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May 23, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 173) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dily ANN ARB(-R, 1'IfC iGA\ SA i. L D Y,,MAXY 23, 1i( VOL. XVIII. No. 173. SPEEDY CORNELL TEAM HERE TODAY Tennis Team Comes Fresh from Victory over ChicagoCham- pionship Baseball Game Today. Cotrnel i',swaeepinig victoy iitie-iour- amentitwith Ch icago held at Dtr itco yesteday attgtr tacitfothittspcttort at their toutnamettwtith ticvarity tiy i 1 o this a cit otil Ottr1 iedcotst- oas toRwo It ,it aotei ttic -det tic camiosipo...…

May 22, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 172) • Page Image 1

…T'he MIichigan Daily VOL.~ XVIII. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAXY. MAY 22, 1900. -NO. 172. SYRACUSE BLANKED, BY THE VARSITY Barr Twirls Hard Fought2 to 0 dame-Sipcock is Expected to Pitch Final Tomorrow. Fortune turned and gave Michigan the laurels yesterday. Syracse went townt iefore the varsity witiot being tile tn score, touglt the "M" men found their way home twice in the nine innings. Barr twirled, wills'aft c- teving. Despite tle victo...…

May 21, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 171) • Page Image 1

…The Mchign Daily VOL. XVIII. ANN ARBOR, MTCHIG'j\, THURSDAY, NIAkY 21, 190 8. Nozt. U7T CORNELL WINS IN SIXTEEN INNINGS, Ithacans Defeat Varsity 3 to 2 in Pitchers' Battle--Michigan In- vited to 'Intercollegiate Shoot. After battlinsg for sixteen consecuttive insings in the hardest fought collegiate game of tlhe seasono, Sicock, thte snetw nmembier of the varsity pitchingf staff, lost tis first game to Corstell by a score of ,3 to 2. Fr...…

May 20, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 170) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XVIIIL ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WIRDNESDAY,* MAY 20, 1908. No,0 170. . . .......... . .......... . . . . ..... VARSITY MEETS CORNSELL TODAY Nno Left Yesterday for Ithaca- Fresh Medics Play Senior Laws in last of Semi-Finals. The teitm is off, in, spledtit cotodition for the three eastern gshes. If Michi- gait io snt rig home the lacon it is ecalre te west is inferior in its ath- leic prowss. I~asitg ith te afternoon, t...…

May 19, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 169) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL,. XVIII. ANN ARBOR, -XICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MAY i9, 1908. Noa. 169. BASEBALL SQUAD DEPARTS FOR EAST Leaves for Ithaca oi M. C. at 2:40-Fresh Lits Place in Final - -Stahl Wins CCC Race. \Vhhe hon11rgilli4rcord ofte1 won11out1of1eleve1n g11110, th ibaseall team lle1a01c090today1to est1the 11etleof thefle east 00. lTheosquad(1l1e(v00o le Mih~igan C('olrl a1 24, (01 Bflo. and 11will go1from11thr 1to Ithaca 1for th first gme...…

May 17, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 168) • Page Image 1

…The ichiganDal ANN ARBOR, MICIGA~:N. SUNDAY, MAY 17, 1908,. Vii XV HI. No. .-1 . Buckoleyes [laye Little Chance in Dual Meet-Coe, Heath and Wolin.Are Stars. :iii, lr~tmicat) iill i chN~eigan's caltrog .m er, 54 i A iTh tlthe titpaco nlyre ine :. !aod lic hamm ielertow ,t i~ihthe)1Cr 011) ll tlm0 frEepicle ofla thth st grced 1? - r pltns.~\c e utieeit t C, lip m of to he ;l n [, .ii i t i dr hanft I, t ',a t i :i-'1Ki l a u i' al I! o i l:<...…

May 16, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 167) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XVIII. ANN ARBOR. 'MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MWAY 16, 19o8. o. T67. No. 167. BALL GAME, MEET AND TOURNAMENT Three Varsity Events Scheduled for Today-Dual with Ohio and Alma Contest the Features. o. s. U. Diaixl \Met-1 :0 ient Varsitvs.x lm -3 x . t T n is o ra en 1 . I ll eti contlestingi' fofC a> up e'ythis morniiing, the tnis menixillheiii i.'gc in copeinthe xi tournaiimentx vitli tiherliti.iThisatontihdi 100le O. S. ...…

