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March 18, 1908 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1908-03-18

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No. 125.

Arrested Students Pass Night Amid Revolting Surroundings-
Preliminary Examination to be Hield Friday-Bail Fixed
at $1,000-Plea for Leniency is Futile.

No place to sleep aid hardly to sit
A down, dirty companions adc filty sr-
roundings-such sere the conditions
tnder shich the stdnts arrested dtr-
ing the riot at the Star theater spent the
night. They wre locked in the main
cell of the jail, in shich fourteen tramps
were also confinet. These tramps were
more than dirty, and contriuted materi-
ally to the discomforts of te place. One
of them ad some malignant skii di-
ease, ut was left lying its the cell with
the other prisoners alt evening. In all,
thirty-two persons swere crosded into
one small room. There were o beds,
all the ftrnitre consisting of to tales
and( a few eches. The stuets swere
forcedl to ake turns in resting i these,
ad in this say echliotesas gives a
cance tos try to seep for a part of te
ight. The swhole cell wsatidescrialy
filthy; idirt sas piled uti th le criers,
and verminit we re eseryshere. No one.n
was allowedlt cmutnttticate switlhis
frienics tor ltait legal sadice duttigtghe
mtorning. Aictutont somte black coffee.
moasses,aitt half a loaf tf breat were
given the prisoters. This was the first
foodl given them.
The sttdets are said ti ae een
orderly ii their cotiduct whlile ith le
BiAI, mXtttAT' $,ooo.
Ifaclimnandatectfed to ian officer,
fifteeni of the stdetts arrestet ini las
night's demiontstratiotn sere Ihale
through the sttgglitgtast of specta
tors yesterday attrnootsitittjstic
Dotys coitrt ii the basemtet of tte
court ouse. The weary prisoers wenet
arraigied ii sqas of five, act onee
ig charged with riot. All ressondtetc I
their tatmes as regiserein i the comt-
plaitt antu their examitinatittntstas set for
rtet Friday miorititg at too'ctlck. Ju-
ticerDony set the bail at $i,ooo for earl
mat, anttlthe fifteen ufortnates, stil
tianacled, were dragged ack to tei
gloomy quarter itt the couty jail
Friends of the muen ott the otstide it-
mediately got busy atd efore half at
hour ail passei Walter S. Mack, Alfret
J. Paul, Fred Has ath iter proeine
citizens were atacing their signature
to the papers whlici gave freedoms to h
victims of last night's uintortnttae dis
"I will go i as mhany onds as th
court will allwv te to," said the prod
prietor of the ig sore..
"Sure, I'll sign up for the oy," sai
Al Paul, as he reached for ilt coat an
Representatives of the Student Cour
ci and oensers of committees 'appoint
ed y the'law classes 'hrried about tt
husiness ditict, and by ,s o'clock sc
business met as George Wat, F.C
Weinberg, Homer Cdy, H. B. Merril
William Bacon, George H. Fisher, an
Daniel Zimmertmans were waiing in th
still crowded court rons in order t
sign their names for recognizance oot
of the students still confined in the jui
By 6 o'clock justice Doty dried his p
on the last paper and the last stude
was unhanduffed and allowed to grat
the hands of his friends and clasmat
who surrounded him. Theirimissio a
complished, the wiorking studeit ha
ried home.
The students inprisoned, ad the At
Arbor property owners who signed the
bonds, are as follows :
Albert G. Tcker; Walter Mack at
Hi. W. Douglas.
Clarence H. Leete; G. H. Fisher at
A. J. Paul.

