Before and after the game LO K O DR VV SFORM SUFPRAGIP @1.1.8 RINKS.INK
buyiie U. OF MV. ORCHESTRA A nei,,hsbe called t To load ah LI E A inME
equaity or he oganzatin o a "ol-ink, press the Crescent-Filler and see it fill its own
lc eequa sufrag leaue Tesetank like a camel slaking its thirst. That's all there
andaniMuticians re adc od -leagesav al sfradygeeTn e Theauei coge is to it! No dropper-non mess-no bother. Do it
rgnzto IsPeitd man ofa it casers uersities antid anywhere-any time.
ReerasHeld Regularly, girls clleges.
. O w n e y S eeaslsPc; 'iaN insiaPa rst lauewl SELF- PEN~
1.UU~~e Undlr the dirertiouf 'sainait- uerganiecd .by l. StCkwell, presi- JJ~IJi )FILLING ILi
soi l. swdcs(i the Universits olesiantfteSaeSurgesoctin "THE PEN WITH THE CRESCENT-FILLER"
iat enrvvd h rhsr a ,llaGeg ainlognzr ilb can he filled instantly rithout the least inconvesience. You
diretio ofHeni Irrr Se csftt Pec wil tlk n te dffeentaspctssoilinsg. Besides its convenience, is the splendid writing
/ '( oncrt ees nadte rcetao 1 usin qualities of the Conklin-the perfect feed.
sade fatt Ielome sa permanent orgon- Prs(e1 ut u.I)a atc r-Leading denters handltu the Conklin. If yous doec ote, oder
Cone sat ft.an N Uiv Ae itiot Fo I oi ue)0s resn., it tied cussrs \<Vest, Phale, Jenks, Poter, direct. Prices, $3.00 endap. ;-resd ate oce tsr handsoenewe ctalo.
athe Oriche.Pstra disbatned. Saford, Peck and( oth ees uf the faculty,
____________________________________ I isaI sasipciaol.utlr oi arc merbetrs of the y1iicapulis The Conklin Pen Co., 310 Manhattan Bldg., Toledo, Ohio)
imeher Ot availahie insatrumncts hare rititl SutPrittic association, nill lbe lees-
Mon y L aned peae Ti~)CC le harsa2lts have~ bee Fiat it tie maeeting an)d ill-c nrle
Mo ey(an 1hedreu1ry deseluping al readly hight as honourary'ii mee ofu tihe Universi) ty
On Watches, Disamonds. Lary Boolks, prospeets foe the orchlestra. Mr. luck- l eagcee.
or other personal proerety. eeal is ;,reatly pleased w1sith thae results. \Vllert thle orgizii.-atil iaffeeled
Watches and Jewelry repaired. At tile perftormance ef l"The Messitah" ileonlttll mleetings twill b~e h~eld It whichNO a
Bargains in Watches & Diamonds onoaou t D111lec. 17. the orchestra will papers will he dliv)eretd relatee to tse . W F'~4 READY
Office at renidence 331 It. Libiety St mak it is peaac.AtrChitNtts ftecu tento.L t S *t ABLE,
Ann Arbor. .005 a concers maly heC givenl ill Volteer- _______t
Hlours: $to 11:30 a. in., I to 4:o and 7 to .115 hall.Th os ellr lte Vlierly f
ALsit 18 eienCOOFtnENTIAL M5tr. Lockswuood imetilng the sametiseliille a) sill pIobalyh 1e inceasled
JOSEPH1 C. WATTS lifficulty ill receising attendancee at in- frmfu olc-eas nterc
_____________________________________ ar sals shat ather Ilireetoars base froundl. IC))))) ine 1)ioef a. the revsholf c in-o
Hie makes tile following statementc o thtisitto.Cnddtsfo0h a
R nthe111)i)) kolgs o l art s I)))l tcile 1)0
te e .ruttes) e-nthusiasma swith which l e) tee ) ioa)) eetiu The new fall line of college goods is now complete with thu
F ob tete)l)riCltleililleliee choicest amnd most varied mnew things ever shown. REVUL,, CONLItN
.1y grialitO r tulestilts. In oretr, h1ew5- ,o halfton of1)lI litiltgs-roin, postpaidl
i Bh0ot1all chartms i oe, Ioacheliele a deireee Pf excelece Ioc. o sale'1 at MAlss i~llls, .1.2 S. of new designs in Manhattan Shirts.
ice oitus. s entilttals )ithle l)ri))een o. s te tpt Men's New Fall Gloves of all leading makes
AT ilesadte itshold wlls aoi will. Ouerlli Or- 18 ,)10011I hliel Men's New Fall Neckwear Men's New Fall Underwear
DARLING & MALLEAUX noon;elIil i li)eslt,0 af el leathierCo allottacehed. Pinder
224-226 S. State St. 11) e Cellt to- thle Seel iMut. 111,tas eaeoue1oi .1 i.1h~iili ,ia!vaityoanwstlsnseheenoefittts-hass
usa 1 0) hi) toiteI its mauee and)1 ; reee i.3) select from. Stetson. Carlton, Hiowards.
ithos illh) ha))110te ths t t i sue n e r - - --. __
C UU l I, i lie)I will ad)113 hiet lrce to) Pyrography goods at Foster'*s. tf Men's Fall Caps, ptices romm 50C tnp.
