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November 10, 1907 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1907-11-10

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The Michigan Daily



No. 42.

Long Runs by Rumney and Mil-
ler Feature Last Scrimmage-
Players Escape injury.
Rompig over the scrtbs at wii, the
varsity cded the practice season yes-
terday with a 40 to 5 victory over the
secosd eleven. The varsity's gahs were
consistnt througihott the forty mhtttes
of play, asd fumbles sere itfrecuet.
'Te one score nade iby tie scrtbs, how-
evd, came as a direct resstlt of oe of
th few fumbes mae iy the varsity.
Iiriy inthie second haf, Watkins, play-
ing ct a ipositioew to it, was given
the suit an he sot ttrotghthie scrtb
ine ftr an advance of eight yarts. te
reaxed histod ott teIalimoenttar-
ily', andtiRottie, right taf ithtie scrtbs
oheiposessiotn tf tie eatter atd scsm-
ereti sixty yarcs for a tocitd~o, witt
tis envtire arsity its tpursit.
Many of tte regsars were eit stt
of tie gamse, atsd as soons s it sas sects
sislt te ipatcted tp tisessiwastaleteoe
do ,stfficiett execution, ssistittiosss
cae serapily. It seeiit msake little
differensce, tosg,asste varsity scsrest
practicaly asisay poits ithte seconsd
half as in te iitia periosd.
'Fis two featres f tte gsmse were
spectaculsar losg rus for tutcdowsn
ty iller asd Rsssssey, te isair ssullig
f tieir plays wittiss a space of one
msiuste. Shorty ibefore tine tess calet
to' endi te first haf, itiller sas gient
the altsot tie'first say efter tise lis-
olf, and aitedtiytsmagifcet iterfer-
este, asse msaking use of tte staigit-
crssst good atvanttage, fie rstsio0 yarsi
fir toucetsotssu'st. usney duspicate tie
suntssa tomntsiaftersard,ibeig gie
te tbalass te first say after the flo-
lotwing kick-off, adIhe too scored frome
te varsity te-Yardt lie.
Toswardth ie cose ofdisc gane, a var-
sity payerwnit oses, ansd athushiisfel
ster the tousassd or so rooter. t toksi
st a sigt iscidet to brig ack tes
ssetory of te paywtict cost Miciga
e osly cthassce agisst Pesn last yer
anti a'serious issjury sas feared. tletsg
las hadifurtier ijuredl Iis wek ake'
and1attioigis teienjry wist sterios,
te seas rslaced tby Slliiv'an, as Keent
ittatrick was determsinedto tateke its
After beig gisess six says' ciassce t
proure tickets at the reduced price o
50 cents, sttdetts assetfaulssty msestes
wilt forfeit tiatu priiege if tteir wasst
are ot fitestbyitosorrowsenoo. 'Tt
mnacgemsent tisks sth ite sttdenest
hateserly sitpsrctased tieir tictet
inthie studtent section, aoti as tie te-
sansd for ,000 seats is going to le s
great tiat it witlibe impsiossiie to fit
atl orders, tie remsainig ssdet seats
will ise pt ott sn a geseral sae tomor-
rose aftersnoos. By keeinig a boctco0
;oo or msore stddst seats shich cols
ave sto surhasers, ue geseral pbii
woulsd ibe at a cdisadvattage so afte
giving slety of timse after tte varig
te associatioss witttpt teesunslt seat
ons sale tomorrow.
t ~ "Coact s Yt hsa a cotract swith us
whichis effective for two sore years,
said Director Baird last nigt wtes
asked concerning the story emaatingi
from Chicago to the effect that t
coach wossld resign at the close of thk
presenst seasoss and take up business
"Of course I asm unable to sate whethe
or not he cats be isduced to sign tp fo
asother teens of years, but at presets
tere is no possibility of a change. W
are satisfied that lie is by alt odds tba
iest coachsits the constry, and I ges
he is satisfied, too. The story is t