Joseph J. Baer; W. Macks atd A. J.
Charles t. I. Bser; W.-Mack ansI A.
J. Paul.
Orville G. tierick; George Wate asd
Mike l. M~ai; 'Willist J Bcon adi
George Seldon.
C. Roy Rook; G. V. Wilt atd J. R.
Maysitt W. Tiselert IC F. lillstit
Fredl Weinbheg.
Floyst . Teft; Gerge 'ualr aitilW.
Sanuttel.lI.. N ister ;Latsky, of tLatn-
sky & Ci., attdl.Lei.
Mlaurice C. AMyers;:)FedtWi Veiihrg
antd C. I1. Cady. .
Alfre'd C.. Smtith; Johnit \als ads1I.
Claire. K. Mfattlarut;XW. Mack atd
George Water.
Harry IE. itfefer;:-LMcIlu~re attd
X. Mack.
Samutiel J. Wuetrck ; A. J. Paul nt
Fredl Baas.,
Fifteencompsittlaitts 'iithe ca~rg si
risotinig'were sworntro-stits itoritgh
tJustice Dotsy's csourt Iy Chief of [Poic
Apfe, tnsilthue ewststhat tem',ciwerer
ts le arraigtel st . oclcktwas tic
long in sradinig to dhescampussis, wvhe
it tas the cief, topic of cotversatin
stever te noro-sa meal. lBefosre t s'clcl
ta hiuntsreeslstsidetstsbeseigedl the idsisi
] of Justice Doty's court ithle laseoet
(f the soiur stse, aai itto'clock sthl
ethes doiss re openedtittctauscsissitf st
ednt~s andtowspteotle stgein toth t
elittle roit, filleite Iechles sid tsr
fisowedin tol the jisrylo. Somie f t
ospecttrs evet eredth lemselses o
the judsge's statd. The crowvswsa
r soserly sie, butilcstsatly arivigr
hcrlitiss'ntilete sidse stigegisabotstht
s itdostltv.ands dsoors, the glss of whtti
crased tss the floor. At z o'clock t
rfirst relay of pisonters testsdragg
troughtthe crowd, ecohs mas muiant
ts an officer. Prosectititg Atorcii
nSawyer and coinsel for the defetse Its
ectn struggling tssreauci the sceec
itte Iearig atdltvhen tey Ifinally sit
is ceesded,. the fie iset were seatrate
'ctaraigntesd.'The cunitsel for the sefets
iseadedl y Fratk Lsongman oi sf foota
famie, cotsisteil of msay prominttet An
eo Abor msembilers of the Wasteas
coitnty ar. Amiotg te ttorieys wl
tIdIsok atilsctie art in the hroceesits
d and hwo aptpeared s u nisel for iffe
etut sudetts were W. X. Xedeneyi
V. . Vats Aiserigei, J. IJ,. Duffy, as
aJ. W. ODyer.
Ise All of te miei agreed to an examsi
ttois to ,e held .Friday tmoring at
o'clock, std to tteir ail of $i,ooo, Ott
id Atorney Longmnt's ienc appeared. I
asked ho ave te complaint read a
e thets took exception to thetianier
to which it had been nade ott adshpa
tituclarly to the mannter in which it hi
l. een sworns to. He said that all I
n complaints were sor tt y Chief
ntPolice Apfel and that inasmuch asitI
p are sts were iot all made y hint a
lsat they were made over a wide rae
'cof territory, persoially he did not kist
r- of eachs arrest and the itcidets there
Longmoanscited inumerots attorit
in earing ots this pont.
II The prosecuting, attesey oject
saying that the peopec de}anded ullp
d anisatiom.'.Justice Dqty,,oerruhe0h
toriey Longmsatn. Attorniey Vats 4snm
d ingeis pleaded for one of his det
(Continud on Page Three)'