May 15, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 166) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XVIII. ANN ARBOR, -MIlCI IOCAN, FRIDAY, M~vAY isz, 1908. No0. 167. BUCKEYES BETTER TIIAN EVER BEFORE Ohio State Sure of Three Points in Each Event-Cross Country Race Postponed. Facing thscetitssot scring tthree points intvrye ( hoSlha t uniivesit trk i team ill Iarriest paetdto cinithaniit hIsisetr lieen. Undser it the rs 'sirritin ills 7ttts Director IFitpaticlsma enteransit i siitit t ii ii titttc et bi tso d...…

May 14, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 165) • Page Image 1

…The MIichigan Da ily ANN ARBOR, NilICi \IIILN' RSI)kY .\YM\ 14, 1908. VOL. XVIII. No. T65. WABASH BLANKEDI IN OPENING GAME Michigan Wins Opening Contest,I Playing Without Errors-O. S. U. Track Meet Saturday. MICHIGAN vs. \VABASB ittitits T 4Of \\~tassh brougtitis aunciessitisy weasther h oodoo withit iy estedaluiit the teams s ietditin cometiii-ig ts- seesrynme ofinn sisgs iefor I Bidige ail to cll te game Bsid thl oodi o oute Hoosiers 1 o...…

May 13, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 164) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VTOL. XVIII. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAlN, WCDNE-&,D\Y. MX\A 3, T908. Nio, t64.. .. ........... . . ROOSTERS COME SEEKING REVENGE Wabash Plays Varsity Today- '10 Engineer-'lli Lit Game Tie at End of Thirteenth. The fist xof te twin s'resv beween te xarsityxand taxi\Viiitxtnine xwiile playdtislx'aftroon. i'nless Waah ha mrvxi morex'x'hanxihasxxMichviga, as boys ouxv xxgt xa( lasttolxixiv'ak ee. rThegamesbothtodai ndtxxix xxitxin...…

May 12, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 163) • Page Image 1

…The Michiga nDal ANN ARBOR, MICIGA\, TUESDA.Y;M~AY12, 1908. VOL. XVIII. No. 163. P~ncl drlixe toextreme right for a horsier. FIRST S MI-FI A We ler'sxwork in the lbox for thec lar- riterswasgilt edgedI. liealloxeedibut IS PLAYEDiTODAY t itsttck out six men1, and pe~r VJL1.nitited noiwalks..,lHe xias excellently auprtdb a welIlalaitced infileld. Soph Engineers Meet Fresh Lits 1 .1 1 i 0 7-12 8 t ...Four Teams Eliminated Yes- 08 .........0 0...…

May 10, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 162) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XVIII. ANNAPMOR', MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MAY 10To, 1908. No. 162. HANDICAP EVENTS REVEAL NEW STARS Horner Proves Genius Wth Dis- cus- -Several New Broad Jump- ers Appear. Although0no 1reco1rdsVwere.ishatteret in yeerd(1y's hand~iap metl, lsomeC su1- priseee sp'(irung14up1on te lspetaos. were gilen large haniicps, otucce el in wre-tlimg ho(nors from scrathl 10(, while in other casesthe "mkno woo a- uall exceeed the 1w \o...…

May 09, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 161) • Page Image 1

…The MichiganDaily ANtN ARBOR, M TC(2' AURDAY, MAY 9, 1908. A VOL. XVIII. \ . L } 1 6i GAME AND MEET 6 OFFERED TO FANS Double Attraction at Ferry Field This Afternoon-Baseball and LTrack Vie for Spotlight. .Track and diamond will i this after noon in holtitg te attetiion of thet ..crowd, for oinlg to the ioovnons nun- } er of entries for the hanidiatt meet the first events will hve to hebettut off at 3 p. mv The aseatl game with Georgetown...…

May 08, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 160) • Page Image 1

… 0,A A Poh cooL~ U)' -il CD =o - m X= r. w.. n s r =+ . } . rr-,. ril. . n ^" ' r^ n . . 7- . r r s ; - ,_ _ J ;; , "1r JC - . . ^'^ - : .; n 5v ;;, ,_. ._. i J M f': - rj f " ; . ^ ... :. r. ; ; r. . h r, r ^.... .... .. ^ . : J ,.: ,., ,: " '^ _..,, V i. .+ r:. . + ...i i y_ «- - i. . i y .. y i l '.. _ !': r - _. C . t«y -+ . f t h _. « p % Q Pnt f. . Y ! O t ^ UC v Or r v . 'fM }r3OR po r. ° . r ( . er. fp - taq " O- ^-"- f w W ! el...…

