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November 10, 1907 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1907-11-10

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Gi. IL Wild Comipally
The Largest Stock
in the City
Exclusive Styles in
For Getlemen's Wear
Efverything required for Sit,
Overcoats, Fancy Vestings, and
Trouserings, and of hgh claws
fabrico and special styes.
Full Dress Suits a
G. Ih. Wild Compally
31t South State Street
Michigan Flag
on your house top the
day Mtc hsga n plays
Pennsy We are offer-
tug the best valte in the
town in a canvas bound
brasa eyeleted flag 3x6
i size for
We have bit few of
them so you'd better
come early
Siheehall & Co.
Student Booktores
°Gseo A. G.
____ 'S PAL DING 'IiN
pARi-St' W& ROS. MacN K
The Largest MVanufaturers in the World
of Official Athletic Supplies
Base Bal, Foot Ball, Golf, Lawn
Tennis, Basket Ball, Hockey
Oficiatmletipfotr Track ad Fild Sote
Uniforms o alt Sport. Spadcoes Hadsomiey
Ilustrated Cataoue ot alt sports cotins o-
meosssggestins. Sed orit. isre.
New York, Chicago, St. Luis, SFranecicisc.
Maea sis, Deavir. Boiao. Sracse, Pits-
burg, Phitadettia, Bostn, Cincinnatieati-
more, Wahingtn, Kasas CtCeead
New Orieans, Detroit, MotrealCaad.

'[HE M1C W G,7 N DAIlLY". 'cii r cpacticc at these incetiings "The
Yclluow and 'Bloc" has bieen reasonabsly
helli mastered,,ilicce ought to be small
Managing Editor-PAULc.SCore MowuEti. hesitancy at attempting sonmc of. these
Buainess Managec-C. E. WINSTcAo. others that have been shelved for no
emesics reason. "Landcs Atque Carmina"
NewDIT A.O :itci s ca splenitid clii hymin that is, toteleft
Athletics.....William F. Graclpli almost eotirely tic sie glce clots. 'God-
Sporting ....Clarence E. Eldridlge (less ofi the Inland Seas" is another
Exchange.....H. John Wambold ibeautiftul tig that is wority to st'i
Mosiecod Draica...Roy D. Welch wvitih tie twit just ietiioned, and "Atni
WYomen's Editor.. .. L.ouise Van Voorhils cci"asigrocofons otoie
EDITORIAtL STArF csts'icse( by thoise ofi ciy oilier tuter-
J. W. McCandless Elmer' C. Adams city. These serious sontgs wchich fairly
Johnt F. Were Robert H-. Clanctey Iceathe loyalty aoe nd icthigan idealismi
David F. Stcvs'encacrethe vy weiistigs of sstrit. Thee,.
NIGHT nIORngenei rate ini the tunderclaissmansttthe high'.
Hiram S. Cody George H. Hobart cl crcler ofi devoutioin, anid they cotne to
Chattncey Boucher B. G. R. Williams, thieoid t'c'aud with a wealth of mceainitg
RETiocERS andiiinteinsity if feelincg that ccicot ii'
L. C. Reid Lee A White de'sccibedi. Thterootinigtparcidies are all
Raynsond Visscher M. B. McHugh eight icc their icay, but let us cchugmoce
A. L. -ainline Robert Moontcier closcely io the gooditictitsoiigs of Micti-
Lowcell J. Carr Donald L. Rinney igait lcyalty.
J. If. Prescott Act occasioical cip ilto the cook of
'iiicfcigccicsongs will show manciy actothcer
BUSINESS STAFF gccodl cie iceside lice twoc just miesitiocced,
Johni F. Wetrz Carl N. Adam tht hasvfallenin cto cistfit, and which
li1 scold P~. Gould tieserves to ibe recived. It seems Icc ie
Address: MICHIGANHAILi', Press Bldg.,suie forccasmodlerisrencaissance. If the
Maynard Street. msss ieetinig commcssittee expires wills
Msantager's Hours : I-2p. in., 7-8 p. m. tis footbacll ceasont it oughit to cave
daily, except Suinday. Both phones its powrsc extendcedl or a nsew oine aic'
cccspoiedl inc order Icc ccoivafter just stich
matcitecs cas this. 'T'hececvisco reason sehy
weholdi cot havie geicecal sitigs at
icilcic th sissiesthsancsduincg ccc athletic sea-
"_______________son,______nor____ c wchiy it shlditilcot ice occe of
SUN) OG'1,f)VE.\ill to . 590. thseic pupses ticrevise lice tutsiethat
______________________________________ is Michsigani'sIheritaige fcomsshercglorious

I ccast.

