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March 18, 1908 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1908-03-18

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7ftf, MICHIG~AN 1DA1Lt

G. I. Wild Com~paly
Our Spring 19o8l line of fine
Imported and Domestic
Is now ready. It includes all
the latest Novelties, Shades
and Up-to-Date Patterns in
Moose Brown,
Caribou Tan,
Leather Shade,
(Prays and
Fancy Blues.
Your patronage respectfully
G. II, Wild Comlpanly
311 South State Street
Shipment of
(the new game craze) was
quickly sold and we have just
received a second and larger
one. You'll find Mephisto
the best game for outdoors
and indoors too that yon'e
ever seen.
75c, $1.00, $1.50
Per Set
Sheehan & Co.
Student Bookstores
~. A. G. z
The Largest Manufacturers in the World
of Official Athletic Supplies
Base Ball, Foot Ball, Uolf, Lawn
Tennis, Basket Ball, Hockey
Officia Imoplemsets oe. Track ad Field Sports
Usiforsoto all Sports. Spadie's Hadsesly
tIlustrated Cataoeeoa all sports ctaisssu-
sssros sgestios. Send for it-It's free.
New York, hicago, St. Louis, San Francisco,
Minneapolis, Denver, Bffalo, Syracuse, Pits-
brg, Philadelphia, Bosto, Cincinnati, Bali-
mre, Wasinigon, Kansas City, Cleveland,
Now Orleans, Detrot, Montreal, Canada.

Managing Edtor-ActE F. Rrtn.
Businss Maagr-C. E. WNSTEA.
News............ ....Hiram S Cody
Athletics...............Lee A White
Exchange.....II. John Wambold
Mtsic and Drama... Roy D. Welch
Womrn's Editor...: Louise Van Voorhis
J W. MCandless Elmer C. Adams
Russell McFarland
George HI. Hobart Leonard C. Reid
Chauncey Boucier B. G. R. Williams
Raymond Visscer
M. Bf. McHugh J. H. Prescott
A. L. Hainline Roert Mountier
Lowell J. Carr Donald L. Kinney
Walter K. Towers Louis Kraft
Leswis T. Kniskern Robert Morelatd'
Pant Greer Samuel H. Morris
Otto-Enget Fred E. Gooding
Theron P. Cooper
john F. Wure Carl H. Adam
H-arold P. Gould
Address: MICHIGAN DAILY, ress Bldg.,
Maynard Street.
Manager's Hours :I-2aPp. i., 7-8 p. M.
daily, except Sunday. Both phones
WF1DNS)AY, MARCHIs, 199. i8
Esvcts of the ast few days have x-
csedtor passios in such aii iunwnitei
degree that the bight of atraciion
,sseniln to an inpartial surey is very
difficult to attain. Feeing has rtn higls
aiacd iiigiidect, tnd it des so sti1. -ot
woris, insired ty to little informaioni
indcto 10much unireasoinig symlpty,
111( coidemnations not acked by aiy
accusation recgiiied in the las, hae
bee ssown broadcast. Aiid yet the cause
S"ils lioiwithout iiesratleqcaliaties
cactulateudto icite to iiideirabile eiiis
aiii alnig swit its direct conseqieces,
has~ broght to ight a conition of f-
lairs so minsiiroius that. if they lost beni
tse oriinal case, sonetiing worse than
io migft ihsvceen excused under a
far sore restecable nane.
this whloe affair provides inchel fool
for srioslithlougt. The trouble hass
ben deictedt in its sworst possible ight.
Bt a survey of the stdet grievances
ssimesshlat tonles sdosn the glaring colors
of the offence.'l'he provocation liy
sosmseswhere outside of exuberant stdet
spii, or the sesire iii denoisli some-
thing. Similar theaters . hase been in
operatioisn for a a-ar withost a hntof
anay sucsheoubrek as iis one. It is
rcasonaIble tu ifer Iladsme unusuai~l
crcumsance sas lresent here. I fact,
use ssudentis ssere nedtlessly isltei,
andsitei-d, anid at las iolenly assatil-
ci. :And-lthetn, sihat satisfactio colt
belacud for this' None swhatever. The
studientt here ins no more status than a