The rumor had it that he would bi
replaced by Dan MeGugin, who ha,

nude stch a reputation sissce he began
coaecting tte Vanderblit eleven.
Tise ness of ue decisive victory
scored by Penns over the strong :Pessn
State elevess was received with tunqali-
fiedt rejoicisng Iby Micigans rooters. It
smeass ttat Penn has ose of the strong-
est eevess inthte east, if indeed the
Quakers are ot te strongest aggrega-
tiosnits their sections of te constry.
Now a Micthigans victory next Saturday
wilt gie the Woverines allithue prestige 1
tiey want, whisle a defeat will ot er
nearliy sedisastrous as was the case lastt
year,wsenesPents ad eenproniscsuousts-
ly ismelsedetlarotundl ty ee easternts
Peitioss asking sial te shower baths
its Waterman -tsgymssnasiumss ie repairedI
an~d teIpites cleased ot will e cir-
culated it in lleartmsets tonorrow,
esset isesetedstossRegentFlether, cair-
statsof tebileidigs commssittee, snext
Friday. For morsse tants a year, it is side,
toasty of tie batss hae Ieens practicaly
uofsste. -There is o smeass of regu-
tetisg te tempsieruere of te water, is
set somethesehot weter pipes assetits
:others tecoitd swaterpisites, aseecloggesi
II"Ifsa.shundsrecd sigatres of sttdets
see aietitiont were obtained," said R-
' gent Deant yesterday, "1 ave o doubt
> itle ting sould ibe fixed tp t ossce.
Cospsinist was 'sae to te regents
sissststa year ago,; asse I spposeth ie
1 ;accessaryrelairs Ihadelalready Ibeet
Thsise t of te Mihigan Uios's
t'mssci ccomey, '2uietigessea" as wit-
ess bye Roy . Wecs ansdlHerbert A.
tRKenyonts. tireas yesterday before Prof.
=F .ScotessedWiliiatmsHoswland,stwIo
sftrms ascmmssittee for te selectioss of
isthe stly. The smusic ad diaogee were
i'otconssiered qite sccessful, ad te
e commtttee's snsctions for cntinusig wits
te tsrodutctiontsteesgiven.
Teesommittee forte cast cmtapltins
of alls insusfficient nsumer of cadistes
forspltes inthue cest. All issterestee,
sshoeshaveeot yet tried out, are urged
et eprt in isRostsC, Uiversitv -hal,
Iusykyat 4 p.m
S President Angel ihas received it--
sformasetions frosms Oxford tiat asoher
eRhodes scholar nay be appoited frosm
M ~ichigass inthie comsig year. The x-
ssssminationssswiii tee held here on Jus. as
'IThese examnisetioss are ott papers its
sGreek, Latin, ,algebra, geometry. asse
arithmssetic. Te papers are sent here
ffromst Oxford. The answers are set to
dOxford and read tere. rom those
-piersonsswhlo pass ose is selected by a
cussmmitstee of Mkicigans mes.
Ihs eaiatosaeopen to any
sats inthis state, or to any mae st-
denet its any M~icigan college, wherever
iis residence may be. To pass the ex-
aninations osenust have studied about
is stich Greek, Ltist ad nmatematics
s arc completed its the first two years
nof assAnerican college course.
gPresidenest Angel will give furter de-;
etails and furnisht smspes of the exam-
ortions papers usee ins previous yearn
sto any sudnt.
it All unssod seats in the student sectio,
creserved in the north bleachers, wilt go
assolsaeieMonday afternoon at a :30 as
os $c.oo seats for te general pbihcf. All
t- studetssanse faculty memesbers who wish

seats its,that' section who hate not' yet
lpurchaseed them should procure thens
s before tonsorrowt' noons.