It seemls intconlceitacleiiticsat uitser-
lii' flilicics caciiexpctclngcto ice cecog"-
nized'as i lcici cs studeitcanccsink
iiilo to the dcceli gIsi lictiat lieiillde-l
llecibateriis honoriliitfisrciaiic cii
ii' ciii it cicl i.'ei5 ccliyw tfors
siae cly ol toe coittliv hrpcicil
ctlecl sccch eabic tcs ornextweeks
11sclttelassc. s u t vaveltrt
'cIu!l cicsec ill th aicdosIstenctsicitae
alredyii cli tocousidersthand -perysn-l
,clie Such i ait jciciiii ntoslii rsca
ccpp sits c uso ccciiaswill betakeidly
pcocc 'ic ece i schipotitsl dlie. t
cicggvc e ut enan i ccicd le sic
deethritesctwillttendc'oithcie' riminyaeye
aif itto' uch offnderis. ''dc'yite u-cic
cccntvmustv jiniiiinacgofleiccgc. scciil
1 cci etic iieve' woiii ci i'thieci msst
mel~e'ct ico'mcitteeisiacg es. teyccci'
ifvlte.dicctheieason. ictitcter eiithcacc
igttciscnotcaltther ' Ilcigit tlcifgod
's'ngs, victheaiftheiest cbscte a csesi
ourlhedic pylatccwh.ihsvrsisaldomcror


'lie cdehicte, Resolvedi, stsal a younig
ccaii shtould chcose Iis iprofessioci before
ice tcakes his college course, was, the
fcilsice 'of ass interestinig ceetinig of ste
Wcebster debcatingsoesciety last inight.
,l city argumccentcswerce adv'ancedl Iy iboth
sliestnegasive, acid afimatis'e side, the
iJudges-cdecidicg' its fcav'orof the litter.
Thecprgraciofthifieevencicig wss'cas fl-
Icciliaittcicic Priacctice-Led ii'
Current Evs-RowIellci.
The Opieninig Numbcier of te S .. A.
'frue Ciollege Spiit-Crockcet.
Debate. Resolvecd. tht a yountg cmcac
shoold eccch e cis professionc beforelice
salves tspIis college couse. Affirmtative,
HI. C. Nadleatu, S. [llecnthal ; cnegativce,
Roicert Clciccy, . Hl.E. Crawford.
A ne cupialoc with cc capacity' of a tots
ofl mcetal has cccii stills it the ecigicteer-
ing9 shoips cnd ivsclaw beicig installed ini
tisc fundrslsy. tic order tolianidle lice
lcarg'clalcs' which will lieicsed, a heavy'
ccese ccbIeencplt icc. The increased
ccacity scill slit conly gisve the foucicdry
clcasses ain opportoinity to hsandle larger
piccs of work, hot it will also eicle
lice shops to trncoat tmaicy large cast-
ings that at presescntitlist be purchased.