tramap; nitthough ie ave tesecharac-
ter of an angel he is as weak before
the frswissnitg magistrate as the aot
friendltess vagrant. His plight inedl is
muds worse.lbecase hiseet1 kosi ol-
ventcy makes intasways a atablae catch.
It is noticeable thati ases ever go in
Iis favor, that e neer prtuoecnlno. No
jusiice" is to lae angled ot of stle
neightors pool. We eiee it is cot-
scioscssess of this fact which more that
anything else impellesi the mscii sho
joined the rioat. 'Te rtten "stice' in
Ann Arbaor smeltssIto heaven;s-c won-
der that i asi lot percolated throgi
the hermait wall-,sf the tUnisersity auth-
srities, asdtbrsght themstout t-i see
shesre the trouble is. When a mutt
who is accustosmed ito the indiscriminate
andl judiciots aminiiistrstion of lasfnss
himself is a cmmauniity sihere every-
thing ges sne seay.anisu lie is helpless
is- rverse the' moitis, ani shere the
body i-iw-hich hetnssmialy belongs-ias-
suimes nso resposiluiity f-is his prstec-
iiou,--it is ntualrthIat lie soll so as
mienmini every age anditi-y civiiantisoi
bare doe-take the law itio his oni
hantdy ad secure ly violence tose right-.
which, commnst sice, Issotnd, gggest
ands tmm ifeds u nbsle to gratimii.
If the University wasntis its stiseittem-
hers ic-imsinittaitn the caracter of lass'
abiditg citiens si- cast cite a rue for
is itstructisnit set- thai the stdeitas
an envsirsnet itt which to lis-c. ad
againsts w-hichto-iisbrace himtself-aten-
sironsitisit ot alonte of grtle cltuire,
buti ofsicerai sodthinuiigs like equity
ott-i legatiy. We stathiat the Ui-
versity catsisre its membters who in-
sdep-nssent, tre teltless, ssttme cotsisera-
tio issiithile courts whensi they are tmoles-
est fsrnssoiliher charge taistat the-
arc sstents; n-il by s-isdoing cait re-
mssve all psssbilsitiy of mosijusisie.
we will rejoice that -ilhe troubtle this
tim~e is s-iscunei if iotce for all forces
te its sits-i-is-cdescribes. I is tie
swe got it-i poitic a bti. Aas if such
at sutbtuatrs as tis i-i required to at-
tract us fromt our high std solitary re-
fleeioinste accisetis tillsccisent lit-
"'Thlree it-i-re -isee pit-iniijail, buti ner-i
release-ilthiusnmornig, as i wa-i clearly
eiisenttithat tey iseeritcsiansliciosisblit-
siply s-ieliitt te jail to etens ail ii
te ssape of ail for their friens"
Tie uaosve remaisrkabae aragrapah,
copised frthe itAtn Arbor Ness-Argus,
-ffotrds anintterestitg sidelight upoth e
efficiency of ssur local toice.
'Ie leoffioersseemingly frezieidl Iy
thleir inail tity uto espe swihitheasitationi
antd n oly resolvesd' pont soitgsote-
iting fsor the hosnr of te force, lint-
senesd sps,,ntemost inocent hy-tsta-
vt- in manyius case-; us-d especially dis
teayudeoite etseles to the iterestedl
friendits who tried isa argue t-ic meriss
f the case-iaIl-ic station house. S-ch
ill swill andc arbirarin-ess on the par-isf-
the msuiicipal officers swill by Io means
increase studnt repect for their ator-
ity, ansulcnaotiysadsd rancor to te mit-
gledt feelings of resetmtian whica have
lien aroused ho their m-iethods. One
incisdent ais iseen bruitedlaout the csam-
pus of an officer who ran into one of
tie local shoputers, and fiding hint
too tug to landle, iruesh iitisgustpot

