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November 21, 1907 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1907-11-21

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- - t'WZ ICW!OAW I!AMV - -" -

G. II.'Wild Comfpally
Thes Largst Stok
Exclusive Styles in
For Gentleme n's Wear
1rrirIsi rsequ ire or Suits,
Overcoats,iFancy NVesting,-,and
'l' sot se;, sand of sigb class
fahlo-' sonipecia styt0les""
Foll Dress Suits a
G. H. Wgild Colipally
3tt South State Street
our New
V ofM
Cal en dar
fot 5 N sotonosw rast
andsswe fetcofidentt
tht if1yoittlook it tver
vlwill ,tgtee ith uso
thtat t is far 'sd awa
of deign lttatd executiotn
thefieesleidar yet-
pttishlsd Te frice
50 cenrts
Sheehall & Co.
Stusdsnt Bookstores
A. GA.G.
& BROS. '
Thle Largest Manufacturers in the World
of Official Athletic Supplies
Base Ball, Foot Ball Golf Lawn
Tennis, lBaske Ball, Hockey
OtictlImpeenets or Trscd Fied Sprt,
Unitorois o cit Sports Spcdig ' Hndstmey
Plusisratd Cluesosalci sprts cots-
iesi- suggcestios. Sd frit.-t' fre.
Nt-rktot t ouiis's San s rtanoc. is
'"T sees is sio liessec ttuffalo.Syracueses. Pi'is
_. , i sio us.i sts i ttai, a t
toss'. Kantists as'.Cit, Cleeland
20r so I lesitsoi, 'Mostseeal, Caada.

-THE AMICIG~A1N DAILY. 'sig s () ii prssudices. If tsers are ross-
----- why his uivers'5ity shudsistay u
ssf tse eonferses'e.isestte sns svto hs-
Managing IEdstor-PAUL ,SCOre Mowisus. .* sit'sierrasoo sistiiai
Busintess Manager-C. E. WINSTEA.sfu cotispliay ea'sernscollegeswiths
'-tiisiatsoisi's resuit'- st u ttiss' 55 liy,.
EDnsITS'Te msttter cettisihe iia.gitated'itoo sooin
lNs's.................A. F. Ritcie
Athltics .........William F. Craduiph 'sits sisnseitissr' sie lietess seltsp'epsas'ed,
Sportng .......,..Clarence E. Eldridge IisTh '' isiyerssudIsi is issa seisie set-
Exchansge.f.:..f... .John Wamboidde sieisiso' theilasitstier."--sitslg astrisle
Muidoacd Dranma....... Rov D. Welchs ts'esee o issbh tnigiiiest aiil setri-
'Woisen's Editor... . Louise Vass Vooris' issst i s so lt~seiiio(ii
J. W. McCandless Elmer C. Adams str
Joist F. W~urz Robert 1f. Classcy - -_____
1D'avidtI. Slt e snson rtie ri 'oisi'tiiiitzarr ut4i..
Htiram S. Cody George B. Hobart geneeracias of- istudient'.ss'ii lhi l )etss
Chaisncey Bouceher B. G. R. Wsiliams Iteesftheii literary eatiemsiiet as te
Raondisisci \i"'eiqia'ltoriisicuper5irisofis1tutfaiibldiest-i
tie is's ageiwhoini suiesguise lit,.'aehiervedt ii-
L,. C.' Reid Suer A White tr tue)yi)5sevrng te ho'sliiknt. ff
NL\. it li'5 lsgh J. ii. Prescott ts' d1-'oicans'ing -itiabol ut thai tt, inteadi
A. L. Ifainline Robert Mountsier 1)f isildlyc ooiiiiriig'all osirs's eera
fosseli . Curr Etonulsd L. Kinney imiis'-esofinpusii ii.i init'-seasrshiforse
Watsier'Kissowes'" tisiKratfi iit ocsoi55 whloicanii dissolvint o 55thus tir
I i . tKiislot'rni Robsert Morieksland till, is'soosisit "s 'cs forisi knoiwile'dge
taul Grr tSituel 11i. Silorisi)asimply5 i rubitiii theii5issgie lampii anidt
its ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~hv 5igoi tr'l".(otti'itis'iiith t-si fiasii'liisaisid's1ti isse. hei