SENIOR MEDICS LAUD merits of the system. C. B. MCeland,CO E Y LU
~ENIOR MEDICS LAUD president of the 1910 rodis, says: O EY CU
THE H NOR S STE 'Tise onr system has been fosnd bto
TH O O YTMwork welt in our class, withs the pratt SELECTS PLAY
able exception of the clause its whlichs
the student pledges ismsef to isforms____
Jrge Other Departments to (live the committee of asy violations of the
agremet.Thi i th ony dios- Michigan's Performers Will pre-
It Tralclam I W uldBepart, andthie system will never, tos ny sent "The Recruiting Officer"
Successful in Upper Classes. belief, be a success in ty class untti tlis -History of the Piece.
is ether cut out or radically changed."
Thse sesior siedics st-iss tee see the j 'h'e pay commsitte for te Comedy
honor systemt triedt ithtiesoter sdepart- Y. iM. C. A. TO ELECT i C ompoestsed eeO(f Prof. tewis Struss,
Ments. A nsmber of interviews shows CONVENTION DELEGATES ofC itlbhe EsIglsis;Depatmsen, St N Tra-onD.N
bet the systemt is conssiered byhisit to - - i sis, i rector of teCusb, Mis Elsa Iut-
he working successflsly inthlis class. The annusals fall busisess mseetig of ile i o eltcec catoesadJ
Cw F. rstse, swho durisgiis fist the Sttdents' Y. M. C. A. wiltle held FeesI Wodiruff, repesetaiecfr the
two years was a sembter of the Ionor at 6:45 Thurseday evesing at MMillass Pescetiustt literay society, ave select-
commssitee, says: HFlal. Election and instructions of de- eel forte first producioss George.Far-
- "Tise shoo systemtsworks etter its the gates to the iteraiona . M. C. A. viss ci's famusostlad Esgliss comedy,
junsior asse sesior medica classes than convetiont at Washington, November 1"The Recuiting Offcer," s rearranged
ausosig thse etsderlussssess for several 20 Ia 23, will te the nicst imtanctt asileadaptedt for msoders proses by
reasosis. A masssmust te educated to things to come before te smeeing Assg'tsttn:Day.
the systen.'We, s sesiors, se ashamed What istructions these delegates aeTv hesoisial play, s swritess by Cp-
so cheat, asid oud prefer to fail in given, is alt the umore importnttnsow tros Fsirqshar, was prodceI for the
sit examsinations rather thansshase any that the qusetion of canging the bais i r ss tisseits 175, at Drutry Lane Thea-
of the fellows think that we swere cheat- of Y. M. C. A. mesbership is to come trSesswisis a ast isseeluip f te best
isig. We are acqisaisstedistt osly with befire te conventions at Wiashinitgons 'nglisht slyes of te timse. The play
thse ree msenig of te systems, bet The chanmge proposed swosltermit tos semis teehasesecoeesnse itsmmsedite
withs eachsether. Asoher reasots that who are sotatmsemers of ass Evangelcl ftssoitand the pat of Sylvia, for at
t sworks so well its our class is that it churchstos becaue active nembiers of teest ithsalfa cetursy efersars, was cn-
hes sworked in the past. This has een Y. S. C. A. There seemsistote a well ssi-red osie f the test prts of the
denesiesd,bsti is severteess trie. The sdefisesd sesstimsent amonvssg easterss iandt Etihetasege. It tres as Sylvia that
isesi who hsese brokenstheide wsordof northierns associaionstsitsfavorc (f 5te leg Woffingtontsicase eeedebut in Ln-
honor say sow be fountissi thller ued- miovement, but ii the west ansi sotth ilsis, it 1739, essd istil her siguar usd
feat schools-yes, it works its asr class. the sentiment favors leaving usschanged very treagic lastiapearaceeils 1757, ir
Or. Warttins's star chambster quizzees are the presest asis requirisg church nmetm- tas ose oserlcemosst ppular perform-
probsably sore ideal thsasnte honors sys- Iership. assces. Davsid Getrrick very often acted
tes, situte atter seemsitotete a ieces- Amosg college associations Michiguss the part iof tPluime wis e. "The Re-
sity' ins srittesntess. hsa takenm a pretty clear stnvd in favor criitig SOfficer" is the sevenths piece
I woulnd like to see it tried in the of the chamge. It is probablse that at which see if ind n ed as beisg acted on
other departmntss. It nilght ot work Ie meeting ext Thursday evening the Ne York stage. This was in tU5,
sit sell at first, bui ensmsay easily be Miichigans two voting delegates to te at the tieetre its Nassaue street. It sas
-tetucted use it. 1 Isois hIe efficacy o cosisesntiontswilt be istrcted tee tke ; sssvssly gileetsithiecity afterwards
the informsa ssteim claimsed to exist the lead inthie movemnt ass behalsf of sui t on e tim iie its Daly's teare ewith
is certaiss classes fros thsier stories I the colleges. Savcist itliniig Johnss Drew, Otis Skin-
ave heartd contcerninsg these examina- Secretary Smith amd twosdeetes nr isMey lesti, essiv Miss Ada
tions, bsit I1sdo believe that stch a sys- will represeit the stsdets' associatioss Rhttt
tests swouid worke its osi class at present." t the cnens'tiomn. Prominsentmenarsic ere satsif this famsoss English
J. . SMcKininon, slso of twos yearss' ttt adress tssdelegates. Thesoctialsucomedy IySh.Dalesy cods a thire to his
honor cossmittee exieriensce, says:S "'lhe ende of it will issclude emtertimettvtss vsy vsucess ful andsiteitresting Old
honsor systemss i it iowsexists its the 'y ite people of VWa'shington, a trp ta Cotmvdy Series, "She Wold and She
mseedicasl departmsent, is nmichs etter thatn Mt. Vermsont, and a receptions ty ts e soulsd Not," anid tec "Coutry Girl"