ani tudersizetd freshman wts was titter-
ing at the spectacle, and arrested hint
for his uiintely humor. 'Ths sas poor
biutd Justice satisfied. And the Ann
Arbor brand f police justice ins long
bent;a by-sord anitila analogue fsr the
ol proverb, '"Beraie your wife, when
tie torado has .pssed-Wea hv no
synipathsy for the men who were re-
sponsible for the oshameful display of
laswlessne-s,at is ilo-i possible for
otsidiers to understand that sucthings
ar-i carried throgh by ote or -wo lre-
)pomsiblse characters, atad that the mait
bosdy of the students are self-respecin
atd sincerely udeplore shlch occurrences?
Such a farce aitdl miscarriage of jsiee
as vas evidenced by the many uawar-
-an-ic-i arrests may have far worse re-
sults evgn thatasuits hrutghiagist ihe
city f-is false implrisonsment.
uscana Wrama
TI-icfsallowig progratm with be giseti
am mte School of Music at 4:30 today,
by pupils of Miss Davi, AMiss Farlin.
amid Mrs.FHsfmtasn. The ublc is i-
G;tst in il-ic fre-tlncee-....:.isslaum
Nightnas Watch Sog-...:.Grieg
Marioni eersn
Butterfly- - - - --..........Lege
Curious Story- - --........Hefer
Ksatherine Souith.
Dasscimg oth- - --........Pleiii
Dorsthy Wines.
'What my ]over said-Iln..iHmr Gien
iHeadahes jus' 'fsre shoosl-...ilys
Mrs. Ksar Wie. -
PusaeeErotiqe ...,e- - - -...Gig
Papillonuia- - - - --.......Geg
M~idred Shuser.
Mluritmring Zephyrs----------..Jste
Lorene Lehticorff.
The rsosy mtorn...------------- .Rutald
Bteuabh De Lamsater.
The Echo--------------....---Raff
Mhary IHaynes.
The Readig Class,
Seeing thmings at ight..:-.... iey
Gladys Osborn-i.
Btuteirfly------------------... avaslle
Ethel XWebbl.
Dosn't h-icconfused. Thee tishenmo
disoruer suailicthelHEATORIUM on flat
Lihery street. It is our cosant atm im
o tlease alt otr patron-, al-d thathu-
Jute GuIsUuR, '0, '71,
25-6 Proprieto,
Part (f Se. 8, relative to ridig bicy-
cles out sidewalks :
Any persou or lie-ou-s caught riding
on any walk or any oiler public place
wiil le prosecuted to the full extent of
il-i lass. The penalty is a fine of thirty
dllars or thirty days in jail, or both.
By order of Tho. C. Apfel,
123-8 Chief of Police.

Globe Wernicke
Book Cases
The kind that grows with
your library-that w i ll fit
practically any space - that
can be moved one unit at a
time by one person' without
disturbing the ooks-that is
practical, artistic, and the only
perfect sectional ook case
made. Fitted with nonbind-
ing roller-bearinug doors; ase
units furnished with or with-
out drawers; and all tmade itt
a variety of woods and finishes
adapted to aty surroundings..
Call and see them or send for
-catalog1t0f with interior views
showing arrangement in li-
brary, parlor, etc.
Price per section $2.50
and up.
University Bookstore'
Now is the rtght tme to
fix up that Scrap Book youe
been talkng. about so long
My new (smooth cover),
"M"' Book
is best and largest ever.
With phto Prs. Angell.
Also Special Picture R a t e
with book.
Oportino 0006'
Eyegasss have ieosu chua
ueessay nuisance with students at
mte thus- they will wets oorout eye
glass that gives cosfort and seec
Hust vans optical work done at
ARNOLD'S and lie will Ht you com
fortaby and garantee suts Quick
Repairs Lenses Ground
Optical Specialist with
WM. ARNOLD, Jeweler'
20 South Main Stem-t


For, 69c
Co-Op Store


r Flve Cerseort.o
May 13-14-1 3-16
Frederick A. Stock, Cuoducto
-CHORAL UJNION (300 Voices)
Albert A. Stanley, Conductor
Ps-lraetpe t ChisratWerk
"'Creaoton" - Haydn
"Faust" - ounoul
Mrs. Corinne Mider-Kelsey
Thursday and Saturday Hvenings
Mine. Ernestine Sehuman-Meink,
ontralto Wed. and Prt. Evenings
Miss JaneteSpencer, Constralto
Fri. Afternoon and Sat. Evening
Me. Edward Johnson, Tenor
Thor., Fri. and Elat. Evenings
Mr. Claude Cunninghama, Baritone
Saturday Eventng
Dute Earle G. Killeen, Baritone
Saturday Evening
Mr. Herbert WithuerspoonHas
Thursday and Saturday Eventngs
Mr. L.De Mare, French Horn
Friday Afternoon
Mr. L. L.Renwiek, Organist
Wednesday Evening
Season Tickets (unreserved) $3,
Sean Tickets (reserved) $4, $5S, $6
For Sale at
8ehe001 of Mosole

Oratorical Contest,
Si g1. Admilsion
Brander Matthews,
Simg1. Admi ssion

March 20
April 6

Gov. John A. Johnson, April 30
Sing(le Admisslin - - 500
RESERVED SEAT TICKETS for these three attractions $1.00
Tickets must be secured between 5 and 6 P. M., Wednesday,
Thursday or Friday, or between 7 atnd 8 P. M. Friday of this
week at Box Office, University Hall.
Ube Stu ite' 'lecture socfation


121 Wash~ngton E The Randall Studio, Randall & Paclk, Props.

Mhot 598


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