John F. Wuirz Carl H. Adam
1-tassild P. Gould
Asddress: MICHuIGAN'DAIL'Y, Press Bldg.,
Maynard Street.
Manager's Hours:t t-2 p. in., 7-8 p. 0m.
dtaity, except Sistday. Butts phoines
TIlt'ft_)lt NC.NIO5\VIII't'tlVtii, 97.
Wii o is lcssiis. -iiIs " iess t itus 52
In a (1't si oi iitii dde sits iiec'isly tie-
ii itsiibefort an audience f'tush-suit'

'1n1ee' es ervleis (m1-s is aiii lt pais e.s-i
The manly dangertilisteisi"'sti thes ts'n
I33"itiiio i art toseii iii i ths' is privle e
aom wstith ic. ti slthesucha h
mu siscoics su gar-citedslpili, its' le
'ii Nid. l l hail to tse iii's steims!
Th issctltst Swsar-lsuts-timeclt-ge bas
p sto c-ti lit-i decisioniofsthe it'quiestin
presnt 5erm,;mdin ithts'imiatimeis'is
iuttinisg i5 a regulartapa ltstranie'nsthesis
as'r giirosinitotes that therisss
a eiefosr'oniimorsasontsciof te ld is
its-sefrin itcoll'giaite atble'ic si-ie
\'S.l PRIVA'TE,'CO'll,l .I"5

Intercollegiate Notes.
Cornsel is hso t's worss'iatsiifsll ba~se
Gils55t5Iniana uniivesity'ro w'illiiplat'
hiobey fosrte-irt sitie thisiyeas.
thirty-twos thiuousnd settshastisle
readys lo-i-tnsl Isisrts' 'il-i t-larard
tttstetiisl is bseominlg' aiverI, popuilar
sotsas diar iciulurlco sllgsf Niss
strasd scsi adsivocatig aigraduteii
fotbal team5 ouispayo'thicasi' one 550ori
The .\lask tindilWig lubisof slit Cii-
estolt.5 stI iahed tsfis
Thie ki-sits ttrt t Coirneil'1iiis'rsiy
Th itioesSetoolttit a , al isa
regisiratin of uozssdets,. ts cmpar tted
Thei' Cornielsiets Pri inctn msica
cuts gav5e a joiiit c'onceriti at Iltati shi
ight befethsis'satist.
Jsohns tR.\liottsays 'Cosrielisill le
use gre'sastiveri'-i'isi isityis cutry5)
s'saikls ae oise is s'"
Univer c'ity 'otiiiti-i's-t i a we ty
'lisc'tii0are fromigAstrleias itntd
eights-en ',is Ni-isZealasnsi
situ uftes se ltseicof le kfootalsu et-
st.Aneisis isttliitss uill beilocatedtsi
oil Latkie Caregie next 5srings
Tejno tlas sof Sttiifitdtl iiss'-
ii) sill prieseni5ti iplay sclls-ilTh
Itme titu ci Itsioit sthesis-str sit as--
hald imn. Ts' pltc -itsonened-
ws'ihliheltericstonsiitndiCtllsge sCossinsislsisss
it Stitnfobrd.
'fTs'ie it'eollegiate crco'sss utrit s-i
vardil. umbsstia,. Cisitesll,.'ale. Prinice-
tonilMa ssachsettss Isttitue sfT'c-li
nolottgy'. tutuSyrause siltihilit san
ni i Nti.s2
Sotmei-sitfte dificlisisof gittinguts
esolligse pap~ersohittvs-keuneliminastes-iat'
lie ststernis chs'itti. ASy.-rtcuis'ui-
ersity aiSy5-ruse N. VY. te Srcuise
Dtuil t)sOrange hattoecely seectsdsa
twostory ouilsingss'hichs wililift- e
'xclusise usie f lt'eppr
Theseio cm ii t Princtni iti
prcia lispt.s topsito te lsslig f
ctaps, schateltices5.st..tthus'frsch-
tesst secure sigiedseri tis is satinsg te
isie s Wictil ivrioutsitarticssiare
toi If l

Everyone uses some
visiting cards. Why not
get the best, it is as cheap
as the ordinary printed
cards We engrave new
plate and too cards for
$1.25. If you hae your
owvn plate, 75c per zoo
We dio Stationery
Staiiping Wedding An.
stueslensts and Mono
graniWoik. Goe.t onr
Law and Medical
Trenses Anatonmy, New
Edition, (just received.)
Stiiisoi's Fracturesandt
Disocatiots, New Edit'
ion. Morris Antomoiy,
3rdt Ee. half leather,
$2.50, Ii a i f morocco
These are new ooks and only
a few left.
Ca'ts or exchanuge your Law
Medical and Dent'l Books
Tel 761. 326 S. Sfte St.
A lasugtsuiiseeinuttsdshs wtt1i
cus t aut$6.00.
WM. ARNOLD, Jewler