G a whchue aolrotai hiate. I cevenC))
h enre, too is, th11e miemb~lers (atsnd ~yu~~ ~ i!taa
Iligie orbi 151 Tls) i wo ndollare itnsures ouagainst all R e le v/~ li 8l F e i l
1el of1) lie great tmasters'y pois loss by fire. Geo. J. Hailer & Co.,
HALLER'S JEWELRY STORE, 216 S; Mli St. " appeletlose eeey membl eC for aReal iEstate and Insurance, 216 South
i-op nd egular attendoancoe e_ Mlain street. tf
i olinotir. ti. in tto he ist requistet --.. "' -
Clean to Htandle f anythiglikiIte artistic to isvtos ina Portrait framcs at Posters. i fAtM C '
Clean oillrr orhsraotneigbtart
CenI ilI' mait lny) wo. ti iti ma ti se iu y too s ~t~ ,ll ily n ln
NIOORE'S NON -LtfAKABL[ I1115Ol)1)0 i iltli c-ats IN s.luol
ts otr Pteusose Lotiot I unies taol souileenirsntecret L e& E o lm' ** .
FUINTAIN PEN ___________ecolors,_:nao__ytil_____________
The Best Fountain Pens 1,152 State St.
MP'TrE oT am111 11.ver mirade at An Price.11reoont itii ol -_____ ---- The new, most attractive and cleverest damen of slii liay
Foe sale loy Ther tIOC meonato illino~is is to estaib- P TNT( CiKI'N StP1 1 10 in two0 sizes
East University Pharmacy io.elimtpcleellis sot- $1.25 and $2.25
151 w. Li ersity As enati . pailr t of ) t )1)e n instiC ill thie i in Special attetion i ve t piat a
Beli Pltosedit Homse I'hnetM lue til)) nr lie .hiilinricon Meat pacIers' rties at te Cliftont Rose Whitaoe MACKL ft CO. Mfatra St.
asociat111ion) lhas odoatetd $zgo uuo tow~ardis Loke. Ph'e cater lto odancitg. yachitig.
_________________________________________ Or eectio of) I thoe bildiniii whicht it slaing, lce-olotinog, a0)10 suppern parlties.
ILe oinl planso arec carre toollut sill Spin~tg chticklien 1 alwas seredo wheaci or-
b, h lines) ill thoe w)orlod. Th tra esin ig dered at reglarl itoals oli toil speocial f A i E' (sWace.Slnass lee p. lnl
rLIII r ji}} nf tin ass lsanel and Coolr :,t all
Barber Shop aid Balthl Roofis I expoerts in catle inspectuioswil ho isrties. Pie and is. Joas. :-ssike, MVINEYL LUIN D l rt[las ChaturtlandeClwit ~u
Evryhi~ Fistclss peialydi pasze. roritS Cd t0 Fotirth Aveine; opposite court lios,.W .L UI
Largest Shop lIa Ph. City -__--- _________ - ri __ Tao dunes seuth of City V. .1C. A.W.J 6VI
J RR.ROANOR KI Prp.W-lalolhaPrordp.sveryntdPsteammellletd joowelroiyinast tFtstetrs. It_:>_____lat_____books____for___rent___at__________________tf
The Eveninug Dress snit is a tiing of W aJ di'mer Q o Our Winter Overcoats are seasonahle, the
beauty when properly ctit amid made. Ant fabrics we are showing are desireable, and
early order insures prompit delivery. W~e Importing Tailors our work will surely please yout.
are well equipped to servo yost.
303-05 outhStae SteetYour inspection is solicited.
The Ann Arbor Bible Chairs R2owe'S Laundry
THMSROWE, Prop. Gas StudyA Lamp
444 South State Street 326 N. Fifth Ave. u a kF
Why the Jews Rejected Jesis a Stxiady of New Phouie P57 Stell Phune 457-L Inreare a steady. soft g¢low.
the First Twelve Chapters of
A special lecture by G. P. COLFiR tb) South Slate Street
Sunday Nov. 24, 12 to I Classes Saturday, 10 A. M. e~n Easy on the eyes.
____7:30 P. M1. M'oderate in price.
The Religious Education of the Assembtly 9 o'clok. Cheaper than oil or electricity.
A series of lectures by G. P. COLVR Chinese Chop-Suey' Restaurant Gtteba rmtelretaarmst
Tuesdays, 7:10 P. M. Chinese Fanscy D~ishss, American Lunsches f Gathbetfo tielretaotsmr.
All Bible Chair Courses and JLecturies are free. Students al id.Keyhngfrtcast,
laie adgetlmn. Uh nn Arbor Gas Co.
and others are cordially invited. Chitiese and Jtapanese friabra'.
lip Staies, one dine S. lassos lens,, 3145S. Slate Si.
Will- Soon Open .MICHIGAN UNION CAFE Watch, For It