May 07, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 159) • Page Image 1

…The- Michigan Daily A1- ARBOR, \MTCIG\N, TIILRSDAY, MAY 7, 108 N'o. srfi, VTOL. XVIII. i CCC NOVICE RACE OCCURS NEXT WEEK Many New Pen Will Enter- Frosh fedics Win all Gam ---0alrd ack. \ICIITGAN VS. \<OOSTER 5.55ff f~iLLEDA'' 4 :05'. "a. Thie ainual osice race givensute the auspices of the Cross Country clii will e rit Friday, May 5. The re is opeii Only to meiwhio Ihave not 550 their three "C's" ass is to le ishtilet a novice race. All...…

May 06, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 158) • Page Image 1

…The Mic higanDal ANN ARBOR, MJC41CHIG kN. WEDNESDAY, MAi-Y 6, 1908. Ns ff8. VTOL. XVIII. WOOSTER HSKIES READY FOR GAME Giant Buckeye Team Arrives To- morrowThree Class Played Yesterday. Fans at the Micigan-Wooster game tomorrowe will see the htskiest colle- giate infield in the country. Every base- man, the shortstop antI pitcher are over six feet tall, and the atter weighs 8 pounds. Not only is the team hulky, heel it is exceedingly fast....…

May 05, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 157) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Vson.. XVIII. ANN ARBO(R, NfIfI{ IGHN, Tt ,SDAY, MAY 5 1908. No. 157.. RAItMAS IRS i. ind' (01(,took tbitf RAI M RSFI S a(I 0a- al. tEtttt~ltimaTROPHY CUP GOESJ~ on c'a1lisb alk n 'totd h m o-e 'le et a 'bo t one to asatrt. OF CLASS GAMES I 1'telao-so-c\'ltou ot 111oe;two- TO RADIUM DANCE litheffth__m tt aitedctl r footr____ Fresh Lits Win from Sophs in " olsadplee epl o County Fair Rleaps Large Profits met tttr. S itt...…

May 03, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 156) • Page Image 1

…The NMichliganDily \ -Nk'RBok'~('l I . 1 IfGAN,'K \1)AV -"---------- VOL. XVIII. FIVE -THOUSAND SAW COUNTY FAIR No Longer Do the Shouts of the Barkers Resound-A Detailed rAccount of the Attractions. fin11sh, 111it 111the apilet1 f 1eolletios" for 3a1lo11g11im1e afterward1, are0w11a11tle jolly, good-nalltred crowd rleei e at1 teeondl night tof tie (Co111ty.fai. 1'evlode 1was11o1t 1o1r0111. Tigh1 2.71111, 11111om11 ratve )' e astily11onIe. Il...…

May 02, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 155) • Page Image 1

…The Michia Daily ANN ARBOR, \IJCIW k\ , S \TIRDAYt M Vt 2, 46of. Vol.. XVIII. No, 1-3. MICHIGAN PLAYS' FOR C\ B~NILLTEK SUBSCRIPTION ' AI S ET TRA TO BELOIT "TODAY Xtunrni da}., Jn 7 ilSee rimore BE RAISED TODAY iai oneocainWhlAlmidyE ERWisconsin School Makes Good does not Caninence until the °t7th, tre floney. Has. tob in -Hands ,of IL LAt~JA U A L alumnni till begin to arrive on the 1~th Record on Trip-Class Teams aseek titilirCouncil-To...…

May 01, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 154) • Page Image 1

…The Milchigan .Daily .. _ .---- LL VOL. XVIII. A ARBOR. MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY t, 1908. No1r. 1 54. ----------- have in the coming campaign. In the TENNIS TEA northwest the people are preparing to rise. There, the condition of the mats DEFEATS ICLHABODS who wsorks is getting a little worse each ya.Icatt onty think tlhat if wte are ssnssuccessfnl in the fall campaign it will Normals Easily Outclassed, Fail bceIbecautse the people save h...…

