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November 21, 1907 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1907-11-21

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The MichiganDaily


No. 5 ! .

... . ....... .

Brig. Gen. J. H. Smith Thinks
That the Interest in Athletics
at Michigan Is a Fine Thing.
Prominet nmen bare from time to
time criticized thte present-day activity
of colleges itn athletics. Criticism, bow-
cever, is far fromt bring the attitiude of
'it least one of Michigan's promnitent
supporters. Brigadier General J. If.
Smitb, retired, now licing on hilli street
in itis city, dlisagrres with tltr critics.
"Thte stplendid interest is atlletic's,"
;aiti General Smith, "is onte of tbe fittest
itingo absost tbis university. I hase
been iere, nose, a little over a yeair antd
itt that time I tact been very santch
interested i all brancbes of athletics.
I believe thorotughly ini ibis educeation
if hotly and mind tosgether. It ntakes
btter men. Neiw, ini the arity the first
drill we give newsly enlistedtl ttet is thr
'setting-up~' drill-seventeen exercises
teachting tent bhow tot handtile theist-
-elees. Yon have something like this
in the trt ilt the gymniasiumi. Re-
crtui. tits us tle this drill before slie
arc givent gttis. 'Iley twoutldnt't knioiw
'titt, phlysiecal trainitng is a liart 'if the
citrriesuluiim of the casiets.
"Bhut I Itinik You eotuld have no Ibet-
icr deinistrationt sit whatt athletic in-
terest cant accomiiplishs tani the gautte le-
isseent Penniusyvantia antdt Micihigati itIicli
wtas playedl last Satutrtday. It is ai great
tig ts see so mnyt yioungc tmtn int er-
stditt athletics.''
tBrigadier Gceneral Smitth retireud froms
atctive sevice itt 1902. sfter forti-one
'eat's in the a rmts. thle einlistlessci thant
amouth aiftetr Sumttter tas tired il init
niece stripiling ifttw senity-twoi ledl his
recgitmenut ini a etharge itt ais rebl tstiery.
Htet, soeditls liere. andt againi later
in lie war ini Virgintia. IHe receive ea
tirt wouiniti at Saintiagis ini &8,. ail
te stillses receivedl at that tine fristm
ai Staish. Mautiser is still ini his' sidle.
After the wasr ini Cubta, Genierasl Stmithi
was trainsferreid toi te Phlilipp inies
whlere tie wras itt servce iwhleu retiredl
it 1102. (Genteral Smtithi an hisli wife
set the time tietwenei his' retiremsent
amndi hsis comoinig ts Aitt Arbor, tratveitg
in Euisrope. 'Tley' caess elire sioimewhast
titer a year agot.
"Wi'hethter Michigait lias adoteitsi tie
or tot is sin aluimnuis, Iii bieginniisg to
feel is though I hisis adopitesd it for isv
alina mtner," lie saids. "One itt te
tinmgs that liss especially imptiressedl te
usosntg aii I hiase Iteets in Ants trbor,'
is the fact thast I histe inev'er sent
;Michigain sttidemnt utitter the iflsteise cit
liqutor. I think that this spteaks voil
tines for the staindasrsl sit .\ichigani tt-
Watlle NW. Merritt, '08, wvill lesve io-
(lay for \N'ashingstii, I). C.., atd te
Jaimiestowni Expossitin. lie goes isa
4 representative sit the Studiensts' Chsristiani
aissociatin, sit itir attisual Y. M\. C. A.
contvemntioni in W~ashuingtoni, sichl beginss
text Friday. Mer. Rogers, stsident sere-
tary' of Michigani, also a tdelegate of the
Utnirersity associationi, left yesterdasy.
'The regular Thursday ereiitg discus-s
sion omeeting wiii he led this iveek by
Carl Vandeman. All tort sre invitesd.
'rThe sectiont mseets promptly at 6:45.
'Te first smsoker to he held in the
Michtigant Utnion lubthonse wiltl tie heist
ionightt by time o9 is. Refreshments

will he served ini the dining room.
'Twenty-five cents admission wsill he

Stphinx',. te' juniior literry siteity,
ieldcitistissisal tfall "eiibsaliniig asns
mumtifticalieitin"lIst tnight 'iTweeewiei
"Spitiisies" itee' tkein i. 'T'he ititia-
tioti closedl i ithsai baiqutt st his'Oyster
Ibiay t etihichforty sere ipresent. 'Te
prga Wi sso t055i55 "Eletslustistte 'Tales"
FPitgris intioe te Ibandiioittgyssc."