,A pretty St. Phthcis''s tat' tttncheons
wats gveniyetierday st Barbouusr gyati-i
nasisumtutby this'sopihooruesgirls. Iii on-e
tecioni isits this'festitities'sasfets as-
nitstucmettisisstrs' tadeuand'som stie class
business transa'te. 'There bein'g someut
ftotrds remaitunngfronts thin frshmn e
spretdtheiusclass decide to iuse dtscus
for us sep~iaiphtogtsrphit ofthin Chase po-t
trait ofi hresidle'nt Agel, Inohe sdonatel
ts thie'XWomanuu's ILeatgue 'fits'this gyti
nassiumuparlorschute' ftsis',nnuncetttd'thti
"Miss RuthAndusn hadiSblutist hisscosens
s thiet eentstiltss'of usuuhrs'tss girls
t guys' 'autoas 'atthus'nuasssl Michiganu
wtoet's bhiutet to his hestAttril 4.
'Fle lutuseususitselfsi ita s a suscssftl
patyivthis Si.IPtsik'h'strutabinitg car
riestsut int setsrutuiss and iniithe si-
veir o fo t ad shautsirukshs'icht
tiwesruusesd iumtclhinug hparterss. Aferu
the lncheo ther was an tg iii h
Chinese Graduate Student Takes
d Exception to Statements of
Ferry Lecturer.
Thi ssruts oitterrysectuitres jus gsts
'>y XXWilliT. 1I^lls iss scausduIsoume'
situ.'usi amnghiese'studetlsi.. Ifs-
is set iilishaetheisect'us lit ithseu-
ius cit ictism ifronti .\r. Ciu'uu.a formser
T istrustratIPei, tutu ttu' aigraduate
AI sridsetnt inithe FUiersiy. XWhesap-
e ititactl uuun this sujec, MXr. Censsaid
a lu-ut i te'maii''tudeuus'of his cuuutist, the
:k lii uts iofleu hisior,. tuudther umilisu
'so inhatuntu sit prest icoissplicated
t problem'uuufr « s t c traves's' to'sustuy
usI titu udserssutespecu'illy,.witinusthe
e Itse eipressy obectdt o sis thes'gneiral
e-tconclsuosMr. I tis tesw frons itifuss
it' str'iigincidntts.l
_ii XNi r I shits stuhhe, 'spuen t t i tIfour
sto tutuths ini sudingtughis'politicalsoc ssialh
i-sandtreliis iprtoblsmsitfuChina-acomi-
Ie tsy lhichhis uuu''uundegon tss'svoustuion
is offoItrttuesetuns'e'sait has ap1n
d usolts. Fhutese 'lstk f compatissint, based'f
sit ttupo hus ilustaisisItionofacrps'lyitg
cy i thus stee unatthiended', is whlltti stu
st issuaed -ueshtserhaipsi', tthis'aStdofi
ofS hitsstud 1nowuingi"he'.hineus'e' lust' shich'
o- forbuusitids th utanlig f it udeadu tiniy'
is es en its relaitse untu i ' after f irmalx
seushmtionandiscionu. It is thus-Ciii
ll its's'rega"rdi'an'tshfears'of lihits', 'atter
to thus thisiililk.ofcoitpsassiont swhieh
.sv accuts fist'theiidst. iii 'tuta lawt
In sigtlye srics'r thanut hits Americ'nslhuss
go inuressjusice' it sittite.
e- '"Mh. Glls" lit'esotinedh "asee lii
ye, cocuinilass tsimoatuhy onusthin fac
ndttlhast thur Chiteseusie ie ws to si
great sextent. h.'le fact s t1ut onuty ts.
conliessuse this lansguageBn o sv'
a- istncectshihiMrF'Etismsetosedsr
to by itsoumeauns udifferentt ftnom slr con
til diiouns thatcoultis he etedhus Asoeic.
Hn onuuothe countris.eSutely the vice
.d its the hrt cities ecannuo be cte sisep
in resentatie f us sholenuaion.
tad Sb;IOhRtfGfIL'S XILI
the tarbuourg'mnsiumiu'nwill tdatluy e th
Itd scene of anotheur St. Petrik's huicheom
ge for thur seniosr girls ae folnsing tB
ow examspe set bythue sophonores yste
:to. day. To'day's affuir is going In be cra
et riidcututtoniteuran eaborocate pln, an
all thur girls of tir class are urged t
:ed , coni. T'Fursu of the feaI is onoi
ex- and thur tickets, ue price of whirlsi

t-' -twe'nty-five rents, msay hbe'bhught fror
per- Misses BestMacrey, 'thel Reed, Ann
its. Fuillerton, and Hl~cen Swyint, -who hat
the affair in charge.