April 30, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 153) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XVIII. ANN ARBO0R, MICH-IGAN\, THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 1908. No. I ts. 0.S U CH D LED sie kassetceed-up cigar was t ere 0. 8 II.SCHE U with tat saume "urry up" stuff that hissaltwsays een claracteristic of hin. FORlf hTFistle cl the bnsch up in circles Fui DUAL gsunts. A fes words of general ad- Handicapv Varsity Meet Will Pre- s"sce folosede and these signal squads 55 rc picked. eee tie real swork began. Cede It-Tenni...…

April 29, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 152) • Page Image 1

…The MVichigan Daily ANN ARBOR,. MTICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, \PRIT, 29, z908. VOL. XVIII. _- X70. T 2. No, fc2. __ - _ BADGER COLLEGE SENDS FAST NINE Beloit Team Meets Varsity Next Saturday-Yost Sends Three Elevens Through Practice. Nearly enough iiuniifor Itie eleens~ tuniedi out in repnsec to the call for caiidcaes for the foothallii teai. Cai- ain Schulz was qitie hilarious o-cctle spirit of te sciuad, aiilCicYah os, iwlia arriveid fioiiiNas...…

April 28, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 151) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOt-._XVIII. ANN ARBOR. MICHIGAN. TVESDAY, APRIL, 28, 1908. No. 15i. TENNIS TOURNEY IS ON THIS WEEK Plen to be Picked to Meet Oberlin and Cornell-Returning Track Team Escapes Rooters. Micigan's tennis season is 5oi1 in ean- et. Captain Hoag has annooncted the tnrnaent for the ltter part (f the week. Witithtie comtttletion of the toI- nanent he xwil pick ihis men for t- teant that xwil lay- against Oberlin. Saurday, Mla...…

April 26, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 150) • Page Image 1

…The. Mich igan Daily ANN ARBOR, MICHIGA\N, SUNDAY, APR11, 26, i908. VOL. XVIII. No. 150, BARR TWIRLS SIIUTOIIT, Michigan Defeats Case, 2 to 0, inI Relay Team Wins the Four-Mile; First Home (lame-~Pat Kelley Championship by Default and Sciores First on New Diamond. Walks Away with Two-flile. Nficigan\ lts t ' heti acgnition, F"otokin ildlPhildlphia, Apil 2. he 0n1w (iamonnd, Iwas) baptized in Tile(Sp'cia'0to 'Te )aily.--Winning s'01 blo f...…

April 25, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 149) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Vol.. XVIII. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SAITURDAY. A PRII, 25, 1908. No. 149. WOLVERINES FIGHT 1 IN EAST AND WEST gase Veterans Invade Ferry Field -lichigan Seven, Await (long at Pennsy-Class 'Baseball. , White Captain Rowe anti his sextet of companion stars are strisving to main- tain Miclhigan's prestige in the east this -%afternoont, Captaina Suliivan wsitt tbe et- deavoring to werest hasehati honors frona the husky lads f...…

April 24, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 148) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan D aily ANN ARBOR, MICHIGIAN. FRIDA Y, APRIL. 24, 1908. VOL. XVIII. O. 148. CASE GAME FIRST ON -NEW DIAMOND Visitors Were Champions of Ohio Last Year-Interclass Schedule Made Up. PTe news diamond will lbe invaded io- mtorrow,. for the ir-t time, by a foreign title. Case hat a splentdidl reod inl baseball and promtises to send(1 rattling Kgoodl vetera squad 5jto 1(1 il I iheingans mettle on her town.XgroundI- Last year tin O)111...…

April 23, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 147) • Page Image 1

…TheMchig n Dily ANN ARBOR,.)MICIIIGA.N. TIl'IZ; I) \N. l'III. 23, 1)08 VOL. XVIII. NO.147 TEAM PREPARES FOR CASE GAME McAllister and Sullivan Still Re- quire More Ginger-Track len Leave for the East. True o hiswordCioaciiNIcAlter putt h airball quad throughth-cc W~ialars of araclia, lpracic yestrday ia preparaton for thir ca-ti with Ca-c nest Saturday.-Thec loy- roiiiCa-c are- ,ai t h srog this yeva, adi a cse contest is excpectcd. Thei- a...…