'Te ilessee itt the Sphtinx,"'"Itur"
"Out t tse''Tiumbs," lProfssssors Vati
Ctsstin ti he' thit1llstltss,"'" ose"
J im" W'aint.svs toaustusasster.
The te mess sr o f the Sthinttx are:
Revil Campbisell, ''"Rut" 3erdull,
"Chles" Itleiti, "Kii" Brenton, "Chuck"
Bouchers'v."Po'up' Smith, "Fal" Leisy,
"litsty" uh iler. "tlin" 1iloyt, "Fap"
Poest ''"Dimptlyc" tiukel . "Ag" Agew.
Fftl\'CI 1(.CIB'S t'(il'lLARf
'lici-si'rccimusals eiliterire'sit
th'eCicle I esiisititue1iit' 'titsiwsill te
Iie Dt, intt SrahiswelltttiAngell
all. Ife'ttesutlists's'v estcugisngs'nsisni
ts'ebhltot' smit ie itnsthetliyersI
liw s te tsi parts ielinit haitd. PTse
sprgram iti llt cistsist sitansituaiiistg
sfrom Moiler'e''s stirettin woimenis clis;
'ies Feme'tttis Sissites," tpoular Vrechl
onsiit s sittg ty iastchosissitf'yountg lidiis'
il peasan.Ct I sut siiiemonotislges,dia-ss
logues, asuitntisitls'esctinis. Spieial
cstuites'swillte obltied fis tthu rts.
Sitigle' admttissiinito tsthis'sies' isill Its
fiftti'es', list ai'ssciat e m isuhli
slet',stidmittig tste soite', to ts's
illstatd erur stisidt ts' Frenceh
ply mayi'. nowi'iii le'obtaineids'l t \NVah's
frfiiftysenii ts ttelts ad sie i'
~~~~o-lto'othe,. 'lhe'stiltisibilit tof wis h-
ra Isis'tsisassociate' mieimbetship tie
s'tic- tssifro'.slsefrlite soie'e'is giei
h5',stsesistssi, lists iset ties citin
NFh\ S 1F T'l' 5MEIOtWIIS.
tiot. Dock's isewistet onii"D isesie
sit ts eartis is sceduli'dii fs' ppear
ext suitsht.
Ito. .S. Crhart sult'adD. F. It
Nessmsissweescthi spieklers st tiegu-
lar mei etisg sitthis'EItsesteh sosciiet'thl
latngtitthe itslohgialilaboitorssiy
siofth new miesdsilsbuilitg.
'he issii te'ting situsthnetiy'or-
ganiized hstudetulesineiicl confereceewilt
his heist ext hMondaylus'nigt.O(liii)nute-
iher'sofI hsrsi. leteusois staff si'seigile
is.to memer huipi (I li, orgnizatssionu.
'hue seniorsedtiss eir'still inceetsedh
sieth 'st'recen cuittionss outthe '09tnun.
The'y'cimtatissnot ut) hiss their dig-
tit)yseenstramtupedl upon, bttthat oe
(of the mostsacssred tradiitionssitfue se-
liset usen sabssed.
'hue senior uedis havue gne ue
n ucsh-ut'd usouin elubhss abou the
tecuntry onsuie etter. 'fles sre tryig
the theapieuiic effects of certains drugs
ot thiemsues'v'es.tOtus ofI tes" "t eruic
tests sis undsoergonte b hi'ue members
last 'lutesday,ivhent they ties out the
tess tubelituureactiont, a test recentuly
deeliopedl inirelii uigosis sit cnsumsies~-
sususus zmt unutun i'cCri.
''lheteltc ommh 'sitissiener sit Chiesgo
has orderedlthast eery tmautitt the 'iUui-
versily of Ch'iciago teunt te vaccinated
Ior lesill tre ventiue teamt from pia-
;ing. A manuothitte freshmns teatum has

susliuu. CtostehtStagg satys Iis' teti,
iwiths sore arnms, wiltl not hue fit to defeat
the Carlisle Indhianus.