Fits'DA AG sensior girls defeated the fresh- 1 mmr
mnyesterday in an exceedingy inter- TO o ,j'1 J'. DA AG
sinug andwell-played game of induoocT
bauseballt at Barboutr gymnsumslusbly thin Student Cm iteApitda
score f 30 to 14. Thin senirs batteth Cm iteApitda
thec hatthsuard thndfus, soig experi- Mass Meeting to Raise Neces-
ece and knowledge of baseall. Con- sary Funds.
sideing that this was thin fist gane for
thin gut girls, they played remsarkaly eterday afteenoon, whenuu thu r eport
welli and at times fieldedh etter thansiladte studetprisoners serec being
their oupphoets. unl for $,oonmds wsuscirulatdl
M~iss Staek anth Miss Jacobi b atted throiugi thur luwrdetartmnut, the fresh-
writ fuse the seniors, while thu r fehien meil sutandelj unuie classes were immueiately
hatt sui exteraoeedinay atsn. Miss cledictotatuke mseasures for providig
Coltinissus of thur fist-yeuar teamsspliayed hail. .hBtuhisclassses appiniutedtrcosmmittees
us stleidht gamse at lerst bsie. T'he se- tosltaerharge of the uarrnugemencts, auth
susi rapituainstitchedh a god gaule, sink- its the freshmusaus lss $275 sere at sucer
ig sut seeal msembihes of the ostptositg subhscrited. 'fle cmtiii'itees were u-
teamusasuit snly alloitnug isse freshmanuto stucuteu toIireport uselay.
walik. .X ils' bfs's6 'cloitcs uslusvtiypaint-
sihiis'e yhiy'iuugs t sited suuncuu'uu'udof a'msuss metig t
r2 .3 4 5 61 7 he heist st 7 tests6,11su'9uu itssae f this
Sei s ............2 5 ft ft 1 6i4-30 State street stres.Thusecroswvdwhict
Frevsmsen ........... 3 0 1 2 5 0 .-14 soousu assembisledfousndst thi os' iteof'Ui-
Btsteies:t Jaut-ti andtutuasrks; Crosec ersity IHsuitloicdandtheIh builinitg
tutu Deiz. darkebtaiuted uuinushe best f sirit
frhalfttuSaitshonurutlX Walte''Ihuiss-
SEAT'hS FOR "SHE~ STOOPS TB hl a eue emsinfo rs
COSNQuERf I" SELIf~NGf FASTEST' idehilAnghiattouselteuiorusu.sMr.s
Rheiscshiu uhidclledtsemeetig to odec
'hu e tn Gret ticket suie is nuso anmit staest briely'thaust ifs purpose was
progress at Waht's State steedtbook to uarage fuse the quichest possible set-
sluice. Althountghs thin sate yesterday was :leuset of ills for daiagsuansdlto tr-
gosd, neverthleless theeruermanuygood curlte e stcsIounsel fr suit stucnts
teats eft. Thinsuse of seats foe the ivolved. Jamuses McCandless ad Joe
three plays atsbeems nearly equally Keley,tresident of the juir eengieers,
arge, thusghm"Shte Stoops ts Conque" aswuveesdhisthiss'lrus ersuggsionus ad
waus reptortedhas slightly thinsrotgest.. amplissizeslthuc nel f sttling luistages
'FeBo BstoHsseraldt wcote as follows It 5onc uantildoig waversi'sscacs tedsots'
oS Ille BieniGreetreviva of Godsmith's twr etigtesis .H et:
"She Stoops In Comquer" its Bostons ash Iitupesentiedlthis'folloig itmizedc
msosth:t "Those swho Iraed the cold sccosut of thur tamsages claimesd byi
ast evensing In see Bets Greet and his Reik we fthIulig
romupansy act 'She Stoops to Conquer' ,uesro s ulslu
left Joedan hatt satisfied that their ba- Damusage to Rerik's pcopety. . .$ 125.00
recey hade eetswellrepaisd. 'T'nthe na ODamage in Hoppe's saoo...... .00~o
jority, probaly, thin comsey tess a fai- Damage ts Renlds' protpety .. 900o00
ilsronu, amd that it was ppuaeswas XMusic ...................... ... 25.00
u'sidecedubt syuhaudincue's keens aprue-