-sudensi.a"utuemberss'ofithis etuity placedi Tflt thi stsateu'ivrsity oi i sts'inuedu
hi self ssnurecord asur'giing' .tut uu isich- 't'.uitutu's'omuit Iorestsuiyssationalisti-
us us< tshacik i st - he scnfer'e'.' Ise u utit hiss1 lste liii'vat-y usndowsds ol-s
sitwe osuursI sieasrchifofisast'tliltsetgodsandleg, isstuestmeisen tsiu'u'recentlyhs
srph"it ii thuati this unsisversity muste byis Ire siset I .t Ri. 'iii Ilist' iof ts'
sits usua Itis"do in om s om-tiuisiuAn"slt uivessuis uofNWisconsins inini drs
Thttcraosfrtissmsight tbesec- bhisfIois tse i.'teratiounasl sluhofitha
Anal, ituancialsortoptiol, suit wosuuldunivcrsit,. nhi lis'coniinectisoi. Presi-
5h5v sug 'itud stand u 5suifcii t 1d twuldlhein'-ii sdesnt ' it I liscsasid:t
itable in their o5e'ation.t"Oi. ftis enidiis intshle eausitrlbcotintig
Ihtsddshus as par5tsisiculyinters'uct- ci ti tilts iute gieat 'sirids-swihiiei sit
us in thatit wus 'intt uti aopentt uingit C'stteists ittissosiare itaings]'isesidenti
gs~ of uspag luhih soossner' itrIH'tilses if NV'lt' std irofi. Tsisel lustre
latrstill bits sit houtsuithesc-atstpsussa id thatusthe is ffersenuce-hitweienu thei
us eseisbond t oicswhenlutshsis ssuc'usuits'er situysandulthis'ltugs-prisvile
unvriywl gitbe-osit ssed ithifo untuliosis thatssithis-fitsimer siseoci
t tat ht,'yso' this'tigcr.-u' sti o nsu,-theis n it i hits-sits-ce 'ntu h eusc- iatets inistitu
ise ct' onSutfussitsc as itiwsitu"i'ginallyits5in natiounalaIdsintusernatsionalts hIdlyl,
orun ats ttuitsshii formit n thesitu istsuite withithis statemens't. Thes tte
sn iu thue-oitlis-i siu allianscesolith tesWitoution ssubecoints'moreiusiandiuiMiore
'ast uchestruggle still his- si lit- iu'tt'tiuiIst-tt'roeantinloe iurets showsstuta
sui therecis 'slittle dut tshatsboh utside stacirsisyiskeNlisiuig.'ssfaslls coniy
will have arden lcit suppsorister's. two'up5555ceits or st ssf thisesternscosil-
Teeocit iec'tsiso thisusitsaiisuvenes inithis-numbertu ofss it sudents soutsic-
sity tofi e"s-s facultysi'mtmcir. s'visy iof tes'tastuc-uendiug. The s'gab bieiss'se-su
studit t o Ius asitsHsc imseslf tii russisghyi h p it i d uit bltic unui'es'ioiie'sis lie-
stususansswisis tis- situatsionu. 'Thme'sstsst g'ninsg tise clossesd rapiilytand I.setsn
sr os'evililastsyears's is is thsisthis'ig- ibslicsecthat st inte losng irui thIlls tate
n iii so btd prtu ies; ranrsssii i i 's s ittn iv si itl his-s te-tiusre is-iis' a situ
Ito .sc by arumsenshi chie c suo lids isis iiinsuionus tantshlit-pris'asts'fosnn-
facts situd only csuity'erhs-'sntal is imps ain


Every day one hears
people say "If I were in
college again, I would do
more in the line of cuil-
tore. I would learn soume-
thing shout music so as to
appreciate good in ui s i c
when I hear it."
Students of today cer-
tainly have splendid facil-
ities for such study.
Courses in all branches
of music are given hy the
hest prepared instructors,
at very reasonahle rates
at the
University School of Music
Maynard Street

Ube !5tubents' lecture Elsocatiou
Facts and Fictions Concerning
the Jews
Friday Evenxing. Nov. 22, 1907, at 8:15
University Hall

Tickets for Entire Course- - -
Tickets Reserved for Entire Course -
Single Admission Tickets - - -


121 Wasfiobtob % TheCRandall Studio, Ran da11 & Pack, Props.

Phone -598

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