Discovers Plan for Locating St-"
Students on Campus-H-Iopes to
Install Several New Systems.
tDeansiReedthalstsreentulys'returned fIntui
ai triswhichs inuclsueutheis vuetsties
sit Illinotis, Wiisconisin'tauit .Chicgos.tOr
ifte urpuovuses f thistrip wais t ic
sit usefutintsut',fuseadmiistratuiv hse pur-
pos's. Ai Chicgot Jean uReedsaws uthii
worintg-'sutf a system wiich is itt itt
estimss'thuvalu ustite admintistrstits
offies'of luts insitsution. Iltho upes
ini a isrttus'ets isvis ismuivss
tm un oprisunuustss it\chi"an.
lissnews'chemeui usill muate iituossble
toi locaeany stuisdientisit tutufessorn t
suin'y hurvoitf hthe t'a. As tis ut tres-
Out. it is itmpodssibletoind t Iantyote if he
is butsy iin thi'e amp~us. It a stge'
wisties ttuudassuent oriipiofessor,
ov ifte slegram demandiusut priompiuut t te-
sio, ll iffuivs iitfindigts'tueeeud
uosmesitihus dificlty IDeansiReedh
hopeu'siseisuuhsiI is suiowd iof iforumae-
sit. At sacentrlfic'le' tiths a lem,
it itill lbe' poss'iile'to lctoesitantlyh
aiii' person tcnntieteit uihthsie 'iiiser
sity. Eschi personu's selhse ill he sui
flue atndulinstanui tfinmtitositcdilues'i'nig
the wsher'abus of sitthus'desiredt tesoni
wiiilthe athudsu. hislariisitutionu
ites'=M\ic'higanuusuch .a systmtiis almottii.
imprteuise,'antutu i.,isaCmatterhsi'o isi-
pri.e' luats iilhas.nit'be ensit uruducet
:motheis r mcnusvsue 055wusich ue' deas
hope'.s e e staitli'.hse'uiasy st itt
euimunuitiniisbslit ueess up'ofesssr'anut
door ofs cii.ehs'roissiwisielst e its csuliu
dp sit comm uitiois' tovetheirts'profes-i
sor:. Tsh euprofieissorisualhso cld uivie'
51hese ibo'xis wuhens he'sicsred ltsn
aml usisstices'hi to ihe it''. s fic. A ues-
si'nger'vainieig usw'o voudsleacsihi tay)
wosiulhu ollet his 'uandibrig theistoit
te offics. Tlis'wsouthluig thi suls
"en suitnI saculys'ntutclvser' dtuch adi
toubdi;du '.eepthi e cntrsal admiutnisa
tiiec ''tlie' iuuortssss'i ositnsitu)iortuanamt
occ'uvuur 'e'eiwihin sia'hor't iseots'stelt
h.,Ilhlfh,''N l FOR hENSII IS
'IhieNatonaluisso\.iciaitin sit St
tuniise'siii'.sts 'fie'siss' appsoiteea
commiiiitd'dee: tunev itday iithste
tvuste'sssitthis'C'arvnege utusslfon the
purpiose ioftiisaekig arrnge'metd'is wih
wus d stlteis toithe pensiuisitnin o hpr es'
strsofsitashts insiuionss.
'fis t u~inis si resut osithebs'recrut
mteeinig fte' tirstveen presidets of
t' miiididle'wess t.ete' uiversities hl
two' uee"sg' its IowasiCit.'They cot-
siser thats te exclusioun sit irofessrs
oit their ii 'tiiutionms frmithte beetis f
she Csrnegie spens'ion ufunsdulis auntjust
discrimuinsatiuon, asitfor tis ir eson tey
recommuus'uended this'apposuisutents sitthis
V CUid TOi.di R'UdiN SYRACSEu'FRunOu.
At Syrsacuse, lihessojuisr secieies,
the "hluis 1 eo" sanud te "Corise and
Cifu,'' Isse ihsadisucehsa controversy
over wvhicht sits shahlbase chage of th
juisor rout hat Chastncelor Diay, in
conference usiis reresettives of the
tiwo societies, wls aeit 5udts' conducsst of
te class sanse to a faculty cosunittee.
Btshtsocieties iil chouoso r'presena-
ts-es fuserteesomsititee.
NewsYorksunsiviersiy reutires attendc-
ance at daliy prayers, cut eery studsent
whuotdoses nithelect asueautatenate diii)

,the wsrititug four each fortnight of the
tdertusaiiiessaty suitsomute subsiect sit norals
or religion.