fUbustc ana Mrama f This is the time of the year to
think of

Mine. Johainia Gadski, princa donnasc
voprano, appears iii University Hacll,
Monday sighs, Not'. s1,cccnste secocnd
Choral Uios concert icctis year's
series. is appears almost soperdlouos
to commtient s uo so well kcnown ,out
artist. Yet the-perforcace of cite of
ste "great cites' provokes lice cutriosity
of th usebshlic so pry icolice details of
lice performcer's carec.
'Tle ever soluble press agent produice's
surcprisictgly litle aboiuti lie uprisvate life
ofl Gadski. 11cr doicestic and stuidesst
life is qutite uniexecntftul fromssthie cress
agenit's tpoint of view-alil thsemore for-
tuniate fo tir otuiipiniit of her. Site is
icarried ciid has sue chilid, a daucghiter.
That site possesses every qualisy de-
mcancdedh iy lice publhic ic a primca donnca
is evideincedI iy cccicuimediate successes
icc Eurccpe acid inthilis countrcy. Site
sanig three yearcs at te BccliiiOpcera
Hlouise at lice beginingc of her operatic
career, cicnging inite Gecctacn Rocuanitic
ospeccas-Miozart. "Weber, Nicolai, etc.
Just ureviouic ticher Acmericact debcut
icn 1894 sccsacug ElizabcethiiiTannh iaucser
withc suchlspconsoucnced ability that site
inscrecused herWagcneriacn repertoice cud
bcecamue knocwnc it Amcerica as octe ol
ste greatest Wcigneriantsopuractos. Site
bcecamte a favosrite of tse fashiloctailecancd
ser nighsts were famuus.
Biutiocte of the nutterouis Cociriedh mis-
unudertandinugs inuvolvedh 'cadamce Gaid-
ski and scc left tile MetroipolitastOpcerai
houise for cncert wxork. Dec pecsoct
cality cactdlthe udeighitful urogramsshcie
saing wonc her entthtucsiastic favocritrousgh-
ciii lice couintry. Acticable celationus
wdih the Metropolitan dignities huve
bceecnOfaait gained, btciMadamce Gadiski
still coninoues ho devote a pact of htec
timeuto scncucert worck.
1t was great gocod fortcue for Annu
Arbioc that the Choral Unuion cculid or-
ranuge thtic cottcert cwit Madacue Gadiski.
The ChuocalUcnCicci maciagesu comiicu-
manccuds ccitucnly ttcaise bedtipositive
woncdermuentatcitslivfecit inbrinigicng these
ilccerts abcocut atlsie cost of 30 centsl
eacht to the. contcert goecs. Nhctdat'c
Gadcki's proigramc follows:
'Wc'illkmcmctent )leict X'aldl,
!\Jiothcec, 0sinug mto rest c..... P. Itr'ac-c
HhiglandulCraidle Socng .......ctunuoucc
Harcik,, sack, the Lark,
Who *is Sylvia ?.......... .,'i'cuuc'i'
PilaunocSolo-Rhapsodhy I. (Carntaecal
Frank La Forge.
Noucs-aicocs ............. Saint-Saiens
A Maid Sings Light........ MacDocuiefi
Verbcorgene Wunenit
Like te Rosebiud ....5 . La Foegee
Juce .................. H. H. A. Bechl
Pianto Solo-Them~e Vanie... La Forge
Mr. La Forge.
Mit Mhuener' -Printula Vents.... feGie";
Freuaudliche Vision,
Staecuuect.............. ....I..c'teaussc
Er isi's....................... H. Wolaff'
Lichthueure italic jTaciacusser)iWa~gcner

Foot Balls
For yearn we have sold
t the best makes in Sweaters,
Gymnasium supplies, Foot
Balls and Sporting Goods.
Everybody known our
prices are right.
Foot Balls $1.00 to $5.00
University Bookstore
S Michigan P en na nt s,.
Pillow Taps and
The best material, best
workmanship, best de-
Best Money Value
If you don't believe it,
just go to the trouble to
After you have done this
y otiwill Iyt tjust aoue
place and that's at
Lyftdon' £
t porttno (Gooa0
A Icirge thiree ptn tsi diswiih
s.pec'iialenamelued fo i shOita.nd
ite inmprovedilaiop. tue ig-
WM. ARNOLD, Jewler

Pyrography goods at Foster'u.



I + ....

ED T~ f

G a stO Monday evening
Novemsber ii, an coppor-
tunity will be given the
Ann Arbor public to- hear
one of the greatest prima
donnas on the concert
platform. By, getting a
season Choral Union
'Ticket such stars as
Gadski, Schumann-
H e ink, Ed. Johnson,
Rider-Kelsey, etc., can
be heard at the rate of
30 cents each.
Season tickets - -t $3.00
Single concert - - 1.00


the !Btubents' lecture asociation
Director of the Internationcal'BurcaofolAnmcrican Riepublics
Wed. Eveui n j, Nov. 13, 1907, at 8:15
Vrslv..'sity H%.11

Tickets for Entire Course - - -
Tickets Reserved for Entire Course-
Single Admission Tickets -- -


S. L. A. Office, Main. Corridor, University Hall
Treasurer's. Hours, 4 to 6 daily, Saturday excepted.
Michigan State Telephone-Office, U. of M. Exchange, 68.

121 Washington f~. The Randall Studio, Randall & Pack, Props.

rhone 598

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