha s irs s's i!
atiosnforsole' 11w t ;
ps'rod'ltic suc s ~ i.

'ni ' g mzraiss sssrts
rutc. sing 1-ii t
hrom'-. ftyyeiris' ci
IrtsIs lsspptlr cc

Isis S
pu>',irs w-

I< Iu s, Ei

750 904
Delta Kaprpa Etpsion-
G;reene ................. t31 124
Stanton ................. 146 u196
Bishopin.................. t45 152
Whiiting ..... 1.. 46l 136l
Jenision ............... t39 175


l.eslie's II , Ilc aril - lt
smallri escs telrc11I -iv
sosurce ofsticsrsrssl srsi I u 5c
sittitis 5this Ipaper sts isth
churrch colee urs(ttl t
runuber ueerrCCsrrnIlmeillrs
ts thirrir numrrrsvof "r'sst i' i
UNSELFSHuSuUB rceJS i-,i!rs.
'hr'erxcustiv'ee'ssrnussr 5ee C' si i srd
university his awasrrdedt Slre i 'S; y1
inn it P. 1ily,Sustitsute c' e' s
b asebsal lucusir, Ifir hits gess 'O.5u e~ r
in refusing iso play urglsiheldii s s
ninuth Inuing nsf this k' Is i '' ciss
iW ics stern110 ussr11, Cnislsserl 'cctIre htr.
Diliy' rain tisr playirsrgls srsu ainsishie
BsOSTON TlmcHi iti'stisiANSTRONiSi.ee
Wistac Jouhnrsons, ci rnrersner srf tsheie
of 1 90,1), is thne ssrcrrgis' sns is irsa
freshmanucla ccss aithlie Lah n'lss. '
a shrenagnirconites~t mci c(rce'sntyirsi))
tort in whnichrsix hundrrdrele I icom-
let, JcrirrmSOuu Stoodshfirsi.[[e vste
onlhy man in Inc enntir:ucs nc'r.'c
cosurld lift 4iiooposuunsioth h Il v lol:
hurcirug sistsudentss' s s tr '.sdLie
dliv'idhendcnf eigihtpircantinil asri ea'
bursinerss. lu'erferrsotsosly us es lie's
of thesoirety btrusasll md Is sr-
etrasecs stilt shaiur'un tr'heri IL"

707 783 70:
Time Deutcher Venomn has taken roonta!
at aIThtayer. street. This is the first
timte that tire society' lar had roonms of
its sten. They are to be decorated in,
trimly Germtan stylhe, oven popular Gera
moan periodicals being in Ite noes rack
The rooms trill be open at all timer tn
memrbers of-thne Verein.

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