April 22, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 146) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XVIII. ANN *-ARBOR, MICHIAN. WERDNESDAY, WINNING NINE RETURNS AS TRACK TEAM STARTS EAST Baseball Men Arrive Home Vic-. torious After Excursion Into Dixie- -Lose Only One Game. p ten taut looming up alealCoulti nt b, made a-teantplay bha-li alliithani ,vaspl Ald byMiciga'tinehula'ileo le souitherniitril. Waheweaniewa fearetd Coahel Me lltee fond trtt1iengt. adhe ha- reltanedtwitl six sala lftbind tl. lnei'ae id mian...…

April 10, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 145) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily 14 VOL. XVIII. 'ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY,, 1908. GEORGETOWN PLAYS VARSITY TOMORROW M Men Win Last Game in Prac- tice Season--Depart for Dixie Land Today. The training season for the nine is over and things have settled down to the serious reality of intercollegiate con-y petition. The squad, together with Coach McAllister and Manager Kennedy, will leave on the rtr :32 this morning for sunny Kentucky, and ...…

April 09, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 144) • Page Image 1

…The M ichigan Daily .;77= AZW.4 $a MM-A J=.V.'04 44 9 VOL. XVIII. AN~N ARB0OR, -MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, APRIL, i 1908 No. 144. BASEBALL TEAM LEAVES TOMORROW Fourteen Men Will Tour in South During Vacation-Men Are in (food Condition. The baseball earn wil leave on t1e Amn Arhor at 11:30 tomorrow for the Cohtern trip. Thirteen or forteen ben, probably the later. ill board the train. The first gaie will e played next Saturday at Georgtown Ky. ...…

April 08, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 143) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XVIII. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8, 19o8. No, 143. NEB DIAM ND OPEN and then etired to Ferry field where, [ inl t company with Tower, he did several WITH CEREMONIAL lapeito great shape;esrte"r. SRN Fizarci, "and switl aatlittle ottdoor triting 1I o't think tiere is a man ____ Maiden Game Played at Ferry ests ostywh casetho atIi Would Substitute Tying Up" dit aite He is improing in enutrance frRc tn -u ...…

April 07, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 142) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR. MICHIGAtN, TUEFSDAkY, PRI4 7, 198 No. I42. VOL. XVIII. CROSS COIINTRY MEN BEGIN EASY WORK Coe Coaches Squad-Records flay Be Broken in Girls' Track feet Tonight. Yesterday afternoon the cross country men tonic their first jaunt of the year. Led by the reoubtatle "Spicer" Co, and fanned by a warm spring breeze tat made the blood jump in their veins, h af a hundred anbitioss ones cantered in the sunshine. The tac...…

April 05, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 141) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XVIII. VARSITY MIEN WIN : FROM PREP STARS First-Year Athletes Score 53 1-2 Points to 27 -1-2 by Detroiteis -Cross Country Runs Begin. lTe frestman class attached another scalpt to its lbelt last iglt by defeating the Detroit Utiversity slool ithie last of tlte idroor meets. At no ttte was the score in faor of the slool boys atn tteir ttost vatttted atiletes provel of little tvail agaitst sle first-year men. Dawskins fa...…

April 04, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 140) • Page Image 1

…Th ihigaDily ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 4, 1908. VOL. XVIII. NO-.z-40. FRESWD I. S. MET Of>J1RS TONIWSf Ptep Team~ Arrives TPhis-Noon- Torrey anad Crg Will 'Not Cpee--encgv*s -'iked. Detrot:Utoierity shool pretend to bentvr:hpf~l-eadn~oigtsmeet, and perhap they haven't mntch reason to. e so, b at ty rate they will pt p 'a good fight for the big end of the score. With Craig and Torrey out of the, mneet, the .-freshmen will e ma- t...…

April 03, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 139) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily. ANN A1ROR, MITCH FTI)A X MAA-PliI3,. ce VOL. XVIII. NO. T139. UGH! D. U. S. ENTERS THIRTEEN ATHLETES All-Fresh fleet Promises a Close Contest-Class Baseball Starts -Walsh-Loell in Handball. Superstitios track fans wilt find an opportunity to (ope out the result of the D. U. S. vs. Al-Fresh neet on the hoodoo basis. .IDirector Knickerbocker of the Detroit trctp school stnds wort tit he wilt enter thirteen men in the cont...…