Busie st ssreturned!
Wliast Never hearth of hut? Wel,
teeth,seell, amd againm wel. hum the
wsords of a popular Chicagot userhats,
if ysou dosu't knosw Bosco you oughts to.
lie tmsakes tun shududer. Andtidlie girls,
-swhy, whent they see li sale tousghs
natter flushed face, Iis calms gaeoand
territied eye, the ook of fierce sdeter-
mtinationtsout liiiringitngcounuteance-
Btuspseaking of Charles Baird, it tuay
te remmbuheredf that le fisthbrought
hBossoeuo ic heigan. "FHapipy days gote
It!' m' iuses Mur. lBaid ul. tmdlist aumo-
msent, gentle reader. Shosuut it frostm the
housestopis,--Bsen has returnmet.
Youu hair, senthm, ave passed tutu
sit te eampssus. lie is a pleasant chat,-
is Bousset. Awaiys reasdy sithm a hpupy
smileht, even its Iis bsusist momntess.
'Thouughs he ay'serums tstare itrifle
toou bhardhIis fixedl exhresiont is far
frustm bsnug distastefsul.
Know s'y'e, thurt, kind hpeuser, tsuItb
t)euumu fusotball pusser is winsultstitter
morene but mnowusannosunucig a hasmspion-
shutpinteuclss game!u (hu shaues of
I Intuit HoI lo iss'husim'e umourfomer
her'oe' sualets
"Aecoiunmg to udataigatiheredi liethur
govuernmentiwueiwil ot hasve aty for-
ess its stnotheren suty-ie years," sis
lDe. 'Ihomnas E. Willini a lecture -de-
liverdun mder lte aspices of tieGUi-
v ersity Fouresty ubnilIst ight. Dr.
illh's subject was "'The Appalachian
Foreest," and beselt iithm both thur
ecitonotmi auth health side cuthlie ques-
tionm. 'hue tlk nas ilustratedth lani-
ternsiestshoinsg jusisihat tis eems
ocurreitng ini the great Americantiforests.
"'fle settek it preserving tie forests
smrtduter resident H'arrisonttiii pro-
dclaiming the Yelosonme Park as a
nastiounlreserve, andthalsct nudit unm-
ter hisi successors most noticeabhly in
thus present admtinistrationu. Pbut tmuhs
isye to ubhe(tise, in act ie re just
sanned. 'The govermment is getting
muore interestet ini sun forests, timd i!
is frus this source thins ie expecs grea'
hel p
tin. WNillis sa setedf authority onm for-
esry. life is 'ereary of the Amsericanm
Forestry association and editor of "For-
estry tutu Irrigation," the association"s
offiia organ. Or. With is nowvout a
lectiure Itoum thronghsthits northwiestent
states, wosrking ini behaltosithe "Appa-
sichuianmm timd NWhite Moutsaini Forestry
il," swhicht is t oessteip hbefore tie
tests sessionu of Congres. This bill is
toi reate nionl forest reserves in tie
Appailahian amd Whlite sounutains.
At a meseting of the Forestry clib held
afthertie etire, resolutionswireeplased
enssorsing te hihlsanhasking that ljei-
igasu representatnives at NWashingon
isorb favonnible for its passage.
Tihiirty sophomores of te Oregon
Agricutua collegewireemakitg IRo-
berth Olhf, si freshmsan, thu a fewr stunts
Muodaty, anth were hum the act of giving
hmst csucking in tie campiuis fosutit
wshenm he sdrswain ife auth seerey cin
tivoosithtie sophomuores. Kelly, mate of
tie second-year min,ins seriously in-
jureed std will e its the hospital for a
conpe of weeks, aholughs hr is in non
imotmediate danger. DCr. Thonas Kerr,
president of tie college, has issued an
osrder hprohihiting hunzing. In all lib-
abiliity thur ringleaders of the haers will
he suspended.
At au public meeting, the entire sudtetu
issly agreed to a declaratiots agains
haztitig, amd, while they expressed re-

gret ton the. predtcamuent of their fellow
stndents, they made no plea for time re-
tenstiuon of the biazers.

Plans to Have Fair Out of Doors
Are Being Considered -New
Features will be Added.