Iitiotto'tits wit'tty' huoints ausdtthe heaurty 'T'ti'l ..$it7si sit
apustie acd~iedtthin effnrts ofVM. Rhin~eushildiiaddedttha'httu. wih tie atftor-
Gret's tplyes. Mr~. Geet tukes the tiys' fes, css, di., thein ttwsill te
hrl of 'T'niy Lussikiu, a haf-stupid arundss $2000. AX cmmssiee conlsisinig
Icountrsiy sqtuie,swhio hsalainsug totad oS Rhein'ischildhassetthus'presisenttfithts
seiiry ,uaudithiueefore is thin citral Uiest ahwsapitdttk
tfgtirs'itsmst of te amussitg siuationusstheus' periettscuu'atss fiststhe clecionu
cotatinedu s inte say. ha this pat M. uS this futis te..Xr esacigsge'necral
G~re'ct lull onsa boyishi tnshroguish smauskpldeta nohgfuhrbe oe
I tatfusade his chearter siimphay thast ofuwhictiod tissng disreputtill this'namle'
a yosunsg san spoiledh by a dotng msotue, of tsc Uiersity, the maitss mseeing au-
tash sio Isthat f an evil-umindd y'stth. jousn l.Getmd ei eduisadwa newstilhneuasfos hes-frsident
'ti. cee usaue t uerdeu ht ass sAnugel tush a "If. o1K."
Igret'd withs much applause" 'hefaculty'of te lustyeprtmerinst sre
JUNOR ITtDISUSSno-dutisniia. No faursiy netig' list
JUN PPERR LI'SDDISCUSSyet beetsclldustiso cnusier the udistub-s
SUPE t a)nNE.stue andu, otary In rumsuor, tisse f
- the uss riofessos hs beencu retainied to
''The principa msate discussetd at the defend the prisotes. Prof. Bates si
juniolu it.dutsass etng husg' rsday sfter- that ithere is n fosudaltions for the stry
noousts a the supper amdsateInbe us last nighf's Detroit Journautl ics
hlcd March a8. Such a one was givenustaited Bot he woudhact as attorney fr
sby the jutnior class of last year its B- thin suests.
tboise Gymunasum, with considerable sti- PeietAgl ofre h eea
a reis. a sttitude oh he lsv faculty, saying "'he
e Presitdent Ryman, who recently went University is its no hsury aaout thus
a house out arcoutt of ilt father's death, later. Wiest the civil auttiels'shave
satha tnt yet returned. In his absence competed their examusiation, if will
tC. J. Agnew pesided. A bare quorum probably tan taken up by Ithe famly.
a watpreeent. Until hie fausiasre kownswe cans so
:s notig."
Dr. W. B. Hinsdale delivered a e-
tre 00 "Infectious Diseases" last night JUNIOR GIRLS WILL GIVE
before the Samuel A Jones Medical ANNUAL PLAY ON APRIL 9.
N Society of Homueopathic Students The
lecture was illustrated by various an- Rehearsals for the anual play given
totern views, by thin junior girls for the entertainment
n, of the senior, are now in progress. The
to rUtcx'TIONAI, CLBM EE auiTSr. committee in charge states that the per-
r-At a mseeting of the Educationa cub formance will pobably be given April
r-last night, thinsubject for tdicussion was 9. Rehearsals are secret, o the nature
td "Educaional Reforms." Professors of the entertainment is unknown, but it
to Whitnsey and Johnsso spoke, the dscs- is rumored that an entirely different
a, sion thens becoming general. Messrs. plan than that of previous years is be-
is Schneider, Stevenson, amd others spoke, lng followed. The committee io charge

ie voted its. A numober of interesting-Sea- I an, Florence Baker, Mary Weber, and
'm tures sane been announced*' for the fu- Louise Van Voorhis. Mrs. Hofman
lure. jis acting as "director and stage manager.



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