April 02, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 138) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dail y ANN ARBOR. MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 1908. No. 138. VOL. XVI1I1. CCC SQUAD MAKES BRIGHIT SHOWING Prospects Look (food for Eastern Cross Countries-D. U. S. Will Meet the All-Fresh Saturday. Though the lg three ;of the distance squad, Rowe, Coe and Dull, will not e attic to cotttetel for Micigan at the eatern cross cousntries next fall, te prospeects for a good team are not dark. lhere are eight CCC' en in college twho ...…

April 01, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 137) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XVIII. ANN ARBOR, MTICHIGA-, WEDNESDAY, APRIL z, 1908. No. 13 . ROWE CALLS FOR OUTDOOR RUNNERS Hiaskins Praises Cross Country Course-Wet Grounds Hinder Baseball Practice. The cros contry course is in ex- cellent conitiois for early rtns atd yes- terdays a large nttmtler of rn were ot. Thie recent rain nde te grontd alittle sticky-ottside of tosit so the mnch ae coteitedltlemseles witlthGe curls tracks' on the sie st...…

March 31, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 136) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XVIII. ANN ARBOR. AJiC II IAN. T VV"I ;D-,\,MARCI 131, 1908. No. 136. VARSITY BASKET-, BALL FIVE NED Fans Select All-Class Tram with, Tyler Captain-Cross Country Work Begins. ilasketball falit and( officials got to- get]her yesterdla afternoon andi seiected at11 alclass teattt int other wrordis, what woutldi prohialy tare ])cell tihe varsity teamti if Michligant suppotlledi batsketball as a reguliar sport. Matte ex...…

March 29, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 135) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XVIII. ANN ARBOR, MTCT-ITGiA\,.5t"1DAY, MARCH 29, 1008. 'No- z35. ENGINEE S AGAI heir tuched.The ftal score was z12 TC IV N ENGINEERS AGAI N to ot in Haiesfavor. 'CTHuv1 teg wsas that betweenitAderson atd PR F S AN A BO WIN OH MPTOJ~L~iAL Stlil fothtle eltrweight chamtpiot- ship .1le ott lasted sligltly over fie Bridge Builders Defeat Solons by t'itttttes Sttl tired himself while ot Hugh Black Turns Down Other Na...…

March 28, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 134) • Page Image 1

…The MichiganDail ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. SA\TURDAY. MARCH 28, 1908. VTOL. XVIII. No. T34. CARNIVAL OFFERS EXCITING EVENTS Championship Basketball (tame Between '09 Engineers and '10 Laws. Tlonigits atltic carnival offers an interesting conglomeration of coitests botht fromthtlceewptoint of te spectator and p Iarticiant. Nearly ifty men will conmpete for the arios athletic honors, antd there will le no tragging of the prugrans front start to ...…

March 27, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 133) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XVIII. A-NN ARBOR, MIICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARC 27, 19. NO. 133. CHIAMIONSHIPS WILL BE DECIDED '10 Engineers and '10 Laws will Fight for Basketball Honors- Finals in Other Sports. The annala championship athletic car- nival is schetitted for tomorrow ight. Plhc rogramt iitles the final fencitg anti wrestling tmatles,lbasletialganes, n relay races. atdigtmtnastic exercises. 'PTeconttests till einiatie8Sococh, atd te.atlt...…

March 26, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 132) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XVIII. ANN ARBOR, M-\ICHIGAN. THURSDA.Y. MARCH 26, 1968. " No. T32. No. 132. SQUAD SIlVERlS AT OUTDOOR PRACTICE Weather Permits Only Batting Practice-Wrestling, Handball and Fencing Attract Interest. It's a shivering squad that assembles at the fair grounds these breezy clays frbaseball practise. Yesterday the pitcher likened his Spalding sphere to snowhall, antd the outfielders tweo- - !tped tibotut the fence pos...…

March 25, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 131) • Page Image 1

…The Michis an Daily ANN NARBOR, \AITCITOAN, XVEDi T);SI).kY. MJARCH 25, 5908. VOL. XVIII. No. 1Ts. OLYMPIC TRYOUTS ARE MERELY GUIDES American Committee Will Use Discretion in Selecting Team to Compete in London. The Detroit News prints the follow- ing anonscenent fronm Ness York re- garding the coitdltct of the tryouts for te Anmericani Olympttts eant: Tliat the Amsericant comitstte cslih is charged swith selecting the aios teas tos repres...…