the oltd systeistoef tutor mioiitrs. I Presidemnt. Practically all assoiaistis Stantis recedcied it. Cilley Cibber
thiikuthast it desrves it triasl in thter inthle tUnmited Staes and Cnadasiell shsv tly anl tiarqushaer cnstittet a trio
eeputtteitss. The clause cnssidredt byle retresented iite cnvetiton. ofset i istes of cedsiyswhose works
-seisie as odioss seemssntecesseary, tnsd -sldomssindui their way to tec stage today.
applies o the very fcw swho persist its MARING ENGINEERS WA'TCtI Inreteouchig te ad pictue, ice order
breakiing their pleege iii spite of alt LIFE BOAT DEMONSTRATION tht iStsgt fittdasitagreabc place
warnimngs. About seveuty-five per ccitt -stamoing the wseosfitoust modern ma-
of asny class will not clsct, evems int the The Mayo patemnt life bot sa s it-teewo cuy te stage today, Mr.
absemnce of ass tenor systcems tweny per hiitedi before the senior aidsjiortiiiDalshis restritedl himself mainly to
ccit woulde teldsesihsck by the clauese, tmarincetingieers at the meetig of te s theiistiot se a few of the grosser
that they woude iithse give tsr receive Quarerdeck cish yesterday. Th mosdvl tes ho sf te origita, anst to the re-
auth while the remasititig fue ter cest shoswn cmsisted of a water-tight cigar-toressiot fsomesse of those misor sketches
wilt cells eveis sithsass honor systesm. shapietd shell within wichia carceisas f chareteer shichil esy served to ceasd
This acttsit felosws is a disgrace to any suspedced titon a longitudinals shaft,te caasss, suet might hsvec made the
class, ansd it itvespecilly wish these that The rolinmg, terefore, had o effect rprsetiationS at least tirsrmc The
Itse saucr comumitee hst hec tnplesant upon the car amd the imagiary psse- tranisoeritain seof ssone of thec scenes
duty of dealinig" gers were osly disturbed y the logi- wsalaso thouight iecessary to make the
Slack Mareshall, presidenit of Ike senior tusdinal pitch. The demonstrations tas story irteliglse, or to pit the audience
sneedics: "T'hat the honor system works very satisfactory and the club expects issuesthe secret of the plot; a wise incs-
is oure class is shown by the fact that to miake a trip to Detroit in the spring ire itscoedssy, swhich sas not so well
evens durinsg our first two years in col- to test a full-sized boat. uderstod its Faquhlar's tisses, when
lege, whets it tt'eint an embryo stage, Mr. Comans D. rank, '97, whSo gave he etrt of tdrasmaetic costructin tas
cheatinsgsas lessened. This statement the demnstration, is president of the ot yet fuly developed s it is today.
has been confirned by Professors Mlc Mayo Life Boat conpany organized ice Every essitiel point, character and
Murrichs anuthHler, who have investi-'Toledo to manufacture these bots. scene, has ects 'retaine, however, as
gateed the systemsthtoroughlty."' Fucqitlar edesiged tsceu, with those
-OwenE . Metger : "I mustst acknow- 'GREEK NOT A DEAD umecesdiictins of expression which
edge that I opposed the system at first, LANGUAGE," SAYS HORTON were thussght absolutcly necessary to
but after seeing it sworked for four years - masksecte piece acceptable to present-
-I have came to suppoisrt it. It sworks welt George Horton, '78, consul geserltoSissday p eay-gers.
ins thse class, auth I really bad forgotten. Greece, lectured on "Life its Motderns Thecleading Nes York critics have
thse existence of stck an institution. I Greece" before the Philological society beenstiessuminous ithteiir posie of the
ins 't afraid f any honor committee. and a large numbner of stdents at Srest'plaey, etnd Wilictm Witter, the Dean of
,t; don't know whether they watch me Catwell Angel al last evening. Anerictn Critics, says :
or not. No, I eta not know who are "It is my belief," said Mr. Hatot, "Huimansetmiuese has not nucis canged.
nmembers of this comsmittee at present." "that the issterest in Greek subjects will M. IDaly's aniencec was s fashionable
C T. Burnett: "I would like to see- never die out. The Greeks are stilt a' s culd be gathered in the city and
the honor systemt tried in the other de- people. And they are by no meanss si- (Caantied oas Page Three.)
partmnts, especially ammong the upper- generates. et, after years of slavery,
classsoen, 'where I think that it would can they be expected to produce great
'fhave a fairer trial. Unless it is tradi- men like Pericles or Sophocles? The Te annual Michigan Union
tional, to be a success men must know language of the moders Greeks is a nubler of Titm DALY will appear

each other. Each nman must say, t will conclusive proof that they have remnsuseel'Ttusday morssing. The Ideal
'tot chseat,' and if alt stand by their a distinct people. At presenst eighsteets Union, Two Underclass Attittudes
!word, the system will workJ ideally;l million people speak Greek. Since they towared the Unsion, the story of
iotherwise failusre is inevitable." Are scattered all over the world, I would
- The sophomnore niedics, though not so choose Greek as the one language with "Mieltigendta" anti of the "County
well acquainsted with each other as the/ which 1 could get along best-a sort of Fair" are asisong thce features of
seniors, have begumn to recognize the~ Esperanto," the issue,

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