I htie aier pat f April. sosrty
after srnguvacteiion,.mmminswithmfugturem
suices wiiiltiset hem miiifus "use
ohs, tutu thitg cms d fair wisllihisosui
huIn elsrc ittf 1903 si coummite s~p-
pitsedth ie MichsiganUi on utseut ust
at circultrttie frauternites, sorosrites
mmni othler' iuiersit)' organizionhiss, t
ascsertainuwhtatstracstum co suul hisei-
euredifuse tie 'summty) fair. hInlssthait
semi days te "i showu'wis'.oiltwitts
ti booms. F'orty-eightd organsizastionts sushi
msiteud t tie ucoummut itsi chag plans
hum concsssmusionwhich ie's'wishetohsu s
putt sitat tefi n'a1 omittee sooni ad\ plssu fo
nmoesos ta n cosui ld posisiblyhhe givecu
int hie togymnsmis.
A thigh-clasisvaudtitus's tuhe Muiway,
andu sinsestiparadsius'prussd tshrcise'tetu
tutues, Tie uparvade uhd tinheboiathsuits
sixty turnomusthsuu21s,aad Zohrss. ttstei
organiztinsupresenting ashowud teseit
sonic parade featuure.
A general nadmissiosuitf1twieity-idvset
cents was charged, sndusivehu t s i a sv
the pance set tuor adsmissito he Sit'i-
ferent showuss. 'Ime' fair uneteu twcuees
$3,300 anth $,000 othe Uions. A
$25 oinmg csup sis tofered as aCpiz
o tie otunitiondirudcin'ilisg thu bsut
mooney'-matkinsg atrainm. ThisRocu,v
MNountai chiuuuuuon ti s piefo'sueSlt
susie attrcn;uussthetsir uumstlon at gamb-s
hing dth rum ovsledhmiosuspoular.ih
'hissyear teurojet o lshssig lie
fair oust ios suwillth he serously dutn.
sisdredthoSu avoi id tu' jams w',htchm se-
setlpedl ituorealisic'uslin thieeeyess
ago. Ituhel usit doos u'.iisthosught
limSamt 'man ess'features cousl i' uadedu
Ito mnakethe ttair sigreater success lts's
it could le its the gymmuummsss'. "Sleeys
Hlsows," surrunded'tbys'a.tcanvusasde .
lis' beetnsuggested.
ON(IN iE '1,1I EA'hRSN- e l5.\ C N is"
"Leo'h'tere Fanscai,"''thentsiolt.
andth istoric thesesitf'Frsance, willh hi
thue subject of a alk us' Proift Jouhns I.
Effiger inTa'ppantsoMallthileues srosouss
us 4 uo'clock this safternoonusm.
Whuiille uimi' i s iisu t sum is
Dr. Effiger twas a, frequmentmsvsiea
the "Freuscais," as is is somtiess'sed.us
lIe son' mostustfte greatd says aitdi
by a trosueofitplasyrs iwhichiis acknouwsl-
etiged tslesiesitfte best ilthIiswosrl.
tnisiuihuy unuthlester is richer iirodils
hostionhanthur great tParisin plihos.
Fersonaluacqiuassitancee iithism use ofthus
pltyenrisught mnty iteresing''stnis
o lii eas.. le wilt tell aniecotes anst
reilae somuse it his espoeueences at te
'Franicai" in te talk this afternsoon.
INo admsissiusn will te chargetd.
Theus' tsratedslectre out Freischsnt,
Iwhich ws' to have beenu gien5 th sweek
hi) Pruof. Levi, has beenm psitoed uss-
ing t htie uaidaebeay'uusiscddt)itollsubti-
ithelantern shutss. 1It ibe'g'venu
'Thusdtayc. ;e. Adumisisionmuwivllhhe
I eAlthosughs tEar You Natta is a.sosphos-
tuors'asithueUiversity om i issousri, tutu
father, EWlsworths Vaimn lstt, is a fresh-
I m. Already the younmger Vanu Natism
-as sophonimore line aided its compelling
1his "goernor" to disceardI Iis hssauth
donthie udinky little freshsmansuscsup. But
hishefatheru got ev en wisthl his y'oung 501st'
1ful n the elass rush. lDadduy VasnsNata
linedh up wsil thur freoies sunduitue seu

rwith the sophbs, andthuens the light ensdes'
the either inns wavinig thurec-fourths of
hlis sun's clothes.

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