March 24, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 130) • Page Image 1

…The Mlichigan Daily VTOL. XVIII. .. . . .. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MARCH 24, 1908. NO. 130. BASEBALL SQUAD GOES TO DIAMOND Outdoor Practice Began Yester- day-Notre Dame Supplants Wabash on Football Schedule. "it makteth ote feel blithe anti gay," carroled Georgi' Wheeler. as tlc first ball thrown in ottdoor pratie cdded t his mtit. 'Te whiole sqtadl made its say to te fair gronnds yestertay after- noon, anot ot a miait comtptlaindt...…

March 22, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 129) • Page Image 1

…TheM'i'chigan Daily VoL. XVIII. ANN AR-.OR, MICHIGAN. SU NDAY, MARCH 22 f908. No. 129 REGIMENTAL FLAG DROOPS TO VARSITY l'lichigan Wins Meet, 42 to 30- Iddings Fails to Establish Gym Record-Syracuse Scheduled. Alichigan again proved victor over the regimental squadl from Chicago, winning thc meet y a -score of 42 to 3. Te comtptetition was exceedingly close all tlesway. No recordsswsere estalished, though all the events swere rn in credit- ah...…

March 21, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 128) • Page Image 1

…The. MIichigan Da-ily VOL. VIII.ANNARBOR,. TCfITGAN. SA 'IRDAY. MARCH :r, 190. No. 128. FOUR MEN HOLD p HOPE OF MICHIGAN N Tonight's Meet May Go to Strong1 First Regiment Team-Varsity Outclassed in Field Events.r Mieligan's hope tonight is practically1 in the hands of four men-Cse, Dull, Bebrook and Honer. Several of the younger athletic stars will le asert from the meet and of "M" men only Coe and Dull will compete. The FirstI Regiment is ...…

March 20, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 127) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL.., XVIII. Fzr. _ . A*7AR 3O T-. fJTrANRfI)AY, NARCH :2, 1908 0. 1 27. __._._. ..w,_..._,-..._..._..... . r.. FITZPATRICK NOT QYBRGONFIDIENT- Only Hopes to Win First Regi* mgnt Meet-Chicago Squad to Arrive- Tomorrow. I The team wvhich the First Regiment t will send -to represent it tomorrow is an dark horse. The Chicagoans are verya reticent about lettinig their opponenots know what they nmnst face, bitt it is a t...…

March 19, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 126) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL.. XVIII. ANN, ARBOR, MIUCHICA NTHURSDAY, -MARCH 19, igo8. No. z20'. BAIRD -SCHEDULES KENTUCKY STATE Southern Eleven Will Play Here Nov. 7- Notre Dame May Sup- plant Wabash for Oct. 17. 'Nichigan will play Kentcky stae n- versity on the local gridiront Nov. 9. Notre lDar's sinaility to scheule a ganme for that date causeuthSie change in the plais for the footlall seaso. While Ketutckly as ot sigthue co- tract, it has ...…

March 18, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 125) • Page Image 1

…TheMichignDail ANN ARBOR, MICHIGANXX T lN DAY XX ARCH 1,igo8 VOL. XVHLI No. 125. FILTHY- HOLE BEARS NAMEOFCOUNTY JAIL Arrested Students Pass Night Amid Revolting Surroundings- Preliminary Examination to be Hield Friday-Bail Fixed at $1,000-Plea for Leniency is Futile. No place to sleep aid hardly to sit A down, dirty companions adc filty sr- roundings-such sere the conditions tnder shich the stdnts arrested dtr- ing the riot at the Star ...…

March 17, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 124) • Page Image 1

…The ichiganDaily ANN ARBOR, 1MICH1I{GAN. ,TUESDAY. MIARCCH r7= 1908. VOtL. XVIII. N. 124. PENN EXPECTS MANY 'ENTRIES Relay Race Is Favorite at East- ern Meet. Michigan Will Com- pete in Other Events. The fourteenth annual relay races given iy the University of Pensylva- nia will be heldl as usual on the last SSaturday ins April. Michigan will be represented lby a team. Invitations have been sent to all the leading edcational institutions i...…

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